#me: ok tell me what’s wrong with my syntax tree
dkniade · 7 months
heartcanon for a media you like?
I admit I don’t remember I reblogged that so I read it as headcanon before thinking “what’s a heartcanon”
Definition of a heartcanon by @/prokopez: “I don’t have a particular rationale for why this ought to be the case, I just like to imagine it’s true because it gives me the warm fuzzies”
Or as I might explain it, “a belief about an aspect of a fictional story not of one’s own, typically about one or multiple characters in it, that one holds because they enjoy it, regardless of the amount of evidence or rationale that one would need to support their claim in an argument”
To my knowledge, in Genshin Impact, al-Haitham is a student of the Akademiya’s “Haravatat Darshan”, right…? According to the wiki, Haravatat specializes in semiotics (in real life it’s the study of signs and symbols and their interpretations, I believe) and includes both linguistics and ancient runes studies. Well, in real life, linguistics is the scientific study of language, and semiotics—which includes the study of ancient runes, I’d assume—is a sub-field of linguistics. So I wonder if it’s better to say, “Of the Six Darshans in the Sumeru Akademiya, Haravatat specializes in linguistics, specifically semiotics, and includes disciplines such as ancient runes studies.” Nope, never mind, semiotics is not a branch of linguistics since it includes non-linguistic signs too, which would make sense since Haravatat also does ancient runes. (I must’ve mixed up semiotics and semantics, the branch of linguistics and logic that studies meaning.)
With that being said—
Al-Haitham is jokingly referred to as a god of syntax by uhh Haravatat syntax students of the Sumeru Akademiya
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based on the al-Haitham redesign by @/peonycats
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get-chazzed · 3 years
When do you usually do most of your writing?
Pet peeves?
What is on your wishlist?
When do you usually do most of your writing?
I wake up very late because I have no self control and a really messed up sleeping schedule, so I do the writing from 1 pm onward, generally speaking. Then again, I have spent more than one day doing nothing but typing away on my keyboard for this account, so... Yeah. I'd like to say I do most of it during the daytime, but it depends: if a thread I like gets a reply at 2 am (which happens a lot because everyone seems to be living in the Americas?) you can bet I'll be typing a reply as soon as I get the notification (though I almost never post them right away, since I'm anxious about spelling, syntax and so on). It might be that I'm new to the scene and that I'm a situation in which I have little else to do, but I get really excited whenever I get a reply or an ask and will jump at the chance to start interacting with new people- which is sadly kind of hard because of how unpopular GX seems to be among the RPC. People have still been very nice to me and have been very open to testing out interactions, which I'm deeply grateful for. I am wagging my nonexistent tail of all of you, constantly. On a separate note, I do the fic writing after midnight. Always. And I hate it.
Pet peeves?
... Oof. Ok. I'll take my chance to say a bunch of things? Don't hate me for it, I don't mind any of these that much.
1) I kind of dislike writing in present tense, mostly because I find it unnatural, but I will when the other person does. I'm the opposite of picky- and it isn't necessarily a good thing.
2) Fancy formatting. It's one thing to use small text, that I don't mind one bit. But when fonts and random highlighted words are involved I get very confused? I know I use italics for emphasis and for things that are meant to be internal monologue that isn't narrated, but rather delivered by the muse himself- maybe that's annoying or distracting to someone? I bet someone out there has looked at a reply of mine and wanted to delete the post in my stead at some point.
3) Heavily edited icons. Again, icons or not, it technically doesn't make much of a difference. I personally have taken a liking to keeping my Manjoume icon folder open on my second screen- plus I'm Italian. Come on. Half my communication skills are non verbal I'm lying I suck at communicating in general. The edited icons, yes- a frame and coloured filter make icons look personal and I appreciate the work put into them, but when I can barely make out the expression I have to wonder what the point is. Aesthetics, I suppose, which is fine, of course.
4) Tumblr themes. Some themes don't allow for reblogs when you open posts on the op's blog. WHY. It's sort of annoying to have to fish for the post in order to reply to it.
5) Endless threads. Very few do this, but I think you should consider that people who are not involved in a given thread will have to scroll through it on their dashes before you reblog a thread without cropping it. That's all. I didn't know how to do it initially, but I asked and I was lucky enough to get an answer from a very kind person.
