#maybe i'll work on them bit by bit and queue them up or schedule them or something
agentvalentine · 4 months
Somehow my drafts haven't gone down in number despite the fact I haven't touched them in ages :((((
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fedoraspooky · 3 months
In light of tumblr shooting itself in the foot, I've been thinking about what I should do with my art from now on. Obviously, deleting my old posts off here isn't gonna do shit, it's essentially locking my door after my house got emptied out by burglars. Especially with my old rp account I no longer can log into, they're just gonna steal and sell my old art that I posted there and I can't even flip a questionably-affective toggle about it.
Thing is, I dunno how many people are gonna actually leave. I'm not even sure I will, since I have a lot of friends here... And after so many shitty updates a lot of people are just hanging on out of spite at this point.
That said, I'm considering that for art posts and stuff, maybe I'll post them elsewhere and just link to them here so they're not on tumblr's servers? Idk... Tumblr tends to kill the visibility of links but I'm not really sure what else I can do.
Also, there's the question of where to actually post new stuff. Bluesky seems the most active but I dont know if old posts cut off after a certain amount of posts like twitter does, in which case that would not be a good archive in the long run. xnx
Cohost is functionally pretty close to tumblr, but ngl it seems super isolated on there bc of its commitment to not showing any likes on your posts. I get that its to combat the social media numbers game, but the downside is that it looks like nobody's even seen your work. If people like something of yours there's no way outside of notifs to see it, so scrolling down on your page and seeing only zeros after zeros of comments on stuff (comments are the only visible number), it's easy to feel like you're just posting into a void.
Pillowfort is pretty good, and they just added tag blocking and the ability to queue/schedule posts. Still kinda quiet and invite only, but if you sign up for the invite queue you can get one pretty fast. Also i probaby have a ton of invites sitting around if anyone wants one. I wish it had an app, but mobile web version works well enough I guess, and I'm already used to doing that with sheezy and newgrounds, so I just have those open in mobile tabs together.
Speaking of, Newgrounds has been pretty good, but due to the nature of the portal system and stuff you're more encouraged to post only your better-looking stuff there. You CAN post doodles if you want, but only outside of the portal, which limits their visibility. Kinda like dA's scraps system I guess.
Sheezy looks super promising customization-wise so I'm thinking of posting there more when it opens up to more peeps.
Toyhouse also looks really good for OC and story things too, and also has a good degree of customization.
There's probs options I haven't even thought about, but its good to know there ARE options. I may post in several of those places for now and see how it goes. Test the waters a bit.
If you're thinking of moving your art elsewhere lemme know where, I'm curious to see where people are going :o
Especially you moots, i need to refind my pals in these other places!
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nitewrighter · 11 months
Since we have an influx of people coming in from twitter and discussing the whole culture of retweets vs. reblogs between the two sites, I'm going to take a moment here for some
Queue Propaganda
First off, what is the queue?
It's a posting mechanic that you can customize for yourself so that rather than immediately reblogging something, you can arrange for it to be posted at a later time. Your queue on tumblr can fit up to 1000 posts! Wow!
Why would I want to do something like that?
There are lots of reasons! For me, I like the idea of having something that consistently posts throughout the day for my followers in different time zones. I also like to support artists by reblogging, but I don't want to spam their notifications all at once and create an impenetrable wall of reblogs from the same artist on my dashboard, and the queue allows me to distribute those reblogs over a longer period of time, basically giving said art a more extended period of circulation. The queue also has a 'shuffle' function, so if you have a whole bunch of reblogs from one person, you can 'shuffle' it with other items in your queue so your dash has a bit more variety. If you're an artist, you can also set up your blog to reblog your own works so that they can show up on feeds at a later time. It can also be useful if you're reuploading a bunch of your art from twitter onto here and maybe don't want to dump it all at once.
Do we have to have a queue?
You do not! You can come online and spam reblog a bunch of jackshit or whatever suits you! I just think it's a nice feature!
Is there queue etiquette?
Nothing heavily enforced, but a lot of people will use a queue tag (often something quirky and specific to their blog) to indicate when their blog is posting from their queue, which also doubles as a 'hey just because I'm posting doesn't mean I'm online' sort of message. Some people will have a silly queue-specific pun for their queue tag, and others will just tag their queue with 'q,' it's really up to personal taste. You can schedule as many or as few queue posts a day to suit your tastes.
