marvelstars · 5 months
The attachment issue, Luminara and Anakin
So you know there is moment in clone wars where Barris and Ahsoka get buried under a ton of rocks and their teachers argue about how going rescuing her.
This moment I believe was made to show the problem when the attachment part of the code gets interpreted to it´s extreme conclusion imo.
Here Luminara talks to Anakin about his "attachment issues" that he needs to "let his apprentice go" obey the "will of the force" etc and you know, in normal circunstances, she would not be wrong about telling Anakin "letting go" of people who died some years or even days ago even if it definitely is insensitive and the last thing a grieving person would like to hear at that moment.
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The problem here is that she is already talking about Barris and Ahsoka as if they were already dead mere minutes after being buried by rocks and in this particular case, not looking for them after a crash like that, could count as the reason WHY they died, in these cases time is essential to rescue as much people as you can because their oxigen could be cut or they could be crusched etc and I believe a Jedi Master like Luminara would be aware of this but she is too busy criticizing Anakin on his "attachment issues" instead of looking for both padawans with her jedi senses.
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Anakin is so used of this happening of having this discussion with the Jedi Order, that he no longer argues with Luminara, he already had this same discussion with Obi-Wan hundreds of times so instead he barely pays her attention because HE IS TOO BUSY looking for Ahsoka to make sure she is still alive to RESCUE HER AND BARRIS but he also takes the time to comfort Luminara when she believes Barris is already dead.
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For her part Barris is already getting ready to die almost as if it´s the WILL OF THE FORCE, it isn´t, this made me sad because she truly ressembled the clones who told Plo Koon about no one going looking for them because they are expendable, in Barris case it isn´t the will of the force, she is giving out way too early and is telling Ahsoka to do the same but they are Jedi, they are trained, they can try to scape or call their masters for help which is what Ahsoka does because that´s what Anakin teached her.
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In the end Luminara IS HAPPY for getting her padawan back but she still believe she was 100 % right about giving anakin the attachment issue talk not considering the actual circunstances at all, Anakin is happy because Ahsoka and Barris are alive and Ahsoka is happy because she is alive and her master came for her just like he said he would in cases like this one.
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But you know who ISN´T COMPLETELY HAPPY? Barris, she is grateful for being alive but she also expected, maybe, a little more worry from her master? who she loves as a mother?
I love how this goes unsaid because before this incident Barris was criticizing Anakin as well, about his "war mongering ways" and while she has not changed her oppinion about him she looks a little bit jealous of the kind of relationship Anakin and Ahsoka have, not because she wants Anakin to be her master, in fact Anakin and Barris are almost the same age but because she would like to have that kind of relationship with Luminara.
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This is what I meant when I sa that while in theory the Jedi code is functional, in practice and in it´s interpretation it´s become unbalanced and it´s become a reason for the Jedi lose their balance as well because they have become so dettachted, they have become used to let their own or other people die way too early imo and this is part of why Anakin really could not agree with them, people should care for others, after all that´s what his Mom teached him "the biggest problem in the galaxy is that no one helps each other" right? and in this particular moment he is 100 % right and gets to rescue everybody, for his worry and compassion, those are some of his best qualities and as a jedi he put them in practice to honor his mother.
This also brings the question, does Anakin have attachment issues or he has a problem with the Jedi interpretation of attachment? some food for thought.
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