gabriecl · 7 years
lol i’m so lit for this rp but anyway i’m abbie and this is my baby gabey if you wanna know more about him i have a weak ass bio here and wanted connections here! if you wanna plot just give this a like and i’ll hit u up probably immediately because i am not patient.
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gwcnnisms-blog · 7 years
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HEY. pssst. --oh, now that i’ve got your attention, why don’t you check out my super quick introduction which doesnt mention that i changed from hems to evans? i’m going to try and keep it under 120 seconds...starting...NOW!
i’ma, chill chick in the est timezone and this is my dude chance. i don’t have a bio because i like for him to reflect on his choices / life via diary entries that i’ll post. BUT, some bullet points:
he’s a sociopath. not like an “lol, you soc,” but a legitimate guilt-free sociopath. obviously, he doesn’t advertise it but it is the driving force behind most of who he is.
born in savannah, georgia, moved to ny when he was 14 due to familial isues ill get into later. 
he’s got a l8 night talk show. 
he’s a fun-loving guy. he loves to be around people. 
he isn’t close to his family due to a riff between himself and his younger sister. 
OKAY. it prob sounds like i’m a lazy bitch but s2g i’m literate. i can tell you as far as plots i’m looking for ;
BROTP // some guy who really has chance’s back. he probably wouldn’t be too close with another ego-centric fellow, but if there’s a guy who is lowkey and likes to have fun, or even a shy guy that chance would feel he could take under his wing would be fun. for the latter there would be a really cool chance for an epic betrayal down the road but you know, we’ll get there when we get there. 
GIRL THAT GOT AWAY // i’ve always wanted this plot. the one girl that wouldn’t give him a chance (lawl) when he was younger, be it because of his lack of financial stability or because he had to grow into his nose. it would have fueled him. maybe he mentioned her on his talk show and they’re reconnecting? interconnected with the next?
GIRL THAT’S TOO GOOD FOR HIM // chance isn’t a DOG entirely. he isn’t out in these streets. he’s a real romantic, and if there’s a girl who he really enjoyed being around he would let her know -- but, because he doesn’t want to hurt her, he may not mention the girl that got away. or the girl from the bar a week ago. yet, he’s still got reservations for 2 every saturday night because you’re his girl 24/6. 
ANNOYANCE // oh man, give me a nosey intern. nosey neighbor. nosey nancy. or just someone who has the personality to get under someone’s skin. guy or girl, i live for the pushing of buttons until it gets to be too much. 
UHM basically those are what i really want. If you want to plot, feel free to message me. Or like this.proper tumblr rp etiquette or whatevz. maybe this was like 347 secoonds. SOZ :( :) 
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astrds · 7 years
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it’s me, makayla, i’m back with a new lovely bby!! this is astrid summers. rl model, instagram model, youtuber-- basically a social media star who walks runways u feel? as per usual, hmu or like this if u wanna plot!
astrid is a super ultra cutie? tries to get along w everyone but also comes off as kinda brash and careless sometimes so that probably causes some issues
LOVESsSss to party, literally loves any excuse to get attention and get wasted lmao
she’s SUPER smart like.. she was taking college classes in high school & bc of that she kinda got addicted to adderall along the way? and never rly stopped?
her parents are problematic, now that she’s Made It they quit their jobs and basically manipulate her into supporting them & ask for unnecessary luxuries and are just garbage tbh
she’s dumb and likes to take on too many things at once so while she’s a model and a social media star, she’s also a full-time college student studying chemistry
she wants to own a cosmetic line which is why chemistry but she also doesn’t rly think it’ll succeed all that well since everybody is doing it rn, but she still wants to get her full degree since she’s already started the process 
she’s stressed.. all the time.. will try any drug u throw at her, will try any drink u throw at her, will cross-fade like nobodies business. it’s a self-destructive type thing but she doesn’t rly see it like that-- she just sees it as a normal thing that twenty-one year olds do
she lowkey loves seeing her name in the media, good or bad, and will stir shit up sometimes just to have it happen... bad astrid
anYWays this is all i have rn omg?? pls come plot with this messy cutie <3
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eastsage-blog · 7 years
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hey guys mi name is ana DLSKJGKSD and honestly i havent been in a group tumblr rp in YEARS ( ok ive joined some here nd there but i never had the time to stay :( ) so like pls bear with me idk they tumblr rp lingo going on these days .i also wont be here for the next to hours bc chuch activities :/  anyways i already liked everyones posts in the tags but if u want to plot with sage im me or like this post xoxo ana out there will be more abt her under read more
[ ✧・– LALISA MANOBAN ] – oh, SHE/HER ?? that’s SAGE BOONPRASAN, the TWENTY year old CISFEMALE from EAST EGG. they’re worth around $100 MILLION thanks to their FASHION LINE AND MUSIC CAREER. word around town is that they’re really JOYFUL but also very IMPULSIVE. regardless, i’m sure they have an incredibly busy and expensive year ahead of them.
