#mc's parents and jumin's dad arranged this marriage
keikaru · 2 months
love's imbroglio - mystic messenger (Jumin Han/MC)
“I might not have the experience or knowledge like you, but I am a fast learner. Teach me, and I’ll be able to perform within your range of expectations. If I can’t keep up—dismiss me. But before you let your biases muddle your judgement, at least let me prove myself that I am not incompetent to whatever level you hold me at.”
Her eyes narrowed to the same firmness of her voice. She knew her mild temperament was close to succumbing to fury and disgust, but she smoothed her skirt and reigned in her anger. Once the elevator descended to the lobby, she could walk away and forget everything.
In fact, she could have walked away at any moment, damn the consequences. Yesterday, three days ago, last week when the deal was finalized. Yet she stayed. She couldn’t find it in herself to leave—not when her parents’ businesses were on the line. Not when her mother’s high end fashion line and her father’s grand hotels were at stake.
Although she should have been aghast by the severity of the situation, something far greater than those concerns reeled her attention away. Where did her older sister go?
The eldest was all gung-ho about inheriting her mother’s business that she interned and worked along their mother after high school and the following years. Her sister cut back on college classes and managed to be a part-time model and promote clothing lines and promotional items.
Now she—the second daughter—was thrust amid family problems. Correction—family business problems. Her disinterest in her parents’ business was clear, yet she found herself in the very core of it.
Most importantly, why did her sister disappear? And where did she go?
Her knuckles whitened as she curled her fingers into a tight ball. Her jaw was taut with tension. It was too soon to be reminded of her sister. She disappeared just five months ago. 
She saw Jumin visibly stiffen, but his face was impassive as he brushed her comments aside with a pointed, sidelong glance. His eyes reflected a cold indifference, almost imploring her to utter one more bold statement that would lead to her resigning by tomorrow. 
The air between them was filled with a thick silence. Mingled in with a tension and discomfort on a spectrum she hadn’t known existed until now.
She was going to be fired. She was certain of it. As her gaze caught his reflection in the elevator mirror, she noticed that he crossed his arms—it crinkled the sleeves of his dark tailored suit—and lowered his gaze. He suddenly found interest in the plush carpeting. Likewise, she averted her eyes to the wall beside her. But she had to voice her concern—her irritation about his inability to look beyond the small world he submerged himself in. That, and his obsession with his beloved feline partner, Elizabeth the third. “I apologize for my behavior,” Jumin said quietly, keeping her at a distance. Jumin shifted and leaned his shoulder against the wall. His eyes were trained on the glowing elevator buttons in front of him, but his body partially faced her. “I’ve been under much duress as of late. I didn’t mean to ignore or snap at you this entire week. I’ve been…inhospitable ever since our first meeting. And truthfully, it is not your fault by mine.”
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Hi dear. I've read almost all your MM's HC & I really love your writting style, especially about Jumin's. If I may rqst Jumin's story when MC break things off with him bcs of his parent's objection about her coming from mid-low social status. MC let him know that she also had stopped giving hope to another man that pursued her during their separation. cont-
Hard Breakup
Hiii~ my love! Thank you so much for your compliment! I hope that you will also like this story! I gave my best, hehe! Please feel free to give me your opinion, okay?
The idea is amazing ~ I hope my story goes the way you imagined things~ at least I thought Jumin would have handled like that, hahah❤️
Pairings: Jumin x McEnd: Find out yourself XD 
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You turned off your phone and threw the gadget on your bed.You somehow began to hate the digital devices you had in this century. In the past, nothing like that excised.You played outside, met friends, and had fun.Now, you sometimes didn’t even step outside.All that mattered to you was your phone.You could reach every friend you had, like Jaehee or Zen Yoosung or 707 and, not to forget the man you fell deeply in love with, Jumin.The black haired man that made you chuckle with his jokes, the one who cared for you, and read out a story daily.The one who made you feel loved.Although, this wasn’t a good time for the two of you.You looked around. The room seemed cold without Jumin and even the white cat was distant towards you.,,Will you be happy living like this?“ your best friend asked you.Her words stayed in your mind.This wasn’t the way you wanted to live, to be honest, but you loved the man deeply.You couldn’t imagine living without him, even if it was painful.The door opened and you jumped up, ready to greet Jumin.But it wasn’t just Jumin.His father stepped in, followed by another woman which now was Chairman Han‘s new fiancé.
