#mall business intelligence software
wovvtech · 4 months
Shopping Malls are on the smaller side of the global scale, and therefore they prefer a business solution that gives a high ROI. Apropos of this position, cloud solutions just click in—they offer a low entry barrier, they are efficient, and you won’t have to pay a huge amount initially. An automated daily sales reporting tool is not a question of “If” but “How soon”. Sales is key to any business; it’s your revenue driver; it’s the fruit of all the labor that you have done for your business; it deserves your most attention, and hence getting it on the automation track is very obvious and important.
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aarvyedutech · 4 months
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TOP 10 courses that have generally been in high demand in 2024-
Data Science and Machine Learning: Skills in data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are highly sought after in various industries.
Cybersecurity: With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, cybersecurity skills are crucial to protect sensitive information.
Cloud Computing: As businesses transition to cloud-based solutions, professionals with expertise in cloud computing, like AWS or Azure, are in high demand.
Digital Marketing: In the age of online businesses, digital marketing skills, including SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing, are highly valued.
Programming and Software Development: Proficiency in programming languages and software development skills continue to be in high demand across industries.
Healthcare and Nursing: Courses related to healthcare and nursing, especially those addressing specific needs like telemedicine, have seen increased demand.
Project Management: Project management skills are crucial in various sectors, and certifications like PMP (Project Management Professional) are highly valued.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics: AI and robotics courses are sought after as businesses explore automation and intelligent technologies.
Blockchain Technology: With applications beyond cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology courses are gaining popularity in various sectors, including finance and supply chain.
Environmental Science and Sustainability: Courses focusing on environmental sustainability and green technologies are increasingly relevant in addressing global challenges.
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janitorai · 2 months
The Rise of Janitor AI
In the bustling landscape of technological advancements, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various industries has sparked remarkable transformations. Among these, the emergence of "Janitor AI" stands out as a revolutionary solution poised to redefine the maintenance sector.
This innovative technology promises efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and unparalleled precision in managing cleaning and maintenance tasks across diverse environments. Let's delve deeper into the realm of Janitor AI and explore its implications for the future.
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Understanding Janitor AI:
Janitor AI, a fusion of AI algorithms and robotics, is designed to streamline and enhance cleaning operations in commercial, industrial, and even residential settings. Leveraging machine learning capabilities, these intelligent systems can adapt to different spaces, surfaces, and cleaning requirements with remarkable agility.
Equipped with sensors, cameras, and advanced software, Janitor AI autonomously navigates environments, identifies cleaning targets, and executes tasks with precision.
Key Features and Benefits:
Efficiency: Janitor AI optimizes cleaning processes by autonomously mapping out spaces, identifying areas requiring attention, and executing cleaning routines with efficiency. This results in significant time savings and enhanced productivity for businesses.
Precision: Powered by machine learning algorithms, Janitor AI learns from its interactions and continuously improves its cleaning strategies. This enables it to adapt to changing environments, identify anomalies, and address specific cleaning needs with precision, ensuring thorough cleanliness.
Cost-effectiveness: By automating cleaning tasks, Janitor AI reduces the need for human intervention, thus minimizing labor costs associated with traditional cleaning services. Additionally, its predictive maintenance capabilities help prevent costly equipment breakdowns, further enhancing cost-effectiveness.
Safety: With built-in safety protocols and obstacle detection mechanisms, Janitor AI operates seamlessly in diverse environments without posing risks to occupants or property. This enhances workplace safety standards and mitigates potential liabilities associated with manual cleaning operations.
Environmental Sustainability: Janitor AI promotes sustainability by optimizing resource utilization, minimizing water and chemical consumption, and reducing carbon emissions associated with cleaning activities. By adopting eco-friendly cleaning practices, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
Applications of Janitor AI:
Commercial Spaces: From office buildings and shopping malls to hotels and restaurants, Janitor AI revolutionizes cleaning operations in commercial settings. It ensures pristine cleanliness throughout high-traffic areas, restrooms, and communal spaces, enhancing the overall customer experience.
Industrial Facilities: In industrial environments such as factories, warehouses, and manufacturing plants, Janitor AI plays a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness, hygiene, and compliance with industry regulations. Its robust capabilities enable it to navigate challenging terrains, remove debris, and optimize floor maintenance.
Healthcare Facilities: In hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities, cleanliness is paramount to preventing infections and ensuring patient safety. Janitor AI offers a hygienic solution by systematically disinfecting surfaces, sterilizing equipment, and maintaining sanitary conditions in critical areas.
Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities benefit from Janitor AI's ability to uphold hygiene standards in classrooms, laboratories, and common areas. By automating routine cleaning tasks, it enables staff to focus on more specialized maintenance activities and educational priorities.
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Future Outlook:
As technology continues to evolve, the potential for Janitor AI to revolutionize the maintenance industry is immense. Future iterations may incorporate advanced features such as predictive analytics, remote monitoring, and autonomous fleet management, further enhancing efficiency and scalability. Additionally, the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity could facilitate seamless communication between Janitor AI units and centralized control systems, enabling real-time data analysis and optimization.
In conclusion, Janitor AI represents a paradigm shift in the way cleaning and maintenance tasks are approached across various sectors. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, businesses can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, precision, and sustainability in their cleaning operations. As the technology continues to mature, its impact on the maintenance industry is poised to be transformative, paving the way for cleaner, safer, and more sustainable environments.