What's up with the post scheduling? Is that the same thing?
It's in a similar category, but it's more specific. When you schedule a post, that's basically set at the time you set it to post at, regardless of what's in your queue. The post is visible in your queue, but it stays fixed at the date you scheduled for it, regardless of what you add to your queue or how many times you shuffle it. This is very useful if you have content or reblogs meant for specific events and holidays!
Okay but what is the general vibe around queues? Do people like or dislike when you queue their posts as opposed to immediately reblogging them?
A queue *is* a reblog. There is a bit of a joke with queue users on this site where it's like "I'll see if they like my post within 6-8 business days" but it really is a useful form of posting because it extends the sort of... digital shelf life of content. No one is insulted if they see you reblogged your post with a queue tag. A reblog is a reblog, regardless of what time it pops up on the dash. No pressure.
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crinkled-emotions · 1 year
Can I request number 5. and 8. from the prompt list for Roo please?
BTW saw you're writing for 911 and that you mentioned a crossover potentially. Just know I would definitely be here for that!!😍
I am considering it! I'm just trying to y'know, work the logistics lmaoooo. For example- who is Jake going to hit on this time?? All the options... Joking!
In other news- I wrote only 9-1-1 for like... I would say 18 months? Just under half of my fics on AO3 are for 9-1-1 😂 it's my comfort show alongside Outer Range hahahaha.
I've been in a bit of a slump with my writing lately but I put in my Airpods today and I realised it's because I'm easily distracted by background noise... and now three fics have been churned out in the last twenty minutes 😂
5. "Spoonful of honey" and 8. "Lap/chest pillow".
Get keen!! And Happy Holidays!
I did go a little Hangster here, just to try it out. It was fun! I’d be down to write more I think?
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Rooster was half-asleep in the breakfast queue, kind of hoping Hangman would load his plate for him considering he felt like he was going to go down like a sack of spuds. Splat, on the cheap linoleum floor that was never properly cleaned. Truly, he could get sicker from lying on that-
"Roo, you want eggs or are you eating air today?"
Bradley startled, glancing at Jake who sighed and reached for his plate.
"Tell me what you want, I'll get it for you. Go sit down."
Immediately Bradley felt like he was in trouble and tried to take his plate back but Jake was firm.
"Go, it's okay. Wake up a little more, think Javy and Tash already got coffee for us."
Bradley left the line, subtly slipping past everyone else and knowing Jake would get him exactly what he wanted. He might have been an asshole but he knew what Bradley would eat and what he wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Natasha and Javy were sitting at a table in the middle of the room and Bradley made his way over to them, frowning as he scratched at his nose. He felt like he had to sneeze, but it wasn't coming. Natasha smiled, scooting over on the bench seat to make room for him. Bradley groaned, burying his head in his arms on the table.
“I'm so tired,” he complained. He heard something drag across the table, and then a steaming cup of coffee was pressed into his hand.
“This should help,” Natasha said. Bradley lifted his head enough to thank her but she was already frowning.
“Are you sure you’re just tired?” She asked softly. He shrugged.
“Think so.”
“Hm, alright. Maybe take some Tylenol, you’re flushed like you’ve got a fever.”
“Alright, I come with breakfast and ketchup.”
Jake appeared from the queue, placing Bradley’s plate to the side as well as passing the bottle of ketchup over to Javy.
“Please don’t tell me you’re gonna put that on my eggs.”
“Okay, then I won’t tell you that,” Javy said with a grin at his best friend. Jake rolled his eyes, attention going back to Bradley when he didn’t immediately start eating.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Throat hurts, feel like I can’t swallow.”
Jake, Javy and Natasha all frowned with concern but subtly moved away ever so slightly.