6) ... Grammar. Typos are fine and dandy. Sometimes they happen and you can't notice them because some words exist and thus are not highlighted by the spellchecker (which is on everyone's chrome, by the way). An example is 'fir' and 'for'. I can assure you there is no red squiggle under 'fir'. It's a tree, apparently. I had no clue. But yes, I am not from an English speaking country, so don't take this as like... a British dude coming up to you and bullying you because your English is bad. No. A misplaced comma is ok, I don't care. It becomes a problem when the sentences are hard to understand. That's it. (Note- if I write something that you think is an incomprehensible mess, tell me and I'll try my best to fix it.)
... I'm done. I am not angry at anyone who does any of these, believe me. Pet peeve number seven is a request. DM me for literally anything. If I do something wrong, tell me. I write a lot of extra tags to convey how I feel about what has been written and maybe it's unnecessary, but I do it so you can always know that I'm actively invested in the interaction. If I don't add tags it's solely because there is nothing to add. But if it's annoying, tell me and I'll stop immediately. That is all.
What is on your wishlist?
... This.
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How very unexpected, I know.
A bunch of other things, too: I have some Jojo prints in my cart on Etsy and I know I'll never get them (sad) and a bunch of videogames on Steam and the Nintendo e-shop (which I'll never buy or play- they look neat though). On Amazon I have the last few volumes of the DM manga and the GX series (Light and Darkness Dragon, my beloved). Also also any charm that has to do with Manjoume. I haven't found any I could buy, but I want 'em all. Literally break into my house if you find one. Ah! And the matching figures of Komaeda and Hinata from Danganronpa 2! (Big Danganronpa fan, bigger Komahina shipper- I've made a fucking animatic and I can't post it because the music is copyrighted ;) ) I also have a bunch of zines I'm waiting for- some I've bought and are about to be sent out and others have only posted interest checks. 2021 was the year in which I discovered that yes, I can commission people and buy zines and it doesn't need to a big event (except I'm not rich and need to be mindful with spending of course). ... I also really want the new Pokemon games. Like right now.
... If it turns out the question wasn't actually about like... material things, but rather what I want to do with my blog and muse in the future... Well, first of all pretend I said nothing. Second, I want to find an art style I can comfortably use to make more frequent illustrations for threads and asks. I was a big fan of ask blogs as a kid (I saw them through crust screenshots and reposts only, I didn't have a tumblr lol) and I always wanted to be that cool artist that makes cool art for a given cool character. Manjoume is the coolest of characters to me, so yeah.
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phoorn · 3 years
Let me complain about Meson
About Hobbits
Meson’s a build system. Or possibly Ninja, Meson’s backend, is a build system. Let’s just say the whole thing is.
It’s an alternative to CMake, which is an alternative to the Autotools, which is a way to write makefiles that work on various systems for fewer pints of blood and sweat. And makefiles are basically recipes, a convenient way to run shell commands that (most commonly) translate your source code into a binary that your computer can run.
When I first used Meson I went, “Wow”. I was thrilled. I’ve never got my head around makefiles, I think because – well, I’m always saying I’m stupid, so this time I’ll say – I’m lazy. Makefiles aren’t complicated at their core. I think what’s confusing is the many shortcuts you can take with them. Many shortcuts make things hard to learn. You can’t see the wood for the trees. And cruft.
If I do one day finally learn Make, I’ll deliberately restrict myself to the old, more verbose syntax. This general approach is what everyone should take whenever they learn something. Start with the scales (music analogy). I’m a guitarist and I’ve hardly bothered. They’re boring. And you think (’cause you’re arrogant) other people need to start with the scales, OK – and there’s nothing wrong with being dumb! – but me …
Lots of us are like this. We think we understand enough or at least trust our perception of our own intelligence – and rush ahead. When people ask other people how to make computer games they get told to make Pong. “Actually, sorry, no,” says OP, “I’m making an open-world simulation CRPG, thanks. Yes, I know it’ll take me a while.”
You’ve got to make Pong. I’m thirty-six and I’ve known this for years. And yet the game I’m writing is a Zelda clone. However, I have paid my dues, having written approximately 1,00,000 command-line programs.
The problem with bells-and-whistles, do-everything-for-you things (like Meson) is what do you do when you can’t get it to do the thing you you need it to do? Look in its documentation. Or possibly the documentation for one of the many programs/libraries/framewords/apis it uses. And when you do, you find (tenuous metaphor) they’re talking Mario and GTA and the Elder Scrolls and you don’t understand, because you didn’t make Pong.
