saerimm · 5 years
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hello gang gang, this is joy again and i humbly offer you oh saerim, a former baek ho babe who is also baek ho’s head of house. she’s the professor of transfiguration and professor of art. prior to working at yosul, she was an auror for the ministry, specializing in stealth and tracking. for more information on this absolute unit, feel free to check out her stats and backstory (its still a wip since i deadass put this muse together in a day alsdfkjalsdfj ) feel free to add me on discord @ mrs. mothman#2804 for easier plotting. i’ll still be in tumblr ims tho ! under the cut is a not so short tl;dr and some wcs !
just starting off with this: out and in the open big gay. has been in a relationship with the same woman an npc named yoonmi since forever. love is real. 
33, baek ho alumni, baek ho head of house. #baekhobabes4life
her father ( half-blood ) and mother ( pure-blood ) met in scotland during beltane and succumbed to that ~ spicy magic ~ and proceeded to have 7 offspring 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻 👉🏼👶🏻👈🏼
saerim is the youngest child, and the only begotten daughter of the oh family. living, growing up, and competing with 6 brothers was not always good™️ but hey, they taught her how to fight dirty ✊🏼as well as how to stand up for herself and how to be brave. thanks oh bros.
was an active 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 student at yosul: was a chaser all seven years of attendance ( baek ho intramural team and varsity ), a member of the dueling club, and also the baking club. 
double majored in transfiguration and defense against the dark arts because she’s an overachiever and wanted to prove she could do it
her father passes away near the tail end of saerim’s last year at grad school. she takes a break after graduating yosul, and goes to a maeobsa university to attain an art degree with a focus in photography, ceramics, and painting.
returns and undergoes auror training. she passes with flying colors, excelling in stealth and tracking as an auror. she’s their ace in a hole due to her being an animagus, which is a borzoi 🐶, the russian wolfhound, known for being swift and persistent in pursuing and pinning down targets.
nearly died on an assignment in scotland and, at the request of her mother and brothers, retires as an auror. 
is asked by the current headmaster at yosul to join their staff as the professor of transfiguration lit rally a month after she retires 💁🏻‍♀️
she now works at yosul as both the professor of transfiguration and professor of arts. is also baek ho’s house master and the dueling club advisor lesgeddit 💪🏻
she’s the epitome of what it means to be baek ho: brave, determined, competitive, a reckless dumbass who won’t back down when challenged. would jump off a cliff to PROVE a point. throws hands, won’t hesitate bitch 👊🏼
emphasis on bravery: came out to her family when she was 17 despite knowing how conservative they are. it caused a rift in their relationship for a long ass while, but they try being progressive and supportive of her since she is, after all, the family’s babie. 
she’s a social butterfly: tries to get to know everyone and memorize names and faces. is that teacher who knows who you are without ever having you in her class.
is really playful. loves pranking students, especially at night while in her animagus form. she’s been called the grim on many occasions, and uses this to scare the shit out of kids who’re out past curfew 🤡
the most loyal bih ever...deadass been with her high school sweetheart since the beginning of time. they lost count, no one knows anymore. that loyalty also extends to her baek hoes, friends, and family.
loves kids, is really good with them, hard pass on having any of her own tho. she’s happy being that cool aunt who gives the best presents.
super spontaneous and impulsive, over all really fun to be around.
baEK HO BABIES. who needs children when you’re responsible for 103581093581085 of them amriite ? saerim’s the housemaster of baek ho, and literally acts like a mother hen, constantly doting on them, whipping them into shape, and helping out whenever she can. don’t actually call her mom tho bc she’ll get an aneurysm 
hag line friends 😔
soft, art aesthetic frens. this is a super self indulgent plot bunny lmao
mentees ! ! ! ! saerim’s always down to teach young whipperschnappers a thing or two. she may be in her thirties, but she stays in shape and can give anyone a can of WHOOP ASS 
you run into saerim while she’s in her animagus form and you deadass nearly shit your pants because she looks like the grim lmfao
quidditch ! saerim played all throughout her time at yosul, and has a couple pick up matches with her friends in the ministry on that rare day off. need advice on how to get better/improve ? she’s always down to give a few pointers 
you got saddled with detention and saerim’s the wall between you and freedom. good luck tryna get past her. she gives the worst detentions: the humiliating and laborious kind.
more plots can be found here !
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tinyrmm · 5 years
someone needs 2 stop me but i just #can’tbetamed
tiny romanov is anything but: she towers over most of her peers at almost-six-feet with no shoes on.
nobody ever called her by her birth-name growing up so she thought tiny was her name for the longest time. will still introduce herself as tiny till this day and ppl just look at her like ??? wot lol. 
should be in 4th year but baby girl failed 3rd year 😔✊
bullied a lot as a kid for being mixed, but that literally did not affect her self-esteem as much as it should have.
that's because tiny had a reputation of being BANANAS: she would literally cry if she killed a bug but was always rdy 2 fITE her bullies (ง'̀-'́)ง
(lots of kids got bitten by her dskksksk hmu if u were a bully and personally victimized bitten by tiny romanov).
daughter of ministry workers: her parents met at beauxbatons (her mother on exchange), they were high school sweethearts, and papa followed mummy to sk after graduation.
so she can speak french and korean fluently, understands the belgian-dutch words her father throws at her, and speaks english with a heavy accent (english is like switzerland in her household: used for mediating etc. which is ??? as they all suck at it and switch languages around anyways).
parents have given up on tiny and her academics— they just want her to at least (pleath) graduate high school.
maybe she will this time 🤷‍♀️ (if she ever wakes up from her naps in class).
dumb binch energy 🤡
grew up reading trashy romance and mystery novels, and watching lotsa film noirs so if u see her stomping around with her RBF she's probably just recreating a scene in her head or pretending she's a detective or smthg.
which she really wanted to be as a kid: but even in her group of friends (they ran a detective agency disguised as a book club…. yes it was v nerdy and yes they took it v seriously) she was never the detective 😔
actually, she was the brawn of the group— like a bodyguard lol.
catch her on the intramural baek ho team as a beater 💪 (she skinny as hell but could probably beat u up).
wow i'm sorry this is so unnecessarily long but onto some plots!:
4th years who were her peers throughout high school!! either they side-eye her now or don't really care.
3rd years who sweat nervously around her because don't know whether they should call her sunbae or not.
