#mori is a disaster father of .. 7(?)
carrotkicks · 1 year
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reverse bsd au doodles
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(via https://open.spotify.com/user/22mc3gklpy55wa7rgdwh3oh2q/playlist/3PQKlF0vIWV6OVCJl7QAan)
explanation of songs beneath the cut it’s gonna be lengthy as fuck
1. It’s The Fear - Within Temptation
It’s the fear of the dark that’s growing inside of me, that one day it will come to life
This song is poignantly about her childhood and developing her powers and abilities. This song is more or less self-explanatory.
2. In Our Solemn Hour - Within Temptation
In my darkest hours, I could not foresee, that the tide could turn so fast to this degree
So this song is distinctly when she is being taken to the church, and the actions that happen there. This song is a lot of her pain, a lot of her fear, and the birth of her self-loathing.
3. Monster - Skillet
This secret side of me, I never let you see, I keep it caged but I can’t control it.
So this song actually talks not only about how she sees herself, but is symbolic of the construct she creates to protect herself. Memento Mori, an illusion that grows so powerful in time, she literally cannot control it. And while it can’t do physical damage to a target, it sure as hell will feel like it.
4. Hope of Mourning - Icon For Hire
When the hope of morning makes it worth the fight, I will not be giving in tonight.
This is my anthem for when she gets on that train car and hides. For the journey from Pennsylvania to New Orleans. The pain, the fear, but she fights in that train car.
5. Moon Over Bourbon Street - Sting
I see faces as they pass, beneath the pale lamplight. I’ve no choice but to follow that call, the bright lights, the people, and the moon and all.
Sort of her song (and mine) for the city itself. She spends a year there, healing, and getting her taste for life again, but danger looks behind every corner in the city and one day it catches up to her.
6. Unchained - Blood on the Dance Floor
You try to say you’re sorry for the things you’ve done, tried to play me like a fool but I’m not one.
New Orleans was safety, salvation. Freedom, until she runs into a man claiming to work for her father. Claiming to want to bring her home. So she fights and fights, and realizes what she is. What she’s shown herself to be. So she has to run.
7. Hold Me Down - Halsey
I sold my soul to a three-piece, and he told me I was holy, but now he’s got me on both knees.
Freedom comes at a price. And for Autumn, no price is too great. She gets her first taste of the world’s cruelty.
8. My First Kiss - 3OH3! - Feat Ke$ha
Your kiss is like whiskey, it gets me drunk.
Strangely enough, this song is about when she meets Victor. The intoxicating affair that is their first meeting is her answer to salvation again, safety behind the gunman.
9. & 10. “Fuck Me” Eyes & Boss Bitch by Millionaires
Show me your money and take a shot, shot, shot. & And I’m better than the rest of you.
Both songs symbolize the absolute fall into debauchery and sin that her life becomes. Sex, drugs, alcohol and murder. Life’s a big ass party and she’s going to enjoy it.
11. Pour Me - Hollywood Undead
One more drink then I swear that I’m going home, truth is I have no where to go.
Life may be a party, it may be fun, but damn if it isn’t sad. Lonely. Empty. There’s no love in her life. It’s a life on the run, and without Victor, she wouldn’t know where her next meal came from or where she goes to sleep at night.
12. Everywhere I Go - Hollywood Undead
So just keep buzzed and keep this party rockin’
Bury the pain with a drink and fuck it all away. When they got to Chicago, it was a tribute to Bacchus himself.
13. Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez
I’m peeling the skin off my face, ‘cause I really hate being safe.
The song for when she met Eric. Her Mad Hatter. If she was Alice, he fell into the role so easily. Her White Rabbit tried so hard to warn her. He’s a dangerous man, look at those eyes. Oh, but she loves the idea of danger.
14. Blow Cirkut Remix - Ke$ha
It’s time to kill the lights and shut the DJ down
Chicago is Life and Death for her, but first and foremost it is life. Heavy and hard, she lives. For the first time since running away, she lives.
15. Crazy Kids - Kesha
Tonight we do it big, and shine like stars. We don’t give a fuck ‘cause that’s just who we are.
For a while, she, Eric and Victor dominate the underground club circuit. Everyone knows Alice, her Rabbit and her Hatter. Like miniature gods; and she revels in the glory.
16. Party At A Rich Dude’s House
If you wanna go let me know, we’re gonna fight till we do it right.