They don’t want you to make Pong. “Try our system/framework/platform. It’s got x and y and you’ll love it! You’ll never have to bother with all those low-level things again.”
Tom Waits can explain it better.
And you end up dumb as a brick. A user instead of wizard you deserve to be. They took your magic wand.
So why am I ranting away about this? As any mediocre scriptwriter will be able to guess, there has been an inciting incident. I am incited, and an incident is responsible.
Basically, I was playing with Zig 1. No one’s written a Syntastic (Vim linting plugin) checker for it, but there is a Zig language server. So I got rid of Syntastic and got ALE (Asynchronous Language … ?), which does the same job as Syntastic, but asynchronously and with LSP support.
LSP – Language Server Protocol – is a Microsoft thing. A good thing, a way for any editor to offer lots of IDE-like things. We could always do those things, with various tools like Ctags but this does it better. Because it makes use of your actual compiler or interpreter’s output.
Getting it set up’s not easy, though, though it worked for me first try this time. A testament to how much I’ve learned? Maybe, but ALE knew where to look for the compile_commands.json and Meson stuck it in the right place.
I always make an effort to properly introduce technical things I talk about, for the sake of the fictional layperson. I, for one, get bored and stop listening to things I don’t understand. But it’s hard, and I’ve failed here before even getting to my point.
Which is systems like Meson are shit. I’ll keep using it, though. I won’t write Pong, and I won’t use Cmake.
The reason it’s shit is I’ve spent five hours trying to silence a clangd warning. clangd’s the name of a language server. For C and C++. At some point today I completely forgot about Zig.
I use gcc to compile my C programs, and too eagerly use gcc extensions. The language server stuff is all to do with clang. So, though I’m compiling with gcc, clang is being used to LINT 2 my C program.
This should be fine. clang claims to be a drop-in replacement for gcc. But it’s not.
Tom Bombadil
I like gcc’s “-fms-extensions” flag. That lets you include structs that have already been defined as anonymous members of another struct.
struct apple { char *name; }; struct orange { struct apple; };
It’s -fms-extensions that permits the nameless struct apple inside the struct orange. Normally you’ve have to give it a name, like:
struct orange { struct apple apple; };
And refer to it like orange.apple.name = "Frederick". -fms-extensions lets you do orange.name = "Frederick".
It’s just nice. I’ll show you another trick, while I’m on the subject.
It fixes the only downside of this approach, which is that now you can’t refer to the member struct as itself: it doesn’t have name. But!
struct orange { union { struct apple; struct apple apple; }; }
Now you are eating your cake in addition to having it. You can now refer to apple’s members without saying apple’s name. And you can pass just the apple to functions that expect one. By writing orange.apple.
One last thing on this topic. Even without -fms-extensions you can mostly do this. You can define anonymous structs, anonymous unions. You just can’t define a struct outside and then use it inside without its name. You can do this:
struct fruit { char *name; union { struct { float sourness; }; // oranges struct { float crunchiness; }; // apples } }
The Barrow Downs
Right now I’d rather know the language of Make. I would have silenced that warning in a jiffy. I’d be rich by now, the time I saved.
It’s swings and roundabouts. I’m obsessed with this idea. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Programmers (and maybe writers) know this better than anyone.
You do this really awesome thing in an effort to make your program or story better. And it takes ages. And when you’re done you have …
Oh, sometimes you’ll have more flexible code, or more robust code, or faster or more memory-efficient code. But you’ve sacrificed something. Readability, perhaps. Speed. Whatever. It’s gone and there’s no fucking way you’re going back over it again. You’re stuck with it. You’ll defend your decision to the death. You bled for it.
Meson’s big selling-point is it just works. Oh, it’s worth it. I said it was shit earlier – that was a lie. But I’m still mad it took me ages to fix my linter problem.
Hey, Wait, We’re in Mordor?
I’ve got a new complaint.
When I first started programming, I used Visual Studio and Windows. I remember how hard it was for me to compile my first program, which was probably an SDL example. Probably there was Hello, World before that.
Someone said somewhere the hardest thing you’ll ever do in programming is compile your first program. And, oh, I agree. Because there’s all this stuff to learn.
