#meowing very loudly to be let in. FOR AKIRA! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!! nothing can stop me from loving her
aria0fgold · 21 days
I'll be seeing Akichan on screen, moving, TALKING in January 2025, I'm soooo excited please, PLEASEPLSPEALPSLESPELESPS I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! You can't believe how much I love her, she's sooo cute, Akichan is soooooo cute, she's sooo adorable. I love her, I love love love her so soooo much. I'll be seeing her ON SCREEN!!! MOVING!!! SPEAKING!!! YEEESS PLEASE!!! PLS!!!!
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tsukikokiyomizu · 4 years
Send a 🎯 to learn a random headcanon I have for my muse
//you have awakened the beast my friend. By the way, since the tags got too long... AAAA THANK YOU FOR THIS WJFMWNNFN
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Hound, aka Tsukiko in the Metaverse as a Phantom Thief, absolutely adores to show off as much as possible. I mean, she has the flashy aesthetic that a heroine of Justice like herself should have, an amazing Persona that allows her to find the truth and see through the illusions created by the heart and she has people who trust and respect her by her side. So why not put that to the utmost limit? Flashy moves! Stupid one-liners! Be the Shounen Protagonist you always wanted to be!
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Shadow!Tsukiko’s emotional outbursts are the things Tsukiko fears the most. Since when she was just a little kid, her father would beat her up and scream at her if she did as much as shed a tear or posed any protest to what he said, so she usually bottles up her emotions until she can’t hold it anymore and explodes by herself. So, Shadow!Tsukiko openly and loudly changes emotions with ease, showing everyone how she truly feels, which leads to lots of crying, shouting, and shouting crying. It’s what Tsukiko could never do, so at least in the dressing room inside her heart’s Opera House, she can have that peace.
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While Merry shows little to no emotion near others, she’s just as sensitive—if not more—as the other Tsukikos. She has a hard time trusting anyone who isn’t Sachie with as much as a cup of water, but there is one thing she will trust to others, something that doesn’t seem that personal at first: the right to read what she has written. Normally, she keeps whatever she writes to herself until she feels confident on publishing, so for her to do something like showing a manuscript to a friend means the world. She’s trusting them with a riddle in progress, with something so fragile to her that it hurts just to have others see it, something she is very insecure about. If that ever happens, know that you must appreciate those little moments of trust she shows in her own quiet way.
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Pierrot has been kidnapped all of her life, so all of her knowledge on the outside comes from the man who kidnapped her and from media, which is just manga, anime and books. Most of them, very old. Because she’s been fed with many absurd things as completely true, she has a hard time knowing what’s reality and what’s not, and it’s not uncommon for her to think everyone acts like in Victorian Era England or that elves and goblins are walking outside, at the same time super futuristic equipment can be found on the convenience store near her house. Whatever you tell her, she’ll dig it.
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Feeling like she can’t trust anyone and that she’s bound to her father forever, Doll’s a tricky person. She most often than not engages in no conversation outside of her public persona, but oh boy, if you thought Tsukiko’s Shadow was emotional, you haven’t seen her angry. Mario has a horrible case of lack of control whenever she gets angry, and she’s broken many things even at school, though small. At home… she had to replace furniture many times because she had been so overwhelmed with anger she snapped. Don’t push your limits with her.
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Tsune absolutely despises the Hashimoto family’s older relatives because of how lowly they treat the servants. Sure, she might be furniture, unworthy of anything, but… what did Shiori, Shion, Ryu and the others do? It’s unfair to treat them like they treat her. Even if her brother is furniture as well, he doesn’t deserve it like she does. She’s very wary of older people thanks to her experience with them.
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As the aged Tsukiko who never met the Phantom Thieves at school and indeed had a lonely life until adulthood, Tantei has hardened a lot towards the concept of friendship itself. She doubts that there even are friends in this world, and if you let her talk enough, she will make that very clear through both actions and words: she trusts no one, except those who have proven to be trustworthy for long enough to be accepted by her. Despite her laid-back nature, she’s a very sad person.
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Lou only accepts high-profile cases, because that way she can be better than her father. The fame he had? She’ll have the double. The cruelty he had, and the amount of crimes he committed just to solve a case completely? She’ll do it worse and even more heartlessly. This is her revenge against the world and him. The moment the Phantom Thieves get a famous target, they’re on her way. So, she starts to get even more ruthless by the time of Kamoshida’s defeat, and just gets worse from there. They’re on her way to get back at everyone, so they gotta go. The best part, to her? She only feels a slight frustration. That’s how numb she is.
