#mansk lovers fate
ikranwings · 1 year
Miles Quaritch
Chapter one: First meeting
Chapter two: Making camp
Chapter three: Arrival
Lovers fate: Chapter one
Lovers fate: Flight of the Ikran
to be posted
Part 1 , Part 2(nsfw)
to be posted
Miles,Lyle and Tsu'tey kinks (NSFW )
Mansk and Lopez kinks (NSFW)
Miles and Tonowari Cartographer S/O
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navibluebees · 1 year
Okay so if you haven’t read @ikranwings Lovers Fate, you gotta ESPECIALLY if you love Mansk. Also @nin3kyuu has done some amazing art for it that’s at the beginning of chapter 2. I’ve got it reblogged on my personal blog @beesoo13 if you have any trouble finding it!
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ikranwings · 1 year
Lovers fate
Chapter two: flight of the Ikran
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Warnings: none that I can think of? Maybe injury assessment?
This chapter is dedicated to a very good friend of mine! Who also created this lovely art you see below of the pair! Thank you so so much! I love you you are truly the best @nin3kyuu ARENT THEY SO FUCKING CUTE!!!! I COULD CRY.
also!!!! Nine! she created Mansks Ikrans name!!!!!!
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Mansk had stayed true to his words, he didn’t leave her and he guided her the whole way before climbing up himself first. Making it easier for him to carefully guide her out of the water and onto the safety of the rocks around them. It was only now that she was out of the water that he was able to get a look at her, fully Assess any injuries she may have endured. To his relief The only thing she had sustained was the simple fact that currently she was unable to see. Permanently or for how long he was unsure but at the very least he was happy he was able to save the one person that meant the most to him in all of this. The one person who had begged him from the start not to go through with this mission because she was worried something horrible might happen to all of them.
 “ Here sit down a moment and let me look at you.. Look you over i mean. “ Mansk had guided her into a sitting position seeing as how she couldnt look back and ensure she wasn't going to fall over or slide back into the ocean on accident. In time she would learn to live with it, Everything took time. At the moment he knew it would be uncomfortable for her, confusing even. All her life she had perfect vision, didn’t even need glasses of any sort in both human and recom form. 
“ We should wring out our clothes, Get as much water out of them as possible before we move again. “ Mansk wanted to give her the option to do things for herself. He didn’t want her to fell dependent  or useless to him because she wasn’t. In no way shape or form would she ever be that way to him, he only hoped that she would understand that. On top of that he couldn't guarantee she was always going to be in his line of sight in order to help her. Doing this sort of thing on her own right away was for the best and if she wanted the help he would not deny her that. 
Mansk removed his vest as well as his sopping wet jacket, ringing it out before he laid it along the rocks temporarily. There was no use wearing it at the moment given how the water was weighing it down. This way it gave it a moment to dry out a bit while he regained his bearings, checked them both over for anything that might be abnormal. Gave him the chance to call for his ikran before they were to head off. 
His shirt came off as well as his gloves in order for him to try and wring as much excess water out of his clothes as possible. Mansk spared quick glance back at Isabella chalking it up to the fact that he wanted to ensure she was doing alright with her own clothes.Carefully she to managed to peel her own shirt off leaving her bra on as she twisted the fabric of her shirt in her hands as tightly as she could manage before unraveling it and shaking it out as best she could. Isabella did this twice before putting her shirt back on and moved onto her pants,doing the exact same. Her fingers sliding around the waistband of the pants in order to find the button on the front as she didnt want to put them back on backwards after all. The pants were done with a little bit of difficulty but in the end she managed to get them back on all on her own. A step forward in Mansks eye seeing as how this was all brand new to her. 
“ Here stay still for a moment. “ Mansk moved in order to kneel in front of her, a hand came to the side of her face as the other wiped some sort of wet cloth around her eyes. The man simply wanted to cover all bases, keep them clean just to help whatever healing process was ahead of them. He didn’t know what else to do, what could he do? There was no medical equipment in sight and it wasn’t as if he would know how to use it to begin with as that was more along the lines of Isabella’s expertise. 
“ Do you think it will ever come back, i just.. There's no doctors around to really tell the full cause. “ Isabella had spoken and yet still leaned her head into his hand as he continued to clean her up as best as he possibly could. He knew what she was saying to be true but for now this was all he could do for her. For him personally he wanted to feel as though he was doing something helpful, something important after all of this. 
 “ I don’t know, I'm going to get you to a doctor as soon as possible, I promise. I just want to make sure it’s safe for you. “ He smiled, even if she couldn't see him do so he still smiled at her. Mansk was positive he could get the both of them out of there safely and get her the medical attention he felt as though she needed. Going back to the RDA was the only thing he could logically think of, he didn't know what else to do. Mansk didn't feel as though there was any Na’vi clan out there that would accept the two of them, especially after what he had done in this war.
 “ Are you sure going back there is a good idea Mansk? They'll just send you out on another mission like this one,or worse.. I'm not sure I want to go back there. “ It was the truth, cold, hard and honest truth. Even if it meant getting her eyesight back she wasn't sure she would ever want to head back there. The RDA only ever brought death and destruction, something she realized early on after waking up in her recom body.
 “ Its the only option i see.. “ Mansk sighed, what other choice did he have?  They had to help her, they had no other choice but to help her… didn’t they?  He didn’t really want to think about it all too much. He was a good soldier and they wouldn’t waste a bullet on him. Not when he cost them a fortune to make, not when they still needed others to fulfill missions. They needed him and they wouldn’t  do anything rash like that, would they? Would they? 
Mansk shook the thought away, there was no use worrying about that at the moment. At least not until he wrapped his head around the whole scenario. He had to make things right, had to find a way to help her get her eyesight back. Even though he had no hand in blinding her the man felt guilty that this had been the outcome she endured. He hated that she was the one punished when he seemingly came out unscathed aside from a few cuts and bruises. It wasn’t fair to her at all, especially since she had asked him from the very beginning not to be a part of this.