I buggered off to Linux, partly because I’d come to realise if you want to program, particularly in C, it was the place to be. A lot of programming in Windows and Mac is programming in Linux. Users of those OSes use virtual machines, compatibility layers and servers to do it. They have, I am sure, mighty brains, because it’s one thing to compile a program, and quite another cross-compile it, or do it in a VM or container, or do it on the web somehow.
What I didn’t like about Visual Studio was simple: you gave the compiler and linker and build system options by filling out textboxes and picking from menus.
I roared, “But how does it work?”
I felt strongly that Visual Studio’s friendly user interface was obscuring the reality of what I was doing. Now it blindingly obvious to me it’s turning all those textboxes, checkboxes into a commandline, which it’ll fire at the compiler. But I didn’t then.
Meson gives me a strong whiff of that. Look.
add_global_arguments ('-fms-extensions', language: 'c') add_global_arguments ('-Wno-microsoft', language: 'c') m_dep = cc.find_library ('m', required : true) sdl2_dep = cc.find_library ('SDL2', required : true) sdl2_image_dep = cc.find_library ('SDL2_image', required : true) sdl2_ttf_dep = cc.find_library ('SDL2_ttf', required : true)
These are just commandline flags. Meson is taking these strings you give it – “SDL2”, “-fms-extensions”, etc – and appending it to a call to gcc. The cc.find_library function is calling something like pkg-config or cmake. Is all this stuff really better than:
gcc -ggdb3 -Wall src/* -fms-extensions -Wno-microsoft \ -o build/whatever -l -lm \ $(pkg-config sdl2 --cflags --libs) \ $(pkg-config sdl2_ttf --cflags --libs) \ $(pkg-config sdl2_image --cflags --libs) \
Maybe so.
In summary, I could have solved this Meson/LSP/ALE/Vim thing in five seconds flat if I’d written a makefile (or, frankly, since my project is hardly huge, a shell script). But I won’t start writing Makefiles any time soon. I reserve the right to complain about it in the future, though.
a language I definitely approve of, that’s packed good ideas and things done right, that I probably won’t use, because already know how to do the things it tries to solve, and learning new languages makes me feel like a toddler or an old man. Maybe one day! But it’s new, too, and if there’s one solid lesson I’ve learned in my years using Linux and programming it’s don’t use new things. Use old and safely dead things, expecially those whose undead life is regulated by crusty old men and women. Because there’s documentation! And they’re getting round to implementing those features you envy. They’ll get there. And in the meantime, well, you can do it gcc already.↩︎
A linter is a program that looks at your code and points out some kind of problem. Some show syntax errors, some tell you that it doesn’t like your coding style. Some just annoy the shit out of you and you don’t know how to shut them up.↩︎
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on writing pt. 1 + a beginning
I mistakenly read six chapters from the third section of Stephen King’s book On Writing before realizing that I should, perhaps, check the assignment again. Back I flipped in the book and found the section marked Toolbox. In it, King describes the necessary components found in every writer’s toolbox.  The top shelf, easily accessible, is lined with vocabulary words and grammar knowledge.  The first is unique to the writer: the words we know and use are linked to our background and lifestyle and education.  What matters is not the syllable length or usage level but the comfort we have using the words we do.  If you commonly use large words when you talk, if you are comfortable with their meaning and syntax, then that’s how you should write.  Whether you put purposeful pen to paper every day or not, you still manipulate language through your speech.  Whether through elevating or lowering, altering your normal speech patterns when writing will result in unnatural, stilted narrative.  Grammar is more universal, in that we all use the same, basic rules.  Verbs and nouns combine to make subjects. Adverbs drive Stephen King up a wall. The passive tense should be avoided (yes, that was intentional).  Both grammar and vocabulary should be a tool that you can find blindfolded, in the dark, with one hand tied behind your back.  The handles are well-worn, fitting into the contours of your hand, and polished by constant use.  
The second level is only accessible after steady use of the first.  In this level are found the elements of style, both official and personal.  King talks about general ideas presented in The Elements of Style, but also dives into several specifics such as paragraph length.  Different authors have different paragraph lengths; some may have pages go by before a paragraph break, while others use short, choppy writing to emphasize their writing style.  He leaves the other tools in our individual toolboxes lying about, ready for us to pick up. I thought it would be interesting to list a couple discipline specific tools:
Interviewing -  This skill would mostly be used by journalists, as they often have to work directly with a source.  Interviewing requires treading a delicate line between setting your source at ease and asking hard-hitting questions precisely aimed at their most vulnerable spots. You also have to remember to ask all the right questions – no interviewing a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and forgetting to ask them about their writing schedule!
