#magitek troopers
foxesroost · 25 days
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Taking a quick break from the chibi style drawings
I have an unspeakable urge to just smoochem/hj
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Legends of the Lasat"
Kevin Kiner please take all my money forever.
Right, attempt two at this. Seriously Tumblr what is the point of having an auto-save feature for posts if it doesn't actually save a decent previous version of the post?
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I'm glad we got to visit this moon space base location again, I think it's such an interesting design.
Another tightly-written opening dialogue exposition scene here, in a few short sentences we learn what they Spectres are here for and why, and that the mission is urgent.
Lol Ezra being evasive about Hondo being his contact. I do wonder how exactly Hondo got that transmitter to Ezra. Did they reconnect sometime offscreen? Did Ezra swipe it during "Brothers of the Broken Horn"? Did Hondo surreptitiously leave it in Ezra's pocket?
However it happened, it's adorable that this once-ruthless bloodthirsty greedy pirate basically decided, "I MUST BEFRIEND THE BABY JEDI, HE'S MY FRIEND NOW I CLAIM HIM."
The camerawork in this scene is phenomenal. This first shot that tracks the Spectres and then dollies just around the corner, as if we are also peeking around it with the characters? This fast almost 270 rotating pan across the Spectres as they make short work of the troopers? Stellar.
(You can also tell they had budget to spare for this episode because the Imperial officer has a face. Lol.)
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Love it when they let Ezra be casually awesome.
Hera sounds so aggrieved that Hondo is Ezra's contact lol.
And here we get the reveal, Zeb was captain of the High Honor Guard of Lasan. A bit later in the episode we learn this consists of being a bodyguard protector of the royal family specifically and all citizens of Lasan in general. Sooooo yeah, quite a bit of heavy personal guilt for Zeb here, feeling like he, specifically, personally, failed his entire world. Ouch.
"Hondo could use a little help." <3
Zeb's expressions this scene are painful. :(
Hondo being so dang fond of Ezra aww.
Though not so fond that he doesn't immediately screw everyone over, greedy bastard.
I saw Zeb rolling his eyes there, animators.
So Zeb's interactions with Chava and Grond are very much a Spiritualist vs Skeptic plot, with the expected tragic personal reason for the skeptic's doubt and disbelief. It's also heavily implied that the loss of Lasan, that trauma, made Zeb regress in maturity, made him snippier and more petulant and churlish. As Ezra says later Zeb does act "like a child", so perhaps his being cast as the Child archetype in the Prophecy of the Three was not so off base lol.
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Ezra has such cute smiles this episode. <3
LOL Hondo's chipper little "Hello!" at the Stormtroopers.
"Well. This must look... incriminating." This man is a delight in every scene.
I mentioned the camerawork right? This is another nice shot here, this pan down from the cockpit to the nose gun turret to meet Zeb.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The smoke coming from the chimney top of the station.
...Is this Stormtrooper also voiced by David Oyelowo?
Ezra immediately noticing Zeb's scoffing like the empath he is. <3
Love love love seeing the unique cultural way that Lasat interact with the Force, the "Ashla" as they call it, mixed ritual and magitek, prophecies that revolve around certain narrative archetypes and symbolic figures. It's just so cool.
I haven't been talking much about the music yet (oh but believe me we will have much to say on that) but this cue here starts easing just slightly into the mysticism of the Lasat ritual. It's almost Stravinsky-esque in nature, carefully stepping flutes and clarinets, discordant strings. We incorporate just a very soft snippet of the Force theme.
Zeb auto-assuming Ezra is the child.
Lol Hondo putting his arm around that one Stormtrooper's shoulder.
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He's so cute asjkhfkajsh. Look at him. He's all like, "Please Dad, can I chant with the weird purple people too?"
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The score takes a bit of an exotic turn, a mellow arabic flute and possibly a sitar adding to the texture of the melody.
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The lighting in this scene egads.
I love this scene I love it so much. Ezra acting as counselor, with his mere presence and curiosity getting Zeb to open up about his past and fears and insecurities. There's so much hurt in Zeb's slumped posture, guilt and grief compete for space in his voice, and I don't think we see him this distraught again until after Kanan's death.
But with Ezra's encouragement, he pulls himself together.
