nofatclips · 7 days
Kerettiläinen vuohi by Oranssi Pazuzu from the album Muukalainen puhuu
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plasticsweets · 9 months
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Platform cross loafers, Moi-même-Moité
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bootlegfrank · 3 months
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Do you like the killjoys? Do you have feet? Well, then you might enjoy these socks I made! Get them now on my Redbubble <3
Also available as phone cases, notebooks and mouse mats :D
Bonus design: a BL/ind pattern too!
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ethereal---spirits · 3 months
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Gothic Lolita Bible 4 had Mana様 in all black elegant gothic aristocrat, wearing a Moi-même-Moitié Frill High Neck Puff Sleeve Blouse and Tuck Long Flare Skirt. Visible against this dark backdrop was the Roses Cross Pendant, and Coffin Bead and Cross Rings.
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sapphanimates · 6 months
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vintagewildlife · 1 year
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Burnet moth By: C. & M. Moit / Jacana Press Agency From: Éditions Rencontre Cards 1976
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dhr-fics · 11 months
Author: Moit
Clandestine Affair (8KB - One Shot - NC-17) Hermoine and Draco have an interlude in Moaning Myrtle's loo after hours.
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minty-bubblegum · 7 months
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poorlittlevampire · 7 months
why do people still do that awful indie girl singing voice. can we pleaaase move on it is so grating
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nyldoow · 1 year
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postwarlevi · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Hello Kia!! ❤ nice to see you!
Thank you for being so sweet and stopping by. I planned to get on a little more today but my computer acted up so.. not as much as I wanted haha.
How are you going??
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bootlegfrank · 2 months
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone who does and doesn't celebrate <3
Unpleasant Aftertaste
Explicit, Rape/Non-Con
Gerard Way/Mikey Way, Incest, Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Emetophilia, Homophobic Language, Fat Shaming, Underage Sex, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Chubby Gerard Way
Gerard groans and tries to wriggle himself away from Mikey, away from the hands and the cock and the nasty words, “why are you doing this?” he begs, voice starting to shake and tremble at the foundation. Mikey leans closer and fists one of his hands in Gerard’s hair. “You’re a lousy adult virgin,” he spits, like he has any right to, like he’s trying to dig daggers into the soft part of Gerard’s brain with his words. “I’m going to show you what it’s like not to be.”
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ethereal---spirits · 10 months
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I'm sure most already know this, but I will still share that Moi-même-Moitié now has a world on ZEPETO, where you can make cool things like this. I'm new to the app, but am enjoying it. Especially when Manalina shows up in Moitié's world.
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dengarswnee · 2 years
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ruttotohtori · 25 days
Suomi ei noudata kansainvälistä sopimusta, joka määrittelee sosiaaliturvan minimitason. Petteri Orpon (kok.) hallituksen leikkaukset ajavat Suomea yhä kauemmas sopimuksen vaatimuksista. Sosiaaliturvan minimitason määrittelee Euroopan sosiaalinen peruskirja, jonka Suomikin on allekirjoittanut.
Komitea on moittinut Suomea liian alhaisesta sosiaaliturvasta kolmesti, viimeksi edellisen hallituksen aikana helmikuussa 2023. Tuolloin komitea totesi, etteivät vähimmäisetuudet kata tuensaajan perustarpeita. Komitea määrittelee sosiaaliturvaetuuden liian alhaiseksi, jos se jää alle puoleen maan mediaanitulosta. Suomessa Ihmisoikeusliitto on ihmetellyt, miksei hallitus puutu sopimusrikkomukseen. Sopimus on osa Suomen lainsäädäntöä.
Isoon osaan etuuksia ei tehdä indeksikorotusta vuosina 2024–2027. Esimerkiksi opintoraha sekä työmarkkina- ja asumistuki jäävät vuoden 2023 tasolle, eli niiden ostovoima heikkenee, kun esimerkiksi ruuan hinta nousee.
– Se, että komitea on uusinut moitteensa, kertoo mielestäni, että komitea ei hyväksy Suomen selityksiä. Niin kauan kuin Suomi ei osaa perustella vakuuttavasti omia ratkaisujaan, on komitean näkemykset otettava vakavasti.
