#momento doodles 'n sketches
momentomori24 · 11 days
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Fubuki dress up time! I feel like Fubuki never got to choose her own clothing or hairstyle growing up (relatable XD), so I liked drawing her trying out new things. She deserves all the nicest things in the world, I think.
These outfits aren't mine, they were all designed by NYAHALLO on twitter (https://twitter.com/NyahalloShop). I added a few small things, but it's mostly all theirs. Go check them out for more!
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gg-inspo · 5 years
𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓈 𝒹𝑜 𝒶𝓈𝓀 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝑒
𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓪 o post para receber asks, ou 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮 a url dos seus personagens!! ATENÇÃO: pedimos para vocês não reblogarem outros memes, usem os desse post <3 peçam para nós adicionarmos mais memes a esse, se vocês quiserem.
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
créditos | mande uma música na minha ask para...
do me a favor: meu muse dar um soco no seu, ou vice versa our perfect disease: meu muse dizer coisas ruins para seu muse em um momento de raiva, ou vice versa bedroom hymns: meu muse dar um beijo agressivo no seu muse, ou vice versa higher: meu muse abandonar o seu muse, ou vice versa bad habit: nossos muses quebram regras juntos idfc: meu muse dizer que não se importa/ama o seu enquanto ele ama, ou vice versa i'm a ruin: meu muse ter um colapso nervoso na frente do seu, ou vice versa wicked games: nossos muses terminam o relacionamento de forma dolorosa terrible things: meu muse dizer uma verdade muito dolorosa (ou cruel) para seu muse, ou vice versa the cops: meu muse ficar com o seu enquanto pensa em outra pessoa, ou vice versa giver: meu muse ficar com outra pessoa e o seu muse descobre, ou vice versa high enough: nossos muses beberem/fumarem juntos e acabam fazendo errado false alarm: meu muse dar coisas para o seu (estilo sugar daddy/sugar mommy), ou vice versa heartbreak summer: meu muse largar o seu chorando sozinho na praia, ou vice versa angels: meu muse perceber que ama o seu quando não deveria, ou vice versa i wanna be yours: meu muse dizer que quer um relacionamento, mas o seu não quer, ou vice versa 505: nossos muses se pegarem depois de terminarem a relação/ter um flashback juntos strange love: meu muse ouvir fofocas sobre nossos muses e fica furioso, ou vice versa daddy issues: meu muse dar um soco no pai do seu muse em um momento de raiva, ou vice versa take me to church: nossos muses serem flagrados tendo atos sexuais íntimos em uma igreja ou lugar sagrado video games: nossos muses entrarem em joguinhos psicológicos onde só eles entendem honest: meu muse mentir para os outros sobre a relação deles, ou vice versa sinister kid: meu muse ouvir de alguém para não se envolver com o seu muse pois vai se machucar, ou vice versa
Send a symbol to see my muse in the future…
📸- Older Teenager (17-19)
🍻- Young Adult (20-29)
💐- Middle-Aged (30-49)
🏵- Older Adults (50-64)
🐋- Elderly (65+)
🕯- Too see the impact they would have on the world after their death
Send “Ability+A muse” and I’ll apply both their normal AND hidden abilities! List of Pokemon abilities
créditos | Send < + a word and my muse will tell you a memory related to it.
créditos | mensagens no celular
Mande “✆” para uma mensagem DE MANHÃ. Mande “✉” para uma mensagem que NÃO FOI ENVIADA. Mande “☎” para uma mensagem APRESSADA. Mande “⁇” para uma mensagem BÊBADA. Mande “✿” para uma mensagem SUGESTIVA. Mande “ø” para uma mensagem DE MADRUGADA. Mande “✘” para uma mensagem ODIOSA. Mande “#” para uma mensagem ALEATÓRIA. Mande “@” para uma mensagem ASSUSTADA. Mande “&” para uma mensagem AMOROSA. Mande “%” para uma mensagem CURIOSA. Mande “ツ” para uma mensagem ANIMADA. Mande “$” para uma mensagem ACIDENTAL. Mande “♀” para uma mensagem DE PARTIR O CORAÇÃO.  
