mlovesstories · 4 years
You Raised Her Too
Words: 1500
Warnings: Angry Sam, cussing
AN- Sam is a lawyer, this is an AU.  
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Summary- Sam doesn’t understand why YN isn’t performing well in school.  Dean has to translate.  
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Sam looked up from the legal papers he had been glancing over as he walked through the house. He saw YN standing and touching the bindings of the books in their library. Her notes and textbooks lay untouched on the table. 
Startled, she turned around to face her father. 
“You told me you would start your homework a half hour ago,” Sam put his papers down and crossed his arms. 
“Sorry,” YN put her hands to her sides, wiping the dust from the dusty books onto her jeans. 
“I don’t know why but you have been so distracted lately,” he responded. “Did something happen?” 
“No…” she shrugged. 
“Please get started on your work,” he winked at her. 
“Sorry, daddy.” YN smiled. As she sat down, he exited. 
As the days and school years went on, Sam only noticed her distracted behavior more and more. He was tired of trying to make her focus. 
“You are in fifth grade.  Get your stuff done,” he growled.  “Stop dilly-dallying and get going.  Why is it so hard to-” 
“WOAH!” Dan walked into the house.  “What’s with the third degree?” 
“Nothing,” YN bit her lip, embarrassed.  “Sorry, Dad.” YN apologized to Sam.
“You know, you keep saying that.  Why is it so hard to sit down and start your work?  Do I need to start taking your series books away?” Sam widened his stance and stood over her as she sat at the table.  YN shook her head, eyes wide.   “Open your damn book and start!” He stormed out of the room. 
“What-” Dean looked to YN.  
“He’s mad because I don’t study.  At least that’s what he thinks.” YN teared up.  “I don’t like when he’s mad at me,” she used her fingers to wipe away the emotion running down her face.  
“So why does he get mad at you then? You never disappoint your dad.” Dean walked across the room, put his keys and wallet next to her books, and he guided her into a hug.  
“I -I.” She stuttered.  “I don’t know.” Almost shaking, YN looked away from him.  
“What are you not telling me?“ The uncle stroked her cheek, offering her a weak smile.  
“I can’t control it. At least I don’t think so.” YN gazed up at Dean.  She whispered, “it’s really hard to pay attention.  It’s not that I don’t want to.” 
“Have you told him that?” Dean sat her back down at the table, and he sat in the next seat over.  
“Why not?  He would understand.” 
“Because he doesn’t love me.” YN tried to open up her textbook, but Dean slammed it shut.  YN shrieked at the sudden movement and noise.  
“What the HELL are you talking about, kid?” He forced her to look at him.  “You KNOW that is not true.” 
“It is.  He just yells at me.  He doesn’t care.” 
“Have you started on your work-” Sam walked back into the room.  YN froze. 
“I was looking over it.  She’s doing fine.” Dean smiled and gave her a kiss on her cheek.  “Keep going, smart stuff.” He gave her a sideways smile to convey his protection of their secret conversation.  “You got this.” 
“Thanks, Dee.” 
Over the next few days, Dean kept an eye on YN.  He saw the distress in her body language throughout the evenings.  She paced and sat down for short periods of time before having to get up again.  
“Here,” he walked into the room.  Dean handed her some silly putty.  “See if this helps you calm down,” he grinned and watched her open the container.  YN pulled it out and stretched it.  
“Thanks, Uncle Dee,” She stood up from her chair and hugged him.  “But why are you being so nice? Aren’t you mad that I can’t concentrate?” 
“No, I’m sad that you feel you can’t even talk to your dad.” 
“Talk to your dad about what?” Sam walked in.  
“Nothing.  Just that I got an A today on my math test,” YN faked a smile. 
“Imagine that, you got a good grade.  You know why?” He asked gruffly. She held her breath.  “Because you like math.  What about language arts or science, huh? Get good grades in those too.” Sam walked out as quickly as he walked in.  
“See?” YN laid her head on the table.  
“You and I are going to have a fun day tomorrow, you hear me?” 
“I can’t, Uncle Dee.  I have tutoring.” she turned her head to face him.  
“What if I told you I told your dad that I was taking you and that nerdy kid to the library tomorrow?  I told him that you told me you study better there than at the house?” He grinned and stroked her hair.  Your tutor-person is aware of my evil plan.  Paid him and extra fifty.  He won’t tell. “ 
“Really?” YN whispered.  