Disseminating scholarly work – As a writer who most often focuses on academic essays, I have learned that research is a toolbox skill in and of itself.  It’s easy to find short snippets of quotes to pull out of context and use to support your point.  Not quite so simple is understanding the point each author you are researching and accurately incorporating that into your paper.  
Dialogue only – Here, I’m thinking of dialogue specific to playwriting.  While some stage direction is needed and accepted, part of the beauty of drama is leaving certain details up to the director, not the playwright.  This means that you have to convey detail, movement, and setting only through your characters’ speech.
The setting sun had finally emerged from the clouds as Emma wandered home, taking the longest way possible. She had stayed at school as late as the teachers would allow, leaving only when the janitor came to the library and kicked her out.  
“You’ve got to leave, Miss Jones,” he said.  “I’m headin home and I gotta lock up.”
She acknowledged his words, packed up her books, and headed toward the door.  
“What time do you get here tomorrow?” she asked.
“Round five, I spose.”
“I’ll see you then.”
That had been forty minutes ago.  She had made a deliberately wrong turn out of the schoolyard and spent at least fifteen minutes backtracking before starting her walk home all over again.  Today, she was challenging herself to walk back using only left turns.  Left on Maple, left on Elm, left again on Cherry.  Why are all the streets in this godforsaken town named after trees, she wondered.  After all, the only trees to be seen for miles around were the scrappy, sticky cedars that were the bane of her existence.  Each year she tried to clear the backyard of the little ones.  Her hands would blister and start to bleed from the rough wood of the shovel, but she managed to stay outside all day long. Every year they returned the next spring and every year there seemed to be even more of them, taunting her with their very existence.  
Emma was so lost in the thoughts of her long vendetta with the cedar trees that she barely noticed the sounds coming from the ditch beside the road.  She had long since left town and was walking along the edge of the gravel road, each treacherous step taking her closer to home.  The faint mewing noises caught a strand of her attention and pulled her to a stop.  She turned around and slowly approached the tattered cardboard box that was lying, half-open, in the ditch.  The noises coming from it sounded almost human, like a baby just waking up.  
“Just keep walking…you don’t want to know what’s in that box,” she murmured under her breath.  “Nothing good in there.”
Her curiosity won out and she carefully lifted one of the flaps to peek inside the box, poised to run at any sign of danger – or snakes.  She let out the breath that she didn’t realize she was holding when she saw the contents of the box.  Three puppies lay on a tiny scrap of faded fabric.  They couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old as they squirmed around each other with their eyes still shut.  
“Oh no! Poor little babies!” She sat down with a bump and tried to take them all in her arms at once.  They immediately started snuggling against her body, trying to absorb the measly amount of heat it was putting off.  “Poor, poor babies.  Left here all alone, no mama around or anyone to take care of you.  It’s ok now, I’ve got you.  Emma’s got you, poor babies.  I’ll be your mama now.”  
She went to put them back in the box but their pitiful cries once she set them down tore at her heart and she picked them up again.  Carrying the puppies in one arm and the box in the other, she set off for home again at a much faster pace.  If I make it home before sundown, she thought, I can hide them in the barn before Father knows I’m home.  Within five minutes she had reached the entrance to the farm yard and hidden her precious cargo in the barn.  She checked and double checked that the puppies were safely hidden in the straw before sighing, turning away, and trudging up to the house.  She rinsed off the dirt that caked her bare legs after the walk from school and shook out the dust from her thin dress.  The house was dirty enough already and since she was the one who had to clean it up, she tried to prevent messes before they could happen.  Realizing that there wasn’t anything else she could do to delay anymore, she grasped the door handle with one hand, placed the other on the door for leverage, and turned the knob as silently as she could.  It wasn’t enough.  
“EMMA.  Finally home, your royal fucking highness?”  The first syllables out of her father’s mouth still made Emma jump but she shook her shoulders back and tried to hide her fear.
“Yes, sir.  I had to stay late after school,” she replied, trying and failing to keep her voice from shaking.