,,See! This woman is nothing good for you!“ he hissed at his son, glaring at you with disgust.You suddenly felt bad.,,Jumin, let us arrange a marriage for you,“ the new woman softly told him, acting as if you couldn’t hear them.This was your daily life.,,She‘s probably like the woman you saved your father from,“ the woman went on.,,Don’t trust her. She‘s a low key...nothing more than a servant without any decent clothes…“ the woman laughed.Tears were slowly coming up. Was this the way you wanted to live? Always arguing with them? Proving them that you were honest with your feelings?And your boyfriend? Why was Jumin just watching as his father tarnished your pride?You cleared your throat.,,Excuse me,“ you spoke up.,,I‘m still here,“ you told them.Jumin looked up at your sudden answer.Your eyes scanned him. Was he embarrassed of you too?,,I understand,“ you just nodded and laughed at yourself.You quickly took your phone and walked out of the room in a rush.
For a few more seconds, you pressed the button that was on the right of your phone.When your phone finally turned on again, you quickly typed in a message, receiving a call a few seconds later.,,Yes?“ your childhood friend‘s voice echoed.,,Hoseok…“ you sobbed into the phone.,,His parents said that I was a gold digger…“ you spilled out, hiccuping harder.Your childhood friend stayed silent for a few minutes before he asked you about your whereabouts, picking you up immediately.Once you were at his place, he offered you his clothes and a big, hot pot of coffee with your favourite cookies.Your hair clip, which was left at his place, was in your hair as you finally smiled again.He told you to tell him every little detail and that was exactly what you did.You told him everything, sitting next to him and resting your head on his shoulder.,,Tell me…“ he began.,,Why won‘t you leave him…?“ he finally asked you.In your thoughts you observed him.Why wouldn’t you leave him? What was holding you back from leaving Jumin Han?,,I mean...there’s someone out there who loves you a lot…“ your friend began, making you look up again.Your eyes felt as if they were drowning into Hoseok‘s eyes.Were these his real feelings…? You asked yourself before his lips touched yours.
Nothing more happened afterwards. You and Hoseok silently went in different rooms.He on the couch in the living room and you in his bed.You looked up.
The darkness embraced you while you inhaled his scent. You closed your eyes and thought about the times in the past when you were free and had no worries.When you could hang out with your friends and be happy.When the sun shined and the air smelled like fresh flowers.You thought about the time when you got to know Jumin.What happened since then?You moved out of your apartment and left Rika’s as well.You moved in with Jumin after he told his father. Meanwhile, the media’s eye on you and the stress everyone else felt was put on your shoulders.With these helpless thoughts, you fell asleep.
,,Good morning…’’ you mumbled into the phone.,,Good morning, my love...Where were you? I was so worried…’’ Jumin whispered into the phone. You could clearly hear that he was scared and worried.You knew that what you were doing was wrong.You were Jumin Han’s wife to be, but instead you slept in another man’s bed and kissed him, giving him false hope too.Why? Because he loved you. And you, even though you didn’t want to believe it, you enjoyed it.And this enjoyment was wrong.,,I was at Hoseok’s house...Jumin, I need to talk to you. We can either do it over the phone or meet up…’’ you said.Jumin stayed silent on the other side.He hated your words, you knew. The CEO in line didn’t want you to be with another man.,,I will come to pick you up and then we can talk at our place,’’ he said.But you quickly stopped him.,,Wait! What’s our home?’’ you asked him.,,My penthouse is our-’’,,No!’’ you stopped him.,,Jumin, no. Our home is only your home! We actually didn’t do anything for it together! I just moved in...I’m just a guest there, but I don’t own anything…’’ you gasped, pressing your lips together to not cry.
