#metal sonic is not gonna know what hit him once the dam breaks and their hostage starts spouting water from her optics endlessly
jeaniechibi · 3 months
Prev post is Amy about her grandmother in my story 🥺
(Dunno if it's meant to be read romantically but i'm reading it platonically / as familial / non romantic love for all the people you hold dear in your life)
Anyways back to work
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asktheguardians · 7 years
Ch.39 Live or Die
Ace: So you’re Jack huh! Let’s see if you can dodge this! Stag: Ace No!
Ace pulled his gauntlets out and come charging at him full strength with a punch straight to his face. He didn’t hit him at all which his hand is not letting go by his hand that caught his attack.
Jack: Oh I’m sorry didn’t know we’re giving a fist bump already? Allow me to start.
He punch him back right in the stomach. The blow push him back to the ground in the air knocking him down as e breathing heavily. Everyone began to pull theirs out but the alpha chimera hiss and growled at them. Jack then hold his hand out to stop them to fight.
Jack: Now that’s out of the way let’s talk. You might be wondering why I brought you here? Ken: Too be honest our teleporters and alarm went on and teleport us here. Jack: That one is a way to bring you all here with Cham hacking to your systems and teleport you all here. But real reason is...that I need your powers. Klondike: what you need our powers for? Like our gems? Jack: Yes, reason why I need them is that I need them if I gotta kill Lord Metal and take over this world. If you refuse my request you’ll die here and become dinner.
Everyone look at each other worried and shocked thinking about his request.
Ken: And if we agree on this? Jack: Well...you’ll live and will be in my ok check list.
Jack then look at Shadow as he felt something that he really want from him the most.
Jack: Actually change my mind. You dude in glasses. You have something that I need Sonic. Shadow: W-what do you mean? I got nothing on me except my gem. And the name Shadow. Jack: Rose, Scrab, Reaper, take the others away. And leave me with Shadow right here...alone.
The others went away but wanted to stay but were forced to be out the room leaving Shadow behind. Jack walk down the stairs and circle around him looking at his body and checking his arms as well. He flip out one of his claws out and cut open a small cut on his arm which Shadow felt a stinging burn from the cut as he hiss from the pain. The blood on his claws he look at for a while he lick it to taste it. His body then glow a purple light through his veins. He then chuckled for what his body feels good as he became a little stronger and different.
Jack: I knew it...You got some frenzy inside of you. Shadow: B-but that was all gone long time ago when Lord Metal stab me with a crystal onto my chest. But I was cured. Jack: You see the reason why this is good for me. Is that the frenzy crystal give me more power as i absorb the energy from it. But your blood with the crystal and frenzy inside of you makes it more good. I bet this frenzy can be a pain I bet. Shadow: Y-yeah I say after I was cured I did feel dizzy and not myself for awhile and becoming slow as well too. Jack: hmm...how about a deal...I can take the frenzy out of you and we’ll go separate ways. But refuse you might join me instead? Shadow: W-what do you mean join with you? One of your teammate kill alot of people and almost killed Stag too. Say one thing how can I join with you guys? Jack: Well... you see...
Jack held his hand out and when he stare and move his finger to Shadow he feel as a headache is becoming much more worst. His veins are glowing purple just like Jack and his eyes are breaking out tears with sweat coming off his body. He screams in pain. Jack then let it go putting his hand down and releases Shadow from the pain. Breathing heavily alot of air he look at Jack in a shocked fear.
Shadow: W-w-what did you do... Jack: As if you don’t know? I can pull out or control anyone who is fused with the frenzy energy inside of their body through their blood. Think of it as a mind control for a second their. So then...We got a deal?
Earlier outside the room, Jack mutants are watching the gang while they still worried whats going on in the room. Ace still on the ground still in pain look around as the chimeras are coming in closer on them. Everyone are about to be ready to fight back when the horde of chimera are getting closer hissing and growling and roaring at them. Rose then let the vines grow around then just to keep them away.
Rose: Don’t forget that we can control them. Now just sit down and be quiet so you won’t get eaten alive. Stag: Why you guys join him? Why do you want to make everyone feared us? Scrab: Why! Cause they see us as Monsters! Freaks! Different from the Others! Rose: My family came to see me and we’re disappointing of who I am now. All my hard work lead me to great discovery and they just see me as a monster behind my back as they try to burn me down... Reaper: I want the world to fear just so we can have a chance of who we can do and what we can do. I want to be like the others but one of them stab me right in the back with a knife! Literally! Good thing my shells is tough for blades.This whole world is full of lies and tricks. Pearl: So what about the chameleon kid what does he want? Cham: Oh me..I’m just a dude who want to steal whatever I want. Besides some humans don’t even know how we even feel at all. Corvus: And me...long story...
They’re about to go to Scrab but he walk towards to Stag and give him a side punch on the cheek. The others got up and about to break them up but Rose tied their arms and legs to the ground making them not to distract them. She also tied Stag up making him not to hit back when Scrab beating him up.
Scrab: Thanks for the vines Rose. Rose: No problem Scrab now continue. Stag: J-just why Scrab...Why team up with Jack? Scrab: Those humans killed our mother and father! You think you can just walk out there and show yourself while humans run in fear from you! NO! You gotta get your mind out of the god dam gutter for once Stag! You really need to grow up for once!
Whack him again wit blood coming down his head with bruises on his side face. The others are trying to shake free to stop seeing Stag getting beaten up. But the vines are pulling them back harder. Scrab then let the pincers out his arms and whack him on the shoulder with the hole letting out alot of blood.