The pain in his throat didn’t go away, despite the way Bradley tried to keep up with his water consumption. Natasha offered to make him tea but when he’d just grimaced she’d rolled her eyes and called him a macho man, but not in the good way- the way that told him he was being an asshole. When he’d tried to apologise for being difficult she was gone, swallowed by the crowd of people around them. That had left him, Jake and Javy, but Javy was called away to an individual assessment after lunch which just left Bradley and Jake. They’d never been best buddies skipping in a field whilst holding hands (that was a scary thought), but Bradley needed him right then and when they had a gap in their schedule he reached for Jake’s shoulder, giving him a gentle tug.
“Can you tell the CO I’m going to the infirmary? I feel like shit, pretty sure I’m gonna lose my voice.”
Jake frowned.
“Yeah, you got it. Text me if you need something.”
Bradley separated from him, heading against the grain of the rest of the hallway. Jake watched him until he too was swallowed into the crowd, then headed to class. He had shit to do if he was going to graduate at the top, as he should.
“Bradshaw, what can I do for you?”
“Uh, I don’t think I should be going in the air today. Sir.”
The doctor frowned, reaching the back of his palm up to feel Bradley’s forehead for a fever.
“Well, just by my guess I’d say you have a fever. How long have you been feeling sick?”
“I couldn’t sleep last night but I thought it was just...”
Bradley trailed off and the doctor cleared his throat.
“I read your file, if you’re having trouble sleeping due to nightma-”
“-I’m not. It’s fine.”
The doctor didn’t look entirely convinced but let it be, instead working his fingers down Bradley’s jaw to feel his glands.
“What did your callsign end up being? I heard whispers of Duck or Honk for a little while there.”
“Rooster, sir.”
The doctor smiled, pulling away to scribble some notes and grab a wooden tongue depressor.
“Alright, you know what I’m going to do with this.”
Bradley opened his mouth and waited while the doctor examined his tonsils, eyes darting awkwardly around the room. There was no easy way to get your mouth examined, he’d learned in his years in the Navy. He kind of wished Natasha was with him, he was used to her sitting in the waiting room nearby.
“It looks to me like you’ve got tonsillitis, Bradshaw,” the doctor mused when he was done.
“Tonsillitis? That means...”
“Grounded, kid, at least until the swelling in your throat goes down. I wouldn’t feel good letting you up there while you’re having trouble breathing through your nose. The best thing you could do right now is go back to bed and get some sleep while everyone’s out.”
“Is it contagious?” Bradley whispered.
“Not the tonsillitis itself, but I’d say you’ve had a very mild cold the last couple days. Have you been a little more lethargic than usual, not eating as much?”
“Let’s get you some antibiotics. Fair warning; they’re disgusting, but apparently everyone around here takes them with honey which I don’t have a problem with. Honey might soothe your throat a little too. Other than that, bed rest until your fever breaks and your throat doesn’t feel like it’s on fire.”
“Yes sir. Thank you.”
“Not a problem. Keep drinking lots of water, we want to flush out your system.”
The doctor scribbled on a prescription pad, then ripped the sheet off and passed it to Bradley.
“Give this to the pharmacist, then to bed. Clear?”
“Yes sir.”
The medicine was indeed vile, even with the honey. Part of Bradley wondered if he’d throw up just from the taste of the medicine, but when his stomach didn’t give any warning signs he tracked back to the room he shared with Jake and curled up in his bunk on the bottom, grimacing at the way his pillow was lumpy and his mattress like a brick. Jake’s was so much better- not that he’d, y’know, slept on Jake’s bunk. He wasn’t speaking from experience it just looked comfy. Mmhmm.
When he stirred again, it was dark outside despite the window’s blinds being open, and Jake was stripping out of his uniform.
“Hey,” he called over his shoulder, “how are you feeling?”
Bradley paused, considering the question for a moment.
“Not great, everything hurts,” he confessed. Jake frowned.
“Why are you in your bunk? You could have used mine, I don’t mind.”
“It didn’t feel right without you.”
Jake froze, looking at Bradley in the mirror.
“I didn’t think I was allowed to, I’m on bed rest for at least the next couple days.”
“Alright, then scoot over.”
Bradley scooted back on his bunk to press his back against the wall and Jake climbed in with him, lying on his back and extending an arm out.
“C’mere, sweetheart. Yeah, there ya go. Is that better?” He whispered as Bradley settled on his chest, tense until he melted into Jake’s touch.
“Mmhmm. Thanks.”