(tiny doesn’t care).
fuckbois who hit her up with the "haha WYD :)" and tiny gives them NOTHING to work with because she is CLUELESS AF.
also gay af.
basically, boys: 😡🖐️🙅‍♀️ girls: 🥺😍😩💕
(except tiny has never dated a girl before. @her middle school ex bf hmu)
her group of friends since first year (see: detective nerds)!! thick as thieves!! & even tho they're all in 4th they're still close (tiny feels a little left out sometimes and misses their detective days 😔)
quidditch peeps!!! if tiny had a future (lol) she would love to be on the varsity team, but for now she'll just admire/long from afar. also intramural team mates and house rivalries pleath 👌
a close guy friend she can set up tinder profiles for so she can catfish people and practice flirting w girls (i mean…  "wingman for" 👀) he knows she's gay (& he is too possibly) but ppl think they're dating lmao.
girls who call her a "girl crush" and she doesn't know if they're lowkey flirting or just being str8 🙃
this is off the top of my head but hmu!!! pleath like this post and i’ll slide into ya dms~      
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iseulmm · 5 years
hello!! i’m kit ( i also write for @sungmm ) & i finally caved and brought my second character!! introducing to u all my oversized toddler won iseul: a 1st year at yosul that’s in baek ho even though he’s literally the softest boy in the world. i’ll provide more information about him under the cut, but please feel free to add me at kit #9499 to plot for either of my characters or just like this post and i’ll come to you instead! ♡
won baby!!! his older sibs are @mmchangmin and @mmjiyi who are definitely a 100 more times cooler than him b/c they have blonde hair but he’s Boring and just kept his hair black 😔👊 he’s extremely sorta insecure abt the fact that both of his sibs are happy extroverts and he’s just... Not. very shy!!! hates talking to strangers even though his parents force him to!!! if u didn’t know him well you would think he’s aloof n mean but rly he’s just a babie who can’t even talk to girls
not the smartest but is v determined to do well in school and tries hard in everything that he does!! the type of person to ask questions after class ( but only b/c he’s scared of appearing dumb in front of his peers!! ) and spends way 2 much time in the library. ( also place #1 where he hides from his bullies lol ) 
he’s involved in some extracurriculars such as: 
prefect :~)  iseul’s a stickler for rules!!! don’t ask him to bend them for u b/c he won’t!! lowkey played himself tho since he just gets picked on more... haha... plz do not tell either of his sibs this :// he’s a dummy that won’t stand up for himself but will for other ppl in need?? otherwise ₕₑ ⱼᵤₛₜ ₜₐₗₖₛ ₗᵢₖₑ ₜₕᵢₛ and suffers silently
quidditch editor for the yosul ilbo! he’s not even that into quidditch but he basically learned all that he knows from jiyi so he gotta be useful with that knowledge somewhere!! catch him @ all the games... doesn’t play since he’s not really competitive but he is a natural at flying ( he learned from the BEST after all !!! )
part of the magical creatures club!! can’t take the class yet so he’s in the next best thing :”) ever since he was little he’s thought about being a magizoologist or even a dragonologist but tbh he’ll probably be forced into the family business once he becomes old enough so it’s just a pipe dream of his. he has a pink pygmy puff that is constantly rolling away from him and getting lost!!
doesn’t have that much house pride tbh?? he doesn’t think he’s v similar to his housemates at all or that he even belongs in baek ho so he’s very :((( about it b/c what if the gat made a mistake?? he’s rly worried since all the wons atm are in ju jak so a v Troubled boy,,, 
anyways classic plots i would Die for:
childhood friends!!! someone who has stuck w/ him thru the yrs not for the ~ won fame ~ but b/c yknow they geniunely like hanging out w iseul... alternatively a best friend PLZ!! he has like two friends and u have the spot closest to his heart
a hyung/noona to dote on him and he’s always like “stop it ur embarrassing me” but the truth is that he’s a baby that needs to be babied
or u used to babysit him and he’s MORTIFIED... pls do not tell anyone about the time he cried ten times watching finding nemo it would ruin his cold reputation
he’s too young to be in love but u have a crush on one of his sibs and u want him to wingman and he’s just like. haha what
ur convinced he’ll be gr8 at quidditch so u keep pestering him abt it... leave him Alone
idk i don’t have that many ideas mostly b/c i prefer to hash out dynamics in dms!!! hmu plz :(
lov u
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mmnarae-blog · 5 years
helo i’m tea and i am old and tired but trying my best. this is VERY late but honestly i come home from work with two functioning brain cells, let’s leave it to weekend-tea to string a coherent sentence together. it’s been a really long time since i’ve rp’d, like actual years!! im a hoe for non-hogwarts hp though so here we are.
baek ho / fifth year / 23 / ENFP / maeobsa-born
narae exudes two main energies: art heux and dumb bitch. she’s been blonde with micro bangs—you know the type. she takes photos for the school paper, because of course she does.
doesn’t have anything she wants to do in particular, so she scrapes by doing the bare minimum at school. people with the misfortune of being paired with her on group projects say fuck me because she isn’t doing shit.
she’s just here to have a good time, and damn does she know how to, she’s always doing something with somebody—because the alternative is sitting at home with nothing but her anxiety for company and we don’t want that.
has all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. she’s laughably bad at lying, so she doesn’t even bother. it’s clear when she likes someone and equally clear when she doesn’t.
seemingly lacks an ounce of self-consciousness, which is good in that she could carry a conversation with a dead fish, and bad in that she has a lot of opinions and can’t keep her mouth shut.
observant: she’s people savvy and good at reading the subtext of a situation. knowing what to do with that? mmmm let’s call it a work in progress.
bit of a hobbyist thrill seeker, but it’s very much baby’s first rebellion. trespassing, “”“recreational potions”“”, minor shoplifting (not from family-owned businesses ofc, she has ethics). if it doesn’t hurt anyone, what’s the problem?
“quidditch sucks btw. : ) go play with ur balls ugly.” it has nothing to do with having twigs for arms and not being able fly a broom what makes u say that.
i’ll take “comes from a very christian family” for “things i’d never guess” alex. she thought she was ~touched by god~ when her magic started manifesting. she started wizarding school late and was pulled from yosul between age 17-18, just after first year. she’s pretty sure her parents seriously considered an exorcism at one point.
so she’s really behind, and nearly as bad at being a muggle as she is at being a witch. great job parents, really set her up for success there. she’s always down to fight verbally but a second year could probably kick her ass in a duel so no ty. she handles that with a good dose of self-deprecating humour.
actively trying to distance herself from religion and family because years of intense teenage angst over it was, retrospectively, a very bad use of energy she could’ve put into shit that doesn’t suck big time.
