aslimapngctnb-blog · 8 years
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They lead then you follow today. Tomorrow, You lead and they will follow. It is up to you how will you take your life in society. You have choices to choose.
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primpotato-blog · 8 years
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“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
A leader can be defined in many ways, yet true leadership is beyond mere definition. A leader for me is someone who is the foundation of your team, the one who motivates you to do your job well. A considerate person who understands the lapses but points it out in order for you to know where you overlooked something. Great leader creates more leaders, not followers. If you don’t have that many followers because you are not that popular, it’s okay. Leadership is not defined by how many followers you have, because I know that deep in my heart that quality is greater than quantity. You don’t have to find that many followers, you just need a few right ones who will be there for you.
What Makes a Good Leader
1. Takes responsibility.      - A good is someone who is not afraid to take responsibility. 
2. Serves wholeheartedly      - A good leader works genuinely and not just for show. You prioritize your follower’s welfare more than what makes you happy
3. Open to suggestions      - Sometimes you are followed because they admire your ideas, but it doesn’t mean that you will neglect their ideas, tell them that you are open to suggestions because their suggestions may give you more idea and can change the current situation.
4. Creates more leaders      - A good leader is someone who inspires and motivates other to become a leader themselves. They are willing to share their best advice on how to be a great leader through their actions, and ideas.
A follower is someone who follows the person they admire, the one who changed their lives due to their ideas and shine can. A follower even apply it for themselves in order to lead others, and that’s the purpose of our leaders to create more leaders by inspiring followers to become leaders themselves because I believe that each and everyone of us are natural leaders though we still have to go through the process of being a clueless follower that is then molded by other people whom we followed. 
What makes a Good Follower
1. Suggests Ideas       - A good follower is willing to give ideas in order to help the team, because giving ideas is very important in order for the group to know your opinions that can be later used for your works.
2. Willing to work with the team       - A good follower collaborate with the team, doing what should be done and offer help to those who are in need.
3. Aware        - A good follower should be aware of their surrounding. Being observant is a very important aspect in our daily routine.
Being a leader and follower can go both ways, because nothing is permanent and everything will change. You just have to accept the fact about the changes in you lives but you have to be okay with it. To conclude, a leader should also be a follower at some point and a follower should take up the responsibility in order to become a leader, because for a follower, that’s just the first step in becoming the a great leader in the future and as a leader, you have to follow because this will be your eye opener in order for you to see what you overlooked before. Following others at some point will help you to connect with other people, thus refining your being leader because you are showered by ideas that are useful in our day to day life. If there’s some whom I truly admired, it would be Jesus, because He is a servant-leader who is true to His duty and responsibility.
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thevicoypineda-blog · 8 years
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the action of leading a group of people or an organization. Can also be at sports.
Leadership maybe considered as a behavioural process that influences individuals and groups towards set goals. As such, a leader has the dual function of ensuring player satisfaction while steering the individual or group to success.
a leader corrects his subordinates so that they may be averted from consequences should their follies ensue.
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
many out there are desiring to be a leader but dont know how to be one maybe they wanted to be one cuz their in charge, the big guy, mr nothing to do, just command sit back and let them do things, a good leader should also be a part of the group should be the guy that every member should look up to in a good way and a good follower should be the one thats going to be the leader someday ready to know things, know how to cooperate, and follow without and probelm
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thejosephjames-blog · 8 years
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“Lead and Follow”
What makes one a good leader? 
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cageacolyte15-blog · 8 years
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A good leader or followers we must trust and follow each other! 😂😂😂
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vangost123-blog · 8 years
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“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus” for me the meaning of this quote is, if you really are a true leader you must not find the greatest people in town to make your squad better but instead you mold people to become better persons and to make your squad even better than before. A leader must be able to lead his people to the right path to become a great leader. Leadership is not the individual capability of a person to do great doings in his own way but leadership is how well you handle your people to lead them to the better decision and to efficiently provide what are their needs. A leader is responsible of molding his people to be its in best possible capability as a human being and to make them evolve even more as a person or a human itself.
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denisecaballo-blog · 8 years
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“Lead and Follow”
As a former student of Sir Meneleo Dalman Tumampil, I have been able to see a true value of a good leader is. 