her maternal grandparents own one of the biggest food franchises in the world ( think like mcdonalds or chickflila or watever ) her mom married her dad who’s family is also very well off but they were lesser known so she was always surrounded by riches
her family is always trying to expand her cousins and her siblings are always trying out buisness ventures so of course she was no exception to the family tradition and she started a fashion line ( prasan the name ) 
but she prefers music lowkey and is trying to venture in the music world
and honestly there is so much more but i cant type it up rn cuz my parents are rushing me u can ask me while we are plotting :) 
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prestcnk-blog · 7 years
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[ ✧・– REECE KING ] – oh, HE/HIM?? that’s PRESTON KINGSLEY, the TWENTY-THREE year old CIS MALE from EAST EGG. they’re worth around $60 MILLION thanks to their GRANDFATHER BEING AN OIL TYCOON. word around town is that they’re really PURPOSEFUL but also very IMPULSIVE. regardless, i’m sure they have an incredibly busy and expensive year ahead of them.
idk if anyone is even awake but this is queued to repost anyways k!! but hello honeys i’m z. and i’ll be bringing you the cutie pie reece king im so excited ahhhh but anyways my pronouns are she/her and i’m in the est. timezone jsyk but yeah under cut is all the shit you need to know talk to you guys soon!! :-)
Preston James Kingsley was born and bread in the East Egg. He comes from old money, his grandfather is this big oil tycoon that blew up in the 60s his dad took on the role as COO of the company when he turned 25. His mother is an architect, she comes from middle class family and the two met in college and got married after his father stepped up as COO of his grandfathers company. His parents are really happy and love and have fought forever to keep their marriage and family together. His grandfather didn’t approve of where his mother came from for a long time so that caused a lot of tension on the family. 
Preston doesn’t really feel a connection to the lifestyle he was born in. He’s always been fascinated in making his own money and really struggling to make a name from himself. He grew up with a very lavish lifestyle and his parents are super materialistic tbh but he’s not. He even ventured off in high school outside of the east egg and started hanging out with kids from the poorer neighborhoods to see what the lifestyle was like. He ended up getting into hella trouble with partying and also being used for his money by people who he considered really close friends and that caused him to have bad anxiety and depression after that. He’s a super sweet person but he’s developed a backbone since then so he doesn’t let anyone take advantage of him anymore. He still deals with his anxiety and depression til this day and goes and sees a therapist when needed.
Now he’s a lil more tamed, he ended up going to get his business degree from Columbia University in the city. He’s trying to prove to his family that he can handle being apart of the family business. He’s working for his dad currently but he’s trying to step up and eventually become COO once his grandfather passes the role of CEO to this dad. He does still party but he’s more discreet about it bc of his family and he lowkey is abusing his anxiety medication smh but he’s also found a balance between the partying and being a business professional?? like he knows he can’t screw up but if you hit him up like “lets get lit tonight fam” he’ll be like “ok lemme finish this meeting and i’ll be there.” skldsfkm but yeah lol
That’s pretty much it!! i’m gonna list wanted connections/plots below but please feel free to message me if you’d like to plot i’m so excited ok!! 
wanted connections ~ i’ll also start a wc tag also!!
childhood friends // literally grew up together maybe their parents were friends or they went to the same school but yeah that sorta thing!!! 
sibling like friendship // doesn’t really matter when these two met in life but they became like siblings once they hit it off. they’re fiercely protective of one another and has seen the other at their absolute worst. 
exs // I want him to have one ex he’s still super close with, a first love, an ex he never really got over and an ex he hates tbh (these can be any gender he’s sexually fluid heh)
bad influence // they party and fuck shit up together pretty much
that’s all i have for rn it’s 3am and im brain dead but yeah lmao hmu guys!!