“Yeah, yeah of course, Roo. I’m sorry you got sick.”
Not even Natasha called him Roo, or Roos. It was only ever Jake.
As Bradley drifted back to sleep, he felt lips pressed to his forehead and an arm come around to support his hips.
He wondered if they’d survive TOPGUN together.
It turned out the answer was no.
Five years later, at the Hard Deck, Rooster was reminded of why he’d left Jake- no, Hangman, all those years ago. Simultaneously, Hangman was reminded of why he’d left Bradley.
And it hurt.
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fncreature · 2 years
I think all of you who see this and/or follow me for my fics will be able to see what I'm talking about and why I need to make this post. Just check the #avengers x reader tag. I'm not going to tag the user who inspired me to make this post, do not tell them to delete their work, but I do want to say this so it won't happen in the future. I have no anger at the person, but I feel like I need to make this post. I have NO hate for them.
This ended up being a bit long, so I'll put this under a cut.
So. Let's say you have a series all fully written, ready for posting with a chapter per post. You already should know what I'm about to say here. DON'T POST IT ALL AT ONCE. This does not mean wait a couple minutes. This means wait at least like two days or however long, but don't post more than two chapters a day.
You will clog up the tag. Don't know what that means? It's when you, or someone posts a TON to one tag in one time period.
If you have more than three or so series' going on at the same time, DON'T POST THEM ON THE SAME DAYS. Overlapping is fine, if you want to update twice a week, then you have to, but don't intentionally update all at the same time. It'll clog up the tag just as well.
If you don't want to manually post every couple days, or won't remember, that's fine, USE QUEUE OR SCHEDULE THE POSTS. Don't know how? Use the blog settings to change the time you post queued posts to an appropriate space of time, and then you can put your chapters in their individual posts and then tap the little down arrow next to "Post Now" Hit "Add to Queue" Bam! You won't clog up the tag.
You reblog often and have those in queue and don't want to change your queue time? Schedule the post. Next to "Post Now", tap the little down arrow, and tap "Schedule" You can (And probably should) post the first chapter and series masterlist at the same time, it'll make navigation easier and two posts don't clog a tag. Schedule maybe two days ahead or so, and MAKE SURE YOU SCHEDULE AHEAD FROM YOUR PREVIOUS POST/SCHEDULED POST. If you don't, there's really no good in even scheduling your posts. So make sure you schedule your posts correctly as to not clog up the tag.
One more thing- You see the "Read more" I put at the top of this post? If your fic is long, then put a "Read More" after your title, authors note, warnings, etc. I know that Tumblr shortens long posts, but using the "Read More" feature will allow readers to see your title, authors note, warnings, and all those other things, so they can get a good idea of what your fic is without having to scroll past the entire thing. Tumblr's automatic shortening may cut off your warnings or summary, if they are long, so make sure to use the "Read More" feature instead.
Thank you for your time, and if you, (you know who you are) are reading this, I'm not trying to hate on you, but holy sh/t, the avengers x reader tag is clogged af, and I want to make sure that people don't do something like this again.
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kikidoesfanfic · 2 months
Not che asting fic - because I neeeeed to know
Ah yes, not che asting
This is hard cause idk how much detail to go into, oh well have all of it
So, in the show Steve does get cheated on, and before that he also has a bit of a conclusion jump and THINKS he's being cheated on (which yikes it was the person she later cheated on him with but I digress) and popular fanon is that his father cheats on his mother and that's why she follows him on business trips instead of staying home, so it's clearly a very easy to press button for Steve.
So in this fic there *isn't* actually any cheating because I'm a messy bitch with angsty fic but I just... idk it's not something I like to try and redeem in a fic cause it's a hard line, I'm not about that life, but there's so many little things that add up until Steve thinks he has connected the dots when something less explain awayable happens, he hasn't connected them, but he thinks he has.
It doesn't help that this is post canon, they've only been dating for a few months and someone from, I'm thinking maybe past hellfire (dnd) club member that graduated, but that's open to change, comes back into town and sort of slots back into the CC boy's (the band, also in the dnd club) orbit easily.