Once again showing off the cool magitek with Chava's staff and Zeb's bo-rifle here and I just love the concept, I love the whole aesthetic of hearing whispers of destiny through the Ashla and then channeling the energy of the universe through arcane, almost magical technology to navigate the stars, like some kind of arcane mariners. And we all thought the bo-rifle was just some kind of standard ordinary weapon, SURPRISE, it's also an ancient Force-magic navicomputer.
And oh wow the parallels with the purrgil next episode and the Chiss sky-walkers in the Thrawn novels.
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This is soooooo pretty. The animation here is gorgeous.
After the commercial cut we're in hyperspace and the Ghost is making an almost blind jump out into Wild Space. Hera doesn't seem terribly worried. (Behind the scenes material says she apparently does this all the time.) But the ship's safety protocols flip out when they sense the imploded star cluster and Hera quickly drops them into realspace and one of the most gorgeous moments of the series.
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This whole sequence is stunning. Some of the best animation of the show, accompanied by one of the best tracks in the score, the star cluster looking like a watercolor spectacle.
And the Stravinsky influenced instrumentation brings the strings front and center; a haunting choir whispers in the background.
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Kanan putting one hand on the back of Hera's chair and the other on her shoulder, aww.
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Just tell me you wouldn't want this as a wall painting. <3
Chava gives some inspiring words about not pidegonholing oneself into a single role in their prophecy and this motivates Zeb to find a well of inner courage and open himself up to the will of the Ashla.
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What I wouldn't give for more on ancient Lasan tech, how their ships must have been designed to integrate with the bo-rifle staffs. It functions as pilot and navigator and also apparently encases the Ghost with a protective shield that keeps it from being crushed by the gravity.
Let that sink in a moment, the staff, when channeling the Force, can literally bend gravity around the ship.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The sparks that pop from a wall panel on the cruiser as Kallus attempts to have it follow the Ghost.
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Whew! And what a rush! The absolute quiet in the score right afterwards gives us a moment to inhale and catch our breath.
Chopper of course chooses to be a pest, releasing the tension.
Lira San being the ancient lost homeworld of the Lasat fits right in with the whole arcane vibe of their culture, like they were connected to a place and people that time forgot.
And tada, we leave with a character arc complete, a new hyperspace route plotted and everything bathed in an aura of serenity.
This episode is one of the best of Season Two, if not the whole series. Everything comes together beautifully in the third act and the story has a feel of both spiritual transformation and wonder. I've already gushed about how interesting and unique the Lasat culture is, how it's presented as a mix of mysticism and technology, with prophecies and wise women, royal families and warriors, and navigators that explored the stars, guided by the Ashla.
Zeb gets more character growth in one episode than some characters get in a season, and he's largely "finished" after this, his issues with his past resolved. (Which isn't to say I wouldn't have loved more character focus on him, just that this is so phenomenal.) His heart-to-heart with Ezra is touching and illustrates just how close they've grown.
And did I mention this episode was pretty? This episode is super pretty and the music is straight fire.
10/10 no complaints. Would give Kiner my money again.
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savage-rhi · 10 months
WIP Wednesday!
Thanks for the tag @blossom-adventures ! I'd love to share a little bit of the food I've been cooking.
Chapter 8 Excerpt While the ship docked, Ardyn and Y/N began to make their journey toward the bridge. While the doors to the dock began to open, it caused the machine to quake. The tremors were strong enough to knock Y/N forward, causing them to nearly fall until Ardyn spun around and caught them before impact. He held them tightly in his arms, looking over them as he laughed.  “Breaking your skull on your first night in Gralea would be rotten luck!” “Thanks,” Y/N bitterly muttered, then freed themself from his hold. They stood up and dusted themself off.  Ardyn let out a deep sigh through nose as he glared at Y/N. He loosened his stern features and increased his walking speed ever so slight to meet up with them.  “Your stubbornness is becoming rather exhausting,” Ardyn began, keeping his words above a whisper while imperial troopers and magitek soldiers descended from the ship and went about their inspection routine.  “And you lying to me is getting old.” Y/N countered. They stopped in their tracks when Ardyn stood in front of them, blocking them from proceeding any further.  “In case it wasn’t so painfully obvious, I am trying to make amends.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. His gaze became more rigid as he glanced around to make sure no one was witnessing a potential spectacle. “I would suggest you play along.”  “Why would you care about what a dead weight would do your image?”  Ardyn’s eyes flared with anger. It was enough to make Y/N take a step back while keeping their eyes fixated on his, out of fear if they looked away he would strike. 
