mansetmalatya · 1 year
Çok Sayıda Silah ve Mermi Ele Geçirildi
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İl Jandarma Komutanlığı’ndan yapılan açıklamaya göre, Malatya İl Jandarma Komutanlığı ekiplerince yapılan istihbarı çalışmalar neticesinde, Darende ilçesi Yeşiltaş, Ayvalı ve Irmaklı mahallelerinde silah ticareti yaptıkları tespit edilen 5 şüpheliye yönelik operasyon düzenlendi. İl Jandarma Komutanlığı'ndan yapılan açıklamda; Jandarma ekipleri tarafından eş zamanlı olarak gerçekleştirilen operasyonda; 1 Adet 7.9 mm. çapında mavzer tüfeği, 6 Adet ruhsatsız 9 mm. çapında tabanca, 3 Adet ruhsatsız 7.65 mm. çapında tabanca, 3 Adet ruhsatsız otomatik av tüfeği, 4 Adet ruhsatsız çift kırma av tüfeği, 1 Adet ruhsatsız tek kırma av tüfeği, 130 Adet 7.9 mm. çapında mavzer mermisi, 740 Adet 9 mm. çapında tabanca mermisi, 155 Adet 7.65 mm. çapında tabanca mermisi, 280 Adet av tüfeği kartuşu, 1 Adet Kama 5 adet cep telefonu ele geçirilmiştir. Ekipler tarafından yakalanan 5 şüpheli gözaltına alınırken, haklarında adli işlem başlatıldığı bildirildi. Read the full article
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korkutkalkan · 1 year
Uzman çavuşu cebindeki cep telefonu kurtardı
Uzman çavuşu cebindeki cep telefonu kurtardı
Pençe-Kilit Harekatı bölgesinde görev yapan Piyade Uzman Çavuş Mehmet Demirtaş (25), yaklaşık 2 ay önce mağarada saklanan PKK’lı teröristler tarafından açılan ateş sonucu yaralandı. Çatışmada sol üst kasığına mermi isabet eden Demirtaş’ın sağ bacağını isabet eden mermi ise cep telefonu engeline takıldı. Sağ cebindeki cep telefonu sayesinde kurtulan Demirtaş, yapılan ilk müdahalenin ardından…
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sdkhaber · 2 years
Afyonkarahisar'daki Büyük taaruz alanından çıkan miğfer ve mermiler
Afyonkarahisar’daki Büyük taaruz alanından çıkan miğfer ve mermiler
Yeni eklenen Afyonkarahisar’daki Büyük taaruz alanından çıkan miğfer ve mermiler son dakika haberini aşağıda okuyabilirsin. Afyonkarahisar’ın 100 yıl önce işgalden kurtarılması için başlatılan Büyük Taarruz’un yaşandığı bölgede, alan kılavuzluğu yapan Hasan Özpınar, bir süre önce, Yunan askerlerine ait olduğu belirtilen miğfer ve çok sayıda mermi buldu. Araştırmalarında elde ettiği fotoğraf ve…
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pusancatholic · 2 years
Bir el bombası silahla vurulduğunda patlar mı
Bir el bombası silahla vurulduğunda patlar mı
Savaş fikri, çoğumuz için korkutucu bir şey olabilir. Savaşta kullanılan silahların gerisinde ise apayrı teknolojiler yatıyor. Herhangi bir silah tasarlanırken, çoklukla gayeye azamî hasar verecek halde yapılır. Pekala bir el bombası silahla vurulursa ne olur? Bu soruyu cevaplamak için evvel bir el bombasının nasıl çalıştığını anlayalım. El bombası nasıl çalışır El bombası, ekseriyetle elle…
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sinerjiportfoy · 2 years
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mermmarie · 1 year
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Donnie’s about to commit “vanishing twin syndrome.”
