elavoria · 7 months
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Face studies of my Kingmaker and WotR characters, Mircella and Isanna. :3
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siiinfully · 1 year
"I will remove my cloak, but please don't scream or shoot me...if I'd have wanted to harm you I'd have already done that." (from Aster to Mircella Karnstein) from @kingdom-of-vanity
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Her home was remote for a reason: she didn’t like visitors. After getting rid of her guardians and the cult that followed them, she thought that the rest of her life would be peaceful and quiet.
That is, until he stumbled into her yard, scared the birds she was feeding, and had her drop the birdseed in fright and surprise. His words did give her pause, and she swallowed the small lump in her throat and nodded to show him that she understood. “What…what are you doing here?” she asked, her thoughts quickly shifting to the possible weapons she could reach for in case he tried to do something funny. None of the birds had gone back, and she couldn’t blame them.
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nunuxxunun · 2 months
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Hora de recuperar mi Juego de Tronos barra Star Wars AU.
Arthur Dayne, Jaime Lannister y Brienne de Tarth en Una Galaxia Muy Muy Lejana.
Inspirado en estos tags de @atopvisenyashill
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Así que... ¿¿Dayne > Obi Wan, Jaime > Anakin, Brienne > Ashoka?? (Edit. Lo he estado pensado... significa que ¿Joffrey> Luke? ¿O Tommen? ¿Mircella>Leia?) Aunque Dayne va vestido al estilo de la Alta República... Le pega más. Tendría que haber machacado más a Jaime (¿lekku cortado?). Si en algún momento hago más.
Dibujos super rápidos (bocetos en verdad) por que no tengo tiempo de más T__T. He usado imágenes de Anakin y Ahsoka de referencia para las posturas. Brienne lleva el cinto y el sable de Dunk jejeje. Algo tenía que heredar y no podía ser el escudo.
Extra: POD PAYNE, el mejor escudero de Poniente. (Perdón Egg)
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innovatezz · 10 months
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Mircella Fern, Worgen Destruction Warlock.
You ever just play around with some fel magic and oops! Now your hair is turning white and your blinded eye got fel tinged? Hate when that happens.
This is probably one of my absolute favourite character portraits I've done in a while! Definitely gotta do more stuff like this!
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chiisanataiyoou · 1 year
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Hair: DOUX - Rehab hairstyle
Top: [Eternus] Hope Top
Short: evani. Mircella vintage shorts - grey sky
Mochi: mintae. Sweet Summer
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mykawinchester · 2 years
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GENETICS:    Head: Lelutka - Avalon    Body: Legacy - Classic    Skin: The Skinnery - Sylvie - Honey    Eyes: Ikon - Apex - Midnight
BEAUTY: Hair: Stealthic - Realness Makeup:    Eyes: LePunk - Kala    Lips: Knife Party - Really Red - Matte    Nail Polish: E.Marie - Coffin - Daydreamer Tattoos:    Absence - Ana    Lilithe - Cerridwen    Gestalt - Lunar Phase
STYLE:    Top: Pixicat - Mei    Shorts: Evani - Mircella Vintage shorts    Stockings: Necroego - Ripped Fishnets    Shoes: Dirty Princess - Devious Princess
ACCESSORIES:    Kibitz: Heart Message Collar    Ysoral: Anelise rings    Ysoral - Malie wedding ring    Ysoral - Clem Lip Piercings    Yomi - Angel Fangs (Warehouse)    Earrings: Vibing - Sofia    Real Evil - Royalty - Queen Bracelet & Ring
Scene:    Backdrop: Paletto - Basement    Poses: Foxcity - Leaning (Sitting) & Sits vol 3
       Scene Additions:            Junk Food:                Chinese Takeout                Weed Brownies                Spiced Rum            Nikotin:                Dealer Money Kit                Secret Room                Greenology            Hilted:                Naughty DVDs            Imbue:                Stash Jars            Lagom:                Babygirl - Messy Condoms            Hideki:                Old Bed
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chateauopinions · 2 years
I only know about @/isibellakarnstein on Instagram and Isibella Mircalla Karnstein and Contesa Mircalla Karnstein on Facebook, as well as the lolcow about Isi. Btw has anyone else noticed that there’s a model from Spain named Mircella Karnstein? Do we think Isi shamelessly stole her name or what?
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“Long time no see, Mircella... I haven’t seen you like this in a while.”
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siiinfilled · 3 years
@kingdom-of-vanity​ [ x ]:
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When Mircella ran away like that, for a moment it crossed his mind that she just had enough and she’d run to alert people what happened or go to the police, but when she came back and got inside the taxi he felt some sort of relief, he wasn’t so sure that he’d have had any will to run away if he was left behind on his own. The situation was intense so he didn’t mean to bother her with the fact that he didn’t have a driving license. As a small boy before he was kidnapped he fooled around with his dad’s car in the backyard, and then the last time he observed Bob driving thoroughly. Ever since he was kidnapped he became more attentive than average human, because who knows what would come useful some day. Once he’s pulled the seat in closer to the wheel he started the engine. Rabbit cussed inaudibly as the car stalled for the first time but then he managed, and began to head towards the highway, which thankfully wasn’t busy. “We’ll need to get rid of this car eventually.” He said quietly although as Mircella was already asleep, he thought it was alright to discuss it later on. For now he hoped the police would be busier with going to the given address where all the victims were buried, so they would win themselves some time.
During those hours of driving at night made him think of any possible plans for their future, he wasn’t sure. He’s been told more precisely ordered, what to do, and now the decision was his and Mircella’s. When they left Canada behind he felt relieved, then as he drove through North Dakota, then Minnesota it felt like those borders were providing more and more safety for them.  
“Good morning. We’ve entered Wisconsin a few minutes ago. Yes, we could stop, we should…the fuel is almost out. But this car isn’t the safest, we should get rid of it.” As he slowed down along the road surrounded by mighty pine trees he’s turned on the radio. There were a few political news but then he felt his stomach jumping as it continued.
’…The shocking news of the brutally murdered male in his late forties didn’t come to an end. After the police has investigated the address which was found written in blood on the victim’s body more horror has been found. The digging officially hasn’t finished yet but chief inspector Tremblay confirmed that they’ve found over 40 female bodies buried under the victim’s house. There’s a chance that the victim -Bob Fittler- is the serial killer who’s been behind the kidnapping and murder of those girls, but the investigation is still ongoing. The police are looking for two young people in their twenties who were residing in the motel’s room where Mr. Fittler’s body was found. Male is blonde, thin and tall, the girl is shorter, brunette and slim. They may have witnessed the murder of Bob Fittler or in connection with the man’s death. If you have any information call 52…’
At this point he turned off the radio and looked aside at Mircella. “That would be for the best, at least till the investigation would be closed. Should we burn the car, or hide it in the woods?”
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The news report offered a grim new side to their flight. While Bob’s victims had been given justice and their families some closure, she and Rabbit were now on the police’s radar. It was the LAST thing she wanted to be on because it meant that she not only had to watch out for the cult but also for the law. She was glad that he’d switched off the radio; she didn’t want to hear any more. “Burn the car. It’d get rid of DNA evidence in it, and I’m pretty sure the police have everything they need to close the murders that he committed,” she answered. “Then just ditch it and walk the rest of the way. I think I remember there being an old cabin in the woods about twenty miles from here. We could torch this and head there on foot. Or hitchhike. I just need to do something.” She’d been described as shorter, brunette, and slim. Mircella couldn’t do anything about the first and third, but she could dye her hair a different color so that both of them were blondes. Again, out of force of habit, she double-checked her things to make sure that she had everything. Bank documents, IDs, that one debit card she’d opened to keep her money safe from the cult…even an old burner phone that had a dead battery because she left the charger at the previous shelter she stayed at. Yes, she had everything, and she kept the bag strapped to her chest.
“Would the fuel left in the tank be enough to set this on fire?” Mircella asked Rabbit after a while. Wisconsin. She’d never been, but she did remember looking up cabins for rent and had found one in the area that was a real fixer-upper. It was dirt cheap too, about twenty dollars a week, and it looked like the owner just didn’t want the trouble of taking care of it and was ready to sell it instead of renting it out. She’d have bought it herself, but she was forced to run from her guardians before she could do so. Hopefully, the place was still up for grabs; it would make it easier for her and Rabbit instead of just flitting from motel to motel. The area they were in was slowly transitioning to a more woodland area, and it reminded her of those survival horror films she used to watch. A family of cannibals living out here would be difficult to find, and she was relying on that to work in her and Rabbit’s favor, too.
Once they finally stopped, she got out of the black cab and stretched her legs, a final glance made at the passenger seat to make sure she didn’t leave anything behind. Bob had a few measly items in the glove compartment, including a few receipts and a lighter. Mircella had grabbed the latter and now handed it to Rabbit; she felt that he deserved to be the one to torch the vehicle. It was his last link to his past, and once he was rid of it, he -- they -- could focus on their future. Of course, at the very back of her mind, she was thinking about the cult, but she decided that they could deal with them once those bastards showed up. Mircella stood close to Rabbit, both to offer him some comfort and to avoid whatever flames that might erupt from the vehicle. He still had time to change his mind and just ditch the car; she was okay with whatever he decided.
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elavoria · 6 months
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I digitally colored these sketches of my Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous characters, Queen Mircella and Knight Commander Isanna. I’m so pleased to finally present them in full color. ^^
[please click to embiggen!]
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timidstrcngth-arch · 4 years
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@historypowered​      💋 [ for mircella? ]     { kisses ! 2 / 5 }
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it has been a while ; oh , how long it has been that she had been without mircella by her side. the woman was the most important person to her , showing her all about what life really is , how not to hide and embrace existence , even if it did not turn out how she wished it to. she had an inkling that something was otherworldly about her , though seeing her right there , laying on the couch with a novel in her lap , appearing as comfortable as can be , valerie is brought back to how many times she has seen this image , a photo of the past that she looks at often , going back in her mind to remember all of this , every little detail that she had scribbled down in her book for safe keeping ; it is home , and to see mircella again was a blessing. 
coming closer , it is much more of a stride and much less a shuffle , regarding the roommate she had shared everything with. valerie smiles gently as she leans down to the other , planting a gentle kiss to her forehead and then withdrawing with a giggle , punctuating this with a boop to the nose. “ w---well , hello t---there. “
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carnallypowered · 4 years
✘ {{Michael/Mircella}} from @lonelybxstards​
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"I’d ask you if you could take me home, but I think it’s already morning,” she murmured, tracing lazy circles around his bare chest. “Last thing I need is for you to turn into ash.”