“Oh I see they’ve figured out that you’re as dumb as your whore of a mother.”
“No, sir.  One of the teachers asked me to stay late and help her clean the blackboards.”
“Oh so they’re putting you to work cleaning.  That’s all you’re good for, heh heh.  If those dumb bitches at the school are tryna put my daughter to use, they better pay me.”
“Please don’t call the teachers that, sir.”  She braced herself for the angry response she expected would follow her slight disagreement, but the silence that followed chilled her to the bone.  Every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire and she was aware of every little sound that wasn’t being made.  After an eternity of silence, she let out a shaky breath and turned on her tiptoes to run to her bedroom.  
She walked straight into the waiting form of her father.  Somehow, he had avoided every creaky floorboard and snuck up behind her, waiting for the moment she would let down her guard.  He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against the wall.
“Don’t you ever talk to me like that ever again, you hear me?  Ever.”  He hissed the words a few inches from her face, so close Emma could smell the liquor on his breath and see the bits of dinner remaining in his teeth.  “I am in charge here and I take care of your scrawny ass.  You don’t talk back.  You don’t argue.  You do what I tell you.  That’s all. You don’t do anythin else.”
Between the firm grasp on her throat and the stench of her father’s breath, it was hard for Emma to breathe and her father’s face swum in her vision.  She frantically nodded her head, knowing that any other movement would be punished.  The first time he hit her, she had squirmed and tried to get away.  He made sure she didn’t sit down for a week after that. The only option was to do exactly what he said. Just as suddenly as he grabbed her, he released his hold on her throat.  She wanted to double over, gasping for air, but knew from experience that he would only add to her pain.  
“Clean up the kitchen. I’m goin out to the barn.  When I get back, this goddamn house better be clean and you better have your ugly ass in bed.”  Emma stayed pressed against the wall, eyes closed, as she listened to his footprints, audible this time, head toward the door.  The screen bounced against the door frame as he left the house and she finally slumped to the ground.  After so long, tears no longer came, but she waited for them anyway. She allowed herself a few moments of rest before pushing herself off the floor and beginning her task.  
She was halfway through cleaning the disaster zone of a kitchen when she remembered the puppies. It was too late to intervene at this point.  All she could do was hope they would be quiet.  As fast as she could, she finished cleaning the kitchen and hurried to bed.  At some point, the worrying and fear faded to an uneasy sleep.  She awoke in the pale, pre-dawn light and rolled to her side. In a precise line, next to her pillow, were three still, dead forms.  
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Bungou Stray Dogs 24 (FINAL) | Flip Flappers 11 - 13 (FINAL) | Classicaloid 11 - 12 | ConRevo 19 - 24 (FINAL)
I’m currently having trouble with Crunchyroll videos, so it may take a while to get to some of their stuff...
Yellow + blue = green, not blue.
Dramatic falls really shouldn’t take that long.
Get out, Igarashi humour.
Oh! Hell~o, Fyodorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Face stealing aliens…again.
Aww…sweet reunions.
Just one word from Dazai and he (Akutagawa) falls backwards, LOL.
Blue background, white and black text. Huh, nice colour palette.
LOL, Ango. You’re back.
Whoa?! Was that in the manga, that Herman was the Guild leader two gens back?!
Smol whale…aww.
Twain, you dumb butt. Stop working on your biography.
Lovecraft’s eyes were showing just as he dove into the water. (sarcastically->) Creepy.
Why a tomato during the “Cheers?!”
LOL, did I only just notice the ahoge on Kyouka? Yeah…I guess.
That was me…y’know. End of 2016 apology?
Ahaha, sweet lil’ Poe. That’s me though.
What a lolicon you are, Mori.
Whose painting is that? But…Dazai, you apparently once did a horrible self portraint…
Fyodor looks so good animated! Aww yeah!
…Dazai, you mean Shin Soukoku, yeah?
“My friend said to me…”
Teni Muhou is, of course, an Oda work,
“See you…” – Huh? This is even more open ended than “See you next level” and such. It’s a complete “in the air” thing! I wonder, since Bungou seems to be very popular amongst the Japanese fans, will we meet again?
Flip Flappers 11
Uhh…what now? I’m so confused…so Mimi = Cocona’s mother and yet a doppelganger of her?
Bu-chan basically wet himself…eww.
