love when games glitch like that
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love bob’s quiet moment of realisation two seconds before he explodes
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this type of post has been in my head for a while, but here’s what colours i associate with ppl
green- charlie, soup, daithi, swagger, kwite, beefstew, dinkster, wilbur soot, quackity, senzu, herboku thegamerbuffalo, elasticdroid, phunix, snedger.
orange- blarg, grizzy, cscoop, kugo, undrscrmason, wildspartanz, hugbox, wilbur soot, burren, michaelmcchill, hutch, silentdroidd.
blue- delirious, tuxy, tuxbird, fitz, travis, jaayy, dergie, terroriser, kryoz, wildcat, krinios, bluesdank, rivster, ted nivison, schlatt, condifiction, itsasaii, chromez, itsgeoff, bigpuffer, bobert, itsnarwhal.
red- smii7y, vanoss, thedooo, mcnasty, yumi, aresmafia, jawsh, seananners, chilledchaos, roastedjames, cartoonz, askually, hugbox, rectrixx, jimmyishere, zachxfuller, fitba, rivster, mr sark, supremeebrick.
purple- racc, inutt, joko, moo, altrive, jameskii, junkyjanker, krtzyy, hooverr, bidw, playdeadbro.
pink- mccreamy, toby, bordie, ashdog, pezzy, poke, toxxxicsupport, maazz, byze, iamty, kingani, carmi asianboy0122, grizzly, racingcatz, wozenz, strawbre, simplerobinson, yumi, makadonveli, supremeebrick.
white- jc, playdeadbro, racingcatz, bigjigglypanda, ohm, arlusfinch, connoreatspants, 24framesofnick, fitmc, grunkkk, pixelbomb, philza, itsasaii, mr sark.
yellow- schlatt, kryoz, emkay, yoitsgold, zuckles, shadowapples, 69sam420, snipingsoup, bigshrimpin, silentdroidd, leumas, awildwatermelonappears.
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