I’m going to tag… @vodkafolie @themrsalbertwesker @itsgeecheebitch @seradyn @pandora-writes-stuff feel free to share some material if you're up for it, I'd love to see what ya'll got on the grill. No pressure though! This is for fun. 💙
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ffxvficrec · 21 days
by omgfloofy The real statement was found on Loqi's desk. He could hear the whines of servos and the clicks of solenoids. The chitters of machinery clicked on as a hand twitched. This specific magitek trooper laid face down across his desk. It was pinned in place by a sword that had been stabbed through its back and into the desk itself. The MT was still operational, but barely. Words: 5227, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of The Insurgent King Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum , Ignis Scientia , Prompto Argentum , Gladiolus Amicitia , Loqi Tummelt , Talcott Hester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence , cloak and dagger , BAMF Noctis Lucis Caelum , Older Chocobros (Final Fantasy XV) , Lawbreakers , Canon-Typical Violence , Not QUITE a criminal underworld but close , urban espionage
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lunar-fey · 6 months
earlier was thinking about something and i think the term i WANTED was "dmab" but i couldnt think of it and also forgot about cis people again so i was like "hmm. what term can i use for this...well basically male to female and male to nonbinary but theres no need to make that distinction in this case... 'male to's ill just use that as a term sure, just 'mt's - MAGITEK TROOPERS. ABOVE US."
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proxnotxaxfool · 5 months
❝ i dread to think what would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up. ❞  
veld had been right.
the empire had its sights on meldacio. he had promised dave he'd be gone, two, three days maximum. he had passed veld's ominous warning onto the head hunter, but he'd figured that threat had been some weeks away yet.
but all holy hell had broken loose in the last few days; insomnia had fallen. the king was dead. the prince was reported dead, same as the oracle. airships were dropping troops at garrisons, increasing the feet on the ground in lucis.
this was an all out ground invasion and occupation.
the radio he'd had with him had gone to static en route back to meldacio - that in itself was a tell. it was a procedure put in place incase meldacio was ever at risk; the white noise told the hunters still out on the field to stay out there, while telling the tipsters to keep off the air, not to risk giving away their identities and ties to the hunters.
there were no hunters at the hq, that was the first thing reno noticed. no trucks. no hustle and bustle - just the echoing clang of metal armour. even the caravan was gone. but there was an airship atop meldacio's rocky roof.
where was loqi? will? their mother? kim? selena? jake? sarah? dave? kaleb? ezma?
shaking his head, he took in a deep breath, ignoring the tightening knot of fear in his chest. sticking to the shadows cast by the walls of melacio and the walls of the buildings, reno picked his way silently towards the murmuring voices that were quickly rising to a sharp demand - a male's voice that rang distant bells of recognition in reno's memories, and it barked questions at someone, asking for a location or someone ... and it was coming from ezma's house.
keeping low, reno weighed up the options in his head; he didn't know how many were in the house. he could hear one at the moment, but that wasn't to say there weren't other soldiers with him, or worse - magitek troopers. ezma normally sat on her front porch, so it was likely that she was there, or her front room. either way, he could use the house to his advantage.
stilling to unlace his boots and kick them off, reno left them neatly at the back door of ezma's house, pulling the door open a crack to slip through into the kitchen. the place was eerily quiet, apart from a defiant i ain't got nothin' t'say to you, son ... ezma. she sounded okay - no warble or quiver in her voice, for now.
overstepping the saddle of the door to avoid a creaky floorboard, reno kept his breathing measured, moving down the short hallway to and stopping at the open doorway to ezma's living room - peering around the jamb, he saw ezma sitting in her armchair in the far corner, a male stood before her, back to reno but reno didn't need to see his face. he had known the voice.
caligo ulldor, the brigadier general himself.
where was loqi?
eyes darting around the room, reno saw no signs of anyone else - no sign of his little brother, who had been under ulldor's charge a lifetime ago. loqi had been a kid back then and he'd admired ulldor, not seeing the general for the cruel bastard he cold be.
a resounding slap tugged reno's attention back to the here and now, his eyes snapped to ezma in time to see her head wrench to the left, a red mark blooming on her cheek in that same moment. grabbing a hold of the door frame, reno used it to build up momentum, dropping to a slide across the room to knocked ulldor's feet out from under him with a foot to the back of his knee. the general crumpled down on him like a sack of potatoes and former turk looped an arm around the man's neck, grabbing his own upper arm and locking his free hand behind ulldor's head to get a lock in place, reno let out a low growl into the man's ear as he struggled to free himself.
