#mav collects children like pokemon cards
blackcat2907 · 2 years
Second Story in the Powers AU, can be read as a standalone story
Chapter One: Maria
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"She did what!?" Tom jumped up from his seat, eyes filled with fury. The air around the group drastically dropped, and Ice looked like he wanted to murder someone…that someone being Charlie Blackwood. "I am going to kill her!" Slider and Wolfman managed to pull Tom back into his seat. 
"It's fine, really," Maverick assured, biting back a yawn. The past month had been exhausting for him. After saving Ice and racking his kill count up to three, Maverick had been happy to be called back to teach at Top Gun. Then again, he missed the danger of being deployed. 
"Fine?" Hollywood echoed, looking equally pissed. "Mav, she left you because your powers stopped working for her. You two had been growing apart, and when she left, you two got into a huge fight leaving you a mess. How does that add up to fine?" 
Maverick glared at Hollywood. "I got over it. I'm fine," he grit his teeth. He didn't want to talk about it, but everyone else did. He understood why. His powers tended to work based on his emotions. It wasn't always like that, but when he was feeling angry, bad luck would be around. Bad luck also showed up when he was sick.  
"Mav, we just don't want you to be hurt," Merlin, Maverick's RIO, spoke gently. "What she did was wrong. But most importantly, Goose's death was never your fault. No one could have anticipated the jet wash. It's a miracle even one of you survived." 
"I know that!" Maverick exasperated. "Can you please drop it?" One of the LED light bulbs popped. "I…I just need some time." He stood up and stretched his arms. "I'm probably going to head back home for the night. Carole and Bradley are coming up in a few days to visit." 
"Get some rest, Mav," Slider, surprisingly, spoke up. "You look like you need it." There it was. Slider was an asshole, but one with a heart of gold deep down. It was all part of his charm–his words, not Maverick's. 
Maverick flipped Slider off with a smile. "Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes. "No, Ice, I can walk home by myself. I'm not a child," he told the pilot before Tom could even open his mouth. 
"Some say," Wolfman smirked. 
"Bitch," Maverick huffed. "Good night." He threw on his jacket and put on his aviators. Waving goodbye, Maverick left Tom's house and started the walk home. Normally he would have ridden his bike, but he had ridden with Tom that night. It had been a rough day, so Tom decided to have everyone get together for drinks at his place. 
"Anne?" Maverick gasped seeing his old lover standing at his doorstep. "What are you doing here?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. 
The woman in front of him huffed and sauntered over to him, slapping him in the face. Her long black hair was in a ponytail, and she wore expensive clothing. She looked like she stepped out of a model magazine. "You ruined me, Pete Mitchell!" she yelled in his face, brown eyes blazing with anger. 
"Anne? What are you doing here?" Maverick winced, his cheek stinging. He'd guess there would be a red handprint on his cheek later. "What are you talking about?" 
"You ruined me!" Anne screamed. "Because of you, I lost four years of my life! That's it. I am done! This is your problem now." Anne shook with rage. Maverick could swear he saw a tear slide down her cheek. "After all," she scoffed bitterly, "it is your mistake." 
"Anne, calm down. What mistake? I thought–" Maverick paused, eyes widening. Behind Anne was a small four-year old girl who looked terrified and had been crying. "Is that your child?" 
"Not anymore," Anne hissed, stepping to the side and pushing the child toward Maverick. "She's your child. Yes, biologically. I've wasted enough of my time with this brat. I'm done. It's time you took responsibility." 
"Are you saying you're leaving her with me?" Maverick asked, raising an eyebrow, sounding confused. Anne's scoff told him everything. "Anne, she's just a child, and she needs her mother. I…I'm not good for a child." 
"Too bad, Pete Mitchell," Anne growled, putting on her designer glasses. "I'm done with a child I never wanted in the first place. Goodbye, Pete. Maybe in another timeline we could have made this work." 
"Anne, wait!" Maverick shouted, temporarily leaving the child to chase Anne. "You can't just abandon your child! For once, stop thinking of yourself!" 
"That's rich coming from you," Anne sneered, turning toward Maverick. "What child of mine?" she asked. "I don't see my child. I see a mistake I made with you." She stepped into her car and started the engine. 