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aktuelhaberajansi · 2 years
Yorgun mermi aracın camına isabet etti
Yorgun mermi aracın camına isabet etti
Samsun‘da Kurban Bayramı münasebetiyle kimliği meçhul bireyler tarafından tabancayla havaya rastgele açılan ateş sonucu silahlardan çıkan yorgun mermilerden biri park halindeki aracın camını, başkası ise bir konutun çatısını delip yatak odasındaki sandalyenin üzerine düştü. Bütün ihtarlara karşın her bayramda olduğu üzere bu bayramda da magandalar bayram sevinçlerini havaya tabancayla ateş ederek…
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ceonicsilah · 2 years
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Fişek Doldurma ve Çalıştırma Tabancanızın şarjörünü kabzenin sol tarafındaki butona basarak yuvasından çıkarınız. (şekil 4) Şarjörü bir elinize alın, kurusıkı fişeğinizi(9×22 PAK) diğer elinize (şekil 5) baş parmak, işaret parmağı ve orta parmağınızın arasına alarak şarjörün gerdeline bastırarak fişeği ileri sürünüz. Ve üst üste gelecek şekilde diğer fişekleri basınız. isse M22 PAK 16 Fişek kapasiteli şarjöre sahiptir. Dolumu yaptıktan sonra şarjörü yuvasına,(şekil 6.) kilitleme sesi duyana kadar sürünüz ve fişeği hazneye vermek için namlu kapağını hızlı bir şekilde çekip bırakınız. (şekil 7) Tabancanız şu anda dolu ve atışa hazırdır. Tabancanızı artık elinizden bırakmayınız ve sadece güvenli yöne doğrultunuz. Web Sitesi: https://lnkd.in/dze-dFBX #Fişek #Doldurma #Fişek #Mermi
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goksoymedyacom · 2 years
Uzayın oksijensiz ortamında bir silah ateşlenirse ne olur?
Göksoy Medya
Uzayın oksijensiz ortamında bir silah ateşlenirse ne olur?
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Uzayın oksijensiz ortamında ateş yanamaz lakin silahları ateşlemek mümkündür. Çağdaş mühimmat, barutun patlamasını sağlamak için kendi kimyasal yakıcı unsurunu taşıdığından ötürü cihanın neresinde olursanız olun, atmosfer oksijenine muhtaçlık duymadan bir silahı ateşleyebilirsiniz.
Fakat Dünya üzerinde ve uzayda ateşlenen silahlar ortasında kıymetli sayılabilecek bir fark, çıkan dumanın bıraktığı izdir. Çarpma kraterlerini araştıran Brown Üniversitesi astronomu Peter Schultz, uzayda bu dumanın “namlunun ucundan genişleyerek büyüyen bir duman küresi olacağını” söylüyor. Ayrıyeten silahların uzayda ateşlenebiliyor olması kimi garip ve enteresan ihtimalleri de beraberinde getiriyor.
Uzayda, galaksiler ortasındaki boşluğa özgür bir formda ateş ettiğinizi düşünün. Newton’un üçüncü hareket kanununa nazaran mermiye uygulanan kuvvet, silaha ve münasebetiyle size de aksi istikamette tıpkı biçimde tesir edecektir. Dünya’nın tersine uzayda sizi durduran hiçbir şey olmadığı için, silahtan çıkan mermi bir tarafta ilerlerken, siz de aksi istikamette ilerlemeye başlayacaksınız. Lakin merminin suratı saniyede 1.000 metre olsa da, aranızdaki kütle farkından ötürü siz yalnızca saniyede birkaç santimetre hareket edeceksiniz. Ayrıyeten mermi – ve siz – karşınıza bir öbür uzay cismi çıkmadığı sürece sonsuza kadar bu hareketi sürdüreceksiniz.
Harvard Üniversitesi ve SETI Enstitüsü astronumu Matija Cuk’un söylediğine nazaran, rastgele bir cisimle karşılaşmadığınız senaryoda şayet cihan büyümüyor olsaydı, merminin karşılaştığı ender atomlar yaklaşık 10 milyon ışık yılı sonra durmasına sebep olacaktı. Lakin, ayrıntılara girmeden sonuca bakılırsa, cihanın büyüme suratından ötürü mermi yalnızca kendisinden 40.000 ışık yılına kadar aralıkta bulunan unsurlarla karşılaşacak ve sonrasında ilerlemesini sonsuza kadar sürdürecek.
Jüpiter’e ateş ederseniz…
Bir diğer değişik senaryo ise, Jüpiter’i vurmak için rastgele bir biçimde nişan almanıza gerek olmaması. University College London fizikçisi Robert Flack’in belirttiğine nazaran, yalnızca Jüpiter’in tarafına yanlışsız ateş etmeniz, Güneş Sistemimizin devasa gezegeninin muazzam kütle çekimi sebebiyle mermiyi kendisine gerçek çekeceği manasına geliyor. Ayrıyeten, şayet direk olarak Jüpiter’e yanlışsız ateş ederseniz, bu kütle çekimi sebebiyle mermi, gaz devinin sonunu geçmeden saniyede 60 kilometre sürate ulaşacaktır.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 months
if u were bakugou's girlfriend (which u are) and got to pick out all his outfits what would you dress him in?
