#melancholic temporament
returning-tonowhere · 5 months
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pony-central · 28 days
TV Tropes - Prone to Tears
The "Prone to Tears" trope relates to someone who cries most of the time. They're known as the Melancholic of the Four Temporament Ensemble.
Sick Boyfriend, who is considered as one of the more well-known characters, is prone to crying over anything. It's mostly due to him inheriting the emotional side of his personality from his mother
DrugFriend is also known to start crying at the drop of a hat, sometimes feeling upset over his embarrassing nickname, or if his feelings are hurt. Sometimes, when he's rejected Taco Bell, he will whimper.
Freund is mostly stoic. But, remind him of his mum, and the waterworks will start
Sick PonyCentral is also prone to crying, as her mascara always runs down her face each time she cries
Both Nathan and Naughty PonyCentral are also subject to the crying factor. Whenever Naughty PonyCentral starts crying, Nathan does the same thing. The same can be said about their three children
Boyfriend, who is the main protagonist of the base game, is also much of a crier
The OG PonyCentral is mostly in control of her negative emotions. Unless someone messes up, or makes her wait a long time for something to release, she will, and can, start crying
Baxter/BF Wow has a tendency to cry whenever his plans to go fishing are delayed, or if someone upsets him. Same with Rufus/Young Boyfriend (the one with the party hat)
Doki Doki Takeover Bad Ending Boyfriend literally can't stop crying since the death of his beloved girlfriend. It's in his sprites from the last song of his DDLC mod
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