That shot of Sayuri, with Hidaka behind her, was vaguely disturbing due to the angle…(By the way, Hadaka = no clothes whatsoever, Hidaka = the name of the pink haired character. I’ve only now made that connection.)
Ick, reaaaaaaaaally compromising shot there between her (Mimi? Cocona’s mother?) legs.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay. Now it makes sense regarding Cocona and her mother.
Honestly, where are all the guns coming from?! Salt probably had one in his jacket but Nyunyu probably didn’t. She doesn’t even have a jacket!
Back to being confused. Meanwhile, Elpis.
Who is Cocona’s dad, by the way?
A middle aged man bowing down to a young girl? Now that, in Japanese culture, is desperate.
Flip Flappers 12 
I only just realised when Sayuri said their names, but Papika and Yayaka are very similar names. I hope Cocona never gets confused between the two.
That mailbox looks like a mushroom…or worse…hahahaha. Sorry, won’t tell you what it looks like to me. You’ll have to figure it out for yourself.
Yayaka’s got a lot of attitude – I like it.
Hidaka’s EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss! They’re NORMAL! Dang, the sight of Hidaka’s normal eyes makes my own eyes BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnn! ARGH!
Yeah…one does not simply have an emergency button labelled “Muscle”, ‘kay?
Idiom mode? Someone get these guys a dictionary.
“Why do you wish…”
That was one of the fastest KOs I’ve ever seen of a final boss. Ever.
That hand in the ED (during the part where Bu-chan becomes a duck)! That’s what it means!
My video keeps stopping at weird spots in the next ep teaser, which shows that one of the images is the muscular monster Cocona and Papika kicked the butt off before, but in blue. Another is a mixture of the worlds, but there’s the kanji for “snow” in one corner. One with Papika and Cocona shows that they’re rough sketches for the show. Oh, whatever…here you go. Some screenshots I took for this express purpose.
Flip Flappers 13 (FINAL)
How did she eat the watermelon with all the seeds in it? I once at a watermelon’s black seed at a buffet…and it ended with me barfing! (I haven’t quite liked watermelon as much since and since it was my favourite fruit up until then, I’ve never really been into fruit since. Haha.)
Okay, we still don’t know who Nyunyu is…
Giant artichokes! At least, that’s what I thought when Nyunyu shot Bu-chan’s brain.
Oh my…that’s some fine Salt you’ve got there! (tee hee)
Scary trees remind me of the ED.
Yay! Beast man Uexkull came back!
Bu-chan…he LIVES!
It seems highly likely Salt is Cocona’s father. My brain can’t quite wrap itself around that fact.
Sailor Lune. LOL.
I think “School Investigator” (School Keiji, shown on a wall while Sayuri looks away) is a Sukeban Deka parody.
Cocona’s in middle school now…wow. Time sure flies, doesn’t it?
Welp, that was slightly confusing, but overall a fun ride. Reminds me of ConRevo, which (at the point of typing) I still need to finish rewatching…
Classicaloid 11
It’s a pretty light episode, but considering that there’s (almost) another season left before we wrap up, it’s allowed.
LOL, I can relate, Schu.
This episode is pretty good when it comes to LOLs - I haven’t laughed like this in a while.
The “JESUS!” in the back was hilarious. (Sorry, Jesus.) Speaking of Jesus…I once saw an ad for this, and Asian Jesus? Whoever decided on that?
What song is this one if they didn’t even use a song this ep? A CLA:KLA song?
“Great Bach says…” – Uh, who’s narrating this? Bach himself?
Classicaloid 12
Ooh, serious mode. They haven’t done that since the guitar contest.
Why is Bach speaking normally?!
What was that, with the beeping…? Cho*bleep*, that is? I dunno.
What’s with those dancers and their makeup?
Hmph. Deep stuff, but I get it.
More bleeping…
Turning point, eh? (Plus, badass helicopter ride. LOL.)
Emails? You weak willed…Sousuke, dangit. Plus, does Mitsuru have a Pad-kun or the Pad-kun?
So Bach is white, as well as dark blue? OK.
Oh no. I just had a hideous fantasy of Schu turning into a fish. It’s more likely Schu will get eaten by the fish instead…or something. *shrugs*
(ConRevo 19)
Terra Australis. I know from history lessons that’s Australia. Magallanica is an alternate name of it.