  “ It doesn't matter, im going to find a way for you to get your eyesight back and everything will be okay again. Im sorry Issa.. “ As soon as Mansk had spoken Isabella had reached out for him, hands finding his shoulders in order to slide up towards his face. She wanted to ensure his focus was entirely on her and her alone before she was to speak, wanted him to take in everything she had to say to him before they where to proceed any further. “ Don't  blame yourself Mansk. Please whatever you do dont blame yourself for what happened to me. You couldn't have stopped it, we were nowhere near each other when it happened.. Its not on you Mansk. “ A sigh left his lips, leaning his forehead against her own as his hands came up to her wrists. Thumbs stroking softly over her bare skin as he tried to find the words to speak, only he couldn't. There was nothing he could say to make himself feel better about the situation isabella had been thrown into because of this awful war. Instead he pressed his lips to her forehead before leaning back, “ I'm going to get us somewhere safe for the night.. We can go from there. Don't move.. I have to call for my Ikran. “
Standing he moved away from Isabella just far enough so when he was to call for his ikran it would have a safe space to land properly. Staying in the area of the reef clans after he had helped burn most of them was not the best idea. He deserved whatever punishment  they would give to him, that was how he truly felt. Isabella however? She deserved none of this and he wouldn't allow her to pay for any of his wrong doings anymore than he already had.
 A swift whistle came from his lips as he waited a moment before calling out its name, a name Isabella had not heard yet as she wasn't around when he and his ikran had chosen one another. His hands cupped around his mouth as if it would make the sound travel farther as he called out, “ Kobe!! “ 
 A giggle bubbled up from behind him  clearly coming from Isabella the moment he had called out for his Ikran, she must have found the name amusing or funny enough to elicit some form of laughter from her after he had said it, “ Kobe? Like the cheese? “ Isabella knew how good of a cook Mansk was, hell she lived for eating his cooking any time she got the chance to enjoy it. It was nice to have amongst the slop that the RDA fed them day in and day out that was for damn sure.
“ No Kobe like the steak…. Though the cheese is pretty good too. “ A laugh fell from him in return, it went from him calling his Ikran to them to the both of them laughing over a name that he had picked and she misinterpreted. He got to see her smile and that alone made him happy, happy to know that he could make her smile or even laugh. That he had caused that and no one else had at moment.
 The cry of his Ikran could be heard from above their heads, the soft flap of its wings was heard as it perched itself on the opposite end of the rock formation. Mansk made his approach, petting the front of his ikrans head a moment in order to calm it down. THe commotion more than likely had confused it and yet it still stuck around for him, to ensure that he had a way out. The man had bonded with the animal and it was only now he realized just how complex things like this where.
Moments passed before he was to move away from Kobe. Ensuring he had grabbed his clothes that where previously set out on the rocks to dry as best as possible. His shirt and vest were the two things he put back on immediately, his jacket however was a different story.
“We’re gonna get moving, here I want you to put this on. '' Mansk kneeled down before Isabella once again. Draping his jacket around her shoulders he allowed her to slide her arms through the holes of the sleeves before he was to zip it up. 
 “ Mansk what is this even for? “ Isabella could tell it was his jacket, he always wore that damn thing outside or the RDA buildings. It was as if he didn't want to touch anything from the outside world on Pandora and yet here he was putting his jacket around her in order to ensure she was safe. Ensure that in his eyes she was going to be safe and well protected for the flight ahead of them. Sure it more than likely wasn't going to be a very long flight but Mansk didnt want to take any chances. He was far too concerned to think about anything else aside from her safety, shelter and some food. For now nothing else mattered, everything else would come second for now and that was where his mind was at. 
“ We're going to fly for a bit… I want to protect you from the elements as we go… won't be that long.. Just enough to find camp for the night. “ Mansk took Isabella's hands into his own as they stood simply to guide her over to his Ikran. Connecting his Queue with Kobe he was unsure how to proceed with getting her up with him. Really he didnt think much further than to get the hell out of there.
      “ Just  show me where the stirrup is and ill get on after you with a bit of help. “ It was almost as if she could sense how apprehensive he was about proceeding. How concerned he was with loading her up with him and taking off. He was afraid of taking her up high into the air and she didn't want him to be. Isabella was blinded not weak, She could definitely keep a hold on the man as he flew through the air in order to try and find and create some sort of camp out for the night.
“ Alright fine..  “ Reluctantly he bent down slightly in order to grab her leg, ensuring her foot was placed carefully on the edge of the stirrup before he straightened himself up. He then took her hand and placed it along the neck of his ikran so it would be easier for her to steady herself on the way up. “Keep your hand here, I will help you up in a moment.  “
Mansk then moved in order to step up, swinging his leg over the neck of his ikran before situating himself properly atop Kobe. His hand was placed carefully over her own, gripping tightly as her other hand came to lay over Kobe and pull herself up with Mansks help. He insisted he face her so her arms could wrap tightly around his waist while they flew through the sky. Mansk wrapped an arm around her momentarily in order to draw her in closer to his body as she settled in against him. Head nestled securely against his chest before he was to take off. 
The ikran spread its wings before taking flight high into the sky. It would be sometime before they were to be over any forested area. Mansk had already decided they were not going to land anywhere near islands or the reefs villages. It just didn’t sit right with him after everything that had unfolded over the past few months to days. Sparing one last glance at Isabella before he was satisfied with where she was he could relax a bit for the remainder of the flight. A smile had crept across his face slowly, they were going to be ok. Mansk had Isabella and nothing else mattered at the moment. Though, he only hoped that others may have made it out of that. That some of his friends he had spend all those months out there with had survived. Perhaps they could regroup and find the proper direction they should go on. Despite how he seemed to form a plan and have a level head, the man was grasping at straws. Trying desperately to ensure his plans were good enough to keep the both of them alive. 
Hours passed and the daylight was starting to dim, he would have to land soon. If he wanted to get a fire going for the both of them and some food into the both of them he would have to la nd in the near future. Mansk went down within lush trees and dense foliage, something that could hide them for the night. Give them both a chance to rest and recuperate. 
Instead of landing in the trees as one would in this scenario he had Kobe make his way to the ground. Allowing Mansk to get down first and for Isabella to slide safely down and onto the forest floor before he allowed his Ikran to retreat into the trees. 
 “ I'm going to get a fire going for us and then something to eat. “ Mansk gently tugged Isabella by her arm in order to direct her over to what looked like a fallen limb from a tree that must have broken off in past storms. The plan was to start a quick fire before hunting something down that he could cook up for the two of them to eat. Perhaps even save the rest for morning or if they were to get hungry along the way. Mansk had no idea how long this journey was going to be for them, he had an idea of where he was going to take the two of them, but nothing confirmed, fully quite yet.