okay, okay first of all we gotta establish his style: he seems to favour baggier pants (🙄), and t-shirts. looser fits! i’ve always wondered if that was a deliberate choice on his part—if it hides his build (one of the manga extras says his fits tend to hide how explosively muscular he is), or if it’s like, a movement thing? like, if he had to spring into action while in his civvie gear. because his hero costume pants are also quite baggy, as well, and he tends to fling himself around like a small russian-child training for gymnastics gold medal in the olympics so—if i was buying him clothes, or trying to convince him to try new things, i’d probably keep that in mind. 🥹 because you never know when your rare date-night with your pro-hero boyfie is gonna be interrupted by some asshole with a attitude problem and a quirk to back it up!!! 🥺
so to start with, if i was sneaking pieces into his wardrobe, i’d stick with like, more of the same—the baggy pants, or at least wide-cut legs. maybe a couple of pants or shorts with a lower crotch? i would stick to blacks, and greens and oranges—his brand colours lmao—because he seems to like them. skull motifs, because i doubt great explosion murder god is ever really gonna outgrow that lmaooo. i would make a gift out of a really cool, expensive pair of sneakers. and then a little while later i would start trying to slip in a little more high end fashion. like a pair of tabi boots. 🥹 i’d try and convince him he needs a nice, tailored jacket, for fancy date nights although tbh i think those would be a rare occurrence lmfao. but once i had gained his trust with my choices, i would then slowly ramp up my campaign. 😈
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we’re gonna start trying to introduce some creams, whites. bolder graphics. distressed denim. i might make a point of getting him a cool—skulls—bracelet or two, since hori’s drawn him in a couple in official art. i’d buy him a more upgraded, fancy pair of his church loafers lmfaooo. he seems to favour them outside of his hero getup and i’ve always wondered if it’s because he just can’t be fucked dealing with boots outside of his heroics? anyways. i would try and slip in something cutesy—like a decapitated teddy bear hoodie lmaooo—but if he never wore it or otherwise really hated it i would just pout and move on.
a lot of the pieces you see here are like—american and japanese streetwear brands, with a couple of fine-leather craftsmen sneaking in. i’d keep buying like that: japanese brands where the flagship store is tiny and makes you feel like you’re on the inside of a very sparse egg. local designers that try and incorporate some of those traditional physiques into their ranges: hantans in leather or a modern print, for example.
fine leather belts and boots would make more gifts—dickies work pants, because i think he’d appreciate the cut of them. the occasional techgear piece—pants cut like his pro-hero ones, for example. funny tees, maybe a vintage all might one, or an edgeshot piece. 🥺 i’d stay away from jeans just bc i think if he really wanted them he’d get ‘em from jeanist lmfaooo.
there’d be a real pleasure in playing dressups with a man that has the build of a literal superhero, lmfao. i would try really hard to honour his tastes though!!!! maybe wheedle and sulk and bribe with head scratches for more experimental pieces, or ones outside of his wheelhouse lmfao. like there was this really beautiful swan tapestry jacket on one of these sites that i think a man like bakugou—built like a god, with that intense ember glare and that shock of blond hair—would look ethereal in. 😩 but i like bakugou because he seems so decided, in a lot of things, lmfao, and if he didn’t wanna wear something, i think he just wouldn’t wear it. 🥹
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gornackeaterofworlds · 2 months
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For Ghosts biggest fan~ 🖤
I. Oh lord. Mermie what did I do to have this grace my ask box this afternoon /pos
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korkutkalkan · 1 year
Maganda kurbanı 6 yaşındaki Berke’den acı haber
Maganda kurbanı 6 yaşındaki Berke’den acı haber
Olay, 21 Mayıs’ta Ulukavak Mahallesi’nde meydana geldi. Arkadaşları ile oynayan Berke Düzgün, bir anda kanlar içinde yere düştü. Ailesi tarafından hastaneye kaldırılan Düzgün’ün başına mermi isabet ettiği belirlendi. Başındaki mermi ameliyatla çıkarılan 6 yaşındaki çocuk yoğun bakım ünitesinde tedaviye alındı. Başlatılan soruşturma kapsamında olay yeri sınırındaki Bayat Mahallesi 1. Sokak’ta…
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flowerj3lly · 1 year
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Happy mermay!