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jyothsnarajan · 2 months
Transforming Advertising: The Rise of Digital Signage in India
In the bustling streets of India, a new phenomenon is rapidly transforming the way businesses communicate with their audience: digital signage. From the vibrant markets of Delhi to the tech-savvy hubs of Bangalore, digital signage displays have become an integral part of the advertising landscape, offering a dynamic and interactive platform for brands to engage with consumers.
Digital signage, also known as digital display boards or digital signage monitors, encompasses a wide range of electronic displays used to convey information, advertise products, or enhance the ambiance of a space. In India, the adoption of digital signage and displays has been steadily growing, fueled by advancements in technology and a shift towards more immersive advertising experiences.
One of the key drivers of this growth is the availability of digital signage solutions tailored to the unique needs of the Indian market. Whether it's digital signage screens for outdoor advertising or digital display screens for indoor installations, businesses have access to a diverse array of options to suit their specific requirements. Moreover, the advent of cloud-based digital signage platforms has further democratized the medium, allowing businesses of all sizes to deploy and manage digital signage campaigns with ease.
One of the main advantages of digital signage in India is its ability to capture the attention of consumers in an increasingly crowded marketplace. With eye-catching visuals and dynamic content, digital signage displays stand out amidst the sea of traditional advertising mediums, making it an effective tool for brand promotion and product marketing. Whether it's a digital display screen for advertising in a shopping mall or a digital signage monitor in a corporate lobby, businesses can leverage these displays to deliver targeted messages to their intended audience.
Furthermore, digital signage offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability, allowing advertisers to update content in real-time and tailor their messages based on factors such as location, time of day, or audience demographics. This level of customization ensures that each advertising campaign is highly relevant and impactful, maximizing the return on investment for businesses.
In addition to advertising, digital signage in India is also being used for a variety of other applications, including wayfinding in public spaces, information dissemination in educational institutions, and employee communication in corporate environments. The versatility of digital signage displays makes them a valuable asset across a wide range of industries, driving innovation and enhancing the overall consumer experience.
As India continues its journey towards becoming a digital-first economy, the role of digital signage in shaping the future of advertising and communication cannot be overstated. With its ability to captivate audiences, deliver targeted messages, and adapt to changing needs, digital signage has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of digital signage in India, further cementing its status as a cornerstone of modern advertising.
Embedtech solutions is a leading B2B (business-to-business) Software Platform Provider and Hardware Solutions Provider located in Hyderabad, India. We specialize in Cloud Applications (SaaS and PaaS), Embedded Systems, IoT, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, Mobile App Development, System Design, and Product Engineering.
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josnashak69 · 5 months
Internet of Things Practice: Parts Manufacturers Enter the Industrial Internet
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When you think of the Industrial Internet, what do you think of? Some people may be thinking about how traditional HE Tuber companies can break in and achieve a virtuous cycle. In this article, the author combines the case of parts manufacturers entering the industrial Internet to describe the reasons behind their successful breakthrough. Let’s take a look at the sharing of this article.
When talking about the Industrial Internet, the first thing that comes to mind is that large equipment from traditional enterprises are connected to the network, and data is connected and large-screen billboards are used for intelligent monitoring. It is like traditional enterprises directly entering the Industrial Internet. The reality is that most enterprises only have a few very large equipment. They There is no budget or motivation to develop a software system just for predictive maintenance.
Those who are motivated to do this either belong to the industry standard setters or the few industry leaders with monopoly status, or they are pure software companies. The former can make the business more refined and deeper, but it is difficult to do it universally and cannot create profits. A virtuous circle; the latter can make the system universal, but in the professional field it can only fall behind the former.
This seems to be a dead end, either there is no profit and cannot continue to iterate in a virtuous cycle, or it cannot delve deeply into the professional field and can only make small profits but quick turnover.
1. How to break the situation?
I have been involved in a very interesting project for more than a year in the past year, and the entry point is quite rare. But when I think about it carefully, I feel it is exquisite and reasonable. That is when parts manufacturers enter the industrial Internet.
2. Why the entry of parts manufacturers can break the situation
We all know that no matter how complex a machine is, it is composed of different mechanical structures, and different mechanical structures are composed of a large number of repetitive parts, such as flanges, bearings, gears, etc.
The subtlety of starting from parts is that although the standards of different parts are complicated and the printed book can be several meters high, the operating logic of the same part remains the same. Since a common place can be found, it is highly feasible to monitor parts and then machines through software. It can not only help the customers of parts manufacturers to perform predictive maintenance and save costs, but also become a business growth point for parts manufacturers. Manufacturing companies that have established a foothold in the market must be in a leading position in terms of the effectiveness of parts, and serve customers from all walks of life, making them both in-depth and versatile.
3. How to do it?
Enterprises that can find growth points and have the ability to implement them have already completed basic informatization, and most of their businesses are already in a stable state. If they want to grow again, they need to rely on digitalization. They not only sell parts, but also sensors and supporting products. Serve.
1. Integrate already informatized processes and functions
Integration includes but is not limited to general purchase, sales and inventory management, customer relationship management, mechanical modeling, shopping mall, professional vibration analysis, automatic drawing drawing, standard automatic matching, etc. That is, the common chimney-style data islands are opened up.
Specifically, the integration methods of different enterprises are different. Due to historical reasons, different functions have different structures, different user systems, and different use departments. Integration is a time-consuming and laborious task. During the integration process, various functions still need to be integrated. Continuous iteration, more often than not, a multi-year plan, and step-by-step integration according to the company's strategy.
