#mmmmmmmm gonna make more tea then see what i can write
ofyorkshire · 4 months
i need to clean up bj's verses, i think, especially since i've been doing a lot more in his modern verse, and splitting it up into decades ('70s, '80s) doesn't really work.
uhh, this is kind of for my own reference to look at later, but feel free to weigh in! canon verses are always something i hate figuring out LOL.
instead of splitting it up into years, i think i'll split it up into "chapters" of bj's life. so maybe like:
pre-canon (early to mid-teens; briefly on the streets after having left laws, struck out and is being managed/employed by john dawson at the karachi club; once he starts working for dawson, he is given a little bedsit on spencer mount, west (?) yorkshire)
[leaving a gap bc all of 1974 happens from early december to christmas and i can't really imagine there being much room at all to actually write anything here except with other red riding canons which... do not exist. LOL.]
on the run (mid-teens; bj is hiding out with clare from the police; still working, but doing so independently and supplementing with petty shoplifting)
gang days (late teens to early twenties; clare is dead; bj has joined the spencer boys for protection, a rough street gang run by joe rose; robberies and drug trade have become his primary income; his substance abuse problems are at their worst)
hospital stay (early twenties to mid-twenties; i'd need to re-check how long he's supposed to stay there, but bj has been admitted to a hospital after what nurses tell him was a suicide attempt (it was attempted murder, but bj can't remember what happened). he's not especially stable, but he gets sober here and begins to realize that everything has been laws' fault all along. still gentle, but getting bitter and angry the longer he sits with it.)
[gap? is there any point, i wonder, in having a bj-actively-seeking-revenge-on-laws verse? he pretty much goes immediately to find him after leaving the hospital. the only thing that would almost make it worth it is that this bj is wildly different from the others and ironically the most unstable he's been. he's running on anger, hate, and fumes. quick to bite bite bite bite bite no matter who it is. get away from him. get away.]
post-canon, early freedom (mid-twenties; stumbling around, still very unsteady and new to existing on his own, without someone or something breathing down his neck. high risk of relapsing, but trying to avoid letting it get as bad as it was. briefly moves to blackpool, but leaves as soon as he's able. still finding his way through the fog.)
post-canon, recovering (mid-twenties to late-twenties or early thirties; getting and staying more or less sober (especially in his modern verse); may move out of the uk to another country to get as far away from old ghosts as possible; able to get his own flat, still wobbly and still has some very bad days, but he feels more his own by this point and can finally see the possibility of carving something good out for himself.)
and then if they occur in a modern au or whatever au, i'll use that as an additional tag...?
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