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mmdaehyun · 5 years
okay take two—here we go. im day and this is jo daehyun, 6th yr, jujak, and chollimas’ captain of two years and also keeper. you can read more in his (updated) profile page here. and i’ll put some stuff under the cut as well! please give this a like if you’re interested in plotting tho!!
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following his parents deaths (around age 9), dh started living with the maeobsa side of the family (mom’s brother) in jeju.
they’re nice, quaint people. he lives in an actual room and not a cupboard under the stairs, so who’s complaining?
right, oh, he’s complaining. inside anw, always felt a bit alienated from the family—i.e. the obv bias toward their actual son.
but pretty much learned to bite his tongue about it, bc like gma said (when she dropped him off), he can’t be ungrateful.
which really then all that internalizing kind of fucked him up but that’s a story for another day.
placed into yonsul after middle school and gladly skipped out of there.
kind of? popular nowadays with chollimas and everything. 
he’s tryna go pro, ig. but he’s also tryna not treat life so recklessly he withers before 30 (still a wip on that front tho)
nice? yes, let’s go with nice. he’s nice to look at, carries a nice vocal tone, posture, build, grades, reputation, demeanor. so, yeah, you can go ahead and say he’s nice. note: not good, but nice.
incredibly needy as a person, at least with the people he’s close to. it doesn’t manifest in anything particularly obvious, but if you’re close you’d be able to pick up on the hints here and there. note: the closer you are the higher his expectations are of your position in his life.
his entire existence lacks proper validation and so: strives to be the best he can at almost everything. grades, quidditch, the works. which also makes him insanely competitive at times.
foul? yeah, something like that. he likes his good-boy demeanor, likes to be viewed positively (always positively). but he’s somewhat foul, somewhat nasty to people who test the lengths of his “niceness”. 
lives by the “if you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say it” till he doesn’t (he’ll just trip you).
same year, same house, same dorms since the very first year: a bromance pls. 
varsity bros he likes
varsity bros he doesn’t like
cousins from his mom’s side, they don’t particularly talk or know of each other until (will fill in blank here), but i think it’d be an interesting dynamic.
exes, fwbs, (one-sided) crushes (im open to most things!!)
a variety of friends from fake to close to we only talk when we’re in class tgt otherwise lowkey you’re dead 2 me
younger kids he thinks of as a siblings
younger kids he can’t stand but has to babysit anyway
played e/o during y1-3 quidditch but guess who made it into varsity and who didn’t (and now who’s smug)
you think he’s fake as fuck and honestly he doesn’t care
why did you airdrop him this picture of kirby holding a knife
why did he airdrop you this (plot cred. vik mun)
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mmchoa · 5 years
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hello !! this is joy, surprise !!  you all know how wonky tumblr ims can be so feel free to add me on discord @ uwu#2804 !! without further ado, here is hwang choa, a hyeon mu alumni. i've got a profile set up for her that you all can look through, as well as a background. i apologize in advance for how long this turned out, i really went off. i'll be sure to make a tl;dr in the future. finally, here are some plots !! under the cut is the tl;dr on choa & some ideas c: 
hwang choa
26 years old, pureblood, eldest child and disowned
alumni at yosul. hyeon mu was her home away from home. any hyeon mu students get an automatic pass in her book.
was arranged to marry the son of her dad's friend since she was 15. their wedding date was set for after she graduates yosul at 22.
he left her at the altar. her fiance ditched her for someone else 😔
after that nasty shitshow, and a lot of stuff in between, choa returned to yosul for grad school.
majored in charms and interned at the wizarding bank of korea during grad school.
picked up the bad social drinker habit. thanks dad !
was recommended for a curse-breaker apprenticeship in egypt after grad school, an opportunity she jumped at.
took ~1.5 years to complete her apprenticeship. she came back to seoul and settled there, establishing herself as a freelance and high profile curse-breaker. does jobs for the wizarding bank of korea, pureblood families, foriegn wizarding governments, and the like.
can sometimes be seen at yosul because she's that student that visits her professors regularly and sends them christmas cards
she's very steadfast and loyal
she can be really petty when she wants to be
isn't always the best at expressing her feelings she's emotionally stunted because of daddy issues so she expresses affection physically. she's always giving hugs, touching someone's face, playing with someone's hair etc
she's a happy drunk, always laughing and a little handsy
she's really proud. her pride is probably one of the reasons why she can't have nice things
choa likes to figure things out by herself first before looking to others for help
is prone to putting others before herself. she's probably one of the first to offer emotional support rather than help someone solve the problem.
hyeon mu buddies: choa, despite having her doubts about yosul, absolutely loved her time here and loved all her housemates, underclassmen and upperclassmen alike.
best friends: been together since your first year, had adventures, and got detentions together. you also had the misfortune of having front row seats to choa’s tragic wedding 🤡
reconnecting friends: after choa’s wedding and getting disowned happening all within like 24 hours of each other, choa literally dropped off of the face of the earth. you two meet a few years later, will it be a heartwarming reunion?
she's not looking for one now, but she's down to be someone's mentor. she excelled in charms, ancient runes, and dada. maybe she'll inspire others to take up the cursebreaking career?
drinking buddies. someone needs to be choa's dd, or you both can get hammered and leave the rest to fate tbh
need someone to confide in ? choa's your girl ! she's always been a good listener, and will be there to give you emotional support. but she can't and won't solve that problem for you 😔
sunbae/dongsaeng relations ! choa loves keeping in touch with people from yosul because it validates her need to be a part of something akin to a family. will you be a part of her found family ?
one night stands. the walk of shame, the awkward morning after. she never brings anyone back home to her sparsely furnished apartment. she's the kind of girl that always goes home with someone else.