2. The information functions to be sorted out and promoted
The degree of informatization of processes or functions in an enterprise depends on market demand and technological changes. Some technologies are very mature, and even customized businesses can be quickly implemented through assembly, while others rely on technological iterations, such as typical ones. Internet of Things technology, AI technology. Therefore, the more likely scenario is that some processes in an enterprise have already become intelligent while they are still in a non-informatization state.
IoT and AI
The pain points of the Internet of Things in other industries also exist in the machinery field: fast power outages, low online rates, diverse protocols, widely differing communication methods, and scattered scenarios. Fortunately, for parts manufacturers, the supported businesses are not all but limited to Within a certain range, standards, protocols, and communication methods can be unified to a certain extent, and scenarios can be framed or expanded based on existing businesses. Producing your own parts and the sensors to monitor them is highly feasible.
AI technology is gradually maturing, and its main task in the industrial field is to liberate manpower, whether it is traditional factory line workers or current mechanical diagnostic engineers. However, the fact that has to be acknowledged is that the results of AI work in professional fields are always unsatisfactory and require human labor. supervision, human beings and AI may coexist for a long time.
3. Integration, R&D, and transformation are promoted simultaneously
Coordinate resources to simultaneously promote integration, research and development, and transformation under established plans.
The simultaneous advancement of integration, R&D, and transformation is a management idea and method that emphasizes not only the integration of information resources, but also the research and development of new products and the transformation of existing information products to achieve continuous innovation and development. Through the simultaneous advancement of integration, R&D, and transformation, enterprises or organizations can better adapt to market changes, enhance competitiveness, and achieve sustainable development.
4. Trial and error and repeated verification in the process
Release products in a planned manner. After each release, apply Internet product ideas to quickly push it to the market or to some customers. Verify product functions and quickly iterate through customers' paid or unpaid feedback.
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ddumc · 11 months
The world of computers, also familiar as the IT sector implies all the jobs and businesses that are involved in computers and computer technology.  In the current scenario, the world of computers has reached greater heights. Earlier, the world of computers used to describe a narrow work that was done on computers, but now it has grown in leaps and bounds and it includes several functions such as computer and Internet networking, software development and manufacturing, broadband and wireless connectivity, and a whole host of the IT services.
The immense growth of the IT sector all over the globe has provided a broad range of career opportunities.  In the present scenario, working in the IT sector is a dream for many. The jobs in the world of computers are highly attractive and provide their employees with handsome remunerations.  In order to achieve a job in the world of computers, many students want to pursue degrees that can help them to do so.
Although, there are a number of degrees available nowadays that are a gateway to the computer world but choosing the best among them can do wonders for you. If you want to achieve an excellent job in the IT sector within a short span of time or right after your graduation then BCA would be the best option for you.
Here, in this blog, we are going to discuss some necessary details of the BCA course along with its benefits. It will help you to choose a lucrative degree option available for the world of computers.
BCA- A stepping stone to the world of computers
BCA is one of the courses which are pursued by most technology-inclined students. It is a bachelor's degree course that provides an in-depth look into technologies. The duration of this course is mainly three years which is segregated into six semesters. This course comprises networking, programming languages like Java and C, data structure and database, etc. The BCA degree is considered to par with the BE and B.Tech courses in the field of computer science and information technology. This degree can open many doors for a bright future. It can make its learners skilled in the technological world just in three years. The modernized BCA course also offers different specializations which help the students in getting experts in a particular field. Some of the popular BCA specializations are named below:
Cyber security
Artificial Intelligence
Systems Analysis
IT Technologies
Network Systems
Internet Technologies
Computer Graphics
Pursuing a BCA course can provide you with ample benefits. Its wide career scope is one of the core benefits of pursuing this course. All the below written will make you familiar with some of the core benefits of pursuing the BCA degree.
Provides In-depth Knowledge
All the subjects and topics taught in the BCA course revolve around computers and their applications due which the students can gain in-depth knowledge. The knowledge and skills provided through the BCA course transform the students into experts in the IT sector.
A pocket-Friendly option for career
The fee structure of the BCA course is highly affordable as compared to the other courses available in the field of computer and technology. This degree can prove as a great return on your investment.
Makes you Industrial ready
While pursuing the BCA course, the learners go through rigorous practical education and gain a profound command of computer programming languages such as python, and javascript to name a few. Other than this, students also work on different real-world projects that add to their practical knowledge and also make them industry-ready professionals.
Provides paid internship opportunities in the top-notch companies 
Opportunities for paid internships in top companies are one of the best benefits provided by the BCA degree. Mostly internship opportunities are provided to the students in the final year. By doing the internships students become familiar with the corporate culture and it also enhances their professional skills and knowledge.
Employment Opportunities in the government sector
Apart from private sector jobs, BCA graduates can also get recruited in the government sector. Several public sector organizations such as Military Engineering Services, Indian Railway, and Public sector banks offer exclusive vacancies for BCA degree holders. In order to achieve a government sector job, students may need to qualify for entrance exams such as UPSC, SSC CGL, IBPS, etc.
Ample Career Opportunities
The BCA degree is a gateway to ample career opportunities in the IT sector. Career opportunities are the greatest benefits provided by the BCA degree. A BCA degree holder has numerous options to make their career.
Inside of the availability of ample opportunities, it is necessary for the graduates to choose the best for them. Many of the BCA aspirants wonder what they can do after completing their degree. Here, we are going to explore different opportunities which can opt by BCA graduates.
