meatballerino · 7 months
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hello? ween
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meatballerino · 11 months
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meatballerino · 1 year
uhhhh coming out of the closet as The Guy Who Wrote This
gay shit under the cut
i wrote this fic mostly as practice to develop the tone/style for a larger IRL project i'm writing, also about a guy who goes insane. if you liked the way this was written, i'd love if you stuck around for the development of my novella, it'll keep me motivated to finish something this daunting :)) the secret title is TCFC….
trivia: i developed a whole skill set for kim that i was really proud of, and i was going to write it in-game style, but that shit is so hard. kudos to all the fans who can write like that!!!!!!!!!!!
trivia: the fic was actually supposed to be a heartwarming comedy lmao. kim was going to show up to jean's apartment and get the tea on harry pre-martinaise and they'd have to fight over him, but it ended up just being two guys sitting at a table and talking which got boring, so i was like, what if everyone was batshit insane instead
trivia: kim was originally going to piss all over jean in the back alleyway but i got too shy and changed it to a bj instead lmao
ok thanks
xoxoxo meatball
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meatballerino · 10 months
intro to tcfc - part 2
general updates:
i've been writing steadily all summer and i'm aiming to have a workable draft (of at least the first half) done by the end of september! to share and get some preliminary feedback! so stay tuned for that!
still don't have a better title yet so it remains a mysterious acronym lmao
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a freaky deaky circus performer and acrobat, genderfluid chameleon punk born to perform, but freaky deaky has a limited paying audience and even more limited roles in the industry, so they wrestle with having to tone down their art (and their appearance) to get booked for more gigs. to Z, it's not selling out, it's "playing the game" until they can get more established and really make the art that they want.
a very intense individual who uses character and comedy to make his political statements to his bourgeois audiences, and to educate and equip his working class audiences. his most famous character is the beloved modern court jester, Gianetti, who uses his privilege to poke fun at the people whose actions he critiques. he's well known, and in high demand, yet dresses in rags and lives in a dirty commune with bohemians, and has a terrible reputation with other artists, but what is it that makes him so notorious?
The Main Character
is stuck in a rut always playing Sad Clown, is always following at Z's heels, is harbouring a dirty secret under that clown costume, and has become the new object of Gianetti's interest.
The Mythology of Gerard and Autumn Summerland
the power couple of the entertainment industry, giving everyone hope and delight through wartimes with their onstage romances, witty newspaper interviews, and glamorous magazine photos. they were the shining image of squeaky clean, perfectly balanced heterosexual divinity. they exemplified the rags-to-riches story that the young clowns live by, hoping they too can reach that level of stardom one day through hard work and suffering.
when autumn is tragically killed onstage on opening night of her own original production, her artistic legacy is left in the hands of gerard, who carefully crafts her image and the way she is immortalized as an industry tour de force. despite years of openly grieving, gerard continues rising to fame, and now that he's getting on in years, he wants to slow down and start writing and directing his own shows. in the meantime, he drums up money by running an unlicensed underground bar and cabaret to entertain and shmooze with his equally sleazy industry colleagues, where gianetti and Z perform every week with the hopes of getting recognized and "picked" by someone in the audience.
i admit I ADMIT i'm pulling some inspo for autumn from the dolores dei concepts, actually this whole story reeks of "guy who's obsessed with disco elysium and regurgitates it into all their art from then on".
i also pulled inspiration for gerard as an unsettling but beloved entertainment icon from dotssu 's character Clyde Clydesdale from their game INTRODEMO which is soooooooo cool and fun and creative and you should play it!!!!! get into ittttttt
next post will ideally be that rough draft in september so stick around if you want a taste!!
PREVIOUS POST Ko-fi lol lmao
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