#moneta fiat
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Le scatole cinesi
Possibile che nessuno si renda conto che, se lo stipendio di un dipendente pubblico viene pagato dalle tasse dei contribuenti, le tasse che vengono prelevate dalla sua busta paga sono solo un gioco di scatole cinesi per far figurare un gettito maggiore di quello reale?
Che senso ha pagare le tasse sulle tasse altrui?
Provate a ragionare su questa cosa e poi chiedete al vostro politico di riferimento cosa ne pensa. Evadere, alla fine, non vi sembrerà più un delitto così grave, ma la logica eutanasia di un sistema marcio fino al midollo.
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decadentdjentleman · 6 months
I comunisti e i problemi di oggi
Eliminare la nocività ambientale [pt.2]
I ritmi di lavoro. - Questo aspetto si è aggravato più di ogni altro negli anni recenti, quando si è avuto un aumento della produzione realizzato con gli stessi macchinari, con un numero inferiore di operai, con i cronometristi che misurano ogni movimento e rubano ogni momento di pausa. Un operaio di 27 anni della FIAT Mirafiori ha raccontato: << Quando dopo otto ore di lavoro ritorno a casa, mi piacerebbe leggere, star dietro alle cose che succedono, aggiornarmi su quanto avviene per non vivere da bestia: ma ora non ce la faccio più. Ho la testa svuotata, continua a ballarmi davanti agli occhi il contatore della pressa, e ho solo una gran voglia di dormire e di riposarmi per essere domani in grado di ritornare sulla linea >>. Operai con la testa vuota, con i nervi a pezzi, ritmi biologici che vengono stravolti dal ritmo della produzione, funzioni dell'organismo che vengono prima alterate, poi gravemente compromesse: questi fatti sono la regola nelle fabbriche italiane. Quando non bastano i cronometristi si ricorre ai calcolatori elettronici, per abolire ogni pausa ed ogni tempo di riposo, per eliminare ogni flessibilità dei ritmi biologici. Quando non bastano i calcolatori, e si vuole forzare ulteriormente, si ricorre persino ai farmaci, al doping come per i ciclisti: nella fabbrica di Rhodiatoce di Pallanza ed alla Zoppas di Conegliano, medici compiacenti ai voleri padronali somministravano agli operai esausti pillole antifatica, sostanze stimolanti per bruciare le residue energie dell'organismo. La donna lavoratrice sente prima e più dell'uomo l'usura del lavoro in fabbrica perché vi giunge già stanca. Per l'operaia delle grandi città si ha un triplo lavoro: alle 8 ore nell'azienda sono da aggiungere altre 3-4 ore di attività domestica, ed 1-2 ore di trasporto. Queste tre fatiche non si sommano soltanto: si moltiplicano fra di loro. Mentre nel passato la fatica muscolare trovava un limite nella spossatezza dell'organismo, ora la fatica nervosa non ha più freni: questa fatica, per l'operaia, nasce nella fabbrica, prosegue nel messo di trasporto, e si conclude nelle faccende di casa. Non vi è neppure il riposo che deriva dal cambiare fatica: anche l'attività casalinga, nella nostra società (nella quale << il progresso consiste nel possedere tante macchine per faticare di meno, che occorre faticare tutta la vita per pagarle >>) diviene sempre più una funzione organizzativa, responsabile e logorante, per le carenze della scuola, degli asili, dei trasporti, per le basse retribuzioni, per le preoccupazioni del fitto e delle rate. La donna, conquistando il diritto la lavoro, perde cosi il diritto al riposo.
I salari. - I bassi salari esistenti in Italia, come la disoccupazione che batte alle porte delle fabbriche, sono motivi che spingono (se non esiste una pressione della società che costringa a rispettare la salute degli operai) ad accettare lavori nocivi, cottimi logoranti, orari eccessivi, od a ricercare un secondo lavoro. Insieme all'insufficiente ammontare delle retribuzioni, i lavoratori richiamano l'attenzione sul danno causato dal modo come sono congegnate due componenti del salario: il cottimo e le indennità di lavoro nocivo. Sul cottimo, un operaio del Cantiere navale Ansaldo di Genova ha detto: << Un elemento nocivo alla salute è il cottimo, che imprime a ciascuno di noi una situazione di orgasmo tale, che non ci consente di produrre serenamente. Abbiamo il rischio della salute prima, e del poco guadagno dopo, perché col cottimo non abbiamo mai l'idea precisa di quanto realizzeremo alla quindicina. Bisogna quindi eliminare i cottimi e ridurre l'orario di lavoro. Questi sono i due fattori fondamentali che vanno collegati per ridurre la nocività >>. Le indennità di lavoro nocivo sono ancora assai diffuse, anche perché si è nutrita a lungo l'idea che fosse possibile compensare in moneta una malattia, o si è coltivata l'illusione che far pagare un salario più elevato per le condizioni di nocività ambientale potesse costituire, verso i padroni, un incentivo alla prevenzione, mentre ciò rappresenta, al contrario, un alibi per poter mantenere le condizioni di lavoro logoranti. Ecco come funzionano le indennità di lavoro nocivo alla Ceramica di Sestri: << Noi abbiamo ottenuto - racconta un operaio - una quota per i lavoratori che lavorano in ambienti polverosi, cioè una cifra orario di 7 lire che poi è stata portata a 12 lire. Questa viene sommata annualmente e fa una certa cifra che viene adoperata per mandare in vacanza quegli operai che sono colpiti da silicosi, ma questi spesso rinunciano, e prendono invece i soldi, che sono 7.000 lira all'anno. Secondo me, sbagliano a non usufruire di quei dieci giorni di aria buona, se non riusciranno a guarire staranno meglio >>. Viene da domandarsi: staranno davvero meglio questi operai, respirando aria pura per 10 giorni e silice (una polvere che rende i polmoni come di sasso) per 355 giorni dell'anno? Oppure è preferibile rinunciare alle vacanze, e prendere come indennità di lavoro nocivo 7.000 lire per ogni anno di lavoro in ambiente pieno di silice, che accorcia la vita di almeno due anni? Il dilemma è chiaramente assurdo: per uscirne, non vi è altra strada che lottare per eliminare la polvere, la nocività, dell'ambiente di lavoro; e per ottenere, contemporaneamente, salari che non costringano a barattare la propria esistenza per poche migliaia di lire.
