gemshroud · 2 months
@mindhallow liked for a starter!
Entreri hated killing the shades.
He hated anything unnatural, thus unpredictable, but he especially hated the way these shadows dissipated in a waft of half-forgotten memory and emotion, the barest wisp of an entire lifetime... So many of them bled loneliness and he was sick of it. Like a smell he couldn't get off his clothes.
He was sick of this damned place.
If his movements in the fight had been particularly brutal to vent his frustrations, that hardly mattered. It had gotten the job done just as efficiently. When the frenzy had finally ended--if any fight could truly be called ended within the Shadowcurse--he found that he and Wish had been separated from the rest of the group, simply two desolate figures among the twisted trees.
He gave a frustrated snarl, and would have slashed his sword at the bark of a nearby tree except the simple muscle-memory of discipline stayed his hand. The muscles in his sword arm tightened, that was all. "Well, get moving," he spat at Wish, taking it all out on his companion. "Those idiots will get themselves lost in no time without us."
There was not a response.
He whirled to face Wish fully, very much in the mood to bully.
"What's wrong with you?"
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radiaking · 12 days
+ memes / accepting!
@mindhallow asked: "you're not even a little curious?"
        "No, I am not." But you pause because that's not entirely true. You are curious to some degree about this tadpole, the cult, everything. Not for your own sake though. "If I was, you just gonna tell me?"
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recitedemise · 20 days
you don't say a word, surprisingly. you cover gale's mouth with one hand and proceed to drag him away. sorry, shin'dra. he's high int/low wis. you know how it is.
High intelligence and low—?!
Well, considering the events of his life as of late, Gale would begrudgingly suppose that that's quite true. Still, as a matter of principle — he's yet his pride about him, after all — he levels you with a look both stern and baffled. He doesn't know what you're thinking, but he'd been enjoying a meal! And besides, he hadn't shared a word that wasn't entirely reasonable, no? He looks to Shin'ra and Minthara and lowers your hand. "Is it really so much of a crime to make sure everyone's appetites are sated?" he genuinely grumbles, back to a bush of wild begonias. "Believe me, I more than anyone can admit to the merit behind winning your way to anyone's heart through their stomachs, but were my culinary talents meant to...sway anyone's affections, I'd be about the most sought after hand in all of Faerûn."
That accusation laid upon him over mushrooms and steak... Out of all names he had been given, homewrecker's the most peculiar. / @spiderwarden and @menzoberras.
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emeraldruid · 5 days
@mindhallow liked for a lyric based one-liner
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❝ Welcome to the wilds, no heroes or villains. ❞
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miidnighters · 18 days
🥺 for mindhallow
@mindhallow | Send a 🥺 and I will write one thing I like about you/your writing/your blog!
YES I sent this myself because don't think I didn't notice the way you sent a symbol for everyone else and not yourself! It's that kind of generosity that has me itching to be friends with you, nevermind how much I like Wish as a character (and I really love Wish as a character). I love the way you're consistently learning about his lore and referring to older sources to present the most like, fully realised version of him that you can. Love to see it <3
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bolyde · 2 months
☀️ @ rolan
@mindhallow Does Your Muse Find My Muse Attractive (accepting!)
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"Flattery will only get you so far." Rolan's tail curls and lashes in interest from side to side, and he's only able to reign in the response enough that he doesn't seem like a complete teen.
"However," he considers the compliment just a moment, "Always nice being told how you look on occasion. Don't think it will earn you brownie points however."
It would be absolutely preposterous to think he's blushing. Don't look at his cheeks too closely.
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thiefscant · 1 month
@mindhallow wish naming the owlbear cub "who" 🤝 anais naming the owlbear cub "hoot": being really quite unoriginal in the funniest way
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endawn · 3 days
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wish & pax: @mindhallow
kiss your local vampire knight
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n1ghtwarden · 7 months
@mindhallow replied to your post “my love of gortash stems from the fact that he is...”:
andrew ryan of bg
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atomiqueen · 12 days
#wish studying lucy and coop under a microscope: 👁👁
as he should. they're both freaks.
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clawsextended · 3 months
your eyes burn. your heart slams. your mouth is dry. you have to make sure he’s safe, safe, safe. you think this obsessively. you can’t stop it. if he’s safe, if he’s okay, if he’s breathing, you’re doing your job. if you’re bleeding, you’re doing your job. if you’re hurting you’re doing your job.
