#mod: juuls
8a8y · 8 months
its a juul and i think thats a samsung
you’re probably right on both parts do you want a hit of this
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4shaahmed · 1 year
What is vaping?
Vaping is a practice where a person uses a small, handheld device (such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, or mods) to inhale a mist or aerosol of nicotine and flavoring, which is created by heating a liquid (e-liquid or vape juice). This aerosol contains particles of nicotine, flavoring, and other substances suspended in air, which are inhaled into the mouth, down the throat, and into the lungs.
E-cigarettes or vape pens typically have a cartridge, tank, or pod that holds the liquid, a heating element that turns the liquid into an aerosol, a battery to power the heating element, and a mouthpiece to breathe in the aerosol. Vaping differs from smoking cigarettes because it heats liquid to create an aerosol, while smoking involves burning tobacco to create smoke.
Although vaping is often considered safer than cigarette smoking, it still poses health risks and can cause lung damage. The particles inhaled while vaping can cause inflammation and irritation in the lungs, leading to scarring and narrowing of airways. E-liquids may contain chemicals that can cause cancer, lung disease, or other harmful effects, including THC, heavy metals, and ultrafine particles.
In summary, vaping involves inhaling an aerosol of nicotine, flavoring, and other substances created by heating a liquid in a vaping device. It poses health risks and can cause lung damage, and its long-term effects are still unknown.
What is Wape ?
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tigerdrop · 8 months
so im kiiiinda redoing half of my fic. to account for the, uh. "canonically being able to put gordon into the computer" thing.
on the one hand i think its a way better deal b/c i will look 10% less insane writing about benrey literally putting him into the sims and playing with him like a doll . but on the other hand i have a bunch of words about gordon fingering himself that i cant use anymore
so. here they are, for u. "Enjoy"
Gordon blinks at the screen.
Benry Benry wants to have Oraljob sex with Gordon Freeman. Do you wish to proceed?
The laugh that erupts from him is high-pitched and violent, leaving him gasping for air. Benrey cackles in his ear. “I— I— Oh my God,” Gordon wheezes, doubling over. “You want to have what with me?! We can’t— We can’t show that on a Christian channel! We’re going to get so banned—“
“do you want to—“ Benrey can’t finish the sentence, gripped in the most intense laughter Gordon’s ever heard from him. “do you want to have oraljob?”
Gordon clutches his desk, weeping and howling.
When he calms down from his sudden fit of hysterics, he clicks “No”, to a chorus of disappointment from the chat. “I know, I know,” he says, sympathetic, “but seriously, Papa’s gotta pay the bills. Gotta keep it clean. PG-13, that’s my motto.”
“then why’s your dick out,” Benrey wheezes.
“Very funny—“
He stops in his tracks when he sees that his dick is, in fact, out. His Sims dick, that is. Gordon slams his ‘commercial break’ button so hard that he misses a few keys and takes a screenshot.
“Whoa! Put that thing away, man!”
“nice,” Benrey says appreciatively.
“Bear with me, folks,” Gordon begs. “We’re having some, uh, technical difficulties.” Why did his dick pop out? He said no! (In fairness, his Sim is decidedly not having oraljob sex. He’s eating a sandwich. With his penis out.) He hurriedly clicks through menus upon menus, trying to find a way to put his clothes back on, but none of the options do what he wants. “Why can’t I put away my stupid dick?!”
“hey, look. you just went up a level in nudism,” Benrey snorts.
Gordon buries his head in his hands, but can’t stop himself from an anguished laugh. “Okay! Give me fifteen, everybody. Go smoke a cigarette— or, or vape, I know the kids are big on the Juul these days, I don’t care, I’m not your dad.”
With that, he ends the stream.
“What kind of fucking mods did you download on my computer?” he asks, exasperated. “I feel like I need to give it a bath.”
“normal ones.”
“Uh-huh. You know my dick’s not even rendering correctly, right?”
“huh?” Benrey zooms in on it. “huh. it’s, uh. checkered.”
[some sort of connecting thought]
“I don’t even look like that, anyway,” Gordon mutters, brushing him off.
Benrey peers down at him. The webcam light turns on, drawing Gordon’s eye. “huh. i dunno. i can see the, uh… the resemblance.” He enunciates the last word carefully.
“Did you just turn on my webcam? Are we streaming right now?” Gordon sits upright, hastily checking on his streaming software. Still offline. Not that it would have mattered - he’s panned away to look at a stray dog in his yard - but it’s the principle of the thing.
“yeah, uh. no,” mumbles Benrey.
Gordon closes down OBS and Firefox entirely. Just to be safe. “A little fucking warning next time? How did you even do that?”
“administrator privileges.”
There’s a pause. Then Gordon sinks back down into his chair, defeated. “I shouldn’t have given you those. I should have smashed you up into little pieces when I had the chance. After you bought fucking Burnout Paradise on my dime—“
“you should show me what you look like,” blurts out Benrey, voice low and blunt.
“I— What?”
“i can make it look better. more like you.”
Gordon stares at the screen. Benrey avoids his gaze. He boggles a little, so far beyond comprehending this that he’s skipped past ‘denial’ and ‘anger’ all the way into ‘acceptance’. “Are you— Are you hitting on me?”
“for the immersion,” Benrey says stiffly.
Gordon throws his head back in frustration. “They’re just not— fucking— they’re not big enough! They’re short and stubby and I can’t— get them— where I want!” His wrist bends, desperately seeking something that he can’t describe. The tendons sing in pain. He hisses, then relaxes it, letting his hand fall limp.
Benrey stares down at him, mouth parted.
“This was stupid,” groans Gordon. “Now my hand’s all sticky and I don’t wanna wipe it on anything—“
“try again,” Benrey interrupts him, blunt and hoarse. “please?”
Gordon peers blearily at him from over the top of his glasses. “Huh?”
“i wanna.” That massive jaw gyres, struggling to work itself around a thought. “i could do it better. make it good.”
Heat rockets through Gordon’s belly, spiraling up his spine and leaving his hairs standing on end. His dick twitches without his conscious effort. Benrey’s eyes immediately dart to it. Emboldened, Gordon draws his fingertips around his hole, threatening to slip back in. “Yeah, bud? You sure? I don’t think you’ve ever done this before.”
“how would you know,” Benrey puffs.
“Uh, well, you’re in my fucking computer, for one thing.” He slips two fingers in with little resistance, just up to the second knuckle. For show. Nobody say he never did anything for Benrey. “But you know what? Maybe this’ll be funny.”
Benrey’s face hardens. “it’s not funny,” he says, pouting in high-definition. “i would never joke about pussy shit.”
“Point one: That is one hundred percent not true,” Gordon points out. “Point two—“ He curls them and groans, a soft noise. “I wanna hear it. Straight from the horse’s mouth.”
“what does this got to do with horses,” says Benrey, bewildered.
Gordon shifts in his seat, stretching a leg high into the air and gripping the back of his thigh to hold it firmly in place. His fingers move in a slow, back-and-forth motion, just enough that they visibly slide in and out, shiny and wet. Benrey makes a strangled noise in his throat.
“You think you could make it good for me? Tell me. Show me what I’m missin’ out on.”
Benrey’s fingers twitch around his avatar, scaled up to giant-like proportions, far too big for the task at hand but itching to put it into practice. “fuckin’,” he starts, low and rumbling and struggling to articulate himself, “stretch you open… mine’re bigger. lookie.” With his other hand, he waggles his fingers in front of Gordon.
“Well, duh,” Gordon says.
Above him, Benrey’s gaze shifts to his own hand, gears churning behind his eyes. “they’re still bigger,” he insists.