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Sometimes, Bea calls people by their names before they can introduce themselves, and remembers them perfectly. Other times…
“Ren??? Wait, what do you mean you’re not Ren? Why are you calling yourself Akira???????”
“HEY SKULL— uh? Isn’t that your nickname? Why are you so surprised?”
“MORGANA! …wait, why am I talking to a meowing cat?”
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There’s not much one can do as a ghost bound to a street that only exists within the collective unconscious at the moment, but when there’s not visitors making her search for undying justice to come back, White tries her best to come up with riddles and mysteries. She tests the other ghosts with them to the point they get fed up with her bullshit, constantly. She’s very proud of her riddle skills, and often brags about them to whoever visits her street.
now that Tumblr won’t allow me any more pictures—
Tsukiko both loves and hates Akechi with all her might. First of all, she idolizes him as a detective (Amazing! Intelligent! Perfect! Solved cases? Can’t be bad!), but knows by experience that there’s no way he isn’t fucked up after being in the public eye being this young. And, at the same time, she feels horribly bitter towards him because he’s taken away the thing she had way before he even got near the role of a detective—it feels like he’s cheating, arriving late to the game and winning like that. Regardless, It’s Complicated.
Merry despises anyone who treats literature as something boring that they can’t like no matter the genre. It hurts a whole lot, and also pisses her off. Have they read every single literary genre from every single era? No? So how can they be sure they won’t like any book?
Shadow!Tsukiko attempts to trap the Phantom Thieves with chains into her auditorium. She does not want them to get close enough to hurt her, but she doesn’t want them to leave at all. So, she tries to put them alongside the cognitive thieves, or otherwise on the Opera’s underground, so they’ll be trapped forever near her, unable to leave her and always observing her spectacles.
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taintedkibou · 7 years
Couldn’t Endure - part six
[part one] [part two] [part three] [part four [part five] 
Akira was pulled from his Ryuji-centric dream by a very familiar voice crying “oy”. It took a few moments for his brain to collect itself; they had indeed brought Morgana with them to the Sakamoto residence. When he finally opened his eyes, it was to a cat's accusing glare.
"Why are you so tired? You go to sleep every night." Morgana took a tentative step forward, expression melting into worry. "If you're not sleeping well, you should let me know. It won't be good for our leader to not be at his best while fighting Shadows."
"Morgana," Akira groaned, the noise tapering off into a yawn. "I just had a very emotionally draining yet enlightening two days. I'm entitled to feel worn out." 
"True." Morgana sat back down, tail moving in slow sweeps. "Ryuji's downstairs with his mom."
The head of the Sakamoto household was back. Akira sat up slowly, combing his fingers through his hair. He huffed out an annoyed sigh when they fell back into his face and looked around for his glasses. Morgana helpfully pointed them out on the second to last shelf of Ryuji's bookcase. Akira swung his legs over the side of the bed and reached for them, only to pull his hand back at the last minute. Morgana cocked his head to one side, wondering what was going through the teen's head in that moment.
Akira sprang up from the bed, doubling back after making it halfway across the room so he could straighten it up. Unlike his temporary lodgings, Ryuji's bed needed to be made and he was going to woo his boyfriend's mother over if it was the end of him. Akira slipped into the bathroom and attempted to freshen up as quietly as possible. He lost a few moments smiling at the duo's living habits.
Ryuji obviously needed product for his hair, and apparently so did his mother. They had shelves labeled "mine" and "mine" with a distinct handwriting on each note. In between those two was another shelf labeled "try this". Akira assumed it was a shared shelf. Too cute. And distracting. He was on a mission.
Akira peeked around the corner for the kitchen and decided that no Shadow would ever do him in. That job was solely for the Sakamoto family. Ryuji stood a foot taller than his mother, but they had the same slender build. Akira was thrown by the dark locks pulled into a short, loose ponytail, but then remembered that Ryuji was not a natural blond. Mental note to ask for childhood pictures.
"You're not in a Palace," Morgana sighed, weaving between Akira's legs before padding into the kitchen. "Why are you hiding?"
Ryuji's mother heard the meows and moved away from her son to the opposite end of the counter. She picked up a small plate and called Morgana over to the table, setting it down near one of the legs. Akira met Ryuji's eye while the brunette was out of the way, giving him a shy smile in return for the grin directed at him. With a soft pat to the cat's dark head, the woman stood up and faced Akira with a bright smile.
