clarkhq · 13 days
it's so exciting to see all these homecoming proposals, some of you are so creative with them and i can't wait to see what everyone is going to be wearing this weekend !! exactly how formal is homecoming, because this would be my first one, and i don't want to be overdressed, or under. send help !!
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taylincolnhq · 21 days
So after drawing the short straw and getting stuck babysitting all weekend - I. Am. Free. But come on tell me guys, anything juicy happen at the club? I can't believe I missed it I'm so mad, but I just want to know all the deets - go
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smythehq · 1 month
with a heavy heart, i am announcing that i will be returning to wmhs this year, that said i've been working behind the scenes with a couple people to make sure that the warblers be officially instituted as a glee club, so new directions - watch your backs. as for the rest of my plans for this year...you'll just have to keep watching to find out.
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xstunningingenue · 1 month
never fear, rachel barbra berry ☆ has returned -
after a thrilling summer helping put on an off ( off ) broadway production of legally blonde: the musical and appearing on a stage a mere 73 minutes from midtown manhattan, i have come back to help us finally nab that nationals title. it is, of course, my final year at mckinley, and a win would cinch my inevitable acceptance to nyada next fall. this is our year, new directions, and with me at the helm, there's no way we can fail.
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claringtonhq · 14 days
there's something... incredibly off putting about wearing our sleepwear to school. why would anyone wear their inside clothes anywhere other than in their homes. i will admit it's physically comfortable, but i'm already planning on never wearing these ever again after today. because just the thought of all the contamination is... unsettling.
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sammyevanshq · 6 days
thanks for the votes, y'all. for real. and thanks for voting for ali, because she really suits that crown.
not sure what i'm meant to do with this king title tho... do i move to london? to genovia? do i at least get an extra slice of pizza at the cafeteria?
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christophersonhq · 14 days
football is the gayest of all male-dominated sports, and in celebration of that we're bringing in the whole school, town and everyone who's ever gone to this school to watch a bunch of jocks play god's gayest sport with their matching outfits and gay little friends from the other school and i think that's just great. love when the people show their support as allies.
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tinatm · 28 days
did anyone else hear that mr. schue and miss pillsbury moved in together over summer break? 👀 is it mean to start taking bets on how long that lasts, or...? jk, jk. it was starting to get a little sad, there, so... i'm happy for them. or, at least i will be, until it gets rubbed in our faces. something tells me he's the pda type, and i don't know about you guys, but i'm not exactly looking forward to that.
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what about you guys? i've heard little bits and pieces of some summer romance stories, but i need details. please let me live vicariously through you all.
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xalivogel · 13 days
okay, which of you nerds submitted me as a joke? my mom is so excited it’s excruciating, and now she’s talking about how to style my hair to accommodate the crown. i wasn’t even gonna find a date and now i can add that to my list too.
anyways vote for me i guess and i’ll bring in breadstix or something to say ‘thanks’.
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moorehq · 1 month
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alright, fess up. who stole my flip flops at the beach? i'm not mad, just wish you would have left me something to wear back out, ya know? 'i'm not mad, just disappointed' if you will. also do you think ya boy could get 'em back now?
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blaineshq · 1 month
I never thought I'd say I'm happy to be back in Ohio — and please don't get me wrong, my trip to the Philippines was absolutely amazing (minus those few moments here and there that made me feel like I'd ended up at Hetero Cosplay Summer Camp and my brother being his very intense self) — but I'm really glad I made it back in time for the beach bonfire party. So much so that I've decided to host a little after-after party at my place this Saturday! Just a small soirée, for glee club members only. There won't be a bonfire, but the pool and hot tub can be our beach substitutes, and singing karaoke will of course be strongly encouraged.
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clarkhq · 7 days
i think it's quite obvious who my disney spirit-princess is, but i'd love to see what other people think? can you guess? who's my disney princess? bonus points if you can guess my favorite disney movie too !!
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speaking of princesses, i think homecoming was awesome and i'm so proud of ali and sam for their wins, totally deserved - this has me all excited for prom now, because i've been told prom is even more fun!
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taylincolnhq · 1 month
Alright guys, let's settle a historic long fought out debate for the ages. And by that I mean an argument between me and my sister this morning
Pop Tarts - toasted or not toasted?
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smythehq · 14 days
consider this me, officially throwing my hat in the ring for homecoming king. i may not be the most well liked, but in twenty five years from now when you look back at your senior yearbook do you want to look at someone nice that you don't remember, or someone hot that you don't remember, as the homecoming king? be honest with yourself before you decide on your nominations and votes. and many thanks in advance for making me your homecoming king this year.
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keahiakana · 13 days
just in case anyone was curious, yes, the face paint i'm wear is very very itchy and every ten minutes i'm tempted to run to the bathroom to wash it off. but i refuse to give into that urge because i don't want to ruin my costume...without the green i'll just be someone wearing a black hoodie. so, long story short, please just send me your well wishes for my skin tonight. and also give me your moisturizer recommendations.
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claringtonhq · 1 month
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is there anywhere that has an actual decent cup of coffee in this godforsaken town? because i sincerely doubt anyone's actually going to starbucks or that awful place, what is it called? the lima bean? for a real cup of coffee. their drinks are so damn watery and weak. i'd give a kidney for a decent espresso that doesn't taste burnt and absolutely rancid.
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