#monsterkind adopts the ink creatures
somniumoflight · 6 years
Crossover Idea #3 - Undertale/Bendy and the Ink Machine
The Ink Machine Falls into the Dump in the Underground
This idea is exactly what it sounds like.  After escaping the studio and disassembling the Ink Machine so that nobody else will ever activate it again, Henry dumps all the pieces of it and the blueprints used to make it in a hole in the side of a mountain near his home, in the hopes that no one would ever find it again.  What he didn’t realize is that the mountain in question is Mount Ebott, and the sealed box with all that dangerous stuff inside has fallen into the dump in Waterfall.  Sometime later, while searching for new anime with Undyne, Alphys finds the box, opens it, and is immediately enthralled by the machine (in the less magical sense of the word, not the “it’s magically controlling me” sense of the word.)  She brings it back to the True Lab and starts reassembling it in her free time, focusing on it especially after the Amalgamates are created to distract herself from her mistakes.  When she finally finishes it and then turns it on, she, very predictably, ends up bringing Bendy and eventually Alice Angel and Boris back into the world, right there in the True Lab.  At first she’s absolutely terrified of the ink creatures (and for good reason – Bendy’s first reaction to being alive again was screeching and lunging blindly at her in a fit of rage), but she quickly becomes intrigued and, with help from Sans (the only other person who knows what’s been going on down in the True Lab for a while now), she soon discovers something both incredible and horrifying – that the ink creatures, all of them, are technically artificial monsters, created using the remains of human souls.
That’s the basic idea of the crossover, and here’s a few details I’ve worked out as well:
Whatever ritual Joey Drew used to create the ink creatures in this crossover needed human sacrifices, and when he sacrificed some of his employees during said rituals, their souls sort of started to bleed together – in some ways, much like the Amalgamates did.  The souls basically melted into the ink in the studio, barely able to keep any kind of individuality to them at all, and turned into a spiritual, primordial soup, which new souls eventually began to form out of.
The remains of the souls are extremely pissed off (and rightly so, I must say), mostly at Joey but also at anyone who “abandoned” them to their unhappy fates.  This negative emotion heavily influences the newborn souls of the ink creatures, forcing them into enraged states whenever someone to aim their anger at turns up (thus the hostility of most of the ink creatures in the studio towards Henry.)  This has a side effect of making the ink creatures emotionally unstable at the best of times, the most common problem for them being anger management issues and disproportionate reactions when angry (like, “hey you made my food wrong so now you have to die” disproportionate.)
The reason for many of the ink creatures’ off-model appearances is the anger of the soup-o-souls they're made out of – the anger directly affected their appearance, making them more twisted and monstrous (the bad sort of monstrous).  However, whenever the soup-souls are calmer, the ink creatures/toons can become a little closer to on-model – Bendy, for instance, will shrink and become considerably less lopsided than he is in-game, though he will always have his eyes covered and tends to leave dripping trails of ink behind him when he walks.
Despite initially attacking Alphys (and Sans, when she asks for his help), once Bendy and his soup-souls realize she’s not one of the “Creators” they stop being hostile towards her, at first simply following her at a distance (ie. stalking her creepily from a distance) when she’s in the Lab, and eventually getting curious enough to start getting closer and closer and eventually start asking her questions about her, her work, monsters, and other general stuff.  (And still being creepy, because let’s face it, look at Chapter 3.  Bendy is supremely unsettling even when he hasn’t seen you there.  Pulsing ink, creepy music…)
Bendy is both blind and mute, because of alterations to his body caused by the soul-soup he formed form – instead of using his voice and eyes, he instead uses that pulsing ink that appears in the area around him in Chapter 3 of the game to “feel” his way around, as well as form words and symbols on the wall to communicate.  This means that wherever there’s ink, he can literally “see” everything there.
Once he’s calmed down enough, Bendy LOVES Sans’s stupid puns and even tries to make ones of his own sometimes.
Once Alphys and Sans figure out about the whole “human souls were sacrificed to make these artificial souls” thing, they are understandably pissed at Joey Drew, because HELLO you don’t do that to people.  Also, the ink creatures are technically monster children at this point, and Joey dissected at least one of them.  You don’t do that to your kids, Joey.
Eventually, other monsters find out about the ink creatures thanks to a couple of the friendlier ones following Alphys or Sans out of the Lab, and those ink creatures sort of getting adopted into monster society despite their personality issues.  Seriously, EVERY monster in the Underground does their damnedest to take care of the ink creatures, and are righteously furious at humans in general for doing this to their own people.  (Some ink creatures even end up in the Ruins, though how is anybody’s guess – Toriel ends up mothering most of those ones, and sometimes they’ll bring her pie to other ink creatures to try.)
Bendy stays in the True Lab during this whole thing right up until Frisk falls into the Underground – he prefers being on his own.
During the one and only Genocide run that occurs, Bendy finds out about what’s going on because Alphys has been hiding at least some of the fleeing monsters in the True Lab, and gets pissed, mostly because his privacy is being invaded by these scared monsters, and he immediately leaves the True Lab to hunt Frisk down.  He catches up to them in the MTT Resort,  where Frisk ends up trapped and extremely, incredibly traumatized because Bendy is terrifying when he’s pissed, even to a kid who can Reset when they die.  (And you can’t run away from Bendy when the doors have been blocked with ink... how do you fight something like that?)
*Looks at the wall of text above.*  Oops.  Word vomit.  Sorry?  Heheheh *sweatdrops* 
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