' røvhul. '
he tightened his grip as ulldor struggled to get free, landing a solid elbow to reno's ribs that gained a gasp that had reno locking his legs around the general's, trying to quell as much noise as possible so they didn't draw the attention of any magitek troopers - knowing ulldor, he had half a fucking platoon with him.
it only takes thirty-three pounds of pressure to both carotid arteries for about ten seconds for a person to pass out, but it was a long ten seconds before ulldor stopped kicking and flailing against him ... and another four or five just to be sure.
finally relinquishing his lock on the general, reno pushed the heavy fucker off him and rolled over to get his feet under him again, acutely aware that they were now on a time limit; ulldor was out cold, not dead, and there were other troops in the hq.
i dread to think what would have happened if you hadn't shown up.
grabbing a hold of his side when one of his ribs gave a pang of argument, reno winced and shook his head at ezma, holding out a hand for her to come with him quickly.
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' nah, you had him on the ropes ... tell me everyone else is safe, ezma? i got here as quick as a i could. '
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itsgeecheebitch · 10 months
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
SEC PAIRING: Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry for the late update, my previous phone decided to give me the middle finger a few days ago, resulting in me losing majority of my data as well as my notes for this story. Fortunately I had the foresight to upload the plot outline on Google docs, but I did not have the foresight to do the same for my chapter outlines and chapter summaries. I actually finished writing this specific chapter I believe ten days ago, but I wasn't able to edit it until now. Between working many hours, and my old phone going kamikaze on me, I just didn't have the time to proofread and upload. The edits aren't perfect, I didn't change much from the first draft so it might sound choppy in some areas, I just wanted to put this chapter out there
    Bits of sand crushed beneath his leather boots as he walked away. An angry mixture of emotions rolled off of him like smoke from a heated pipe. Ardyn gnashed his teeth, his fingers twitching at his side, as he ventured towards the airship outside of the resort. It seemed the years did nothing to quell his desires for you.
      When he looked at you all he saw was his late wife, the woman he vowed to start a family with, the one he planned to spend the rest of his life with. It irked him to no end. The magitek troopers greeted him at the door, their mechanical bodies whined and clicked as they moved. He took a seat in the copilot chair, the weight of his circumstances sinking his shoulders into the ground . 
     Seeing Gladiolus touching you, kissing you, whispering sweet nothings to you, caused his hands to blacken with the beginnings of the scourge. Ardyn took a deep breath, the black web receded from his skin. He kept an eye on you since you left Insomnia, watching you from a distance to ascertain if any part of him still held affection for you. 
      Unfortunately he still did. His stomach turned and he wiped his hand down his face. Clicking on the ignition, the metallic craft roused from its slumber with an incessant whine. Today marked the end to Insomnia’s reign, the day he looked forward to and worked towards since the moment he accepted the scourge. He had no intention of wallowing over you during this promised day. 
      The aircraft elevated off the ground and made Ardyn feel truly weightless as gravity fell away and collided with the desert ground. He’ll find a way to silence those maddening feelings inside of him. He will destroy Insomnia, end his brother’s lineage, and destroy you. If the past 2,000 years taught Ardyn anything, it taught him that he was a survivor, he will survive the gods, he will survive the Lucis Caelum bloodline, and most importantly he will survive you. Once all is said and done, once the world that forsaken him was reduced to smothering ash, he will find a way to end his immortality. 
       Two days passed in the blink of an eye. On the previous day your friends collected the gems and just as you expected, the quest was harrowing at best and dangerous at worst. Fortunately they returned with only minor injuries and didn’t require your services. You were in bed when the sun peeked through the window and touched your closed eyes. 
      You woke up with a groan, the tendrils of sleep releasing you from their tenuous grasp. It was only six in the morning but you didn’t feel very tired, so you got up and made your side of the bed. The cream colored curtains that framed the window danced in the breeze as you left the resort room.