I chose him as what makes one a good leader is because: 
1, He knows how to listen to other people’s opinion and he accepts their point, 
2. He knows when to be serious in a situation and he knows how to manage his emotion.
3. He talks to people and ask them about their day.
4. He knows what’s right and what’s wrong.
5. He fights against corrupt people. 
6. When he notices that you have a problem, he would approach you and ask you. He would listen to your story and he will give you an advice. 
7. He cares and respects the people around him.
8.  He don’t treat us like a student, but rather he treated us like we’re his own children. 
9. He teaches us good manner and right conduct. 
10. Lastly, because of how he raised his only child that I believe Sir Tumampil is a good leader. It is because his child represents how he raised her to be a good person and respect other people. 
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“Lead and Follow” “The role of leaders is not to get other people to follow them but empower them to lead.” Bill George With the challenges we face right now, it is clear that we won’t be successful on our own and we really can’t be the sole captain of our ship. We need to collaborate and share that responsibility. In order to do that, we need to empower those around us with the critical leadership skills they need to lead. 
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zanzikun-blog · 8 years
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A good leader is the one who commands the team and also SHARES the burden of his team. A good leader is a responsible person not just to sit and observe the work of his team but also to help and burry the burden of his team towards victory or loss. 
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elleque178 · 8 years
Nelson Mandela: The leader of change
Nelson Mandela is one of the influential personalities in the world. His contribution to the society have run to different changes. These certain changes are not just the usual ones but variety of renovations for the betterment of everyone.
He is a leader. Not just an ordinary one, but a leader who acts meekly for movement. He is the rare class of leader. If only he can lead the world, then perhaps unity will arise.
But what makes him a good leader? Well, as what I said he is the rare class. I mean he embody excellence attributes that a good leader must have. He has intellect. Mandela is a wise man. He thinks for the good of everyone. He knows how to handle situations and how to make decisions. Unselfishly, he listens and considers anyone's right and view on things. A good leader has the heart. A genuine heart. Like Mandela, who has compassion and love for others.He loves everyone, especially the youth.
Being a leader accompanies greater responsiblities. Mandela's fight for freedom and equality has been the key to attain their country's independence.
Thus, for one be a leader he must have the heart and intellect. He must consider himself as a follower first before being a leader. Since the true definition of a leader is not the one who leads but who follows the right and acts accordingly.
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bedessenpai-blog · 8 years
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The certain qualities a person possesses can potentially determine what kind of leader they will be. I believe that a good leader possesses the qualities of dependability, integrity and perseverance. Without these qualities, I don’t see how any person can lead and direct a group. One of the single most important aspects of a good leader is dependability. To be a leader means you have a lot of responsibilities, so people have to depend on you to take care these responsibilities. Sometimes, being a leader comes with hard decisions, but it’s your responsibility to make those decisions. If people can depend on you to get them through not only the good times, but the hard ones too, then you have the making of a great leader.  Another important quality of being a great leader is integrity. The possession of firm principals ensures that you will make the most responsible decisions and do what you truly think is best. Having integrity means a person is honest, trustworthy, reliable, loyal and honorable. To be a leader you must possess these certain characteristics so that you are able to lead fairly and justly. Without integrity and a good set of core values, how can we be able to trust our leaders.
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potatonunniexx-blog · 8 years
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Former President Corazon Aquino gave new direction to the Philippines. First the fact that she made a history of being the first female president of our country as well as in tha Asia and because of it, the female population has given the chance to show what they can also contribute for the good of the country. She promoted the human rights which is a benefit to the Filipino people but then its also been abused in todays time. Cory Aquino did a good job in upgrading the economy and guided the country in difficult times. No wonder Cory Aquino will always stays in the heart of Filipinos. This kind of persons are the ones that we should be thankful of and must be our set of inspiration despite all that life would throw us.
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A good leader is one who is strong, selfless, has a vision and knows what to do with his followers like the man in the video.
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paopaoisapro · 8 years
As the title suggests, this video shows how to be a good leader and a good follower.
It isn’t easy to be a leader of a group but it is certainly also not easy to be a follower especially if you have different opinions from your leader. This video would hopefully show us how to solve different issues when dealing with a group, either as a follower or as a leader. Enjoy :)
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