business relationships! your house needs some new wards? found out that your uncle twice removed had some dark objects you want to sell? choa's your gal. standard rates may apply 👀
exes. choa tried the dating game after her failure of an engagement but things never worked out because she's still thinking about him™️
that's all i got so far aslkjfl my brain cells are fried. i'll add more once inspiration strikes again
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taejoonmm-blog · 5 years
oop i was fast asleep when acceptances happened but i’m here now!!! jumping aboard the older (??) muse train with noh taejoon: 24, ju jak alumna, former baduk club prez, current grad stud + ur rezident defense against the dark arts ta....stats are here and a lil plots list plus some extra reading under the cut if ur interested! like to plot and i’ll head ur way :^) 
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parents are actively involved in law enforcement, his mom is the one underage magic users gotta watch out for her cause shes the one that’ll bust ur ass :^) 
he’s the nerdy passive only son type tho
one of ju jak’s v own and former roommates with @mmcmin hi loser
smary pants go-getter, spent summers at a time when he could to help conduct research or wtv his grubby eager hands could grab onto to get into teachers’ good graces 
was also an active member of baduk club (*looks at its currently empty roster n chokes back tears*)  and its president up until graduation. was also part of dueling
super gifted in dada related things which *points to his folks* is probably no surprise 
but hes lowkey a pacifist and doesnt want a taste of what’s out there so hes like :) im gonna just study it from afar and never get involved up close :) 
hence why hes doing the magical equiv of a phd and then somewhere way way way down the line he’ll be a prof one day 
along w his grad studies he is a teacher’s assistant for the subject 
hasnt changed much...is helpful, encouraging knows what he’s talking abt, nice ~*~sunbae~*~ vibes
footage of tae to everyone he cares abt 
not a fan of people changing up on him/ppl not using their potential...u know, that kind of teacher in the making lmaoooo but at the same time he doesnt project any idealized ideas of ppl either?? 
makes him a lil judgy tho in the most passive, harmless, private way possible 
got engaged 6 months ago to a childhood friend (currently NPC!!!!1! unless i find someone) who just came back from some all around the world deal but its arranged thanks to their great grandfolks or smth
onto plot stuff.....
fellow former ju jax 
fellow former classmates periodt 
u think he’s too serious but ur also one to talk for someone who’s doing terrible in the class...
ur a pretentious showoff and he’d appreciate if you could dial it back by a couple 100 :)
u got a puppy crush and he’s either oblivious or is fully aware and does nothing 
“baduk SUX” “.....ok....?” 
idk lets brainstorm kids 
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mmryeon · 5 years
wddup its day! this is ryeon, 6th year, cheong ryeong, wizard’s chess club member, book club president, local makeup enthusiast, and general cutie (brat). you can read more about her basics here and i’ll include some extra tidbits below as well!! rmbr to smash for plotsszzzz plsease
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ryeon transferred into yosul in her third yr!! so it’s only been 3 years since she’s been here whew
basically traveled the world w her dad since she was young and so she’s very well learned and knows a bunch of odd facts about everything
mom died when she was young and dad p much spoiled her in return so whereas she is parts bratty, she is also— lacking on some fronts. craves attention/validation from older girls
one of those knows she’s pretty/cute girls - so she’s a little vain
generally a nice person to get along with, chatty, cute charms, the whole mix
however it is a direct contrast to some of her meaner personality traits (bratty, foulmouthed, kind of pushy sometimes)
have been religiously wearing her hair in space buns (like icon above) for at least two months now
has the biggest crush on @mmharam if you have something bad to say about him guess what! she cant hear. 
boundless energy, loves? caffeine pills and for what? just so she can stay up late and binge read/watch anything she can get her hands on
potentially self destructive (never sleeps? loves to eat things (apples) she’s allergic to? check check) but Who Knows
100% grudge holder even if she doesnt say anything - she’ll just lock it up and feed them till one day you ask her for something mundane like a pencil or some of her food and she gives u a busted/rotted one #petty
plots wise im open to anything from lets get fucked up friends to ur why im in detention again friends(but not rly) (also enemies also??? mb??? idk) 
6th years WYA??????
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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sigh 🤡 follow me, i’ll show you the whole world ( he ! )🠦 shin changnam. my whole world. the whole world. same thing. he’s everything. anyway i’m always here for plotting, i never sleep ig and my discord is (  🌙 taeil ONLY extras BEGONE !#8289 )
formally known as shin changnam, youngest of the shin family ( shin 3 ), once known for many great deeds ( ie. having a major role in the korean independence movement w/ his ancestor cheongcheon, and also aiding noko during the great famine 94 ) he is nowadays just a barbecue prince. leads an extremely quaint, quiet life. super normal family, pretty normal kid.
the shin bbq place is pretty well known, good location and wizard friendly ~ their name may not exactly be making waves like the lee’s, moon’s or won’s in current day, but they get by! some of the elderly still think of this place fondly for it’s been run by the shins. and uh, i’m not trying to say the food is good as hell and the prices are better but hey. that’s exactly what i’m saying
he’s 16 int, 18 kr. a first year. house baek ho ! baek ho represent !!!!
not the smartest kid but definitely one of the hardest working kids you know in yosul right now. he walked through those doors ready to make waves.
literally involved in everything he can be without maxing himself out. 
this includes:   
baek ho first year prefect,
herbology club
chollima’s fan club
baek ho announcer for the intramural quidditch team
tbh he’s a classic extrovert. he is so babey. he’s such a cinnamon roll !!!!!!!!!!!!! also he WILL do horrible aegyo to get his way don’t fucking tempt him, it’ll be so cringe and you’re going to break in 10 seconds, BET.
he likes to tease and horse around, gently bullies his friends, speaks informally to hyungs, and just generally is likely asking for an ass beating at almost all times.
definitely the kid who’s quiet in class except when he’s answering questions or asking them, but then he goes into the hall and he’s like AH YO WADDUP YOSUL MAKE SOMe NOIZE !
very nice boy !!!! very very nice boy !!! many good in his heart !!! 
he doesn’t know who he wants to be right now, or what he wants to be when he grows up. but herbology and magical creatures really get him jazzed. he also kind of loves charms though. he’s bad at math though, he’ll leave you on read @ anything like math or reading.
he probably seems like the kid who’s going to be at the back of the yearbook in like 5 most ! / least ! likely categories. like most likely to accidentally become president etc.
decided way more innocent than he seems. but he’s goin through some growing pains atm, and could really use lots of friends and a good support system.
uh he doesn’t sleep! he’s an insomniac and it shows, he always has dark circles under his eyes and looks like death so maybe it’s weird that he talks so much and always seems like he’s at 100% energy, but you just learn to accept it after a while.
he will fight you over his best friends, or making girls cry.
prefect hours always open, soft boy hours always open, loving friends hours always open. CHEONG RYEONG HOURS ALWAYS CLOSED !!!!!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ proven fact is that BAEK HO is best house, JU JAK is second best house and HYEON MU are cute so they’re ok too!!!!! dragons are YUCK and will NOT beat intramural baek ho team EVER you hear what i’m sayin WHITE TIGER FAR SUPERIOR!!!???!!!
currently dyed his hair (again) it’s like this now! when will the merry-go-round end? it’s like warm light brown now!   