Akira pulled himself from behind the wall to stand in the doorframe. "Sakamoto-san. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Kurusu Akira." He bowed deeply at the waist; all his time primping just went down the drain. Straightening up, Akira smiled sheepishly. "Sorry... for coming over unannounced. We got kicked out of my place."
"Leblanc, right? Ryu-chan talks about it a lot."
Ryu-chan echoed so loudly in his head, it took Akira a great deal of strength to continue listening.
The brunette's smile widened and it was clear Ryuji took after his mom. "He talks about you a great deal as well."
Both boys blushed, but only Ryuji had the safety of turning his back on the conversation. The food needed tending to after all. Akira rubbed the back of his neck, looking from Morgana's smug, satiated face to his own socked feet, before meeting gentle brown eyes again. "All good things, I hope," he chuckled nervously.
"The best."
Akira wondered if this was how Ryuji felt every time someone complimented him, or better yet, them as a couple. His stomach was an overflowing nest of butterflies. Maybe birds? Whatever was in there needed to stop fluttering so he could breathe normally.
Sakamoto wiped her hands in her apron, glancing away from Akira. "Ryu-chan."
"Ha?" Ryuji mumbled, attention torn between his mom and the pots.
"Try not to burn anything. We’ll only be gone a few minutes."
"Aa. Wait... Gone?" He looked over his shoulder. Akira still stood in the doorway, looking as carefree as ever, but Ryuji spent enough time with him to see there was an emotional storm brewing in the depths of his gray eyes. Ryuji sighed and looked away. "Don't make him cry, 'kay?"
"No guarantees," the woman giggled. She turned back around and walked the short distance to Akira, gently tapping him on the shoulder. "Come with me."
Akira moved on autopilot, following her into the living area. Taking a moment to look around, he saw that Ryuji's interests decorated this area as well, but only on one side of the room. 'Just like the bathroom.' He smiled to himself and reclaimed the two steps he'd lost after stopping to gawk. Sakamoto indicated to the sofa while standing in front of a single-seater, and Akira slowly sank onto the soft cushions. This chair was nothing like the one in the attic at Leblanc. The cushions were thicker. He couldn't help but wonder if it folded out into a pullout bed. Gauging the size of the room and how close the table was—probably not. It would still be comfortable to sleep in.
"Yes!" Akira sat up straight, his head snapping in the woman's direction.
She smiled warmly at him. "No need to be nervous around me. I just wanted to say I'm glad my son found you, but I didn't want to do it in front of him. He gets flustered so easily." Akira's stiff form relaxed, a grin creeping onto his face, and Sakamoto giggled, "Of course you've seen that side of him already." 
Akira ducked his head with a whispered apology. She exhaled deeply, her faraway gaze trained on the kitchen where Ryuji still worked. Akira could hear his soft muttering if he paid attention.
"The first time Ryuji told me he liked boys as well as girls was the excuse my former husband needed to find a new punching bag." Straight to the point. Akira's gaze traveled from the woman's clenched hands to her calm face. "Ryuji never spoke about it again. He'd always come home singing about some cute girl he saw, but the beatings still came. After that, Ryuji stopped talking about anything other than track. If he did well, no one suffered." She let out a soft, broken laugh. "We lived under a tyrant's rule with no one to save us."
The noises in the kitchen were gone and Akira could make out the hint of a shadow just beyond the entryway.
Sakamoto cleared her throat, the warm smile returning to her soft features. It was genuine, and directed at Akira. "It took too long to break free of that rule, but even after we were free, Ryuji was no longer the same. Track was a thing of the past, and he dyed his hair the color of the sun. It was just "I'm home", "what's for dinner", and the occasional "let me help". Until he came home one day in April and told me about this weird transfer student."
Akira chuckled, ducking his head. "Guess that would be me."
Sakamoto's smile brightened and Akira wondered how he would survive around this family and their million-watt smiles. "I looked forward to every day he ran into the house yelling about "Akira this" and "Akira that". Then, just over a month ago, he came inside and sat right there on the floor." Sakamoto pointed to the genkan entrance and Akira could visualize Ryuji sitting on the floor, face buried in his hands as he was forced to come face to face with feelings he'd buried so long ago.
Sakamoto chuckled, "We ate right there. Watched some variety shows on our phones, and then he finally told me he liked Akira." Her emphasis on the word made it clear which version she meant. "Of course, my son tends to think before he acts." The woman let out a dramatic sigh, hands clasping her face. "Sometimes he forgets to think... " Akira could hear Morgana laughing, but to Sakamoto, it probably sounded like the cat was vying for attention. "I told him I already knew that and that I was fine with it."