Euroopan neuvostolla ei ole valtaa määrätä jäsenmailleen sanktioita. Moite sosiaaliturvan tasosta on lähinnä mainehaitta valtiolle. Komitean moitteilla pitäisi kuitenkin olla vaikutusta Suomen sosiaalipolitiikkaan, sanovat professori Huhtanen sekä Ihmisoikeusliiton Anna Salmivaara.
Raija Huhtanen kritisoi Orpon hallituksen sosiaaliturvaleikkausten valmistelua: perustuslakivaliokunnalla ei ollut riittävää arviota siitä, miten leikkausten kokonaisuus vaikuttaa perus- ja ihmisoikeuksiin. – Kansainväliset sopimukset jäivät vaille riittävää huomiota vielä valiokunnankin käsittelyssä. Perustuslain mukaan perustuslakivaliokunnan tehtäviin kuuluu arvioida lakiesitysten suhdetta kansainvälisiin ihmisoikeusvelvoitteisiin.
Kelan laskelmien mukaan uudet etuusleikkaukset vaikuttavat eniten pienituloisiin nuoriin. Samaan päätyi myös STM omissa laskuissaan. – Sitä pidettiin hallituksen piirissä vähiten huonona vaikutuksena.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
Heyy, love what you do. You're amazing.
I was looking for sterek fics where Derek has a dirty mouth, even porn couldn't compare to the things that come out of his mouth when he is with stiles. ♥️♥️♥️
Cover your ears ya'll.
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A quickie in the janitors closet by pizzz_10
(1/1 842)
Stiles wanted to go lunch after class, but Derek has other ideas
Something to Remember Me By by 1lostone
(1/1 I 5,038)
At a graduation party, Derek makes some assumptions.
Stiles sets him straight.... so to speak.
Gordian Knot (Of Sex) by tourdefierce
(1/1 I 5,859)
Losing his virginity was hard enough when Lydia Martin was his sole focus. Now there are werewolves involved and this is way crazier. For one, there are a lot more dicks involved. (To be fair, in some of his fantasies, Lydia Martin had an impressive rubber cock.) Either way, Stiles doesn't know why he thought getting rid of his pesky virginity was going to be easier with Derek involved—the guy is practically allergic to doing anything the easy way and that includes Stiles. Being done. Because he's easy. What.
Things We Know, Unsaid by uraneia 
(1/1 I 6,036)
Stiles accidentally finds a trunk full of Derek's professional dom gear from when he lived in New York. They don't talk about it. Then Stiles turns eighteen, and they do.
If he thought Derek would be angry or embarrassed at Stiles finding a trunk full of quality BDSM gear in his closet, he’d have been wrong. “I used to do it professionally, in New York,” Derek says easily, and Stiles—Stiles doesn’t know how to process that. Because he’s seventeen and has eyes and an unfortunately vivid imagination, and if he lets it go there he’s not going to get any use out of any body part except his dick for several hours.
Feel You Breathing by sugareey
(3/3 I 8,400)
Derek: So, you need a distraction.
Stiles: Maybe Stiles: It’d be better if you were here to help me with that. Stiles: ;D
[Or: Sexy things start late one night when Derek gets a text from Stiles and escalate from there. A few secrets are revealed along the way.]
Melt Me Slowly Down by maichan808 (maichan)
(1/1 I 20,307)
The last thing Stiles expects when he walks into Lydia’s exclusive S&M club is to rescue a sub who’s obviously been mistreated for a long time. His name is Derek, and when he awkwardly reaches out, asking Stiles to be his Dom, the urge to shield Derek from more pain is too strong for Stiles to resist. But Derek is still recovering from his past and learning how to set boundaries, so they have to take things slow.
Incredibly Gifted Fakers by Fortem
(21/? I 76,596)
Stiles desperately needs a new scene partner and Derek desperately needs a job. They may just be able to help each other out, if they remember that this is all supposed to be acting.
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna
(21/21 I 99,128)
Derek Hale knows he as a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
Domestication by Arver7, Moit
(37/37 I 280,892)
Derek and Stiles are heat partners, but neither realises how invested the other one is. When Stiles winds up pregnant, their relationship gets more serious, even if neither of them knows how to handle it.
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