#might hold a game tomorrow in honor of the day hehehe that could be fun at least
0rchidm4ntis · 2 years
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the-madame21 · 5 years
Ayato Sleeping Vampire
So shoutout to all the asks I’ve been getting, you guys gave me the mojo to finish this haha! My translations are by no means uhh good? So please take everything with a grain of salt. I do this for my own comprehension benefits. Yikes my Japanese was rusty as hell lol. Time to get back in the game though! Enjoy!
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-black screen-
Tch...Oi, wake up, Chichinashi.
If I attack like usual then it should be fine.
I don’t mean I’m hungry.
I came all the way to your room to play, so why are you sleeping?
Seriously, open your eyes. It’s no fun in you’re not awake.
Hey, look at me!
What is this. Do you think such a fake way of sleeping is going to keep me away?
Heheh. Well, if you want to play like that, then I can play along...
If you’re unresponsive, then I can do anything I want, right?
Nn….touching you in the places you don’t like is fun, but...
For the current you, anything I do will end up being a reward for you.
You’ve already gotten used to it. You’re much scarier.
Making a face like you don’t know anything, you can’t deny my fangs.
Rather than denying my fangs...you’ve already accepted them.
...really. That’s why it’s so much fun.
By the way, these days, I haven’t seen your face filled with fear.
Even your pain filled face, it changes quickly. (into pleasure)
And your eyes getting all glazed over...well, that’s not so bad, is it?
Hahaha. I’m not gonna let you say it doesn’t happen.
I’m talking about that face you make that’s inviting for men.
You understand, right?
Tch...how much longer are you going to continue to fake sleep for?
Well fine, why not? If it’s like this then I’ll do whatever I want.
Ore-sama wants to see a face that’s filled with something more than just pleasure.
I want it frightened by terror and with your shoulders shaking.
Painful, and difficult, it’d be good watching you cry senseless.
And then after you’ve run out of tears, seeing your eyes filled with despair would also be good.
Aah...it’s been a while since I’ve seen that.
Hey...isn’t it fine?
Oi, Chichinashi! This is the part where you suddenly wake up.
What’s with that reaction. It’s annoying.
Since it’s come to this, I really will do it.
Because my fangs are already so excited.
I’ll do something else….hahaha.
You think you’ve been through so much.
That’s only a part of it.
I can give you pain you’ve never tasted before.
To see if you can bear it...I’ll give it a try.
Hahaha...you’re wrinkling your eyebrows.
Even if you tense up like that, what hurts will hurt and what’s painful will be painful.
Don’t regret it.
-opens eyes, Ayato appears on screen-
Pfft...that face! With your eyes open, what’s up? Heheh…*kiss*
Have you finally woken up?
Oi! Don’t push the one that woke you up!
Haha...isn’t your face a bit too red?
What do you mean?...it was a kiss.
-happy fang filled smile-
I don’t know what you’re not getting but..you liked it, right?
After kissing, you made a totally entranced face, you know?
Well, it was a kiss from Ore-sama. It’s only natural you’d make such a face.
Still...even though I kissed you, don’t go resisting.
Oh...or did you think I was going to do something more intense?
Hey...what were you imagining behind closed eyes?
You heard me. Say it.
Did you think I was going to do something even more amazing?
Heheheh. Oi, so what is it?
Even if you deny it, your true emotions have already been exposed.
Did you imagine it? The sort of horrible things I would do to you?
Hey...was a kiss not enough?
Hahaha...honestly, shut up, don’t get angry.
Even though you were sleeping soundly, you sure opened your eyes fast.
It’ll be a hundred million years before you can defy me.
Stop? *scoffs* Do you think you can say such a thing?
Ore-sama is hurt. Because you tried to trick me, didn’t you?
Why were you pretending to sleep?
Huh? You were really asleep?
Are you stupid? I don’t want to hear your excuses.
...why are you trying to back away. Don’t do that without my permission.
Hah? It’s normal to attack you while you’re asleep. What are you saying now?
Stu--pid. I don’t care whether you’re sleepy or not.
Why are you so sleepy in the first place...tch. Are you hiding something from Ore-sama?
Could it be...you haven’t been bitten by one of the others?
Knowing what will happen if someone else sucks your blood...but that’s not it?
You were studying up until recently...it takes you that long?
Well, something like that doesn’t matter to Ore-sama at all….
Are they related…? Homework? A collection of math problems...I don’t know.
First of all I don’t even know what the problems are.
An English quiz? I don’t know about that either.
Why…? Because I was asleep during class, so I don’t remember.
Both English and math problems are like chanting a spell. It’s normal to get sleepy while listening to them drone on.
Ha?? There’s no need to take notes of such things.
There’s no need to do that. If I do need it, I’ll take it (the notes) from you.
Shut up! Even though you’re just Chichinashi, don’t talk like you’re so high up.
Sleeping or not, it doesn’t really matter.
I don’t make a hobby of sitting and listening to boring lessons like you.