Akira smiled at her subtle approval, but he knew there was still more to her story.
Sakamoto tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, remembering her son shining as bright as his own hair when he came home and told her about his first date. She calmly folded her hands in her lap, fingers lightly entwined. "Then he came home looking worse than when that man used to raise a hand against us. He refused to tell me about it, but I knew it had something to do with Akira."
Sakamoto sighed, unclasping her hands, only to tangle them in her apron as she wrung them together nervously. "He told me everything while you were resting. He's so... happy now. Even more so than when you first showed up." She shifted, scooting forward to the edge of her seat, and held out her hands to Akira. The apron fell back into her lap. Akira took them, smiling as she squeezed firmly. "Thank you for loving my son."
Akira wasn't expecting such a frank statement of gratitude, and his mouth fell open as his eyes widened.
The woman giggled, giving their hands a little shake. "I hope to see you around more often." Her eyes sparkled with excitement and she practically dragged Akira from the sofa as she raised their hands between them. "I hear you're going to Hawaii in another week. Keep him in check, please." The brunette's expression turned contemplative and Akira had little time to worry if that was a good or bad thing. "I wonder if they allow same sex marriage over there. We can always write you into the family registry—"
"Mom!" Ryuji fell out from behind the wall, his cheeks a faint pink. His ears, however, were bright red. "What the hell are you goin' on about?! It's just a school trip!"
"A marriage on the beach," the woman sighed dreamily.
"Mom! Please... stop talking," Ryuji's voice trailed off into soft desperation. "It's time to eat. Take off the apron and wash up or the food'll get cold."
"My Ryu-chan is such a good boy." Sakamoto gave Akira's hands one last squeeze before she released them and stood from the chair. Ryuji's cheek received a playful pinch as she hurried past him and into the kitchen.
Akira's hands were still suspended in the air where she'd left them, a blank look on his face. Never again would he allow anyone to tease Ryuji. For someone not used to praise and attention, it was probably at least five times worse than what he currently felt plowing through his head and destroying all rational thought.
Ryuji appeared in front of him, startling Akira back to the present. He avoided direct eye contact, and his ears were still red. "Sorry about my mom," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his hand over the cheek she'd pinched. "And I’ll walk you back to the station."
"Oh. I didn't tell you.” Akira blinked blinking wide gray eyes at the blond before mentally kicking himself. He still believed everyone could read his thoughts. “Correction—I didn't ask. Is it… okay if I spend the night? You can say no if you want since I’m springing it on you at the last minute—"
"Yes," Sakamoto cheered from the kitchen. She peeked around the corner, a distressed Morgana curled in her arms. "The bath is a little small for both of you to fit in at the same time, though." If the ground opened to swallow one of them, the other would make sure to follow. The woman lifted Morgana to face level. "What do you think? Will they fit?"
"I'd rather not think about it..." the black cat groaned.
She took the droll meow as a ‘no’. “Yeah. They won’t fit. Boys. It’s time to eat.”
“Please ignore her,” Ryuji whispered as he made his way around the decorative table. “She’s… It’s been a while…” Since we were so happy.
“Your mother is wonderful. I see you in her.” Akira followed a step behind him. He laughed softly, “I feel like she can kick my butt into shape better than you can.”
Ryuji looked over his shoulder to catch the sparkle in those gray eyes and lost himself in their depths. “I want… to kiss you.” Ryuji knew it wasn’t the proper response, but he’d denied himself—and probably Akira—so long, it was time to make up for it. What they’d shared in his bedroom had been nothing more than a greeting. He slid a hand around the back of the pale neck, drawing the brunet closer. Ryuji couldn’t wax poetic about Akira’s beauty, but he sure knew how to appreciate it. His inner beauty more than anything else. Their lips met in a gentle touch, Akira’s parting beneath Ryuji’s.
A chill ran down his spine and Ryuji snapped himself back to the present, reluctantly pulling away from the flushed brunet. He turned towards the kitchen and found his mother pouting from above her phone. Morgana yawned where he was curled up in her lap. How many pictures had she already taken?!
“Leave the cat alone and wash up!” Ryuji snapped, stomping into the kitchen, hands fisted tightly at his sides.