Testo di Giovanni Berlinguer, 1968
-A cura della Sezione stampa e propaganda del PCI
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DTcoin.tech sito internet 2023: opinioni, recensioni DTCoin
Attraverso il sito https://dtcoin.tech/ è possibile scoprire a 360° il mondo di questo importante utility token.
Cos'è il DTCoin
Il DTCoin è un utility token ed il suo valore è basato sulla richiesta ed offerta del traffico dei dati che vengono generati e raccolti. La raccolta dati sostiene lo sviluppo dell’azienda, e il valore dei token può crescere grazie alla domanda è sempre più alta di Big Data. Basti pensare che nel 2020 il valore totale dei Big Data ha superato la soglia di 460 miliardi di dollari. Inoltre, è stato avviato uno specifico programma di affiliazione per attività commerciali, che consentirà di effettuare l'acquisto di beni o servizi attraverso DTCoin. DTCoin, infatti, è uno dei pochi utility token sul mercato che possono essere convertiti in euro, e questo ha creato intorno ad esso molto interesse.
Perché DTCoin è considerato "diverso"
Il sito ufficiale, inoltre, ci spiega anche il motivo per cui DTCoin è considerato diverso rispetto ad altri: è una token nato con lo scopo di crescere e proteggere e può essere usato come alternativa alla moneta fiat all’interno dell’ecosistema di DTSocialize. In passato, la moneta, ogni valuta, era strettamente legata al Gold standard, ovvero un sistema monetario dove la base monetaria è rappresentata da una quantità fissa di oro. Grazie a DTCoin, e soprattutto al suo fondatore Daniele Marinelli, è stato ricreato questo concetto ed è nato il sistema Forced Market Cap (FMC). FMC non è altro che un modo nuovo di creare capitalizzazione per un utility token e funziona tramite un algoritmo matematico combinato con quattro settori principali, che permette una capitalizzazione crescente di DTCoin.
Pubblicità e Partnership
Un altro punto che è possibile analizzare attraverso il sito ufficiale DTCoin è la pubblicità e le relative partnership. All’interno della comunità DTCircle, ad esempio, la valuta di scambio sarà in DTCoin e potrà essere utilizzata per acquistare determinate sponsorizzazioni. Questo rappresenta uno strumento molto potente, soprattutto per i clienti che vogliono raggiungere un target di clienti con la piattaforma DTLive. Oggi DTCircle vanta più di 450.000 utenti attivi in oltre 100 paesi nel mondo, un numero in continua crescita. Infine, i suoi utenti hanno anche la possibilità di entrare in PRE-ICO di nuovi progetti selezionati da DTCOIN, per acquistare direttamente in token DTCOIN in prevendita a prezzi molto vantaggiosi.
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dominousworld · 2 years
di Matteo Martini La nuova valuta di riserva eurasiatica, basata su asset reali, sull’oro e sul gas, che rientrerebbe nell’ambito dei BRICS, potrebbe portare finalmente stabilità ed equità nell’economia mondiale, e sarà una sfida per entrambi i modelli occidentali, quello monetarista neo-liberale, e quello keynesiano (le due facce della stessa moneta ‘fiat’). I BRICS VOGLIONO UN NUOVO ORDINE…
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Dopo la moneta arriva il "cibo fiat" creato dal nulla - Davide Lombardi
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qvistyqpwashington · 2 years
Trading Cryptocurrency: Trading, How It Works And Why Try To Be Doing It
What is moneta digitec ? Is it best for you? The solutions to those questions and extra are in this article.
What's Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital currency that makes use of cryptography to secure its transactions and to manage the creation of new items. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, which means it isn't topic to authorities or monetary institution control. Cryptocurrency transactions are verified by network nodes by means of cryptography and recorded in a public dispersed ledger referred to as a blockchain. Cryptocurrency is commonly traded on exchanges using digital assets corresponding to bitcoin, ether, and fiat currencies. Why should I commerce cryptocurrency? There are numerous causes you would possibly want to trade cryptocurrency. You would try buying and selling for fun, to become profitable, or to get exposure to new markets. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, here are 5 ideas for successful buying and selling: 1. Make certain you could have a very good understanding of what cryptocurrency is and how it really works. 2. Set real looking targets to your buying and selling portfolio and persist with them. Don’t try to trade the whole lot without delay or you’ll get overwhelmed. 3. Use a trading platform that provides real-time streaming data so you'll be able to see what’s taking place available on the market whereas you’re buying and selling. It will enable you stay calm and rational during risky moments.