Ha? There’s a test next week? That’s the first I’ve heard of it…
Haa?! Shut up! I’m not gonna worry over such a small thing.
Eh? Are you worried about me passing second-year?
Ah, that’s right. You’ll be the one that’s troubled if we’re not in the same class.
Huh? You will be troubled, won’t you?
For example, at the times when you want me to suck your blood so much that it’s unbearable.
I won’t be able to provide you with that.
Heheh...what’s with that? There’s been times when you’ve wanted it.  
“I want to be pierced by Ayato-kun’s fangs.”  
Even if you don’t say it, it’s written on your face.
Heheh. That’s what it looks like.
For example...ah that’s right. At the end of yesterday’s class you were spacing out, weren’t you!
No, I remember. You were making a face that looked like you were about to drool.
That...were you thinking about me?
Don’t lie!
So then why were you making that kind of face?
Even though you were the one who told me not to sleep during class.
You weren’t going to say that you were just sleepy and yawning, were you?
What is that, eh?
Since you’re not saying anything, you really do accept it.
Even though we were in class, what were you thinking about? Go on, tell me.
What part of Ore-sama were you thinking about? Anything is good.
Shut up! Even if it was a star or something it doesn’t matter.
Answer me! You like these fangs? Or…
-black screen-
This tongue?
-Ayato again-
Heheheh….you, like being licked, don’t you?
Hey, is it really that nice? Getting licked...heheh.
Ah, it depends on the place I’m licking? Well, I already know all of the good spots.
You like being licked more than being touched, right? So, how is it?
If you don’t answer quickly, the number of questions will increase.
With your face all red, it’s for your own good to answer honestly.
...heheh. So say it obediently from the beginning that you like it.
Well, I already knew it. That you like me so much you can’t hold back.
Heheh...you’re the one that confessed.
You like being licked by this tongue of mine, don’t you?
Heheheh. You’ve already gotten used to this taste.
Of course I mean the taste of being played with like this.
Ha…? Oi, what did you just say?
Eh, do you think you can say you don’t like Ore-sama?
Saying such awful things...you’re a horrible woman.
Even though I’m trying to please you?
What, do you have any complaints?
Ehh...that’s some nice courage. Talking back to Ore-sama, you won’t get away with something like that.
What am I gonna do with you…
For the time being, I’m gonna drag you out of this fluffy bed.
How about we go to the torture room? It’s been a while. I’m not gonna let you say you forgot (everything we’ve done there).
Heheh. Once you thought of that, you’re completely awake now.
Shut up. You don’t have to go to sleep.
I’m telling you I’m going to be with you. You should be honored.
Ah? As if I care that there’s school tomorrow.
If you’re sleepy then just go to sleep and skip school, eh?
What do you mean you’re going to go even though Ore-sama is still asleep?
As if I’d forgive that. Are you stupid?
Why are you always going on about school?
If I take my eyes off you for one second then I won’t even know what classroom you’re in.
Earlier you didn’t even get back until third period.
Extracurricular activities? You went to such a thing?
What was I doing in the meantime? I wasn’t doing anything.
When I woke up there was no one in class, so I figured I’d sleep some more while I wait for you.
When I was walking around the halls, I ended up getting found by Reiji, so I ran away to the broadcasting room.
The lazy guy was in there sleeping so soundly that he didn’t wake up even when I broke a vase that was in there.
He didn’t wake up at all. Something’s wrong with that guy’s head.
Eh? It was just a vase.
Honestly I thought I was going to throw it, but I stopped since it was heavy.
What’s up with that? Don’t go worrying about other people.
That’s right. What else could it be?
Geez. I went looking for you because you weren’t around.
Shut up! Even when you’re changing for P.E. class, you take too long!
I don’t remember how long.
I’m just telling you, you just need to take me to my next class.
It’s because you suddenly disappear on your own that it gets boring.
Nfu. I’m not letting you sleep until it gets dark. We’re skipping today.
Heeh. Then, let’s test if you can get me to sleep.
Heheh. If you can do it, then go ahead and try.
But today, Ore-sama has only attended P.E. class. I slept through all the others.
A hint?
Even if you ask me, I won’t be able to think of anything.
But you’re the one doing it, right? Even if you sing like a bird, I might end up waking up instead.
After that is what…
Aah, you also could use books…
Hmmm. In that case there is a book I would like you to read to me.
The title? I wonder what it was...I don’t remember but it’s a really intriguing book.
It seems like the kind of book that’d be in the class after P.E...in that case there’s a lot in there, isn’t there?
It’s probably stuff that they can’t put in textbooks. Fufu...don’t you also wanna know?
I’m pretty sure it was in Laito’s room but…
Haha yup. It was in that Hentai’s room.
Since it was in that shelf in the far back, it’s probably a pretty inappropriate book.
Hey, you’re curious aren’t you?
Ah, it’s about the human body? In that case, wouldn’t it explain the process of reproduction?
Hah? It has an anatomical chart? The vascular blood vessel’s job...what the hell is that?