To prove his point, he snaps them - in a stomach-churning instant, Gordon’s camera snaps back to an isometric viewpoint, looking in on their dollhouse. On them. On Benrey’s Sim, pale and shirtless, beads of sweat tastefully textured on his skin, leaning over his own on the cheapest double bed Simoleons could buy. There’s a hand pressed against the mattress, and another at his waist. Pawing at him. And, unlike Gordon’s own hands, they’re proportioned well for a guy his size: closer to dinner plates than the slim, short ones he’s furiously trying to bend into the right shape in real life.
He shivers in his seat.
“Point taken,” he says. His voice cracks partway through.
As if on cue, their Sims start moving again, gracelessly sliding and snapping into a new position. Gordon’s stripped naked, letting Benrey between his legs, and one large hand buries itself in that hairy, thorny knot of polygons and glossy pink textures while the other holds him wide open. The fidelity’s good enough that Gordon can see exactly how the fingers curl: two outside, keeping them back, and two inside, making his Sim’s hips gyrate.
“lookatchu,” Benrey rumbles in his ear. “takin’ it like a champ…”
Gordon sucks in a sudden breath. He curls his own fingers in time with the animation, speeding up to match.
“bet you could take more.”
He whines and visibly clenches around his fingers. “Jesus, man!”
“yeah? yeah? c’mon,” taunts Benrey, shy of breath. “show me. put another one in.”
Gordon weakly mumbles some expletives as he leans his head into the crook of his headphones. Presses himself closer to that voice. “Who taught you how to fucking— talk like that,” he groans, pushing in a third finger.
The fans inside his tower spin faster. Louder. “fuuuck, dude,” he hears, a low, pained utterance.
“I’d let you,” Gordon says dizzily, “God, I must have lost my fucking mind, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” his fingers make slick, filthy, squelching noises inside of himself, “let you put your hand in me—“
“i wanna,” Benrey cuts him off, too fast. Eager. “wanna fuckin’— wear you like a puppet—“
Gordon makes a sharp noise that surprises even himself. The he half-laughs, half-pleads, “Don’t say shit like that! That’s not— That’s not hot!”
“you moaned. i heard it, buddy.”
He ignores this. Benrey takes the opportunity to lean in, getting a closer view of Gordon’s webcam. And the slick folds Gordon’s spreading open for him.
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brattyteenager · 2 months
When we were blasting cigs we could have never dreamed of the modded out box vape
When we blew fat clouds we could have never predicted the juul
When they banned mango pods we could have never predicted the elf bar
Nobody knows what the future holds ❤️
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thesexiestselkie · 1 year
🧑🏻‍🦰 lion Follow
Where the hell are my kids
🦢 angelposting Follow
im the funniest bitch dropping acid in narvskaya right now
🚬 juniorandjames Follow
So hard to find a juul that in Russia. About to start smoking cigarettes. -Mod AJ
💥 drphil
last night was crazy I might go to Russian prison but I don't gaf
🌝 johnc
Is arson illegal in Russia.
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ohbuckie · 2 years
ngl, i feel like after the juul ban b!bucky would buy one of those big ass box mod vapes but he’d probably break the lil tank in it like not long after
this is so unattractive i love it. him sitting shirtless on the couch doing vape tricks bc he can inhale so much more than his juul and u walk in and he’s like ‘y/n look at this’ and ur like 🙁 Okay
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vapehk1 · 21 days
Exploring Escobar Vape: A Humorous Deep Dive into Its Features, Comparisons, and More!
Welcome to the whimsical world of the Escobar Vape, where clouds are not just in the sky, but can be created with a simple press of a button! Are you ready to journey through the ins and outs of this quirky gadget? Whether you're a vape veteran or a rookie to the rings, strap in for an enlightening ride full of laughs, tech talks, and a dash of legal lingo. Let's unravel what makes the Escobar Vape buzz in the vaping community, pit it against some tough competition, and eavesdrop on what the folks puffing these clouds have to say. Plus, we'll navigate the sometimes foggy regulations that wrap around these devices like an overzealous hug. Ready, set, vape! Feature Frenzy The Escobar Vape starts its charm offensive with a battery that lasts seemingly endless hours, saving you from the dreaded power hunt during a puff session. Imagine vaping from sunrise to sunset on a single charge—yes, it’s possible! This little powerhouse also boasts adjustable heat settings that let you control how warm you want your cloud to be. No more harsh hits or weak wisps; just perfect puffs tailored to your preference. When placed side by side with its market peers like the Juul or Vuse, Escobar Vape stands out not just for its battery prowess but for its tech-savvy interface. While others may require a manual thicker than a novella to operate, the Escobar keeps it simple with intuitive controls and a user-friendly setup that even your tech-challenged aunt could master. This ease of use combined with advanced customizations makes it a darling for both beginners and seasoned vapers. The Comparison Conundrum Design-wise, the Escobar Vape might just win the "pageant" of vape mods, with its sleek, minimalist design that comes in various suave colors. It’s like the James Bond of vapes—cool, collected, and incredibly stylish. Other brands might go for bold and flashy, or stick to industrial vibes, but Escobar keeps it classy. Holding an Escobar Vape doesn’t just feel great in your hand; it makes a statement: "I know good design." Cost is always a key factor, and here’s where Escobar Vape also tries to edge out the competition. While the initial outlay might be on the higher side, comparable to the latest smartphone, the ongoing costs are surprisingly manageable. Unlike some rivals that hook you with cheap starters then gouge you on cartridge refills, Escobar Vape’s refill system is reasonably priced, meaning you won’t need to take out a mortgage to maintain your vaping habit. Plus, their warranty and customer service are like a cozy blanket—there when you need them. Voices from the Vape Cloud User testimonials about the Escobar Vape paint a picture of a robust community. From the plumes of satisfaction in crowded vape lounges to the quiet puffs at home, users are vocal about their love for this device. One enthusiastic vaper shared, "It’s like this thing reads my mind and delivers the perfect puff every time!" Of course, there are those who wish the device came with a built-in coffee maker, but hey, can’t win ‘em all. Amidst the fog of user reviews, some humorous tales surface. Like the story of a man who mistook his Escobar Vape for a remote control during a thrilling football match, causing much confusion and an accidental nicotine rush! Or the grandmother who proudly uses her vape to blow impressive rings, claiming it keeps the grandkids entertained. These stories not only highlight the user-friendly nature of the device but also the fun and lighter side of vaping. Navigating the Nebulous Clouds of Vape Legality Vaping laws are as variable as the flavors available for the Escobar Vape. In the United States, regulations can differ wildly from one state to another, requiring users to stay as alert as if navigating a minefield. For instance, while some states embrace vaping with minimal restrictions, others have clamped down hard, limiting flavors or the sale of certain types of devices. Internationally, the Escobar Vape has had its share of adventures. It's a favorite in countries with relaxed regulations but faces challenges in places like Thailand or Singapore, where strict laws can turn vaping into a covert operation. This patchwork of regulations affects how and where the Escobar can be marketed and used, making international travel with your vape more exciting—or daunting—than a spy mission. Conclusion The article kicks off by showcasing the vape's standout features, such as its enduring battery life and adjustable heat settings, which elevate it above competitors like Juul and Vuse. The design section paints Escobar as the epitome of style with its minimalist and ergonomic aesthetics. Users' experiences bring a personal touch, revealing both the practical perks and quirky anecdotes that color their vaping adventures. Furthermore, the discussion on legality highlights the diverse and sometimes challenging landscape of vaping regulations across different regions. With a tone that mixes playful jests with valuable insights, this article provides a comprehensive overview of why the Escobar Vape is a significant contender in the market and a trendy choice for users looking for both functionality and fun. FAQs 1. How long does the Escobar Vape's battery last? Oh, prepare to be dazzled! The Escobar Vape's battery lasts longer than a marathon viewing of all the "Lord of the Rings" movies—extended editions, of course. Typically, you can expect an all-day vaping extravaganza on a single charge, depending on how enthusiastically you're puffing. 2. Can I adjust the temperature on my Escobar Vape? Absolutely! The Escobar Vape comes with customizable heat settings that let you control your vape temperature like a thermostat. Whether you like it hot enough to mimic a dragon's breath or cool like a winter breeze, Escobar has you covered. 3. Is the Escobar Vape more expensive than other vapes? It might feel like you’re investing in a small treasure at first glance, but the Escobar Vape justifies its price tag with top-notch features and enduring quality. Plus, its refill costs won’t send you to the poorhouse—they're pretty reasonable in the long run. Think of it as the Cadillac of vapes; you’re paying for luxury and performance. 4. What do users like most about the Escobar Vape? Users rave about its sleek design, user-friendly interface, and the customizability of heat settings. Not to mention, its battery life is a crowd-pleaser. It's like having a reliable friend who’s always ready for a good time, no charging necessary. 5. Where is it legal to use the Escobar Vape? Navigating the legal landscape of vaping is like playing a game of "Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?" It varies dramatically by location. In the U.S., it largely depends on state regulations, while internationally, the rules can range from relaxed to extremely strict. Always check local laws to ensure you’re not inadvertently becoming an outlaw with your vape. Read the full article
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priyanshisingh · 27 days
Global Electronic Cigarettes Market Forecast and Analysis Report (2023-2032)
The Electronic Cigarettes market is projected to witness a substantial growth, soaring from USD 37,386.45 million in 2024 to an impressive USD 99,038.51 million by 2032, reflecting a remarkable compound annual growth rate of 12.95%.