Jumin chuckled ,,If that’s the problem,’’ he said ,,then I can buy you a building only you own!’’You shook your head.So he didn’t understand…,,That’s not the problem,’’ you told him.,,I love you so so so much...I can’t describe it...but I love myself too, Jumin...I want to become happy...I realised that that’s impossible as long as I’m your fiancé…your dad doesn’t accept me...the media doesn’t either and to be honest, I have the feeling that you don’t accept ME either...I can’t live like this because I am myself. I’m not owned by anyone...and that might be really bad towards you, but sometimes I have the feeling that you think that you own me too. That you can buy me clothes as if I’m a rich pet. I have the feeling that you have the feeling of need to fit me the way you would do with an annoying pet...and I’m not a pet. Jumin, I want to break up. Last night, I noticed that even though I love you, I love and trust myself, ’’ you ended your speech.
Hoseok observed you as you slowly began to shed tears for Jumin.,,Okay…’’ Jumin responded, sighting.,,So, your now in a relationship with your friend?’’ he asked you.Your eyes changed direction. You looked at the shapes of the trees.,,He kissed me and confessed to me yesterday,’’ you nodded.,,But,’’ you began, turning your head to your friend and looking deeply into his eyes.,,I decided that even though I’m in a dilemma between the both of you, I won’t choose anyone. If I would love anyone of you, there wouldn’t be someone else in my mind who I could choose. So, I will reject both of you. And if you really love me, you will leave me,’’ you said.Hoseok smiled and nodded, disappearing now into the kitchen.
,,I love you...can’t we try it again…?’’ Jumin asked you, however this was the last time he would ask you.You clearly rejected him.After you done what you had to do, you ate breakfast with Hoseok. A silent one. You gathered your things and moved again into your apartment, which was left empty after you moved. 
There, you first cried out your sadness before you gathered your strength and went on, walking forward and looking up.
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mizukinii-blog · 7 years
Okay so I have another request. How would the RFA+V+Saeran react to a highschool MC (platonic) who ran away from home (reason may vary) and she went straight to their house sobbing? PS. Your writing is so good!
Thanks for the compliment! It really gives me boosts of encouragement and a reason to stay up late ^^Also I’m extremely sorry for how long this took! I had to think of ideas and I didn’t want it to be super short ;-; ahh the pain of writing head-cannons, though I definitely am proud to be able to write this
Zen ✨
When you had come running to his door sobbing he was insanely worried, all he could do was pat your back and stroke your hair “Babe what’s wrong?” You choked on your words a couple of times barely getting them out. Zen lead you over to the couch before you explained what was going on “I ran away from home..” you explained everything to him, how your father had been an abusive alcoholic and your mother was doing nothing but just sitting there acting like a frightened pup.
Zen kissed your forehead then made you take your shirt off to see where the bruises were “Babe this is not okay…I don’t want you over there anymore” you looked up at him, your eyes puffy from crying and tears still spilling out from your eyes “I have no where else to go..I have to go to school each day and I won’t be able to ride a bus because I don’t have any money..I might have to drop out” you brought your knees to your chest and laid your head in them.
Zen rubbed his hand up and down your back trying to comfort you “You can stay with me then, Babe I’ll give you money so you can catch the bus each morning and you’ll come home to a smile and a warm hug. How about it Mc?” You looked up at him, he made your heart pound and made you instantly feel so much better “Zen thank you so so much, how can I repay you?” Zen smirked and pulled you into a kiss, holding you in his arms and caressing your body “all I need is you with me” you smiled warmly and hugged him “I can do that”
You were walking unsteadily toward Yoosung’s dorm, what were you going to say to him? How would he react when you would tell him what was happening. You soon then arrived at his door tears sliding down your cheeks as you knocked, you couldn’t keep your act together much longer.