Sakamoto’s pout grew deepened. “I already washed up.” She whispered a soft ‘shoo’ and Morgana hopped out of her lap. He sat near her feet instead.
Akira tried not to drag his feet as he entered the kitchen, wishing he’d taken his glasses with him to give him a modicum of anonymity. He resorted to hiding his face, and the blush coloring his cheeks, behind his hand, but knew it was useless where this family was concerned. The moment he gave in and dropped his hand, Sakamoto’s phone clicked twice.
“Mom,” Ryuji growled, angrily placing the food onto the table. Taking a moment to forget his embarrassment, Akira was surprised he didn’t slam any of the containers.
“But he’s so cute,” the woman giggled.
“I know he’s cute, but that doesn’t mean you have to harass him for the entire night.” Ryuji set down plates for everyone, standing behind his chair once finished. His expression morphed into one of concern. “Akira?”
Akira stood rooted just inside the entrance of the kitchen, his face now buried in both hands. He felt nothing but overwhelming happiness. He tried to borrow confidence from his “Joker” identity, but maybe that was only something he could rely on in the Metaverse, because he still couldn’t face them. ‘You can. You can. You have to eat.’ Taking a deep breath, Akira lowered his hands and grinned at the duo. “I’ll… wash up now.” His movements were somewhat uncoordinated as he made his way to the sink. Once that chore was complete, Akira turned to look for his seat. Of course, it was the empty chair beside Ryuji.
Once he was seated, a soft chorus of ‘thank you for the meal’ was recited and everyone began filling their plates with sides and meats they enjoyed. After a few minutes of listening to mother and son bicker playfully, Akira realized he had been worrying for nothing. Soon after, he was dragged into their conversation when Ryuji wanted backup for an argument, but ended up siding with his mom instead.
Once the dishes and kitchen were cleaned and baths were taken—separately, ‘good nights’ were exchanged amongst three. Ryuji closed the door to his bedroom, leaning against the wooden frame. Akira was crouched in front of his bag, searching for something within. The brunet stood after a short time passed, proudly holding up his school slacks. They were sealed in plastic; a probable form of protection against cat fur. Akira removed the covering, shaking them out.
Ryuji grinned, pushing away from the door to find the teen a hanger for his pants. “You really wanted to stay, didn’t you?”
Akira nodded, hooking the article of clothing over his arm as he waited. “The only problem is… I forgot my shirt. I ran out of room, what with Morgana and all.”
“Don’t involve me in your childish plan,” the cat scoffed from the foot of the bed. He knew he would have to move once the boys were ready to sleep, so he’d enjoy the comfort while it lasted.
Ryuji would have laughed if he hadn’t become trapped in those mesmerizing eyes again. There was something important he needed to understand. It probably had to do with why Akira was staring do earnestly at him. I forgot my shirt. “Did you… wanna borrow one of mine?” He held out the hanger with a grin. “I stopped using them after my first year, so they’re practically brand new.”
Akira walked the short distance from one side of the room to the other. He closed his hand around Ryuji’s, tugging the blond closer. The self-made rule of not teasing Ryuji didn't apply to him, just everyone else. And where was this playful behavior earlier when he needed it? No matter. He brushed his lip’s lightly across Ryuji’s cheek, stopping right by his ear. “Can I keep it? I’ll wear it on the rare occasions we don’t meet, so I can always be reminded of you.”
Ryuji swallowed thickly and decided to play along. He slipped his free arm around Akira’s waist, pulling the willowy frame flush against his front. Akira gasped softly in his ear and Ryuji was glad the other teen couldn’t see his face right now. There was a high possibility it was as red as it felt hot. “Only if I get one of yours in exchange.”
Akira pressed his free hand to Ryuji’s chest with a chuckle, “That won’t work. You never wear a proper school uniform. I���ll buy you a new graphic tee. We can pick it out together. This way, you’ll definitely remember me when you wear it.”
“I’d like that.”
The embarrassment hit them tenfold when Morgana groaned loudly, and they pulled apart, awkwardly avoiding each other’s eyes.
“Let me out.” Morgana hopped down from the bed and padded his way to the door. He pressed a paw against the wood, looking back at the blushing boys with a thoroughly put-upon expression. “Please.”
“Fine,” Ryuji huffed, moving around Akira to reach the door.
Akira took the time to hang his school pants on the hanger given to him, suspending it next to Ryuji’s. To know Ryuji set out his uniform every day made him smile. Once the task was completed, he made his way to the bed and began folding back the covers.
