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Thinking about how in the myth, Narcissus was the cause of Echo's strife and inevitable death. Thinking about how Ringmaster is absolutely 100% a narcissist with a cult-like belief in his own superiority and genius.
Thinking about how, given her actions, we can reasonably assume that Ringmaster is the one who sewed Echo's mouth shut. Thinking about how Echo was damned by the gods to only ever repeat the last thing anyone said due to her devotion to Narcissus. Thinking about how Echo was damned by Ringmaster to never speak, only copy the actions and routines of those around her--thinking Echo might have let the Ringmaster mutilate her, in her devotion to him.
Thinking about how Echo had a natural talent that was honed into a skill that was used by a man who never loved her and would never love anyone but himself.
Thinking about how Echo wasted away next to the lake and died from her starvation. Thinking about how Echo's first words were asking for something to eat that wasn't liquid.
Thinking about how all the clowns have bright, shapey, distinctive makeup. Thinking about how Echo is a blank mask onto which the Ringmaster can (and does) project any emotion or thought that suits his own desires, carelessly and callously ignoring anything that might be Echo's actual wants.
Thinking about how Narcissus died due to his own egoism and pride. Thinking about how Ringmaster got his jaw ripped off due to his own egoism and pride. Thinking about how Echo, the nymph, died with her Narcissus, and how Echo, the girl, did the killing. Thinking about Clown Corps I am thinking about Clown Corps.
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Oh okay so LiveFuchsia is like. Canon-canon
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