#mb i will come up with an addition to this theory explaining re8 and cadou
hlo-pok-hopey · 1 month
What if mold simply doesn't know how to human?
Let's say there're 3 types of the infected:
- molded (mold completely overtakes the body)
- controlled by Evie (e.g. Jack, Marguerite and Mia)
- conscious (e.g. Lucas and Ethan)
As it was stated in the game, mold is very defensive.
Take Lucas' case for example. He already feels threatened, unloved and unhappy. Mold simply takes on these emotions and also amplifies the already existing mental illness, leading to extremely violent behaviour.
In Ethan's case, he doesn't feel unsafe. Therefore, mold doesn't act up during the break between re7 and re8.
If we talk about Jack, Marguerite and Mia, their violent behaviour is caused by Eveline. Evie's case is similar to Lucas'. She was deprived of family and love since birth, which obviously made her traumatized and unhappy. Mold inside her tried to compensate this unhappiness by protecting Evie from everyone who tries to harm her and also by giving her comfort in creating a new family for her. However, Evie doesn't know what family should be or feel like. Her frustration activates mold's defensive mechanisms, which leads to violent behaviour in Mia and the Bakers.
In addition, mold itself might have trouble grasping the concept of humanity. After infection, it acquires all of its host's memories, but it struggles to properly execute human behaviour. This might also be the reason for exaggerated facial expressions seen in the Bakers (especially Lucas). Mold is trying to figure out emotions, affection, love and human connection, but fails miserably.
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