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i’m not even going to suggest plot bunnies, i’ll do it in dms on a personal basis because i have a lot of ideas for dynamics so hmu !  ! ! in hindsight i lied, in the updated version of this ( i am including VERY basic plots concepts i’m seeking ) because i’m a clown.
CLOSE FRIENDS. best friend spot TAKEN but it is ok fellow cuties he has a BIG heart
people he can baby and bring food or cook food for. let the baby baby you for FREE at least once a week
a very pretty noona/hyung that he can get tongue tied around
hyungs that hate when he informally talks to them and also bullies them ( feel free to bully him back, he can take it )
SPORTS! anyone interested in quidditch, playing quidditch etc. people who like his teams, people who are fans of rivals teams.
someone who will make him into a terrible prefect because he sometimes does you favors or lets you go free without getting in trouble...
tutor him in math today for money or other favors because the boy can’t even add....
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you can, without absolutely any trouble, adopt him!!!! FREE baby bro, exclusive offer, with experience (youngest and only son in his family!!!) he can make barbecue...not limited time offer.
he loves magical creatures and herbology atm (it’s his flavor of the week) so maybe you love those too, or maybe you hate them and it’s like wtf weirdo plant boy get out of my way!
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mmjiyi-blog · 5 years
hiya! i’m shu (she/her, 21, gmt+8) & here’s jiyi, aka ji or yi, either one is fine! she’s 20 & a jujak 5th year, undecided major. here’s her stats & about, and under the cut is a tldr on her & some plots c: please like this if you’d like to plot!
edit: followed everyone, & here’s an extra plots page for slightly more in depth plots!! gna get to messaging everyone once i’m done with work hehe
won b(by), so u know she’s got the dough! not afraid to flaunt it, she spends rlly easily & is entirely willing to be spending it on herself & her friends
her parents’ trophy kid, the perfect lil princess – she doesn’t hate the attention & even if she doesn’t love it, it gets her her parents’ love & attention so she’s gotten really good at basically leveraging herself & her good behaviour to get what she wants
she’s still growing up, though, so as any young adult is she’s still a little rough around the edges & outside of the obligatory social functions she attends she’s the same as any other yosul student
her studies aren’t the strongest ( she rlly only excels at alchemy & transfiguration ), but she’ll pay anyone to tutor her & help her out ( plot! ), plus it’s a point of pride to do well in school, even if her future’s all planned out by her parents
she loves her jujak kids… will throw down for them anytime anywhere, don’t mess
can be kinda manipulative, a bit of daisy buchanan, everything she does is often meant for maximum charm & for people to like her, though she relinquishes that side once she feels secure in that friendship/relationship
being a rich won kid, she’s also a lil spoilt, but she’s usually well-meaning & tries not to let it get too excessive… tho she isn’t always successful with that bc whats the yardstick for being spoilt when literally everything is handed to you on a magic platter?
rich bitch trophy children unite! childhood friends, awkward same social circle kids, pureblood kids, maeobsa born rich kids, anything goes!
fellow jujaks: the dorm roomie, the person she always pairs up with for assignments, classmates
non-jujak: friendly rivalries in classes & quidditch when they were 1st-3rd years, an unexpected friendship, same year kids, 
social climbers who want the money/status/fame she’s got, & jiyi’s got just enough wisdom to recognise it but too much desire to be loved so she lets them
alternatively someone who doesn’t have a whole lot & she does, so she always makes sure to just so happen to buy a lil something extra & give it to them, or pay for the whole meal unintentionally, etc etc. platonic (or not) sugar mama, whoop
the senior she had a Huge crush on & made a whole fool of herself in her 2nd year by going a lil over the top w it… now if she sees them she whips around and goes in the other direction bc nope!
the cutie she’s flirting w, nbd! push & pull, keep it lowkey she’s not looking for a rls but like… they’re cute & she likes that
people she’s paying to tutor her… she won’t pay them to do her homework but she’ll buy ur notes & ur tutoring
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sungmm · 5 years
hello everyone!! ♡ pls forgive me for the extremely late intro post- i just got back from watching the new spiderman movie and i’m :”)) anyways, my name is kit ( they/them ) & this is my soft meme sung!! ju jak reppin’, 5th yr, part of the lee family ✌️ he’s honestly a loser but i promise u that he has a heart of gold! under the cut will be more info about my boy, so pls like this post if u want to plot!
yeah, his family are those lees. healing should be in his blood but he doesn’t know if he wants to follow that path?? mostly b/c he spent most of his childhood in and out of the hospital, so he’s just like :// about the whole thing. he’s torn about making his dad proud ( maybe it’ll finally make him start paying attention to his own son ) vs. his own happiness and he doesn’t know what to do!!
the reason why sung was in the hospital so much is that his immune system sucked & still does. he gets sick super super easily, takes forever to get better, and then the cycle starts all over again. very fragile, sorta like glass, but he doesn’t act like it!! sure, he’s not out here being reckless but he’s not tryna live his life in a bubble y’know
a prankster at heart! he’s a silly & dumb boy just trying to make ppl laugh,, they’re always harmless ( unless they backfire horribly on him, he’s not that good at potions okay ), sometimes large scale, sometimes not, but he’s always thinking of a new idea to try out... please give me his partner in crime 
ur local varsity quidditch groupie... he ( sadly ) can’t play himself since it’s way too reckless of a sport for him and he’s ~ fragile ~ but wtv!! he still supports chollimas 5ever,, probably has a favorite player he loves and is all starry-eyed over them
a ju jak baby that’s currently trying to find himself. he’s a very kind soul that cares more about others than he does abt his own wellbeing,, very friendly & loyal like a golden retriever! he’s an ambivert but ppl usually only see the extroverted + happy side of him bc he doesn’t want to admit that he’s actually pretty unhappy and craves attention to feel validated
pls love him
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mmjungmi-blog · 5 years
hi this is jungmi and she’s a shameless, spicy troublemaker TM. follow below the read more for more information (and some plot stuff) or back to her page for a more in depth about. my dm’s are a good place to go too, and i have a discord if you want that! btw i’m sky, i also write the old man and yes, i am reworking this intro because it was terrible before, maybe because i wrote it originally on like 2 seconds of sleep in 4 days. ANYWAY ━
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some things
second oldest of the KWAK FAMILY six children. (canonly: kwak 2) 26, not very tall, (like 5′3″) currently she’s in her 90′s main character’s best friend fashion mood.