Yoosung opened the door wondering who it was until he saw you, tears falling from your eyes to your cheeks “Mc! What’s wrong?” You looked up at him and you fell in his arms hugging him tightly, you were sobbing uncontrollably. How much time was there left with him? “I need…to tell you something” you managed to get the words out. He then walked you into his dorm and closed the door for privacy, you both then slid down onto the floor “what is it Mc?” He was worried, you could tell he was going ghost white.
“My parents want to move to England” you held him even tighter then before “Yoosung, I don’t want to leave you. I don’t want to leave the RFA, I don’t want to be separated form the people I love” your tears came even faster causing you to soon gasp for air. As for Yoosung, he was shocked this was all of a sudden he didn’t know what to do. He could feel tears soak his shirt “Mc…” he then lifted your chin and kissed you passionately, causing your tears to come slower. How many more kisses will I get before I’m gone?
Yoosung then pulled back and grabbed your hands “I won’t let you leave Mc, I refuse” he held you tightly in his arms “we will think of something together okay?” You nodded as you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly. An idea flickered into your mind “what if I run away. I can stay here Yoosung, my school is only a block from here and I can always get a part time job to buy clothes” you looked at him hoping for an agreement nod. Yoosung thought carefully, I mean he had a bunk bed just in case he was assigned a roommate, but the chances of that is next to impossible since it’s in the middle of he school year. “Okay Mc, lets do that, but what about your parents?” You looked up at him and rubbed your eyes “I’ll message them and tell them I’m going to live with my friend since I refuse to move overseas” you smile and grab your phone. Your fingers hesitantly press each button and you could barely press send “there it’s done..” you then looked up and smiled, Yoosung loved your face after crying, it looked so cute and puffy so he couldn’t resist to kiss that pretty little face of yours.
Jaehee had been closing the bakery up before she saw you running toward the door “Mc?” You had been in tears and you were panting from running “Whats wrong?” She looked at you concerned before you had leapt into her arms sobbing into her chest, using her breast as cushions for your head “I’m running away! I can’t take it anymore” Jaehee quickly brought you inside and took you to the kitchen having you sit on the counter while she made tea and heated up left over cinnamon rolls.
“Mc can you explain what’s going on?” You were in the counter your hands in your face to silent your crying voice “I’m being treated as shit, that’s what is happening. My dad married a woman, she plays innocent when my fathers around but when it’s just us, she is the cruelest woman I’ve ever seen! She always treats me unfairly compared to her son” you were a complete mess and Jaehee hated seeing you like this if she could she would march over to your stepmother and tell her the most god awful things, but as collected as she is she won’t because she doesn’t want to add more wood to the fire.
“Here Mc, drink some of this to calm yourself down then we can talk about this okay?” You grabbed the tea and drank it slowly savoring the sweet flavor. You had already grabbed your cinnamon roll and took some bites out of it, getting frosting all over your face. “I don’t want to stay there Jaehee, I’m treated poorly by that woman and my father doesn’t want to believe me, he’s blinded by his new wife to even care about his daughter. I just want to stay with you Jaehee, I want to be somewhere I can be happy and be greeted with a smile and a kiss.” Your puffy face had soon been covered with Jaehees kisses, she kissed all over your face and smiled “then you can stay with me, I’ll let you work here and I can drive you too school and I promise everyday you will feel loved” you smiled then hugged her “Thanks Jaehee.” Your sad face soon turned into a bright warm smile “that’s what girlfriends are for” you both chuckled and relaxed as you drank your tea and chatted about Zen’s upcoming musical.
Jumin had been brushing Elizabeth’s fur when he heard a knock at the door, who could be there so late at night? He opened the door seeing you standing there in tears “Mc? Why are you crying?” He instantly brought you inside and lead you over to the edge of his bed and had you sit down “what’s going on why are you crying?” He was panicking, what could have possibly made you so upset that it made you come here in the middle of the night?