Electronic cigarettes, often called e-cigarettes, are devices designed to simulate the act of smoking without burning tobacco. Instead, they use a battery-powered mechanism to heat a liquid (commonly known as e-liquid or vape juice), which typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. When the liquid is heated, it turns into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the user. E-cigarettes come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from those resembling traditional cigarettes to more advanced designs like vape pens, mods, and pod systems. They are marketed as a less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes and as an aid for quitting smoking, although the health impacts of their long-term use are still being studied. Additionally, their safety and effectiveness as smoking cessation tools are subjects of ongoing debate and research within the medical and public health communities.
The electronic cigarettes market is currently shaped by several key trends that are influencing its growth and the strategies of companies -
Regulatory Landscape: One of the most significant trends is the evolving regulatory environment. Many countries are tightening regulations around the sale, marketing, and use of e-cigarettes, particularly concerning flavor bans, age restrictions, and advertising guidelines. These regulations aim to reduce vaping among teens and assess the public health implications of e-cigarettes.
Health and Safety Concerns: There is increasing scrutiny over the safety of vaping products, spurred by health incidents and concerns about long-term effects. This has led to a push for more research and potentially stricter standards for product testing and ingredient transparency.
Technological Advancements: Innovation continues to be a strong trend in the e-cigarette market. Newer devices offer features like adjustable wattage, improved battery life, and better control over nicotine delivery. These advancements enhance the user experience and appeal to a broader audience, including long-term smokers seeking alternatives to traditional tobacco.
Shift Toward Pod Devices: There has been a noticeable shift from traditional vape pens to pod-based systems, which are easier to use and maintain. These devices often come with pre-filled or refillable pods, making them convenient and less intimidating for new users.
Flavor Innovation: Despite regulatory challenges, flavor innovation remains a significant trend. Companies are continually developing new and complex flavor profiles to attract adult users while navigating restrictions aimed at limiting youth appeal.
Market Consolidation and Expansion: The market is experiencing consolidation with larger tobacco companies acquiring smaller vape businesses. At the same time, there is geographic expansion as companies enter new markets with adjusted product offerings to meet local regulations and consumer preferences.
Focus on Harm Reduction: Many companies position their products within a harm reduction framework, appealing to smokers who are looking to reduce their health risks without quitting nicotine entirely.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/electronic-cigarettes-market
Key Player Analysis
Imperial Brands PLC
JUUL Labs Inc.
British American Tobacco Inc.
Philip Morris International Inc.
Japan Tobacco Inc.
The impact of the electronic cigarettes market is multifaceted, affecting public health, traditional tobacco industry dynamics, regulatory frameworks, and consumer behavior in several significant ways:
Public Health: The rise of e-cigarettes has ignited a complex debate over their role in public health. Proponents argue that e-cigarettes offer a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking and can aid in smoking cessation. However, concerns persist about their safety, the appeal to non-smokers, particularly youth, and the potential for leading to nicotine addiction. The long-term health effects of vaping are still under study, creating uncertainty about their overall impact on public health.
Traditional Tobacco Industry: The electronic cigarette market has dramatically impacted the traditional tobacco industry. As smoking rates decline in many parts of the world, tobacco companies have increasingly ventured into the e-cigarette market to offset decreasing cigarette sales. This shift has led to significant investments in vaping technology and marketing, with some of the largest tobacco firms now owning popular e-cigarette brands.
Regulation: The global spread of e-cigarettes has prompted new and evolving regulatory challenges. Governments and health organizations are working to balance the potential benefits of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation with the need to protect public health, particularly among young people. This has resulted in diverse policies ranging from complete bans to restricted sales, advertising limitations, and stringent labeling requirements.
Market Growth and Innovation: The e-cigarette market has seen rapid growth and continues to evolve with technological advancements. Innovations in device functionality, safety features, and nicotine delivery systems are common as companies strive to enhance the appeal and efficiency of their products. This growth fuels a dynamic market environment, encouraging continuous product development.
Consumer Behavior: E-cigarettes have altered consumer behavior in the nicotine and tobacco market. For smokers, e-cigarettes can be a step towards quitting or a less harmful alternative to continue nicotine consumption. The variety of flavors and the perceived safety over traditional cigarettes also attract a demographic that may not have engaged with nicotine products otherwise.
Based on Product Type
E-Cigarette Device
Based on Category
Open Vaping System
Closed Vaping System
Based on Distribution Channel
Offline Retail
Online Retail
The electronic cigarettes market is currently experiencing several dynamic trends that are shaping its trajectory and influencing industry stakeholders. One notable trend is the increasing regulatory scrutiny worldwide, which aims to control the marketing and accessibility of these products, particularly among minors. Governments are implementing stricter regulations, including bans on certain flavors believed to attract younger users, and setting higher standards for manufacturing practices. Another significant trend is the technological innovation within the market, where manufacturers are introducing advanced devices that offer better battery life, more efficient nicotine delivery systems, and enhanced user control features. There's also a noticeable shift toward pod-based systems, which are simpler to use and maintain, appealing especially to new users transitioning from traditional cigarettes. Moreover, despite regulatory challenges, flavor innovation remains robust as companies continue to develop new and complex flavor profiles to maintain adult consumer interest without targeting youth. Overall, these trends reflect the market's adaptation to a complex regulatory environment and a consumer base that is increasingly health-conscious and demanding more sophisticated products.
Browse Our Blog- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/electronic-cigarettes-market-insights-comprehensive-iam4f/
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/electronic-cigarettes-market
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Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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ukvapeworld1 · 7 months
Geek Bar, Area 51, E-Device, and now iBreathe disposable pods. Nowadays it seems like people just can’t get enough of these new ‘innovative’ vape devices. Today, I will be answering all your disposable pod-related questions and finally answer the question Why are disposable Pods so popular?
A New Generation Of Vapers
This may come as a shock to some of you even though it is common knowledge that both millennials and Gen Z vape, but most of the vaping population is concentrated with millennials, those who have tried their luck with Smoking but come to realise it does more harm than good and so chose to vape as a healthier alternative.
However, in these past couple of months, we have seen an explosion of Gen Z Vapers in the UK, more than there were seen in the past 5 years. This new generation has found vaping through convenient and accessible arms of the disposable vape in the UK, similar to the Juul Epidemic in America last year.