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prettypenaddict · 2 years
My fem baby name list
I’ve been up-keeping this list since I was like 14 even though I honestly don’t even know if I want to grow my own womb gremlins. There are so many, though, so I am just going to bold my favorites rather than list them at the bottom.
Farrah June
Nevaeh Dré
Johanna Winry
Willa Tree
Daisy Dove
Xia Marissa
Bailey Brynn (Bailey is super general nuetral in my opinion but still)
Jennivie Faye
Ivy Quinn
Amber Moon
Rose Ally
Briar Day
Emmera Mia
Freya Delia
Lavinia London
Dakota Isla
Santana Aliyah
Lakota Clarke
Aurora Dwyn
Violet Vianne
Bronwyn Elaine
Gwendolyn Kaye
Avery Aya
Zoey Brooke
Saorise Stasia
Willow Brooke
Ravenna Liv
Alaia Louise
Sage Elyse
Savana Fallon
Fallon Adlie
Sawyer Beau
Marlowe Mahoney
Areti Faye
Marin Etta
Zara Belle
Mircella Adya
Arya Amora
Yveta Bryn
Amaia Ryn
Amelia Elliotte
Andreia Livia
Maialen Madeaux
Lleu Luna
Tallulah Rue
Scarlett Star
September Elise
Poppy Addison
Jamie Jane
Navarra Elivia
Belladonna Bowie
Tully Thalia
Elisifetta Ever
Massey Maddox
Jamison Maccoy
Amorette Aliyah
Holly Adya
Odylyne Rune
Florence ZIna
Ariadne Naomi
Carys Camilla
Ashlynx Lexanne
Karlyn Antoinette
Laverne Rianne
Adlie Eden
Aspen Esme
Shae Haven
Liza Vanna
Miranda McKenna
Nymeria Ayda
Andromeda Amora
Artemis Antoinette
Calliope Clara
Calypso Kylie
Cassiopea Moira
Danae Juliette
Daphne Yvaine
Koré Hadley
Merle Yvaine
Delphine Phillipa
Minerva Marrie
Matilda McKenna
Meridan Moira
Ingrid Willow
Elaine Ari or Elayne Ari
Anneliese Carolanne
Jericho Joanne
Eilonwy Marri
Amity Emlyn
Blythe Bailey
Sheridan Joanne
Evelaine Eden
Darcy Dell
Lacey Lou
Airrion Elaine
Paislie Anna
Maeve Hiraeth
Hiraeth Elli
Emberlyn Lorena
Adria Lauren
Lovelyn Eden
Marnie Marrin
Mavis Arlene
Eloise Danae
Elodie Evelaine
Hayden Eden
Arianna Fallon
Ariane Deidre
Winona Lori
Eleven Jane
Huntress Adra
Elowen Aurora
Collins Elaine
Elizabella Emalyn
Reverie Lark
Seraphina Sage
Evangeline Yvaine
Farlee Layne
Kollyn Claye
Nellie Blake
Sadie Jane
Yvaine Carys
Marceline Moxie
Loveli Elise
Honey Layne
Aundria Quinn
Whitney Dwyn
Trillian Adya
Jovie Layne
Summer Beau
So many names . . .
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joanathedummy · 3 years
Second list: @a-elemental-warrior-for-god
Third list: @ocandpersona-information-by-jtd
Fourth list: @property-of-jtd
Fifth list: @theveiledqueen-and-herknight
Sixth list: @overlordplayer-celestial-empress
The Crazed Jester/"Jester": [31] a murderous clown who has a soft spot for children. She was created by Maturin as a safety measure, to contrast Pennywise. Married to Freddy Krueger after being his therapist for several years, curing him of his murderous ways, and is mother of Sofia. [Straight] (Horror Slashers/body Horror)
Dovah/"the Dovahkiin": [32] Divine Dragon goddess of Skyrim. Married to Alduin, and is the mother of Raven, Dove, Koi, Flora, Donovan and Froid. She is the mother of future dragons. Used to be an imperial woman by the name of Mircella Salveius, daughter of two farmers, Corrinian Salveius and Amabia Liorel. She lost her memory when she was tackled by an imperial soldier and hit her head on a rock during the ambush on Ulfric Stormcloak at the beginning of the game. She became a divine when she proved of her good soul by forgiving Alduin of his actions, never forgetting the time he saved her from an execution by the Empire in Helgen. All eight Divines and Talos himself trained her on how to be a god. She revived Ulfric Stormcloak, helped him and the Empire unite in an alliance, and destroyed the Thalmor. [Straight] (TES: Skyrim)
Nora Heathers: [+200] Sniper-for-hire and member of the Railroad in the Fallout universe. She is married to Nate, the leader of the Minuteman, and is the mother of Shaun, their son, and Dorothy, their daughter. [Straight] (Fallout 4)
Rubí Belladonna: [29] Ultimate Hunter in the Bloodborne universe. She is the killer of beasts and men. She accidentally cursed herself after ingesting several Great Ones' blood, and became a massive swan like monster, with the legs and tail of a wyvern and a long neck that bears her large human head, for three days. [Straight] (Bloodborne)
Joana: [unknown] mysterious alicorn from the My Little Pony universe. She is friends with the Mane Six. [Bisexual] (Mlp: FIM)
Ana: [[REACTED]] [Straight]
JoanaTheDummy: [[REACTED]]
"Corrupted" Geana/"Mademe Puppeteer": the psychotic and unstable version of the normal fusion Geana. Can raise the dead and spirits, master inventor and engineer, and likes to experiment on live humans. Master necromancer. Adopted Mora.[straight]
The Celestial Empress: [?] An angel and demon wizard, she is the leader of her own guild of NPCs. She has curly and long black hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. She wears a white cloak and bares a magic staff as her primary weapon. [?] (Overlord)
Charlotte "Charlie" Miller/"The Mask": [31] Unable to take off the mask, she is a murderous and unstable woman, unpredictable in any situation. Brown hair with brown eyes and tan skin. The Mask still has the same shade of green. [Demisexual] (The Mask, Comic book and Movie)
Anna "Ann" Napier/"The Jester"/"The Twist at the End": [27] nearly dying from a explosion in one of Scarecrow's schemes, she was sent to the hospital to be healed, but ended up being infected with some of Joker's blood due to one of the Clown Prince of Crime's goons swapping out the normal blood with the Joker's. She then was "adopted" by the clown prince and works now for him. Long black hair that is highlighted in green and in a high ponytail, pale bleached skin and green eyes (occasionally turns brown when sane), and is American. Is often called "Kiddo" by her adopted father. Has a pet male white bengal tiger named Fishy (who is extremely cuddly with her, yet is known to eat human flesh) that was a gift from her father. She finds out later that she is the biological daughter of Joker and Harley Quinn.[Bisexual] (DC comics)
Genevieve Martinez/"Dollface": [16] retired sociopathic serial killer. Wears a mask to hide her stitches and forced smile. Her victims are people who have personal information about her parents' murderer and who have committed disturbing crimes. She has met Jeff the killer before, and had a battle to the death, but they ended at a stalemate when Jeffrey was critically injured, and Dollface had to heal him. Then ended up becoming friends after sharing their origin stories. [Straight] (Short Horror stories)
Caina Abelia: [16(?)] A monster that can shapeshift and mimic the voices of other creations, but prefers the form of a young teen with dark brown hair and eyes, with deathly pale skin. Either highly sadistic or eerily calm. Inspired by the works of Trevor Henderson (@slimyswampghost). [?] (Horror monsters/cryptids/short stories)
Yuri Hamako: [18] an awkward and shy girl that attends Akidemi High. She has long black hair in a low ponytail, dark brown eyes and light skin. Carries around a leather suitcase with homework and notes. Maybe has a tiny crush on Ayano Aishi... [?] (Yandere Simulator)
 Emma: [16] a young farmer and animal handler. Black hair in a high ponytail, tannish skin, and brown eyes. Wears a orange hoodie, with a green tunic underneath, comfy shorts and sandals. Inspired by The Dream Team. [Demi/demi] (Minecraft)
Nix de Pearla: [19] A half human, half enderman woman that found herself in the over world, with no memory of how she got there or why. Long black-violet black hair that almost reaches the ground, fair skin, and black, star filled eyes with royal purple irises. Tall and skinny. Wears a black turtle neck sweater and beanie, with black jeans. Inspired by Ranboo. [Demisexual] (Minecraft)
Moony the Moobloom: [20] a centaur that woke up in a forest not far from Emma's ranch, and she doesn't remember why or how she got there. Long brown hair, green eyes and tan skin, and floppy yellow cow ears. Her lower half is that of a yellow Moobloom, with flowers growing on her. Made herself a small hut and a large farm to feed her plant based diet. [Bisexual] (Minecraft)
Brim: [20] A half-piglin woman who woke up in the Nether with no memory of who she is. None of the other Piglins were hostile to her. After bumping into Emma and Nix while they were getting some gold, and was persuaded to exit the Nether through the portal (and thankfully didn't turn into a zombie), Brim decided to live with Emma and built herself a nice home, decorated with materials from the Nether, and spends her time forging new weapons. Pink toned skin, white and braided hair with streaks of gold and burgundy, yellow eyes, and an underbite. Inspired by Technoblade from the Dream SMP. [Straight] (Minecraft)
Nova de Alina/"Novi": [8] a human that fell into the underworld in the Horrortale AU, and met Aliza. She carries the soul of Bittersweetness, finding the world frightening and interesting, but allows the traumatic and depressing moments get to her head. She has wavey and curly black hair tied in a ponytail, has a red and orange sweater on with black jeans and snow boots. Her eyes are like blue diamonds, filled with sorrow and pain for the many monsters that has to suffer. She also suffers from strange visions that allow her to see the view and memories from Frisk... (?) (Undertale/Horrortale AU)
Halie "Princess" Baker: [16] infected with the T-Virus, along with her whole family. She turned insane, has immunity to several diseases, and can feel no physical pain as a result. She is the girlfriend of Clarity Baltimore. [Pansexual] (Resident Evil 7: Biohazard)
Clarity Baltimore: [17] daughter of Baldi. Is a "glitch in the system". Wants to be a teacher when she is older. Emotionally distant. Girlfriend of Halie. [Bisexual] (Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning)
Helix-Neo, a.k.a AIR (Artificial Intelligence Robot, #19.5.24.-2.15.20.): [ageless] Created by Clarity as a pet project, AIR is a cyborg/A. I. system that is designed and programed for combat, rescue, and hacking missions. Her body is capable of transforming into different parts and forms, depending on the situation (such as her hands turning into defibrillators or her feet becoming rocket launchers). Her system is incorruptible, thus preventing her data and records becoming hacked. She has complete free will and is morally good at heart. Due to the advance technology Clarity used on AIR, she can disguise herself as anything and anyone, from human to animate object to animal. [Bisexual] (Cyber dystopia)
Jane, goddess of family: [16] daughter of Zeus and Hera, and princess of gods. She is the protector of families of all kinds. [Asexual] (Greek mythology)
Esmeralda de Lolonyo: [17] the bastard daughter of Aphrodite and a mortal man named José. A young demi-goddess who has the power to charm and persuade anyone, including animals and mythical creatures. A gentle and kind hearted soul like her father. Long, loose-curled brown hair with tan skin, and magnificent brown eyes. Close friends with Jane. [Bisexual] (Greek mythology)
