#me: (remembers i specified kitty girl stabby ninja is pg-13) oh my god they are reading books for teenaged girls
mixelation · 6 months
i think it should be possible to join book club and not go insane though. however u can only do it if you ask to join of your own accord, not if you are following tori's siren call
thirteen year old sakura: ew, are you reading kitty girl stabby ninja?
kakashi: .......yes
sakura: why? no one reads those anymore. you should be reading a GOOD book, like dusk
kakashi: dusk?
sakura: omg yes, everyone's reading it, it's about a girl who falls in love with a ninja boy who has a kekkei genkai that makes him not age--
kakashi: (getting out a pen and paper) who did you the author was?
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