      Last night prince Noctis elected to spend the night at the resort instead of in the caravan. You felt the difference. The tendons and sinew that made up your body didn’t feel pulled taut from sleeping on a hard cheap mattress, and you felt refreshed despite only receiving six hours of sleep.
       A gentle breeze caressed your cheek as you entered the restaurant section of the resort. The scent of salt was in the air and you inhaled a lungful of the refreshing aroma. There was nobody in the restaurant save for you, allowing you to hear the waves and the seagulls soaring above.
       Taking a step onto the boardwalk, you enjoyed the tranquility that settled over the sandy beach. In the distance you noticed a man approaching the regalia. His pointed sandy hair and black jacket made you realize it was Ignis. Cupping a hand close to your face you shouted, “Hey Ignis.” The man turned around in time to see you wave. 
      He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as you approached. “You’re up early, going somewhere?” 
      “Just to the supermarket.” He said. A warm breeze tousled your hair, delivering Ignis’ earthy sandalwood cologne to your nose. “Altissa is currently experiencing a surge in food prices. I thought it best to reserve what little we have and amass resources before we set abroad.”
      “Mind if I join?” You asked. You had nothing else to do but traverse the beach until the rest of your friends woke up. Not to mention, the idea of conversing with Ignis one on one was an appealing thought. He was your adopted brother, and had been for the last six years. While you and Ignis weren’t best friends you did harbor a sort of fondness for him and wanted to nurture the family connection between you.
     He turned towards the regalia, its purple and ivory design was glistening under the morning light. “If that is what you wish then I would appreciate it.”Without another word you entered the car and Ignis took off. Your hair whipped about and snapped at the wind like a bunch of angry snakes. In the east, the adolescent sun bleached the changing scenery in shades of yellow. 
      You sighed and relaxed into the warm seat. The engine rumbled beneath you as stared at the world barreling by at hyper speed. You watched the glittering ocean, the ripples of waves rolling over the greenish blue surface. A lungful of air expands your ribcage, free of the toxins and pollution that was present in the air back home. 
      This was nice. A part of you missed the outside world, the orange soil, the crystalline ocean, and the clear air. Insomnia was a pleasant city to grow up in, it was wealthy beyond compare, and was home to some of the most impressive pieces of architecture in the world. But nothing could beat the outside world, being able to travel wherever your heart took you, and not being limited by city walls. 
       “I’m gonna miss this once it's over.” You said. “It feels nice being outside again without…you know.”
       “Are you referring to your venture as the child of light? I’ve been meaning to inquire you on that. How was that like?” Ignis asked.
        You brushed wisps of hair out of your face. “Stressful.” You answered. No matter how many years have passed you would never feel comfortable enough to divulge everything you went through during that time of your life. It was a festering wound you treated in silence. While you knew your friends wouldn’t see you any differently, you just couldn’t get yourself to open up about it. It was personal, the memories still brought goosebumps to your arms. 
         “Didn’t have much of a childhood, too busy being mommy and daddy’s wallet. But it had an upside to it, I was able to meet you guys.” You said, deciding to gloss over the more gruesome details. 
         “And we are fortunate to have met you, Aera.” Ignis replied. “I believe I could relate to your woes a bit. Being the son of the former advisor hadn’t left much room for a childhood. I had to grow up quickly and assume my role, as was determined by my predecessors. It is a burden that Gladio and I share. But it isn’t without its merits. I wouldn’t have forged the relationships I have today if it weren’t for my lineage, and I am grateful to serve my country.” 
          Fifteen minutes later you and Ignis arrived at the market. The place was bustling with a healthy crowd, chatter filled the air and drowned out the pop song that was blaring through the speakers. You took a step into the brightly lit market, the mouth watering scent of freshly baked bread and herbs grabbed you by the nose and led you through the aisles. In twenty minutes you and Ignis had a cart filled to the brim with food, fruits, chips, and canned goods, courtesy of your selection. 
         The other half of the cart resembled a community garden, courtesy of Ignis. “Let’s see,” you took the grocery list from Ignis . Most of the items were crossed off save for one, “the next thing on the list is…tomatoes? We’re getting a lot of vegetables, don’t you think?” 