Mary Charles II: [28] When her uncle Claudius decided to murder her parents in cold blood, Mary became the kingdom's next queen. Fierce and witty in the battlefield, she fights to avenge her father and mother. Has multiple husbands, wives and children. Light brown hair in twin braids and brown eyes, her complexion is above everyone else, yet her heart is the most beautiful feature of her frame. [Bisexual] (King of Thrones: Game of Lust/medieval era)
 Rosalinda of The Goodwills' Ranch: [25] A farmer (raven haired, fair skin, brown eyes) who lives with her two sisters on their parents' farm (owned by Sean Pablo Goodwill and Margaret Hendricks, daughter of Samuel Hendricks): Ari, a 30-year-old sheriff who works in a nearby town (dark red head, white skin, green eyes), and Callista, a 20-year-old fashion designer (golden-honey blonde, fair skin, blue eyes). They have an older brother named Pablo, 40-years-old, who is away at college to study science and religion (black hair, brown eyes, tan skin). (Straight) [Red Dead Redemption 2/Red Dead online]
 Teal Diamond: [?] Sister of the diamonds, and aunt of Steven Universe. Girlfriend is Spinel. Leader of the Uncorrupted Gems army. Has a pearl, respectfully named Teal Pearl, who is dating Amethyst, and a Moonstone prophet, whom she nicknamed Moon-y, who is a gift from White Diamond. [???] (SU/SU: future)
Tia/"Ms. No-Eyes": [?] ballerina animatronic, was possessed by the spirit of a abused girl, and received PTSD and flashbacks. Does not like loud noises and hates being yelled at. [???] (FNAF/SL/ Horror Stories)
Lillian Rosa/"Lilly": [16] a Pokemon trainer that moved with her parents to Alola on her 11th birthday. Her starter Pokemon was a Litten she nicknamed Sparks, then changed it to Firecracker when it became a Torracat, and finally changed it to Firework when it became Incineroar. Lilly has several other Pokemon in her care, such as a Charzard she named Magma, all of the Eevee evolutions, a Pikachu, a Meowth, a Snorlax, a female Jigglypuff, a male Fennekin, a Mimikyu that was abandoned by it's previous owner, a Banette, a male Gendar, a Pumpkaboo, a Chandelure, a Phantump, a Shuppet, and a female Salazzle. She has long twin pigtails, dyed a cyan teal and pale pink, and has light blue eye contacts on. She is kind and caring to any Pokemon that she encounters. [Bisexual] (Pokemon: Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon)
Kenneth Denzel/"Ken"/"Kenny" (nickname by Lilly"): [17] as the son of one of the wealthiest officials in Alola, Ken lives a life of luxury, giving him all the time in the world to capture, study and train the most fabulous of Pokemon. When he met Lillian Rosa, however, he experienced love and attraction towards her like he never felt before with other girls his age. He became overprotective of Lilly and her Pokemon, and vowed to never let any harm come to her or her family. Short and styled blonde hair, blue eyes, and light skin. Ken is rather snobbish, selfish and rude towards people that aren't in his social status, but is a gentleman towards Lillian, even so much as allowing her to call him "Kenny". His two main Pokemon are Gardevoir and Hatterene, while his backup Pokemon are Gallade, a Grimmsnarl, a male Vulpix, a female Ninetails, a female Milotic, a Roserade, a Meloetta, a female Galarian Rapidash and baby Ponyta, a male Rapidash, a female Spectrier and a male Glastrier. [Straight] (Pokemon: Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon)
Onyx "Ony" Gelvira: [17] Also a child from a fabulously wealthy family that moved from the Kanto region to enjoy the relaxing life in Alola, Onyx is a girl that embraces the darkness and cold. Like Kenneth, she studies and trains Pokemon for a hobby. Although Onyx is an introvert, when Lillian first met her, the cheerful girl showed the shy goth some kindness, offering to be her friend (although Kenny was a bit jealous). Black-violet wavy and long hair that she styles differently every day for every occasion, light tan skin, purple eyes, and a curvy figure, and wears dark makeup. Ony is monotone most of the time, but well educated and formal, even keeping her posture and elegance after losing a battle. Her main Pokemon are Yveltal (not in her possession, but close friends with), Gothitelle, Chandelure, Gendar, Polteageist, and Dragapult. Her other Pokemon are a Gothorita and Gothita, Froslass, Sinistea, Hydreigon, Grimmsnarl, Shuppet, Banette, Spectrier, Giratina (not in her possession, but close friends with), Zoroark and Zorua, a female Jellicent, Xerneas, Florges, Clefable, Diancie, Magarna, and Mawile. [Straight] (Pokemon: Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon)
FeatherBlossom: [5 months/Cat years] a lone black cat. She has made several friends with "kittypets" and their human. [Straight] (Warrior Cat series)
V/ "Venus": [27] [[REDACTED]] [Ace/Aro] (Cyberpunk 2077)
Bree Ryu Akira: [22] After her poor parents moved to the United States to start a better life than be in the streets in the dangerous neighborhoods of Japan, her grandmother became a successful restaurant owner to provide enough money for her granddaughter’s education. After she graduated, Bree became a corporate, the secretary, personal assistant and secret friend of Hanako Arasaka. After meeting V and Goro Takemaura during the main story, she started dating Takemaura and eventually became his girlfriend, and finds out her grandfather was from the Arasaka bloodline. As half Japanese from her dad’s side and half white from her mom, she has a soft tan tone, green eyes and hot pink hair. Skilled hacker. [Straight] (Cyberpunk 2077)
Andromeda Atlas: [29] a researcher from the Aperture Science facility that managed to survive the neurotoxin gas. Has severe PTSD from the near-death experience, along with trauma from the sudden "death" of her adopted daughter, Alice Altas. Strangely, she's seems intrigued to find out more about GLaDOS. She has straight and short blonde hair, and has black glasses. She wears a white lab coat. [?] (PORTAL games/Sci-Fi fiction)
Alexa Aderes: [30] A researcher in the Science and Research Center in the [[REDACTED]]. Introverted and prefers to keep to herself. Schizophrenic and has PTSD from her family's death in Hurricane Katrina. Dyed red hair and tan skin, with light blue eyes. She bares scars on her neck and wrist. Married the Hard to Kill Reptile and adopted Abby. Now lives in the Imagined and is the lead scientist there. [Straight]
Gwen Maven: [24] a timid and shy scout for the [[REDACTED]] army. Dyed green and pink hair, with brown eyes. Has a scar on her left eye that was from an abusive relationship, and has a tattoo of a heart on her cheek. [Pansexual]
Genesis the Maiden/Doll: https://joanathedummy.tumblr.com/post/625192257416478720/new-rpg-oc-genesis-the-maidendoll-age-appears She is Married to Agrelia, a silver dragon. [Lesbian]
Abigail the Maiden: [appearance of that of a 16-year-old] Genesis's sister. Same wooden body, blonde and green eyes. She is a cleric/healer that acts as Geana's assistant. [Straight] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Eve Jade Martinez/"Lady Frankenstein" (alias): [ageless] Inspired by Victor Frankenstein's monster in the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (I can't believe his name was Adam!), Geana created the bride that the monster could never have. A gentle, kind and intelligent creature, this 7 ft. tall woman has long black hair, gray-pale skin, brown eyes and a muscular build. Training to be a monster hunter (ironic...). [?/Intersexual] (Resident Evil 8: Village)
 Dr. Levi Bona Dimitrescu: [25] It’s the year 2046, over 40 years since Ethan Winters entered the Castle of the Dimitrescu family. Eve and Alcina have met, fought and made up. And out of this odd arrangement came their daughter, Levi. She became the village’s doctor, a kind and gentle yet intelligent woman who wanted nothing more than her patients to be well and healthy. She, along with Eve, got rid of the lycanthropes that haunted the village and created a vaccine for the disease. The House of Cures, Treatments and Remedies was created (a large carriage that is pulled by two horses), just outside of the town, where Levi works and helps anyone who needs aid. The youngest out of the daughters of Lady Dimitrescu (Bela, Cassandra and Daniela). Pale skin, brown (left) and yellow (right) eyes, and jet black hair. [Straight] (Resident Evil 8: Village)
Nemeia: [21] a sorceress-bard Tiefling that lives out her days as a musician. She knows how to play every instrument or is currently practicing. She grew up poor, with her parents having to hide her from society due to their race. Now, as a carefree and cheerful adult, she yearns to travel the world to witness the fine arts, food and literature of every culture. Virtue name is "Chant". [Bisexual/prefers men] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Jolene Luca/ "The Jest of Death": [21] A jester that became insane while growing up poor, and went into a life of crime, stealing and murdering people and creatures. Her sister, Jaylen, is a maid. [Pansexual] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Tsunami: [20] a bloodthirsty siren that roams rivers and coastlines for humans to feast on. Dark brown hair and a dark teal colored tail. "Wings" can extend from her tail to glide momentary in the air. Keeps a great white shark and a octopus as pets [Bisexual] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Bibi: [20] a siren that lost her older sister to pirates, and who Tsunami adopted. She has a dark blue tail and light chestnut hair and eyes. She is terrified of boats and sailors. (Dungeons and Dragons)
Coral: [20] a Nigerian cecaelia that loves to collect shiny trinkets and gold coins. Her tentacles are a light and dark green color, but can change colors to camouflage in her surroundings. Her hair is a bleached white, eyes are a electrified light blue, and wears comfortable but strong armour. She has multiple rays and eels as pets. [Straight] (Dungeons and Dragons)
SheRa de Drarvakme: [31] an Barbarian aasimar that came from a extremely wealthy family of Paladins. Her long hair is a dark jet black, with a gray skin tone. Her eyes glow a bright white, almost ghost-like. She led numerous wars and battles, always leading to victories. She takes care of her adopted daughter, Rosemary Malree. Dating Vilkas. [Bisexual] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Rosemary de Drarvakme-Malree: [12] a high elf that was forced to run away from her home when her parents were killed by an bandit invasion. She now dedicates her life to study the arts of Arcane Magic. She has dark red hair and light orange colored skin, with emerald green eyes. She lives in a large manor with her adopted mother, SheRa. Vilkas teaches her how to fight.