How Trading Works
Trading cryptocurrencies is a big enterprise. Even though the market continues to be comparatively new and there are still many uncertainties, it’s a lucrative alternative that you should consider benefiting from. In this text, we’re going to teach you every little thing it's essential to learn about buying and selling cryptocurrencies, from how it works to why you have to be doing it. How Trading Works Before we are able to educate you learn how to commerce cryptocurrencies, we need to first discuss the basics of how trading works. When you buy or sell a cryptocurrency, you are literally exchanging it for one more foreign money or asset. This doesn’t occur instantly – instead, you should look forward to an change to open after which complete the trade. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, so be prepared for potential delays. Once the commerce has completed, the transaction will appear in your account – typically, this can be either as a acquire or loss. When you make a purchase and the price goes up after the trade has accomplished, your account will show a gain. Should you promote and the price goes down after the commerce has completed, your account will show a loss. Remember that these beneficial properties and losses are at all times relative to the worth
Is Day Trading Profitable?
There's lots of hypothesis and rumors round buying and selling cryptocurrencies, however what's the truth? Is day buying and selling worthwhile? The reply is sure, it can be if you happen to do it appropriately. This text will define the basics of day buying and selling, how it works, and why it is best to consider doing it.
The professionals and Cons of Trading
There are execs and cons to trading cryptocurrencies. The professionals of trading include the power to make fast and profitable trades, as properly because the potential for top returns. The cons of buying and selling embody the potential for losses, in addition to the danger of being complex and risky. Before you start trading cryptocurrencies, be sure to do your analysis and understand the risks concerned.
Maximizing Your Return on Investment
Cryptocurrency trading is usually a profitable and thrilling strategy to become profitable. In case you are new to the world of cryptocurrency trading, or in case you are simply looking to enhance your returns on funding (ROI), there are a few things you need to keep in thoughts. First, it's important to grasp what cryptocurrencies are and the way they work. Cryptocurrencies are digital or digital tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to manage the creation of latest models. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they aren't subject to authorities or monetary establishment control. Bitcoin, the first and most effectively-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Second, it is important to have a solid understanding of technical analysis. Technical analysis is the usage of charts and indicators to forecast future value movements. It's an analytical software that can assist you determine patterns in market knowledge and make informed trading choices. However, technical evaluation will not be 100% dependable and shouldn't be used as the one factor when making a choice about whether or to not trade a specific cryptocurrency. Third, it will be significant to know risk administration methods. Risk administration is the process of identifying potential dangers related along with your investments and taking crucial steps to mitigate these risks
Must you Trade Cryptocurrency?
Do you have to commerce cryptocurrency? There’s no simple answer to this question, as it largely relies upon in your particular person circumstances and funding objectives. However, trading cryptocurrencies can be a fun and worthwhile approach to take a position in the digital currency market. Here’s why you need to consider buying and selling cryptocurrencies: 1. Trading presents opportunities for diversification: Certainly one of the main advantages of buying and selling cryptocurrencies is that it allows you to realize exposure to a wider vary of property. By trading different cryptocurrencies, you may improve your chances of making a revenue by capitalizing on price fluctuations. 2. Trading gives you a sense of management: Trading cryptocurrencies offers you the chance to make decisions on the place to purchase and sell coins. This sense of control can show you how to develop into more comfortable with the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market. 3. Trading provides an understanding of blockchain know-how: If you'd like to understand how blockchain works, trading is a great way to take action. By buying and selling cryptocurrencies, you may study all the different facets of blockchain expertise – from mining to transactions – and make informed decisions about which coins to spend money on.
Trading cryptocurrencies is a very talked-about pastime amongst those who are curious about investing. It may be fairly daunting, however, to attempt to understand everything that goes into buying and selling cryptocurrency. This article will go over the basics of what trading is, how it really works, and why you should be doing it. If you are ever feeling misplaced or confused about something related to cryptocurrency buying and selling, remember to read via this text for some clarification.
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bruhnpgppruitt · 2 years
What Is Cryptocurrency And How Do You Trade It?
In this text, you'll find out what moneta digitec is and how to trade it.
What is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital forex that uses cryptography to safe its transactions and to manage the creation of new units. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning it is not topic to authorities or monetary establishment control. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrency is often traded on decentralized exchanges and will also be used to purchase items and services.
Pros and Cons of Trading Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital forex that uses cryptography to safe its transactions and to manage the creation of new items. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, which means it isn't subject to authorities or monetary establishment management. Bitcoin, the primary and most nicely-recognized cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are traded on exchanges and will also be used to purchase items and companies. Pros: -Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, that means they aren't topic to authorities or monetary institution management -Cryptocurrencies are traded on exchanges and may also be used to buy items and providers -Bitcoin, the primary and most nicely-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009 -Cryptocurrencies are growing in reputation
How Do You Trade Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and to manage the creation of recent models. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which means they don't seem to be subject to authorities or monetary establishment management. Bitcoin, the primary and most well-identified cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Today there are a whole lot of cryptocurrencies out there, with new ones being created on a regular basis. How do you trade cryptocurrency? To start out buying and selling cryptocurrency, you will need to create an account with a cryptocurrency trade. After you have an account, you should buy and sell cryptocurrencies using fiat forex (USD, EUR, GBP etc). Some exchanges allow you to commerce cryptocurrencies for different cryptocurrencies or fiat forex. Others will let you solely buy or promote cryptocurrencies. It is important to do your analysis before selecting an alternate. Once you have purchased or sold cryptocurrencies, you can store them in a digital wallet. A digital wallet is a software program program that means that you can retailer your cryptocurrencies offline. It's also possible to use a digital wallet to receive funds in cryptocurrencies.