You used the back of your sleeve to wipe away your tears and hair which had revealed a slap mark on your cheek “why the hell is there a hand print on my lady’s face!” He placed his hand on your cheek and looked you in the eyes “tell me everything now” his voice made you tremble, he was clearly upset. “My parents got into another argument..I was trying to stop it and my mother took her hand to my face and told me to stay out of it. They always do this Jumin, everyday they fight and fight I can’t stand it, so I came here to ask..” you looked him back in the eyes nervously. What was he going to say when you ask to live with him? What was he going to do? You were scared out of your mind to the point you were trembling in fear
“Mc what do you want to ask me?” He already knew in his mind what you wanted to ask, but he wanted to just hear it from you so he could instantly give you the okay. “I wanted to ask if I could live with you, Jumin I don’t want to go back there! I’m scared out of mind, all they do is fight and each time it gets worse and worse” Jumin grabbed your hands and kissed the back of them reassuringly “Yes, of course. I’ll have someone get your things later okay? I’ll also talk to your parents myself and letting them know you’ll be staying with me. I’ll make sure you get to school on time and I’ll never let you feel uncomfortable again” you couldn’t help but smile at his words, you knew he was speaking the truth, which made it even better.
At that moment you leaned in and kissed his cheek “thank you..” Elizabeth of course had to jump on your lap and rub against your arm to get your attention as if saying -please pet me- you smiled and hugged the cat then took your hand and rubbed her head causing her to purr. Jumin smiled and kissed your head from the side and hugged you tightly. Soon you three had all feel asleep on the bed together.
Saeyoung had been on his laptop playing LOLOL, trying to mess around with Yoosung and make him mad, but before he could finish off the boss he looked over at his camera seeing you at the front of his bunker door, he then opened the door for you. He was smiling like an idiot “hey hunny! How was your day-” you stood there looking at him in tears, your body stiff and your hands balled in fists, Saeyoung instantly quite being a goofball and became worried “uhm Mc are you okay?” He walked up to you and took his thumb to wipe away the tears.
You felt his warm hand cup your face wiping the tears away, afraid of speaking, afraid of being with someone else who’s not this lovable goofball. “Saeyoung, my parents are wanting to make an arranged marriage with a company heir, so it can help their business become more well known.” Saeyoung was clearly shocked at the idea, he instantly pulled you into his arms. “I won’t allow my hunny to be taken by anyone else and that’s a promise” you could tell he was joking but being serious at the same time, what were you going to do? You couldn’t just stop everything so easily.
“Saeyoung I don’t know what to do? I don’t want to leave you” your tears started to fall again “I’m scared..the only person I’ll ever love and ever belong to is Saeyoung, I’ll never marry another man they can’t make me!” You gripped onto his shirt tightly pulling him even closer. “I won’t allow it Mc…” Saeyoung was already thinking of ways to prevent the situation and to help the company at the same time. Then boom he got it. “I could send a virus of the company’s ads and it could help people see it everywhere, just like Zen’s video” He smiled widely, God you loved his smile it always made you feel safe and loved.
“I think that could help bring back the proposal idea, but for now I want you only here, I’m not letting you go back when they are still on the marriage idea” you were fine with that, actually you wished you could stay forever instead “how about I just live here? You could take me to school and all that” you looked at him awaiting his reply. Of course Saeyoung smiled ear to eat and nodded “sounds great” he then kissed your forehead and made some funny faces just so he could hear your angelic laugh and see your lovely smile. God this boy loves you.
You were running to the bunker as fast as you could, you were not doing this anymore. You had your things packed and once you arrived you banged on the door “Saeran!” Your tears had started to form as you waited for him to open the door, it was so scary to be outside so vulnerable, so weak, so….pathetic. Saeran ran over to the door and opened it “Mc?” He saw tears stream down your face and he grabbed your hand firmly dragging you to his room in a instant.