Aera: [5/Aarakocra years] A aarakocra who's main goal is to rid the world of it's demons and evil spirits. She resembles a humanoid falcon and wears light armour. Caretaker of Rose. [Straight] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Rose: [7] a harpy that was found in a abandoned temple. Adopted by Aera.
Viola/"The Lady Firehair's Zealot": [21] a cultist of the goddess of love and beauty Sune. She's chaotic good and gives her time and energy to do her matron's biding....and may have a secret crush on Sune. [Pansexual] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Susana and Lavina: [both died at 20/currently immortal] twins that died by falling off a cliff, trying to escape a large mob of anti-religious townsfolk. Susana is a Jann genie that came back with all the powers of the elemental dimensions, with bright rainbow hair and eyes and tan skin, who is carefree and calm, and has forgotten about the pain of her death. Lavina is a jinni that woke up with pain and agony from her cruel and unjustified demise, with bleached-white hair and gray skin, her colors washed out from anger and vengeance...and with the power of the Nine Circles of Hell to help her complete her goal. [Pansexual] [demisexual] (Dungeons and Dragons)
John Williams: [19] Abandoned by his peasant parents in a swamp owned by seven hags, he grew up isolated and introverted, although he was treated with shocking amounts of affection and love by the seven hags. He hunts and gathers food for the coven. He has shoulder-length long, honey-blonde hair, sucken blue eyes and a thin, pale frame with some muscles. Despite living with a hag coven, he is a good-hearted soul and wants nothing to do with violence. Dating a Beholder, who he named Arcano. [Bisexual] (Dungeons and Dragons)
The Hag Coven:
-Grandmother Ann, 200 years old, leader of the coven. Acts as John's mentor. (Annis Hag)
-Morgue, 150 years old, "vice-president" of the coven. (Bheur Hag)
-Gertrude, 100 years old, keeps a list of all magical and arcane items of the coven and deals with trading. (Green Hag)
-Ingrid, 90, the "cook" of the coven. Teaches John how to cook and bake. (Night Hag)
-Harpy, 80, collects items from the rivers, lakes and oceans. Taught John how to fish, gather and hunt. (Sea Hag)
-Eunice, 70, makes potions for trading and bargaining. Taught John alchemy. (Half-hag)
-Jean, 60, makes curses and spells for trading and bargaining. Taught John spell casting. (Half-hag)
Willow: [20] a changeling thief that steals to provide food and comfort to herself and Wisp, a baby Red Dragon that she stole from a warlock, and Rusty, a half-azer dwarven girl who she found in a alleyway. Takes the form of a athletic woman with blue-green hair, dark skin, dark gray skin and claws and talons. [Straight] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Õka-Buki ("many weapons"), Goddess of Trickery and Wisdom: [20] Born as a goddess in the Feywild and raised by an Annis Hag named Grannie Man-taker after her parents died, she went to the material plane to cause mischief and help good people. Raven black hair, fair skin, and bright emerald green eyes. She can transform into a large crow or raven with green eyes. [Pansexual/Poly] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Tamashī ga nai, God of Sorrow: [21] Born as a God in the Shadowfell and was raised by a Sorrowsworn-nightwalker hybrid after being abandoned by his parents, he went on a mission to create as much misery and pain as he could to satisfy his emptiness. Jet black hair, gray skin, and golden eyes. Can transform into a giant Dragon. Long lost brother of Buki. [?/poly] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Auriel: [ageless] An angel serving Eldath, the Goddess of Peace. Titanium blonde hair, crystallize blue eyes and light skin. Birth father of Soraya Sinikka (@a-elemental-warrior-for-god) (Dungeons and Dragons)
First form: resembles a male human, with pure white wings.
Second form: his body is made up of light, with his face full of glowing eyes. Three wings
Final form: biblical version of an angel.
Camisa: [7] Auriel's sister. Furture servant of Helm, God of Protection. Honey-blonde hair, light skin and same crystal eyes.
First form: resembles a young human girl, with fluffy white wings.
Second form: glowing eyes and two wings
Final form: a Unicorn or Pegasus foal, an angelic deer, a ki-rin, or a coualti.
Abaddon: [ageless] a devil who started working for the Celestials after falling in love with Auriel. He is the personal messager of Kelemvor, God of the Dead. Curved horns, red skin, fangs, yellow eyes, and black hair. Father of Soraya (Dungeons and Dragons)
First form: handsome devil wearing a lawyer's suit.
Second form: a 8 foot tall monster, with large bat wings and a long tail.
Final form: a 20 foot tall abomination, with large Dragon wings and tail, talons and claws, and a muscular body.
Lilitu/"Lucy"(nickname given by Camisa): [6] Abaddon's sister. She fled the 9 hells with her brother to join the Celestials. She worships and serves Lathander, God of Birth and Renewal, and Helm with Camisa. Tiny horns, pinkish skin, golden eyes, sharp teeth, and wavey black hair.
First form: resembles a devilish girl in a elegant purple and red dress, with bat wings.
Second form: longer horns, black deer legs, a venomous snake for a tail and larger bat wings. Her eyes glow in the darkness.
Final form: a shadow dragon, a nightmare (demonic black horse with a flaming mane and tail), or a chimera, with a lioness, Dragon and goat heads with a large serpent for a tail and with large Dragon wings.
 Claudia Gentlewind: [3,000+] a semi-blind storm giantess that lives in Voninheim, the ice giant-home that was abandoned during the war between Dragons and Giants. Hair is literally made out of clouds that change depending on her mood, icy-purple skin, glowing white eyes...and half-silver dragon. The most kindest giant you'll ever find...and the most silent. [?] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Marzanna Arcadia Valerie Tiana Abott-Weasley: [20] In a AU where Hogwarts was abandoned due to numerous deaths and injuries in the franchise, this young witch's parents refused to let her attend the school for her own safety. At age 20, she moved into the seemingly empty school, and started teaching herself how to become the most powerful magic-caster in existence. Blue and black frizzy and curly long hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Has three pet dragons named Tymbit, Evoss and Puvrur. [Pansexual] (Harry Potter series)
Celeste "Cele" Rune: [20] a female wizard that is teaching herself all types of magic from not just the Boiling Isles, but from all magic throughout different dimensions and universes. Kind, sweet, good-hearted and loving. The moon is her favorite thing the space. Dark skin, curvy, long warm black to sea-blue hair, rosewood to azure eye colors. Her staff is a vulture-bat creature named Scraps. [Bisexual] (The Owl House)
Skylar Cloudia: [26] a mage that is training to become a sorceress and mythical-beast caretaker. Dark blue hair in a high ponytail, pale-tan skin and blue eyes. [Straight] (Runescape)
Ruth McLaughlin: [Died at 25/current age unknown] An astronaut that worked for a space program, until she was murdered under mysterious circumstances (it is suspected a alien parasite infected her, or a crewmate killed her), then resurrected 20 hours later. She killed the rest of her crewmates, and abandoned the ship. Her human appearance is a young and fit woman with brown eyes and short jet black hair with cyan highlights, and tan skin. Her spacesuit is painted cyan. [Straight] (Among Us)
Raven: [22] daughter of Dovah and Alduin. Older Princess of dragons, and is the arisen of Tamriel. Nightingale of Nocturnal and was taught the Thu'um by the Greybeards. Her wife is Madeleine and adopted daughter is Selene. Symbol of the Beautiful Darkness of the Night. Her pawn's name is Brenna, a cheerful blonde elf ranger. [Lesbian] (Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen)
 Dove: [21] Daughter of Dovah and Alduin. Princess of dragons, and is the current Inquisitor of Thedas. Student of the goddess Dibella and is being taught the Thu'um by her sister Raven. A bit of a narcissist, and could care less about other's opinions. Dating Blackwall. Symbol of the Holy Light of the Day. [Straight] (Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen/Dragon's Dogma Online/Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Kiinnolsos: [?] When Dovah and Alduin, in the fusion of Fin-Nil, were fighting against Molag Bal, they were struck in battle. The blood of the wound bleed onto the floor, and the tears of pain and determination fell onto it, creating the daughter of Fin-Nil. Kiinnolsos is the youngest daughter of Dovah and Alduin, and represents that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope. A dragon who's scales are made of moonstone, and sparkle in the light. Her horns are the purest white, almost like snow, and her eyes shine like pinkest rose. Her wings are a mixture of a canary and a golden dragon. The end of her tail has some feathers on it, just like her elbows, ankles and the crown of beautiful yellow feathers on her head. Often urges mages to cast the magelight spell so she can chase the "pretty orbs". [Pansexual]
Naramath: [?] While Fin-Nil was struck by Molag Bal's mace, the blood and tears that created Kiinnolsos also created Naramath, the dragon spawn succubus that represents that there will always be "hatred behind the affection" (a hint of malice behind a good deed, thoughts of doubt, lust over love, abuse disguised as romance, ideas of betrayal, etc.). Resembles a younger Dovah, with red eyes, tan skin, long warm black hair, and sharp red and black succubi wings on her back. She also has a long tail, with a bladed tip made out of ebony. Wears dremora styled armor and wears her hair in a ponytail. In a relationship with Sanguine and Mephala (technically she's their champions) and was gifted the Ebony Blade and the Sanguine Rose. Daedra seducers worship her. [Bisexual]
Judith "Jude" Iscariot: [22] Jude was once a normal Fisher woman in Cassardis, when the second dragon strikes and she had to become the next the Arisen (after Raven). She, alongside her pawn Harth Alois, a strong and loyal warrior woman (black hair in a updo bun, tan skin and light blue eyes; obese with inhumane strength) with a meaty and muscular form, went to retrieve her heart...but sacrificed her "beloved", and ended up falling in love with Grigori. The Duke of Gran Soren offered Jude the throne, but she refused and became his personal hitwoman. She still does good deeds for kind people, but she's independent and does tasks for her own benefit. Curly and shiny red hair in a pony tail, fair skin, and pale green eyes. [Bisexual] (Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen)
