#moka youre always doing the lord's work
caspian-skye · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped: The Apoptosis Project Edition
What's that? You don't care about Spotify wrapped of real people you know? Well, then of course you would care about the Spotify Wrapped top 5 of fictional characters created by someone you don't know, right?
Caspian likes songs that put you in the shoes of the one singing. He'll listen to music as a means of escape, so a lot of these aren't songs befitting of a good mood.
New Slang - The Shins
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
When You Die - MGMT
The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala
Run - Joji
The "Indomitable Girl" tends mostly to listen to music as she works out-- which is hours a day, every day. She does like some slower, toned-down songs, but hype songs dominate her top 5.
WHAT’S GOOD - Tyler The Creator
Power - Kanye West
Industry Baby - Lil Nas X
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish 
Nights - Frank Ocean 
Snow tends to like simple songs, with simple expression of a simple emotion. Whether it be happiness, love, melancholy, or a little of all three.
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Tom’s Diner - DNA, Suzanne Vega
Tennis Court - Lorde
El Manana - Gorillaz
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
Rowan's tastes are pretty typical of a teenage boy, but he does have a soft spot for songs that take him back to "the good old days."
I'm The One - DJ Khaled ft.. Justin Bieber, Lil'Wayne, Quavo, Chance the Rapper
Buy u a Drank - T-Pain
Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jett
The Hills Have Eyes - The Weeknd
Gold Digger - Kanye West
Lilly’s tastes are decidedly indie. She has a preference for female artists and songs that capture her feelings and emotions well.
An Illustration of Loneliness- Courtney Barnett
If I Don't Hear From You Tonight - Courtney Barnett (I didn't want to repeat artists if possible, but come on. This song is perfect for her)
Lazuli - Beach House
What's Up? - 4 Non Blondes
Hymn - Diane Coffee
Laurel listens to music for inspiration, as she's always looking for new things to try, new ideas to incorporate into her own work. She'll listen to a lot of these songs with Snake Eyes in her lap, strumming along to their riffs.
Debaser - The Pixies
Disorder - Joy Division
Duck Eat Duck World (Make Room) - Destroy Boys (Note: this is almost exactly what Pit Viper sounds like, if you were wondering)
Suburban Home - Descendants
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
When Ichigo isn't listening to the soundtrack of a game, anime, or movie, he's listening to something quiet and chill that can fade into the background of his coding work.
Sunflower - Swae Lee, Post Malone
Outer Science - Jin
Beneath the Mask - Lyn 
white dragon - Kanisan, Wishes and Dreams
Washed Out - Feel it All Around
Noxis’s playlist is pretty hardcore, like the guy himself. He likes guitar, drums, and a LOT of noise.
Down Rodeo - Rage Against the Machine
Bullet With Butterfly Wings - The Smashing Pumpkins (this song is incredibly fitting, considering his character. Despite all his rage, he is indeed still just a rat in a cage.)
Lithium - Nirvana
Come Out and Play - The Offspring 
HEAT - Brockhampton
Moka just tends to listen to whatever sounds good to her. Whether it's chill old-school hip hop, a fun radio hit, or a song that reminds her of her outdoor adventures, she’s flexible.
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Say So - Doja Cat
Dissolve - Absofacto
Can I Kick It? - A Tribe Called Quest
Way it Goes - Hippo Campus 
Feel free to do the same for your characters! I encourage it, even!
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wellntruly · 5 years
Babylon Berlin, Second Pass: Episode 5
I would move “keep Babylon Berlining” to the next day on my to-do list, every day when I had not kept Babylon Berlining. Until eventually it got to the point that when I went to sadly move it once again I uttered a small cry! And then I just threw reasonableness to the winds, stayed up with my Be-babies past 1am, stole about four hours of sleep, and then swung back up a little after 5 to go into work and conduct an interview. So really livin’ that method-watching, actually. After work I got my hair cut into a bob to curl around my shadowed eyes; it’s probably fine.
Anyway this episode is: The Best. My favorite?
In this installment:
- Kardakov’s injuries reach operatically comical extents! - Tinker Tailor Weimar Spy, Boy I Die! - I learn the word ‘schön’! - They! Go! Out!
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There are so, so many screencaps below, some of which I may end up draping on their own posts too just to admire them again, but that one gets a special pre-cut commendation because that shot is a thesis. That is image as essay. And I’m just like
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at the Cinematography abt it.