créditos | mande 📝 e minha muse revelará sobre sua muse:
Sua primeira impressão: Sua impressão atual: O que eles mais gostam da sua muse: O que eles odeiam da sua muse: O que sua muse é para ele (amigx, rival, crush, etc): Uma opinião geral sobre sua muse: (se plausível) Algo que eles gostariam de revelar a sua muse:
créditos | envie um símbolo para que seu muse receba uma sms logo após meu muse…
😔 … receber alguma notícia ruim 😃 … receber alguma notícia boa ✴️ … sofrer algum acidente grave ou não 🚼 … fazer um teste de gravidez 💓 … descobrir que tem pouco tempo de vida 👊 … ser atacado ❌ … receber uma ameaça ❗️ … ouvir alguma notícia/fofoca sobre seu muse 🍁 … pensar em seu muse ⬆️ … acordar ❤️ … sair de um encontro ♈ … ser preso ☄ … descobrir que seu muse esta desaparecido ℹ️ … perder alguma coisa importante ⚰ … perder um ente querido 💍 … ficar noivo 🙍 … ser traído ⚙ … perceber como se sente em relação ao seu muse ❓ … lembrar que tem algo para perguntar ao seu muse
créditos | fill my inbox ❣️
- fuck, marry, kill - would you rather - make me choose between two things - send me song & movie recs - ask me for advice - tell me about your day - talk to me about makeup - confess something to me on anon - ask me questions to get to know me - ask me about my fave things
créditos | send a symbol.
LEARN SOMETHING ⛈ - what is the muse like at their worst? 📖 - deadly sin that applies to them the most? 🍁 - favorite season? 🏹 - have they ever committed a murder? 💝 - have they ever been in love, and with who? ⚠️ - the worst deed they’ve done/crime they’ve committed? ⛔ - do they believe in revenge? 💫 - do they believe in fate/propecy/destiny? 🥀 - have they ever felt heartbreak? 🌵 - do they consider themselves dangerous? 🍀 - do they believe in luck? 🌙 - do they believe in magic? ☄️ - what is their biggest regret? 🍷  - do they drink? 🍹 - alcohol tolerance? 🍳  - do they know how to cook? ☀  - night or day?
DO SOMETHING 🙈 - muse is blind for [#] asks. 🙉 - muse can’t hear for [#] asks. 🙊 - muse can’t speak for [#] asks. 💥 - muse feels agonizing pain when they raise their voice for [#] asks. 🐔 - muse is uncontrollably afraid/paranoid for [#] asks. ⚡ - muse has unstable emotions for [#] asks. 🍺 - muse acts like they are when they’re drunk for [#] asks. 🍬 - muse is hyper as fuck for [#] asks. 🎭 - muse can only speak in cryptic phrases for [#] asks. 🎬 - any noise becomes deafening to the muse for [#] asks. 🌋 - the muse is unable to control their anger for [#] asks. 🔦  - muse becomes light-sensitive for [#] asks. 👁‍🗨 - muse feels like they’re being watched for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. 🚫 - the muse hallucinates their worst fear for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. ♾️ - the muse is in constant pain for [#] asks. gets worse at it goes along. (bonus if the pain is an old wound/scar.) ⛅ - the muse hides their emotions for [#] asks. emotions come spilling through when m!a ends. ✨ - muse is in a state of hypnosis for [#] asks. go wild.
OTHER ♠️ - the muse’s ‘worse side’ shows for [#] asks. ♥️ - the muse’s ‘better side’ shows for [#] asks. ♦️ - the muse becomes emotionless for [#] asks. ♣️ - the muse feels temporarily free from doubt for [#] asks. ♈ - the muse has an ego boost for [#] asks. ♉ - the muse is unreasonably stubborn/bitter/petty for [#] asks. ♊ - the muse is split into two versions of themself for [#] asks. (emotion/logic, happy/sad, etc.) ♋ - muse becomes overwhelmingly pessimistic for [#] asks. ♌  - muse becomes incredibly fucking arrogant for [#] asks. ♍ - muse is shy as hell for [#] asks. ♎ - muse is obsessed with keeping things ‘stable’ or ‘balanced’ for [#] asks. ♏ - muse is unbearably rude/cruel/violent for [#] asks. ♐ - muse is more ‘pleasant’ than usual for [#] asks. ♑ - muse loses all self-control for [#] asks. ♒ - muse acts incredibly aloof for [#] asks. ♓ - muse is overwhelmed by sadness for [#] asks. ⛎ - wildcard. mun’s zodiac applies to the muse. (ex: i’m a cancer, so if i was sent ophiuchus, muse would get the effects of cancer.)