graduated ju jak (she acts and acted then, like a baek ho HIGHKEY), and currently doing freelance work as a writer for the magical community. because of her family name ( and family baggage ) she has a difficult time finding reliable work, and therefore can be seen outsourcing and writing about every topic under the sun, from gossip on the major families, to magical creature rights, to potion making or even cooking. her name is all over the place, and she writes under pen-names, too. 
literally everyone thinks she is like batshit crazy, and they're only like a quarter wrong. like, idk 10% wrong. she’s always into trouble. in yosul she was in x10 the trouble, professional prankster, bad girl and forever ready to fight.
she was a chaser in quidditch all the way up to varsity but dropped out shortly after seriously hurting herself and during her time in recovery she literally reassessed her life.
jungmi is lowkey anti-boy. if he isn’t her brother or a celebrity crush, she’s allergic to all boys and doesn’t trust them on instinct. you have to convince her, like really sell her. otherwise she’s just like; what’s a B-O-Y idk what you mean...
she's very good at remembering secrets and sussing out information. don't trust her with something unless you're absolutely certain you want her to know, she never forgets anything ever. 
she's the most zero chill you'll maybe ever meet in most cases. seriously she’s insane, she never hesitates.
she loves to fly very much.
still gets passionate over all the friends she made even if she fell out of contact with her. like, she’s the kind of person who comes back after a long break acting like nothing changed and not a day passed by.
i think saying she's a little rough around the edges might be putting it lightly, but she means well. her heart is in the right place believe it or not (even if she doesn't always seem to have all her marbles). she's a good girl and cares genuinely with her whole heart. she’s passionate, warm-hearted even if she can’t express her feelings well, a fighter with a lot of spirit and moxie and will support you with an iron fist.
her little brother nicknamed her 'old man/big bro" because she's more like a stupid older brother who makes bad puns and terrible dad jokes than an older sister most of the time. ie. junsu : “how do i look noona?” (in his baek ho robes for the first time) jungmi, not even looking : “with your eyes lmao.”
she is always getting into trouble, literally always. she’s THIS close to having a criminal record at this point. she’ll beg you to save her honestly, she can’t go to the police dept again or it’s going on her record LMAO.
expressively hard on herself to a degree where if you knew you’d be like damn girl do you need to talk abt something or?
competitive. will fight you over everything, anything, anywhere, any time.
potential plots
friends who sneak out together.
someone she can drink with.
also, a connection that she goes to for fresh information, on your family or whatever you got really, she’s not picky. networks make the reporter amirite.
someone who has a crush on her siblings so that she can give you the shotgun dad treatment.
someone who has a crush on HER so that she can be an oblivious fool.
a one night stand that popped up again and she would rather throw herself into the sun than talk to you again yet...here we are.
you’ve seen her play quidditch back in the day. maybe you were even a fan and then she quit and wtf man...why’d you quit. (basically just a serious re-connection plot actually, this would be lit don’t let the tone fool you)
best friends???
ex relationships or crushes.
please teach her how to express her feelings in a healthy way the girl needs therapy.
maybe she played a prank on you and you either love her for it because she’s spicy and that’s neat or you want to fight her and that’s okay too.
...you actually fought her once because you said something bad about one of her sisters and she punched you in the jaw (you’re a WIZARD jungmi, at least throw a spell) her: punches harder.
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mmjimin · 5 years
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♡  they call me nikki, i like to yeehaw and plot romangst. and this here is kwak jimin. as usual i much prefer discord. if u like tumblr im or don’t have a discord that’s okei doki too tho, just message me here. 
feel free to click here for stats, and click here for the biography page and this time i have no connections yet 🤡, not that the other ones were good anyway but.... onto the summary below !!
KWAK JIMIN, TWENTY NINE, currently an obliviator with the ministry of magic, recently promoted up from the maeobsa liaison position. she graduated yosul, house BAEK HO. recently jilted crazy lady who’s a little too good at spell slinging to be this angry and sad. please don’t test her... or do, it’s your life.
there’s this deluge of melancholy about her that pours off of her like rain. reads like a woman with a million thoughts, who’s lived a hundred lives and most of them fucked her over...she’s the emo bich of the family 😔
recently dumped by her boyfriend of like six years who she had planned to marry
so frankly, fuck romance, who needs it....
but also, she’s definitely the type to be someones mistress or have some weird illicit affair right now because, six years of being committed to a serious asshole who dumped her in the end and she wants to make waves, serious mistakes territory.
powerful witch, infamous family, but she’s lacking in a lot of areas and wants to branch out lately. she’s going through midlife crisis tbh
where she wasn’t around before, since her split from the fuckface her ex, she often shows up at pureblood events, rich and elite galas, she does charity work in her time off, and if her sisters have things with yosul open to the public she will attend those.
y’see the fuckface her ex told her she was a frigid bitch who didn’t care abt anyone but herself so now she’s out to prove him wrong. i’d say she’s somewhat pulling it off. it’s a work in progress!
since i didn’t do an actual connections page yet, i’ll put some plot bunnies here to avoid doing nothing. just basic ideas bc she might seem difficult to interact w but i think we can figure something out. and if not, i have @mmseonchan who’s more accessible so, no worries! anyway yea, onto the things.
mentor/mentee. interested in the ministry of magic? in obliviation? or maybe you want the boringest job in the world aka muggle liaison. she will gladly help you.
want help with occulmency? she’s certifiably good and you can find her in a pamphlet in the ministry of magic over it. it’s listed right under her employee picture, so you can pay her to help train your occlumency!
if you know the kwaks that’s a good start for plotting!
meet cutes, accidental interactions, strangers in circumstances, so on and so forth
she obliviated your family or someone you kno RIP. note, even maybe..oblivated YOUR muse??? they might not remember this (unless some weird thing happens) but she does and we can plot something cool with it ok
she works with your parents (for those of you who have rich parents or parents who are aurors, or ministry lackies) and u met her at a weird awkward family friends party???
mistakes were made between u two...maybe, one night stand? if you’re under 23 you ignore this
you went to school with her. she’s only 29 so, this would mean your muse needs to be 23+, or to have a gap year that had them in school early
u did your research and you found her name somehow and want to literally hire her to obliviate someone for you which is certainly against the rules but ur rly trying to sell yourself. she’s potentially listening..
that’s all for now. and as usual here’s her intro about from her application for more context on her and how she reads.