       “Perhaps, but they are a means to counter the prince’s rather…specific palate.” He reasoned.
       “That’s a nice way to put it, think he��s actually gonna eat it?”
       “So long as he doesn’t see it, he will.” Ignis answered. You chuckled, imagining him mincing vegetables and hiding them in Noctis’ meal. 
       “The lengths you go to ensure his health. Well, I’ll go see if I can find those tomatoes for you”. You ventured towards the produce aisle once again, a myriad of reds, purple, and greens captured your attention as you looked for the fruit in question until you found it. Ripping off a plastic bag, you approached the pile of tomatoes and wondered how you were going to package them with one arm. 
        Your fingers twitched slightly, the feeling gradually returning to your paralyzed limb. Opening the bag with your good hand, you spread it wide and dropped five tomatoes into it. Reaching for the sixth one, it slipped from your fingers rolled away on the polished floor. You grabbed your bag and chased after it, feeling very much like a child running after their runaway ball. 
       It slammed into a barrel and you sighed when you reached. Before you were able to slip it into your bag, static erupted from the radio atop the barrel. The words, “breaking news”, pierced through the white noise. 
       One of the men sitting beside the radio increased the volume, allowing you to hear the broadcast more clearly. A woman’s voice broke through the speaker and oozed through your bones like acid. “The city on the hill in shambles. Witnesses report seeing pillars of smoke rise from the city of Insomnia. On the inside an even more grim reality is taking place, fires ravage the streets, buildings are crumbling to the ground. Our on site team has captured an image of the Citadel in flames, which you could view on our website at K7News.com. More on this story after the commercial break.”
       A black hole exploded into being in your gut, sucking the color from your face, leaving ashen terror where a smile once was. The tomato rolled away from your trembling hand. 
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blu-oo · 10 months
Weird question but does anyone know if someone’s written a fic where the chocobros come across another defector magitek trooper and kinda tahe him along with them? Like essentially the set up for every MT! Prompto fic ever except it isn’t OUR Prompto. Essentially the whole “He’s our new best buddy bff forever now” thing w all 4 chocobros + defector MT
I’m not really even sure WHAT to filter in order to find something like this in ao3 if it does exist lol
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icharchivist · 2 years
Another one of ff15 details that is built really in the gameplay that, once you played the full game once, ends up really hurting: Prompto’s reaction when you accidentally attack him through the game.
If, like me, you end up constantly drawing your swords at the wrong time, or not be careful about whenever your companions are nearby while you’re playing, you get various level of comments from them about how, in short “hey, don’t hurt me”
But Prompto in particular has a heartbreaking line where he first goes, a bit heated “HEY, WATCH OUT” and then adds, with his voice breaking a little, “I’m one of the good guys, remember?”
His english voice actor does a fantastic job in this voice break that suddenly hints at deeper insecurities that you can easily brush off when you don’t have the whole deal of the game in mind.
But with the whole context of the game, it’s genuinely heartbreaking. Especially when this line happens when you are fighting Magitek troopers.
With the knowledge that Prompto is a clone, who would have became a Magitek Trooper himself if he hadn’t been sneaked out of the lab as a baby, the knowledge he always had this deep fear inside of him that Noctis would hate him if he knew he came from the inside of the Empire and was originally created as a weapon... And the knowledge that a part of him feared it so much he almost expected it, so when Ardyn caused an illusion to have Noctis attack Prompto, for him, it was his fears realized, it was Noctis hating him for good and attacking him was a reflection on that. His DLC even goes deeper into showing “Noctis attacking him because he considers him a bad guy” is Prompto’s deepest rooted fear.
So, everytime as a player you accidentally hurt Prompto during a battle, especially during battles against Magitek, with the amazing line read, it really feels in that moment that Prompto is panicking. This fear is showing up, no matter how accidental it is. Perhaps he wonders if Noctis is suddenly seeing right through him, seeing the truth, and freaks out for a second, until Noctis reassures him it was just an accident. 
Idk it’s such a nice detail which is really just, a small thing that is put in the gameplay, that probably can be missed out on if you *checks notes* plays well, but thankfully i suck enough at video games that i get to make myself sad over this random line. 