“Do you have an extra knife? “ Isabella‘s question was to the point, she wanted to be useful in the situation, even if there wasn’t much she could do. Sure she was blinded, but I didn’t mean she couldn’t work on things while sat in place.“I need a knife and a stick that’s thick enough you can wrap your hands around. Will need it to help cook whatever you catch. It’s better to get them both done at once, it will give me something to do. “ 
“ I… if you’re positive you want to do that yeah. “Mansk didn’t necessarily agree with having her do that however, he knew she just wanted to participate. She just wanted to feel useful and not burden him. Who is heated and I heard that fact? Even though she was no burden on him at all, this was his way of helping her. If she was concerned about feeling helpless? Then he would do what he could in order to push that sort of thought to the very back of her mind.
A fire was quickly set up giving the pair a moment to warm up before Mansk was to set out for some food. What Isabella had requested had been placed within her hands in order for her to get to work as well. With Isabella’s knowledge and his muscle and skill set, the two of them would be just fine. There wasn’t much either of them had to worry about aside from surviving and getting through those few nights in the wilds of Pandora.
“I’m not going to go far, I’m just going to get us something to eat and come back. “Mansk wasn’t entirely sure if it was going to be meat or fruits he found around the area. No matter what he was going to find something edible for the both of them to enjoy around there little fire. 
“Just be careful please, if you find a hexapede the Na’vi call them Yerik, you might find a slinger. Avoid them at all costs, I don’t want you hurt… not for me please. “Isabella had knowledge of many of the creatures that resided on Pandora.  When they first started out they had gotten a debriefing on the flora and fauna of the planet, Isabella had been one of the scientists there teaching them the basics. What to avoid, what was far too dangerous to approach and definitely what was poisonous to ingest. 
A faint smile appeared on Mansks face as he leaned forward in order to press his lips to her forehead, hesitating a moment to pull away before he was to speak up one last time. “I’ll be ok, I won’t be long just stay here and I’ll be back before you know it. “ he hated having to leave her there alone,however it had to happen. Food was a priority the both of them needed. For now water was settled considering the cantine he had on his ikran was still full. The quicker he left meant the quicker he could be back with a catch for the night. Sparing one last glance at Isabella beside the fire he tracked off into the forest in search of anything to tide them over for the next few days. 
They would be ok, they had to be. 
Things had to end up alright. 
He had to tell her. 
I love you. 
I love you more than this job. 
I love you more than life itself.
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ikranwings · 1 year
LOVERS FATE: hopelessly intertwined
chapter three
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Warnings: mentions of death, angst, smut, p in the v, fingering,squirting,cockwarming,knotting,dirty talking,praise. If I’ve missed anything else, please let me know.
Nsfw art at the end created by @nin3kyuu SPICY AS HELL. Also!!! Their oc is briefly mentioned!!
If you enjoy this chapter so far, please like and reshare ❤️❤️
It wasn’t long before Mansk was able to find a like hexapede, small enough to feet the two of them without waisting much if the animal at all. A singular shot had rung out causing Isabella to jump slightly from the sound. She could only assume that Mask had found something for the two of them to eat. Mansk ensured that he didn’t wander to far from their little camp so his trek back to the fire he had built wouldn’t be to long. He didn’t want to leave Isabella alone for very long without some sort of protection. Sure she had the knife he had handed over to her but in his eyes it was no where near enough. He wasn’t there so it was never enough.
The animal was slung over his shoulder as he walked back by the fire, a triumphant smile was plastered across his face upon his return.
Dinner was prepared within a few hours after that. Mansk had made sure to smoke some of the meat for the two of them in order to ensure that some of their rations would last longer on their journey to an RDA outpost. He wanted to cover all basis, ensure neither of them would go a single day without food no matter how long they were going to be out there for. Mansk prided himself on being a great cook even if he was given very little to work with.
He was thankful when Isabella had eaten everything he had given to her. Not because he was worried about the taste but because he was concerned for her well being. Her being able to eat something was a turn in the right direction. She was strong that much he knew for certain. That strength alone let him know that she was going to be ok, between the two of them they would end up alive and well and reach their destination.
Hours had passed, it had to be close to midnight by now if not an hour after that and neither of them had seemed too keen on falling asleep for the night. Instead the two were comfortable with one another's presence, sharing a few spare words with one another before the two of them had become quiet once more. The soft flickering light of the flames danced across Isabella's face as Mansk watched her, he couldn't help but feel there was something she was holding onto. The way the lines on her forehead creased in concentration as if she was thinking about something, something important to her. Did she lose something back when the sea dragon sunk that meant something to her physically? Like a necklace or something along those lines.
His hand came to her face, drawing her hair behind her ear in order to get a better look at her face trying to figure out what was going on within her head before he spoke, “ What's on your mind Isa?.. you seem troubled. “ Masks thumb rubbed softly along her cheek out of habit as he awaited her answer. If anything was troubling her he wanted to know, wanted to know in order to try and help her in any way possible.
Isabella gave a faint smile, her head leaning into his touch without hesitation. However she still remained silent for just a moment longer, closing her eyes as she took in a small breath of air, “ It's stupid really, you don't have to worry ill be fine. It won't get in the way of the journey I promise. “ Reluctantly she pulled herself away from his hand, adjusting herself so she could sit straight on the log she was sitting on as she rubbed her hands together a moment in order to help warm herself up.
The only thing was, Mansk wasn't happy with her answer. He wasn't going to let whatever was bubbling inside of her stay a secret like that when she very clearly was bothered by whatever plagued her mind. He wanted her to know she could come to him for anything, not just because of the circumstances they were in. But for her to come to him any time, under any circumstances as he cared a great deal for her. In fact he was in love with her and he could only hope that after all this time she felt the same for him as he did for her.
Mansk pushed himself up and off of the log he had been sitting on in order to place himself in front of her, hands moving to grasp both of her hands into his own, “ Isa please… Im here for you, for anything. Please tell me, I'm sure whatever it is isnt stupid. Anything that's troubling you is important, its important to me.. “ He pleaded with her, hoping he could coax whatever it was out of her in order for him to at the very least attempt to help her through whatever it was.