Saeran dragged you to his room and then made sure to close the door and lock it so Saeyoung couldn’t walk right in. “Tell me what’s going on now” he was blunt, but that was his way of showing worry, what’s he actually meant was -Mc what’s going on? I hate to see you cry please explain to me what’s happening that makes you sad enough to cry-You looked at him and then looked at the floor “my father is involved with some bad people and they came over today…they barged in my room and told me that I should be their mascot so they could attract more people to their group.. I couldn’t do it Saeran so I packed my things, left a note, and came straight here” your emotions were so mixed and you were in need of comforting, that was something you longed for, plus you were probably going to go to school in the morning so it would be nice to have your feelings sorted out before you showed up a total wreck.
Saeran wrapped his arm around your shoulder and made your head lean on his “it’s okay, you can stay with me. I won’t let them touch you ever, I’ll always be here” you closed your eyes and smiled, you knew what he meant when he said his words so bluntly -I won’t let them touch you, your mine and I promise to always protect and love you- you then lifted your head and kissed his cheek “thank you, I love you Saeran” he instantly became flustered and he looked away to hide his blushing face “I love you too..” you smiled warmly and looked over at him “you know what sounds good? Some ice cream” Saeran turned his head and smiled softly “come on, we better get it before Saeyoung eats it all” in the end you guys both ate ice cream and watched movies on the couch together.
You were walking up to V’s door so hesitant to knock at first, but you needed to talk to him so you finally let your hand hit the door. V had in no time opened the door, he looked down smiling “Mc, come in” he stood out of your way so you could walk in “Jihyun we need to talk” V smiled and nodded he was especially glad to be called by his real name by the person he loved, instead of just V.
You both sat on the couch and he looked at you and listens carefully, “I’m running away from home.. I couldn’t do it Jihyun, my grandmother is this formal elegant woman where everything is old fashioned and everyone is well mannered, but as for me, I’m different clumsy and a disgrace to my grandmother” you felt the tears weld up in your eyes as they slowly spilled down your cheeks “I already have to deal with graduating high school and getting my life together. I can’t do it by myself since my grandmother isn’t willing to support me”
V cupped her face and kissed her lips softly, leaving a tingling feeling after he pulled away “I understand, you won’t be alone Mc, I’m here and I’ll support you every step of the way” this made you smile and your fears fade away, “Jihyun, can I..live with you?” You knew it was a little early in your relationship, but you didn’t want to be living with people who would despise you. V smiled and hugged you tightly “of course, I wouldn’t want you to be in this by yourself” he smiled warmly causing you to melt in his arms. This was the best moment you’ve had in awhile, with your lover being with you and rooting for you every step of the way, you knew you could accomplish High school and get your life together, only as long as he was there.
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catharia-catharsis · 7 years
Scenario!Request: Fancy Meeting You Here
Idk if this counts as a scenario (or maybe you can make it into a scenario?) so um jumin with a weightlifter mc please (her body is quite big and sturdy from lifting barbells). Im not fat but I have big arms and people have been commenting about it :/ your writing really brightens my mood so thanks haha
MC being set up on a blind date by her family with jumin, but they’re already dating it’s just that she hasn’t told her family.
Catharia’s Note: This is a request scenario for @stickfire​! Sadly, I’ve been quite pinned down with work and I have been trying to figure out a scenario for said request. If you don’t mind,  have combined the two requests into one since it would be more easier. (Please forgive me!)  Anyway, enough of me babbling about my life and it’s emptiness! I hope you readers will enjoy the fic below. Enjoy!
Two individuals sat opposite from each other on the living room coach, neither of the two talking. MC along with her father remained in silence as the ticking of the clock sounded through the tension-filled room. A scowl decorated the young woman’s features as she crossed her arms in front of her father in an indignant manner.  