She then let the blades on her body all out cutting the vines easily and charging at Scrab fast. Scrab then block the blades with his pincers and whacking it back and fourth to her but she coming in faster. When she about to get a full opening attack on Scrab the vines caught her again but alot more are grabbing her whole body restraining her away from Scrab. Scrab whipped the blood off his mouth and walk toward her filled with anger.
Stag: N-no Scrab No! You’re dealing with me! Not her just leave her alone! Scrab: You think you’re that tough fork tongue! Let see how much you can handle these deadly pincers!
He then gain extra arms and got down on hims hand and comes at Razor squeezing her and crushing her in his spike pincers. She scream in and trying to get it open but it’s getting more harder to get it open as he crushing her more harder. The blood are coming off dripping to the ground making Ivy reacting fast by letting her vines grab whole of his pincers and open them wide letting Razor go on the ground. Rose picked her up away from the ground and releasing Scrab from the vines.
Scrab: Enough of this! I’m just gonna kill you with my own hands! Razor: Y-you call that crushing my bones you six legged bastard! Ivy can do something tighter than that Ken: Wait what? Scrab: Don’t worry...You’ll feel no pain after this!
Scrab then began to throw a punch to Razor. Stag can’t stand and do nothing so he releases his extra arms and pull the roots of the vines and swing it to Scrab away from Razor. As he got out free from the vines he look at Scrab as his face on the side bleeding alot of blood which he covers hiding the pain.
Stag: This is between just you and me brother... Scrab: I am not your brother...let’s finish where we started!
Scrab was about to come to Stag but both were stop by Rose’s vines. Scrab is about to whack her for what she is doing but the door began to open with Shadow coming out with an open wound to the arm. When the vines are released Stag comes in and grab Shadow by the arms but see Gloomy on his shoulder and transform to carry him.
Jack: You were reconnecting to your brother I see. But now they’re releases. You’re all free to go all of you. Scrab: Master please I want to beat Stag right here and right now! Jack: I made a deal with them and he agree with it. Thank you Shadow and Gloomy for giving me this energy. Next time either of us meet we’re enemies. Cham teleport them all out of here. Cham: Gotcha.
As they teleport out the cave back to base Jack then laugh as he look at his hand.
Jack: Now I feel so powerful then before. You all will go and find anything and become stronger for our charge to Lord Metal will began soon or later. Rose: And what will you be doing master? Jack: ....I’m just gonna test this power out for a test drive.
In the nurse room with Nurse Blood wrapping a bandage onto Shadow arm. Razor is resting on the bed with her wounds wrap with bandages on her arms. Ivy next to her holding her hands sitting next to her to make sure she’s okey. Gloomy with Stag behind her walk into the room to check on Shadow arm and body to see if he’s okey as well.
Stag: So...what did you do with Jack? Shadow: Oh..well it wasn’t easy for it but he want my frenzy energy that was still inside of me for a long time. Nurse Blood: I thought I cure that long time ago. Shadow: Thats what I thought but turns out there were a little on me and was growing inside  of me which is the reason I was feeling slow lately. But Gloomy came out and took out some of the frenzy from my body and put it inside her bottle which I must say...It was alot of it in my blood. Which made me loose some blood too. Let say thanks to Gloomy that I’m still alive and not mind control too. Stag: I was wondering the whole time where you were but it’s good you help Shadow out there.
Nurse Blood then got up and come too Razor and Ivy for a check up and a news for them.
Nurse Blood: As you can see Razor is going to be fine as long she relax and let it recover for a week. Razor: So...no bad news or anything? Nurse Blood: You’re gonna be away from training and missions for awhile. That means you too Ivy. Razor: Wait what why? Ivy: Is there a reason? Nurse Blood: Well this one well...It  got me to check Razor up alot and checking on it for a long time. But reason is congratulation you two. Razor: For what?
Nurse Blood close a curtains behind her from the others while more came through the doors checking on them.
Nurse Blood: well too tell you I heard you two do something naughty for some nights~ Ivy: W-wait you can hear us l-like y-you know.. Nurse Blood: It’s only me when I heard you two having sex. Razor: SO Whats The good News What’s The News!? Nurse Blood: Well you two are gonna become mothers and Razor is carrying a baby inside of her. Which in the x ray i printed out looks like an egg to me? And a big one.
Both of them look at each other wit a poker face and back to Nurse Blood. They then let out a huge scream and happiness surprising the others behind the curtains. Crying with tears of joy and hugging each other with the news they have gotten Nurse Blood walk out the curtains smiling and go check on Ace.
Sarah: So...what just happen in there? Ivy: WE’RE GOING HAVING A BABY!
Everyone shocked and so surprised from Ivy reaction they cheer for both Razor and Ivy news. They then heard Razor grunt loud a bit which Ivy came in checking fast. When she check on Razor under her blanket is a small bump round object which is making her cry more in joy.
Razor: Oh god that...ugh that hurt alot...i-is the egg...okey sweetie? No cracks? Ivy: It’s perfectly came out all fine sweetie....you did your best.
Both of them holding the egg and then both look each other and then kiss with the others behind them see them kiss.
Back at the island Jack then began to test his power at the standing pillar stone unleashing his powers at it. When it was hit it crumble to dust and was blown away from the wind.
Rose: Oh my. My master you’ve gotten more stronger then before. Jack: Just wait till what Lord Metal will be more scared of me. Rose: How about we....do something else then testing this strength~ Jack: I think I know watch a thinking Rose~ And the answer is-
And that night in the cave the only sound they heard other than snoring is someone saying “ow” over and over. This made the gang weird out and really tired from what Rose and Jack are doing together.
(Ch.40 Egg-Sitting)
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