Isabella squeezed his hands tightly, never wanting to let him go as a sigh left her lips, “ Ok.. Ok fine i… I'm scared, I'm scared I'll forget what you look like. I'm scared the image of your face will just slip from me and I'll never be able to see any of it again. Of anyone will just melt away. “ A shaky breath fell from her lips as she took a moment in order to compose herself, “ if we never see the others again? What happened to Z-dog? To Nine? Lopez? Hell, even the colonel. Any of them, I’m scared they’re all dead and there’s nothing I can do about it. “ It was then occurred to him, Isabella had no idea what happened to any of the others. While he had witnessed what happened to some she was entirely in the dark. The only thing she knew for certain was the simple fact that the two of them had one another and no one else.
“ oh Isa.. baby… “ tugging her hands softly he drew her in closer to him, “ it’s going to be ok I promise. We’ll figure it out, no matter what you’ll always have me. I’m not going to go anywhere. “ Gently he moved one of her hands up to his face, letting it rest there for a moment as he brought her fingers to gently trace his face. Each little line and slight curve in his face, he was there, he wasn’t going anywhere. Mansk was there for her and her alone and nothing would change that.
“ I'm here for you.. Always “ Mansk smiled as her fingers glided across his face softly, so gentle that it was as light as a feather. She had always been gentle with him even though he felt as though it wasn't entirely needed. Hell, the man used to tease her about injuring himself and ask if he could come to her for help, knowing full well she wasnt that type of doctor. He only did it to get a laugh out of her. Only did it in order to see her blush or have her swat at him for his attempts. He missed those moments, before everything went to hell. Oh how he wished he had confessed everything to her before he had left with the rest of the team on the mission that had cost them more than half of the Deja blue team.
“ Mansk.. Why do you care so much about me? … You've always been so kind to me even before the mission and this war. “ Isabella meant no harm in her question, he knew she was genuinely curious. H;e only acted this way towards her and her alone and he didn't really try his hardest to hide that face. Mansk never really hid too much of himself from her so she was bound to notice the difference in his mannerisms.
“ I mean.. it’s just why me? What’s so special about me? “ She wasn't a soldier, did not follow everything he and the other recoms of the deja blue team did entirely. Quite frankly she challenged everything the Colonel said when she didn’t agree with it. Hell she probably questioned things more than she should have.
The question itself had thrown Mansk off, he didn’t expect her to ask such a question. Why her? Why not her? She had always been the one with a tight hold on his heart. He cares for her more than he probably should have and didn’t regret a single second of it. However now that the question has arisen it had to be answered. It wasn’t exactly how he had expected this moment to come around that was for damn sure.
One of Mansks hands broke away from her own and slid around to the back of Isabella’s neck, pulling her down slightly in order to press his own lips to hers. Words couldn’t convey everything, couldn’t give the full in-depth detail of one’s feelings. Mansk wasn’t exactly the best at expressing that sort of thing verbally so he did the only thing he could think of, and to his surprise Isabella didn’t pull away. In fact, she had practically melted into the kiss he had initiated. There was a moment where he pulled back just enough to speak, just enough to confirm that what he was doing with his true feelings. “It’s you, it’s always been you Isa. You’re special to me and I’m in love with you. When I found you in the water floating there I was so worried… I don’t know what- . “
Isabella kissed him once more, keeping him from rambling on. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to hear him speak, she just wanted this moment with him. All worries, all concerns could be dealt with later. Nothing else mattered at the moment but him, nothing mattered aside from the two of them there with one another simply living in the moment of freedom they both now had. “ I love you too.. I only stayed for you. “
“ For me? “
Another kiss and Mansk had pushed himself forward so that he was no longer sitting in front of her. He was now on his knees, intending on slowly pushing himself up with her in order to get better leverage. Closer, he wanted her closer. Needed her closer,more than anything in the world. In fact the world around them was gone, fading into the darkness along with any worries that may have crept their way into his mind up until this moment in time. His arms came to tighten around her body, making it easier for him to stand and take her with him. A log wasn't exactly comfortable, especially with one swish of his tail there was a possibility he could burn himself in the process.
Hands had found their way down to the hem of his shirt, tugging gently to remove it from the light tuck of his pants they had been rooted in. Fingers slipped under the fabric…fingers ghosting lightly over the skin of his abdomen gave way to a trail of goosebumps in its wake. A low rumbling groan fell from Mansk's lips as he pressed Isabella's back against the nearest tree. Using this chance to yank up on his own shirt in order to get it over his head and tossed it somewhere on the forest floor. His hands then came to lay at her sides, unsure how to proceed as he didnt want to follow through with something she was uncomfortable with. As pent up as he was he could never ever hurt her, not the woman he loved more than life itself.
“ May i? “ His hands now slipped under the jacket he had given her as well as the thin shirt that laid underneath that. Palm flat as he softly gilded it up her middle, enjoying the shiver that ran through her body. He could hear the soft hitch and her breath and it only made him more excited. Voice barely above a whisper had spoken up, it was almost as if she was afraid her words would betray her; however it was all the confirmation he needed. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.
The jacket she had been wearing was now discarded along with her shirt and had joined his own and the forest floor. Clothes were being stripped and tossed in a frantic mess, no rhyme or reason and no concern as to whether or not they could find them afterwards. Not that either of them cared at the moment that was for damn sure. Isabella's pants were yanked off by both parties, this action being made harder by the fact that neither of them thought to pull her boots off before bunching the clothes lower on her legs. Mansk opted to simply shove his pants down around his ankles, he couldn't wait. The man wanted to be closer to her, feel her skin against his own. The thought had been rattling around in his mind for months on end and now that it was becoming a reality his entire body was buzzing with excitement.
He took this moment to take her in, really take her in. As his length lay hot and hard on her thigh a hand came to slide up her abdomen, resuming where he had previously left off before. Cupping her breast his head dipped down in order to kiss along her collar bone,nipping slightly as he worked his way down to her nipple. Licking a stripe upward as his lips attached to her skin, dead set on leaving a mark there on her so others would know it was him who was the cause of all of this. What he did not anticipate on hearing was the soft broken moan that had slipped from Isabellas lips as her fingers tried to grasp at the short hair on his head. Already he was rutting his hips against her thigh for some sort of relief as he moved against her. Each little moan and whimper falling from her lips only made him crave the feeling of being sheathed within her grow even stronger than it ever had before.