Anthem for a particular job that was a harrowing experience for her. She learned that day to never look behind the curtain.
17. Turn Me On - Nicki Minaj
My body needs a hero, come and save me.
Oh, Eric thought he was the only one. But when she finds herself spending the night at a guy’s house, there’s the risk of a “something more” feeling and he doesn’t stand for that.
18. Call Me Master - Blood on the Dance Floor
You are my slave, my little fucking disaster, I am your god.
Eric changes, almost overnight. He is dominating, controlling. She will do nothing without his permission ever again.
19. La Petite Morte - Blood on the Dance Floor
Every little touch brings me closer to death, open up and suck out my last breath.
Eric’s snap shakes her to her core. It is sudden and he is violent in ways no one has been with her before. He leaves her for dead instead of finishing the job.
20. I Don’t Wanna Die - Hollywood Undead
I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, so you’re gonna have to.
There’s only one way to survive. Faking her death, again. Twice dead, and close to the edge again, she narrowly escapes death’s cold fingers and her father’s grasp.
21. Blow Deconstructed Mix - Kesha
Backdoor cracked, we don’t need a key
There’s a darkness over her life, robbing her of all the joy she felt alongside Victor. She clings to it because it is all she knows.
22. Warrior - Kesha
We’re the ones who flirt with danger,
Having survived two events now where she should have died, Autumn feels strong. And with her new arm, she is stronger than ever before.
23. Loveotomy - Blood on the Dance Floor
Leaving memories behind, erasing you from my mind.
Autumn would do anything to forget her father and Eric, to wipe them from her mind. Born again in the streets of New York, she calls herself Mistress Myth.
24. & 25. Take it Off -  Kesha &Floor & S.H.A.M.E. - Wizard AyePee
Again, she tries to reclaim the joy she felt with Victor. Parties, alcohol, drugs, but she’s working alone. And the loneliness is more painful than ever.
everything past this is personal canon
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captusmomentum · 7 years
Excessively detailed asks: 1-19 odds only for Inan, 20-38 evens only for Tace plz :D
fuck me running this is a lot OKAY HERE WE GOOOOOO
(heads up the pronouns are gonna jump around here bc inan uses they//them and she/her so hopefully doesn’t get too confusing rip)
1. What does their bedroom look like?
Surprisingly Clean. They’re exactly the type you’d expect to be super messy but thanks to living in such small spaces like aravals all their life they’re very good about keeping things in come kind of order. This stands even for modern verses, they’re very good about it. In verses they’re inquisitor they actually rearrange the room a lot, putting their bed on the balcony and making the main floor more of an office/living room as well as creating panels to help block out some of that sun bc HOLY SHIT WINDOWS, they also have a panel set to block the view of the bed which is really just wedged between it and the railing. The little bed alcove is very cozy and the main floor is much more functional and better for have friends up :D In modern aus, like say amd, they’re one of those people who’re like ‘ live in an apartment that’s only 90ft big :D’ and when they show you how it’s like part science miracle and part acrobatics bonanza. Like look at any tiny home or tiny apartment type show/place/thing and thats’ how they Roll. Mainly bc they’re fucking Broke AF, creative/innovative and well trained by dalish life for it. So bedrooms are usually like, lofts and shit like that which can mean it’s not much more than the essentials of Snoozing. 
3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?They do! Inan works out pm everyday in pm every verse. Their style of magic is very, very very physical so it requires a lot of working out and training even in verses where they’re not constantly murdering ppl like canon ones they gotta get diesel for magic. In most verses they primarily do a variety of martial arts (or just one elf/dalish one? depends on how deep into worldbuilding you wanna get here honestly) and then things like running, weight lifting general kinda fitness exercise things. I imagine in modern verses and such (maybe more canon ones too tf do i know) that places like Arlathvhen’s there’s like, a sort of pow wow/olympics type event that goes on and clans have people representing them and Lath was disqualified for cheating bc she’s Weak in the temptation of Victory so Inan is the Obligatory Contender in at least some of the mage events, usually like, dueling bc it’s ironically her specialty. So she really does have to stay sharp when in verses where there’s no fighting bc she’s gotta bring home gold for clan Lavellan. 