Become an expert in cybersecurity
The experts in cyber security will always have a position in the companies who choose to digitalize their data. As online platforms are at risk of cyber attacks, many companies hire cyber security experts for protecting their data from such attacks.
Can opt for the much-desired job “Data Scientist”
This job is highly suitable for one who has an interest in numbers and statistics. In the current scenario, data scientist is demand in various areas like technology, marketing, FMCG, etc. While being a data scientist, one can earn handsome salaries depending upon their salaries and skills.
Become a web developer
A web developer is a solid career option for BCA graduates. While being a web developer, you will be responsible for designing and maintaining websites. It can be a perfect job for you if you are highly skilled in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and PHP.
Blockchain Developer
It is a new yet emerging sector. The blockchain industry has a huge demand for knowledgeable and skilled professionals. Choosing this career option after BCA can help you to become the best version of yourself by developing skills like solidity, Java, Smart Contracts, Ethereum, composer, and more.
The BCA course is one of the most demanding and trending degrees nowadays. Its great future scope can help you to achieve a bright career. Hence, it can be concluded that BCA is a lucrative degree option available for the world of computers.
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jerry618 · 11 months
LED Display Applications
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Nowadays, LED displays show great market feedback, reflecting the huge demand. Therefore, where is LED actually used? What are concerning development directions in the future?
1. LED Display Requirement Keeps Increase
In the past few years, according to the exchanges and related financial information, the demand for LED displays in the field accounts for over 50% in the domestic front, which now is still keeping at a relatively high level.
2. Information Display of Airport Flight Dynamic State.
The requirements are pretty clear for the information display of the establishment of civil aviation airports, and LED displays are chosen by the Flight information Display System.
3. Information Display of the Guidance for Guests at Ports and Stations.
With the main part of LED displays, the automatic system which is the joint core of passenger transportation includes the system of information, broadcast, arrival and departure announcement of trains, and ticketing information, playing a significant role in technology development and modification of railway stations and ports.
4. Information Display of Sports Venues.
As a crucial mean of displaying information and broadcasting the alive process of competitions, LED displays have become the necessary facilitates in competitions after the substitute for traditional lighting and CRT display.
5. Information Display of Road Traffic
The rise of the intelligent transportation system is widely used in the fields of urban transportation, highways and so forth. Moreover, the LED displays prevail in variable information boards, speed limit signs, etc.
6. Information Display of Dispatch and Command Center
The high-density LED displays are also gradually adopted on fronts of power dispatching, vehicle dynamic tracking and vehicle dispatching management and so on.
7. Using LED Display to Promote Business
The business promotion and information display also make wide use of LED displays to demonstrate in the service areas including mails, telecommunications, shopping malls and the like.
8. Community Media
The community-led display can broadcast synchronously through central channel software, including the real-time community life information such as climate, urban emergency information, public service advertisement, commercial advertisement, and life service, providing convenience for residents and spreading valuable information. With the more mature technology and the further decline of the price, LED displays will be increasingly applied in community media.
9. Performance and Assembly
The display panel is more and more widely used for live video broadcasting for public and political purposes. For example, in major festivals like the celebration of a new millennium around the world, the display panel plays a dominant role in broadcasting live events and releasing information.
10. Exhibition
As one of the important services provided by exhibition organizers, the LED display panel makes the performance stage magnificent and dynamic. With the increase of small performances and large concerts, LED displays will also have a broad market. Unilumin, as one of the largest professional rental companies for the LED display panel, can provide rental services.
11. Building Curtain Wall
It is estimated that the curtain wall made in glass which is used in a large amount is a huge potential shopping mall for media on outdoor advertising and for the media technology to explore a new market with the lead of the blue sea screen.
12. Bars or KTV
From the simple design at the beginning to the perfect match between the stage and lights of LED displays, and to the popularization of various special-shaped screens, the application of LED special-shaped displays in bars has become a subdivision area of the market that cannot be neglected.
13. "Intelligent" Society
(1) Intelligent City
In the field of smart city construction, public safety, transportation, and people's livelihood are closely related to the use of LED displays, which will also promote its rapid development and popularization.
(2) Video Conference
The video conference system indicates that the terminal uses small-pitch LED displays, which is necessary not only for practical application but also for enterprises to improve their image through hardware facilities.
(3) Intelligent Factory
In the factory network of the manufacturing industry, the technology of small-pitch LED displays can be arranged from the assembly line, workshop to headquarters system. Besides, the modern technology of small-pitch LED displays can provide a display of 3D virtual simulation pipeline and interactive control. Therefore, the intelligent factory will surely become a new field for the enterprises on the business of small-pitch LED displays to strive to explore.
All in all, LED displays will face a new period of rapid development with greater prosperity.
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sanemyamen · 1 year
People Counting System Market Analysis, Size, Growth, Competitive Strategies, and Worldwide Demand
Latest business intelligence report released on Global People Counting System Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand People Counting System market outlook.