Testing the waters herself Isabella tried to roll her hips against his length, biting back a moan his hands now stilled her hips. A defiant wine had fallen from her lips about to protest until his fingers dipped in between their bodies, running a singular digit along her slit as he groaned. “ You're already so wet for me baby… and to think I wasted all this time waiting, we could have had one another long ago. “
A finger dipped carefully into body as her hands came to rest on his shoulders. Fingernails pressed small crescents into the skin of his shoulders as he slowly began thrusting forward. Enjoying every little moan, whimper and meuwl that fell from her lips. The soft pleas for more than only encouraged his each and every movement. A second finger was added now as his pace was slow to increase, he was trying to build her up and send her over that edge before he was even buried deep within her walls. He wanted to watch her come apart on his fingers, watch her body shake and shudder beneath him just by his fingers and his fingers alone.
His thumb came to press against her clit, rubbing soft circles as the two fingers buried deep within her curled slightly. Eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned out his name, trying desperately to grind her hips down into his hand for more friction, more anything from him.
Another whine was ripped from her throat, hips rolling carefully into his hand as the coil in her belly only seemed to tighten to the point it was sure to snap. “ Look at you pretty girl, so lost on the moment, drunk on my fingers alone. You like that Hm? “ Pleasuring her was as enjoyable for him as it was for her. Seeing her like this was invigorating, something he wanted more of. Hell Mansk wanted to make her come undone multiple times just by his fingers alone to the point of overstimulation. However this wasn't what he wanted to achieve for their first time together, this sort of thing could be something he used on her later. Another angle for them to explore some time down the road as this wasn't something he wanted to be a one time deal. He wanted her, always and forever. No matter the hardships or journey that involved.
“ M-Mansk.. Fuck.. Don't stop, please don't stop. “ Isabella was desperate, rolling her hips into his hand as his arm had snaked itself around her back. Helping to guide her down into his hand in order to ensure he was hitting the same spot that had her body shaking and moaning each and every single time. His name fell from her lip one final time in a strangled moan, legs shaking violently around his hips as he held her up, The coil in her belly had snapped, wildfire spread throughout her body as loud moans rippled through her body entirely overwhelmed by him and yet she would still take everything he had to give . Fingers slowing their pace as he carefully helped her through her orgasm, head coming to rest on her shoulder as he whispered to her in a soothing manner.Another wine was ripped from her lips the moment he had pulled his fingers from her slick. “ So good baby, you did so good for me… You think you could handle more hmm? You think you could handle more of me babygirl? “
It had taken Isabella a few moments to actually find her own voice, her body shivering lightly against his own as he kissed her neck awaiting an answer. Her hands came up to his face, knowing that Mansk still had her encased in his arms so there was no chance of her slipping from him. Isabella had taken the opportunity to tug him into a heated kiss, resting her forehead on his own, simply enjoying this moment alone with him. Her hand slid from his face down the back of his braid momentarily before she was to speak up. “ I want you Mansk… I want all of you if you'll have me. I can't see myself with anyone else but you even before this… I need you. “
He smiled, Mansk smiled, his heart was filled with more joy than he could handle. The woman of his dreams wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Not only that, she wanted this to be a permanent thing, didn't want this to be a one time deal. If there was anything he liked about his new body was the fact that he could be bonded to her for life. The fact that only he could ever know her on this personal level and no one else could. Mansks hand moved to the back of his own head, sliding down the braid as he brought it forward and held up the end of it, “ Are you sure? If we follow through with this ill love you till the end of my days and more Isa, you mean the world to me and that's a promise. “
Isabella had mirrored his actions, carefully bringing her braid up beside his own as she smiled, “ I only stayed for you remember? No one else. “ The tendrils of their neural queue intertwined, taking hold of one another as she sucked in a breath. They could feel one another now, right down to the beating of one anothers hearts, their breath and just how strung up each other was in this very moment. Mansk had stumbled slightly, catching himself in order to keep the both of them pressed carefully against the tree. What he did not expect was to feel Isabella's hand stroking his length, running her thumb softly over his aching and leaking tip. Groaning softly a shiver ran through his body, desperately trying to center himself in order to continue. In all truth he felt as though he could burst right then and there. However that was not how he wanted it to go, Mansk wanted to be buried deep within her walls milking her for all she had before letting himself loose. His hand came to rest over her own, stopping the soft jerk of her hand along his length. Delicate fingers trying to push him over the edge just as he had done to her earlier.
Mansk pushed her body slightly higher up the tree as he aligned his tip with her entrance. Isabella's hips trying to move in order to impale herself further on his length, whining in frustration as he kept her from doing so. He was trying to tease her with it as much as he could before thrusting forward into her body, reveling in the moment he felt her walls squeeze his cock.
“ Mansk.. Fuck, oh my god. “ Air had been punched out of her lungs as she moaned, ankles locking around his hips as she tried to keep him there buried deep within her core. The sensation of feeling so full was something she never wanted to be rid of, the delicious burn of him stretching her out fully was eye rolling good. When waiting became unbearable she took an experimental roll of her hips, feeling the drag of his cock within her body. A moan was ripped from the both of them as he then began to move, short and shallow thrusts soon began to break way into fast paced hard thrusts. Shallow groans fell from Mansks lips as he pumped himself into her relentlessly, chasing both of their highs as he wanted to feel her clamp down around him.
Mansks hands moved down to her hips in order to get sharper, deeper thrusts into her body. Earning sharp moans from her open mouth. The bulbous knot only grew as time went on. At this rate neither of them would last very long. The two of them were already a sticky mess, liquid dripping down slightly that slipped out with every noisy slap of skin. Mansk now pressed his forehead against her own, stealing kisses from her when he could as each thrust into her now let to more lewd noises tumbling from her. She was already too far gone for words and he had left her practically breathless and still she tried to pull him deeper into her wet heat.