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wildniqht-blog · 7 years
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hello, hello! i am slowly starting to get my pages done. so far all i did was work on connections though. which i thought was good enough for now (i’ll just finish when i’m done typing out this intro). aNYWAY, hello to you all~ my name’s hazel, i’m currently 21 yo, i live in est, and i love dogs (and cats, but i prefer dogs over cats). i’m reeeaallly excited about this rp, except i applied kinda late bc i totally forgot the rp was opening up for apps around 2pm and was like welp. but i’m still glad to be here!! and i’m rly happy to be playing layla again as well as a new chara. if you’d like to know more about them, just go ahead and click the read more.
now, if you’d like to plot, pls like this post & i’ll IM you!
LAYLA MADISON EVANS (death tw & child abuse, but i don’t go into much details).
• she has lived in New Haven, CT for most of her life and everything was normal and okay, but her father passed away when she was eight years old. • after that, her mom began to treat her differently, more terribly such as ignoring her. and the only thing her mom would say as an excuse was because layla reminds her of her father. so essentially, layla had to learn to take care of herself. she eventually learned how to cook and get a job once she was old enough, but she’d also clean around the house. • continuing on with her younger years, she liked doing ballet and taking lessons, but soon stopped after her father passed away because it would just remind her of her dad and it would make her sad. nonetheless, layla still enjoys dancing, she just rarely does anything with ballet. • as she grew older, she became more sad that she never really grew up with a parent to look up to and was sad to feel that she didn’t have that person to talk to when she got home. all she felt like she had were her friends and a childhood friend’s family. • due to the sadness, she began to drink at a young age and partied out a lot to the point where she was almost expelled.  • sooner than later though, she cleaned up her act and studied hard to do something with her life. which she became a yale student and graduated in journalism because of how much she likes to write. what she wants to become is something within writing. whether it’s becoming an author, writing articles for a newspaper, or writing for a magazine. even all three would be great for her. • other than that. she really enjoys the beach. she loves the sand, the water, swimming, and surfing. and she also likes trying out new things. one thing she doesn’t know how to do though is ride a bike. whereas she took boxing lessons instead. • while her most prized possession is a necklace her dad gave before he passed away. • there’s more about her past relationship, but that story’s for another day • oh, she also still loves to party and drink, but doesn’t do it often. she also likes having sex 👍
• how did she get to new york, you ask? well, her mother eventually moved away from new haven because she didn’t see much around town and decided to step up to new york. that’s where her career and step-dad comes into the picture. • originally, i wanted them to be married, but decided that they’ll be engaged for now instead because i’d rather play through layla’s feels on how the wedding might go since she’s not fond of her mother. • her step dad wanted to meet layla, so a reason why he asked his fiance to bring layla to nyc. at first, layla was unsure about it, but became curious and agreed then realized how rich he was. • as for career, layla’s mom later became a famous fashion designer and takes pride in it. which, unfortunately for layla, she doesn’t care much about her mother still and is bitter about what she did to her. • but taking everything in, that’s probably going to be difficult for layla considering her mom wants her to do this and that while layla isn’t used to being told what to do and would rather not be told. plus, after being told by her mom, layla has a great desire to not do it and go against her mom’s wishes • so she’s been on the news once already for being wild at a dinner party before. she knows it’s childish, but she can’t help it. • basically, layla new to this rich life because she’s just been used to being in the lower class and likes the rich life, but doesn’t like being told what to do.
• she is my bby and i adore her • also, her sexuality is heterosexual, but she’s also open minded
• sibling-like friends: basically someone she can look up to as an older sibling or someone she treats like a younger sibling • partner in crime: since layla loves causing pranks in general and causing scenes to her mom, maybe she sometimes involves a partner in crime to her ideas • childhood friends or enemies: i know her being in new haven might be a bit difficult for her to find childhood friends or enemies, but maybe this childhood person could have traveled a lot and somehow they met when they were young? • love/hate: a person she basically argues with, but also really cares about • friends with benefits: p self explanatory • exes on bad terms: okay so, this can go multiple ways, but one way in particular is that layla’s cheated on one of her exes (a boy, specifically) • unrequited love: self explanatory. it could be maybe shes not into someone but that someones into her or vice versa • enemies with benefits: also p self explanatory • friends turned enemies: maybe she betrayed someone or they betrayed her?
more connections can be found here!