“Yep,” he watched her sit up. 
 “Thank you.  So, what are we going to do?” 
The next day, the two went bowling and each ate a greasy hamburger.  When they came home, Sam was sitting on the couch,  
“So- did you have fun on your little excursion?” He continued to face the TV, not turning to them.  
“Huh?” YN looked to Dean with wide eyes.  
“Your backpack is still by the door,” Sam motioned with his hand.  
“Shit.” Dean said between his teeth.  “Sorry, YN,” he whispered.  
“It’s fine.” YN leaned into him.  She walked in front of her father.  
“You are terrible in school, and when I pay for a tutor, you blow him off and galavant all over town with your uncle? And Dean?  You know she needs this tutoring.” Sam turned to see his brother with a drawn face.  
“You know, you are such an ass.” Dean walked over to his brother.  Sam stood to challenge his brother.   
“I’m trying to provide for her!” 
Dean stood in front of YN to face Sam.  
“You’re not seeing what’s going on right in front of you!  I get that you’re busy with your cases.  Being a lawyer keeps you busy, but she is not okay!  When will you recognize that?” He moved so that Sam could see his daughter.  “See?  YN tries.  Do you know how many times she’s cried in my arms because she is terrified of disappointing her Magna Cum Laude dad?”
Sam looked from Dean to YN.  Tears cascaded down her face. 
“Sweetie?” Sam’s stunned face told her that he understood.  
“Since you were too busy to notice, I took her to the doctor.  ‘Says she has ADHD.” Dean motioned to YN.  She nodded in response.  “Hasn’t started the meds yet though.” 
“You took her to the doctor without me?  That isn’t your job!” 
Dean stepped forward so that he was inches from Sam’s face.  
“You sure as hell weren’t doing it!  I told you over and over something was up with her, and you didn’t do anything.  She told you the same thing, and you didn’t listen to her either.  What was I supposed to do?  She’s my-” Dean stopped and sniffled.  “She’s mine too, whether you realize it or not.  I raised her too.”  Dean relaxed his shoulders and stepped back.  “YN is suffering and it isn’t her fault,” the uncle whispered.  Sam peered past Dean to see YN like a statue, not sure what to do.  Face blushing from the tension in the room, she couldn’t bring herself to look at Sam.  He walked to her and got down on a knee to be eye-to-eye with her.
“I don’t even know what to say,” Sam told her.  “I’m so sorry for everything.  Everything I ever said or did to discount you.”  YN continued looking away as new tears sprang forward, rolling toward her chin.  
“I try harder than anyone else.” YN mouthed to her dad.  
“I can only imagine,” Sam took her hand.  “I am- I am so sorry, kiddo.  If I’d known… I would have gotten you the right kind of help, not made you feel like a failure with the tutoring and demeaning comments.  I thought you were-  I don’t know.  Just not wanting to pay attention.” 
Dean quietly left the room. 
 “I like school.  I just can’t sit still.  Here, Dean gave me this.  It helps.” She ran to the library and took the silly putty off of the desk.  “See?” YN stretched it so that he could see how it worked.  
“Of course Dean had that,” Sam laughed.  “I’ll do better.  I promise.  You deserve it.” 
“Thanks, daddy.” She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly.  “I love you.” 
Sam walked into Dean’s room without knocking later that day.  
“How could I have missed it?” 
Dean turned from folding his laundry on the bed.  
“Because you’re busy and you didn’t slow down to see what was going on. At least you realize it now.  I watched her.  She couldn’t sit down.  YN was fidgety and couldn’t stay still.  She was so frustrated.  I could tell she couldn’t control it.  She’ll be okay now.  It will take all of us to keep her going though.  Meds don’t fix everything.  You know that.” Dean threw a tshirt back on the bed without folding it.
“I should have seen it.  You raised her too.” 
Forever Friends (Everything):
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  @ellie-andthemachine @supernatural-crazed-girl
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl  @super100012  
@waywardnewcomer  @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero
@rosiewinchester @seality @blogsnowflakeme @jaycc7983 @luci-in-trenchcoats 
@cherryblossomflowers @because-you-never-know-when 
@sleepylunarwolf @choosemyname *
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@encounterthepast  @torn-and-frayed 
@giggles1026 @xiumin-girl99 
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@a-magey​ @vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
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