#makes sense now tho bc she’s wanting me to be a back up 🤣 whole time I was pissed bc I felt like she was micromanaging me
allofuswantgwinam · 7 months
I realized like a month ago that my writings for Midnight i put the wrong name for Do-Shik and I still haven’t fixed it 🤩🫶🏼 that’s how lazy I’ve been
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
Thoughts on the Fire finale?
Overall, I very much enjoyed it and it's actually one of my favourite fire finales and has definitely left me excited for it to come back! There were a little things that kinda annoyed me/bored me but actually less things than usual!
The writing of stellaride in previous episodes had irked me a little bit, which I hated, especially because they're the only ones that pushed me to make sure to catch up with fire before coming back (I was gonna do it later bc I really wanted to see everyone but then I remembered it was stellaride wedding and I didn't want to be spoilt about that) but this was a very good stellaride episode and I'm very happy that they did actually get married, and that nothing happened to Kelly before they could-- as that was a fear of mine after the episode before. I'm also very happy that their honeymoon and crossing the threshold scene was at the cabin because that's exactly what I hoped for!
It always amuses me in shows to see how they get around not having the actors for the family members in weddings, especially as it can be such a hit and miss and stupidity and I was happy that this explanation made sense. It's so very stellaride to move the wedding forward because for two badass firefighters they really do get squirrelly around weddings and so they're very much protecting their selves from their selves and I love it. It also means there's a very built in reason for other essential people not being there who should've been-- it's last minute, it's hard to arrange stuff that fast. I was happy that they did actually include a scene with Kelly's mom despite this, especially because he'd really need that belief from his mom going into the marriage.
I ADORED Stella asking Boden to walk her down the aisle. It's exactly what I wanted and ugh that hug between them melted my heart!!! Especially with him continuously reiterating that it's his greatest pleasure ugh! Firmly back in my papa!boden and Stella feels
I also loved how Sylvie pulled off the little bachelorette party for Stella, because it's such a Sylvie move and Stella deserved that. Plus I love those four so much. And I adored the Stella/Sylvie/Chloe getting ready scene, especially with Chloe being the most level headed there among two first responders!
And them getting married on a boat (and it being Matt's quick thinking!) just made the whole thing even more perfect! And I just knew that the chairs would come in handy! Thank god for our favourite duo 🤣
Also the whole scene of Stella walking directly behind Kelly at all times, literally freaking out but still maintaining it made me so happy and laugh so much, it's just so them and ugh. I love it.
That's the stellaride stuff done! Now for the rest lol. I hadn't realised just how much I had missed Sylvie until I saw her and ugh it just hit me like a ton of bricks. And her and Matt really do have such the parents of 51 vibes asdfvhjk and this episode just highlighted that for me. Although I am now worried they'll do a soft breakup of Matt and Sylvie next season which makes me sad.
The scene with her and Emma tho I loved so much because Sylvie really is such a badass and also completely the kill you with kindness type of person. Which is also really funny because she's also the kind of person who will fiercely and protectively protect her family, and it's exactly why I love her so much.
Although it did bring up the whole main problem I had with Emma from the start to the forefront of my mind, of that she really wasn't smart about things because replacing violet, dear friend of Sylvie's, when Sylvie is Sylvie two tts Brett isn't gonna endear her to everyone. And yeah she talked about how when you handle this stuff together a bond is formed, but the bond she wanted? That wouldn't happen with Sylvie after this. (Especially when she then ran leaving her partner!) Like I get 51 is the dream house, but if she was a little smarter she could've leveraged things to get herself a nice stable position at another house with good people. Not 51 dream tier but still good tier.
I really do like how everything panned out with Emma, especially because I could see a mile off that she wouldn't be able to handle situations like that (she's ambitious and loves risks and being seen as impressive, but only in situations she has the full control over) but it did feel a little lacklustre depending everything was cumulating. Plus I'm still really curious about whatever was blocked over.
