#marek: well i mean hes not really my sister just some weird grumpy spirit thing
malikselfindulgence · 7 months
D'you mind telling me about Marek?I'm super curious about his lore!!
Okay I haven't actually. Thought much about Marek teehee my alter Blaze is the lore guy I'm the . Kisses my favorite characters on the lips girlguy. BUT HERES WHAT IVE GOT SO FAR!!
OK this got rlly long my bad ToT putting under a read-more
Marek isn't from Megapolis [because I'm middle eastern so now she is too <3], he's not actually sure where he's from- all she remembers is arriving to the city as a teenager with something or someone urging her along and taking care of her .
This someone turns out to be a spirit- wolf spirit specifically, from thousands of years back into Marek's ancestry. He doesn't remember much either, only that he was called upon to the mortal realm to find a child, abandoned and crying, and he had to help. [Their ancestry and the spirit's origins are explored later on in s4 I'd saayy??]
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^ some silly art Blaze made earlier :3 the design is a W.I.P!
The spirit starts out much more hazy, and is usually only summoned by Marek when he feels threatened- the spirit then takes over Marek's body, causing Marek's scar to glow, and her body to take on a more wolfish form :3
During the LBD arc, LBD tries to possess Marek as a way to get to Mei, but with Marek's body already holding two souls in one vessel, it overwhelms her and her consciousness is locked away, unable to be reached by even the spirit. The spirit fights off LBD's possession, but now he's in complete control of the body while Marek's soul remains imprisoned with LBD.
Uhh I haven't yet figured out how the spirit gains his own body but . It happens Somehow after LBD's defeat. Let's say main character bullshit <3 and he starts living his life outside of Marek- which allows them both to develop without the other! Starts out pretty rough but they get there :3
Also Mei and Marek's ship name is grapefruit :3!! Ik grapefruit isn't purple but shshsh it's ok im keeping Mei's fruit theme going with her duo/ship names. They both lowk start out horrible 4 each other because the way Mei and Marek talk about themselves only further perpetuates their unhealthy expectations of themselves- "if she's viewing herself in this way, and I think she's right about everything and pretty well-adjusted, then this way of thinking is obviously healthy!" type of deal
Blaze yet to decide on the spirit's name + who he's gonna date but . We'll get to that when we do proper ref sheets for them both :3 agahxhxh thank you sm for the ask im sorry this got so long TwT!! I think that's enough 4 now- you can ask any more questions if you'd like!!
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