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These young carefree vapers don’t care about how much the cost of these disposable vapes would rack up in the long term, they are just looking for a quick hit they can get whenever and wherever they want. They don’t want to get in the hassle of replacing coils, tanks, batteries; they don't have time for all that.
It’s the One Night Stand Of Vaping
It’s true, many of us have commitment problems, you wouldn’t want to bog down to just one vape device for the rest of your life. It’s a big and expensive decision. Nowadays you have a lot of things to consider when choosing a vape device.
Is it an MTL or DL device?
Mod or Pod?
What is the Tank and Battery Capacity?
What E-liquid options are available?
How much would maintenance cost?
It just seems like too much of a hassle to go through for a bit of fun, so people nowadays automatically opt-in for the cheap disposable vapes
Perfect For Beginners
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Meet John, He is 38 and recently quit smoking, he doesn't know much about vaping or how it works, he has a full-time job and mouths to feed and doesn’t want to waste his Saturday learning about every little detail about how coils work or which mix of e-liquid would be the best for him.
The modern vaper does not have time to weigh the pros and cons of every vape device all he needs right now is a healthier way of getting his daily dose of Nicotine. So what does John do?
That’s right John buys a disposable device, it seems familiar to his Cigarette, it is compact, it doesn't have batteries, he can use it when he wants then throw it away, and it’s healthy. Or is it?
Are Disposable Vapes Safe?
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With such increasing popularity, these new pods are bound to have some talk going amongst the population. You must have heard from a friend or your local vape shop owner who just ran out of stock of the Geek Bar, that these disposable devices aren’t safe. That they can explode in your face. Let me be really clear here. NO, THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE IN YOUR FACE IF YOU USE THEM PROPERLY.
Notice how I said if you use it properly, obviously if someone is dumb enough to expose the battery and then use a pin to poke holes in it, then this kind of electronic cigarette or any electronic device isn't for you my friend. Maybe you just stick to the books.
The Take-Away
In conclusion, disposable vape pods have officially become a trend, there is no telling at this point where it could go, it is abundantly clear that it is more popular with the youth as it is easily accessible, perfect for beginners, and available in many flavours. And that these devices should be safe as long as you have not disposed of your brain.
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kulturformidlet · 7 months
Graden af gensidighed
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Denne artikel blev oprindeligt publiceret i Jazz Special Tekst: Gudrun Hagen Foto: Kresten Hillerup
Kasper Tranberg – anerkendt trompetist, kornettist, komponist, underviser, radiovært med videre – fortæller om relationen mellem ord og lyd i sin musik. Som en inkarneret figur i dansk jazz, og blandt de efterspurgte musikere at arbejde sammen med herhjemme, er krydsfeltet mellem jazz og poesi igennem en årrække og ved en lang række samarbejder blevet udforsket, vendt og drejet i forskellige former. Men hvad er det med de digte? Og hvad kan de i kombination med improviseret jazz?
Kasper Tranberg tager imod på sit kontor ude på Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium.
―Huler skal man bygge, griner han, da han ser mig kigge rundt på de mange klenodier overalt i rummet. På væggene hænger der billeder af jazzlegender side om side med private foto fra diverse live-optrædener. CDer står i rækker og bunker omkring stereoanlægget, og på sofabordet er der fyldt med bøger.
―Nogle ligger der fast, andre bliver skiftet ud, og det er alt muligt blandet, fortæller Kasper beredvilligt, da han ser mig kigge nysgerrigt på bunkerne. Pia Juuls Sagde jeg, siger jeg-digte ligger øverst i en af dem.
―Jeg er her jo hele tiden faktisk. Hvis ikke jeg er på turné, så er jeg her. Det er mit arbejdsliv, så det er virkelig fedt og vigtigt at føle sig hjemme.
Historiefortælling og poesi
―De her ord føler du dig tydeligvis også hjemme i. Hvornår og hvordan kom du i gang med poesien?
―Det er fortællingen, der interesserer mig. Jeg har ligget under mine forældres køkkenbord, siden jeg var ganske ung, og omkring det har der siddet digtere, kunstnere, løgnere og ballademagere. Du ved, postmanden, lidt halvfuld onsdag klokken 16 – alt det der er jeg vokset op med. Jeg er flasket op på historiefortælling. Det har bare været omkring mig. Jeg er ikke litterær i den forstand. Jeg er fascineret af den verden, og sådan har jeg det også med klassisk musik for øvrigt. Jeg ved godt, hvad perioderne [de kunsthistoriske] hedder, men jeg kan ikke høre forskel på den og den komponist. Jeg har selvfølgelig nogle yndlingskomponister som Toru Takemitsu.
Kasper gør stemmen blid og viser det italienske prima-tegn med pege- og tommelfinger mod hinanden, for at indikere, hvilken høj kvalitet, vi taler om.
―Jeg er jo Japan-tosset, og med ham går jeg i dybden. Og det har jeg også gjort med poesien ud fra den improviserende musikers fundament. Da jeg som ganske ung mand for første gang hørte jazz og poesi med Peter Poulsen og Jens Søndergaard, du ved; Toooftegårds plads. Kasper synger hæst og drevent for at illustrere.
―Mega godt ikke’ griner han og fortsætter,
―Eller John Tchicai som midt i en solo fremsiger digte og bringer musikken og stemningen i rummet, og hele viben et andet sted hen. Du kan jo ændre det hele sådan her med ord! Kasper knipser.
―Så det er dér, jeg kommer fra med de ord. Inden for jazzen og den improviserede musik.
―Så det er et spørgsmål om stemning og stemningsskift?
―Ja. Og det har jeg også brugt i min musik, og gør det stadigvæk. Og de improvisatorer, som arbejder med ord, gør det samme. Der er jo også et budskab i fortællingen, i ordene, i digtet, i tekstmassen. Jeg har kammerater, som er digtere og arbejder med alle mulige former. Jeg har altid interesseret mig mest for den helt korte form. De få ord. Og ikke det sådan mere rablende. Måske lige med undtagelse af Cecil Taylor, som arbejder med mange ord og mange toner, altså en helt overvældende densitet. Det er sådan et godstog med ord, der kommer flyvende og kører en ned. Så sidder man der, kørt over, og tænker hvad skete der?
―Men ellers er det for mig mere noget med, hvor meget man kan få ud af hvor lidt. Altså det koncise udtryk. Det synes jeg er interessant.
―Hvornår bliver det interessant? Hvad er det, der gør de her ord og de her stemningsskift, man kan lave med dem, interessante?
―Jeg kan generelt godt li’ poetiske musikere. I mit nye orkester – The Future Ancestors – har vi arbejdet meget med metaforer. Der er ikke et nodepapir i miles omkreds. Der er kun lyd og metaforer, når vi arbejder med musikken. Og musik kan helt grundlæggende beskrives som et poetisk udtryk. Og jazzens store poeter har virkelig optaget mig meget. Det kommer i lidt forskellige udtryk. Om det er Thelonious Monk, eller pianisten Bill Evans – de er begge store poeter for mig. Derer selvfølgelig også noget med den syngende kvalitet af mit instrument, trompeten, som altid har optaget mig. Det vokale, det sangbare, det poetiske i den lyd. Miles Davis ligger lige for, eller min anden store helt, Timofei Dokschitzer, som også har den der poetiske, syngende kvalitet i trompetens klang.
Det vi kan dele sammen
―Hvornår bliver det så til ord? Hvornår er det poetiske i musikken ikke nok?
―Det ved jeg ikke, om jeg kan svare helt klart på. Kasper tænker lidt.