créditos | mande um elemento do espaço para perguntas
Mercúrio: Qual é seu nome completo? Vênus: Qual é sua língua materna? Terra: Onde está sua casa? Marte: Qual é sua opção sexual? Júpiter: Você tem irmãos? Saturno: Você tem animais de estimação? Urano: Qual é seu hobby? Netuno: Quando é seu aniversário? Plutão: Que horas são agora onde você está? Lua: O que você está estudando atualmente/quer estudar? Sol: Você já provou álcool?  Sirius: Você já perdeu em alguma matéria? Rigel: Você já foi em uma montanha russa? Deneb: Você já saiu do seu país de origem? Arcturus: Você já chorou por algo que não seja tristeza? Betelgeuse: Algo que você nunca vai conseguir esquecer? Aldebaran: Algo que você se importa ou se preocupa desesperadamente? Canopus: Você já quebrou algum osso? Bellatrix: Você já foi forçadx a mentir ou manter um segredo? Alphard: Você já perdeu um amigo? Vega: Algo que você fez e deseja que nunca tivesse feito? Centaurus: Feriado favorito? Orion: Mês favorito? Cassiopeia: Livro favorito? Delphinus: Matéria/assunto favorito? Hercules: Instrumento favorito? Gemini: Música favorita? Pegasus: Lugar favorito para se estar? Libra: Cor favorita? Phoenix: Coisa favorita para vestir? Aries: Filme favorito? Cygnus: Clima favorito? Hydra: Som favorito? Milky Way: Quem é seu amigo mais antigo?   Andromeda: Você se considera uma pessoa social? Black Eye Galaxy: Você acredita em amor à primeira vista? Cartwheel Galaxy: Quando foi seu primeiro beijo? Cigar Galaxy: Quão bem você flerta? Comet Galaxy: Você já precisou terminar um relacionamento porque um dos dois mudou demais? Pinwheel Galaxy: Você namoraria a última pessoa com quem falou? Sombrero Galaxy: Você tem crush em alguém agora? Bode’s Galaxy: Você já teve um admirador secreto? Sunflower Galaxy: Você namoraria/seria amigo de alguém por pena? Tadpole Galaxy: Você negaria uma amizade ou relacionamento? Whirlpool Galaxy: Você choraria por um término? Comet: Qual é seu maior sonho?  Asteroid: Como é a vida dos seus sonhos?  Meteor: Algo que você gostaria de dizer, mas não pode? Nebula: Se você pudesse desfazer algo na sua vida, o que seria isso? Shooting Star: Se você pudesse trazer de volta alguma coisa, o que seria? Pulsar: O que você espera fazer nos próximos 10 anos? Supernova: Algo que você quer fazer antes de morrer? Quasar: Se você pudesse passar o resto da sua vida com alguém, com quem seria? Wormhole: Algo que você gostaria que acontecesse, mas não vai? Black Hole: O que é a última coisa que você quer ver?
créditos | gossip girl edition
“Three words. Eight letter. Say it and I’m yours.” “Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist.” “Ooh, I love it when you talk dirty.” “ You are disgusting and I hate you.” “Do I smell pork… and cheese?” “Is that a bong? I didn’t take you for a stoner…” “Friends don’t steal other friends’ boyfriends” “Did you sleep with her huh? You son of a bitch, I ought to kill you!” “Where do you think you’re going?” “What happened? What’s wrong? Talk to me.” “I’m not anyone. I’m me, you can tell me anything.” “This is not a game!” “Did you sleep with someone else?” “You’re starting to scare even me. What did you do?” “I wasn’t aware that robots got jealous. Did they update your software while I was away?” “Good luck on your suicide mission!” “You really know how to hurt people. I admire you for it” “OH MY EFFING GOD!” “Watching you fail spectacularly gives me so much joy.” “This isn’t you!” “You don’t sound like yourself!” “Did he dump you because he found out you were satan?” “I’m surprised you didn’t shoot me yourself.” “Your world would be easier if i didn’t come back.” “You were the lightest thing that ever came into my life.” “Just because we can’t be together, doesn’t mean I won’t love you.” “Don’t marry him.” “I love you. I’m in love with you. I’ve tried to kill it, to run away from it, but I can’t… I don’t want to anymore.” “Stop whatever you’re doing. We need to shop.” “Once again the world has proven anything you can do, I can do better.” “I’ll never forgive you for what you’ve done.” “We’ll get through this together.” “I want to see all the parts of you, even the ones you are ashamed of.” “Well, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a tart in my room that I’d rather attend to.” “I kissed someone and it was a life-changing experience.” “Be careful walking down the primrose path. You may find hell instead of happily ever after.” “You’re smarter than you look.” “I have no time to care.” “We’re stuck in this meaningless, mind-blowing sex loop.” “You’d better not be selfish. A woman remembers.” “Well, you want to go somewhere and talk? Or not talk?” “Just because we can’t be friends doesn’t mean we aren’t.” “You’re worth more than a guest lecture fee, everyone knows that.” “This isn’t Congress. Accomplish something!” “So dramatic, you should be a writer.” “Champagne okay?” “By the way, sandals are not shoes.”