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reanimateobjects · 7 months
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mermmarie · 10 days
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The hand trend but for the POC girlies~ 🤎💚
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Happy ‘bakugou birthday party’ day to all of us celebrating 💥♡ Katsuki Bakugou you absolute gremlin thanks for taking over my life lmaooo mainly this is my thank you gift to the shining stars in my life @the-wild-wolves-around-you @ofmermaidstories @willowser for letting me ramble on and on about this ridiculously obscure but near and dear to my heart mandalorian AU
(oh mandalorian bakugou how I love to hurt you)
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚‧͙⁺˚*・༓☽ ☾ ༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
“When did you realize you were in love with the Jedi?” Yui Kodai is a quiet woman.
Kirishima had joked on the day the arranged marriage was announced she would be the perfect opposite to mellow him out. Instead Bakugou found he couldn't warn up to her icy tempered distance. Hell, he even forgot Kodai was in the training class opposite to his when they were kids. Damn Kirishima had to remind him.
Now in her sleek almost pristine bright crimson and white mandalorian armor, Kodai is the prime example of a mandalorian’s dream. But she’s not his.
Bakugou is the quiet one now and doesn’t respond to her. The truth, the answer, to Kodai’s questions feels so heavy even after everything that’s happened these past few days.
“You can’t deny it.” Kodai presses firmer and he knows she is right.
After all, Bakugou had ran off in front of her to you.
“I’m being relocated back to Coruscant.” You had told him two days before. “I…so I originally wasn’t suppose to be here. I had switched my first assignment location with a friend of mine and apparently the council found out. Guess it finally caught up to me.” You weakly laughed but it did nothing to lighten the awful thickness suffocating the air.
“I’m sure you’re excited that I won’t be bothering you anymore.” Even with the heavy revelation, you still had continued to tease but it was hollow as hell.
He had so many questions, wanted to say so much, needed to.
“.…yeah whatever.” But that was the only thing, the last thing, he said to you. Nothing else.
You returned to Coruscant without another word or even goodbye to him.
So Bakugou accepted that was the end. Your return back was the final sign for him to extinguish the fire roaring inside for you.
Then the damn Jedi temple gets attacked.
Bakugou, as a decorated war hero, as a mandalorian warrior, is a man forged and consecrated in victory. He scoffs at fear because he has faced it numerous times in bloodstained beskar and won. But when the data pad projected a fiery chaos erupting at the temple, pure terror consumed him. Bakugou simply moved like a man possessed. He even snarled to fight any of his comrades who dared stand in his way. He could not lose you.
So Bakuguo flew to you with no hesitation. And Yui Kodai, his intended, simply watched in silent judgment.
Now in the stillness of his home Bakugou feels the weight of this reality settling between them. He still hasn’t even answer Kodai’s question and he knows he needs to. She deserves the truth.
“Guess I can’t pin point when.” Bakugou finally admits, can’t even fully turn his helmet towards her. “Felt like maybe it was always just there. Just took me too long to catch up.”
He tried ignoring the aggravating frustration he felt towards you. He bared his teeth at it and tried to fight with his whole might. But that aggravation was simply tender adoration, a blooming love. It has always been there. You have always been there and will always be there. You are now apart of him, just as integral as his beskar armor. You might even be the strongest piece of him.
“I can’t go through with this, with us.” Bakugou tells Kodai. “I’m sorry, about all of it.”
He would take any penalties or punishments his people deem fit. He would accept ‘em with honor because for you, he’d do it all. He’d hold the weight of his love for you and bare it without waver. This whole situation is still shit though. It’s why he does mean his apology. Kodai is a good warrior, doesn’t deserve any disgrace.
She remains quiet and Bakugou fucking fidgets uncomfortable as hell under her damn composed silent stare.
“Well?” He snaps anxious at her lack of anger. “You gonna fucking yell at me? Call me a damn bastard or some other awful shit? Cause you can.”
Kodai again takes a moment and allows no words to fill his home.
“I am not going to yell at you or call you any names.” Her collected voice is chilling as it snaps his spine straight.
“We both went into this arrangement for the benefit of the other clans. I held no true affection for you and I figured you held none for me either.” Her dull direct tone slices through him sharp.
“I know many will disapprove of this. But I am not upset. I’ll hold no bitterness towards you or your Jedi. I am and always will be Mandalorian. That is all that matters.”
This is the most he’s ever heard her talk. Shit she didn’t even say this much when they got engaged. And for the first time he finally catches it - her true emotion, her quiet dignified conviction evident in her voice.
Bakugou can only nod but the underlying truth is there. She just told him ‘I was strong before you and I will be strong after you.’
Kodai moves to leave before he can even respond. Bakugou rises to see her out until Kodai’s sleek helmet whips back at him. He freezes. Won’t admit it but he is spooked when her helmet turns towards him.
