#maybe that's why they seem to click more in the e/riverse
erigold13261 · 4 months
Confession: You made me love crossover ships. I embarrassingly used to really... get confused by them since they had zero basis in canon. However, all the ships/friendships in the Eriverse somehow... just click? (Even if they didn't click people can just use their minds to make it click.)
Anyways... thank you. (RoseBots, SongByte, GhostAshRiotFlower and Kento my beloved)
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[I forgot about Ilia/Hanami! And Ada and Brute! (Also would Eloni/Eri be on this list?) I LOVE CROSSOVER SHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Meant to answer this earlier whoops! lol
But hey! I'm glad I could get you to like crossover ships! (and technically OCxCanon ships for that second ask ;3c)
Also, don't worry about being confused by crossover ships (or any harmless ship that doesn't seem to make sense). Like you said, some people can just make characters click in their minds!
And I guess that's what I kinda do! Because I am always giving my explanations and reasoning behind WHY a character would do something (or someone lol), that it makes more sense to people for a crossover ship to "work" than it would if I just tossed out a bunch of art of a random crossover ship.
I also try to keep in mind characters main defining traits and try to match them with someone compatible (either they are mirrors, opposites, similar, whatever that character is looking for), but I can absolutely admit I am most likely making characters OOC.
Though, I guess it's justifiable OOC-ness because a lot of the time the major events of that character's story is not happening, or happens in a different way (either more impactful or less) which will absolutely have an impact on a characters... well character.
Basically I'm a person who likes logistics and TRYING to stay true to a character's core personality traits. So when I think two characters would be friends, I kinda jump on that, and then I slowly work them up to being in a relationship if I want to take it into that direction (since I can just put them into situations that makes them closer over time, like how Yinu and Peni trauma bond about losing their dads, leading them into friendship and then a relationship).
I don't know what I'm saying anymore lol, I literally rewrote this post 4 or 5 times now, but I'm glad either way that I was able to get you to like crossover ships and relationship! :D
They are fun and add new dynamics! Sometimes you gotta fudge the world logistics from one universe to another (whether you are putting characters into a new universe, merging them, or placing on set into another universe) to make things make overall sense, but that's where the fun comes in! The logistics! The reasoning! Make shit up if you want but also have fun and try to make it make sense (even if it only makes sense to yourself!)
[also, I will say, those OCxCanon ships, Eriloni, Brada, and Ilihami or whatever, are a lot less "logistic" and more ME finding as character cute and wanting to pretend to be with them through a character that was a lot more my own than a canon one.
Usually I prefer pretending to be a character with another character, like Purl x Cyril and West. Very rarely I personally want to be with a character. But when that does happen, most of the logistics go out the window and I am the person making shit up and ignoring reason just to make out with a character with a persona or OC lol]
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