What are the popular Coins and Tokens?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital foreign money that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and to control the creation of latest models. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, that means they are not subject to authorities or monetary establishment control. Bitcoin, the first and most nicely-identified cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are traded on online exchanges and can be used to buy items and providers.
Cryptocurrencies are digital or digital tokens that use cryptography to safe their transactions and to manage the creation of new models. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not topic to authorities or monetary institution management. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and different cryptocurrencies are sometimes traded on decentralized exchanges like Bitfinex, Bitstamp, and Bithumb. With a view to trade cryptocurrencies, you'll need a digital wallet (like Blockchain) and an understanding of blockchain technology.
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mallingawmpoulsen · 2 years
Trading Cryptocurrency: What It's Essential Know
What's moneta digitec ? What are some great benefits of trading it? How do you commerce cryptocurrency? This article provides an introduction to these questions and more.
What's cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital asset designed to work as a medium of change that uses cryptography to safe its transactions and to control the creation of recent units. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, that means it is not topic to government or financial institution control. What are the advantages of cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency provides a number of benefits over conventional fiat currency, including security and anonymity. Cryptocurrency also allows for quick and straightforward transactions with out the necessity for a third celebration. Finally, cryptocurrency can be used to purchase items and services online or in-individual. How do I start buying and selling cryptocurrency? There are a number of ways to start out buying and selling cryptocurrency. The easiest method is to seek out an online alternate where you should purchase and promote cryptocurrencies. It's also possible to find exchanges in your area people. If you want to trade cryptocurrency manually, you will need to get a bitcoin wallet and find out how to use it.
What are the various kinds of cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to regulate the creation of new items. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not topic to government or financial establishment control. Bitcoin, the first and most properly-recognized cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. There at the moment are over 1,300 cryptocurrencies accessible, with new ones being created day-after-day. Cryptocurrencies are distinctive in that they provide a number of distinctive benefits over conventional currencies. For instance, they are more resistant to inflation and can be used to buy items and services with out having to worry about the volatility of conventional foreign money markets. Additionally, they offer customers larger anonymity and security than traditional financial methods. However, there are additionally a number of challenges associated with cryptocurrencies that customers ought to remember of. For example, as a result of cryptocurrencies are decentralized, they're susceptible to cyber-assaults and fraud. Additionally, many cryptocurrencies are not yet fully practical and should experience vital volatility in worth over time.
How does cryptocurrency work?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital foreign money that uses cryptography to safe its transactions and to manage the creation of recent items. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, that means it isn't topic to government or financial establishment management. Transactions are verified by network nodes by way of cryptography and recorded in a public dispersed ledger referred to as a blockchain. Cryptocurrency is commonly traded on decentralized exchanges and will also be used to purchase items and services.
Investing in cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to safe their transactions and to regulate the creation of recent units. Bitcoin, the primary and most nicely-identified cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they don't seem to be topic to authorities or monetary establishment management. Before investing in cryptocurrencies, it's important to grasp what they are, how they work, and what risks are related to them. This article will provide a short overview of each of those topics. What Are Cryptocurrencies? Cryptocurrencies are digital or digital tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to regulate the creation of latest units. Bitcoin, the primary and most properly-identified cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they aren't subject to authorities or monetary establishment control. How Do Cryptocurrencies Work? To create a cryptocurrency, builders must create a blockchain—a public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Transactions are verified by network nodes by means of cryptography and recorded in a chronological order. Each node can verify the chain of possession as a result of they hold the cryptographic keys required to access the underlying blockchain data. Bitcoin nodes use the Hashcash proof-of-work operate
Cryptocurrency exchanges and their fees
Cryptocurrency exchanges are a needed a part of the cryptocurrency market. They help you trade cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges have totally different fees, so it is very important know what they're earlier than you make any trades. Some cryptocurrency exchanges have low buying and selling fees, whereas others have high charges. Some exchanges additionally charge a commission for transferring money between totally different accounts. Fees may be a major expense, so it is vital to match them earlier than you make any trades.
Trading cryptocurrencies is a highly speculative activity and can be extremely volatile. If you aren't utterly conscious of what you are doing, please don't make investments cash that you can't afford to lose. Before buying and selling cryptocurrencies, make sure you do your own research and seek the advice of with an skilled monetary advisor.
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La nascita della più grande truffa dell'umanità: il denaro fiat!
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sykesrelporterfield · 2 years
Trading Cryptocurrency: What It's Good To Know
What's moneta digitec ? What are the benefits of buying and selling it? How do you trade cryptocurrency? This article offers an introduction to these questions and extra.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual asset designed to work as a medium of change that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and to control the creation of latest models. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, that means it isn't subject to authorities or financial establishment control. What are the advantages of cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency provides several advantages over conventional fiat forex, including safety and anonymity. Cryptocurrency also allows for fast and straightforward transactions with out the need for a third celebration. Finally, cryptocurrency can be used to purchase goods and providers online or in-particular person. How do I start trading cryptocurrency? There are a couple of ways to start out buying and selling cryptocurrency. The easiest method is to search out an online trade the place you should purchase and sell cryptocurrencies. You can also find exchanges in your local community. If you want to trade cryptocurrency manually, you might want to get a bitcoin wallet and learn the way to use it.