―Men der er en anden ting også: Det provokerende eller det overraskende i det. John Tchicai havde et digt i retning af: ”I want a big orgasm, said the litttle man.” Det kan også noget. Det er dragende. I min musik arbejder jeg ellers ikke med den erigerede langemand. I mit udtryk igennem årene har jeg altid ledt efter det, vi kan dele sammen. Der er ikke noget oprør i mine værker, plader eller måder at være på. Selvfølgelig har man været ungdomskæk, men som kerne handler mit bidrag om levels of mutuality. Altså hvilken grad af gensidighed, vi kan finde. Hvad er det gensidige, som musikken kan rumme? Det interesserer mig, og det er dét, jeg er bedst til. Og der er ordene en bro, der er virkelig fed. For de kan være præcise, konkrete, og især kan de være utrolig billedskabende hos modtageren.
―Jeg har spillet med pianisten Jacob Anderskov i 25 år, og han har igennem alle årene arbejdet med den danske sangskat. Det har jeg altid set lidt fra sidelinjen, men i det nye år kommer der en plade, som Jacob har lavet med danske sange, hvor to vokalister synger, og vi improviserer. Vi kaster et forholdsvis nyt lys på, hvordan man kan dele en sang, der kan stå i Højskolesangbogen. Og det har været rigtig fedt at ændre det oprindelige udtryk. At sige: Vi elsker denne sang men ud med første vers, lad os begynde med vers fire og bagefter spiller vi vers syv, og så er det det, griner Kasper og slår animeret ud med armene.
―Det er noget med at skabe en forbindelse imellem lytteren, og dem som spiller, men også at skabe nogle illusioner om, hvad en sang, og hvad budskabet i en sang, skal kunne. Vi har gjort det meget live. Vi har spillet med brandmandskor, og vi har spillet i sangforeninger og alt muligt. Vi improviserer, og så dukker sangene op. Og ordene dukker op i folks hoved med det samme, når man nærmer sig en sang, de kender. Live har vi prøvet at aftale med publikum at de skulle synge med, når vi gav tegn – sådan en alternativ form for fællessang – men det kom aldrig til at fungere. Publikum er konsekvent foran. De hører lidt af melodien, og så begynder de bare at synge, og som musiker er det sådan lidt: ”Hallo, vi skal også være med.” Ordet tilsat en melodi er simpelthen en diamant, der skinner hver gang.
―Et andet virkeligt sjovt projekt er Vi sidder bare her med Jørgen Leth, Mikael Simpson og Frithiof Toksvig. Jørgen er jo enormt jazzet. Jeg har spillet live med dem og er med på de første plader, og Jørgen skulle ikke have nogen cues. Timing havde han styr på. Det skulle han nok selv ordne. Han er improvisator i hjertet og elsker at være på scenen. Så i det band har min rolle været instrumentalisten, som farver rummet, der opstår mellem musikken og Jørgens testbidder. Og hvad gør man så, når det handler om agurkesalat – sådan en klagesang om agurkesalat, og skal spille noget der passer til? Kasper smiler bredt ved tanken.
―Det er pissesjovt. De fedeste er C.V. Jørgensen, Lars H.U.G., Nikolaj Nørlund, eller Hanne Boel, som også har den der direkte kommunikation i ordet. Jeg har gjort det med alle mulige, og nogle i den del af musikken er mere digtere end andre. Kasper smiler lumsk og stiller selv næste spørgsmål:
―For er der forskel på en digter og en sangskriver? Måske.
At Lytte og respondere
―Hvad skal være til stede i musikken og poesien, for at det hele går op i en højere enhed?
―Vi har alle en god ven, som bare taler hele tiden. Og ens opfattelsesapparat lukker ned. Der er ikke det vakuum, hvor forståelsen får rum, og hvor der kan opstå en form for dialog. Det er også i en vis forstand en form for timing, når man forstår at sige noget og nogle gange må man vente 10, 20, 40 sekunder, før den anden person har tænkt sig om, og kan respondere. Det er improvisation. Det er dialogen, det hele drejer sig om. Den umiddelbare og den reflekterede. Om det så er musik, et interview eller hvad som helst. Lige nu er der en real time-forhandling. Hvem siger hvad, hvornår? Hvad skal det handle om? Hvem bliver træt først? Det er det, vi som musikere egentlig gerne vil perfektionere. At lytte og respondere.Ord og musik lever godt sammen i improvisation. Det skal ikke tages så højtideligt. Det er ikke en formel øvelse. Det hele handler om relevans. Ordene kan være lige så meget loose guns, som jazzen kan. Det kender vi fra beat-generationen, punken, alle mulige. Sådan en som Pia Juul er også flabet på sin måde. Man bliver helt omsluttet af hendes ord. Det er sjovt, dybsindigt, drømmende, beskrivende, pirrende og … vedkommende! Ja, det er et godt ord. Noget, der har rigtig høj relevans, kan jo godt være skideskægt. Og weird, fjollet og alt muligt. Samtidig med at det er dødsens alvorligt.
Når samspillet mellem ord og musik virker bedst, så åbner to døre. Første dør åbner til en fundamental fælles forståelse af, hvad det vil sige at være i det her rum nu, eller at være menneske. Den anden dør åbner til en fuldstændig individuel fortolkning af, hvad det her drejer sig om. Og det er måske dét, den gode digter kan. Den gode poet, som spiller klarinet, så følelserne reagerer. Der kommer gåsehud, eller vi bliver megaglade. Det kan vi alle sammen mærke. Umiddelbart. Men lige så mange lyttere der er, lige så mange drømmebilleder, opfattelser og oplevelser vil der være. For mig handler det om at komme frem til at have noget på hjerte. En stærk intention. Og at have noget i en fortælling, der måske fremstår ret uhøjtideligt, underligt eller måske skaber forundring. Det tiltaler mig. Som musiker vil man også gerne have det swinger. Det skal sgu være funky, ellers er det ikke så sjovt for mig i hvert fald.
―Er det dialogen og samarbejdet i dette møde mellem musik og ord, der er det sjove?
―Ja, blandt andet. Folk vil gerne have mig med, fordi jeg er god til at være i et band. Jeg er blevet 52, så jeg er erfaren. Du kan finde trompetister, som spiller bedre end mig, er federe til at læse noder og kan spille højere og hurtigere og alt muligt. Men det er svært at finde nogen, som kan forstå og gå ind i en proces, løfte den og være megabegejstret og være så god til at sætte sig i projektejerens sted. Det er dét, jeg har levet af i mange år. Det er sjovt at være den deltagende brik – en bifigur – og derfor er jeg også pissegod til det. Selv med mine egne ting er jeg drevet af samarbejdet. Drevet af oplevelser eller mennesker. Mit forrige album var en solotrompet-plade, og der er man ret meget alene, men det nægter jeg. Så jeg rakte ud til Mike Højgaard, og vi lavede filmen Suite Dilation [tilgængelig på filmstriben]. Der havde jeg lige fået Ben Webster-prisen, og det er jo en retning af jazzen, der ikke er så avantgardistisk, men jazzen favner det hele. Lige fra Aristocats-swing til et abstrakt Kresten Osgood-beat. Det er bare at følge med. Pulsen i musik og i poesi, det er stemning og fortælling. Man bliver taget med på forskellige måder. Når man som musiker får en helt eller heltinde, bliver det en livskammerat. Når jeg for eksempel hører Don Cherry eller Ben Webster, så er det nogle, jeg har haft med mig, og som jeg vil have med mig, til jeg går i graven. Det er dybt ad helvede til, og det er virkelig fedt. Og nogle gange bliver det til et digt.