 Eeva "Chimes" Ameno: [23] A female Qunari swordwoman and warrior. May seem monstrous, but is sweet to others. Helps with Dove and the Inquisition. Dating Iron Bull. [Straight] (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Tello Lavellan: [30] ever since he was a boy, growing up in the wilderness, he was gifted with great magic. At 29 years old, he was sent to the Chantry Conclave by the Keeper. After the explosion, he was nursed back to health, and met Dorian Pavus while assisting Dove with the Inquisition. Vanilla-tan skin, green eyes, and semi-ponytail and short Auburn hair. Became a Elven Rift Mage. [Gay] (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Lois Trevelyan: [28] Training since a little girl to become a Templar Warrior, she was always excited to finally be able to join her brother in battle. Then she was sent to the Conclave, and the explosion happened. After assisting Cullen with his troops, they became fond of each other. Human, with tan skin, short and dark brown hair that reaches her shoulders, with blue eyes, and multiple scars on her face. Has a brother named Johnathan, who is also a Templar and looks like her. [Straight] [straight]
Dravna Firebeard: [19] Unwanted and banished from her underground home, she made her living with the Cadash Crime Family, smuggling Lyrium and training to be an assassin. Unfortunately, when she was sent to the Conclave to spy on the area, she was hit by the explosion. Fortunately, she survived and was nursed back to health. She met Sera while taking out some corrupted officials for Dove, and they immediately hit it off. Firery red hair, pale skin and green eyes. [Lesbian]
Saphria De Lezcano: [30] The daughter of a rich horse and cattle rancher, while wandering a nearby forest for apples, saw Dove in her Divine form. Enchanted by the aura, the woman followed Dove into a cave. After fighting her way though monsters, she found herself in a cavern with a glowing, pulsing heart of a Dragon. Unable to keep herself focused, she touched it... And was flooded with vast knowledge and experience. When a search party went to the cave, they found Saphria unconscious. When a dragon threatened to destroy Haven, she lost control and became a Sapphire Dragon. This got Vivienne's attention, and the two had been unseparable ever since. Long jet black hair in a high ponytail, tan skin and Sapphire Blue eyes. Became a Knight-Enchanter after joining the Inquisition, and eventually a sorceress. [Bisexual]
Sumasan Sumet: [26] A Quinari that was raised outside of the Qun in Thedas, and was planning worked for her father's mercenary company when she got older, but she became in the arts of magic, and became a healer. As a support mage, she dreamed of joining the Chantry and fall into one of the ranks. She got her wish after making to Haven to support the Inquisition, and the fallen Divine. There, she met Josephine, and after saving Cassandra's life, started dating each other. Slightly curved horns, dark skin, white and long hair and golden eyes. [Bisexual]
Marcello Lavellan: [20] Following in the footsteps of his older brother, he studied magic, but couldn't help learn all the different types of instruments in Thedas instead. As a bard, Marcello helps spread good cheer and merry around his family, and it often leaves him with new friends. When Tello joined the Inquisition, Marcello went with him to start earning money, singing in taverns and soothing the minds of the mournful. When the Dark spawn attacked, he was saved by Cole, and fled with his brother while Dove hold off the attackers. Tan skin, hazel eyes and short Auburn hair. [Straight]
Mettius Saenus: [7] the adopted human son of Varric and Cassandra, who wishes to become an Templar like his mother. Blonde and short hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. [Straight]
Conna Durvish: [7] the adopted dwarven daughter of Varric and Cassandra, who sees herself more like her father and wants to learn how to shoot an arrow when she's older. Warm black hair, pale skin and brown eyes. [Straight]
Velanowen: [10] the adopted elven daughter of Leliana, and is training to become an artificier. Shaven hair, light skin, and blue eyes. [Straight]
Jarver: [9] the adopted Quinari son of Leliana, and wishes to become a scholar. Curved horns to the front, green skin and red eyes. [Straight]
Amara-Naga: [24] An argonian from Black Marsh. Dreams of being a powerful witch, and is friends with hagravens. Adopted mother of Tikvah. [Straight] (TES: Skyrim/"Skyrim 2")
Lamia Luna: [23] a khajiit that lost her family to the Dark Brotherhood, and seeks redemption by killing every last member. Dovah aids her goal. Married to Cicero [Straight] (TES: Skyrim)
Emeline BrightGold: [25] a blacksmith and battlemaiden Half-Orc. Her mother is a human, and her father is a rich Orc chieftain. Often a lone wander, but is a kind and generous soul. Asks Dovah for advice. Currently engaged Sheogorath. [Straight] (TES: Skyrim)
Aenea Kovac: [24] One of Emeline’s younger cousins, who is a pure Orc. She is a hardworking woman, just like the rest of her family tree. And just like her family, she is a mighty blacksmith, gifted with the ability to create strong and powerful weapons. She doesn’t mind fighting, but prefers to settle a skirmish with words instead of actions. Long, straight and black hair, dark gray-green skin, and forest green eyes. [Straight] (TES: Markarth/Skyrim 6)
Aiden Blair/"Silva": [23] a Forsworn who has falmer blood within her. Friends with Amara. Strangely sympathetic with others. Cannibal. Likes shiny things. [Bisexual] (TES: Skyrim/ "Skyrim 2")
Cath: [4,000+] a snow elf that researches monsters and dark magic for a living. Owns a shop in Riften. He worships Dovah. Preferred monsters: lycanthrope creatures/griffins/beholders/giant serpents. [Bisexual] (TES: Skyrim)
 Shammara Yamaji: [24] The daughter of a Yuan-ti and a Naga woman hybrid, and comes from a very powerful tribe of serpent people. Has taught herself to be able to shapeshift into any snake-related creature, is able to bend will over snakes and possesses powerful dark magic and knowledge. She likes jigsaw puzzles, riddles, books of ancient knowledge & religion and escape rooms. Her people worship Anox and Jane, along with the Christian version of God, and is very religious. Holds grudges and will never forget a enemy's face. Married to Tiamat and the Tarrasque in a polygamous marriage. [Bisexual] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Saphria, the Wandering Healer: [26] the offspring of Tiamat, Shammara and the Tarasque. She inherited the good and kind nature of Shammara, the raw strength of Tarasque, and the powerful magic of Tiamat. She often walks around the Material Plane to assist in healing the sick and injured. Half-dragon, with red scales, yellow eyes and is dressed like a cleric. [?] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Eclipse de Sol-Luz: [20] A High Elf in Elemental Master in training who's parents died in a demon invasion when she was 6, and was taken in by a priest and nun. She lives with Harmony in her forest. During the day, her appearance is that of a Sun elf, and at night she turns into a Moon elf. [?] (Dungeons and Dragons)
Anox the cursed serpent: [7,778] a snake that was cursed by a witch for bitting her and was turned into a serpent/dragon God, but cursed to never bare offspring. She is worshiped by Chinese and Japanese citizens for good luck. Has a temple in Japan. In human form, her appearance is that of a Nobel consort with magenta eyes and blue hair, and a kamoto made out of yellow snake skin. [Asexual/straight] (Chinese/Japanese mythology)
Yasmine: [30] One of Anox's Children of Luck (worshippers). Strong and a hardheaded woman, but protects those who she loves. [Lesbian]
 Mora: [7] A abandoned girl that Anox adopted. She doesn't know what civilization she belongs to, nor does she care. Anox gave her the blessing of mastery of all element bending. Mental, emotional and spiritual scars from learning about her parents abandoning her. Can be very dangerous to be around. During the LOK timeline, she is immortal, married Azula (who Mora turned immortal) and owns four dragons: Bureizu, a reddish-copper colored dragon that breathes fire/ Kaze, a greenish-pale colored Chinese dragon that can manipulate the weather and air/ Chippy, a blue dracohound hybrid that acts like a mount and companion on Mora's travels/ Kaiyō, a cyan colored sea serpent that protects Mora's island home. Mora has white, crystal colored eyes, tan skin, and jet black hair that is past her shoulders in ATLA, and a stylized Bob cut in LOK. Her eyes shine like a rainbow when in the sunlight. [Pansexual] (ATLA/LOK)
Angie: [111] An air nomad that fled with Aang before the Fire Nation attacked and was frozen inside of the iceberg with him. She is close friends with the Gaang. Half of her light brown hair is shaved, with pale-tan skin and brown eyes (bleached her hair white in Book 3). Has a pet sugar glider named Nani and has a mount named Windbreaker. [Bisexual] (ATLA/LOK)
Titania Dextera: [13] Mora's older cousin and a firebender in training. Her parents are wealthy and powerful but good hearted nobles, with her father in the Fire Nation's army and her mother a successful restaurant owner. Long black hair and yellow eyes, with tan skin. Has a pet dragon named Lucoa, a war horse named Warrior, an eagle hawk named Pepper, and a wild phoenix that she named Empress. Dating Toph. [Bisexual/prefers women] (ATLA/LOK)
Vavay Alviva: [17] a cheerful and bright non-bender that makes a living on creating and selling instruments with her aunt, Alohi. Training on how to fight with weapons and practices Chi blocking. Braided, long, chocolate colored hair, light-tan skin and green eyes. Dating Ty Lee. Has a pet dog named Sochi and feeds the stray cats in her town. On the end of her long braid is a heavy sphere weight that she often uses when fighting, knocking her opponent out with a swing of her head. [Bisexual] (ATLA/LOK)
Yorata: [?] A lab experiment gone wrong; a rat and bat mutation with the thirst for blood. She is half as tall as Godzilla, and makes her home in a cave system in Mexico. Superstitious residents leave offerings for her so that she won't destroy the country. Often battles with Anox for territory. She can shapeshift into a female gangster as a disguise. [Straight] (Kaiju universe)
Penny: [101] a dragon (who used to be muted) that lives in secrecy. Only Dovah knew her location, but has forced herself to forget. Only comes out of her hiding place for food. Nords worship her to protect them from war and bring peace to their hearts. In human form, she takes the appearance of a beautiful woman with a dress made out of animal pelts. [Straight] (Nordic mythology/RPG games)
Harmony: [201] A gigantic Owl-like Goddess of Balance and Equality. Lives in a large forest in Europe. Unknown to everyone, but is a invisible force of nature. Can talk to animals and spirits, and has many woodland and water nymphs as her subjects. In her human form, she's African-American with beautiful, curly, highlighted green ringlets of hair, with a dress made of green veil and fabric, barefooted with vines attached to her arms and legs, and has a slight British accent. [Pansexual] (Fairytale lore/medieval folklore)
Jia: [32] (Tia + JTD) A timid, but kind robotic/puppet hip-hop dancer. Her dance style consist of tap-dancing and ballad.
