#maybe in 10 years after we move onto the next console someone will mod this game to actually be enjoyable
masonsystem ยท 5 months
i didnt play totk like a normal person bc im not a normal person meaning i watched the leaked ending cutscenes b4 the game came out, completed the world map + 60% of the depths before doing any dungeons (riju's), did like 3 of the bosses on my sister's save file then defeated ganon for her bc well shes pretty bad at combat and needed my help lol. basically im saying i barely touched on the story (only watched the cutscenes on yt much later) and that even without the shitty story, this game is Not Good. already went on and on abt it in prev rb but srsly.. super janky and limiting. ppl praised this game for the experimentation it allowed but that was just week 1 rose-tinted glasses i think. like the ascend ability could only be used in set points in the depths which is like... seriously ๐Ÿ˜‘ i tried to use it on the ceiling of the depths but they dont let u! wait also i forgot to mention this in prev rb but the UI for picking items to fuse to was insanely bad. just one line you had to scroll thru like what on earth. also why can autobuild only save like 7 custom designs??? also exploring the depths early was so much fun but once you realize that its a literal copy and paste of the overworld (rivers and lakes translate into inaccessible walls in the depths, and the light trees are just where the overworld shrines are) then its like oh.... well there goes any excitement. ALSO the fact that hot air balloons + gliders expire after some time like huh ๐Ÿ˜ญ like i get why but also like ๐Ÿ˜‘ come on. batteries shouldve been the only limiter imo like if ur gonna reuse the same world + make the depths this repetitive, then let people traverse it more easily. like ultimately i managed to enrich my gameplay experience by playing unorthodoxly and exploring the depths very early and exploring hyrule castle first but even that was not enough to stave off all the design flaws present in this game. you dont even need to touch the plot to realize that this is a Very Bad Game
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