**big spoilers ahead, rewatch posts y’know how they are, go here to find first-watch notes instead**
god this time I’m really gonna need the “Bisher bei”! thanks, bro
wait I’m now remembering the child Moritz was not our first terrible gun child? wow Germany, your generation of young boys growing up after the war…..that’s some fuckery
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trust Sveta’s bed linens to be SUMPTUOUS
Svetlana! I’m never over how she just tells her boys she’s betraying them and they’re like “???!!! ?? FORSOOTH” and then a mere 50 minutes later you could ask them and they’d be like
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the human brain is a miraculous language learning machine. all I’ve done is watch 15 hours of a TV show in which maybe 8% is Russian? compared to the German? and now I would absolutely never mistake the two for each other! I could not remotely say this at the beginning!
oh shoot we haven’t been keeping a hilarious tally of Shit Which Has Befallen Kardakov:
- hid *in* an outhouse - leapt from a bridge onto a pile of tire scraps or somewhat - twisted an ankle bad - got knifed - twisted his other knee? - shot in the chest, bullet blocked by book but had enough force to cause him to - fall out of a four (?) story window into standing water
I fucking love outlandishly set upon characters, join the hallowed ranks of Chief O’Brien and Frederick Chilton already. lord love ya you punching bags.
anyway the true takeaway of Scene Russians is that you should now turn your attention to Ari’s own Notizen for some Russe Lang Deets about which I am still HOPPIN’. sidebar—why the suffering fuck do I always feel the instinct to refer to Russia, in the context of a German TV show, with the French spelling.
omg in Morning Moka Efti there’s a dude still just passed out on a settee while the cleaning staff sweeps up confetti
the Widow is wearing dangling spider earrings. icon.
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when I first watched this I was a little startled that Lotte would so blithely try to bring her friend into prostitution, but now knowing her world better, this was the best thing she could do for her, this was huge. all she wanted to do was dispense wealth, cause Lotte is the kind of person who as soon as she gets any sort of privilege really enjoys getting to hand it out to others. like we already saw: when she has a little more money than usual she gives money, if she has access to clothes she brings you to the clothes, if she can steal sugar cubes she steals sugar cubes and hands them out like her own tokens. and when this escort biz isn’t going to be an option for Greta, Lotte’s just gonna see what other strings she can pull. hey she STILL gets Greta a job, just has to nose down a different avenue for boons not nailed down. my spirited sweet rootling generous Weimar girl.
Charlotte’s mouth twists a little as she slips Gereon’s vial into a bag to deliver up to Bruno. ~complexity~
wait now I know why Stefan is sneaking around!!!!!!! MY FUCKING HEART OH NOE, MY LIL SPY MY SOFT SHADOW
as I watch Stefan continuing to try & fail to close a desk drawer, I am considering that what I love about Benda’s Boys is that he picks them based really not on proven aptitude or any subsequent record of success, just on their proven earnestness. they’re ever-scrambling, outsider, goal-driven forsworn truehearts in a rotten world. it’s so resolutely hopeful to believe this will be enough, and he and one of them will both wind up dead in the end. the Weimar Republic! [sob]
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the Lignose! what the fuck this show is so good!
(Former TV Producer Note: that “Lignose”you hear from Stefan was 100% ADR added in post. their sound mixer is good but there are limits, and one of them is that you’ll never be able to miss a fellow industry professional with a cover cut like that (he “says” it over a beauty of the gun, so we can’t see that his mouth never moved, because this wasn’t a line in the script it was something a post producer thought should be added so that our audience might better remember the name ‘Lignose’ a season from now. I’m not scorning this move at all---far from dumbing down they’re still holding their audience in preposterously high regard in re: how much they presume we’ll file away. thanks, my edit bay brothers!))
Charlotte: “What are you doing here?” Stefan: “I work here. [casually moving folders around without looking at them] I’m looking for a file right now.” YKNOW, WHAT WORKING IS. #business #enterprise
Stefan: “What are you doing here?” Charlotte: “also working: delivering kompromat. we’re coworkers!”
“schön” was the same word Lotte used to tell Greta she was “beautiful”, as they translated it, and here it’s “nice” in response to setting a swimming date with Stefan. to be fair I will use beautiful as an affirmative sometimes, this feels pretty natural to me.
in retrospect….good lord Gräf is the gayest person on this show. the attitude ALONE in how he schloonks down this projector arm then eyebrows Gereon through the moody shadows as he just stares rigidly straight ahead at the screen like “o shit my trauma.” Gräf: “y’know what a lot of the boys are doing with their trauma these days….”
