#maps answers
As a fellow trans person, do you by chance have an up to date map of "safe states" in the US? bc as someone who lives in florida and is getting Very Concerned about my health and safety, i can't seem to find any that are more recent, and i don't trust trying to google that shit rn.
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This is up to date as of April 2.
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icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
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krazieka2 · 1 month
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I've played the Fire Emblem Husbando Dating Simulator Games
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skrs-cats · 10 months
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rut was really good im such a sucker for anything that just wants to be uplifting and genuine. so, here is them :3
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What year does synergized take place?
There is no set year, but it takes place sort of in the mid-2000s, at least technology-wise for humans. Aesthetically, it's somewhat a mix of multiple decades.
I set the technology at the mid-2000s for two main reasons. One a lot of my inspirations for this project are shows/comics from around that time, and two, the major reason I don't want to write smart phones or modern type social media. I don't find it fun to write (mostly modern social media integration), and what is considered modern changes so fast. No matter how up-to-date I try to keep it, the nature of a long-term project like this, it will fall behind anyway, so why not set it slightly in the past where I already know we're human technology is at and will go...
I kinda got a light alt-history thing going on where no real-world brands, cities, or countries are name-dropped. It feels pretty close to our world, but occasionally, a character will mention something like "at least Earth only had one world War" or how theirs a town that it and all the people living in it mysteriously all turned into solid metal like 300 years ago, also it just a tourist attraction you can just visit now or religions being different from the real-world ones, the vibes are definitely east coast America, and it is sorta set there but it is definitely not a 1 to 1 with the real world (sorta how Steven universe handled things)
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farfallasims · 1 month
Hello Madi, would you share with us an overview of your England builds? I’m curious about how they look! Thank you:)
Hi gorgeous, could you elaborate if possible?
Like do you want to see more photos of the builds or do you mean the map? Because here is an updated map of my Henford so far!
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clanborn · 1 year
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slowly working on the map for my alaska clans here is a sneak peek of one of the images
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loriache · 2 months
Notes on the World Map: Melini
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I'm kind of annoyed the complete World Bible doesn't have a version of the World Map with Melini filled in... unless it does and I missed it, but I literally bought it and looked at the relevant pages for this post! Anyway, I think this is the closest we have. I'm looking at this and -- Kahka Brud literally doesn't have a coast anymore. No wonder they're pissed!! Any industry involving the sea, trade, fishing, etc. is basically impossible now - you'd have to get to the coastline on the west side of the continent. That's probably miles!
Speaking of miles... how big is Melini?
This is where I got... really unwell. So first off, let's assume the official Dunmeshi World Map is a Mercator projection. I think the stage cartography in the Dunmeshi universe is at, it's going to be most important that maps are useful for marine navigation. So we can't just drop an approximate scale onto the grid and leave it at that; we have to work out where the equator is.
The way I've done that is via two places that seem like they have a close(ish) real world equivalent - in terms of climate and culture - Utaya and the Island of Wa (Toshiro's home). The Island of Wa is obviously Japan, and I've seen plausible arguments that Utaya is probably a climate/location similar to Nepal.
So, here's the (approximate) location and latitude of those places on a Mercator map of Earth:
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If we arbitarily superimpose the two maps, asssuming they're the same size, we can draw a theoretical equator line that puts the two places at the same latitude, though on a different side of the equator. Putting them on the same side as Earth made the equator really low. I feel like that's ... unlikely, so we're going with this.
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That puts Melini at a rough latitude of .. ~55? which would, using the same scale as the previous map, make two squares (at that latitude) about 600 miles. Very roughly calculating the size as given on the map based on that, that gives a width of (approximately) 250 miles and a length of 400, coming in at a bit less than 100,000 miles² due to the shape. Probably it's between the sizes of the UK and Aotearoa.
That really helps me visualise what Laios is working with here when I think about post-canon. Though I reckon what I've done here is "Just enough research to really annoy an expert". Sorry if you're that expert. I really don't know much about cartography <3 It's like that xkcd comic:
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On distances, as someone who lives in the UK; with a car, you can get almost anywhere in a day if you're prepared to drive until late. But they don't have cars, so getting from one end to the other would take multiple days of travel. It'd take about 7 days to walk the approx "length", 400~ miles (from the top of Scotland to Liverpool) (according to Google Maps) and 2 days cycling, so probably 3-5 days with horses, depending on how you pushed them. That'd vary a bit depending on terrain, of course.