Steve is all polos and sports, Eddie is all non conformity and metal, the other guy likes their nerdy game and knows about their music and knew Eddie *before* all of the Upside Down stuff, when he would not have been caught dead supporting Jocks or Jock Shaped Interests. He just fits in ways that Steve doesn't.
Of course, Steve's not gonna be insecure about a friend, or not enough to jump to something going on between them, even with the added little comments. But the guy is touchy, and flirty, and he clearly doesn't like Steve. He seems interested, even if Eddie doesn't seem to be picking up on it.
Queue small incidents that, by themselves, Steve continues to rationalise away. Eddie stays over less, has less time for date shaped activities? The band is getting more popular he has a busier schedule, he's just tired. He hasn't been inviting Steve to their gigs/rehearsals, but the other guy has been at every one? Eddie probably just thinks he wouldn't have a good time or something, it's fine, it doesn't matter that the time he DOES sort of insist and tag along Eddie seems cagey and distracted. Eddie has been more secretive, he's changed subjects or hidden his notebook or little things like that when Steve walks into a room? It's probably just... well people can have their secrets! The guy shows up wearing one of Eddie's rings? Okay that one does give him pause Eddie is SO protective of those but it's... they're friends, he's being friendly. Etc etc etc.
The bigger catalyst is Eddie saying he can't come over and cancelling date night, that CC booked a little studio time to record their demo, but lo and behold the other three go into the video store where Steve works to rent something for a movie night. Eddie and the guy are notably absent.
This is where Steve draws conclusions.
There's more but this is where I'm gonna cut it off or I'll keep going and going until the end of the fic lol.
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(Pardon the deleted post from yesterday, if possible. This is sort of a redo of it sksksks)
To answer where i've been for the past little bit, the answer is simple: real life. But, i do fully intend to have a more consistent update scheduling, full of writing and the occasional RPs and IC responses.
I do have two works that i do intend to get out there, and one of which is...actually just about done, save for editing and embellishing to it, but once it's done...it's gonna go up in queue. ;)
I have the first maybe 3 or 4 chapters up and done to go, but for now, i'm gonna wait for a few more weeks until i actually drop them.
The other work, however, is still in the editing phase. Still in the concept phase, but i do want to make something of it.
Until then, i'll be out and about!
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Hello Star Cadets, some questions for you
Sooo Holidays.
I am setting some things up for a month long...posting queue of pacs, posts, etc.
but anyway, I have some questions for you guys. I'm wrapping up the last of the paid orders and I just want to know
what you guys want to see more of when I go into this new year.
I'll be sharing more of my.. uh.. witch practice. the research I'm doing and what not. it's simply because I think a lot of people who want to come into this community don't really know where to start. and I know I'm probably going to get a lot of backlash because that's just how tumblr is. a powerful witch tends to be scared of because of ... well people shouting about things that they don't really understand.
so I'm a little reluctant. but I think if I keep it broad it should be fine. like, I'm working on a christmas gift that's supposed to help with banishing and spirit work. so maybe I'll talk about that and the results that come out of it.
I want to get back into weekly and possibly daily horoscopes. based on the zodiac signs. I think it'll be fine so long as I set them up a week or so in advance. and keep them in queue. I am taking classes and such but I am only doing three at a time and it alternates. sooo I feel like if I just stick to a schedule and queue things, it should be good.
PACs are going to be staying. obviously. everyone loves them.
Maybe I'll talk about my worship with the gods if you're into that. maybe we'll go a bit into.. deeper witchcraft. I have a lot I want to reblog so I'll do that as well.
Idk. just let me know what you'd like to see.
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heck-im-lost · 5 years
A beautiful Christmas
Genre: just pure fluff
Pairings: romantic logince, platonic LAMP
Word Count: 1859
Warnings: slight self doubt about presents being good enough but nothing serious, cursing
Notes: this is for the @darknightvirgil 's Christmas exchange: I had @adultmorelikeadolt so enjoy my friend!!!
also, how do you title haha. this was a direct stream of consciousness so I have no clue how good/bad this actually is because it just seemed so good in my head...
and on AO3:
Taglist: @creativity-killed-thekitten
Logan stared blankly at his computer screen. He knew that he had been working too hard for too long without a break, but the next video still wasn't close to being ready and he couldn't let the fans down again. They had had to wait so long for the last video and he could not let it happen once more. He wanted to go down and see them all, but he just had so much left to do.