“I don’t want to meet them, Dad.” MC’s usually bright eyes were narrowed in irritation as met the older man’s exasperated visage.
“Now, MC. You know that I wouldn’t ask you unless I would be concerned.”
“And these men you set me up with?”
“They are trust worthy individuals who I already met with already. ” The older man spoke tiredly as he rubbed his head weakly. “It wouldn’t hurt to meet them first now would it, Honey?”
The two had been going on for the past hour in regards to MC’s lack of marriage partners and her dear father urged her to meet a few potential husbands. Although MC loved her dear father to death and was well aware that she was approaching the age where she would need to get married.
But 24 isn’t even that old, is it?
The brunette knew that her father was being unfair but she understood that the man was merely being concerned for her well-being. Well, it is partially her fault considering that she never really got around to telling her family in regards to her fiance. It’s not really normal for young women to disappear for almost two weeks without contacting their families and instead coming back with one of South Korea’s most eligible bachelors as her fiance.
“Dad. There’s something I have to tell you-”
“That you’ll go meet the potential husbands that I have picked out for you?”
The young woman looked up to see her father looking so helpless. The old man was practically using his own version of the puppy dog eyes where his eyes started to tear up and his mouth trembled ever so slightly underneath the thick mustache the man sported. The man looked pitiful and It took everything MC had not to burst out in laughter at the ridiculous situation.
‘Poor Dad. I guess meeting a couple of them won’t hurt anyone.’
“Alright! Alright! I’ll meet some of these men you insist upon.”
“Thank you so much, MC! I’ve scheduled for you to meet them this evening.” The old man stood up from his seat and gave his daughter a tight hug. “Your mother would ecstatic once she hears this! She helped choose some of these men too!”
“Wait,This evening!? and Mama was in this too!?”
“Erm…I just remembered that you mother sent me on an erand, MC!” The graying hair of MC’s father became disheveled as his bright eyes avoided his daughter’s own accusatory ones as he motioned towards the small stack of folders on the coffee table in front of her. “Please look over those potential husbands, okay! Bye honey!”
“Dad wait!” MC tried to get up and follow her father who was already exiting the room, adamant in escaping.
Too late. MC’s father disappeared behind the living room door leaving her alone. The young woman dropped back unto the comfortable couch with a sigh as she eyed the small pile of folders. After a few minutes of debating with herself MC finally decided to go through the men her parents picked out for her just for entertainment’s sake. There was a total of three candidates and their ages, hobbies, background and professions were all listed on the documents.
‘Hmm…I guess my parents do have good taste. A physician, A university professor and a business owner.’
MC flipped through the pages and eyed the pictures of the men who-she must admit-look pretty handsome before reading their profiles. After a few minutes of reading, MC felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she reached out to open a message from Jumin. She felt a small smile creep into her face as she dropped the documents on the coffee table to answer her fiancée.
‘I hope your enjoying your day off, darling. Did you want to have dinner together in the evening?’
MC bit her lip as she typed out a reply declining the offer using the excuse of having scheduled with a few individuals her parents wanted her to meet. The brunette glanced over the folders containing the documents before turning her attention back when she felt a slight vibration coming from her phone.
‘Ah, such a shame. I wanted to come home early and spend time with you.’
The young woman felt her cheeks burn, a small smile creep it’s way into her face and a faint laugh bubbled on her lips. She typed in another reply saying that she missed him much more and she would have rather be in his company than the people she had to meet in the evening.
‘How tempting, MC. But you should meet those people you parents want to meet. I’ll wait for your return patiently at the condo. I miss you, my love.’
God. MC threw her whole body unto the couch, clutching at the fluffy pillows as she clutched her phone to her chest. MC did not know what she did in her previous life in order to deserve such blessings and she silently praised whatever deity, god, spirit or thing for showering her with such happiness. She buried her face into her hands, discarding the phone beside her which bounced against the pillows. 