créditos | gossip girl edition
"You had someone who loved you unconditionally." "I'm sorry I gave up on us when you never did." "Can I kiss you before I kill you?" "Every time I try to move on, you're right there." "I'm not a stop along the way, I'm a destination." "Happiness does not seem to be on the menu." "You're not hot enough to be a high school cheerleader." "Excuse me if I don't fall for that, or you, ever again." "I'd ask how you are, but I really don't care." "You're completely unaware of your affect on me." "Who the hell is he not to want you?" "When are you gonna ask me on a real date?" "I'm gonna need another drink to forget I just heard that." "You'd really go out with some guy you don't know?" "I look forward to never seeing you again." "You have no idea who you're dealing with." "I'm glad that she's so fun and I'm sorry that I'm not." "A little bit of danger is what makes life worth living." "How would I ever believe anything you say again?" "Isn't there someone else you can torture?" "Do yourself a favor and stop talking right now." "Take a Xanax or a tequila shot or something." "Maybe I am a total bitch, did you ever think about that?" "Let me say, for the record, I like you. You and only you." "There's a reason I always come back to you." "I'm happy for you. I'm gonna go vomit now."
créditos | iconic vines sentence meme
​❛ suck a motherfucking dick . ❜ ​❛ i thought you were bae , turns out you were just fam . ❜
​❛ i thought you were american . ❜
​❛ is that a weed !? ❜
​❛ i won’t hesitate bitch ! ❜
​❛ chipotle is my life . ❜
​❛ turn off the flash you fucking moron ! ❜
​❛ kiss my ass bitch motherfucker ! ❜
​❛ is that a police !? ❜
​❛ i’m calling the weed ! ❜
​❛ done & done , let me pull the table out of my ass . ❜
​❛ merry crisis ! ❜
​❛ i don’t have enough money for chicken nugget . ❜
​❛ i’m ready to die anytime , any place , for any reason . ��
​❛ hey guys , we’re unboxing this cheese stick today . ❜
​❛ i aint never gonna stop loving you , bitch .  ❜
​❛ this is the comedy police ! that joke’s too funny ! ❜
​❛ i’m not going back to jail ! ❜
​❛ what the fuck ? $599 for a fucking playground ? that looks like a piece of shit . ❜
​❛ the feminists are taking over ! ❜
​❛ and they were roommates ! ❜
​❛ i’m not your friend ! ❜
​❛ there’s no saving this sweet piece of ass . ❜
​❛ hi welcome to chili’s ! ❜
​❛ yeah tip of the penis to you too . ❜
​❛ this is why mom doesn’t FUCKING love you ! ❜
​❛ welcome to bible study , we’re all children of jesus . ❜
​❛ aw fuck , i can’t believe you’ve done this . ❜
​❛ this is the dollar store , how good can it be ? ❜
​❛ step back , i think i’m gonna vomit ! ❜
​❛ oh sorry , i didn’t see ya there , i was too busy blocking out the haters . ❜
​❛ shut up ! your mother buys you mega blocks instead of legos ! ❜
​❛ i hate to do this but i specifically asked for no mustard and you just brought me a bottle of mustard on a plate . ❜
​❛ how are we gonna win if we fucking die ? ❜
​❛ why the fuck would i say printer ? ❜
​❛ the benefits of killing him would be that i’d be pushed way less . ❜
​❛ but it pays off, because i dont even have time to think about dying . ❜
‘  when will you learn? when will you learn that your actionS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!  ’ ‘  can i get a waffle??? can i PLEASE get a waffle!!!  ’ ‘  go suck a dick, suck a dick suck a motherfucking dick  ’ ‘  you better stop! biTCH STOP  ’ ‘  do you ever like wake up and do something and you’re just like what the hec– fuck is goin on  ’ ‘  what’s good, brah you don’t know me! you don’t– WHAT IS GOOD! YOU DON’T KNOW! YOU DON’T KNOW ME! ’ ‘  it’s summer i got my hat on backwards and it’s time to fucking party  ’ ‘  anyone ever tell you you look like beyonce?  ’ ‘  I LOVE YOU, BITCH. I AIN’T EVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BITCH  ’ ‘  BITCH I HOPE THE FUCK YOU DO YOU’LL BE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH, I TELL YOU THAT  ’ ‘  and they were roommates!  ’ ‘  oh my god, they were roommates  ’ ‘  oh my god, i love chipotle chipotle is my liiiiife   ’ ‘  this bitch empty YEET!!!!  ’ ‘  WHERE ARE THOOOOOSE  ’ ‘  THEY ARE MY CROCS  ’ ‘  bitch disgusting  ’ ‘  yeaaah. yeAAAAAH.  ’ ‘  so no head?  ’ ‘  THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN’T FUCKING LOVE YOU!  ’ ‘  i’ll kill you. i’ll kill you. i’m not even worried about it.  ’ ‘  ahh, fuck. i can’t believe you’ve done this  ’ ‘  aHH STOP! i could’ve dropped my croissant!  ’ ‘  what’s up me and my boys are going to see uncle kracker  ’ ‘  give me my hat back, jordan!  ’ ‘  do you wanna go see uncle kracker or no!?  ’ ‘  i sneezed! oh, i’m not allowed to sneeze?!  ’ ‘  look at all those chickens  ’ ‘  i smell like beef  ’ ‘  i gotta go home cause i forgot to… vacuum my room  ’ ‘  actually, megan, i can’t sit anywhere. i have hemorrhoids.  ’ ‘  is there anything better than pussy? yes! a really good book  ’ ‘  mom, i’m peein on myself  ’ ‘  sorry, i’m on the toilet. i hope the ice cream don’t melt, bitch  ’ ‘  honestly i don’t remember, i was probably fucked up. yeah, i was crazy back then  ’ ‘  I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH!  ’ ‘  just shut up and die slowly, okay?  ’ ‘  two bros chillin in a hot tub five feet apart cause they’re not gay!  ’ ‘  mother trucker, dude! that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!  ’ ‘  i said WHOEVER THREW THAT PAPER, YOUR MOMS A HO  ’ ‘  you remember one time i liked you? GOOD! cause it never happened  ’ ‘  if your name is junior and you’re really handsome, come on raise your hand  ’ ‘  i’M WASHIN ME AND MY CLOTHES, BITCH! I’M WASHING ME AND MY CLOTHES  ’ ‘  waddup i’m jared, i’m nineteen, and i never fucking learned how to read  ’ ‘  whAT THE FUCK IS UP, KYLE? NO WHAT’D YOU SAY? WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE! STEP THE FUCK UP KYLE  ’ ‘  oh my god why can’t you just take the fricken compliMENT  ’ ‘  is that a wEED? i’m callin the police!!!  ’ ‘  yo, drink this vodka down the hatch c’mon  ’ ‘  it is wednesday, my dudes. aaaaAAAAAAH  ’ ‘  there is only one thing worst than a rapist… a child!  ’ ‘  get to del taco, they got a new thing called fre shavocado  ’ ‘  *to the tune of ghostbusters* i’m an adult virgin  ’ ‘  hi my name is tre, i have a basketball game tomorrooooow  ’ ‘  babeyou’reafuckingbitchiwantyoutogetthefuckoutofmycarcauseiwannabreakupwithyou i fucking hate you   ’ ‘  todays forecast we can clearly see that somebody got me fucked up. FUCKED. UP.  ’ ‘  whAT’S UP FUCKERS  ’ ‘  FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY  ’ ‘  he needs some milk!  ’ ‘  you are my dad. YOU’RE MY DAD! boogie woogie woogie  ’ ‘  yEAH NO SHIT, HONEY  ’ ‘  oooooh my boy going to prom. fuck it up! fuck it up! fuck it up!  ’ ‘  hey, how you doin? i’m doing just fine. i lied. i’m dying inside  ’ ‘  honey, you got a big storm comin  ’ ‘  i wanna fucking DIE  ’ ‘  road work ahead? uh yeah i sure hope it does  ’ ‘  the yo-yo master did not answer, he just kept on yo-ing  ’ ‘  welcome back to me screaming  ’ ‘  you know sometimes i think to myself what are you waiting for you dumb stupid fuuuuuuck!  ’ ‘  do you ever shut the fuck up?  ’
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vidaderabiscos · 3 years
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Resumindo num desenho o que foi a celebração dos meus 29 anos teria de ser algo semelhante a isto... 🥳🥳🥳😅😅😅 Apenas quem lá esteve vai compreender a animação, diversão e amizade que se vive n'@o_fontainhas e deixo aqui o meu grande agradecimento pela excelente noite de festa que aconteceu. 🥰🥰🥰 Foi sem dúvida memorável. Não estiveram lá todas as pessoas que eu queria, mas sei que essas pessoas tinham imensa vontade de ter lá estado. Hão-de haver mais festas e motivos para celebrar a vida e os bons momentos. 