Ryuji joined him shortly after, taking the thick blanket away to stuff it in the closet. “Won’t need it,” he muttered. “Morgana’s in my mom’s room. I’m sure she’ll enjoy the company. Ready to sleep?”
The question was accompanied by a grin that Akira couldn’t help but kiss. A quick press of his lips before pulling away and diving into the foreign bed. He patted the spot next to him with a failed attempt at looking sultry. Ryuji was still laughing as he climbed into the bed to occupy the offered space. After calming down, the blond pulled Akira close, kissing the top of his head then the bridge of his nose.
Akira tilted his head, catching Ryuji off guard when he sealed their mouths together. The kiss was minty and chaste. He pulled away, licking his lips, and tucked his face against Ryuji’s chest. His confession came out muffled, “I’m really happy.”
“Yeah,” Ryuji murmured from above him, tightening his arms around the slender figure in a gentle embrace. “I’m happy, too. I know everyone’s gonna be waitin’ at the Station Square for us tomorrow, so let’s enjoy tonight.” Ryuji closed his eyes, appreciating the sounds of Akira’s laughter. It was far more relaxing than any rainforest or ocean waves, not that he’d ever listened to such audio. “You’re welcome… to come over any time.” He idly wondered if it was wrong of the host to fall asleep first, but Ryuji knew Akira would forgive him. 
Ryuji’s prediction came true the following morning. All four students were lined up outside the Teikyu building, chatting amongst themselves until they spotted the couple.
Ann launched herself at Ryuji once he was close enough, arms looped around his neck. “Congratulations!”
“For what?” Ryuji scoffed, subtly trying to pry her off. “We didn’t do anything. You’re pretty perverted for a girl.”
“You’re one to talk, Sakamoto Ryuji!” Ann poked him in the cheek repeatedly, coming back even after he swatted her hand away. “I’m simply congratulating you on finally getting into the relationship you’ve always wanted.”
“Thanks,” Ryuji muttered, staring down at the ground to hide his blush.
“I would also like to congratulate you as well,” Makoto chimed in. Ryuji peeked at her from the corner of his eye, instinctively returning her smile with one of his own. “I’m a little disappointed that Akira couldn’t get you to wear a full uniform again, though.”
“That’s because Akira’s wearing Ryuji’s shirt,” Yusuke pointed out calmly.
A silence fell among the small group. Akira adjusted his glasses, clearing his throat at the same time, and decided it was time for them to head for the Ginza line. He voiced his thoughts on the matter and started into the Teikyu building. Ann found her new prey, chasing after their leader. Makoto was on her heels, warning her not to cause too much of a scene.  
Realizing who he’d been left alone with, Ryuji held up his arms, crossing them in front of his person as a ward against attack. Yusuke smiled, his soft chuckle barely audible, and gave Ryuji a pat on the shoulder. “Even though Futaba sent me that wonderful image, I wanted to make sure everything went okay. That’s why I’m here.”
His hand slid away and Ryuji couldn’t help but feel somewhat disappointed. He’d gotten used to Yusuke’s eccentric ways after all. He also reminded himself that most of their skinship acts had taken place in Mementos or the privacy of Leblanc, Akira’s attic room by extension. Yusuke was taking his feelings into consideration. Ryuji gave him a friendly slap on the back, grinning at the wide-eyed stare from the taller teen. “Thanks, man.”
Yusuke’s expression softened into a smile and he nodded.
“Let’s go save my… ah—our leader before Ann tears him out of my shirt.”
“As much as I would love to…” Yusuke trailed off, pointing at the gates behind Ryuji. “If our fearless leader is still in one piece, we can hang out after school.”
Ryuji administered a salute as Yusuke walked away. Once their swordsman was through the gates, he turned, with little hurry, to do the same. Ryuji yawned loudly as he climbed the nearby set of stairs, arms stretched high above his head. He tapped his pass at the gates, taking the steps two at a time to reach the platform. Ann was the easiest to spot. Hurrying to the trio, Ryuji pulled Akira behind him, mindful of the other waiting passengers and the edge of the platform. One day, he told himself.
“My hero,” was whispered against the back of his neck, reminding the blond who the biggest tease of all was. He would have leapt away if Akira had not taken a hold of his suspender. Ann and Makoto moved to either side of them, striking up a random conversation, and Ryuji felt his chest tighten. Just like Yusuke, they were protecting him from prying eyes.
One day, I won’t care what other people think. Ryuji would enjoy what he had now and patiently wait for that “one day”. 
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