Roman had repeatedly told him to take care of himself more. And Logan knew that he was letting his boyfriend down, and pushing him away, but he had to get this finished goddamn it.
There was a knock at the door.
"Uh, yes. Come in."
Roman burst dramatically into the room.
"Hello, my one true love! I have come to drag you out of this dungeon! You are under arrest for overworking yourself and not seeing your boyfriend! We're going Christmas shopping, specs! Get yourself presentable and then get yourself outta here!"
"Uh, well Roman, I should really finish this off before going out anywhere. It's not that I don’t want to be with you, not at all my dearest. But this is important and there will be time for trivialities after I have got this done. I promise."
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice on this one, Specs! Christmas is in only a few days and then it will be over, the fans can wait on this one. And anyway, I want to spend Christmas with you, not have you in here by yourself. Take a break, Nerd!"
"But- I-" Logan looked down at his work and sighed. "Alright then. I was rather missing you anyhow."
Roman held out his hand and Logan took it, allowing himself to be pulled up into Roman's arms.
"I love you, gorgeous." He whispered into Logan's ear, rubbing his boyfriend's back gently.
"I love you too. I'm sorry-"
"It's okay, let’s go."
Roman had constructed a shopping mall in the mindscape many Christmases ago to buy gifts, at first it was undeveloped; the shop keepers has empty faces and the shops felt floaty, like in an old memory that you couldn't quite remember if it was real or a dream. But as Thomas grew older Roman had more references to go from and was more accomplished at imagining things into existence. An amalgamation of the best bits of every mall Thomas had ever been to, the mall was now so well built that it felt as real to the sides as standing in Thomas's own living room. And every year at Christmas he would put Christmas decorations everywhere, and they would go Christmas shopping together.
Roman excitedly led Logan to the entrance to the mall, where Patton and Virgil were eagerly waiting. Well, maybe it was just Patton who was looking eager, but this was the first time Virgil had come along himself, without thinking that he was unwanted and having to be persuaded to come, so it would do.
"Okay kiddos! We'll split up now, and then all meet in the cafe again in a couple of hours, does that sound okay?" Patton was jumping up and down with excitement. "Oh, I just love getting people gifts! I'm super duperly looking forward to this!!!!!!!!!!"
"Okay, well I'll go with Roman, and you and Logan can go around together. Let's go." Virgil looked expectantly at Roman, who nodded slightly.
"Logan!!! Let's go kiddo! See you all later!!!"
Logan smiled one last time at his boyfriend before he was whisked away by Patton.
"Why did you want to come with me, Charlie Frown?" Roman may have been insulting him, but the kind smile on his face let the anxious side know that there were no hard feelings.
"Welp I didn't get much sleep last night and I knew that if I went with Logan he'd just lecture on about healthy sleep schedules and healthy caffeine intakes and it would just be rubbish. And you aren't that bad." Virgil gave a quick smirk at Roman. "Come on, I want to go get Patton some stuffed toys."
"Oh God Patton, what am I going to get him? He has been so incredible to me and none of this seems good enough! I can't just get him a lacklustre gift that he will look at once and then put on a shelf and forget about! I need to get him something that will show how much he means to me! But-" Logan frantically paced up and down, his speed almost matching that of his racing thoughts.
"Calm down, it's okay kiddo! Everything is okay! You don't have to get him the perfect gift, there might not be anything that shows just how much you love him, as love is so much more than things you can buy. It doesn't matter though, just get him something that shows how much you care about him. Something that shows you were thinking of him. That’s all."
"I suppose it would be stupid to attempt to convey such an abstract, intense feeling as love in simple material items. I will just get him something that I know he will like. Come on Patton! I have an idea."
“Oh, Virgil what am I going to do what am I going to get him? I love him so much but this time it feels like no gift, nothing I could do would show him how much I care about him. I am one for romantic gestures, you know me, but nothing I could get him would be enough for what he deserves! I have to get him something, but- “
"Dude it's okay! That guy is so in love with you you could get him one shoe for Christmas and it would become his favourite thing and would go on his special things from Roman shelf. We both know he has one. You don't have to stress out about this - it's my job to stress out about things. Just get him something that shows that you are thinking about him - all he really needs for Christmas is you."