(if u wanna get a sense of how inan fights it’s a LOT like pm anyone from avatar the last airbender/Legend of Korra especially Korra and Katara(atla) )(apologies about the katara vid and that shit music there’s So Little out there sobs)5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Inan isn’t the most organized or together person which is combined w/ their dalish upbringing is why they’re Hyper Organized. Things have places and they go there ALWAYS otherwise they’ll never be found again ever. Also lots of labels. Their own living spaces are more organized than their work spaces, generally bc other ppl touch things or put things on their desk. Every time someone touches their things they have a small heart attack bc it means that something CRITICAL might have been moved and will never be found again. Seriously they are held together only by the power of their aesthetically pleasing organization and labeling. So school is Really Fun in modern aus (read: i’ve considered having them be a high school dropout for Various Reasons).7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
They Dream of wasting time. They Long to waste time. Everyday they pray they can waste time. Usually a lot of her time goes into things like Clan Stuff, Magic Stuff and Work Stuff so any chance they get to dick off they do. They fave method in modern verses is tv or youtube but in canon-y verses its Tavern w/ Bull or Tavern w/ Sera, the 2 people most likely 2 not call her out for Ditching Shit. Drinking w/ Dorian and/or Varric is very high on the list in all verses.9.Makeup?
Naaaahhhhhhhhhh. Generally too lazy for it and doesn’t like feeling of it on her face. Also it’s a real Bitch bc she’s always got tats on like 70-90% of her face and freckles (which she actually likes) so like foundation’s a Nah but you can’t do things like cover her dark circles w/o foundation otherwise the difference is Too Obvious like it’s just a Disaster. She can be convinced to wear it at special events and things but someone else has gotta do it. 
11. Intellectual pursuits?Some and very disorganized. Generally answering any Burning Mystical Questions they have regardless of worth or importance, debating (fighting) about topics involving analysis in books and things, Fade Stuff, Learning Elvhen. They don’t really actively pursue a lot of things bc they’re doing so much shit normally, they really only pursue it when the interest strikes. Also, proving that the occult is Real and Valid.13.Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?hoooooooooo boy dksjlgjfdsgfk, pansexual demisexual/grey-asexual is probably the best description. they don’t know they just like people and they don’t think about it they don’t think about Sex Stuff or ppls orientations it’s all W/E IDK and while they’re not prudish or squeamish about it they will run screaming for the hills things get too raunchy. Sex –especially sex involving them– has them looking for the nearest exit, not necessarily bc they’re sex repulsed but they are Extremely Anxious and Scared of interpersonal interaction so kissing is yiKESSSSSSSSSSSSS15.Biggest and smallest short term goal?Hmmmmm that’s really hard. Biggest is usually like: Not Die. Smallest is something like: whatever is next on to do list. They live a life of unnecessary extremes. 17.Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dressGoth mori/strega fashion vibes. Lots of skirts and layers and looking very much like a peasant wizard. Usually they just dress for the weather and put on as many layers as they can to feel safe and protected (and snuggly). There’s a lot of similarities in their logic about it with Uthvir but with miles of soft fabrics instead of spikes. Usually darker colors with an emphasis on blues. There’s not too much in the way of ritual around it since they’ve tailored their wardrobe so they can grab things put them on, and look good w/o any real effort.
 here’s the for inan fashion stuff 
19.What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Usually they go through a very specific ritual when going to sleep since they’re a dreamer to help keep that shit on lock which involves a lot of emptying of the mind and relaxing and preparing to deal with Fade Shit. If they don’t it’s just existential dread, anxiety and depression shit and panic. So they don’t not do the thing…….
20.Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?Tace wasn’t really sick much more than the normal amount and kinds as a kid and was the kind who conks out the whole time and doesn’t say, try to get up and play. As he got older and his dreamer abilities started to kick in he reacted to it like someone who was very sick, fevers, hot and cold, sweating. slept too much or not enough. He began to have trouble keeping food down and lacking an appetite which he still has problems with to this day along with sleep trouble and exhaustion. 22.Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?either doodles of dicks and such or a rude, raunchy or somehow unacceptable letter to someone whether he knew them or not he wrote for a laugh with no intention of sending. He’s very mature24.Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?He actually excels in a lot of things, he’s a pretty gifted mage. He just Hates the Circle and all that academia type shit so regardless of his skill in them he doesn’t want to do them. He thinks intellectual pursuits are on a whole a waste of time because they’re mainly just there to make people feel more important and fancy.26.Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?NOPE. NONE. past maybe ‘consult with that statue of Eleni Zinovia back in Ferelden about what to do w/ my life’ and ‘get a boyfriend’. 28.Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?hoooooo that’s Rough. Probably Banal though he’s more a father figure. He wasn’t very close to his other mages and hated the templars. Later when he meets Keshet and Shalev I guess they become his best friends which is...... very gay and lame.