―Det ”sjove” er også i høj grad smittende originalitet og kreativitet fra andre, der kan sætte noget i gang. Igennem mange år har jeg for eksempel været tæt på TS Høegs virke og værker. Thorstens output er af svimlende karakter og inspirerende! Drivkraften i hans poetiske og litterære visioner har betydet meget for mig og mange i min generation, og nu også i den generation, der er kommet efter, fordi han, ligesom Hugo Rasmussen gjorde, ofte omgiver sig med yngre kræfter og skaber forbindelser på tværs af alder, æstetik og udtryk. Det er en af kernerne i musikalske fællesskaber, og det er jeg stor tilhænger af.
Megen mening i kondenseret form
―Hvorfor har du aldrig udgivet en lyrikplade i eget navn?
―Jeg skal finde måden at gøre det på. Kasper ser tænksom ud og lader stilheden fylde.
―Jeg har kun skrevet et par håndfulde digte eller tekstbidder, som jeg synes fungerer godt i musikalsk sammenhæng. Jeg bruger dem, når jeg spiller solotrompet, eller jeg bruger dem i improvisations-sammenhænge. Det lyrikbårne værk nærmer jeg mig rigtig langsomt, men jeg ved at det bliver med en blanding af mine og andres tekster. Nok andre improviserende musikeres tekster. Jeg har hørt gode statements live, som jeg har transskriberet – de findes slet ikke på tekst. Og så måske nogle omskrivninger af for eksempel Santoka Taneda, en free-haiku-poet af guds nåde, som jeg elsker. Kasper bladrer entusiastisk rundt i en af sine bøger, der ligger øverst i en af bunkerne på sofabordet foran os.
―At få megen mening ud i kondenseret form, det interesserer mig også på trompeten. Det går virkelig hånd i hånd med Haiku. Den måde at spille den rigtige tone på det rigtige tidspunkt. Det er måske den største udfordring.
―Hvad har du af kommende ordrige projekter?
―Der kommer en solo-trompetplade, hvor de her digte bliver optaget. Måske jeg spiller klaver på noget af det, men der kommer et poesiværk, jeg håber vil tilføre lytteren og mig andre ruter og muligheder i det, vi skal dele sammen. At jeg kan møde mig selv og lytteren på en anden måde, når ordene er der. … Det er en måde at få mig selv ud på gyngende grund.
―Nogle musikgrene har en afviklende karakter – det kan findes i al kunst – så kan det blive en ting. Mit håb er at dette projekt bliver udviklende. Jeg overvejer, hvordan jeg skal angribe den udgivelse. De tekster skal i hvert fald ud og have et liv nu, hvor de dokumenteres i et sammenhængende værk, for nu har de været der rigtig længe. Så kan jeg komme videre. Det er der behov for. Nogle af de tekstbidder har jo levet med mig i årevis.
―Og så har jeg et stort igangværende forskningsprojekt her på skolen, hvor jeg forsker i melodik og forsøger at afsøge nye tilgange til at bruge melodik som improviserende musiker. Også i forhold til den musikpædagogiske dimension af at arbejde med melodik i improvisation. Når det er færdigt om halvandet år, vil jeg arbejde på en sang-plade, som vi har snuset til. Jeg spillede en koncert på Hotel Cecil i maj måned med mit nye orkester, The Future Ancestors – mit elektriske band – hvor Mikael Simpson og Lucky Lo kom og sang et par sange hver.
―Hvad handler det repertoire og udtryk om?
― Live your life like a future ancestor. Kasper dvæler lidt.
―Hvad har efterlivet og livet tilfælles? Hvad er det for en type ancestor, man selv bliver? De spørgsmål bor inde i nogle sange, nogle hymner – både europæiske, amerikanske og afrikanske og alt muligt. Det er en helt ny undersøgelse. Det er de to orddrevne projekter, jeg har på vej.
Kærligheden til det orddrevne
―Jeg har et nogenlunde sprog til at beskrive musik, men det er svært for mig at beskrive poesi. Der er jeg lidt på udebane. Men det rører noget i mig. Jeg læner mig nok ind i improvisatorens brug af ord. Når noget optager mig, så kan jeg godt blive der længe og vende og dreje det. Jeg læser mange fagbøger om musik og portrætter af musikere. Så faglitteratur fylder en del, og jeg skriver også, hvis jeg giver Master Classes eller har oplæg her på skolen, så skriver jeg typisk reflekterende essays. Jeg har klart en kærlighed til at beskrive en proces, eller hvad jeg tænker om ting. Jeg skriver også breve til folk, det kan jeg godt li’. Men man bliver respektfuld. Det er et krævende område. Så jeg gør mig umage med ikke at fremstå som et litterært menneske. Jeg vil til gengæld gerne have at det fremstår som en dimension af min musikalitet og en dimension af min måde at være sammen med mennesker på. Jeg er måske lidt berøringsangst, men ordene kalder på mig hele tiden. Og nogle gange, så får jeg lov – af mig selv – til at skrive dem ned.
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theblogs2024 · 9 months
How To select your Very first Vape Kit
Generating the choice to swap cigarette smoking for vaping is among the best selections you can make in your well being, finances and wellbeing. But with thousands of equipment to pick from, it may be difficult picking out the proper package that gives you your best start out in vaping.
The good news is, right here at Vapestore we inventory a number of the best vape kits on this planet that are ideal for new vapers, kits that give the smoothest and many pleasant changeover from smoking to vaping and open up a complete new globe of unbelievable flavour and satisfaction, not forgetting savings in excess of common tobacco.
So, what kit in the event you be on the lookout for when choosing your 1st vape package?
Quitting using tobacco isn’t simple, so your vape kit shouldn’t insert anymore complexity to the procedure than is actually needed. Simplicity, in other words, is key and that means a starter vape kit that requires tiny or zero fuss to function..
Starter Kits You’ll typically see some vape kits British isles generally known as starter kits here on Vapestore and elsewhere. Whilst these kinds of starter vape kits can be found in lots of variations, The theory guiding all of them is that they're simple to use and don’t need any encounter to obtain up and jogging immediately.
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Read our guideline to a lot of the finest Starter Vape Kits listed here.
Pen Fashion Vape Kits The classic vape package, as well as a style that refuses to tumble from favour. The beauty of vape pens is that they're simple to hold with you, snug to hold also to use because of their form-fitting ergonomics and engineered for easy, satisfying vaping.
Examine our latest guide to the ideal Vape Pens right here.
Pod Vape Kits Pod-design and style kits are becoming extremely well known, not just For brand spanking new vapers but even veterans who are drawn to your gadgets for his or her flexibility and simplicity. Pod kits can come with disposable pods, wherever the mouthpiece, coil and e-liquid chamber are all 1 piece and might be disposed of in the event the coil reaches the end of its daily life and changed having a contemporary, new pod. Some of these pods even arrive prefilled, for instance you’d find Together with the JUUL or Vype Epod, for max comfort.
A lot of pod kits, having said that, are made to allow end users to refill their pods In keeping with their whims, which means you'll be able to experiment with e-liquid flavours on one particular gadget until finally you find your favourites. And as an alternative to toss away The full pods when the coil has expired, you can certainly swap out for your fresh new new coil, chopping down on squander. Pod Mod makes for instance Smok’s Nord and RPM coils and Voopoo’s PnP coils are thrust-n-pull, or ‘PnP’, that makes swapping out coils a breeze.
MTL or DTL? You’ll probable see both of these acronyms often if you’re Discovering the entire world of vaping. MTL stands for Mouth-to-Lung and describes the sensation you can get when you have a puff, maintain it, then inhale the vapour in to the lungs. This can be most familiar to cigarette people who smoke and delivers a terrific sensation to make the changeover from smoking cigarettes to vaping as pleasant as you possibly can. These kits work at decreased outputs and comprise virtually all starter kits.