• she’s a new muse so i’m still thinking of how she’ll be played out • father is a ceo (haven’t decided the company yet) and owns multiple properties • mother is a famous model • has trust issues • tends to distance herself • is v flirtatious and also enjoys sex, but prefers hook-ups rather than fwbs • tends to fight with her mom and is more close with her dad • doesn’t rly have a clue as to what she wants to do bc she’s thought about taking over her father’s work, but has also thought about becoming an actress • will work on her more in the future • she’s also bisexual
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smrblk-blog · 7 years
hi!! i’m allison and this is my baby doll summer. she has a bio page if you want to learn a little more about her, but here are a few head canons id love to go ahead and share! if u want to plot pls just shoot me a message or like this post whichever and i’ll contact u asap: 
she was born in hollywood to two rich and influential immigrants 
she started her acting career at age four on a sitcom and continued until she turned thirteen. she was already sucked into the world of child abuse hiding in the industry, but she wouldn’t tell anyone this secret 
when she entered high school she began taking pictures of herself and posting them to instagram and accidentally gained a huge following, both due to her past in hollywood and her developing looks 
she moved to nyc only a year ago and did so to get away from her demons in LA 
all throughout hs summer was involved with drugs and alcohol, most notably a little white powder. she hasn’t kicked the habit sense, however she hides it extremely well. 
summer feels isolated from those around her due to her past that she drags around with her and secretly just wants someone to truly know her 
she is very focused on her career, but has a tendency to get easily carried away and isn’t good at settling down. 
she gets heartbroken easily. she makes friends quickly and has an attractive personality, but she also is a lot to handle and can be a too passionate person to spend too much time with. 
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thecoolkvds-blog · 7 years
HEY BABES, okay so I'm Mariam my time is est and or whatever New York stand up anyways down below are the things you need to know about my two cool kids nas'rin and ezekiel. Oh and psa I use mobile and shit so I can't really message u guys first for plots if I wanted to so plz like this and message me I will reply ofc !!
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Aight so this is Nas'rin Bridges she already a New York gal she was born and raised in Bronx, New York.
Okay so first off she's a independent hard working lady, she got her riches by doing her own shit which is saving lives which she do on the daily bases.
Loves the smell of cologne and gasoline.. weird she's weird In general but tries to keep it on the low.
She's such a jokester always laughing but she's also very corny most of the time also with her comes witty comments.
She always wanted to be a role model or a superhero figure for young females or just anyone in general.
She grew up with her father. Her mother lost her life to cancer when she was fifteen years old.
It's obviously clear that she is a daddy's girl even when her mother was alive she was more closer to her dad.
When Nas'rin is speaking prepare to hear the full Bronx accent. Slang and everything bcz Bronx ppl just happen to be loud and extra asf so you can get a bit of that from her.
Despite that when it comes to serious matters nas'rin has excellent manners when it comes to interacting with people in general. She's just so high about respect and she deeply values you it. So don't fuck up.
She naturally has this height energetic vibe when it comes to people, new people also. She such a sweetheart and is always there and putting others first before herself. Literally wants to be best friends with everyone.
She loves giving advices and being a ear to listen to people's problems and a shoulder for them to cry on. All this except for her doing the same she doesn't really like opening up to ppl.
Queen keeps it real and speaks nothing but real, no sugar coating which is why most people takes her honesty as something horrible. When I'm all actuality she's just trying to help ? Maybe she helps a lil 2 much.
Yes she is the way she dresses, a boss ass bitch who doesn't take shit from no one but my queen is low key soft.
Highkey a nerd.. Loves kdrama, buzzfeed unsolved, the walking dead, marvel, and etc. she's very protective over them also if anyone was to bad mouth anything about her fandoms she'd go off.
Loves rainy days, eating, sleeping, reading, and writing.
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First off ooh Ezekiel name so fancy huh ? Well he's the opposite of fancy well eh, somewhat cuz he knows when to get down to serious business.
He loves GIRLS! Not just for sexual reason just in general could be close friends or whatever the case is.
blunt asf.
Just think of Ezekiel like Damon Salvatore / Christian grey I mean their both kind of the same charming and dominant.
