#me doing this instead of learning mods dhfushsuh
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#im like i want to start making mods and then im like 'well... but im not thinking about that game right now so i need to start something new
My Top Posts in 2021
Okay so here's a twitter thread with a ton of the compiled court case info on the "bad art friend" situation and i think its really important bc people clearly have only read the NYT article, which has literally multiple proven lies in it, given by the person (Larson) who also lied in court.
Warning for ableist use of the word narcissist. But if you're interested in looking to begin with you've probably seen the first part of the story, which also made liberal use of ableist language like that.
Actually I think that is a key thing here, a reason why so many people were easily tricked into hating a woman who donated a kidney for daring to call out someone for plagiarizing her work. The pop science, armchair style "definition" of narcissist is flexible, and once applied to someone makes a bunch of people decide they are The True Enemy.
So this woman wants support during an invasive surgery, reaches out to friends, and she is an Evil No Good Embarrassing person. Bc someone described her as a narcissist. Bc someone described her as needy, talked about her rough childhood, talked about how she had trauma.
The other woman (who lies throughout this whole situation, seemingly to everyone) is described as popular, well-liked and coming from a well off family. So she's trusted for those reasons, and because she didn't have the label narcissist applied to her
Even in this link, with all the evidence applied against Larson, the biggest label thrown here time and time again is narcissistic. Some people only seem to believe that Larson has done something wrong AFTER the pop science "definition" of narcissism has been applied to her.
17 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 19:00:06 GMT
Sweet mother I cannot sleep, slender Aphrodite has overcome me with grand feelings about a trucker song....
28 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 07:48:34 GMT
Kevin did it again, he made a documentary so informative and engaging I will not stop thinking about it forever
If you got time to watch a movie, check out defunctland's video on Disney's fastpass. It's got everything, history, psychology, discussion of class disparity, a specially developed simulation that runs all of Disney's (to this date) fastpass systems since they won't actually put out numbers on how lines take
28 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 04:24:29 GMT
I'm still so tired of discussions of transphobia and trans experiences being shuffled into "transfemme" and "transmasc" because neither neatly describe my transition goals or my experiences, and I know they don't describe everybody else's either.
I know these words are useful to some people, and good for them! I'm just frustrated bc its being framed like its good for ALL of us.
And it feels like every so often the trans community like reinvents new words that some people will use to ask "what's in your pants" without asking it, and ask everybody to shuffle along and use it in discourse where we will either 1. Present this to cis people as The Options That Exist or 2. Decide who Truly Hurts (it is always the person who is speaking at the time, never anyone else w a slightly different experience)
I'm trans, I'm nb, I'm tired and I wish everyone would stop trying to sort me into 2 boxes (even if you've made the boxes bigger this time or put a new coat of paint)
32 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 07:29:22 GMT
Trying to learn Irish alone is hard.
Word that I am trying to pronounce today is "fhadhb" and I. I dont know what to do. Like. In theory i know these sounds separately but... But that word...
87 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 22:48:03 GMT
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