Geana: [32] (Dollface + JTD) A Latina necromancer who likes to experiment on undead. Can create armies of wooden and undead soldiers. Creator of Genesis.
Anaoj: [?] (Ana + JTD) [[REACTED]]
"The Lady": [?] (____+ JTD + ____) Powerful reality-bender. Can literally erase people and characters from existence, or be a grand protector. (Male equivalent is "The Knight")
Fin-Nil ("The Void"): [infinite] (Dovah + Alduin) a gargantuan sized tusked dragon made out of shadow and darkness, with an everlasting hunger to devour the universe. They use daedric armor, and have a beautifully gold-engraved copy of Konahrik's mask. (They/them/it/its)
Revelations/"Reva": [infinite] (OCs + Personas) The ultimate and most powerful fusion in all of space and time. Each new character gives her more power and energy. Her sworn duty is to destroy those who have hurt her friends and family, and to bring peace and order between the various dimensions and universes.
Autumn & April: [15] Twin sisters. Autumn has green eyes, and has curly orange hair with black highlights, while April has brown eyes, and straight black hair with orange highlights; That's how you can tell them apart. Both are religious and good moraled.
Clark: [6] Younger brother of Autumn and April, who is a human with black short hair, green eyes and fair skin.
Debbie and Annie: [5] Fraternal twin sisters (Debbie has blonde hair in a bob, blue eyes and pale-rosey skin, and Annie has red hair with blue eyes and pale skin) that are both ventriloquist dummies, like their older sisters.
Shaun: [31] son of Nora and Nate. Black hair and blue eyes. Master inventor and researcher.
Dorothy: [5] daughter of Nora and Nate. Brown hair and brown eyes. She has small freckles. Likes to invent robots.
Selene: [35] adopted daughter of Raven and Madeleine.
Sofia: [21] Daughter of Jester and Freddy Krueger. Has light blonde hair and blue eyes. Her skin tone is a pale tan. She is half alien and half dream demon.
Koi: [20] Son of Dovah and Alduin. Daegric Prince of the Ocean and its many creatures. Blue eyes, black hair, and tan skin. Twin brother of Flora. Younger brother of Raven and Dove. Married Bibi.
Beau: [21] Daughter of Genesis and Agrelia. She is a glass dragon, a new type of dragon that rivals the strength and power of a silver dragon. In human form, her hair is a greenish-teal, and her eyes are that of the sky. In dragon form, her scales glisten in the light, radiant and beautiful, and her wings are that of a dove's feathers. Very religious and good moraled.
Donovan: [19] young son of Alduin and Dovah. Daegric Prince of shadows and darkness, nightmares and bad omens. Black hair, black eyes and pale skin.
Froid: [19] Young daughter of Alduin and Dovah. Daegric Princess of ice, snow, the cold-hearted and frost creatures. Titanium white hair with white eyes, and pale skin.
Flora: [20] Daughter of Dovah and Alduin. Daegric Prince of Fae and fairies, and woodland creatures. Red eyes, dark red hair, and fair skin. Twin sister of Koi. Younger sister of Raven and Dove.
Sola: [19] daughter of Cicero and Lamia. A half woman half Khajiit hybrid. Hunts down Dark Brotherhood members.
Roma & Troy: [5] twins who witnessed Tsunami and Coral murder their parents (their mother used to be Tsunami's ex-lover and murderer, and was a pirate), and were taken in by them. Both have blue eyes, dirty blonde hair and slightly pale skin.
Apocalypse/"Apocal": [?] son of Reva. Has half of her powers and abilities. A kind soul who wishes to help others, but won't hesitate to kill you in cold blood.
Mirror/"Mi": [?] Younger sister of Apocal and Isa. Made out of abstract art and light. Beautiful rainbow hair, and eyes that reflect light. Her skin is just a black void. Dating ENA from Extinction Party.
Mia & Miu: [12] firstborns of Azula and Mora. Prefer fire bending and waterbending. Mia has a pet tiger named Flame, while Miu has a pet Bengal tiger named Frost.
Zu: [11] second child and only son of Azula and Mora. Prefers air bending. Owns a pet Lion Vulture named Ria.
Kiki: [10] Azula and Mora's daughter that somehow perfected the art of sculpting. Earthbender. Owns a large saber tooth tiger named Dusty.
Chazona: [9] strangest and youngest daughter of Azula and Mora. A quiet and shy, she can speak to spirits and the dead. Energy bender.
Sten: [12] Younger brother to Lin and Suyin, son of Toph and Titania. Like his older siblings, he can fire and earth bend. But just like Toph, he was blind at birth. Same pale eyes as his mother.
The Sunkissed Maidens: a group of women vampires that worship Dove, and are immune to the sun. Their hideout is in a cave system that used to be a abandoned mineshaft.
The Nightshade Wolfkin: a hidden group of werewolves that worship Raven. Most of the worshippers are werewolves brought back from the dead. They live in a abandoned village surrounded by smaller camps or fortresses.
Cult of the Wolf/Vamp Queen: a mix group of saved werewolves and rescued vampires that secretly worship Dovah. Both groups have come to realize that werewolves and vampires shouldn't be enemies and not be feared by the living. All members have immunity to common weaknesses. None worship Hircine or Molag Bal.
Children of Luck and Fortune: An all-girls group that worships Anox and lives at her temple.
[[REDACTED]] agents:
Name: Isa
Age: unknown
Race: Hebrew
Isa is the daughter of Reva and the sister of Apocal and Mirror. She has the same moral alignment as Apocal, but has more powers than him because of her job. She has a half-shaved haircut, and dyed her hair in a rainbow pattern. On her left eye is a scar.
The Company of Wyverns and Dragons:
A adventuring group in the Dark Souls games.
-Eilora the Shadowdancer: [29] an assassin that started the group as a way to get money, but now views everyone as her friends. Quick and stealthy, and blends well with the shadows. Black hair and pale skin, and black clothing. [Lesbian]
-Lady Jana Songsteel Many-Daggers: [30] a cleric who specializes in healing. She joined the group when she saw Eilora in a battle, nearly dead. Black with straight-ironed black hair and Dark brown eyes. [Straight]
-Lord Quogold Darkeyes, In Darkness: [31] a Knight that came into Jana's aid when a monster was chasing her. He fell in love with her ever since. Blonde hair and blue eyes, multiple scars on his face and torso. [Straight]
-Hollydiana Shipsail the Fighter: [25] a wandering mercenary that accidentally attacked Eilora, mistaking her for the wrong assassin. After repaying her dept and gaining Maven's trust, Holly was able to join the group. Dark brown hair, tan skin and green eyes. [Bisexual]
I'm going to share two stories...
1.) The Four Victims Case
I often roleplay with a friend I have here on Tumblr. Our stories and characters often have crossovers and the like. But sometimes...things don't go as I planned it would.
Dovah was hosting a celebration for the birth of her firstborn, Raven, in her plane of Oblivion, Gaard. She decided to invite everyone from both parties (my characters and my friend's OCs) to the welcome party. But before anything good happened, one of my friend's OCs named Cooper decided it was a great idea to threaten Alduin and Dovah about the whereabouts of his friends. Long story short, Dovah and my personas were kidnapped by the SCP Foundation, Raven's first birthday was ruined, and Dovah & Alduin were emotionally scarred for the rest of the time.
Now, Raven had a prophecy to start when she becomes 20. But before that, after Dovah was released from the Foundation, she went back to Gaard to check on her family. Only to find Raven was kidnapped, and then Dovah was promptly locked inside of her home dimension by mysterious force of evil. Nora, Rubí, Jester and Joana were helping evacuate Tamriel due to a monster invasion. Cardmaster, another one of my friend's OCs, decided to join them after everyone was safely evacuated into another dimension. When he realised none of his friends were there (my group asked them nicely to enter, and CM'S friends being hotheaded individuals, they didn't listen and died trying to fight the horde of monsters), CM beat up the four women out of anger. And I'm talking about slamming Nora into Rubí, beating up Jester into a bloody pulp and breaking her windpipe, and almost turning Joana into roadkill. It was that bad that Ana had to interfere. CM, after calming down to "defeat" Ana (she wasn't even losing), he healed my characters. They were in shock, and didn't know how to respond to the man who just nearly killed them. And everything just went to shit downwards after that...
Just talking and remembering about this now makes me feel sick. But it's my fault because I didn't just stop my friend right then and there. I hate myself for it everyday since.
2.) The Incident at the Temple of Anox
Holy frick, this one left me pissed for days!
My friend and I often bring cannon characters into out stories. Mostly as friends or spouces of our characters. And I wish I could have said something when my friend decided to bring in Team Avatar from ATLA...
