#maria ; shadxwcd
inprometheanfire · 2 years
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@shadxwcd​​ sent: 💏 for Maria and Cesco
→ fifty ways to kiss someone | …out of envy or jealousy.
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Maybe he shouldn’t have had so much to drink tonight. Now his head’s a mess and his heart’s heavy in his chest. And everything he wants to say is lost to the space between them in this crowded room. He sees them talking by the bar, though he’s not certain what’s going on. Conversation, of course. He swears Maria’s leaning a little closer into this unnamed stranger who’s making her laugh like she so often does with him. Or it’s all in his head. Sometimes, it’s so hard to tell. He’s the jealous type, though he refuses to admit it. And he hates when she goes out on her own because anyone like this asshole at the bar can approach her, talk to her, make her laugh the way she’s laughing now. But it’s not that she can’t engage in a conversation with someone else, even when they’re out together. Of course that’s not it when Maria goes out with her friends all the time. No, it’s the argument they had earlier about something he can’t remember. It’s the way she told him to fuck off right before walking away. How she seemed wounded or distressed or angry when looking at him but is now smiling like nothing’s wrong with someone else. Is it on purpose? God, he hopes not. Maria’s not toxic like that, though, at times, he can be. Like now. Jealous and angry and wanting so much to beat the living shit out of the man talking to his girlfriend at the bar. How much longer can he watch this little scene of carefree banter? It’s too much, sitting back here in the corner of the room, seeing their mouths move but not hearing the words. It’s killing him on the inside to be left out and not know what’s being said. Or what’s got her smiling that pretty smile usually reserved for him. So, abruptly, he gets up without his drink, nearly stumbling as he rounds the small corner table and then approaches the bar where they’re standing and talking. But they stop. And Maria looks at him with something in her eyes that he can’t quite understand. The alcohol’s gone to his head and clouded his thinking. Nothing makes sense, not even when he takes hold of her upper arm and then leans in close without saying a word. The alcohol must be heavy on his breath, but she doesn’t push him away. It all happens so fast, too. The act itself is so absurd, so childish. It’s painfully obvious that he’s not feeling confident tonight. Not after their argument. Not after drinking so much his head hurts. The kiss is short because it’s only meant to let the stranger know Maria’s taken. He doesn’t linger either, pulling away almost immediately out of fear she might shove him back. Then, turning to look at the stranger, he grins triumphantly. This burning jealousy is almost too much to bear, but he’s certain the kiss has sharpened the point he’d wanted to prove. Even if Maria’s not impressed with how he’s acting right now. At least he has the excuse of being drunk. And he can pretend like he doesn’t remember come the morning.
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xhideyourfires · 1 year
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@shadxwcd sent: Maria catches him glancing at her from across the room and smiles. The party was good, the atmosphere energetic with good music and dancing and company. Yet he only had eyes for her. He'd always been like that though. After briefly turning her eyes back to her company to listen and reply to their question, her eyes glance back to his again. Checking on him.
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She looks at him and smiles. And for a moment his heart stops beating in his chest while everything else around him moves so damn fast it's enough to make his head spin. The dizzying effects of being in love with her whether quietly or violently. Or to the point of ardent devotion, maybe. Either way, it's almost impossible to stand still in a room full of people when she's right there across from him now. Maria, the most beautiful woman in the room ― in the world ― is glancing at him like he's the only one here. Like she wants him to do something about it other than stand on the other side of the building gawking at her like a lovelorn fool.
So, at that, with a drink in hand to steady his nerves, he moves past his group of friends talking to each other who allow him through, even though they're confused as to what he's doing. Still, his eyes never leave her form as he walks between the gathering of people separating them from each other, accidentally bumping into someone but not apologizing for it just because he's much too focused on her. On Maria.
It's like her alluring brown eyes have cast a spell on him. An enchantment he's not too eager to break away from. There's no other place he'd rather be. There's no other woman who holds this boundless power over his heart, mind, body or soul. He says nothing as he makes his way past her company, ignoring the conversation here whether it's interesting to Maria or not. He wants something. Rather, he wants her. And he steps towards her, resting his hand on the small of her back. So close that he can taste her perfume on the tip of his tongue mingling with the alcohol from his cup as he casually, very stealthily leans in to whisper in her ear: "Wanna get out of here?"
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Tonight, Francesco attends yet another party among the nobles ― his kind, a people of similar status and wealth. Next to him is Guglielmo, his brother. And, somewhere in the room, is his uncle Jacopo whose intention is to introduce both nephews to noble ladies to whom they will eventually get engaged.
Though Francesco isn't very preoccupied with the idea of getting engaged (much less, getting married), he understands this move is beneficial to Pazzi and their legacy. To marry will lead to having children, which will secure his inheritance in the bank. And that, to both boys, is what's most important.
Francesco sees Jacopo approaching with a lady and her father, moving through the crowd of gathered people in this small but elegant room. Nervously, Francesco takes one more sip from the cup of wine as if that can settle his nerves. Guglielmo nudges him with his elbow, which earns a smile from the elder brother.
