#miles: oh waiter! more combat training robots please!! / SHIELD agent disguised as a scared mechanic: yes your highness
milimeters-morales · 8 months
ACAU Peter sometimes eats people, we already know that, but Miles does have some sort of equivalent. He doesn’t want to hurt anybody or any animal, but one thing that does calm that part of him down is just tearing any sort of electronics apart. He’s started attacking robots and will tear out the wires like they’re intestines, bite off the body parts and tear the layers off with his hands and teeth until it’s just the skeleton, drink the fluids inside just to be sick later, honestly just brutalizing the thing. This also goes for normal electronics too, like maybe just a laptop or a gps. Peter’s just happy the kid has an outlet now and isn’t at risk of randomly losing it and killing a bunch of people, but he doesn’t know how the spidery part in his brain is equating “electronic” to “food”.
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