Worst Enemy is Cullen and Meredith but Meredith is dead so fuck youuuuuuuu Culllleeennnnnnnn.30.Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)Boy This Sucks [Drinks like a monster even more than usual] 
he’s pretty desensitized to tragedy but also a shambling mess so it’s really just his usual self but like 1000000000000000% worse for a while
32.Thoughts on material possessions in general?
MORE PLEASE. he loves shit give him all the stuff he wants to lounge in a gaudy parlor on a opulent chaise. He never got to have much in the way of possessions in the circle so he lots shit now. also he’s just a material little shit.
34.Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)He doesn’t care about other people’s privacy pretty much at all and loves getting into people’s shit but he’s VERY intense about his own privacy. He’s deeply protective of himself and his things and privacy. So he’s a wildly hypocritical guy.36.What makes them feel guilty?Not fucking much. He occasionally feels bad about how he’s treated someone but it’s not often and he’d never say it out loud. just kinda adds it to the pile of fuel for self-loathing.38.Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
He’d be a Type A if it weren’t how his life has gone so I guess he’s like, a burnout Type A. 
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gta-5-cheats · 6 years
The 32 Most Anticipated Movies of 2018
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The 32 Most Anticipated Movies of 2018
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2018 looks set to be another huge year for films, with the biggest chapter of Marvel’s decade-long project with the Avengers, new instalments in the world of X-Men and Jurassic World, alongside the return of The Incredibles, Tomb Raider, Deadpool, and even Mary Poppins. And also, another Star Wars story. Here are the 32 most anticipated movies in the new year:
1. Mary and the Witch’s Flower Release date: January 18, 2018
After Studio Ghibli shut down following the then-retirement of Hayao Miyazaki, several former employees – led by Oscar-nominated Yoshiaki Nishimura – founded Studio Ponoc, to carry on their love for film-making. This fantasy anime, following a young girl who picks a flower that grants magical powers, is its debut effort.
2. Maze Runner: The Death Cure Release date: January 26, 2018
The YA dystopian trilogy comes to a close with this third and final chapter, where Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) leads the group of escaped Gladers on their most dangerous mission yet: break into the Last City, the deadliest labyrinth of all, which contains answers to the questions they’ve had since the beginning. Wes Ball, who directed both previous instalments in the trilogy, is back as director.
3. God Particle Release date: February 2, 2018
The third anthology entry in the Cloverfield universe is centred on a team of astronauts aboard the ISS who end up alone after a scientific experiment involving a particle accelerator makes the Earth disappear. Produced by J.J. Abrams and starring Daniel Brühl, Elizabeth Debicki, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, and David Oyelowo, the film follows the astronauts as they fight for their survival.
4. Black Panther Release date: February 16, 2018
The king of Wakanda T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), who first appeared in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, gets his own standalone film – directed by Creed’s Ryan Coogler – where his sovereignty is challenged by two enemies. He must team up with CIA and Wakanda’s special forces to prevent a world war. Black Panther also stars Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Forest Whitaker, and Andy Serkis.
Black Panther and Captain Marvel Have Me Excited About Marvel Films Again
5. Annihilation Release date: February 23, 2018
Alex Garland (Ex Machina) adapts the first book in Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach trilogy, where a soldier’s biologist wife (Natalie Portman) volunteers to enter an environmental disaster zone to figure out what happened to her injured husband and his fellow soldiers, who never made it back. Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, and Oscar Isaac are also part of the cast.
6. A Wrinkle in Time Release date: March 9, 2018
Ava DuVernay becomes the first black woman to direct a live-action film with a budget of over $100 million with this adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle’s famous book, where a woman works with her younger brother and a classmate to rescue her father (Chris Pine) from a universe-wide evil with help from three astral beings, played by Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, and Mindy Kaling.