😉😉😉 Aproveito esta publicação para agradecer às imensas pessoas que me desejaram um feliz aniversário quer tenha sido presencialmente ou não... E também agradecer a uma pessoa que mesmo tendo um dia muito agitado e ocupado no dia do meu aniversário conseguiu arranjar um tempinho para estar comigo... Obrigado mãe. 🙂🙂🙂 Obrigado a todos que me proporcionaram este excelente aniversário... Para o ano há mais e com grande festa garantida pois vão ser os 30!!! 😂😂😂 #rabiscos #vidaderabiscos #fimdesemana #haveaniceweekend #birthdayparty #happybirthdays #aniversario #birthdayparty #happybirthday #birthday #party #celebrate #liveyourlife #cakeintheface #sketchbook #sketch #doodlesofinstagram #instadoodles #doodles #cartoon #instagramdailypost #instadaily #like4like #like4likes https://www.instagram.com/p/CRLVEpQMon-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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momentomori24 · 8 months
For @moonviewingtruth Throwing this out here to even further expand the Shin Polycule-- this time featuring Pre-game Shin and Shin AI as well! Love wins.
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momentomori24 · 8 months
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Some old art of the Kai minisode I never got the chance to post. Might as well do it now.
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momentomori24 · 8 months
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Sonobeno Studious for the win!
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momentomori24 · 7 months
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Also finally finished this! Have four of my favourite red/pink haired crazies with their weapons for choice that I love very much. Except for you Yomi. Into the trash with that man. And Karin.
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momentomori24 · 6 months
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Happy (late) Halloween, everyone 👻🕸🎃!!
Haven't been able to draw for a while so here's a Halloween drawing from last year. Looking back, for my first attempt at drawing at drawing these two guys I'd say I like it a lot ^-^
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momentomori24 · 2 months
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A little Val, as a treat
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momentomori24 · 3 months
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Some more whiteboard doodles of Potato, Shinigami, Kirby and a Chao.
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momentomori24 · 7 months
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Drew this during break time! Finished the game and you will not be able to able to rip these two from my cold dead hands. New ship-- Unlocked.
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momentomori24 · 4 months
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Some messy doodles of my favourite S2 touchy Sonic moments I made months ago that I never posted (for some reason). 6 days before Season 3 takes off-- how're we feeling, guys?
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momentomori24 · 4 months
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First drawing of the year! Hoozah! Anyway, in celebration of the yttd fangame It Was A Sunny Day Outside here's Shin and Maple, happy and with no Midori in sight. After that ending, I just want them to be happy honestly...
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momentomori24 · 4 months
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Merry Christmas, you filthy animals (Keisou)
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momentomori24 · 7 months
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Ok, so apperantly I never posted this and I don't know why so I'm doing it now! I need to do more MDARC again, I miss these dinguses...
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momentomori24 · 3 months
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Mashita, the only character in the game that matters.
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