Even if you try to trick Ore-sama it won’t work!
...well it’s fine. We’ll understand once we get the book.
Aren’t you looking forward to it?
Especially...the sensual scenes? I wouldn’t mind explaining it with your body.
Ahh, but if its read from top to bottom, then we’re gonna have to redo it. (Sometimes, Japanese is read from top to bottom. Here Ayato uses the term bouyomi, meaning something like (bamboo) stick reading, so literally he means if the book is printed with the writing going vertically)
Make sure to read it with a lot of feeling. And make sure you imagine it properly.
If there’s any parts you don’t understand, Ore-sama will explain it to you.
For example...like this? (there’s the assumption here that he touches her)
Hahaha what’s that...pfft...what a lame reaction.
I get it. Instead of just talking about it let’s do the real thing.
It’s fine, just obediently listen to what I’m telling you.
You wanted to get Ore-sama to fall asleep, didn’t you?
In that case, you do something about it.
I’ll probably fall asleep listening to that book you’re going to read.
If you understand then hurry up and go get the book.
I’m not going to listen to what you say. Hurry up and bring it.
Ah...but. Given the time, I can’t let you go into that Hentai’s room.
I’ll go get it, so be patient and wait here. I’ll pick out something amazing.
Once I get the book, you’ll explain it to me right? Heheh.
Tch. Grabbing onto me with that kind of strength--it’s ridiculous.
Heh. Well something like this is nothing.
Or is it…
Haha. Since you’re grabbing on so desperately...what is it that you want Ore-sama to do?
You don’t want me to get the book, so then you’re saying it’s fine if I stay awake?
Or is it...ah. I see.
This desperation is because you don’t want me to leave the bed.
If you don’t want me to leave, then isn’t it fine to just ask? So that’s why…
Say you don’t want me to leave.
I can’t hear you. We--ll. Then, Ore-sama will go get the Hentai’s book…
Hahaha. Coming at me like that.
What’s wrong about it? You don’t want me to go, do you?
Since you don’t want to read the book, why not just say that?
Heheh….be more honest.
You don’t really want to separate from me, do you.
Heeh~ I get it I get it. If that’s the case, then tell me you don’t want me to leave.
Like this...hug me.
Your heart’s racing so much.
That sort of thing makes me happy.
And also… *breathes* there’s a sweet scent.
Why do you have such a sweet scent…
Possibly...today you want your blood sucked.
You’re making a face like you want something, so, I won’t.
It’s not a smile. More like…
Ha...heheheh, that face…
I can’t get enough.
Of what…? It’s what I said.
It’s irresistibly cute, is what I said.
What’s wrong? It’s fine.
It’s what Ore-sama thinks, so all you have to do is obediently accept it.
Does it seem like I would just say that sort of thing to anyone?
Heh. Happiness and a look like you can’t stand it anymore, it’s written on your face, you know?
Well, it was something Ore-sama said to you specifically so, it’s to be expected.
Hey...come closer.
You should do it too. Kissing...just do it the way you like.
Do it more firmly. Otherwise it’s not enough.
Heheh. It’s already completely become night.
Well, should we start getting ready to sleep, then?
What I’m saying is, if we go to bed now, by the time the limousine is out front, we’ll already be dreaming.
What, you won’t sleep and just go to school?
Tch. You can’t seriously be saying that.
Oi, just fall fast asleep already.
Well, kissing while sleeping doesn’t seem so bad, right?
Hahaha. It’s ok to fall asleep while getting all tangled up and messy.
While looking at your melting face, being filled with the desire to control, there’s no telling when we’ll fall asleep.
That sort of thing is normal though, I think.
But it’s also unexpected.
I’ll kiss you, so that way you can go to bed quickly….*kissu*
Just forget about school. Even if you go, you’ll just fall asleep in the middle of the test.
Stop worrying about such unnecessary things. (I think that’s what he said but not sure)
That’s why, instead of going to school...just stay with me forever.
You just need to sleep in my arms like this.
That way I won’t lose sight of you.
Because you’re always running around collecting print-outs or cleaning, aren’t you?
Those things are unnecessary. You should move only for me.
In the first place, our seats are too far away.
Why are school chairs only made for one person. It should be a sofa, you know. A sofa.
Isn’t it perfect for Ore-sama to just wrap his arms around you?
Because I’d never let go.
Heheh. Just give up already.
You already can’t run away.
Quickly, now, let’s sleep.
*fades to black*
What is it? Have you really fallen asleep?
*Ayato appears again*
Pfft, what a dumb face. Why’s your mouth open?
This face isn’t quite amusing but...it’s not bad either.
Just by touching your lips, you get such a good feeling.
Well, what will you do?
Tch. Go to sleep soundly…
It’s already become time for us to wake up.
If you see someone other than Ore-sama in your dreams, I won’t forgive you, got it?
Properly...only look at me…
When we wake up in the morning, what kind of dreams you’ll have seen, make sure to tell me…
Nnnn…[your name}...*soft kisses*
I love you….
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