Her walls tightening around his length was signal enough that she was close, as if her desperately trying to form the syllables of his name wasn't indication enough for him he changed his pace. Sharp thrusts were made as he pulled her hips down in rhythm with his own. Each stroke of his dick rubbed over that spongy patch within her, hitting that one spot each and every time in order to make her practically see stars. Isabella's body went ridgid, this was a different feeling that ran through her body as it now shook, practically painting the man with her slick. The orgasm that ripped through her was much stronger than the last one he had given her and perhaps it was because she could feel everything he felt as well. Her body shuddered against his own as his thrusts became sloppy. Desperate shallow thrusts followed as his own end rippled through his body, locking him in place within her as he carefully moved the two of them so his back could rest against the tree. Carefully he slid himself down into a sitting position, still deeply rooted within her body as he waited for himself to grow limp within her body.
He took the moment while they were both calming down from their highs to detach their neural Queues. Sliding hers back behind her head as he then moved to stroked her back as he kissed her temple, “ You did so good baby. “ Mansks head now nuzzled against her own as she hummed softly. Lazily nuzzling her head into thr crook of his neck as he reached to pull the previously discarded jacket off the forest floor and around her shoulders. They could stay like this for a few moments longer before having to move, he just wanted this to never end. Wanted to stay here with her for the rest of their lives but he knew they would eventually have to get moving.
I’ll protect you.
No matter what I’ll protect you.
We’re mated for life.
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ikranwings · 1 year
lovers Fate
Chapter one
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PLOT: Mansk believes he’s one of the only survivors after the sea dragon falls to the watery depths of the ocean. That is until he finds one person, one sole person amongst the wreckage. The one person he use to constantly flirt with before he had gone out on his mission.
Photo credit coming soon
Warnings: mean ruins of death, injuries and traumatic experiences.
This story is 18+ only. Proceeding further you acknowledge that you are in fact an adult. All minors will be blocked from the account if found.
The sea dragon had sunk to the bottom of the ocean and Mansk was seemingly left alone in the middle of the ocean. Remnants of the once buoyant ship came to the surface as wreckage and floated with the current. As far as he could tell everyone was gone, he was seemingly on his own. No idea where Quaritch was, last he had seen Lyle was alive but now he couldn't be so sure. The war itself was brutal, something that should have never happened. As much as he wanted to believe they were in the right he couldn't justify going after a man and his family as he did. It was only right for them to lose, only right for the sea dragon to be lost to the ocean bead below them. Burying it and everything else that had laid waste to the ecosystem around them.
Carefully Mansk had thrown his gun over his back, the strap resting along his front as he pushed himself forward towards some of the wreckage. Perhaps he could salvage somethings for his own survival and Somehow make his way back to a base or anything for that matter. He wasn’t entirely sure how his return would be reciprocated, there was a very strong chance they might deem him unnecessary. A failed re-creation of his former self seeing as how he was a part of the group that had lost the war, a part of the group that had failed the mission and still had no results to show for his efforts.
The closer he got to some floating debris, boxes and plastic bags zipped up with who knows what was when he spotted it. Or rather was when he spotted what seemed like another survivor. Not a human but another recom draped along one of the slowly bobbing boxes. This one wasn't a soldier, wasn't a part of his team that had taken on the mission that was Jake Sully and his family. Upon closer inspection he recognized who the drifting survivor was, one of the scientists the RDA had decided to give recom bodies in order to help assist in the study of the planet pandora. Explore what plants would be safe to human consumption and what specifically to stay away from. Or just regular doctors large enough to deal with the recoms bigger injuries, it genuinely helped get things done that was for damn sure.
Isabella, her name was Issabella if his memories were to serve him correctly. From time to time he would chat with her before they had been set out on their mission. Making it a game to see if he could get her to laugh as he quite enjoyed hearing that from her or even just pulling a smile on her face. They rarely had time to speak with one another though, those moments around her where few and far between.
“ Isabella.. “ Mansk called after the woman pushing forward as he spit some of the sea water That had collected in his mouth as he went slightly underwater from the current. He called out her name again when she didn’t answer him, his only assumption was the simple fact that she may very well be unconscious after the whole event. Somehow she has managed to pull herself up onto one of the floating pieces of wreckage before losing any sense of consciousness.
She had to be alive out of everyone he could’ve found at the very least she had to be alive, he was entirely unsure if he could do this all himself. Sure physically he could. But doing so alone wasn’t something he was entirely sure he wanted to go through with. His hands grasped the massive box she had been resting on, using its buoyancy in order to keep himself above water as well. A freehand came to slide across the side of her fac, brushing her wet hair away in order for him to get a better look at her and asses any injuries she may have. “ Hey, are you with me Issabella? “ His tone came a little more concerned this time around, worried he may have come to her far too late in order to save her. His index and middle finger had come to rest under her nose for any sort of breath, a sign of anything. He desperately just needed anything to indicate any sign of life. To his relief her soft breaths fell against his fingers, she was alive. He wasn’t alone and she was alive, he could get through this. As long as he had someone to look after, a goal to achieve he could get them both through this.
Mansk hand returned to the side of her face, thumb moving to stroke along Isabella’s cheek. He had to wake her up and they had to get out of the water. Find somewhere safe for the night and come up with a plan in the morning. If he was tired and beat after all of this he had no doubt she would be as well. Really it was just a given and he hadn’t even gotten to speak with her quite yet.
“ Issa cmon open your eyes for me, can you do that for me please? “ his hand came down to her back rubbing softly, shaking her was not an option as it would more than likely just scare her. Waking her gently ensured that if she was to have any injuries he didn’t initially see it wouldn’t be agitated any further than it already was.
“ Please princesa… open those pretty eyes for me. “ it took a few more minutes of coaxing, rubbing her back and simply just talking to get any sort of reaction out of her but it happened. Her nose wrinkled slightly as a soft wine fell from her lips. Weather that be from pain or just the fact that she was being pulled from her unconscious sleepy state he was unsure at the moment. All that really mattered to him was that she was waking and that he wasn’t alone. Wasn’t the only one to make it out of this and the fact that he didn’t have to swim up on her being dead in the water. What a cruel thought to think of, one of the people he had come to care about upon his awakening. If he had found her dead there as his own punishment well, he wouldn’t have handled it properly at all.
Her eyes fluttered open as she took a full deep breath before coughing, hands tightening on the piece of wreckage that had kept the both of them bobbing slightly in the water. Mansk simply stayed there waiting, speaking softly in order to reassure her of his presence and that he was in fact there. Waking up to all of this, seeing all of this? It was overwhelming even to him. Not that he was willing to admit that quite yet as his brain was solely on the fact of their survival.