List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis are Axis Communications AB (Sweden),HELLA Aglaia Mobile Vision GmbH (Germany),InfraRed Integrated Systems Ltd. (United Kingdom),RetailNext, Inc. (United States),ShopperTrak (United States),Eurotech S.p.A. (Italy),Axiomatic Technology Limited (United Kingdom),Countwise LLC (United States),DILAX Intelcom GmbH (Germany),IEE S.A. (Luxembourg)
A people counting system with human information sensors using multisensing application, which is used for detecting the number of people passing a wide door. The sensor head module of people counting system contains one-dimensional eight-element array detectors made-up of the sheet-forming method with pyroelectric PbTiO3 ceramics, oscillating mechanical chopping parts and an IR-transparent spherical lens. It is set at the top of the wide door with the element arrays parallel to the movement directions of the passersby. Further, with the help of this people counting system using multisensing application, the number of people passing by a 200 cm wide door can be detected with more than 95% accuracy. Key Market Trends: Availability of Low-Price and Easy Set Up People Counting Systems
Opportunities: New Advancements in People Counting Systems Such as the 3d People Counting
Market Growth Drivers: Rising Need for People Counting Systems in the Transportation Sector
The Increasing Number Of Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, And Retail Stores
Challenges: Privacy Concerns and Location Inaccuracy in Wi-Fi- and Bluetooth-Based People Counting Technologies
The Global People Counting System Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Bidirectional, Unidirectional), Application (BFSI, Commercial, Government & Defense, Healthcare, Hospitality & Entertainment, Retail, Transportation), Technology (IR Beam, Thermal Imaging, Video-based, Others), Component (Hardware, Software)
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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Top 10 ICSE international schools in the Electronic city, Bengaluru.
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Best 10 ICSE International School's in Electronic City, Bangalore.
About Electronic City:
Electronic City is a major technology hub located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It is spread across approximately 800 acres and is divided into three phases. The area was developed in the early 1990s to cater to the growing demand for software and electronics companies in Bangalore. Some of the major IT companies that have their offices in Electronic City include Infosys, Wipro, TCS, HCL Technologies, and Siemens. In addition to IT companies, there are also several educational institutions, hospitals, and residential complexes in the area. Electronic City is well-connected to other parts of Bangalore via the NICE Ring Road, Hosur Road, and the Bangalore Metro. The area is also home to several shopping malls, restaurants, and entertainment options.
Overall, Electronic City has emerged as a key contributor to the growth and development of Bangalore as a major technology hub, and continues to attract businesses and residents alike.
List of Best 10 ICSE International School's in Electronic City, Bangalore: 1. Green DoT International School 2. Ebenezer International School 3. Redbridge International Academy 4. Edify School 5. Primus public school 6. Triumph World School 7. Sorsfort International School 8. Greenwood High International School 9. Christ Academy 10. St. Francis De Sales Public School  
Reason why Green DoT International School should be prefer over the other Top 10 ICSE international schools in the Electronic city, Bengaluru. At Green Dot, we believe that the function of education is not just to teach one to think intensively, but also to think crically, and to develop intelligence plus character. This is the goal of true education, as Martin Luther King Jr. once said. Our aim is to enable all children to reach their full potential by imparting not only academic knowledge, but also instilling key values such as compassion, courage, trustworthiness, and a sense of humanity. We strive to prepare our students to face life's challenges with resilience and grace.
Our endeavour is to strike a balance between state-of-the-art infrastructure and an internationally acceptable education. Our motto, "Igniting Minds, Empowering Future," reflects our commitment to nurturing the spark of curiosity and passion for learning in every child, so that they can become responsible and disciplined citizens of the future.
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." At Green Dot, we strive to do just that, and we look forward to partnering with you in your child's educational journey."
AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS of Green DoT International School: GREEN DOT International School is Ranked 3 in Karnataka & 4th in India by Education Today. 1. Certified with "India's Top ICSE School" Award 2. Certified with "Effective Principals" Award 3. Certified with "India School Merit Awards" Award 4. Certified with "ISO 9001-2000 Certified School"
Conclusion: GREEN DOT International School is the educational host of future schooling. If you are a parent who is ambitious for academic excellence and the development of life skills, attitude and behaviours, that will be needed in the days to come, then GREEN DOT International School is your first choice. Post 2020, as the entire world of education whirls in a cyber-storm of online classes, GDIS also works hard on assuring its students, staff and stakeholders that the school will always stand true to its commitments and future goals no matter what the challenges.
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How Self Service Kiosk Improves User Experience
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Self Service Kiosk is a interactive touch screen panel system that provide service & information through multimedia to the user based on their inputs.
Digital evolution rapidly changes user thought towards technology peoples are now looking for easy solutions for their requirements, self-service kiosk in various business industries certainly improvise user experience. As we know India is the 2nd largest population country in the world managing massive crowds at various places whether it is for registration, shopping, ordering food, booking tickets, making enquiries is really a big challenge for counter authorities as well as users also. People are facing unpleasant waiting experiences in a long queue.
Most of the business owners struggle to provide the customers with proper service in an efficient and cost effective manner because of the huge demand many business houses are now deploying digital signage technologies to compete in this market. Self service kiosks serve the purpose well to cut off mediatory and provide direct interaction with company products & services.
Common Types of Self-service kiosk pos system
Self Ordering kiosk
Wayfinding kiosk
Ticketing Kiosk
Payment Kiosk
Information Kiosk
These are some basic categories of self service kiosk which provide interactive interface to engage customers
Self Ordering Kiosk
Wayfinding Kiosk
Ideal for big campuses like malls, manufacturing units, museums, public terminals such as railway stations, airport hotel premises, hospitals, educational institutes etc wayfinding kiosk helps visitors to navigate and find destination path smoothly without facing difficulty.