During another RP session with some other friends, I was roleplaying Yorata, Anox and Penny (Harmony wasn't made yet). After a hour or two of letting our characters get to know each other, Anox made the decision to invite her new "friends" to her temple in Japan (the worst mistake of my life, I made). After a watching a argument, she waits for them at her temple, letting a few snake spys to lead the others there. They arrived at the wrong time. A farmer had brought his daughter to Anox to join her worshipers. Only everyone else thought the girl was going to be sacrificed or something worse. In the chat, I was screaming at my friend trying to tell him not to make the Gaang enter, but he decided to make them enter, anyway. After ignoring every sign to urge the group to leave the Temple, and ignoring the fact that they are entering private property without permission, they got to the temple. Every girl there was armed ready to murder the Gaang, but Anox stopped them, telling the Gaang to leave. They (finally) did, but Toph decided to sneak in at night," just to make sure nothing bad was happening". She ended up alerting everyone at the temple, and when her girlfriend, Levinia, realized she was in danger (she wasn't), she threatened Anox with flooding her temple. Now THAT traumatized Anox with the thought that her Children of Luck would get killed in the process. So she ordered the girls to let Toph go. For the next few days/weeks/months, Anox became depressed, ashamed to face the world. She didn't want to be in anything our group did, giving all of her free time and attention to her daughters that were almost taken away from her.
When I first created Mora, I felt every inch of my body boil with anger and frustration. Mora is a physical manifestation of that stress and trauma Anox had to go through, with her only thoughts being spiteful and angry towards the Gaang.
After everything that happened to Anox, I kept feeling urges to just delete my account and go under a new identity. I can't stress enough that everytime I look at something Avatar related I feel this sudden pain in my chest. Like I want to take my anger out on someone. But I can't undo everything that happened in the past. And yes, there are more terrible events that happened, but those two are my biggest regrets.
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heathenminded · 7 years
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made a half-elf druid for dnd. she’s slightly inspired by vax’ildan, not gonna lie. also Carmilla. 
she’s circle of the land and she’s a sarcastic asshole who combusts when she sees pretty girls tbh. 
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iwritetopassthetime · 3 years
of vipers and doves (9/11)
Oberyn Martell x reader
CHAPTER EIGHT // Previous chapter // Masterlist // Next chapter
warning: angst; mentions of rape and violent death
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It seemed such a feat to pack up and leave Sunspear behind even for a mere fortnight. Y/N felt the need to reorganise hers and Oberyn’s luggage several times. She’d look through the various outfits that Jenne and she picked for the wedding, and any other stately occasion at the Capital, but something would always look… not right. She had an odd gut feeling about the upcoming journey and she tried to ignore it; she was truly excited to travel. In her life she’d only seen Silverwood and it’s bordering fields and forests. Now she knew Dorne, her new home, but she desired to actually experience the stories Oberyn told her about or the tales in the books she read to his daughters at night. So gut feeling be damned, she was going to enjoy this adventure. 
‘Y/N,’ Jenne sighed in slight exasperation, ‘are you happy with the luggage now? We’ve gone over everything thrice.’
Y/N grabbed a bronze belt buckle and placed it in Oberyn’s trunk. ‘This will do. Yes, Jenne! I’m so sorry, I’m just—‘
‘I’m excited, too. I’ve never been to the Capital either.’
Y/N shook her head. ‘It’s not just excitement, it’s something else. But I could be wrong, my emotions have been all over the place lately.’ She rubbed a hand over her swollen belly. ‘I guess the little one is partially at fault for that.’
‘Too excited to meet their Mama and Papa,’ Jenne suggested and the two women giggled. 
Jenne had been an absolute godsend throughout the pregnancy; she’d remade half of Y/N wardrobe to fit her changing body and proudly showcase her belly to the world. A little Martell was sure to pop out of there and join their mad world. Jenne also was to be credited for making a baby’s blanket, her talent for stitch work coming in handy as the entire fabric was littered with tiny vipers and doves. Y/N snuck the blanket in her own trunk, just in case the little Martell decided to pop out while they were away from Dorne. She wanted them to be immediately greeted with the comfort of their homeland even if they were too far from it. 
‘Have you seen Oberyn?’ Y/N asked when they finally closed the trunks and called for two guards to carry them to the cart that would take all the luggage to the ships. 
‘I think he’s with the Sand Snakes in the gardens,’ Jenne responded and Y/N thanked her, telling her that she was going to go say her goodbyes to the girls. 
It was an understatement to say that Oberyn was a fatherly type. He was incredible with his daughters and every man on this earth should take example of him in the way he interacted with his children. Y/N’s heart filled with joy when she saw him sitting on the edge of the large fountain near the front gate. Loreza was sitting on his knee, clutching at her dear Papa’s lapels with tears prickling in her large brown eyes. Dorea and Elia were on their father’s right, Dorea’s little feet swinging back and forth off the edge. Obella was on her father’s left while the three eldest Sand Snakes were gathered in front of Oberyn.
Obara immediately noticed Y/N arrive and approached her with a quick step. Her mouth was pressed in a tight line as she spoke, ‘I should come with you and Father to make sure you’re safe.’
‘Obara, dear,’ Y/N smiled at her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, ‘your father and I will be accompanied by the other Dornish houses and our own guards. We’ll be well protected I assure you.’
Y/N shot Oberyn a similar look of encouragement and his mouth slowly tilted up in a small smile. Loreza snuggled up in his chest as Oberyn wrapped his arms around Elia, Obella and Dorea, bringing them closer.
‘We’ll be back before you know it,’ he promised them. ‘Your mother will return in a week. You’ll be at the Water Gardens with her, your cousins and Mircella, and you’ll have such a great time.’
‘But I wanna — hiccup — have great time — hiccup — with you Papa,’ Loreza sobbed into her father’s jacket and Oberyn planted a kiss at the top of her head.
‘I know, my sweet, but you’re too young to travel,’ Oberyn explained patiently. ‘And the Capital is so boring. And smells bad too.’
Loreza stared at her father with a scrunched up nose. ‘Smells bad, yuck!’
Oberyn chuckled, ‘Yes, smells like a dirty toilet.’
‘Well,’ Loreza seemed persuaded and crossed her little arms over her chest, ‘but you’ll bring us presents right?’
‘All the presents we can find,’ Y/N promised, ‘And you won’t even realise how quickly the time has flown. I promise you, we’ll be back in no time.’
‘Okayyyy…’ Loreza jumped down from her father’s lap and walked over to Y/N, wrapping her little arms around her belly. Y/N awed and smoothed down the little girls hair. Just as quickly, the other girls left their father’s side and joined the hug, making Y/N laugh lightly. Obara was still carrying an expression of worry as she stood by them and watched Y/N who gave her another encouraging smile and a short nod.
Oberyn on the other hand felt his heart hammer in his chest at the endearing sight. He had been so preoccupied with his thoughts in the past few days; thinking about going back to King’s Landing after everything that had happened, thinking about facing the Lannisters, the Mountain. His heart was hardening up, but a gentle touch or a kiss from his wife, or a sight like the one that was happening before his very eyes was enough to pull him a little back towards the light. 
A guard approached the family and announced the ships were ready to depart. Y/N kissed all the little girls, then hugged Tyenne and Nymeria individually. Obara, quite surprisingly, initiated the farewell embrace between her and Y/N and whispered in her ear, ‘Please, be safe.’
‘We will be,’ Y/N squeezed her tight before letting go. Oberyn stepped towards her and offered her his arm to take. The two waved the group of girls goodbye before departing through the front gates, walking down to the harbour. 
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They were once again, standing alone together by the ship’s railing. But Y/N happily thought how the situation was so much changed than the last time. 
Her hand was safely wrapped around Oberyn’s biceps. He was looking out into the sea with an unreadable expression on his face. Something had been bothering him for a some days, his demeanour was changed. Not too much but enough for a caring wife to notice. 
Y/N put a hand on his cheek, turning his face towards her. ‘What is going on that beautiful head of yours, my darling.’
‘Nothing to worry about, my dove,’ Oberyn simply said but it did not convince his wife.
‘It evidently worries you, therefore it worries me,’ she retorted. Oberyn shook his head but a smile slowly made its way back on his face. He pressed his forehead against Y/N’s and sighed deeply. The air was light with the smell of the sea and Y/N’s flowery perfume. ‘Please, Oberyn. I want to help you.’
‘I haven’t been to King’s Landing since…’ he pulled back, but took his wife’s hands in his. The delicate touch anchored him and brought peace to the storm in his heart. ‘The place does not bring many happy memories.’
Y/N brought their joined hands up and pressed them to her heart. ‘I am with you, my love. And we will make at least one good memory.’ 
One good memory was not going to avenge Elia’s death, an intrusive thought surfaced in Oberyn’s mind and he waved it away. Y/N was trying to lighten his spirits. She was unknowingly pushing him away from the ideas of vengeance and murder, but the burning desire to serve justice for his sister and her children was too overpowering. 
Oberyn pushed a hair out of Y/N’s face, trying not to think about anything else for the moment. He smiled down at her, pulling her face towards his to press a delicate kiss to her lips. ‘Do you remember the last time we were on this very boat?’
Y/N grinned. ‘Like it was last week. I was so enthralled by you, my prince. I could barely keep my wits together.’ 
‘Believe me, I could hardly contain myself when I was near you.’ Oberyn kissed her once more. ‘I was ready to take you against this very railing, then down in the corridor in front of your cabin. My beautiful wife.’ And another kiss, this time longer and more passionate. ‘I never want to see you wearing Northern attire ever again, it subdued your light.’
‘I must say,’ Y/N admitted through a quiet laugh, ‘I do prefer Dornish fashion. It is much more liberating.’ 
Oberyn hummed and placed one palm over his wife’s round belly. He felt the little shuffles their child made underneath Y/N’s skin and his heart burst with happiness. For a moment, there was nothing else on his mind. Only his love and their little one. 
‘Oof,’ Y/N huffed, feeling a dull kick, ‘I must admit that they are getting restless in there.’
‘Are you sure you are safe to travel,’ Oberyn asked worriedly, rubbing his hand over her belly. ‘I don’t want you to overwork or harm yourself.’
