Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
Who does your character go to the most when they need a shoulder to cry on? Who do they go to when they want to celebrate? Who do they vent to?
*le gasp x2* thanks Random Character Question Fairy~!
I'll use my favorite three sad boys for this:
To vent - Nora
To celebrate - Ellie
To cry - Micah (or Nora)
To vent - Forrest
To celebrate - Valerie (or Emery)
To cry - Valerie
To vent - Naia
To celebrate - Naia
To cry - Naia
(He gets no response from her for any of these, everytime :D)
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Frankie: what do you think hair dye tastes like?
Dot: Frankie, no.
Frankie: like i've dyed my hair tons, but i've never tried it.
Dot: Frankie, do not.
Frankie: just a lil lick~
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Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your characters romantic/sexual orientation? What is your character's relationship with their romantic/sexual orientation?
*le gasp* thanks Random Character Question Fairy~!
I can answer this one pretty fast, so I'll answer for S&S and Everline (maybe the other stories at some other point idk):
Sugar and Spice:
Dot: Questioning (Lesbian). They come from a very disapproving family, so they're apphensive about labelling their feelings as anything at all. They're slowly coming to terms with things. Very slowly.
Frankie: Pansexual. She's always been confident about that part of her, despite her family.
Ellie: Asexual lesbian. Like Frankie, she's always been pretty sure of her sexuality and is confident in it.
Connor: Bisexual. He was a bit self-conscious about it at first b/c of a previous relationship, but he mellowed out after a while. Also, it would be pretty hard to hide considering his current relationship lol.
Micah: Panromantic demisexual. He's confident in it. This tall, sarcastic person is confident in most things that involve him.
Nora: Straight. She feels she vibes with it best lol.
Forrest: Straight. He's happy with it.
Emery: Aromantic asexual. When she found out about the term, she freaked. There was finally a way for her to express herself. She's very satisfied with it.
Vanessa: Straight. Again, she vibes with it best.
Arin: For the duration of the story, he identifies as straight, but when he finally learns about the term and doesn't have as much going on in life, he identifies as demi-panromantic demi-pansexual.
Valerie: Biromantic demisexual. After constant deliberation, plus a pros and cons list, she's happy with this.
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