#miii spoilers
sadista-sensible · 3 years
Y la duda persiste, ¿amigo de quién sería Kyle? ¿David?
A Cartman siempre lo vi con Clyde y Jimmy, a Stan lo veo a ratos con Butters (y en mi corazón siempre tendrá a los góticos), pero, ¿a Kyle? El niño es amable y adorable, pero es tan... Kyle
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closetedisaster · 7 years
Spoiler warning for Supernatural 13x04
Let's get right to it, shall we? (Yes I'm very excited to see Cas)
- She's his dead wife/gf? Ohh she's so short and cute
- shifter?
- "how are you feeling?" Sam my precious baby.
- I like how Sam is so protective of Jack. Whatever he did before he needs someon protecting him now.
- precious anti social baby 😂 oh he heard and he's gonna be a pissy teenager
- yes you do Sam, you really do care you big hearted Moose
- Dean is very heartbroken hun, it's hard not to take personally.
- Dean he's not a puppy!
- oh he's gone. In the house.. does he sense stuff?
- ouuuuh Sam said it. And Dean's drinking. Good
- except Cas Dean, except Cas.
- CAAAAAAAAAS... MISHAAAAA. Is his voice raspier? Oh god The Empty is horrible
- whaaaat is thaaat
- ugh Jack's so cute
- Ok finally Sam has addressed some of the things troubling him
- whaaat the fuuuuck
- i was just about to say that how come all shifters are bad
- o miii goooood... it's another Cas!!!
- oh god Misha YAAAAS!! God his acting
- because he's Cas bitch!
- shit noooo stop literally torturing him!
- cute Jack wanting to help
- Dean seems to be reticently protecting Jack
- is the entity of The Empty gonna send Cas home because he's talking too much? 😂
- it's like 2 different people there 😍
- i know what u hate, i know who you love.... there's nothing for u back there?? Back off you meanie
- Jack and his backpack
- omg.... let him have his moment... awww. Wtf Spn, don't make me cry!
- will Dean see this? Oh shit.. this is very emotional.
- monster has Sam, doesn't he? Oh no he has Dean!!
- don't fckng kill the good therapist. Ugh that's sooo gross, I forgot about that one.
- i forgot who on Twitter called that Cas would have to face himself, but kudos
- YAAAS Queen... save yourself, you're strong, you're amazing, you're freaking Castiel!
- bullets are so louuuuud
- ugh guys wash those sinks sometimes
- tentative friendship? Awww Jack wanted Dean's approval so much.
- see Dean? Therapy works.
- Dean doesn't believe
- omg Cas is back already!!! Omg 😍❤️❤️❤️ clothes and all
- he looks happy for once in a very long time.
Final thoughts:
- CAS IS BACK BABY!! WOOOHOOOO... haters can suck it. This was a great ep, specially Misha Wise. Give that man more roles, seriously.
- So Jack reaching out to Cas helped him wake up? And Cas basically threatened to never shut up so that he could come back to life? That's goals right there 😂
- cas got closure on his grief, Cas helped himself. I love glow ups
- Cas, that entity was wrong you are loved honey, so loved.
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