luceveritatis · 4 years
✨Sunday Movie Review✨
Movie of the evening: The Ring (Directed by Gore Verbinski)
I saw The Ring for the first time a couple years back, after just starting to watch horror. I had high hopes, I wanted the adrenaline constantly going, I wanted to jump out of my seat a few times.
But that simply didn’t happen.
Perhaps I’m one of those people who doesn’t scare easily, which would be a bummer since I tend to be a bit of an adrenaline junky at times.
The plot had so much potential, but perhaps given the technology they had access to in 2002, it wasn’t able to reach it.
The plot was a wonderful idea, and could most likely work to scare a few people, I know I was certainly very into the story, whether I was scared or startled or not.
Another thing I would like to cover about the movie is the choice of color scheme. The dull blues, greens and greys certainly set the atmosphere, and I don’t recall seeing a movie do so as well as The Ring. There is a solid color scheme all the way through, it gives a sense of consistency in a way.
Despite lacking the scare factor I had originally hoped for with the movie, the plot was there and the visuals (specifically the color scheme) were well thought out. Perhaps with the technology of today’s industry, it would have had more of the scare factor I was looking for.
Plot: 8/10
Visuals: 8.5/10
Scare factor: 2/10
I can understand how people could argue this is more along the lines of psychological horror instead, and I can agree with said statement.
With that said, I do recommend you watch the movie, as I said previously, the visuals are amazing. I am in love with the color scheme.
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luceveritatis · 4 years
Ok, hear me out.
I know a lot of people are more experienced in finding historical facts, articles, passages and such than I, as I’m just a novice. If anyone of more knowledge and experience could please help me out, I would like to find more facts. I have put together a list of books I do plan on reading to hopefully help further any knowledge I can gain but fo course there are other places with even more information.
So if you are willing, please share your secrets (only the ones involving sources, of course).
Knowledge is power and I plan to absolutely demolish history teachers when I return to school. I will be grateful for any help offered, and will most likely love you for all of eternity.
Thank you,
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