like a lucid dream, she stands at the door, her fingernails dug into the ironed fabric of her slacks staring into the dense open of her apartment. the cardboard boxes that brimmed full of his things jeered at her. how didn’t she know ? her expression a broken assemblage of a mask, meant to be nonpartisan, but it reads like horrifying moment before a person completely snaps. her wand feels heavy. she can hear him, rummaging around inside the bedroom. it used to be their bedroom. her wand is out of her pocket before she realizes it. she thinks of her mothers grace and supreme distance from the situation with their father, with the entirety of the wizarding world laughing at her and her children. jimin wonders if one needs to be able to open a third eye, or have their finger to the pulse of reality in order to brush off betrayal like this. unlucky for her ex boyfriend, she’s the daughter of a true seer. any kind of otherworldly awareness had passed her over. she was just a woman, nothing special about her. there’s an unsettling calm in the room as she raises her wand, the tip engulfed in manifested magic and then she unleashes it on the unsuspecting room without a second thought. a volcanic eruption of shredded cardboard, clothes, knickknacks, whatever the hell had been in the box.
the sound draws him and he spews from her bedroom with an alarm that she had never seen on the features of her usually composed partner. good. she relishes it. her expression compressing into a turbulent hostility. she destroys another box and it’s liberating. it seems he doesn’t know whether to draw his wand, scream or run. she spares him the trouble. “be out when i get back.” she calmly states in a way counter intuitive to her expression or the chaotic fog of destroyed belongings that films the area. and she flicks her wrist to apparate herself away. reappears in the middle of the kwak home, in the living room in front of her siblings with slivers of cardboard and plastics and fabrics in her hair and a melancholic hysteria on her features.
“hey.” she speaks, looks them over and the shake of her shoulders quiets, wand lowers slowly. “i’m home.” she means for now, but it feels appropriately dramatic.
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mmwonsik · 5 years
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hELLO i’m super excited to be here (finally got my lazy ass to be productive and actually sent an app in after eyeing this rp for WEEKS) and bring forth my tol child wonsik, 7th year cheong ryeong student and yosul's hidden troublemaker!! who i will ramble more about under the cut but if you would want to plot with him, let me know by liking this post okie ;u;
was a very quiet child, his parents thought he was a mute because he didn’t speak his first words until he was like three??? it was very worrisome for a while but then they realized it was just how he is and well, i wouldn’t say they neglected him after that but they didn’t pay as much attention to him as they used to.
growing up, he didn’t mind the lack of attention (even though lowkey it caused some problems that he refused to admit he has but [casually sweeps them under the non-existent carpet]) because he actually enjoyed doing things on his own. he was pretty good at amusing himself which after a while, meant causing trouble for others (re: pulling pranks) but no one ever suspects him because of his quiet demeanour and good kid image.
he never really grew out of his mischievous ways, despite already being in his last year of school now. it’s most likely that all the mayhem and chaos that happened in the hallways or practical jokes done on innocent first years are by him though he never gets the blame for any of them because he always manages to fade in the background, despite being 6 foot tall.
you would expect with his height that he would stick out like a sore thumb but wonsik has perfected the Act of Not Being Seen since he was a kid so. his school record is a clean slate.
though he does have a habit of dozing off in classes most of the time and generally has a ‘fuck it i’m just going to wing it’ attitude among his peers but he’s still able to pass all his subjects, with charms being his best subject (which he later declared as his major).
it was suggested that he becomes an auror when he gets older but he wasn’t too excited about the idea, due to not wanting to commit to a life full of authority and lack of freedom. he actually has no clue whatsoever on what he wants to do after yosul (highkey doesn’t want to leave so he doesn’t have to face the Real World ಥ_ಥ), but he wouldn’t oppose working for the mabeob ilbo even if it meant using his family connections. (come @ me jungfam)
plot ideas letsgeddit
i’d imagine he isn’t the kind to have a huge amount of friends due to his reserved personality (and the fact that he would rather die than surround himself with a large group of people), but i would still love for him to have a small circle of friends!! he’s decent as one, not the kind to come running at every beck and call, but there’s a trust there that you know he will have your back no matter what.
anyone that cares enough to try and get him out of his shell!! talking about feelings? wonsik vc: time to apparate the fuck out of here
someone that KNOWS he’s behind all the pranks happening in yosul but can never seem to prove that it’s him. (bonus if they were blamed for his pranks and thus is hellbent on their revenge to expose him lmao) 
fellow pureblood kids whose parents are friends of his parents and they have known each other since childhood!!
he’s a night owl and still lives on campus (too attached to his bed to even contemplate moving lol) so it’s likely to find him wandering around the school even after curfew. your muse/s could be someone that he often bumps into, either sharing the rebellious streak or just in need of company fresh air.
somebody that he has to tutor/helped with academically and was surprised that he’s not as intimidating as he looks.
first love?? unrequited love?? exes?? fwbs?? alexa, play what is love by twice
his classmate that is real sick and tired of him constantly sleeping in class and not paying attention, even showing up wearing fish slippers once (it was a genuine mistake though) BUT still being able to pass everything? cue the pettiness.
i’m running out of ideas but i’m always up for brainstorming!! the angstier? the better :~)
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mmyuanlan-blog · 5 years
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i am SO late i’m SORRY but uh i’m very excited for this so either like this for me to come to you & plot or just come to me ! i’m jes, she/her & in the gmt+8 timezone!
intro for lin yuanlan, 19, she/her, half-blood, of chinese descent, currently in her 4th year at yosul in cheong ryeong ! here is her profile & bio, there’s going to be a summary below the cut & some rough connection ideas that we can work out in more detail !!
background & random facts: 
half-blood. has always wanted to prove her worth, wants to feel like she belongs here in the wizarding world.  there’s always been this hollow feeling in her until the day she found out she’s part of the wizarding world. has always thought that there must be more to life & the world than this mundanity she is living
her parents are both chinese, her father was living in korea when her mother met him on a business trip. they fell in love & her mother decided to move there and start a family. born in daejeon, south korea, yuanlan speaks both korean & chinese, but more fluent in korean
her parents never put too much pressure or expectation on her but somehow that made her more determined to do the best she can does well in school, she might not be the best in subjects but she maintains balanced results so that she comes up higher in the ranks overall
electives: dada, study of ancient runes, wizarding literature best subjects:  1. charms 2. history of magic 3. wizarding literature (one would think of her as not being to concentrate on books but on the contrary, they are one of the few things that can give her constant stimulation)   worst subjects: 1. potions 2. herbology 
beater on varsity quidditch team. lots of power in that tiny frame. releases stress by murdering bludgers. don’t mess with her when she’s got a bat in her hand
duelling club member !