DTL, or DL, stands for Immediate-to-Lung and most commonly refers to inhaling the vapour directly in the lungs, much like inhaling a shisha pipe. The effect is a cushty vape with amazing cloud production, favoured by quite a few a lot more skilled vapers. DL kits work at better electrical power outputs, with coils with a decreased than 1 ohm resistance, which destinations them within the group called ‘sub-ohm’ vaping.
If you’re in search of an experience as near to using tobacco as you can for your personal very first ways in vaping, we advise an MTL starter package, with DL, sub-ohm vaping Completely ready and looking forward to after you’re prepared to check out more Highly developed kits and higher-driven, cloud-chasing vaping.
What E-liquid do you have to use along with your Initially Vape Package? Higher-PG E-liquids
Significant-PG, or ‘typical’, eliquids generally comprise a higher ratio of propylene glycol (PG) to vegetable glycerin (VG), two frequent food items-quality substances that have the flavour and nicotine which make up e-liquid. PG typically carries flavour better than VG and offers a more powerful throat hit. And because classic eliquids are created from freebase nicotine, they’re usually less costly to create which passes the discounts on for you, The client.
Nicotine Salts E-liquids
Nicotine Salt e-liquids, usually known as nic salts, mimic the power and feeling of your nicotine located in a conventional tobacco cigarette. Nicotine salts provide nicotine towards the bloodstream far more rapidly than conventional nicotine-that contains e-liquids, offering unprecedented aid from cravings.
50/50 E-liquids
With fifty:50 e-juices, vapers can enjoy e cig juice with the powerful flavour of PG Together with the smoother throat sensation and loaded clouds of VG. It’s the proper stability.
Top Initially Vape Kits Vpod Pro Pod package from Vapouriz The sleek, light-weight human body and comfortable mouthpiece with the Vpod Pro blends exquisite type with exceptional ergonomics. The Vpod Professional is so simple to use but is compact more than enough to fit discreetly inside of any pocket, bag, or compartment until finally you require it which can be what has manufactured the Vpod Pro the ideal starter vape package in 2020 For brand spanking new vapers trying to get an easy, discreet machine.
The Vpod Pro contains a lengthy-lasting 850mAh battery, autodraw and fireplace button activation, and Using the Vpod Pro’s refillable pods, there’s no have to have to change fiddly coils. Basically eliminate the pod at the end of its daily life and switch using a new just one. Refilling the pod with your favourite e-liquid is as easy as releasing the sealed side port, topping up and replacing the seal.
Get more info. here: Dabwoods
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arttech · 11 months
Choose the Right Hardware for the Best Vape Flavors
If you want to enjoy the best vape juice flavors possible, the first thing you need to do is choose the right hardware for flavor chasing – and the first step of that process is choosing your preferred inhaling style. We’ll describe the benefits of each inhaling style and suggest a few vaping devices that might appeal to you for each of the three styles. Note that many of the devices on this list have adjustable airflow settings and multiple coil options, which allows you to try multiple inhaling styles with one device.
As you shop for a new vaping device, one thing to consider is that some devices have unique features developed with the specific purpose of enhancing flavor quality. With the Innokin Sensis and Sensis EZ, for example, we pioneered a new feature called Coil+. When you enable the Coil+ feature, the device runs at low power for a fraction of a second after each puff. The gentle heat encourages e-liquid to saturate the coil’s wick, ensuring that you’ll enjoy the best possible flavor every time you vape. For more at سحبات الكترونية
Here are a few factors to consider when looking for a vape device:
Purpose: Determine your vaping goals. Are you trying to quit smoking, looking for a discreet option, or interested in cloud chasing and advanced vaping? Different devices cater to different needs.
Type of Device: There are various types of vape devices available, including pod systems, vape pens, box mods, and more. Each has its own set of features, capabilities, and user experience. Research and understand the differences to find the type that suits you best.
Battery Life and Power: If you're frequently on the go or prefer longer vaping sessions, consider a device with a larger battery capacity. Additionally, higher wattage devices provide more power and vapor production, but they consume battery life more quickly.
Ease of Use: Some vapes are designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, while others offer more advanced features and customization options. Consider your comfort level with technology and your willingness to learn about settings and controls.
Coil Compatibility and Availability: Coils are essential components of vape devices, and their availability and affordability may vary depending on the device. Check if the coils for your chosen device are readily available and consider the cost of replacements.
Safety Features: Look for devices with built-in safety features such as overcharge protection, short circuit protection, and battery safety mechanisms. These features help ensure a safer vaping experience.
Reviews and Recommendations: Read reviews and seek recommendations from trusted sources or fellow vapers who have experience with different devices. This can provide valuable insights into the performance, durability, and overall satisfaction of a particular vape.
For more at سحبات جاهزة
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Vape devices and components
Electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, e-cigs, or eGo
E-hookahs or hookah pens
JUULs, after the top-selling closed pod-based device that looks like a USB flash drive instead of a traditional cigarette or writing pen
Mods, which are larger open-system devices that are refillable and produce more vapor
Personal vaporizers or PVs
Vapes, vape pens, or vape sticks
Some vape devices are known as ENDS or electronic nicotine delivery systems. For more at سحبات
The liquid that produces vapor comes in a pod or cartridge and may be called:
E-juice or e-liquid
Juice or smoke juice
Rouqan is an online store that specializes in selling regular and electronic molasses flavors, as well as regular and electronic shisha and all its accessories.
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4shaahmed · 1 year
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timelessha · 1 year
Why have Pods become so popular?
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Vaping has come a long way since its inception back in 2003. However, there is one type of device that arguably changed vaping and currently dominates the market: the Pod. In its beginnings, the Pods used to be the favorites of vapers who were taking their first steps and who were looking for something without many complications. Today, users of all kinds choose these devices for their size, their power, their versatility and the large number of models to choose from.
When the first e-cigarettes arrived, the type of models to choose from was quite limited. They used to be small, underpowered devices with low levels of flavor, vapor, and throat hit. As this world progressed, Mods arrived, also known as Box Mods, which had a multitude of options in addition to having variable power, which allowed these models greater flavor and vapor. The problem was that they tended to be more complex devices and less suitable for newcomers to vaping. This is what led manufacturers to design something compact, light but capable of being satisfactory for all types of vapers.
Possibly the first brand that innovated in this sense was Juul back in 2015, a little-known brand in Spain but with which it has had great relevance in the United States and in other countries. Later, similar designs began to arrive and the brands put their efforts into innovating in this type of device.
The evolution of Pods
In the early days of Pods, cartridges were usually unopened, pre-filled, and single-use. The advantage of this type of cartridge is its simplicity and low maintenance, although it greatly limited the choice of flavors and nicotine concentrations, as well as requiring many refills for more intense vapers.
Open cartridges changed the industry by keeping the cartridge system simple while giving users the ability to choose flavors and gradually lower nicotine levels. Another of the advantages of this type of cartridge was its duration, since they could be used for several liquid refills until the resistance ended its useful life. Models of this type with great success have been, for example, Voopoo Argus P1, the SMOK Novo 2 or the MI-Pod.
Although many vapers prefer powerful sub-ohm vaping, they are typically not an easy-to-carry type of device. Pods and early Pod Mods were intended for mouth-to-lung vaping, in the style of traditional cigarettes. However, this type of vaping is not to everyone's taste. Many experienced vapers are looking for something more in their vaping, more power, more vapor and a good direct lung draw. This caused some manufacturers to start looking for innovation, advancing both in battery capacity and power, and in lowering the ohm rating of their resistances to find a vape comparable to larger devices.
The focus of the manufacturers was focused on achieving devices that would adapt to all types of vapers, comfortable and simple devices like a Pod, but with greater autonomy and more power. The first Pods had a range of around 450mAh, and currently it is normal for them to be around —or even exceed— twice that battery. Along with this greater autonomy also came the increase in power, and not only in a fixed power as was the case with the first ones, but with variable power as if it were a mod.