Ticketing Kiosk
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Payment Kiosk
Self payment kiosk reduces effort and time by introducing smart transactions by single swipe and eliminating person to person interaction without risk of mistakes. Self service payment kiosk is reliable and cost effective method for doing payments generally helpful at billing counters
Information Kiosk
Self Service Kiosk Key Benefits
It depends on business verticals where it is utilized, ease of use and customer convenience is always preferred in the retail and hospitality industry
Easy and Smooth Interaction
Self service kiosk ensuring user interaction more easy to use by simple taps on screen whatever their requirement its done quite easily 
Fast and Reliable
Handling long queue in a traditional customer handling approach is time taking with human error possibilities but self service existence reduce human errors in fast efficient way
Reduce Staff Cost
Introducing self service kiosk for managing customers making a huge impact on business expenses like inducing employees for catering service. Automation features in self service kiosk reduce company budgets.
Accurate and Transparent
Self service kiosk has great ability to perform multiple tasks with minimal error and transparent in nature. Users can easily see their actions.
Contactless interaction
Due to contactless interactions self service kiosks are safe to use and help people to uncertain timing constraint
Personalized Experience
Adaptability and customization features empowering Self service kiosk in the next level it can be easily adopted according to customer requirement
Boost Business Revenue
Self service kiosks are not only very effective in the operational process also their intelligence gives user intent and approach toward shopping which helps to define sale strategies which ultimately stimulate revenue.
Data Security and Track Reports
Self service kiosk software intelligence track the customer interactions and their intent towards their actions &  purchase help to define more features. Reports can seen from anywhere within minutes in a smart secure way
Self Service Kiosk System Application Areas
Retail Sector
Self service kiosk are trending nowadays in retail industries like big retail stores, shopping malls, and QSR’S. It helps customers purchase and order by itself.
Hospitality & Travel
Touch screen kiosk have never been a different concept from hospitality. Many operational tasks such as self check-in check-out ,wayfinding to navigate and to explore information about product and services people are using self service kiosk for that.
Banking Sector
 As technology emerges now traditional banking transitions like withdraw & deposit money, submitting applications, updating and using many banking services by itself without interacting with people are replaced by self service kiosk systems that make the whole system fast and secure without wasting much time in a long queue
Self service kiosk in hospitals makes things easier for patients as well as hospital as well, visitors can book appointment, registration, patient status, filling online form for insurance, outstanding payments, print out receipt and many more things
Factors For Using a Self Service Kiosk  ?
Pictorial View of Services
Attract Buyers by Offers/Discounts
Power of Customizations
These are some touch points for using self service kiosk mostly preferred by most of the business houses presently
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wovvtech · 4 months
Shopping center analytics|Shopping mall management software|WovVBI
WovVBI, helps shopping malls monitor trends, work according to changing market conditions, and improve decision-making at different levels of the organization. Solutions like WovVBI are gaining traction at the global level. Some companies use BI to gain insight into customer shopping patterns; others want to get a pulse on employee performance. This software is capable of both. 
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sueheaven · 1 year
Crowd Management Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
Latest business intelligence report released on Global Crowd Management Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand Crowd Management market outlook. List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis are:
NEC Corporation (Japan)
Crowd Dynamics (United Kingdom)
Sightcorp (Netherlands)
Crowd ANALYTIX, Inc. (United States)
Nokia Corporation (Finland)
Spigit, Inc. (United States)
Wavestore (United Kingdom)
AGT International GmbH (Switzerland)
Dynamic Crowd Measurement.(Australia)
Walkbase (Finland)
Matrix Comsec (India)
Securion Systems (United States)
Savannah Simulations AG (SIMWALK) (Switzerland) Crowd management is a solution that conveys an insightful analysis of the crowd mobility at gathering places like the sports stadium, airport and metro terminals, malls, city stores, and others. The crowd management solution is provided so as to meet the client-specific needs during any kind of mass gatherings such as sports events, concerts, corporate events, entertainment programs, and other events. The important characteristics of crowd management are intelligence for managing the crowd, handling the exit routes, co-ordination with the government agencies and also abiding to the local law enforcement, and instantaneous connection with the fire stations nearby the event place and the medical personals. Most of the functions of crowd management also include planning of the event, evaluating the risk factors, monitoring the crowd, and planning regarding emergency situations and procedures. The use of crowd management has become highly prevalent and is transforming the industries and also enables improved levels of user experiences by providing appropriate and customized services. Key Market Trends: The Emergence of Businesses Digitization and Acceptability of Cloud Services
Growing Trend in the Requirement for Cost-Effective Software Development Process
Increasing Demand for Crowd Evaluation to Enhance Safety & Security and Investments in Crowd Security Technology by Various Government Institutes Opportunities: Continuous Increase in the Investments for Analytical Tools and Solutions
Increasing Necessity of Cost Effective & Time Efficient Smart Solutions
Rising Demands from the End-User Industries
Market Growth Drivers: Emerging Requirements of Business Intelligent Solutions
Growing Necessity of Intelligent Video Systems for Interpreting Behavioral Data
Crowd Management Offers Higher Probabilities of Success and Also Automates the Process Challenges: Lack of Awareness in the Developing Regions
Absence of IT Infrastructure in Developing Nations The Global Crowd Management Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Service, Software), Application (Customer Management, Marketing Campaign Measurement, Providing High-End Security, Providing Greater Customer Service, Others), Deployment Type (On-Premise, Cloud), Industry Vertical (Manufacturing, Warehouse, Healthcare, Retail, Hospitality, BFSI, Construction, Education, Government), Organisation Size (Large Enterprises, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs))
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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qianyulin · 1 year
I hope to develop and widely use artificial intelligence systems for practical work types, reducing the burden on people. As mentioned in the big data application section of the course, "with the emergence of big data analytics, they are now using them to gain an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior.". Specifically, artificial intelligence can collect legitimate data and information, and analyze the results to achieve the effect of predicting future trends.