What are the various kinds of cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are digital or digital tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to regulate the creation of new items. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, that means they don't seem to be topic to government or monetary institution management. Bitcoin, the first and most properly-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. There at the moment are over 1,300 cryptocurrencies available, with new ones being created every single day. Cryptocurrencies are unique in that they provide plenty of unique benefits over conventional currencies. For instance, they're more resistant to inflation and can be used to purchase goods and companies with out having to fret in regards to the volatility of traditional foreign money markets. Additionally, they offer customers greater anonymity and security than traditional financial systems. However, there are also several challenges associated with cryptocurrencies that customers ought to bear in mind of. For instance, as a result of cryptocurrencies are decentralized, they're prone to cyber-attacks and fraud. Additionally, many cryptocurrencies are usually not yet fully functional and may expertise vital volatility in price over time.
How does cryptocurrency work?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital forex that makes use of cryptography to safe its transactions and to control the creation of recent units. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, which means it's not topic to government or monetary establishment control. Transactions are verified by network nodes by way of cryptography and recorded in a public dispersed ledger known as a blockchain. Cryptocurrency is often traded on decentralized exchanges and can be used to buy items and companies.
Investing in cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to safe their transactions and to regulate the creation of new models. Bitcoin, the primary and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, that means they aren't subject to government or financial institution control. Before investing in cryptocurrencies, it can be crucial to understand what they are, how they work, and what risks are related to them. This article will provide a quick overview of every of those matters. What Are Cryptocurrencies? Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to safe their transactions and to manage the creation of recent items. Bitcoin, the first and most well-identified cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which means they don't seem to be topic to government or monetary institution management. How Do Cryptocurrencies Work? To create a cryptocurrency, builders should create a blockchain—a public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Transactions are verified by community nodes through cryptography and recorded in a chronological order. Each node can confirm the chain of possession as a result of they hold the cryptographic keys required to entry the underlying blockchain data. Bitcoin nodes use the Hashcash proof-of-work function
Cryptocurrency exchanges and their fees
Cryptocurrency exchanges are a needed a part of the cryptocurrency market. They allow you to commerce cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges have totally different charges, so it is important to know what they're earlier than you make any trades. Some cryptocurrency exchanges have low buying and selling charges, whereas others have high fees. Some exchanges also cost a fee for transferring cash between different accounts. Fees could be a major expense, so it is important to compare them before you make any trades.
Trading cryptocurrencies is a extremely speculative activity and may be extraordinarily unstable. If you are not completely conscious of what you are doing, please don't invest cash that you cannot afford to lose. Before trading cryptocurrencies, you'll want to do your own research and consult with an experienced financial advisor.
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bitcoinreportitalia · 3 months
💸 Tra Moneta Virtuale e Resistenza Digitale: Bitcoin come Arma Sovversiva
💰 Pubblicato da Bitcoin Report Italia, 27/01/2024 💰
💸 Nel Mondo Totalitario, la Criptovaluta Diventa la Voce della Resistenza
💸 Il totalitarismo avanza, ma nel mondo digitale, una forma di ribellione prende forma: il Bitcoin. Le operazioni di mining, trading e lending di bitcoin si trasformano in atti di resistenza, sostenendo la lotta contro il controllo centrale.
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💸 Il Mining: L’Anima Criptata della Resistenza
💸 Il processo di mining, cuore pulsante della rete Bitcoin, si rivela come un atto di sovversione contro la logica centralizzata. Computer specializzati risolvono enigmi matematici, ottenendo in cambio una piccola quantità di bitcoin. La proof-of-work, sistema di consenso, impedisce l’aggiunta fraudolenta di transazioni, creando una rete sicura. In un mondo che aspira al totale controllo, il mining diventa il baluardo della decentralizzazione.
💸 Il Trading: Un’Arma a Doppio Taglio
💸 Su piattaforme online, trader ribelli cercano di guadagnare acquistando a basso prezzo e vendendo a prezzo alto. Ma i rischi sono elevati, e il prezzo volatile delle criptovalute è un’incognita costante. Tuttavia, per coloro che osano sfidare il sistema, il trading diventa un atto di resistenza economica.
💸 L’Intelligenza Artificiale: Un’Alleanza Tecnologica
💸 L’utilizzo di algoritmi e intelligenza artificiale per il trading di bitcoin si configura come un’innovazione nel mondo della resistenza. Analizzando dati e previsioni, questi strumenti automatizzano decisioni di trading. Pur offrendo vantaggi come analisi veloci, l’IA non è esente da rischi, e la necessità di monitorare costantemente il suo comportamento è cruciale per evitare sorprese (nella nostra community troverete esperti che vi aiuteranno con le strategie sui bot da loro programmati).
💸 Wallet ed Exchange: Autonomia Finanziaria nell’Underground
💸 La distinzione tra wallet e exchange diventa vitale per chi abbraccia la rivolta finanziaria. Il wallet conserva le chiavi private, garanzia di controllo totale sui propri bitcoin. Gli exchange fungono da ponte tra acquirenti e venditori, ma è essenziale comprendere che il reale possesso delle criptovalute risiede nel wallet. La sicurezza e l’autonomia finanziaria sono armi contro il controllo totale.
💸 Le 5 Regole d’Oro: Guida alla Resistenza Finanziaria
1. Proteggi il tuo Wallet: La sicurezza è prioritaria ed un wallet sicuro è la chiave per mantenere il controllo totale dei tuoi bitcoin.