“Be well Bakugou.” She bids him a simple, even kind, farewell. The door slides open and Kodai leaves with her words lingering behind her.
Bakugou sighs exhausted and thinks it rattles his bones. “Fucking hell.”
Yeah he still has so much to deal with, especially with the elders and other clans. But this with Kodai? He’s grateful it’s officially done. He’s also grateful to her. Kodai handled the situation way better than he would have and it’s why she earned his respect tenfold. Because if he saw you running off to someone else-
A wave of jealousy, so sticky and bitter, leaks into his heart at just the damn thought of a hypothetical rival and Bakugou wants to slam his bare face into a wall. This is what you have done to him - shaved him down to a lovesick man who would rip open a planet’s core for you.
With a final sigh, Bakugou heads to his bedroom. Quietly he slides past the door’s cover.
There in the comfort of his bed you continue to sleep soundly.
The medical bacta patches on your arm and shoulder are thankfully healing swiftly. Your face however still hasn’t regained its full bright energy back. He knew the medication would keep you asleep for a few days and as long as it takes, he will wait. He would wait decades for you because he already has been. But stars, he just wants you to open your eyes.
In the soft carved out space of his room, Bakugou slips off his helmet. He removes it off so easy and without reservation. It surprises him how certain he feels without it on.
The lanterns built in his room’s walls cast a gentle amber glow. As he finally stares at you without his helmet, a damn new star, a new galaxy, is born bursting right in his chest. You’re beautiful, so damn amazing, and he can’t believe he almost lost you.
Bakugou ran screaming your name into the chaos of the temple. He searched and searched without waver until he was victorious. Until there you were, lightsaber in hand landing a final swing to a trooper. Your shoulder was soaked in blood. When your face flipped towards him, your eyes wide and alive, air filled his lungs.
He doesn’t know who ran first. All that mattered was the beautiful collision of you and him meeting in the middle. His hands and your hands clutched and grasped desperate to solidify the other was real.
“What are you doing here?!” Your voice cracked as you yelled exhausted and on the edge of tears.
He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think. In the heat of battle, with destruction swirling, all Bakugou could do was clutch your face in his hands. You, his fierce fighter, his ridiculous shitty Jedi, were alive.
“Had to make sure you were safe.” He told you so surprisingly low in the middle of the destruction. He hoped you maybe had not hear him or the terror in him that was barely settling down now.
“You shouldn’t be here!” You instead screamed at him with more desperation and fear.
“No way! ‘m not fucking leaving!” Bakugou barked back loud. “I’m staying right here! By your side!”
His voice snapped convicted and your face fell.
Before you could yell anything back at him, Bakugou rapidly pressed his helmet covered forehead against yours.
It only took you a moment to realize what he had done. Because just as fast your hand flew to the side of his helmet. Then the pressure, the weight, of your forehead pressed back firmly against his.
A sacred kiss shared between his kind was shared between you and him right in the halls of the Jedi temple under siege.
If this was his way to a warrior’s death, then he would gladly greet it by your side protecting you ‘till the end.
Now with soft steps Bakugou leaves the memory and arrives to the side of his bed. He starts to lean his forehead down towards yours. But, he stops, swallowing back something thick. He wants to. Shit, he’s done this before with his helmet on.
But once his eyes flicker to your sleeping face, your voice suddenly chimes into his mind.
“Not yet…just be a bit more patient okay? Wait for me.”
You speak so clearly, as if you had suddenly opened your eyes, woke up, and started talking. He hears your smile, even clearly pictures the way it warmly crinkles your eyes.
Bakugou fully doesn’t believe in the force, definitely doesn’t believe in any other mystical type shit. He just believes in you.
So Bakugou slips his helmet back on. Without hesitation he presses his forehead delicate and light against the top of your head. His eyes squeeze close tight as the tears string.
For a split moment, he thinks about Kodai. He knows that even if he had gotten to know her, maybe even witnessed more of the fierce composed dignity he saw earlier, she would never be you.
You are the only one he wants to speak the sacred vows with.
That’s why he knows. Bakugou knows it will be worth it when he fully gets to experience you and you freely see him.
The next time he removes his helmet Bakugou knows it will be at the wedding ceremony when he ties his existence to yours.
“Yeah alright I’ll wait, you hear me? I’ll wait as long as you need. Just… just please, wake up soon my damn shitty Jedi.” Bakugou whispers and it is the closest thing to a prayer he will ever say.
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