likes exploring the castle. she can be company when you want to go on adventures, she’s always up for new experiences!
even though she does her best in school she doesn’t care much for rules & stuff, so she’s never been a prefect. seems too troublesome & pretentious. it doesn’t look like much fun either
future aspirations? unclear, but she knows she wants to do something big, something great. she wants to help humanity in some way. maybe she’s gonna join the government, become an auror; maybe she’s gonna join some underground anti-dark magic organisation. she’s keeping her options open
dislikes sweets but loves chocolate. make it make sense
doesn’t have much actual romantic relationship experience. mostly due to her inability to stay interested in someone for a long time, and to open up to someone. she’s not good at flirting or expressing emotions sljsdkfk she always feels like she’s still young & has a lot of time so expects herself to not settle anytime soon
personality-wise: cherry bomb
a living contradiction, a walking paradox
can seem like a different person in front of different ppl and in different situations. one moment she’s dancing in the corridors & the next she’s staring out the window at the stars, being nostalgic & wondering abt the meaning of life. sometimes she wonders if she wakes up someone different every day
the cherry side of her: she can be very friendly & outgoing, very loud, always has something to say. that’s how she made most of her friends. could be the life of the party if she wants to. isn’t the best at being sweet & caring, but very supportive. can be a motivational speaker, if something happened she would want to get revenge for you if necessary
the bomb side: can change her mood in literal seconds. temperamental, short-tempered. easily irritated. SO prideful. might react strongly to insults, will definitely react strongly to aggression towards her friends and family. doesn’t often start fights but will 100% finish them. got a whole list of hexes & jinxes to use. she does NOT back down easily in fights or debates. once she made up her mind, it’s not easy to change it
sometimes she can be a little,,, fake when she can gain something from it. like treating you like a friend when she hates your guts because you’re influential or because she has no friends in that class. this is where the typical slytherin cheong ryeong traits comes in -- calculating & manipulative
protective towards those she cares about, very selfless when it comes to them, but rarely lets others care for her because she’s so used to being the stronger one. ambitious, has big dreams. gets bored easily, needs stimulation & excitement.
sometimes she’s so reckless & would put everything on the line. sometimes she’s so hesitant & can’t make a decision for the life of her
not good with feelings & emotions! hates showing vulnerabilities
possible connections:
friends in the same house, friends in the same year, friends in the same house & same year !
give her a best friend! someone she can trust to reveal worries & stuff to
adventure buddies! explore the castle together!
??: maybe she intentionally or unintentionally put a hex / jinx on you. you either decided to remember it forever and wants revenge, or it’s just something they bonded over & became friends bc of that?
unlikely friends: the two might be polar opposites, or they’re too similar, so similar that both are fiery enough to be enemies but somehow they can get along or even become good friends?
study buddies / someone helping her / someone she’s helping ! see the best & worst subjects listed above
quidditch! can be ppl on the team / ppl teaching her & helping her get better / ppl she’s teaching to help get better / ppl who just like to talk about quidditch with her! if they’re on the same team they can either argue a lot (because she’s not good at following orders & is too confident in her own strategies) or they’re really good friends who always practice together!
an older muse can be a kind of mentor or role model !
younger muses like siblings. she likes the feeling of being needed, depended on
fake friends: as mentioned above, there are ppl she’s friendly to even if she dislikes them maybe because there are advantages she can gain or because there’s no one else she can talk to in that class. you can either mistake it for genuine friendliness, or see through her but still play along, or anything else you think of !
rivals / enemies: maybe because of studies, maybe because her fiery temper led her to intentionally / unintentionally offended you. maybe she doesn’t like you and your attitude and fails to hold back when shading
crushes: either she has a crush on you or you have a crush on her. anything works tbh. when she gets crushes she won’t admit it easily because she’s gonna go through a lot of over-analyzing, confusion and denial. she’s most likely not going to make a first move
exes / past flings: cause she hasn’t been able to make herself stay in one relationship for too long. it’s always casual & experimental for her. maybe you’re not over it, maybe they’re good friends now, idkkk
whew that was long lmao i applaud you if you read all of that! hmu to plot or just to chat if you want to !!
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mmjunsu · 5 years
hi hello!!!! i’m trying to limit my exclamation point usage but i’m just too hyped y’all. welcome to mm everyone, i’m tay!!! this is junsu: weenie hut jr. jr. and official mascot baby of the kwaks.
 that’s it that’s all there is to him.
okay, not really, but he is just a regular boy doing regular boy things.
his mother is the not-so revered kwa ji dam, among the few true seers to the wizarding world, and great shamaness to the maeobsa.
basically the talk of the town for selling out to be a celeb shaman to high-profile maeobsa but it’s not illegal, o k a y.
and as a true seer, the kwaks follow the ancient customs of their ancestors in where lineage follows matrilineal descent.
and a matriarchy is cool and all ig but not if you’re kwak junsu, the only boy and youngest sibling.
(other families love their sons, but kwak junsu must’ve been a servant in his past life because it sure as hell feels like it).
literally always running errands for his 9823742987 noonas. like they’ll literally yell at him from another room to come and turn off the light.
he used to love doing it is a kid but it ain’t cute no more.
every month when all his sisters are cycling the till clerk at the olive young just looks at junsu like 😞 “u good, bro?” and junsu just grimaces at the bags filled with pads and shoots back his milk he bought with the leftover change his sisters let him keep.
noona neomu NOT yeppeo.
all he wants in life is to eat ramen and play games at the pc bang but his mom makes him read tea leaves n’ shit and he hates divination with a passion.
#mommy issues.
he went to yosul middle school in gangnam (gang gang) so to those second and third year sunbaes: what’s güd?
his family were shocked he was sorted into baek ho since he’s such a pushover and honestly he was expecting ju jak.
but he’s feisty (i mean, he snaps on his sisters all the time but he still ends up running errands for them begrudgingly since he’s a #good boy).
water boy for the baek ho team because he needed an excuse to not go home and read tea leaves but he has the coordination of a drunken bumblebee so that leaves quidditch out.
a baby but literally 6′1″ so it’s awkward.
literally here for all your crack needs hmu!
if you read all of these incoherent points bless!!! i can’t wait to get the ball rolling and to speak to everyone!! you’re all magical ily okay bye.     
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