2. Il Valore (prezzo) di Bitcoin: L’instabilità del valore (prezzo) richiede prudenza. Non investire più di quanto sei disposto a perdere. La resistenza finanziaria è una battaglia, non una guerra.
3. Transazioni Irreversibili: Una volta confermate, le transazioni sono irrevocabili. Verifica l’affidabilità del destinatario e proteggi il tuo indirizzo da malware e frodi.
4. Bitcoin non è Anonimo: La blockchain registra ogni transazione. Mentre l’identità rimane nascosta, l’uso razionale è essenziale per evitare indagini indesiderate.
5. Il Futuro di Bitcoin: Nel mondo in evoluzione delle criptovalute, la resistenza finanziaria è un atto di coraggio. Bitcoin è una promessa, ma nessuno può garantire il domani.
💸 Guadagnare con Bitcoin: La Rivolta Passiva
💸 Diverse strade portano al guadagno con Bitcoin:
Mining: Risolvi enigmi e guadagna bitcoin, sfidando il sistema e investendo in hardware elettronico.
- Trading: Affronta i rischi del mercato, guadagnando dalla fluttuazione dei prezzi, ma preparati a battaglie imprevedibili.
- Lending: Presta i tuoi bitcoin, guadagnando interessi senza perderne il controllo. 
- Ricevere Pagamenti: Accetta bitcoin per il tuo lavoro o i tuoi servizi, trasformando ogni transazione in un atto di sfida al sistema.
- Acquisto: Investi fiat in bitcoin, acquistandoli sulle piattaforme di scambio, costruendo la tua riserva digitale di libertà.
- Regali: Ricevi bitcoin come regalo, simbolo di solidarietà.
💸 Bitcoin non è solo una criptovaluta. È l’arma di chi sfida il totalitarismo, il baluardo della resistenza digitale. In un’era in cui la libertà è una luce fioca, Bitcoin brilla come un faro per coloro che osano resistere.
🔒 Domani alla stessa ora pubblicheremo la settima ed ultima parte di questo articolo.
🚀 Leggi tutti i nostri articoli: https://t.me/BitcoinReportChannel
🚨 Scopri come Bitcoin sta veramente cambiando il mondo! Entra nella nostra community Telegram per approfondire la discussione sulla rivoluzione Bitcoin, strategie di trading e altro ancora! 🚀
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odomnlzbarber · 2 years
Trading Cryptocurrency: Trading, How It Works And Why You Need To Be Doing It
What is moneta digitec ? Is it right for you? The solutions to those questions and more are in this article.
What's Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or digital currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and to regulate the creation of recent items. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning it isn't subject to authorities or financial establishment management. Cryptocurrency transactions are verified by network nodes by means of cryptography and recorded in a public dispersed ledger known as a blockchain. Cryptocurrency is commonly traded on exchanges using digital property reminiscent of bitcoin, ether, and fiat currencies. Why ought to I commerce cryptocurrency? There are various reasons you might wish to trade cryptocurrency. You could possibly attempt trading for fun, to generate profits, or to get exposure to new markets. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, here are five tips for successful trading: 1. Ensure you will have a good understanding of what cryptocurrency is and how it works. 2. Set sensible objectives for your buying and selling portfolio and stick to them. Don’t try to trade every thing directly or you’ll get overwhelmed. 3. Use a trading platform that provides real-time streaming knowledge so you possibly can see what’s happening on the market whereas you’re trading. This may aid you keep calm and rational during volatile moments.
How Trading Works
Trading cryptocurrencies is a giant business. Though the market continues to be comparatively new and there are nonetheless many uncertainties, it’s a lucrative opportunity that you need to consider taking advantage of. In this text, we’re going to show you everything it's essential know about trading cryptocurrencies, from how it really works to why try to be doing it. How Trading Works Before we can educate you the right way to trade cryptocurrencies, we need to first talk about the basics of how trading works. When you purchase or sell a cryptocurrency, you are actually exchanging it for an additional forex or asset. This doesn’t occur immediately – instead, you could watch for an exchange to open after which full the trade. This can take anyplace from a few minutes to several hours, so be prepared for potential delays. Once the commerce has completed, the transaction will seem in your account – typically, this can be either as a achieve or loss. When you make a purchase order and the price goes up after the commerce has completed, your account will present a achieve. If you happen to promote and the worth goes down after the trade has completed, your account will present a loss. Take into account that these positive factors and losses are all the time relative to the value
Is Day Trading Profitable?
There's a number of speculation and rumors around trading cryptocurrencies, however what's the reality? Is day buying and selling worthwhile? The answer is yes, it may be if you do it accurately. This article will define the basics of day trading, how it works, and why it is best to consider doing it.
The professionals and Cons of Trading
There are execs and cons to buying and selling cryptocurrencies. The pros of trading include the flexibility to make quick and worthwhile trades, as properly as the potential for prime returns. The cons of buying and selling embrace the potential for losses, as well as the chance of being complicated and unstable. Before you start trading cryptocurrencies, make sure to do your analysis and perceive the dangers concerned.