A Wrinkle in Time Trailer: Disney’s Cosmic Kids Adventure Looks Beautiful
7. Tomb Raider Release date: March 16, 2018
Alicia Vikander stars as Lara Croft in this reboot of Tomb Raider, based on the 2013 reboot version of the popular game. As she sets out to finish her father’s research on the island he disappeared, she uncovers ancient secrets that will help clear her name. Roar Uthaug (The Wave) directs.
8. Pacific Rim Uprising Release date: March 23, 2018
Set ten years on since the first film, ex-Jaeger pilot Jake Pentecost (John Boyega) – son of Idris Elba’s character from the original – gets a chance to be a hero like his father when the Kaiju return, working with his adopted sister Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi) and their fellow pilots to save humanity from extinction. Spartacus creator Steven S. DeKnight took over from Guillermo del Toro in writing and directing duties.
9. Isle of Dogs Release date: March 23, 2018
Wes Anderson returns after a gap of four years with his next feature, a stop-motion animation set in a dystopian future Japan, where dogs have been quarantined on the remote eponymous island due to a “canine flu”. The film follows five local dogs, voiced by Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum, and Bob Balaban, who help a boy looking for his dog and protect him from Japanese authorities.
Scarlett Johansson, Yoko Ono, Greta Gerwig, F. Murray Abraham, Ken Watanabe, Frances McDormand, and Liev Schreiber also have voice roles.
10. Ready Player One Release date: March 30, 2018
Steven Spielberg is at the helm of this long-awaited adaptation of Ernest Cline’s novel, which is filled with 80s pop culture references, including to Spielberg’s own works. The director felt he would be vain to include them, and has opted to avoid them. As for the story, Ready Player One is set in near-future dystopian Earth where mostly everyone spends their time in VR in a game called OASIS.
When the founder dies and says ownership will transfer to the first person to find an Easter egg, a race begins that pits the protagonist, Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), and his friends against a large corporation that wants control to monetise the system. Spielberg has called it “his most difficult movie” since Saving Private Ryan.
Ready Player One Trailer: Steven Spielberg’s VR Game-Movie Takes Shape
11. The New Mutants Release date: April 13, 2018
The X-Men franchise branches into horror with The New Mutants from director Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars), where five young mutants fight to escape their past sins and save themselves from a facility where they’re being held against their will. It stars Anya Taylor-Joy (Magik), Maisie Williams (Wolfsbane), Charlie Heaton (Cannonball), Henry Zaga (Sunspot), Blu Hunt (Mirage), and Alice Braga (Cecilia Reyes).
12. Avengers: Infinity War Release date: April 27 (India); May 4, 2018 (US)
Easily the most-awaited film of 2018, the third Avengers chapter is a lot more than that. It brings together everyone from past Avengers films, Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and Thor: Ragnarok – an ensemble cast that takes four paragraphs to list – to join forces and confront Thanos, who’s on a mission to collect the Infinity Stones. Infinity War, set four years after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, has been described as a “heist film” by director the Russo brothers.
13. Solo: A Star Wars Story Release date: May 25, 2018
The next Star Wars film arrives just five months after The Last Jedi, though this one is a standalone adventure set before A New Hope. It follows the adventures of a young Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) and his Wookie partner Chewbacca, including meeting Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover). The cast also includes Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo, and Paul Bettany.
Solo had a troubled road during production, with original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller being fired four months into filming, before replacement Ron Howard extended reshoots to fit the demands of Disney and Lucasfilm.
14. Deadpool 2 Release date: June 1, 2018
Ryan Reynolds is back as everyone’s favourite bad-mouthed superhero in this sequel, which expands the vigilante roster with Domino (Zazie Beetz) and Cable (Josh Brolin) in addition to the existing ones Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus. Morena Baccarin and T.J. Miller are also back, though David Leitch (John Wick) is in the director’s chair, after Tim Miller left due to creative differences with Reynolds.
15. Ocean’s 8 Release date: June 8, 2018
An all-female soft reboot of Ocean’s 11 focuses on Danny Ocean’s (George Clooney) estranged sister, Debbie (Sandra Bullock), who’s got a mind to pull off the heist of the century at the annual Met Gala, the target being jewellery worn by Anne Hathaway. Her crew consists of Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling, Sarah Paulson, Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter, and Awkwafina. That’s only seven, so make up your guesses as to who the eighth will be.
Matt Damon will have a cameo role, as will half a dozen celebrities as themselves: Kim Kardashian, Maria Sharapova, Zayn Malik, Katie Holmes, Adriana Lima, and Serena Williams to name a few.