In addition, the use of artificial intelligence is also very helpful for businesses. For example, artificial intelligence can be used in the checkout area of a mall, and can be used in warehouses or mall consulting services. Artificial intelligence greatly helps companies save money and can handle things in a timely manner based on precise characteristics. In addition, in China, software such as WeChat can simultaneously take into account many functions such as wallet chat and document entry. These artificial intelligence technologies belong to financial technology. Determine whether to invest or plan for future development based on data analysis. Bitcoin, for example, is a special presence in digital virtual currencies. It eliminates the loss of currency exchange and bypasses the dependence on central authorities. It can protect the privacy of all parties. Its value and authenticity will be maintained by something as nearly incorruptible as cryptography.
The views mentioned above all belong to the financial technology section mentioned in Module 9, "Technology based business that competes, supports, and/or cooperates with financial institutions.". Of course, you can even try to introduce new systems to artificial intelligence, which can independently think and make decisions based on the information and circumstances you have. This is the deep learning of artificial intelligence mentioned in the course. "This increases the depth of the machine learning process by effectively stacking neural networks on top of each other.". This type of artificial intelligence can help people give advice when they have no clue when thinking about a problem, allowing them to spread their thinking, explore innovation, and even give some ideas that people have not thought of, resulting in new markets.
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ordazzle22 · 1 year
Top Retail E-Commerce Technologies to Watch Out
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The retail e-commerce industry is growing rapidly, with the emergence of new technologies that are changing the way businesses sell products online. From virtual reality shopping experiences to artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots, these advancements are revolutionising the way customers interact with online retailers. Hence, retailers looking to beat their competitors must know the latest technological trends and innovations in the industry.
In this blog, we will look closely at some of the most exciting new technologies that are shaping the future of retail e-commerce. From cutting-edge payment solutions to advanced marketing and data analysis tools, these technologies are helping retailers improve the shopping experience for their customers. We will also explore how these technologies are changing the way retailers operate, and what businesses need to do to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in this rapidly changing industry.
Top retail e-commerce technology trends in 2023
Here are some of the newest and fastest-growing technologies and tools that will shape growth and operational practices in retail e-commerce in 2023 and beyond.
Social commerce
“The diversification of channels is already an emerging trend in Southeast Asia. While traditional e-commerce stores still dominate, signs point to social network platforms gaining momentum.” — McKinsey
Ever since influencer marketing proved its mettle as a valid source of marketing, social commerce has become the next logical step.
Many consumers like to share their shopping experiences with others. The choice of brands and products by a consumer is heavily influenced by the testimony provided by other consumers, either by word of mouth from friends or family, or via customer reviews on a brand site, marketplace, or social media. Integrating e-commerce and social media enables you to emulate the experience of shopping in a retail mall with a group of friends.
Several e-commerce marketplaces have introduced social commerce components. Many new social commerce platforms are also coming up. Using a combination of group shopping experiences, video and voice commerce and live-streaming, social commerce is targeting the new generation of shoppers.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
This is not a new trend. Once we realised the potential of AI, this tech has been making its way into every industry around the world. E-commerce is no different.
We’ve seen increasing use of AI in various aspects of e-commerce over the past couple of years. It is expected to continue as one of the top trending technologies in retail e-commerce. From customised suggestions to automated chatbots, from unique images to automated supply chains—there is no limit to what AI can do.
One of the most promising uses of AI in retail e-commerce is in delivering personalised suggestions, a feature that platforms are trying to implement. Personalised recommendations are a key advantage of conventional shopping—if you’re not sure about what to buy, you can always ask for recommendations at the store.
Until now, it was impossible to recreate this experience in e-commerce. Human intervention is not something you can provide on a website. But AI might solve this problem.
On the backend side, using modern e-commerce management software that leverages AI and automation can make managing e-commerce operations much simpler and processes more streamlined. Such software can reduce manual intervention, and in turn, human error. Using an e-commerce management software, you can implement rules to manage order workflows that can quickly adapt to changing business environments and help you scale.
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)
BNPL, as a payment method for shopping, began trending during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was started to incentivise people to buy more. Sometimes, the thought of paying the full price of a product upfront may deter you from buying it. But, if the price is split into smaller, interest-free instalments, you might be more inclined to pull the trigger.
Think logically.
A designer outfit, priced at $100, may seem expensive. People would visit the product page, view the price and then decide not to buy. But, if you offer the same designer outfit at 5 interest-free instalments of $20 each, it immediately becomes affordable. As long as you don’t have to pay the entire amount upfront, you might be more open to buying.
BNPL has taken the retail e-commerce segment by storm. Many integrations are available that can be added to normal e-commerce platforms easily.
A lot of new startups have set up shop in the BNPL space over the last couple of years. According to a report by Insider, the BNPL market is expected to reach $680 billion by 2025.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
RPA has increased efficiency across sectors in the past couple of years and it can make life a lot easier for e-commerce operations teams.
Today, RPA is used in almost all the different backend components of an e-commerce business. From automated voice searches to chatbots, and automated marketing emails to transactions and pay outs, RPA has optimised processes by speeding them up and eliminating errors.
It all depends on how efficiently you can implement it in your system. The more you automate, the more time you free up, and the higher the possibility of improvement in business operations.
Using e-commerce management software to run end-to-end operations
New technologies and tracking mechanisms have created the need for robust e-commerce management software. A fully digital end-to-end system offers a two-fold benefit.