Ezekiel is naturally outgoing.. loud asf and flirty.
He loves art and dark shit.. low key emo.
Like any boy he is competitive and loves challenges.
His Mother always taught him to respect females so he has respect for females but not if they piss him off did I mention he's a hothead and doesn't hold back ?
Sometimes he doesn't even have to speak his silence and glare can kill you.
Ezekiel is the type of friend to bully you and make fun of you but at the end of the day has your back no matter what.
He obviously puts this strong character or whatever but ofc is an actual big cuddly brown teddy bear.
Pretty much riches has ran through his family for a long amount of time. Sometimes he brags bcz he's a lil cocky bastard but he's mostly humble and just wants to earn money himself you know ?
Also low key a anime freak.
No like serious when ppl see him they automatically think he's just this guy who loves 2k and etc but he's a feen for naruto, dragon ball, teen titans, and etc.
Loves crime television. He's usually the one figuring out the killers before the deactivates. A feen for law and order and criminal minds and the other shows that deal with law and shit.
His music taste always include rappers like xxxtentacion, lil uzi vert, and other trap artists.
Ezekiel loves just deep long conversations and smoking weed as dumb as that sound.
He has this loud personality that can sometimes rub ppl the wrong way but if you're truly close to him you will love him the guy is comedy and makes ppl smile wether it's him doing something dumb or crazy.
He's so daring and willing to try new and different things.
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carolineiisms-blog · 7 years
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hello..... i’ve been eyeing this rp for a while now and finally decided to join in! my name is jazz i’m 21 and from the eastern timezone!! this caroline feel free to address her as caro or ro or linny or whatever u can come up with. i’m about to pull so much out of my ass so here we go ........
[ ✧・– MARGOT ROBBIE ] – oh, HER ?? that’s CAROLINE WRIGHT, the TWENTY-SEVEN year old CISFEMALE from WEST EGG. they’re worth around $97 MILLION thanks to their PARENTS OWNING MULTIPLE BUILDINGS IN WEST EGG. word around town is that they’re really LAIDBACK but also very RETICENT. regardless, i’m sure they have an incredibly busy and expensive year ahead of them.
so. even though caroline lives in new york and has for a while she was born and raised in the south... probably georgia. i love the thought of margot as a southern belle (and that’s like the One Thing i knew about caroline before i even applied) so she has a heavy accent but it’s not twangy ... more smooth like molasses she’s very nice to listen to actually.. very comforting she talks very soft too but not like she’s timid because she’s very confident she just doesn’t need to like ... yell
her parents own a lot of buildings in west egg and some of them they even passed down to ro as they’ve been preparing for retirement slowly but surely..
they are new money though and when ro was really young they lived in north georgia and were very poor ... since ro is an only child most of her clothes were handmade and was made fun of a lot for that 😞
but it never bothered her becauuuuuse ro’s motto was to just kill them with kindness
and it still is her motto even after moving to new york when she was in eighth grade and even after her father started moving up the ranks until their family was well known and well respected... it’s the only way she can deal with new york tbh. just kill everyone with kindness even if some people aren’t too kind back
but !! just because she’s nice and sweet either doesn’t mean she’s easy to mess with. ro can definitely hold her own and most times just uses the fact that people think she’s weak to her advantage 🤧 we stan a legend.
some wanted connection’s maybe ??
a best friend/ride or die yk like someone ro’s attached at the hip with and they do everything together and love each other lots :(
or maybe someone she knew from when she was younger!! doesn’t have to be from georgia because ro moved to nyc when she was like 13
someone she can butt heads with. they either just don’t get along at all or maybe they’re kind of friends but all they do is banter and argue
would love a romantic plot ofc but no pressure MKSKFMD would depend on chem ofc.
or an exes plot?! something angsty i dont know there are a million ways to do that
im down for anything tbh. hit me up...
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moneyshq · 7 years
alright, friends !! it’s clear that the overwhelming majority of you would like us to open tomorrow afternoon (and tbh i don’t blame you). thus, we shall be opening for interactions tomorrow, at 2pm est, which i feel is quite fitting considering that was when we opened for applications today !! in the meantime, you are now free to follow the rest of our blogroll and post your intros using the tag moneys:intro. i shall post tomorrow afternoon when you can start interactions !!
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carolineiisms-blog · 7 years
tag drop :p
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