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16. Incredibles 2 Release date: June 15, 2018
Fourteen years on from the original, Brad Bird returns to the film that put him on the map, giving us another dose of the adventures of the Parr family: Elastigirl, Mr. Incredible, Violet, Dash, and of course Jack-Jack. Most of the original voice cast return, including Samuel L. Jackson as Frozone. The new villain will be The Underminer, voiced by John Ratzenberger.
17. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Release date: June 22, 2018
The fourth highest-grossing film of all time gets an inevitable sequel, set four years after the events of the original, with the lives of the remaining dinosaurs roaming freely on the theme park’s island threatened by a volcanic eruption. The former head of the park Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) convinces dinosaur trainer Owen (Chris Pratt) to help mount a rescue mission.
Given it’s a Jurassic movie, of course everything goes horribly wrong. Meanwhile, the two also stumble on a conspiracy that endangers everyone. The film, directed by J.A. Bayona, also has a cameo role for Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm, who was in two movies of the original trilogy.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Trailer – Everybody Runs, Including Dinosaurs
18. Ant-Man and the Wasp Release date: July 6, 2018
Releasing after Infinity War, this sequel to 2015’s Ant-Man is actually set before the events of that film, which is bound to confuse everyone. Here, Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly’s titular heroes team up to embark on a new mission from Hank Pym (Michael Douglas). Peyton Reed is back as director, and the film also stars Bobby Cannavale, Michael Peña, Judy Greer, and Laurence Fishburne.
19. Alita: Battle Angel Release date: July 20, 2018
James Cameron is the producer and co-writer for this live-action adaptation of Yukito Kishiro’s manga, with Sin City director Robert Rodriguez at the helm, who also co-wrote. Made with a reported budget of $200 million, it stars Rosa Salazar in the lead, who plays the amnesiac cyborg heroine Alita by way of motion capture. Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali, and Ed Skrein are also in the film.
20. Mission: Impossible 6 Release date: July 27, 2018
Tom Cruise returns in his most well-known role as IMF agent Ethan Hunt, with Christopher McQuarrie also continuing his writing, co-producing and directing duties. Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Michelle Monaghan, Alec Baldwin and Sean Harris all return from previous M:I movies, alongside newcomers Henry Cavill, Vanessa Kirby, Sian Brooke and Angela Bassett. We don’t know anything about the plot, but expect outrageous stunts – most undertaken by Cruise himself.
21. The Predator Release date: August 3, 2018
Shane Black (Iron Man 3) had a supporting role in the 1987 original, and he’s now directing proceedings in this fourth entry that takes place between 1990’s Predator 2 and 2010’s Predators. The ensemble cast includes Boyd Holbrook (Narcos), Olivia Munn, Trevante Rhodes (Moonlight), Keegan-Michael Key, Sterling K. Brown, Jacob Tremblay, Yvonne Strahovski, Alfie Allen, and Thomas Jane.
22. Venom Release date: October 5, 2018
Sony kickstarts its own Marvel Universe with Tom Hardy playing the titular anti-hero, who confessed that he’s a huge fan of the character. Though the film will share the world of Spider-Man: Homecoming, which prominently featured Iron Man, Venom won’t have any connection to other Marvel movies. Have fun figuring that out. Sony has brought together an interesting cast though, with Michelle Williams, Jenny Slate, Woody Harrelson, and Riz Ahmed all attached. Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland) directs.
23. First Man Release date: October 12, 2018
Damien Chazelle’s work with La La Land and Whiplash has made him a name to watch, and his next film is his most ambitious yet: a biography of Neil Armstrong and NASA’s mission to land a man on the moon, focusing on the years 1961-69. Ryan Gosling stars as Armstrong, alongside Claire Foy as his first wife, Corey Stoll as Buzz Aldrin, Kyle Chandler as NASA’s first Chief of Astronaut Office Deke Slayton, and Jason Clarke as Ed White, the first American to walk in space.
24. Mowgli Release date: October 19, 2018
Just over two years on from Disney and Jon Favreau’s take on Rudyard Kipling’s book The Jungle Book, the mo-cap expert Andy Serkis directs his own version of the story, with an ensemble cast to match: Christian Bale as Bagheera, Benedict Cumberbatch as Shere Khan, Cate Blanchett as Kaa, Matthew Rhys as Kipling’s father, and Serkis himself as Baloo. It’ll be interesting to see how the film can separate itself, and not feel like a derivation so soon after Disney’s take.