(what you know of shar (too much at the sound of shadowheart’s incessant zealotry and too much on basis of reading swiped from the house of grief), you know she venerates suffering, openly adores the sensation of a death rattle, and that you’d make a wonderful sharran. you taste the irony, hot metal in your back molars. your dagger yearns for a goddess’s breast to bury it in.)
you glance away. fleetingly.
“fuck you.”
your throat is dry. your eyes burn. a tear falls idly and it dots the ground in a wet spot you stare at. you sit back on your haunches.
“you don’t know that. don’t sell me a tall tale. i expect more from you, wish. you’re better than that.”
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wildskissed · 1 month
@mindhallow liked this for a starter
There's a nip to the air tonight that made the hairs on the back of Eve's hair stand up, and she took a deep breath as she gathered the plants she needed, careful not to bother her leg too much as she did so. It currently had a rag wrapped and tied around the gash she needed to heal. She could ask Shadowheart, but doing things on her own was second nature--her father didn't teach her how to make healing salves so she could rely on cleric healing to get her out of things she had brought on herself. Though, if her sister had heard her saw anything negative about cleric healing she supposed she would have her head...but she wasn't here.
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No, Eve had to figure this out on her own and when she turned around to head back to her tent, she stilled. She hadn't noticed that she wasn't alone out here because she was deep in thought. Usually, she could handle pain more than anyone else, but she was certain this wound was becoming infected and the pain had consumed her thoughts.
"Wish...did I wake you?" she asked slowly, ever more worried she was a nuisance than anything else.
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sporefound · 2 months
@mindhallow || our lady of the underground - hadestown
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" you're stir crazy, stuck in a rut. " amanita muses, her voice remaining conversational despite the curiosity eating at her. she had witnessed the power of the tadpoles wish had been consuming, she wanted to see more. naturally, when she plucked one out of a corpse there was only one place for it to go. she has it in a jar, extended before her. she raises her eyebrows, feigning some sort of concern for the other. she wants it to sound as appealing as she can muster, " you could use a little pick-me-up. "
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malurged · 2 months
you @mindhallow find him by the water, gazing into the shifting reflections broken by light and ripples. he looks disheveled still; that much hasn't changed since you picked him up from the crash site of the nautiloid, all burnt robes and singed hair but the scars on his body look older than the few hours you had been hurling through the hells and dragon fires. much older.
he turns to look at you from his good eye (his right eye). his long hair black and slick in the way that it's oily and clumps in streaks, down the forehead and the side of his gaunt face. there is a neuroticism in his stance; his fingers twitching by his side, flexing into a fist and then let loose.
“ that was no ordinary killing, was it. ” vespin crocks. his voice strained and grating like a crow's. but there is little doubt behind his statement of observation. “ the blood on the ground. those were not natural blood splatters. the patterns ... they were intentional. it was a sigil -- a ritual. ”
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countercharmd · 17 hours
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@mindhallow asked: W I S H 😈
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) ren has what i call a well-deserved self obsession when it comes to his body. after he takes hrt and starts molding his body into something that he's comfortable in he really is just like...blown away by himself. has moments of swooning over himself in the mirror. he loves when his partners are just as adoring of his body, bc why wouldn't they be?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) i think ren is always a very eager lover. generally he's the kind of guy who will like practically push you over while he's kissing you, he's that excited. can be very soft and sweet with partners he's romantically entangled with!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) ren...comes quickly, i'm afraid to say. BUT he recovers relatively fast. i would say the most rounds he's ever gone is like...maybe five? with water and snack breaks and such in between of course!
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) ren takes very good care of the hair on his head. after taking hrt for a while he's developed a happy trail, and has deigned to never ever shave again. yes the carpets do match the drapes thank you for asking
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miidnighters · 18 days
🥺 for recitedemise
@recitedemise | Send a 🥺 and I will write one thing I like about you/your writing/your blog!
Dean !!! I love Dean I love their Gale I love the language that they use and the word choices they make to really sell their characterisation. Not only that we trade giant essays of meta on discord and ngl anyone willing to indulge me talking about their characters like that and listening to me talk about my characters like that is immediately ranked a bit higher in my book.
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