‘I’m good, darling,’ Y/N interrupted him. ‘Miryam and the maester checked me before we departed and everything seems to be in order. You’ll just have to endure my waddling for the rest of the trip.’
‘Your waddling is endearing, speak no ill of it.’
‘I am just wondering about what the people at the Capital would say,’ Y/N said. ‘I was raised with their conservative beliefs and I know how they view this,’ she pointed to her swollen belly, ‘a pregnant woman is to be hidden away. I just don’t want any ill wishes to befall the baby.’
Oberyn kept his hand on her belly while his other rested upon her cheek in a sign of comfort. ‘I will guard you from any mistreatment, be it words or hands. If anything, those pompous pricks at the Capital will be blinded by your glow, my love.’
‘My prince flatters me,’ Y/N chuckled.
‘Your prince speaks the truth,’ Oberyn responded and softly kissed her. 
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The seas were relatively calm throughout their journey to King’s Landing. A raven had landed on their ship before sunset on the day of their departure, with a message from one of the several Dornish lords who were also attending the royal wedding. He informed that he was to set sail at dawn and arrive soon after the Prince and Princess, along with the other houses and knights. With that assurance and with the strong winds they were blessed with, the five ships that left Sunspear on Monday was set to arrive early in the morning on Thursday at the Capital.
On the last evening of their sail, Oberyn and Y/N were laying in each other’s embrace after a quick but sweet love making session in the comfort of their cabin. The bed was warmed up by their activities and the many pillows that Oberyn threw on the bed to make his wife more comfortable created a little nest of their own. The only sounds in the air were the waves crashing against the body of the ship and the quiet breaths of the couple. Y/N’s head was pressed against Oberyn’s bare chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. A rhythm she loved dearly. Oberyn had one arm throw over her shoulder, his touch spreading warmth across her shoulder, while his other hand held Y/N’s on his chest. His thumb absentmindedly traced shapes into the skin of her knuckles as the two relaxed into the night. 
‘The last time you were in the Capital was for your sister’s wedding, right?’ Y/N suddenly asked. She tentatively lifted her head from Oberyn’s chest to look at him, but he was staring at the ceiling. 
‘Her marriage to Rhaegar Targaryen — yes,’ Oberyn replied curtly, but didn’t drop his arms from her body. The memory evidently pained him and Y/N regretted speaking of it in the first place. 
‘I’m sorry, my love, I shouldn’t have brought it up. I see how much it pains you.’
Oberyn shook his head and looked at her, his eyes holding so many emotions that it was hard to discern one from the other. ‘Do not apologise, my dove. It pains me, but…’ Oberyn gulped down the heavy lump that had formed in his throat ‘How much do you know of Elia?’
‘Not much. People say that she was kind and beautiful.’ Y/N said and noticed the tiny smile that formed on Oberyn’s face.
‘She was,’ he agreed, ‘and she was more. Elia was so much better than me and Doran. Your nature truly does match hers. You two hold so much goodness in your hearts and your charm is only the outer manifestation of your inner beauty. But for Elia, kindness could not protect her against the evil in this world.’
It was Y/N’s turn to rub soothing shapes into her husband’s skin as he spoke of something so painful.
‘Rhaegar dishonoured her by leaving her for another,’ Oberyn continued with a somber tone. ‘And then came Robert’s rebellion and… I lost my dearest sister, my closest friend.’ Oberyn chose to end the tale there, feeling much too sad and angry to continue. ‘You must’ve been very young around that time.’
‘I remember the war,’ Y/N replied. ‘My father and uncle were defending the capital when King’s Landing was attacked. My father never returned.’ Y/N felt saddened at the memory of her uncle’s return with her dear Papa’s body wrapped in a shroud bearing his House colours of green and silver. But that was a long time ago; she’d learned to live with the loss and carried the fond memories of the time she had with her father. ‘I think we should end this talk for tonight. The past is a past for a reason and it does no good to dwell on it.’
Y/N tucked her head in the crook of Oberyn’s neck and closed her eyes. Sleep came quickly and soon enough she was softly snoring. But Oberyn laid awake for a long time, mulling over words. His mind tired and he was thrown in a restless sleep, his only hold to serenity being the woman in his arms.
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The day was passing noon when Tyrion Lannister, former Hand of the King, walked into the gardens in search of Oberyn Martell. When he waited in front of one of the many city gates, he expected to see Prince Doran, having been told that the invitation was extended to him. He was mildly surprised to learn that the Prince had instead sent his brother Oberyn and his wife to act as representatives for House Martell. The rest of the Dornish guests paid him little mind as they rode into the city, leaving Tyrion and his ever present company, Bronn and Podrick, look for the Prince and Princess.
‘Shouldn’t a Dornish prince be warming some whore’s cunt in a brothel by now?’ Bronn crudely asked, annoyed that he had to walk around when he could be spending the afternoon in a tavern with a pint in one hand and some wench’s voluptuous sides in the other.
‘He’s sworn off them now that he’s married, apparently,’ Tyrion replied and pointedly ignored Bronn’s “poor fool” comment, while looking between rows of trees and bushes. Suddenly he caught a Dornish lilt coming from around nearby corner. As him and his party of two rounded the corner they were met with sight of the Prince of Dorne looking away from them towards a young woman in a long yellow dress who was fiddling with one of the flower bushes. The two of them seemed to be talking and laughing about something.
‘Prince Oberyn,’ Tyrion called and stepped quickly towards the pair, both of them glancing over in his direction. The woman stepped away from the bush, revealing the round pregnant belly that wighted her down. Tyrion stopped in front of the two and bowed his head. ‘Allow me welcome you to King’s Landing. The King hopes your travel hasn’t been too arduous.’
‘Does he now?’ Prince Oberyn asked sarcastically, earning a subtle jab in the ribs and a stern stare by the woman standing next to him. ‘Thank you, lord Tyrion. Allow me to introduce my wife, Princess Y/N of House Martell.’
‘Milady,’ Tyrion bowed towards the lady who carefully curtsied as to not fall over. But her husband seemed to be keeping a hand on her, making sure that she was not going to hurt herself. ‘We’ve heard very little of you in the Capital. May I relay my personal congratulations on your union and... wish you a safe birth.’
‘You’re very kind, Lord Tyrion.’ Lady Martell’s words were softly spoken and sincere, something unusual for the city. ‘I apologise we did not announce our arrival. The prince does not like formal welcomings and I wanted to see the royal gardens.’
‘My wife is an avid gardener,’ Oberyn added.
‘Are you happy with the gardens then, Milady?’ Tyrion asked, liking already that Lady Martell was easy to converse with. 
‘Your hydrangeas are in a really bad state, they could do with a proper trimming and a change of fertiliser,’ she briefly appraised the flower bush that she’d been fiddling with. She was honest, but also kept a nice smile on her face which made her critique seem purely an advisory one. ‘I could give your gardeners a few pointers.’ 
‘I shall rely your words to the palace gardeners,’ Tyrion nodded his head.
‘Come now, Lord Tyrion,’ Oberyn spoke up, ‘I know you didn’t come here to exchange niceties with me and my wife.’
Tyrion pursed his lips and nodded, ‘The King is very happy to welcome you to—‘
‘Speak the truth, Lord Tyrion, the King is insulted that my brother is not present. I am only a second son after all.’
‘As a second son myself I know something about being the family insult,’ Tyrion jested and Oberyn chuckled lightly at his words.  ‘Why are you here, Prince Oberyn?’
‘We were invited to the royal wedding.’
‘I thought you said to speak the truth,’ Tyrion said curtly and Oberyn narrowed his eyes at him like a snake eyeing its opponent. Truly living up to his name, Tyrion thought.
Prince Oberyn turned his head to calmly look at his wife who seems unnerved by their tense interaction, but said nothing about it. ‘My dove, you should go and rest.’
‘My darling, you can just say that you wish to be left alone with His Lordship,’ Lady Martell shook her head, placing a palm in her husband’s cheek who brightened up for a second under his wife’s touch. ‘I’ll be off then. Be kind.’
‘My men will escort you safely to your room, Milady,’ Tyrion told her. ‘I hope to see you again soon.’
‘I hope so too, Lord Tyrion. Have a pleasant day.’
Once the two second sons were left the only two people standing in that little pathway, Oberyn spoke, ‘The last time I was in this… place was for another wedding. My sister Elia and Rhaegar Targaryen, the Last Dragon.’
Tyrion tensed up, suddenly feeling the anger coming off of the Prince in waves.
‘Elia loved him, bore his children. She cared for them, fed them at her own breast. She wouldn’t let the wet nurse touch them,’ he smiled bitterly. ‘And her noble husband left her for another woman.’
The Prince paused, his eyes darkening dangerously as he continued on with the same low, angry tone, ‘The started the war which ended right here. Your father’s army took the city—‘
‘I believe it was more complex—‘
‘They butchered those children — my niece and nephew,’ Oberyn whispered harshly. ‘They slaughtered them and wrapped them in Lannister cloaks. And my sister… I guess you know the rumours. But the one I keep hearing is that your father’s knight, The Mountain raped and murdered Elia, then he split her in half with his great sword. No man of your father’s does something without being told to do so. If the Mountain killed my sister then it was Tywin who gave the order.’
Tyrion looked at the prince with an uncomfortable feeling weighing on him. He knew there was nothing to say at that moment. He had to take the bitter words that Prince Oberyn threw in front of him and pray to any god that would listen that the prince doesn’t decide to spill his blood as the nearest Lannister available. 
‘Tell your father I’m here,’ Oberyn said, ‘and remind him that the Lannisters are not the only ones who pay their debts.’ 
‘Prince Oberyn,’ Tyrion cleared his throat, ’You must think of your wife.’
Oberyn’s eyes narrowed once more but this time he looked murderous. ‘Is that a threat, Lord Tyrion?’
‘It’s an advice,’ Tyrion responded truthfully. ‘She seems like a good person. And she is carrying a child. A very dangerous combination in this city. I do not wish to seem to be threatening her, but I ask you to think of her before you do anything rash.’
Oberyn paused for a second, completely still and quiet. ‘Tell your father,’ he repeated his warning, ‘and watch what you say about my wife.’
Next chapter
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