"Anne–" The women drove away, cutting Maverick off. Maverick cursed and stood at the curb, glancing back at the young child. "Come on, Pete. You've been with Bradley. How hard could it be?" 
Hard. It was very hard. Once Maverick approached the child, the girl started the cry for her mother. Maverick's heart broke knowing Anne wasn't coming back. He remembered giving Bradley the talk of how Goose wasn't coming home, and this didn't feel any different. 
"Hey, kid," Maverick gently spoke, crouching down, pulling her into a gentle hug. "It's going to be okay. I've got you." A cold breeze picked up and Maverick could feel the girl shiver. 
"I want my mommy," the girl sobbed. "Why did she leave me?" 
"I…I don't know," Maverick lied, heart breaking even more. "Come inside. I'm going to help you." How was he going to help her? 
The girl cried and Maverick picked her up, helping her inside. He got her settled on the couch and a blanket and an old stuffed animal Bradley had forgotten to take home. Pacing the kitchen, Maverick reached for his phone. 
"Ice! I need your help!" Maverick hissed into the phone. "Come over." 
"Now? I'm kinda busy…" 
"YES NOW!" Maverick snapped. "This is important." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Please, I need your help. I don't know what I am doing. I'm not ready for this." 
"…Give me ten minutes." 
"Thank you, Ice. I owe you one." Maverick hung up before Tom could make a snarky comment. The next ten minutes were the most awkward and painful for Maverick. The girl silently cried, clutching the stuffed animal and refused to speak or even look him in the eye. True to his word, Tom was at Maverico's house within ten minutes. 
"Ice! Come in," Maverick sighed in relief, opening the door and allowing the rival pilot inside. 
"What's wrong, Mav?" Tom asked, shucking off his jacket. He walked into the living room. "What is so important you made me leave my RI…Oh…" Tom saw the little girl on the couch. "Mav, why do you have a child here? You didn't kidnap her, did you?" 
"Is that what you take me for?" Maverick gasped in fake offense, putting a hand over his heart. "No, her mother, Anne, and I had a fling a  few years ago. We left on good terms. I didn't know she was pregnant. Not even an hour ago, she met me here, screamed at me, and just left her…our daughter here." Tom's jaw clenched. "Ice, I don't know how to do this. If Goose were here, he'd know. He could help, but…" Maverick couldn't finish his thought. 
"Mav, you don't have to do this alone. You have us–Slider, Merlin,Hollywood, Wolfman–we can all help you," Tom determined. "That is, if you let us." 
"I don't want to burden any of you," Maverick sighed. 
"Stop, you won't be," Tom grinned. "Come on, let's begin." He slowly approached the girl, kneeling in front of the couch. "Hey, I'm Tom, but everyone calls me Ice. What's your name?" he asked gently, smiling at her with reassurance. 
The girl lifted her head to stare into Tom's eyes. Tom hated how scared she looked. She opened her mouth to say something but thought better of it. "Hey, it's okay. We won't hurt you. You don't have to say anything, if you don't want to. My buddy over there is Mav. He's your father." She looked over at Maverick with wide eyes. 
"…Maria." Tom and Mav did a double take. They had barely heard her whisper. "My mommy named me Maria," Maria whispered. "But my friends called me Mimi. I like Mimi better." 
"It's nice to meet you, Mimi," Tom grinned. "You're going to stay with Mav for a while." 
"Why? What about mommy?" Mimi asked, voice cracking. 
"Your mother left, honey," Maverick spoke up, kneeling next to Tom. "I am so sorry. I don't know how to sugarcoat this. Mimi, your mother left you because she doesn't want you anymore." Tom elbowed Maverick, hard. 
"You don't say that to a child!" Tom hissed in Maverick's ear. 
"It's better she knows now than later!" Maverick hissed back. 
"Mommy's gone?" Mimi asked, fresh tears welling in her eyes. 
"I'm sorry, Mimi," Maverick whispered, hugging his daughter, letting her cry into his chest. Maverick felt his own warm tears slide down his cheeks. Tom watched the scene with a smile. Maybe this new scenario would be able to help heal both of them. 
"Well, Mav, looks like you have your first duckling," Tom laughed, dodging a pillow Maverick threw at him. 
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I hope you all enjoyed this! I am going to have too much fun giving Maverick children (ducklings).
Reblogs, comments, and notes are appreciated!
Have a wonderful day!
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