sincityriddler · 2 years
Monday Thoughts
Will be going to the museum today to help move some cases around. They are going some new pieces for the museum along with changing out some of the taxidermy. Some of the exhibits have not been changed in who knows how long. So it will be nice to see some new animals on display. Plus it will help bring in more people as new things are brought in. I am glad I get to help with some of it since it will be fun to see the changes and help implement some of them.  
Liquid eyeliner is definitely easier for me to use. I am not good enough to use a brush yet but the liquid eyeliner pencil does make things easier. Will be practicing more before I start wearing it in public. I do have some eyeshadow I can wear as well. Hoping to get this down so I can wear more then just some foundation or tinted moisturizer. My makeup remover reusable towel is amazing for getting makeup off. I may start using it in the am to wipe off my face. 
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vemaleviolet · 7 years
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Harga : Rp. 70.000 / pcs. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !! Magic towel yg berfungsi sebagai 'cleansing towel' / handuk penghapus makeup di wajah tanpa bantuan cleansing milk, cleansing oil, cleansing cream, cleansing water apapun itu. The Original MakeUp Eraser - Makeup Remover Cloth Loh kok bisa? Emang bersih? Gimana caranya? - Caranya cuma basahkan handuk dengan air, lalu usapkan secara lembut ke wajah yg mau dibersihkan. Pakai dalam keadaan basah / lembab, setelah dibasahkan jgn diperas kuat-kuat ya. Waterproof makeup sekalipun 1-2x usap langsung bersih loh. Kemudian langsung lanjut cuci muka pakai sabun seperti biasa yah. Cara cuci handuknya setelah dipakai bgmn? - Jangan khawatir, bisa dicuci berkali-kali sampai 1000x skalipun (pakai sabun mandi, sekali kucek, noda makeup yg menempel langsung hilang). Peras & angin-anginkan saja. . Chemical free, re-usable, soft material & cost saving! Terbuat dari 100% polyester Ukuran 7.25"x15.5" Menghapus make up tanpa menggunakan maku up remover. cukup basahin handuk dan hapus Hanya perlu air, sangat praktis dan mudah digunakan. Cara pemakaian: 1. WASH : Cuci Makeup Eraser Towel sebelum pemakaian pertama 2. WET : Gunakan Makeup Eraser Towel dengan air hangat dalam keadaan basah. 3. ERASE : Secara perlahan gosok makeup dalam gerakan melingkar. 4. WASH : Bersihkan Makeup Eraser Towel setelah pemakaian. Color : PINK / BLUE / BLACK . #makeupremover #jualmakeup#jualmakeupremover #makeupremovermurah#makeupremovertowel #makeupremovercloths#makeupremovertowelmurah#makeupremoverindo #jualansis #jualankaka#jualmakeupmurah #jualmakeupori #jualmakeup#jualmakeupindo #makeupori #makeuporiginal#makeuporimurah #juallipstickmurah #kailijumei#kailijumeimurah #kailijumeilipstick #wonderprooftowel #magictowel #handukmagic #jualmakeurerasertowel #makeuperasertowel #jualmagictowel #handukajaib #jualhandukajaib
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