#maybe it’s bc of how quick zuko bounced back that ppl don’t understand how insane he was for that
comradekarin · 2 months
ik atla fandom likes to undermine this a lot, but i still think it’s a little crazy zuko took lightning for katara during the final agni kai,,,,, katara healing zuko and him bouncing back that quick has tricked y’all into thinking what he did was normal behavior I fear,,,,,,,,,, having that moment of bonding over their mothers despite being enemies is one thing,,,, katara offering to heal zuko’s scar is a second thing, zuko being the only visibly supportive figure during katara’s journey dealing with yon rha is another thing, but lightning ,,, thats insane hello !!! atla fandom likes to bully hag zk fans for perceiving it in a romantic light but !! he literally took a lightning strike for her !!!!! in the heart !!! unflinchingly !! there is a permanent mark of disfigurement on his chest because of it !! and they are presumably the only ones that know too !! tired of the forced platonicization of that scene,,,,, GIVE ME BRYKE’S NECK !!!
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