The whole situation also just reaffirmed everything I am annoyed at with the Hawkins situation. Like he's inadvertently screwed over Violet in so many ways and it all could've been prevented. But I'm definitely curious to see the ramifications of all this, like is there going to be lasting effects in his own career after his talk with his boss before the Emma stuff was fixed or was that scene just in there to add to the feeling of time running out for Violet.
And as much as I hate the Gallo/Violet love triangle drama, I am very much curious to see hawkami go through a rough time after all this (just as long as they don't go back to Gallo as an actual long term relationship for Violet because I'm not here for that). But this whole situation with Emma really would put a toll on a relatively new relationship and I'm interested in seeing how they mend things.
Talking of Gallo, the scene between him and Casey was just perfect. Like it helped not only bring some more closure to Matt's departure that I think we were lacking but was a nice moment affirming why Gallo chose to stick out with truck. Plus I think it'll help Gallo not have worries about the decision he made, like that he won't second guess what his heart told him. It's also really making me like Gallo again for the first time in a while!
Also have we heard anything more about Brett Dalton appearing in s11? Bc I keep thinking talking about squad getting another member is foreshadowing it going through and Pelham deciding to go for it? Since he's talked about squad?
Anyway! That's my thoughts on the finale, thank you for asking!!!! 💕
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byuqi · 1 year
im back~ so school ended a couple days ago but BOY LEMME TELL YOU I GOT TEA. okay well i honestly don’t know the full story but tea is tea so lemme spill 😋
okay so basically my two friends who imma call 🦶and🫄 are best friends but 🫄 used to be my best friend until 🦶 stole her from me last year
so they’re like those friends where if 🦶is mad at someone then automatically 🫄has to be mad at that person too or else 🦶 will get mad at 🫄
AND FOR SOME REASON 🦶 GOT MAD AT ME⁉️⁉️ like imma be fr i dont even know why she’s mad at me bc the last time i talked to her was on May 19th and we were perfectly fine but then i sprained my ankle and didnt come back until like a week and a half later and then suddenly shes mad at me?
so the way i found out 🦶was mad at me was because i was tryna talk to her but she was just ignoring me so my other friend who imma call (N) was like “hey 🦶 bambi is tryna talk to you” and then 🦶 is just like “oh i know” LIKE TF⁉️⁉️ so then (N) and i just look at each other and shrug our shoulders cause we don’t know wtf is going on with 🦶
now fast forward like a week later i still dont know why 🦶 is mad at me and now 🫄 is ignoring me too and none of our other friends know why they’re mad at me. and even tho they’re mad at me they still hang out with me and the rest of our friends at lunch they just dont talk to me and then 🦶 offers some chips to (N) and our other friend (B) and she sees me looking because i was sitting next to (N) and she says “Y a que te mires?” which means “what are you looking at?” so i just said “nothing” and she rolled her eyes then called me a bitch 😭 AND WE HAVE THIRD PERIOD TOGETHER SO I HAD TO SEE HER THERE AND SHE KEPT GLARING AT ME DURING THE WHOLE CLASS LIKE⁉️⁉️ also whenever she gets mad she doesnt tell people why shes mad and just expects them to figure it out?? like shes done this before and i’ve had to apologize even tho i didnt do anything wrong
so now lets go to the last day of school so im hanging out with (N) and (B) again and ofc 🦶 and 🫄 are there too with our other friend (M). (M) and i have always been close so i was talking to (M) and she was standing next to 🦶 and then when im talking i hear 🦶 say “no vale verga” which is kinda like “i dont care” but in a mean way so then (M) just looks at me and is like “i dont know why she’s acting like that just ignore her” so i did and then when i get home i decide to check (B)’s location bc she was supposed to come over and i notice 🫄 turned off her location and she only does that when she doesnt want to be friends anymore so im like oh shit because even tho shes not my best friend anymore like we were still friends so yeah now 🫄 isnt friends with me anymore 🧍
anyway thats all and i’ll update if i find out anything else but thats all for now
well said!! tea is tea and if has to be spilled one way or another 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