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pixelglam · 4 months
I love your save file recommendations, they're very helpful! may I ask you if you're willing to share also the maps of you destination worlds (granite falls etc...) thank you so much! u r the best<3
Hello, I'm so happy to hear that they've been helpful to you! I attached my destination worlds below (except batuu). 🤍
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I never work on these so they haven't been added to my save file overview yet!
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thechekhov · 10 months
I have a question about the map you made for Essek's house, how do the stairs work? I can't figure out how they connect to each other or which direction they go.
Oh, fair enough. I did not make that very clear.
If you overlay the maps on top of one another you should actually see the places where the stairs overlap. What I forgot to add was arrows for which way is up. But basically:
Arrows (→) indicate when a stairs is going UP and the letters indicate a linked staircase.
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So for example, Floor 1 we have the 3 towers. There is the Spiral staircase (A) in the Greeting Room which goes up to the (A) spiral staircase in the Library. The O staircase in the Kitchen leads to the O staircase on the second floor of the Domicile Tower, the Closet. The E staircase in Storage leads up to a (hidden) E staircase in the Alchemical Lab.
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On Level 2, in the Alchemical Lab we have the E staircase hidden underneath the I staircase (which goes up to the Arcane Ritual Chamber). The Domicile Tower and the Closet has two staircases. O comes up from the kitchen and lets out there. U leads further up to Level 3. In the Library, the spiral staircase continues up to the Gardens.
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On Level 3 we have the I staircase in the Arcane Ritual Chamber. The U staircase in the Bathing chamber from Level 2, and the Y staircase that leads up to the Bedroom Study.
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And these last two are kinda self explanatory I think.
In general, I would greatly recommend either downloading the free PDF that explains all this in more detail...
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inexplicifics · 2 months
Hello! I’d love to be added to the Accidental Warlord fan map - I’m generally in Carmel, California. Thank you so much for sharing that series - reading it and listening to AceofTiger’s podfics of it have brought me so much joy and relief for the last, what, two years? I’ve been slowly making my way through it and rereading as I go, and though I’m not there yet seeing your updates on Flung to Catch a Star always makes me smile. So again, thank you. I’d love to send you a virtual hug, if you want one, or else perhaps some virtual fresh made bread. Certainly won’t beat Julita’s, but it’ll be made with smiles nonetheless.
Hello in Carmel!
I'm very glad you're enjoying the series, and I will gladly accept virtual hugs and/or virtual warm bread. I hope you like Flung to Catch a Star when you get there!
(Aren't Ace's podfics wonderful?)
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pyjamacryptid · 3 months
I already gave my answer but I’m still thinking about that bbc merlin poll - the recent one that asked ‘would Merlin telling Morgana about his magic in season 1 have fixed anything?’
Because, really, I’ve been pondering over that question since I first watched the first season back in ye olde 2009. And I’ve never had a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for an answer.
Would it have fixed anything? Maybe yes, for a time. I like to think so!
Would it have brought about a better timeline? Maybe? Maybe not? If Merlin told Morgana about his magic, it would be a huge, pivotal moment for sure! For good or for ill!
But there are other pivotal moments we can’t forget about, so many other forks in the road. Morgause’s involvement, for one. Uther. And we can’t forget Morgana’s own effect, the person she is, her character. That influences the scales enough on its own.
I legit feel like I’m pacing in front of a giant ass whiteboard muttering about the butterfly effect.
You might be like “Ren, it’s not that complicated, really?”
And there I am, hair wild from pulling at it in stress, like:
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creaturefeaster · 17 days
Any tropical islands on theia??
Yes!! There's many across Theia, and maybe one day I'll have a full world map to elaborate on, but for now I can tell you about the ones localized around Stolla.
Also I hope you're ready for lore beyond their climates heehee.
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There's a lot of islands littered around Stolla but the ones with tropical-like climates hang out on the south-eastern half of Stolla, which harbors the warmest and most humid climate out of the 5 vertices of the continent.
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This cluster of eyots by the mouth of the Splitriver are the truest of tropical islands within Stolla. A couple are accessible via a local port, which mainly host small, low-denisty villages. Many of these eyots however are nautically inaccessible due to sheer cliff faces, or are too thick with growth & inhospitable to most humanoids of the region.
During cooler times of the year these islands are nearly always shrouded in a dense and humid fog kept in place by the cooler ocean waters below.
The sands surrounding the lower and more accessible islands are a glittery cyan color, a noteable feature almost exclusively seen along the coasts of the Irrandiant Gulf, so they're quite the spectacle for western & mid Stolla inhabitants!