Maximizing Your Return on Investment
Cryptocurrency buying and selling generally is a profitable and thrilling method to earn money. If you're new to the world of cryptocurrency trading, or if you're simply looking to improve your returns on investment (ROI), there are a few things you need to keep in thoughts. First, it's important to know what cryptocurrencies are and how they work. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to regulate the creation of latest models. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, that means they are not subject to authorities or monetary institution management. Bitcoin, the primary and most well-identified cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Second, it is very important have a stable understanding of technical analysis. Technical analysis is the usage of charts and indicators to forecast future price movements. It is an analytical software that can provide help to determine patterns in market information and make informed trading choices. However, technical evaluation isn't 100% reliable and shouldn't be used as the one issue when making a choice about whether or to not trade a specific cryptocurrency. Third, it is important to grasp threat administration strategies. Risk administration is the means of figuring out potential dangers associated along with your investments and taking necessary steps to mitigate these risks
Should you Trade Cryptocurrency?
Should you commerce cryptocurrency? There’s no straightforward answer to this query, as it largely depends on your individual circumstances and investment targets. However, trading cryptocurrencies can be a fun and worthwhile method to speculate in the digital forex market. Here’s why it's best to consider buying and selling cryptocurrencies: 1. Trading affords opportunities for diversification: One among the principle advantages of buying and selling cryptocurrencies is that it allows you to realize publicity to a wider range of assets. By buying and selling different cryptocurrencies, you'll be able to improve your probabilities of creating a revenue by capitalizing on price fluctuations. 2. Trading offers you a way of control: Trading cryptocurrencies gives you the opportunity to make selections on the place to buy and promote coins. This sense of management can assist you to become more snug with the unstable nature of the cryptocurrency market. 3. Trading provides an understanding of blockchain expertise: If you want to know how blockchain works, buying and selling is a good way to do so. By buying and selling cryptocurrencies, you possibly can learn about all of the totally different aspects of blockchain expertise – from mining to transactions – and make informed decisions about which coins to invest in.
Trading cryptocurrencies is a very talked-about pastime amongst those who are fascinated with investing. It may be quite daunting, nevertheless, to attempt to perceive all the pieces that goes into buying and selling cryptocurrency. This text will go over the basics of what buying and selling is, how it really works, and why you have to be doing it. If you're ever feeling lost or confused about anything associated to cryptocurrency buying and selling, make sure you read through this article for some clarification.
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mybhagyashree · 3 years
MNTG Token and its listing on LaToken
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LaToken is the modern and rapidly thriving crypto exchange platform, accessing globally by numerous folks. It is widely accessible and has more than 450 crypto pairs available for exchange and trading.
This makes LaToken a one-stop destination for the best crypto investment options and is a primary reason why MNTG currency crypto Token is listed on it.MNTG Token is the next-generation crypto token that is widely accessible by global folks for trading, exchanging, and performing numerous in-app transactions on utility solutions, blockchain, and other gaming solutions, and various other platforms and their applications. To know more about MNTG token and Monetas Global solutions, kindly refer to the available whitepaper.Monetas Global is the prime owner of MNTG crypto token and MNTG wallet, and it aims at providing top-notch blockchain solutions to meet the modern-day demands of the global folks.Benefits of trading MNTG via LaTokenHere are all the benefits associated with choosing LaToken to trade MNTG and other crypto tokens:It has more than 300 million USD of daily turnover from the listed 2490+ digital assets and 450+ crypto pairs for the global folks. It has more than 1,500,000 globally registered users who utilize it daily, thus ensuring an extensive trading opportunity for MNTG tokens. It has a lower trading and withdrawal fee, ensuring that you get to save the maximum amount earned from trading your crypto asset, including the MNTG token. It frequently adds newer trading crypto pairs daily, thus ensuring that you get a good trading competition for MNTG crypto token against the global crypto assets and tokens. It also offers other advanced trading features and an exclusive and highly secure gateway for fiat and crypto tokens and assets. Latest Opportunity for MNTG Users at LaTokenWith the listing of MNTG Token at LaToken, the users can trade the MNTG crypto token there too. Furthermore, LaToken and MNTG tokens also introduced an exclusive trading competition in relation to each other. In this competition, you may get to win around 20,000 MNTG tokens or a significant share of the amount by registering and participating. The competition already began on 29th July 2021 and will last till 19th August 2021.To participate, you must buy 100+ MNTG tokens and start trading them to be eligible to win more MNTG tokens.  