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hello yes. shoot him under lots of shattery gobos next season for the love of christ, on that bone structure? ja darling
Gräf sorta asked-permission-to-speak-sir, which is hella interesting. Gereon was just infantry, but he’s Kommissar here. Gräf: unknown, but a little E-class title at best due to some technical skill maybe. anyway I just dearly want to know if it’s standard in the Polizei to do a para-military form of address/chain-of-command manners charade, or if they’ve just fallen into this, and then I REALLY want to know how it feels for both of them.
bad news @standuptragicomedy: there’s only two (2) little boys in this family photo on the wall of House Rath
okay so Yucatan was Anno’s horse, but the horse in this painting is just a rando horse of the same breed right? OR NO, could Anno have conceivably commissioned a painting of his horse, then hung it up at Edgar’s place?? in the porn room??? Anno if so: why
Gereon is so cute on the phone, all eager arched hopeful eyebrows, “Come to Berlin?:)”, little smiley laughs at the prospect of he and Helga in a biergarten or dancing as if they are normals. I think he’s so giggly about it because it feels so fundamentally absurd to him. like “and then we’ll live on the Moon! we’ll eat ice cream for every meal and never remember all the staggeringly fucked up dynamics of our relationship.”
anyway remember when I thought the Secret was that he was in an interracial couple and perhaps only in Berlin (and only then maybe) could they be openly together
“schön” again, again as ‘nice’
Benda is so level headed. proposing that the police be more gentle, not exact more force, calmly explaining that despite your metaphor, “We are not the Bastille.”
but wow the fake injured policeman to justify the violence was a Benda Original. listen no one in this show is morally pure!!! a lot of ends-justify-the-means going around in this time. as in our own.
anyway I would murder a dude for Lotte’s little patterned button-downs
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and for her big-collared jacket. and just for Her, if she needed.
ahh I’d forgotten about “Miss Detective”! adorable
god I love Svetlana’s place, there’s just fucking crystal and velvet and candlesticks and instruments everywhere
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who do we think this man with the mascara and the schön scarf ringing Sveta & Alexei’s flat is
oh okay it was Herr Trechkov and now he’s off to the Holländer. is this the singer???!
OH my god, I just realized this is the first time we see Charlotte in her trousers, and it’s her first day detecting. it’s her inspector outfit! THIS PRECIOUS BISCUIT.
“na gut” is ‘alright’
confusingly, “wo” is ‘where’ and “wer” is ‘who’. English—what the heck happened here
what’s so enjoyable about this sequence is that we’re watching Charlotte and Gereon being LIKE each other. small, scrappy, half clever but mostly bold, just walking into places they aren’t supposed to be in their search for the TRUTH. these lawless little law nerds, I love them.
“Mar-lene Dietrich, you cretin.” I cannot, cannot wait for the ‘30s Film Scene Season
I know I’ve talked about Edgar’s phenomenal branding before, but he has the same fucking Weimar New Yorker monocle + top hat emblem in tasteful relief in his restaurant that he has in huge blazoned glory behind the dancehall stage
just another day in Edgar’s life, with the violinist of his theremin quartet arrived half dead on his doorstep offering him the gold of the Sorokins. Edgar: “na gut then”
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hell but I love Gereon’s cuffs. these cute contrasting stripes? sugar.
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hahaha My Loves
I’ve really got the wo’s and wohin’s, my ear has those on lock. this is probably because I like o sounds. why do you think I studied in Scotland for a semester! the o’s, man, god a Scottish o is so plush I could sleep on it.
Gereon can’t hail a cab, Charlotte whisks one up for them, god. wonderful. it’s like all cars look at him and go, “nope.” it’s like Berlin looks at him and goes, “nope.”
The Ilya Trechkov Ensemble—yes he is the singer! also: Ilya. I love the name Ilya. this is for no reason to do with The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (it is everything to do)
oh my god, imagine Kardakov, Sorokina, and Trechkov all performing together. imagine Trechkov and Sorokina as dueling drag artists.