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Speaking of the Irradiant Gulf, all other tropical like islands sit in this gulf's surrounding waters. These very large islands are more sub-tropic, a little further away from the equator. They are still just as humid, and despite how I lazily colored in the vegetation on this map, much of the jungle within these islands actually glow and glitter vibrantly in a range of cool colors from sea-green to indigo.
The two largest islands are populated heavily along their coasts, but very few people live far inland. The largest of the islands exports many unique and unusual magical goods and ingredients to the rest of Stolla.
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And finally these two small islands in the outer center of the gulf have a somewhat sub-tropical climate, but are notably less rainy and have colder winters. Any island more northern than these in this area begins to reach more temperate climates.
These islands are home to chiefdoms of Payans and Garbeators that reject trade and much contact with the rest of Stolla. Though nobody knows how they exist, these islands happen to be right on top of an ancient meteor impact site, the same one that created the gulf, and caused the great flooding of it's surrounding provinces. Also the one that brought all that glittery magic to the world in the first place ^_^.
The islands sport several sheer rock formations of varying heights laced with colorful crystals that influence the growth and behaviors of all life within their surrounding area. Many living things from these islands beyond Payans and Garbeators have more than two eyes, for reasons yet to be understood.
As I mentioned previously, there are many more tropical and sub-tropical islands in the world of Theia, these are just the more relevant ones to the story-focused part of the world.
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emilyjunk · 15 days
could we get a synopsis of what your ongoing fic is about?
To say that Regina is making an effort to be a better person would be, in her personal and superior opinion, an understatement. Just this morning in homeroom, for instance, after Kevin G. made a math pun that functioned as a raunchy innuendo truly so horrific that everyone in the vicinity lost several brain cells, Regina bit her lip so hard in an attempt to hold back her comment that she drew blood underneath her several layers of lip gloss. Growing pains.
Still, despite her efforts to change, she kind of thought senior year might not be that different. She thought everything would go back to normal, or at least some version of normal in which everything stayed the same except for her. Obviously not everything is about her, but, like, this is her moment of growth, hello? Can the universe not acknowledge that?
But it turns out that a semester of high school in which a math teacher is falsely accused of pushing drugs, a new girl with zero fashion sense wins Spring Fling Queen, and Regina gets hit by a bus is wont to transform the entire DNA of the senior class population. 
This is probably great news for everyone else. 
For Regina, well. Like a caterpillar in the chrysalis, she temporarily died. Only for 15 seconds, but still. Metamorphosis is a real bitch.
Anyway. Back to the point. 
So, Regina thought things might be the same this year, or at least similar enough that she could follow the initial blueprints of teenage socialization she’s been carefully crafting since 6th grade, barring a few modifications to fit her new and excruciating improved outlook on life. The world of course has other plans because it’s a cruel and unrelenting place (re: Regina got hit by a fucking bus). She’s attempting to adapt, but there are a few crucial changes to her life that are making it difficult, such as follows:
The Plastics become friends with the Art Freaks
Regina comes out 
Cady and Aaron break up
Regina joins the lacrosse team
Regina falls in love
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stickkitty · 26 days
Song "Tell Me What I Am" and AvA
Idk if I am the first to say this. Yesterday an Amazing Digital Circus song came out for the new episode called "Tell Me What I Am." I am listening to this song and- THIS IS PURE AVA VILLAIN VIBES.
The lyrics "Am I a Man or a Command? A Program D*mned to their design" is SO TDL RIGHT THERE. "I can't seem to recall seeing any of your friends at all" feels like when TDL killed RYGB in The Showdown. "Your not a plaything, you're fairway, bringing your trouble down here" relates to how Alan treated his creations as toys in the past. Alan is "not a plaything." The part I italicized is like when Alan came to battle alongside TCO in the Showdown.
"Am I just a ghost? Every characteristic chosen to assist in putting on a show?" This. Victim right here. Victim was tortured for Alan's entertainment and was deleted (supposedly... who knows how they're alive). "Will I be erased, just like I have so many times before?"
"You say to come along. Would it be so wrong to find a home in the forever?" This is like how TCO and TDL joined sides in AvA3 and escaped into the Outernet. They made the Outernet their home.
The song surrounding being an abandoned program just fits AvA. There are SO MUCH more in the song I did not talk about that connects to AvA and I recommend you listen to it: link
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jazzy-a · 8 months
I've been rewatching TMNT 2K12, and, um...
I'm sorry, but-
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Look at that! It's straight up like something out of Saw or Amnesia! It's horrifying! A TABLE SAW? SRSLY? WHY DID SWEET MICHELANGELO SUGGEST THIS!? WHY DID HE KNOW ABOUT IT!?
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