Han Jumin was the sweetest charming man on the planet and it was unreal how MC was able to have him all to herself. The brunette sat up and clasped her hands together as if in prayer silently praised whatever deity, god, spirit or thing for showering her with such happiness.
‘I’m sure Dad and Mama would approve of him but in the mean time I’ll  humor them.’
MC giddily slips her phone into her pocket as she reaches for the folder to flip through them once again. Also, it would be very rude for her not to know the names of the people that she would be meeting and after all, she had to make sure she wouldn’t embarrass both her and her parents. It’s not like she was going to go on a date with any of these men and accept them as her husband.
It was a little past 9 PM as MC glanced down at her watch while she sat across the last of the men her parents arranged for her to meet that night. The man in front of her smiled confidently as he answered all her questions politely in regards to his family and work background as they continued to talk. The table had been cleared of their dinner plates and only two glasses of beer remained.
The businessman-Michael- was a self-made business owner of various restaurants located in Seoul’s entertainment district. The man was charismatic, quite the flirt and devastatingly handsome. MC retained her pleasantly fake smile which was reserved only for irritating, self-centered jerks like Michael who seemed quite intent on keeping her from leaving.
“Did anyone tell you that you have lovely eyes?”
‘Umm…not really but thank you.”
“You have–” The slightly drunk man motioned to MC’s rather toned arms sluggishly. “–rather firm arms. You work out?”
“Excuse me?”
“I asked–” Micheal motioned to MC’s arms again as he reached for his glass of beer, hiccuping. “–I asked if you work out a lot.”
“Y-yes. I-I lift…”
“You have huge arms.” The brunette slightly bent herself over as if making herself smaller as the man continued to stare at her rather uneasily with a smile on his face. “It’s a bit weird seeing women with bigger arms than me.”
MC sighs softly and it took all of her will power not to lean over the table and smack him upside the head for staring and speaking to her rather rudely. One of MC’s noticeable features are her toned arms which she can attribute to working out. It still greatly bothered MC when people place her under scrutiny for not fitting the feminine body type which society expected women to follow. 
Sure, the man was drunk and had rudely pointed out her rather unfeminine quality but she cannot use that as an excuse to slap him which would  not only create a scene but also a problem for both their family relations. The best approach in this case is to excuse herself from the drunk businessman and go home to relax until Michael beat her to it.
‘Finally, the douche is leaving.’
“Ah, I should get going. It’s getting quite late.” Michael supplies as he fished out some bills as he got up while winking at MC before leaving the restaurant much to the woman’s relief. “Next time, we’ll have dinner at my place.”
‘In your dreams, Honey.’’
“Sounds like a plan!”
MC releases a breath and drops her smile as she leans back on her chair while watching the man disappear from the restaurant’s entrance. The young woman calls for a glass of wine but is interrupted by someone who sat in Michael’s place. MC’s face expressed surprise but a small smile creeped into her face as she immediately recognized the person in front of her.
“Fancy meeting you here, Mr. Han.”
The raven-haired man returned the smile with an amused expression before handing her a folder which looked almost similar to the ones containing MC’s future husbands.
“Am I too late for the interview?”
“Never.” The smile on MC’s face widened as she reaches for Jumin’s hand instead.
B O N U S:
“So that is the person you were meeting, MC?”
“Sadly yes.” The brunette sighed softly as she held Jumin’s  hand on top of the table as she finished her glass of wine while he sat across her. “He was the most unbearable I wanted to drown myself in a bottle of Chardonnay.”
“Then would you like to come to the penthouse for a drink?”
A laugh bubbles past MC’s lips as she gives Jumin’s larger hand a squeeze before tilting her head to the side in amusement.
“I don’t exactly go home with my dates on the first meeting, Mr. Han.”
“I have a case of  Sauvignon blanc back home.”
“Sold!”  MC laughs as her fiancee tugs her up from the chair before following him out of the restaurant, unresisting. “I’ll give you an exception, I guess.” 
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