Uh, definitely not true, Mr Abel Tasman my man.
The ice effect is nice.
Oh, “the tall nail gets the hammer” seems to be a scolding regarding tall poppy syndrome.
Issun boshi aka One Inch Boy. Momotarou…is Momotarou.
The tomb exists. by the way.
Earth-chan went “!!!” at the beam of light, LOL.
Raito’s such a fanboy, albeit a subdued one.
The large object is of course a torii gate.
CGI puzzle…? That’s the weirdest thing I’ll say in a while.
How much would an Equus kick hurt to Koma though? A lot…ouch.
Those red flowers…I recognise them, but I can’t remember their name…*searches* Camellia. That’s the one.
Raito’s face…is so off model, it’s disturbing.
Don’t go around underestimating politicians. (I’m still laughing though...just ignore it…)
Renderer Brace = Satomi, obviously.
(ep 20)
It’s the one Urobuchi episode. I didn’t particularly like it, but when you see what I’m capable of today, I acknowledge I am a hypocrite. The lowest of low beings.
Mekong Delta. That outright confirms it’s Vietnam.
I never really realised how I was so insensitive to POSA colour due to ConRevo…
There’s a distinctly different flavour of story here. Fuurouta, for example, isn’t his usual playful self and is merely a very serious messenger.
Kikko is always treated like a child, huh?
Who’s the bigger monstrosity, Jirou or Jonathan?
At a bar. Just like villains normally hide out.
“National interest”? Global politics taught me that aside from power, national interest is the most paramount thing there is.
El Coco.
The Middle East? Of course, the ol’ fogey saying that isn’t a coincidence, considering 9/11 and such.
“Cursed bogey”? Never heard that one before.
Wasn’t Urobuchi the one who suffered from depression then decided to kill all his characters? Or was that Yoshiyuki Tomino? Update: Yup, it was the Urobutcher I was thinking of, although I got the story wrong.
Those statues seem to be more Cambodia, but meh.
Of course, that’s deinitely the Urobutcher at work now. To think I used to have stories that were similar to his, because I thought I was capable of writing apocaplytic endings and it was much cooler to kill everyone off…huh. Ro.Te.O is such a weird edgelord amongst all of my stories…
(ep 21)
The Kachoudou sign actually says August 31st, not October.
The sign in the alley said “Ko-ruten Street”, but I’m not sure what that means.
What’s better than plain ol’ sakuga? Sakuga explosions!
“[N]one of the things that try to trap us are gone”? The syntax is funny in that phrase.
Yee-haw! Sakuga fight!
“No one called you.” – LOL, Raito.
Judas smokes now. What has the world come to?
Arakawa, eh? They’re trying to make the oil spill be water under the bridge, so to speak…geddit? Haha. (Update: Arakawa Under the Bridge. That’s what it refers to.)
(ep 22)
Welp, here’s the Show Within a Show episode…take it as you will.
Gigantopithecus giganteus.
Semiconductor processor.
Such irony in the “You’re still a boy” between Maki and Fuurouta.
Who’s the girl with the yellow headband with Judas?
(ep 23)
Sometimes I wonder if we all wake up from our dreams someday…I think even rewatching this show and finally understanding it, I’m waking up in my own way too.
CGI Equus. Dangit, I thought this show was above that by now.
I didn’t think about why the iron plate thingy is shaped like a fish. Then I realised…taiyaki. They’re shaped like fish and have those sorts of moulds. Just as Fuurouta says.
I forgot Raito dies…*sobs*
Oh? What’s this? Not a complete episode yet?...(Eheh, I just wanted a chance to invoke a meme or two.)
One helmet with a streetlight behind it looks like a bomb…
ConRevo 24 (FINAL)
Final ep…again.
See? Jiro does look like Cyborg 009!
Daitetsu has grown up to be the symbol of justice for Japan and Imperial Ads and to tear him down would mean even more blasphemy on the state than before, eh?
Waitasec…Satomi is basically the Fitz (Bungou Stray Dogs), but without the blonde hair and the (fake and/or crazy) wife.
Jirou disappeared just like Devila and Devilo.
Mm-hm. I do like me some good shirtless Judas. *thumb up*
Aww, Daitetsu. Being the Rainbow Knight for a new generation. Isn’t that sweet?
Hope we can meet again soon!
0 notes