"Virgil the emo who lives in an angst cave where it is always Halloween?"
Virgil sighed.
"Did you just reference Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You'?"
"I hate to say I did. But I knew I needed something dumb and Christmassy to get to you. And anyway, I've got all of my gifts for the others, let's finish up getting yours before we have to meet up with the others, okay?"
"Okay, my dark and stormy knight. And thanks, I've just had the best idea of what to get my special Nerd!"
As he and Patton made their way into the cafe, Logan hoped that the ridiculous shape of the long, narrow box he was carrying wouldn't give away what it was. But when he saw Roman and Virgil, already sitting at the table next to their curious pile of bags and boxes of equally strange sizes, his worries left him. His boyfriend looked amazing. And it looked like Virgil was somehow already on his third cup of coffee.
"Are we late?" Roman spotted Logan looking nervously at Virgil’s coffee mugs
"No Virgil just decided to order three cups at once to avoid having to queue again. Anyway, how did it go, my beloved? Was it worth coming out?"
"OF THE CLOSET!" Patton burst out, laughing as he sat down next to Virgil.
"It went very well, Roman, my love. I have got everything I needed, and- well- I am glad to be back here with you." Logan felt himself blush and smiled, thinking of spending time with Roman: his work forgotten.
"I am too, my shining star."
It was Christmas day and Patton had woken them all up at exactly the time he was allowed to. (After one year when Patton had woken them all up at 4:30 in the morning because he was awake and excited and wanted to open his presents as soon as possible, they had enforced a strict "no waking people up before 8:30 on Christmas day" policy.)
Patton handed Virgil a cup of coffee, Logan a cup of tea, Roman a cup of peppermint tea, and excitedly led them all to the living room, where the presents were piled under the tree.
"Yes Patton, and we are very tired so please don't yell in my ear." Logan took a long sip of his tea, and looked across at Patton who was bouncing up and down like a child. "Right then Patton do you want to go first?"
Patton excitedly grabbed a package - it was from Roman. He hurriedly tore at the paper, until out came a Winnie the pooh plushie.
"Oh my God Roman I love it! Aaaaaagh thank you!!!!!" Patton was positively bouncing.
"Squeeze the paw Patton."
The Winnie the pooh song started playing.
"Aaaaaaaagh!!!!!!!! It's perfect!!!!!!!"
And they continued like that, taking it in turns to open presents until there were just two left under the tree.
"Logan, for you, my precious."
"Way to sound like Gollum" Virgil muttered, and Roman shot a glare in return.
Logan slowly unwrapped the present, the last and biggest present from his boyfriend. He methodically cut each piece of tape, to reveal-
"A telescope! Wow Roman- I- Thank you so much I have always wanted to look at the stars outside my window properly."
"I just imagined you looking through the telescope and explaining to me the constellations. It would be so romantic and I know you would have lots to tell as you always wanted Thomas to be an astronomer."
"I would love that Roman! Now, here you go, and be careful with it." He handed Roman the long package.
"I have been so curious about what this could be!!" He started to unwrap the meticulously wrapped present.
"It could be a pogo stick." Virgil remarked.
"Or a tube of jelly beans. You know how you can get the long tubes and they are full of jelly beans and they-"
"We know them, Patton.” Virgil smiled fondly at Patton. “It could be a long thin hat."
"It could be a broomstick. I don’t know why Logan would get him a broomstick but it could be."
Roman finally rolled the box out of the wrapping paper. He gasped.
"I thought you said it was too dangerous!"
"Well I know how much you enjoyed it so..."
"What is it? What is it?" Patton leant over to get a closer look.
"My wonderful, amazing, perfect boyfriend who I love has gotten me a new KATANA!!!"
"And this one is weighted so it is actually statistically easier to use and will result in less chance of you getting injured, whilst being more effective in battle. I made sure to do quite a lot of research before buying to ensure I got the right one, so I hope it is satisfactory."
Roman grinned.
"It is more than satisfactory, Nerd. I love you so much, did you know that?"
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