The winner will be the participant with the highest trading volume (i.e., total number of MNTG tokens brought and sold).Here is a link to understand briefly how to participate in MNTG token competition using LaToken! You can also understand the detailed process of downloading LaToken app, creating an account on it, and completing the KYC from this link.Accessing Trading Competition for MNTG Token at LaTokenHere is a detailed guide on all the steps to be followed for accessing the MNTG token trading competition on LaToken. Initially to start with it, it is necessary to have an account on LaToken platform and you must have also completed your KYC to move further securely and easily. You may also use the referral link provided by Monetas to login/ register at LaToken and clear all the prerequisites to be eligible for the competition.Visit the trading link of LaToken and click on start to trade button. You can also refer to this webpage for more details about the trading competition, including the competition duration and terms and conditions for the same. The LaToken application will open up. You will see a user interface representing all the details about MNTG token trading competition. Click on Learn more option from there, you will see the list of users eligible for the winning as well as the list of all the other participants of the competition. Click on Trade MNTG option, and on the opened window, enter the amount of fiat for which you wish to buy the MNTG tokens for (to be eligible for winning, the number of tokens brought must be 100+) and confirm the payment to get the tokens reflected on your wallet. Now start trading to get a sufficiently good trading volume and win a significant amount of the winning pool! MNTG Airdrop on Latoken –User can participate in  MNTG Airdrop on LaToken and can earn free MNTG tokens.Users can use  below link to register on LaToken – TG announcement link:
http://latoken.com/airdrops/entrance?airdrop=MNTG&source=telegram Other channels: https://latoken.com/airdrop/airdrop/MNTG Take a part in Airdrop on LaToken today and grab free MNTG crypto tokens!ConclusionMNTG Token associated with LaToken is the best opportunity for you to start trading MNTG in a thriving platform and get to earn astonishing amounts in the global crypto trading market. Get a chance to be a part of a thriving crypto token and blockchain facility by accessing the MNTG token and MNTG Wallet now! Also, access LaToken to get a chance for winning an exclusive amount and get the best MNTG token trading experience.Also read: Products and Services of MonetasFor crypto currency best investment deals visit at- TelegramFor further  information, visit at Facebook  and Instagram
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rudy909 · 4 years
Moneta Fiat currency on blockchain technology
Moneta Fiat currency on blockchain technology
Fiat currency on blockchain technology, Data Vault, Digital Banking SaaS Solutions, KYC/AML Solutions, Online Payment System, Wallets, Cards
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abr · 5 years
Crypto Currency allows the securitization of assets. For example, your house, land, or car would be an obvious asset---but what about the USE of your house, land, or car? You could issue a token and sell it, to represent the rental of your vehicle for a set number of hours or days, ditto with your land or car. (...) the new digital tokens you coin represent a claim on your asset's use in the future.  (...) Anything you can imagine will be sold in advance, to finance its production. You don't have to accept dollars, but you can trade for any other currency or token online. If your country's money is worthless (...) your savings are vanishing (...) as Argentina or Venezuela (...). Those who have access to printed fiat currency first get the benefit of it. The good news is that you don't NEED them anymore! You can market your labor, or possessions, or good ideas and KEEP what they're worth, cutting out the middleman. (...) Very soon, you won't have to buy a house to participate in the rise in real estate prices, you'll just be able to buy tokens that represent partial equities. You'll be able to own pieces of railroads, and space ships, without the current rules that reserve such things for the very rich. The blockchain securitization of assets will represent the free market at its very best. When all the money goes broke, you don't have to.
Qui si arriva al vero senso di cosa sia la moneta e cosa la garantisca, con buona pace di quelli che “le stamperie di stato”. 
Capisci perché euro si euro no è una discussione noiosa? Capisci anche perché socialismo si socialismo no è roba da topi di libreria distaccati dalla realtà vera? Capisci che CAPITALISMO, LIBERO MERCATO è insopprimibile Legge di Natura, o ti adegui o ti rispunta da dove meno te lo aspetti?   
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bitsevenpolski-blog · 5 years
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Bitcoin w Microsoft Excel | Mały krok dla człowieka, ale wielki dla społeczności kryptowalut/ wymiana monet, bitcoin, żeton, moneta, Krypto, wymiana bitcoinów bitfinex, bitmex, bittrex, bithumb, bitonbay
Microsoft włączył nową opcję walutową, symbol Bitcoina wśród innych walut fiducjarnych w programie Microsoft Excel. Jaki poziom adopcji aktualnie obserwujemy? Bitcoin w Microsoft Excel Zaledwie kilka dni temu świat obiegła informacja o dodaniu symbolu Bitcoina, opcji walutowej do jednego z najpopularniejszych programów komputerowych. Program operujący na arkuszach kalkulacyjnych Microsoft Excel został wreszcie wyposażony w opcję walutową Bitcoin. Wiadomość rozeszła się błyskawicznie. Wydawałoby się, że dodanie nowej funkcji do Excela nie wiele wnosi, czy aby na pewno? Świadomość istnienia kryptowalut, blockchain, technologii za nimi stojących i rozwiązań, jakie one oferują, rośnie z każdym dniem. Dzięki takim inicjatywom wiemy, że Bitcoin wszedł już na poziom powszechnej rozpoznawalności i określonej użyteczności. Adopcja kryptowalut przybiera na sile, a społeczność domaga się ich, chociażby zaakcentowania. Bitcoin Mainstream Innym systemem, aplikacją, która wdrożyła symbol Bitcoina w celu łatwiejszej komunikacji jest klawiatura Google Board na iOS. Wydarzyło się to zaledwie 3 miesiące temu. Symbol “₿” można odczytać i użyć w drugiej warstwie klawiatury GBoard na iOS, po przytrzymaniu symbolu dolara “$”. Wówczas ujrzymy symbol Bitcoina wśród innych tradycyjnych walut fiat, takich jak funt, euro czy yen. Kryptowaluty i Bitcoin są także na tapecie motywów scenariuszowych filmów z szeroko rozpoznawalnymi aktorami. 12 kwietnia odbyła się premiera filmu CRYPTO, kryminału i cyber-thrillera, gdzie główną rolę zagrał Kurt Russell i Luke Hemsworth. Wracając jednak do Microsoftu i jego poczynań w świecie kryptowalutowych technologii, koniecznie zajrzyjcie na jeden z naszych ostatnich majowych wpisów. Microsoft tworzy nowy system identyfikacji tożsamości (ID) na blockchainie Bitcoina. Napiszcie w komentarzach poniżej, co sądzicie o tego typu metodach szerzenia adopcji cyfrowych walut? Czego oznaką może być Bitcoin w Microsoft Excel?
BitSEVEN I : Giełda Handlowa, maksymalna dźwignia do 100x
Handluj bitcoinami i innymi kryptowalutami z maksymalną dźwignią do 100x. Szybka realizacja, niskie opłaty dostępne tylko na BitSEVEN.
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