It is when Jacopo stands before him that Francesco draws in a breath, his eyes wide in surprise. No, shock. Disbelief. And uncertainty. Is that... her? Jacopo introduces her as Maria de'Mozzi. With civility, he bows his head and pretends like this is their first interaction. Surely, this is the same woman he'd met earlier. A commoner. But not a commoner.
"The pleasure is all mine,” he says after their introductions. “Though I'm almost certain I know you from somewhere.” He just wants her to admit it, though he knows admitting such a thing might earn punishment. If she won't admit it, he won't pursue it. He's just glad to see her again when he thought he never would.
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sanatoris · 2 years
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When Do You Get Your Soft Italicized ‘Oh’
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The Kiss
you typically wait until the last second to believe the truth--because it would destroy you to believe it, and then find out it was a lie. you are someone who has never wanted to want, but has rarely been able to do anything else. the idea that you might have to break down your walls for the sake of someone else, someone who could easily decide they don't like what is on the other side, is harrowing. why let people get close enough to be rejected? you are enough for yourself. and you will tell yourself that every time you catch yourself staring at their mouth, smirking at their joke, finding a reason to flick their shoulder. until the kiss. that's when the flood of want, want, want bowls over you and you realize that you are torn between two ways of living. Oh, you think. because despite how complicated you have made it, the moment you kiss, somehow, things seem incredibly simple. they won't be once you start thinking again, but for now, for this moment, you live in the quiet peace of revelation. Oh.
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tagged by: @platkisloneczne & @lwiatkc (ilu guys <3)
tagging: @lilackissed , @witcr , @healingsorcery , @compluras (zafiya) , @moisovrenyi , @dcsperados (aj) , @mortuam , @shadxwcd (maria) , @bloodcrave , @lowsurvival , @heaimed , @snowinabottle , @trntcrmm , @rogaire + you
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protectxthem · 4 years
@shadxwcd asked: Forehead touch (for Maria Auditore to Ezio)
Send ‘forehead touch’ for our muses to rest their foreheads together! | Accepting
He’s sitting in front of the fire, reading a book. He glances up when he hears his mother and smiles at her before returning to his book. He shuts the book when she approaches him. He blinks a bit with a curious look. Ezio closed his eyes as he felt his mother’s forehead against his own. “Mama.” He whispers with a smile, wrapping his arms around her neck so he was hugging her.
“I love you.” He smiles once more, this time wider.
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hebakes · 4 years
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@shadxwcd said: Maria kisses Zak's forehead and wraps him up in a hug
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ϟ ––       The breath he takes is deep when they wrap their arms around him, like angel wings promising him protection, love, care. ❝ You give the most curable hugs. ❞ His own arms wrap around her, face buries into her shoulder. ❝ I’d have advised you to open a hugging business if it weren’t for jealousy getting the best of me. ❞ A small chuckle escapes at his own words, carefree and arguably witless.
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florentinexeagle · 4 years
Maria comes to hug her boy and kisses his cheek happily.
@shadxwcd | Answered
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“Maaaaadre’.” Despite the whining tone in his voice, he’s inwardly rejoicing as he reciprocates the hug. He’ll never grow out of being a momma’s boy.
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thebcstofus · 4 years
Ezio hadn’t realized just how exhausted he had become until he nearly collapsed onto the staircase of Villa Auditore after a long stretch of hunting and assassinating targets. Mario told him to take a break, but he refused to listen. He stopped himself from collapsing by putting his arms out before he fell, but it still resulted in a loud thud. 
He leaned heavily on the railing and groaned. Light footsteps made him look up, smiling just a bit.
“Ciao, mama.” He spoke softly, just glad to see his mother out of her bedroom. “I am alright, I promise.”
@shadxwcd - Maria !
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requiescatiinpace · 4 years
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@shadxwcd​ asked :  🎂 (from claudia or maria) Send “🎂” to celebrate my muses Birthday with them! // accepting EZIO’S 561ST BIRTHDAY!
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   EZIO HAS FORGOTTEN WHAT TODAY IS - he’d slipped into the villa in the early hours of the morning , a brief return from a mission with his Uncle. He was hardly around these days , Ezio. THIS PLACE WHICH HE NOW CALLED HOME WAS OFTEN FAR FROM HIS THOUGHTS ; but when he did return it often felt like a weight off of his shoulders. As he enters the dining room , intent on pouring himself some wine and expecting an ordinary breakfast , perhaps even alone - HE FINDS HIS MOTHER , SISTER , AND UNCLE AT THE TABLE WAITING FOR HIM. Ezio frowns , not entirely understanding.               “               I did not expect you all to be awake.” He confesses. It is only when his Uncle raises an eyebrow that Ezio realises he must have forgotten something. IT TAKES A FEW MOMENTS - he cycles through his mothers birthday , his sisters, realises those are not right and then it hits him. “Ah , grazie , i had forgotten.” He admits sheepishly. HIS BIRTHDAY HAS NOT FELT IMPORTANT IN QUITE SOME TIME BUT IT SEEMS HIS FAMILY DISAGREES. He takes a seat between his mother and sister ; forcing a smile to show he appreciates the efforts they have gone to. He decides perhaps spending the day with them would perhaps be the best birthday he had had in years.
