#mia at mythicon
cockymclaughlin · 2 years
i'm just going to word-vomit about my meet and greet bc i'm fucking.......reeling a little bit, still
so, first things first, nicole is legitimately the most beautiful person i've ever seen and she is so sweet and i would kill for her this also goes for vee
i spent the entire day meeting crew members? and i wasn't nervous about any of it. but for some fucking reason when it came time for this meet and greet my brain decided now was a good time to panic so i was just like. i'm going to faint. so we like got around to the corner and i put eyes on them and i said out loud "i am going to faint" and nicole made eye contact with me as i was saying it and just goes "no! you can't faint, you have to take a picture!"
i was mortified, instantly.
but anyway i was very brave and when it was my turn, the first thing i said was "i haven't been nervous all day"
to which josh says "good!"
and i just "but i am nervous now"
and then josh was like "okay but you can't be nervous in the fieri fit"
and guys. they just. i was like "okay look i know i don't have forever but i just want to tell yall that yall were one of the main reasons i'm in culinary school" and then i was like "thank yall for showing that like, food can be artsy and weird and creative and still be fucking impressive and that you can have a personality and do shit in this fucking industry and you don't have to be all straight-laced in your chef whites to fucking make it"
and all of them just looked so goddamn touched by it, genuinely, which made me feel good about saying it. josh even like, mid-monologue, reached out and held my fucking hand. nicole did not take her hand off of my shoulder. at some point she asked my name, and i'm almost positive i told her what it was.
nicole gave me words of wisdom for school, said to just have fun with it, and that professors don't know everything. she said specifically, "hold on to those two things when things get hard"
we talked about like, how michelin star restaurants don't mean shit and josh was like "i ate at a three michelin star restaurant and then immediately went to a taco truck and one of them was a much better meal"
nicole told me i was "the cutest person" and i died
vee complimented my hair as if she didn't look like an actual goddess. and as i was leaving, i was like "you all look incredible" to which josh said "i got baby food on my shoes...."
trevor didn't talk much, which is ironic.
josh is......a fucking force. the dude is very tall and very pretty and honestly they're all just. ethereal. it was surreal and i had such an incredible time. it was fucking wild.
edited to add: they all crowded in real close with me to take the picture with me, and even in the moment i was like aware of how cozy it was and i just thought it was real neat that they were all just sandwhiching me in.
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cockymclaughlin · 2 years
i have met twinkie fingies and paisley and it is very very weird to be like "hey i......watch the shit you make every single day of my life"
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cockymclaughlin · 2 years
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mythicon day 1 has been wild so far and it isn't even done yet
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cockymclaughlin · 2 years
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the day 2 mythicon fit 😎😈
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