First, you get a complete, top-down view of the entire operation. You can see the frequency with which orders are coming in, and you can see which products are selling the fastest. This will help you have control over the process and identify where the issues are cropping up.
Second, you get a full-service dashboard that you can use for your master controls. You can add your logistics providers and your marketing automation tools. You can integrate BNPL software and other RPAs.
Simply improving different parts of the process is not enough—you also need to control the entire system. An end-to-end e-commerce management software will give you that control.
Ordazzle is a complete integrated e-commerce management solution offering built-in modules for order management, inventory management, product information management, channel management, and logistics management. The platform allows B2C and D2C e-commerce brands connect a wide range of third-party platforms and unify the data and controls for all the moving parts of their business using APIs, making it all accessible through a single dashboard.
To know more about Ordazzle and see the platform in action, get in touch for a consultation with our experts.
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sysdo · 1 year
Affordable Security Surveillance Systems
Security systems are generally quite expensive and complex. This results in many areas neglecting the need for a proper security device and only when there is a problem in terms of theft, break-in, vandalism or break-in, people try to implement elaborate systems to avoid recurrence. This means that the action takes place after the event is over! Security surveillance systems are devices and settings that should be in place earlier and as a preventative measure rather than a solution to a major problem. Most security consultants will advocate the need for preventative measures rather than ‘crisis management’! This applies to all sectors and areas where security is desired or necessary and not just in selected areas. Therefore, residents, shops, malls, offices, banks and financial institutions and government buildings must be equipped with proper secure facilities that prevent any unforeseen illegal activity.
The world of security cameras are highly sophisticated and intelligent systems available to neutralize any illegal activity that can be visualized. Products available on the market range from simple small or miniature private eye cameras to highly complex and sophisticated camera recording systems, which require training for operation and maintenance. They cover the whole gamut of affordability and one can always find something to suit a particular application on the websites of many well-known security device manufacturers. It would be wise to consult with the experts available at these locations to discuss and finalize their requirements for appropriate safety equipment. This step is imperative as there is a wide availability of models and combinations where only the manufacturer or their authorized agents will be able to inform the customer about various features. You shouldn’t leave safety to chance, lest you have a bad experience that could also be quite expensive in the long run!
If you are a computer enthusiast and use this medium all the time in your business or home, it will be easy to understand that home security systems are just like the minimum system requirements of the software. So you will realize that this minimum system security requirement must be met before one starts any commercial or residential project etc. someone would take responsibility unless and otherwise you have made appropriate arrangements to secure the property and belongings with the right systems in place.
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josnashak69 · 5 months
Internet of Things Practice: Parts Manufacturers Enter the Industrial Internet
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When you think of the Industrial Internet, what do you think of? Some people may be thinking about how traditional companies can break in and achieve a virtuous cycle. In this article, the author combines the HE Tuber case of parts manufacturers entering the industrial Internet to describe the reasons behind their successful breakthrough. Let’s take a look at the sharing of this article.
When talking about the Industrial Internet, the first thing that comes to mind is that large equipment from traditional enterprises are connected to the network, and data is connected and large-screen billboards are used for intelligent monitoring. It is like traditional enterprises directly entering the Industrial Internet. The reality is that most enterprises only have a few very large equipment. They There is no budget or motivation to develop a software system just for predictive maintenance.
Those who are motivated to do this either belong to the industry standard setters or the few industry leaders with monopoly status, or they are pure software companies. The former can make the business more refined and deeper, but it is difficult to do it universally and cannot create profits. A virtuous circle; the latter can make the system universal, but in the professional field it can only fall behind the former.
This seems to be a dead end, either there is no profit and cannot continue to iterate in a virtuous cycle, or it cannot delve deeply into the professional field and can only make small profits but quick turnover.
1. How to break the situation?
I have been involved in a very interesting project for more than a year in the past year, and the entry point is quite rare. But when I think about it carefully, I feel it is exquisite and reasonable. That is when parts manufacturers enter the industrial Internet.
2. Why the entry of parts manufacturers can break the situation
We all know that no matter how complex a machine is, it is composed of different mechanical structures, and different mechanical structures are composed of a large number of repetitive parts, such as flanges, bearings, gears, etc.
The subtlety of starting from parts is that although the standards of different parts are complicated and the printed book can be several meters high, the operating logic of the same part remains the same. Since a common place can be found, it is highly feasible to monitor parts and then machines through software. It can not only help the customers of parts manufacturers to perform predictive maintenance and save costs, but also become a business growth point for parts manufacturers. Manufacturing companies that have established a foothold in the market must be in a leading position in terms of the effectiveness of parts, and serve customers from all walks of life, making them both in-depth and versatile.
3. How to do it?
Enterprises that can find growth points and have the ability to implement them have already completed basic informatization, and most of their businesses are already in a stable state. If they want to grow again, they need to rely on digitalization. They not only sell parts, but also sensors and supporting products. Serve.
1. Integrate already informatized processes and functions
Integration includes but is not limited to general purchase, sales and inventory management, customer relationship management, mechanical modeling, shopping mall, professional vibration analysis, automatic drawing drawing, standard automatic matching, etc. That is, the common chimney-style data islands are opened up.
Specifically, the integration methods of different enterprises are different. Due to historical reasons, different functions have different structures, different user systems, and different use departments. Integration is a time-consuming and laborious task. During the integration process, various functions still need to be integrated. Continuous iteration, more often than not, a multi-year plan, and step-by-step integration according to the company's strategy.
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