OMG NO BC I LITERALLY HAD THE SAME THING HAPPEN TO ME THIS YEAR WHAT. 💞 and i were bsfs bc 💞 was new in the school. then ☠️ came along and they became friends and 💞 left me like i was nothing. im talking like i was literally the person who made her who she is rn in the school like bffr girl🤨🤨🤨🤨
lets be real here? we all know stinky feet tryna be you fr🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄on a real note they’re both fucked up in the head. yes i get that thing of “if shes mad at you im mad at you” BUT ATLEAST HAVE A REASON TOO??? like it doesn’t make sense to me at all. shes a real bitch for ignoring you straight up like that and still saying “i know shes talking to me” BFFR?????? see me personally i would immediately remove myself from them two as soon as possible. you know why i think stinky feet is mad at you? bc she knows you could have ms preggo back whenever you wanted to bc you two were bsf. I SWEAR ITS ALSAYS LIKE THAT TELL ME IM WRONG🤣
but at the end of the day, remove yourself from them 2. fuck what they think and fuck what other people think, its your life and youre not gonna let 2 dumbass bitches ruin it for you bc they “dont like you” MAN STFU😭😭😭also FUCK MS PREGGO🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
neways, thanks for the tea bambi😘😘😘i love listening (reading) drama!! ily and stay safe❤️
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yyxgin · 2 years
baby i work so hard it’s exhausting!! also basically one of the kp’s wanted to go out after work last saturday and i jokingly was like sure i’ll go if *chef* goes bc he was helping her clean dishes to get us all out quicker bless him and he was only gonna go if a few of us went long story short this woman had grandkids and was bussin it down in the club more than me and she wanted to walk back from there (she told me she went to the casino when i saw her next) and i took him back to his accom and he asked if he could kiss me and two days later we were getting down and dirty in my car after work and i had to tell him i’m on my period (which i literally haven’t seen naturally in years and i haven’t had one at ALL in over a year) so we just made out for the rest of the night (literally pulled away and told him i had to go home and then continued making out and grinding for two more hours) and like three days ago we went to london together and he kissed me on tower bridge and was doing the whole couple-y thing and making sure i was safe on the tube and yesterday he flew back home (two day trip cause of a layover but it means he’s in the air for about 20 hours) and now he’s gone for five weeks and i don’t know how to feel because there’s no doubt i’m attached to this man but we’ve been like *this* for literally a week. i can’t make this shit up.
and THEN as if all of it wasn’t enough,, the kp (we call her mummy) tells me he went back gone to get married. like. i short circuited when she told me. still facetimed him later tho ngl but i’m hoping she’s chatting out of her rectum. it wouldn’t make sense if what mummy said was true either bc he said to me to follow him next december and go hone with him. and asked me to go to a few european countries with him??? like… if it was a wham name thank you ma’am situation i wouldn’t care so much about the getting married part (it sounds like it’s arranged) bc it would’ve meant i had no idea and therefore not my fault but then i was thinking about him basically saying he wants to do the whole shibang with me and i’m like… boy……. boyfriend? he’s also told the chefs i’m his girlfriend which confused me since me and him never had that convo but why would you say that to the chefs and something different to the kp. anyway. i’ve got my eye on her. she doesn’t know about me and him which is what made me suspicious. lol. love you!!!
thoughts and comments 😳😭🤣🤣 ~ 🌻
BABES IM SO SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING SOONER i kinda got depressed and then i forgot and then- yeah. you know the jazz i apologise every single time. 
ANYWAYS WHAT EVEN IS THIS LOVE STORY !!! you disappear for a few weeks and come back with this omg i love that for you. i am glad you finally found someone you are attached to and someone you feel good with omg he sounds very cute and precious we stan. also i think mummy is saying bullshit bc literally why would he invite you to come w him next year if he was getting married that doesnt make any sense. but also if he is getting married that would be a whole other story oh dear lord,,,
anyways update me on this !!! i aspire to have this level of fun w men. 
love you !! hope you have a great day <3
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