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
@shadxwcd​​ said: Maria cups Francesco's face and kisses him softly.
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Sometimes, he wonders what he could have done to deserve a love like this ― but she’s here with everything to give and no reservations. Maria is the embodiment of what he’s always wanted but never knew he needed. And he expresses the depth of those feelings through the only way he knows how: returning affection in brief glances and subtle kisses. Holding her close. Never letting her go. It’s almost unreal to be held in the center of her universe, though he doesn’t doubt the profundity by which she loves. Like a dream. Something unfathomable that simply cannot belong to someone like him. Yet she’s remained by his side for what’s felt like an eternity. Their names are synonymous as if they are one and the same, meant to be together. Predestined, if one believes in such things. With her, Francesco finds it easy to believe. When she’s gentle towards him, softened gaze and softer kisses. Loving him like he means something. Where did she come from? And for how long will this last? He won’t risk losing her by overthinking the origin or its reasons. So, he leans into the kiss with the same tenderness for fear of the moment slipping away, brows furrowed as he deepens it, both arms instinctively wrapping around her waist to press her close. Just in case. She tastes like everything he should be with all that inherent warmth and compassion he’s afraid to reveal. Briefly, he pulls away to catch his breath. Despite the slow rhythm of their kiss. And he, in need of time that’ll allow him to calm down, presses his forehead to hers, taking in each breath that she exhales. Maria, he murmurs to himself. Maria. Her name over and over again like a prayer to reconcile his body with this realm. To ground himself in reality.  “You shouldn’t have done that.” Because he doesn’t have the time to get lost in her again.
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
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verse aesthetic → this is heaven in hiding | @shadxwcd
Heaven is a place like this   Four walls to hide within
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
@shadxwcd asked: Maria and Cesco for the married couple meme
who brings up marriage first? Probably him because Maria doesn’t want him to feel pressured into it.
do they have a big wedding or a small wedding? Small, private ceremony for just the two of them / Big reception for family & friends
do any of them take the other’s last name or do they keep their own? hyphenate them? She takes his last name.
who sings bad karaoke at the wedding reception party? Both lbr
what’s their song? Feels Like A Dream by Emilee ♡
are their rings fancy? Yes! Cesco wants to buy her the biggest, most beautiful ring so that she can show it off and make everyone jealous lmao (okay, that’s not the only reason)
do they write their own vows or use traditional vows? They’d write them but Cesco’s hella nervous about it because he’s not much of a writer, so he asks a friend to help him out.
who’s the one who walks out of the room with a bat at night when they hear a noise? Cesco would because he’s lowkey ready for a fight >.>
what dumb things do they argue over? It can be something as small as misplaced items around the house to bigger things like how he always defers to his uncle’s side in certain situations or cares too much what other people think or is somewhat passive-aggressive.
how do they greet each other when the other arrives home? When he first walks through the door, she runs into his arms and kisses his face and hugs him without letting go. And when she gets home, he’s usually pretty chill about it and will just say “hey” from the couch and then ask how her day went even though he really just wants to kiss her or something.
do they celebrate anniversaries? They do. And they go all out for them, too. Sometimes, if their schedules allow, they’ll go away for the weekend. Or he’ll take her to their favorite restaurant, buy her a gift, spend the evening together. 
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
@shadxwcd sent: "You need to have words with Guglielmino this evening. I was summoned to the school today because he started a fight in the school yard, apparently for my honour. Working with him to manage his anger will be needed as well." Maria to Cesco (Maria is so stressed by Mino sometimes XD she is just feeling very wound up by all this)
Why is he not surprised that Guglielmino has gotten himself into trouble again? Though, this time, he’s actually started a fight at school, which is something Francesco would've done at that age if he had a mother to defend. Though he doesn’t want to seem like a hypocrite by scolding his son for what happened in the school yard, he likewise doesn’t want to upset Maria by ignoring the problem or making light of it. With a heavy sigh, he decides that it’s best to play the role of a hypocrite. Besides, his son can’t hold it against him when none of their children know who their father used to be. Cesco can defend that it was a long time ago, that his uncle encouraged him to do it, that he was merely a child around Mino’s age when he’d get into fights. There is some truth to each of those claims, but his uncle couldn’t have made him do anything. And he’d continued to fight anyone who got in his way well after childhood. Anyone he thought deserved it.  But he’s different now and will prove that by talking to Guglielmino about how he, as young as he is, ought to manage his anger. There’s no need to cause anymore trouble, especially for his mother who is obviously very stressed by the situation. Of all their children, it’s Mino who gets into the most trouble. Cesco can only imagine how heavy the burden is on her shoulders. “I’ll take care of it,” he promises, holding her around the waist from behind. “In the meantime, don't let it get to you. That’s why I’m here.”
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