“ M-mansk? What happened? “ his voice, she could always tell it was him simply by hearing his voice before she was to ever see him. Lyle used to tease her about it when he could. Poking at her and asking why she could recognize mansk without turning around but never his own. It was always all in good fun and the three of them always had a good laugh. He wanted to go back to that, to before his mission had started. Maybe he could have escorted scientists to explore the planet instead of this. He knew it wasn’t possible seeing as how his skill set was meant for this. Meant for acts of war he wanted no part of any longer.
“ We sunk.. we lost. I couldn’t find anyone else but you. Everyone either fled or… “ he didn’t want to finish his sentence, not in front of her. She was his last bit of innocence he had and he couldn’t break that. Couldn’t break any hope of her friends still being alive, she needed hope just as much as he needed her.
“ What do you remember? “ He had to figure out where her head was in all of this, figure out what she remembered. Had to figure out if she had received any sort of head injury in the scuffle. Sure she didn’t join in the fight as she didn’t agree with it but that didn’t mean she didn’t sustain any injuries trying to escape the flooding sea dragon.
“ I.. I don't know. It was dark. There was an explosion and.. and I fell back. I was in one of the labs I think…. It was so bright and then nothing there was nothing until now. '' Shock, she was in shock and the memories would come flooding back. Isabella remembered bits and pieces of what went on so it was either the shock or she had a mild concussion. Both things he could deal with and roll with the punches as they came. Minor things he could deal with, he had minor medical training. All of the recoms did as they Rda made it mandatory incase they couldn’t get back in time. Basic medical technique could mean life and death, buy someone a few extra minutes.
“ That’s ok, we can work with that. It’s alright princesa for now we just need to get to shelter. Worry about the rest later. “ actually having someone to look out for made it easier for Mansk to gain a level head, he wasn’t as lost as he would have been if he was on his own. His first goal was to get them to an island or at least a collection of massive rocks in order for them to mount his Ikran and fly a short distance to some land. Flying all night would do them no good after all and it would really only tire out his ikran to the point of exhaustion or death. Then they really would be stuck and stranded.
“ Alright follow me.. we’re going to get out of this water and take shelter, regroup a bit before we make any other decisions. “ Mansk patted her hand before pushing himself off of the floating wreckage, towards a band of massive sea boulders deeply rooted in place. From there they could follow through with his plan.
“ Mansk wait..! “ Isabella had instantly reached out for him only to grab onto nothing as she had let go of the wreckage in order to get to him. Her head bobbed under the water a moment before she resurfaced sputtering as her hands tried to reach for anything as an anchor once again.
“ I cant see. '' She sobbed out, still able to stay above water but have absolutely no idea what direction she should be going in. Isabella had been blinded somehow during the fight and she couldn’t do a thing about it.
“ I cant fucking see. “ Repeating that again came as a realization to her, what was she going to do? Her voice had been filled with fear, fear of what was going to happen and if her sight was ever going to come back. What if he left her? What good was she if she couldn’t see in order to help out and pull her own weight.
A hand had come to hers as she reached one’s more in hopes to find the side of something floating. Mansk had reached out for her during her struggle in order to help steady her. It hurt him, hearing her repeat the fact that she couldn’t see. How devastating that had to be for her. Carefully he had pulled her back to the original container they had been floating on beside one another, his hand never left hers simply to offer some sort of comfort in knowing that he was still there with her.
“ it’s ok, Issa it’s ok. I’m not going to leave you.. I couldn’t leave you, I can’t leave you. “
Fuck, she was blinded in the mess of all things? Was it permanent? Was it temporary? How could this have happened? She was innocent in all of this if anything it should have been him. He wanted it to be him instead of her. He hated how terrified she was. How scared she seemed to be upon the realization. It pained him to realize just what that fear was about. Being alone-, being left behind because she felt as though she was useless to him when in reality she wasn’t. She was so far from useless to him and she didn’t even realize that.
“ keep your hands in place ok? I’m gonna steer us where we need to go, just swim. I’m not leaving, you’ll be fine. We’ll be fine I promise. “
I promise.
I love you I promice.
Words unspoken meant so much and yet he still hasn’t admitted it.
i promise.
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ikranwings · 1 year
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Warnings: mentions of sex from the previous night. Other than that fluff and angst and happiness. Oh and some poor choices on mansks part.
Song for this chapter: https://open.spotify.com/track/6BfOhpHADzrvKN2kMPTMPv?si=dib-FUsiSmutnr2zXwvubQ&dd=1
Yes this is a short chapter lol. Using it as a filler for the next chapter ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Reluctantly Mansk knew they had to get up from their position. Had to get up to at the very least redress and curl up by the fire in order to keep one another warm for the remainder of the night. Anything further could be a concern for the next day, there was no point in ruining such a perfect moment between the two of them. Mansk carefully pulled Isabella off of his softening cock, whine of protest fell from her lips as she didn't want to move from his warmth. Didn't want to move from the comfort he provided for her and yet there was no fight with him as to why they had to adjust themselves.
Mansk cleaned her up first, ensuring that she was bundled up within his jacket before he was to pull his own pants back up and slip on his shirt. Carefully he moved to scoop her up within his arms, knowing she was fully capable of doing so herself he wanted this moment with her. Being able to hold her close to his body was the reassurance he currently needed more than anything in the world. Isabella wasn't about to protest either as she was already tired to begin with. Surviving the sinking of the sea dragon, being blinded. To top it off she had been led to believe that she was on her own, until Mansk had found her. The whole scenario had taken a lot out of her to begin with, mating with Mansk had taken the cake. Isabella was practically falling asleep in his arms long before he had sat them down beside the fire.
Morning was soon to creep upon them, beams of light shown through the forest canopy from the breaks within the leaves. The fire had long since burnt out, embers glowing as the wind passed through the ashes. Just barely keeping them at a temperature where they could reignite if something was added to it.
Mansk was first to awaken, limbs tangled and wrapped around isabella. Even in his sleep they both had found a way to be close to one another for entirely different reasons. Not only did he love her, he also wanted her protected. Encompassing her body with his own would ensure that anything happening to him, would happen to him first.