Changes in resistances also arrived. Although the refillable cartridges were a great advance, they continued to generate more costs and waste than just changing the resistances, so the Pods stopped being disposable to be cartridges as similar to sub-ohm tanks. Thanks to that, you could use different ranges of resistances depending on the type of vaping you preferred, MTL or DL. We have seen great examples of this type of device, such as the Voopoo Vinci Air, which reaches 30W and has an integrated 900mAh battery as well as being able to be used with the range of PnP resistors.
The latest advances that have put them on a par with mods have been chip innovation, as well as the possibility of finding small Pod Mods that work with external batteries, and with powers that have reached 80W, such as the SMOK RPM80 Pro Pod or the Voopoo Drag X Pod.
Who are the Pods made for?
Currently there are Pods for any type of vape. Possibly it will depend more on the style of vaping that you like the most and which is the model that best suits it.
If you are taking your first steps in vaping, it is normal that you are looking for something simple, comfortable and cheap. At first, it is normal that you do not want to carry canisters of liquid with you and constantly refill the tank. Therefore, a good option would be a Pod with disposable cartridges (with integrated resistance) and low power, whose battery lasts all day. At first, especially if you have just quit smoking, it is normal for you to look for some liquid with nicotine. To get started with low strength Pods, using 20mg nicotine salts is perfect, as you will get a good throat hit, great flavor as well as nicotine absorption similar to traditional cigarettes that will help you avoid relapse again. Tobacco.
Some of the kits that best demonstrate this type of vaping would be, for example, the Vaporesso XTRA Pod, with a power of 11W and an autonomy of 900mAh, or the Aspire AVP Pro, a device that allows three different powers: 10, 12 or 16 watts, and with a fantastic autonomy of 1200mAh.
If you are an intermediate vaper and already have some experience, you will probably be looking for something with a little more power. Almost every vaper starts out with simple mouth-lung vaping devices. Little by little, curiosity usually arrives and a more advanced vaping is usually sought, a more personalized experience that provides us with greater flavor and, sometimes, also a greater amount of vapor. There are many Pod type devices that can offer us this type of characteristics.
The type of Pods that an intermediate vaper would look for would be one with a power greater than 15-20W and that allows it to be used with resistances of less than 1.0ohm. Of this type of device, some of the most interesting are the Voopoo V thru Pro, with an integrated 900mAh battery and a power range between 5-25W. This kit has two types of resistances in disposable cartridges, some 1.2ohm and others 0.7ohm, perfect for getting started in sub-ohm vaping with a Pod. Another great example would be the Uwell Crown Pod, one of the highest rated devices of the last times. It has a 1250mAh battery and a maximum output power of 25W. It is a simple device, which can be activated by puffing or with the firing button, and which uses 1.0 or 0.6ohm resistances, depending on our preferences.
Finally, if you are already an advanced vaper, you probably know everything about mods and even have more than one device depending on the occasion. It is possible that you have even started in the world of mechanical mods, repairable atomizers and even the creation of your own resistances. This is undoubtedly the most personalized vape and with which you get a unique experience, but let's be honest, it is very difficult to always carry all the elements you require with you. Even if we have an electronic mod that works with two external batteries, its size is usually too bulky and we also have to carry liquids, resistances and even spare batteries for our equipment.
Today there are many Pod-type devices that work with an external battery and that are capable of reaching 80W of power. They are kits that, despite their compact size, allow intense vaping with good vapor and flavor, as well as being able to adjust a multitude of features to customize our vaping.
Pods for advanced vapers can be, for example, the Voopoo Drag X, which we have already referred to at the beginning of the text and which works with a single 18650 battery that allows it to reach 80W. Other examples would be the Vaporesso Target PM80, which, like the previous one, works with an 18650 battery and has a maximum output power of 80W. This device works with the AXON chip, one of the most advanced on the market, which allows it to achieve a firing speed of 0.001 seconds. The SMOK brand has not been left behind and also has a device similar in characteristics to the previous ones, the RPM80 Pro Pod, also with an 18650 battery and a maximum power of 80W, in addition to having great versatility and a vape full of flavor. And steam.
In short, whatever your type of vaping, you can always find a Pod that suits your style. Comfortable, simple devices with fantastic designs, which are perfect for when we have to vape away from home and we don't want to complicate ourselves with larger devices.
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reginawneal · 1 year
What You Need to Know About Vaping
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Vaping refers back to the inhalation and exhalation of the aerosol or vapor. Typically, It can be produced by a device, including the Digital version of people who smoke. This time period is in use as they don't emit tobacco smoke. The situation is that men and women blunder aerosol for h2o vapor, but there's a distinction between the two. Let's figure out extra.
Vapor is actually drinking water vapor that comprises wonderful particles which have various number of harmful chemicals. It is important to Take into account that these substances may possibly induce heart disease, respiratory condition and cancer, to name a number of.
Considering the fact that these models turned quite common Using the passage of time, vaping has long gone up in attractiveness. They were built out there on the market in 2007, in America. Hence, the data convey to us that these solutions are getting the area of standard cigarettes, which is why you should provide them with a go. And we will say for sure that you will not regret your determination.
As far as vaping equipment are involved, they incorporate vape pens and contemporary vaporizers, aka MODS too. The Digital variety looks like the common sort, but vape pens look like major fountain pens. Also, what helps make them different from other solutions contain cost and layout. The design is easy but Price tag is a tad higher. Besides this, they are customizable to satisfy the requires of consumers.
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Normally, a vaping device comprises many elements, like a battery, e-liquid cartridge, heating components and also a mouthpiece. Whenever you turn on the system, the battery powers the heating section that transforms the liquid into aerosol. The user inhales the aerosol after which exhales some seconds afterwards.
Usually, the e-liquid found in these items incorporates a nicotine centered propylene glycol. Aside from this, it consists of artificial flavors, metals or other chemical substances. Even so, it won't contain tobacco. Remember that some consumers make use of the units for vaping THC. This chemical is employed to supply the brain-altering outcomes similar to marijuana. Likewise, it produces effects that flakka create, which can be a synthetic drug.
As far as the recognition is anxious, the most well-liked product or service is referred to as JUUL. That is a modest unit that appears like a pc flash generate. Since it has a refined layout, it truly is easier to disguise. Here is the main reason why it is so preferred amid college students.
The nice matter is the fact that vaping products are safer than common tobacco based mostly products for many motives. As being a make any difference of simple fact, They're rather well-known in America. Additionally, you are able to Decide on diverse flavors, such as fruit medley, mango, and crème brulee, to name a handful of. Also, some items contain a great deal of nicotine with good flavors. The truth is, some cartridges contain the quantity of nicotine that are available in an entire packet of regular smoke producers.
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sanvir20 · 1 year
Type of vape?
There are many different (JUUL PODS) types of vapes available on the market, but some of the most common ones include:
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Cigalikes: These are disposable or rechargeable e-cigarettes that resemble traditional tobacco cigarettes in size and shape.
Vape pens: These are cylindrical devices that are slightly larger than cigalikes and have a rechargeable battery, a tank or cartridge for e-liquid, and a mouthpiece.
Mods: Short for "modified electronic cigarettes," mods are larger and more powerful devices that allow for more customization and control over the vaping experience. They often have replaceable batteries and can MYLE POODS produce larger clouds of vapor.
Pod systems: These are compact, all-in-one devices that use pre-filled or refillable pods of e-liquid. They are easy to use and often have a sleek, modern design.
Dry herb vaporizers: These devices are designed to heat up dried herbs (such as cannabis) rather than e-liquid, and produce a vapor that can be inhaled. They are typically larger and more expensive than other types of vapes.
It's important to note that each type of vape device has its own unique features, benefits, and drawbacks, and it's important to choose one that is appropriate for your needs and preferences.
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