25. X-Men: Dark Phoenix Release date: November 2, 2018
Following on from the disappointing Apocalypse in 2016, long-time X-Men producer Simon Kinberg takes over directing duties for this next adventure for Professor X (James McAvoy) and his fellow heroes, which is set a decade later, in the 1990s. Comic fans will remember the Dark Phoenix saga storyline, where Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) loses control of herself. Here, an alien shapeshifter – played by Jessica Chastain – is seeking to use her.
Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp, Kodi Smit-McPhee, and Evan Peters are all back too. Here’s hoping X-Men can get back on track.
26. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Release date: November 16, 2018
J.K. Rowling’s expanded Potterverse moves to Paris with the second chapter in the expected five films, which is centred on the rivalry between Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) and Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp), who revealed himself to be hiding in disguise in the first film. Depp’s casting, and Rowling’s defence of his presence has attracted criticism in the wake of the social movement following Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault allegations, but it remains to be seen if that will affect the film’s profits.
Directed by Harry Potter veteran David Yates, The Crimes of Grindelwald will feature the return of Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, and Ezra Miller. Dumbledore enlists his former student Newt Scamander (Redmayne) to help stop Grindelwald’s plans.
27. Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 Release date: November 21, 2018
The sequel to 2012’s Wreck-It Ralph takes place as many years after the events as the gap between the two releases, with Ralph plugged into the Internet after a Wi-Fi router is installed in the arcade. That means online gaming (sort of), with tons of Disney Princesses – Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Snow White, Aurora, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Anna, Elsa, and Moana – all appearing in the animated adventure.
Sarah Silverman will return to voice Ralph’s best friend Vanellope von Schweetz, while Taraji P. Henson voices a trendy algorithm named Yesss. Mario might make an appearance as well.
28. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Release date: December 14, 2018
The Lego Movie co-director Phil Lord has written the screenplay for this animated Spider-Man outing that focuses on Miles Morales, who takes over the Spidey mantle after the death of Peter Parker. He’s still in high school, and must juggle homework while fending off crime in the city, including vampiric chief villain Morlun (Liev Schreiber), and his evil uncle Aaron Davis aka Prowler (Mahershala Ali).
29. Aquaman Release date: December 21, 2018
Jason Momoa gets his own standalone adventure as the reluctant king of Atlantis, which is set after the events of Justice League. James Wan (The Conjuring, Furious 7) directs the only DC film in 2018, where Aquaman must keep balance between the surface dwellers polluting the globe, and his people who want to invade their world. Along the way, he also learns more about his past.
The film also has the pressure of bringing order to the DC film universe, which has had just one success amidst the cacophony of disasters around it. Amber Heard, Patrick Wilson, Willem Dafoe, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Temuera Morrison, Dolph Lundgren, and Nicole Kidman also star.
30. Bumblebee: The Movie Release date: December 21, 2018
The Transformers universe expands with a prequel spin-off tale for Bumblebee, who lived in refuge in a junkyard as a yellow Volkswagen Beetle in the late 80s. Hailee Steinfeld (The Edge of Seventeen) plays a teenager who discovers it’s no ordinary car, with John Cena, Pamela Adlon, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., and Rachel Crow starring alongside. This will be Travis Knight’s (Kubo and the Two Strings) live-action directorial debut.
31. Mary Poppins Returns Release date: December 25, 2018
Fifty-four years since the release of the original, Emily Blunt steps into the shoes of Julie Andrews and takes her carpet bag to the Banks family home again, to bring joy back into the lives of three kids after the death of their mother. The sequel takes place 25 years on in 1935, during the era of the Great Depression in the UK. Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ben Whishaw, Emily Mortimer, Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson, Nathanael Saleh, Julie Walters, Colin Firth, Meryl Streep and Angela Lansbury are also involved.
32. Bohemian Rhapsody Release date: December 25, 2018
Rami Malek (Mr. Robot) plays the late Queen frontman Freddie Mercury in this biopic that focuses on a 15-year period in the band’s famed history, from their formation in 1970 to their Live Aid performance in 1985, six years before Mercury’s death. Bryan Singer served as director from fours months in 2017, before being fired for absence and clashing with cast. Actor turned director Dexter Fletcher is currently busy finishing up filming.
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