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this program is so good. collage! Alexei smizing at you from beneath a high angle! lots of typography!
why are you dorks already working on a Saturday anyway
that Gereon is just absolutely bowled over by how charming he finds this weird bright Berliner girl is IT. he’s trying so hard to be Stern Detective Man but it just does not touch her, and fuck him he loves her even more for it
and on Lotte’s side, her special “Gereon Snort” is one of my favoritest things in this show.
MORD. Homicide.
Stefan: “I’m invisible, I’m sure of it.” Benda, intense, almost a plea: “You must never be sure of anything.” how had I missed this entirely!!!! when it is my whole thing!!!!
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Benda even has Smiley’s glasses
isolated quiet spies. placing someone as a living chess piece on a board; being placed. loyalty and risked sacrifice and desperately held tenuous protection. g o d.
Benda: “You’re doing a good job, Stefan.” Stefan: “Thank you.” I’m gonna do a mord.
Gereon SIGHING as he waits on these river steps, probs thinking he got stood up
ooookay, I had a feeling about this “Wow, you look good”, and that “wow” was the choice for “Donnerwetter”, which apparently comes from THUNDER (donner & blitzen, thunder & lightning I knew that!) but it can also apparently be used like “gosh!” or “damn!” and frankly I’m losing it. she came in like a thuuuuunderstoooorrrm
it’s probably accurate how the most racially diverse crowds in this show are in the queer bars. it’s kinda how it goes.
lol how Lotte abandons him immediately to do some coke in the bathroom and Gereon’s like “ah—k“
all these cute ass gay couples, all androgynous as fuck
what’s so cute is like, Gräf knows Gereon is like “haaa what am I doing here okay, wow, HI work colleague do you know what I’m doing here, are you my Virgil in a red feathered dress?” but while he’s a deer in the headlights he’s also resolutely Here, and that’s dear enough that Gräf’s like “I *will* be your Virgil, you sweet straight idiot, and if we can’t get you bi we’ll certainly make an ally of you yet”, and Gereon’s like “I am from the Middle Ages but I think these are words of welcome?”
Gräf warmly pets a feather over him nose to chest and Gereon is just
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Oh - My - God - ! ❤️
this is the most just, broken free into a sweet careless joy we’ve seen him in these five episodes, holy moly does Gereon Rath ever experience a fizzy dizzy lightening of his soul when he’s out from under the oppressive societal yoke of the patriarchal-martial complex!!
and Charlotte prancing up, god imagine beholding these two dazzle-eyed lunatics in one eyeful
wait now “schönchen”, which sounds like “chin-chin” à la Withnail’s usual toast?? what is this now!
Lotte’s second Gereon Snort of the episode: @ his lemonade
how everyone languidly collapses down on each other at the slow wavering conclusion of the song, lordt the collective communal dance-theatre aspect of the dancing in these clubs is SO attractive
“Ach, der Kardakov.”
I’m pretty sure Trechkov’s speech here is a highlight of this entire series.
“I told him, you are our real star. Your crazy violin is of the devil.” “Trotsky is down in Turkey, wasting the lives of other people.” “[*wink*]”
this is the greatest show. Lotte and Gereon cocking eyebrows at each other with big eyed glee like “O Wow!” while Trechkov just tips his head back with the glamorous satisfaction of the gossip and complacently fellates his long cigarette
now my late-night loons both love this song. I hope it’s the Weimar version of someone kinda funky. Charlotte is VERY blown away that Gereon even knows it, it’s gotta be hip.
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not to 2 be dramatic but I would lay down my life for these two
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seriously now
this is 500% my dream nightspot btw. that low train car-like roof, the music, the vibe?? so safe! so exuberant and familial!
it’s such a good transition out, Charlotte’s little come-down whoop chirp and blowing horse whuffle as they stride back into the bracing night air, Gereon grinning freely alongside her under his hat.
Lotte’s final Gereon Snort of these 24 hours: at him offering to see her home.
“This is most kind, Mr. Rath, but I have plans.” and his sideways hitched dazed smile like “it’s almost just as good for me when you refuse to let me do things for you than when you do need me to do things for you. everything you do feels so good.”
LOLOLOLOL, and how she comes back and he’s like *eyebrowsup* and she just literally goes: “—Do I get paid by someone for this? For my work?” MY FUCKING QUEEN. Gereon just fully cracks up.
okay, I’ve been awake for almost 20 hours at the time I write these last notes to you, which seems appropriate. dawn is breaking over Berlin.
Babylon Berlin Beblogging Masterpost
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