Pressing his lips to her forehead Mansk chose to rest there a moment and take everything in. Who knew if the remainder of their journey would be this peaceful and he wanted every moment of it he could take. Every moment of it he could soak up and imbed in his memories forever. Then came the trouble of detangling himself from her body. Gently pulling her arm from his side and sliding his legs carefully away from her own. Making it exceptionally hard to do so considering he had placed one directly in between her own. Sunglasses where picked up and placed back over his eyes as he slipped away from her momentarily in order to retrieve some of the food he had strung up in the tree the night before in order to protect it from any wandering animal that may pass through their camp.
Mansk pulled enough out of the bag in order for the two of them to have something to eat before they were to take flight later on in the day. His plan was to have the both of them up in the air by noon no later. A soft groan from behind him caused his ears to flatten. Turning in order to see that Isabella had sat herself up rubbing her eyes carefully as she called out for him.
“ I’m here baby. “ Mansk was quick to approach her, he wasn’t entirely certain if she could see any better than the day before or if it had remained the same. The man hoped more than anything that there was some improvement. Hopped that at the very least she would get some form of her sight back. Not for his own selfish reasons but for her, he didn’t want her to have to live with that for the rest of her life. An accident he felt he had a hand in indirectly or not.
“ It’s so bright.. “ Isabella’s voice came softly as she blinked a few times believing it would help in some way. Instead her hand came to shield her eyes from the small rays of sunlight around them. It wasn’t perfect that was for damn sure. However it was far better than the black nothingness that had surrounded her the day before. The fear of holding her hand out only to slide through and miss what she was reaching for was slowly subsiding.
Mansk set the wrapped up food aside as he kneeled before her excitedly, “ You can see? Can you see me? How good is it? “ his questions came as an onslaught. Excited that she had improved in some way that he couldn’t contain himself with the bombardment he had basically shoved on her accidentally. Mansk meant well that much Isabella knew and really that was why she was now smiling. The woman could hear the excitement bubbling up from within his chest.
“No… No, not really. It’s just light it’s so bright, and shadows. “Isabella reached out in order to touch him, her hand coming to lightly graze his shoulder before taking a firm hold of it. Only to confirm her assumptions that he was in fact directly in front of her. Sucking in a breath she released a deep sigh of relief, it wasn’t much but it was something. As much as the light burned it felt good to know she had hope at regaining more of her sight. Hope that she could see his face once more instead of it only being a faint memory.
Mansk was quick to take his sunglasses off, practically ripping them off of his face before carefully sliding them on her. Isabella needed them more than he did, protecting her eyes as they healed was his priority. He would be damned if he wasn’t going to try and help the process along. “This should help you adjust to the light, to get used to it. This is good isa, this is a very good thing.. We can find an outpost from here and the doctors can help us more. “ Us, Mansk had said us instead of just her. By extension of him she was a part of his family now, not only where they mated for life she was someone he vowed to protect and keep safe with his very own life.
“ An outpost? Mansk the RDA.. I'm still not sure that's a good idea for us at the moment, what happens if we're the only ones that report back. They won't have much need with one soldier and one scientist. “ Isabella's worry hasn't changed from the night before. She wasn't lying about her feelings either, the only reason she had stayed as long as she did was because of Mansk, because of her friends that meant so much to her.
“ Isabella please, I don't know what else to do. If they are able to help get your eyesight back entirely I don't want to deprive you of that… I have to try. I have to… This has to be the one thing i get right. After everything i've done… after everything i've helped do. “ Mansk was trying to make things right again. Make up for the things he had done not only in this life but his human life as well. He didn't want to be a bringer of destruction. Didn't want to be the reason for things to fall apart into a pit of destruction and despair like it had on board the Sea Dragon. The homes he helped destroy before the ultimate downfall of the ship and most if not all loss of the personnel on board. Hell the man nearly died himself in there. He had to make good on this second chance in life and he really truly felt that the first step in that was helping Isabella to regain her eyesight once more before.
“ Fine…. Fine. But only to see the doctors there, if they try anything. Put you on a new mission? I’m leaving, I can’t handle something like this again. All those people.. they didn’t deserve any of it. “ Isabella meant what she said Mansk knew that, with all his heart he knew what she said to be true. She was a scientist not a soldier, she wasn't meant for this sort of thing and despite being a soldier himself? He wasn't sure he was meant for this type of carnage either.Even he knew it was wrong.
Food was distributed between the two of them before their flight, Mansk had made enough food to ration them for a few days. Turning some of it into a sort of jerky so the shelf life would hopefully last a little while longer than what it normally would in this instance. He didn't mind hunting for food and gathering what he could. It was just the thought of being away for too long that didn't sit right with him. Soil was distributed over the still warm embers of the fire, this would ensure that it would not be able to spark a flame after they left. Ensure there was to be no destruction of the forest after they left their little camp in order to journey further than they had the night before.
Mansk had called Kobe down to the forest floor again, he wasn't quite ready to take of from the trees as he wanted Isabella's sight to be better than it was currently before he was to have her climb to that height quite yet. For now they could manage, it wasn't that hard to mount his ikran on the forest floor and take off. They just had to be a bit more careful with take off to ensure there was no possible way of any crashes.
He was to mount first, connecting his neural queue with his ikran before he reached a hand out to Isabella in order to help hoist her up so she sat in front of him as she had the day before. Facing him, her arms wrapped around his waist as he relaxed. Having her there in his arms gave him a sense of relief, as long as he had her there he knew he could protect her. He could protect them both. Pressing a kiss to her forehead he smiled, encouraging Kobe to take flight as they made their way carefully through the canopy of the rainforest and into the open sky. Things where starting to level out now. Making it easier for him to clear his head.
Everything would start to make sense.
Everything would be ok.
He was doing what he was supposed to do in order to protect them both.
He hopped.
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ikranwings · 1 year
fanfics coming soon
these are stories that are coming up not one shots but full on stories with multiple parts
1 chapter four for whats meant to be
2 chapter one for change of heart lyle x reader
3 Chapter one for lovers fate a mansk story
if you would like to be addeed to the taglist of any of these let me know in my ask box.
if your already a part of the taglist for miles and tilor you dont have to worry about requesting to be added to it
you can also request to be added to the everything tag
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