I’m trying so hard to do this playthrough as a “camping simulator” ignoring the main quest, but moments like this make it impossible. The horrors that are going to happen haunt the narrative and the gameplay at every step you keep taking. There is no escape nor denial. Just dread and stubbornly seeing through and holding on to the happiness you can still find despite it all.
This playthrough is going great!
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chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
Noctis had been stupid and careless. Things had been harder without Gladio by their side. He understood that his Shield had something he had to do, but they were used to being a group of four – to fighting as a group of four. It had thrown off the steady rhythm they’d built between themselves. Noctis had been forced to rely too heavily on his magic and he’d fallen into Stasis. A heavy blow to the back of his head had knocked him out.
He’d woken up in a cell, the Magitek troopers on guard outside proof that he was in Imperial custody, though he didn’t know where. He didn’t know how long he’d been out for – hopefully he was in a stronghold in Lucis rather than the Capital. He felt like hell. His head was pounding and he could barely hold himself up on weakened limbs.
The sound of heavy footsteps caused him to straighten and appear a little less pathetic.
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“Ardyn.” He didn’t think he’d ever been so happy to see the man. He might not like or trust the Chancellor, but he’d helped them out before. Maybe he could help again. “Think you can get me out of here?”
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foughtforthefuture · 6 months
“This can’t be normal.”
nothing about this world was normal anymore. normal had gone straight out the window when the sun had decided to stop showing up in the mornings. but this?
something was wrong with the MT. hell, the fact that it was here was wrong enough. yes there were imperial and nifen refugees in formouth and other outposts - but no MTs. the MTs had all become daemons during gralea's fall. how this one had gotten here, he didn't know, all the glaive knew was that it would do harm to anything it crossed - black ichor trailing along the ground with each shambling step it took, metal armour clanking with its jerking movements.
this was definitely not right.
watching the magitek trooper shamble forward, nyx crouched down on reflex, reaching out to grab selena's wrist and pull her with him, making sure she was stuck to his back like glue and out of the MTs eyeline.
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' keep your voice low and stay behind me. if i say run, you run for the haven and don't argue, alright? '
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prowlingthunder · 9 months
For the WIP guessing game: cluster.
You are the ONLY PERSON to respond so I hit. Uh. All of them instead of just picking one....
Freewriting for Ambulo (FFXV universe collusion fic)
The first cluster of magitek troopers proved almost disastrous for him.
D'appel Du Vide - Star Wars fic, under rewrite
She certainly doesn’t intend to be while she’s here, no matter how welcoming His Majesty seemed when he saw her saunter in, easing between too-eager gentlemen and clusters of hopeful, tangled bloodlines.
broke down my walls because of you - Star Wars, Bingo fic, Mando AU/Imp AU
Or even baba’s sons, since the Naas’ad were a small cluster like the Dush’ad and had the luxury of a Mandalorian Commando’s personal attention during their training.
I've got some other "cluster" in my search but they're all disconnected notes or character bios, or already-posted fics because that shows up in my binder too.
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savage-rhi · 10 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 3
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Ardyn stood upon a cliff next to the Vixen, looking downward at the destruction he had lain across the land. A rage of fire danced through buildings and vegetation. The flames created a thick smoke that was so black it rivaled tar. A commotion of screams permeated the air, bouncing off Ardyn’s ears. There was a potent acrid smell that burnt the fine hairs in Ardyns’ nose, causing him to grimace. The sound of gunfire added to the haunting imagery that surrounded what was once a Lucian stronghold. Now it was nothing but ash and blood, all thanks to the Adagium himself.    Ardyn paid no heed to the chaos. His golden eyes scanned the horizon while he observed the carnage he and several magitek troopers created. Though he felt a sense of pride swell in his chest, Ardyn knew his mission was far from over. The real work was about to commence.    “Chancellor Izunia,” A Niflheim soldier approached, giving a small bow with his head.    “Yes?” Ardyn turned his attention to the man and raised a brow.    “The stronghold has been ceased,” The soldier said proudly. “The last of the Lucians have been exterminated.”    Ardyn flinched at the latter remark. He felt a pang of conflict run through his head. 2,000 years later and he could still remember his brother Somnus saying similar words right before burning hundreds to their death for being sick. Ardyn turned his eyes away from the wreckage below and approached the Niflheim soldier.    “Those infected by the starscourge within the base, how are they fairing?”    The soldier blinked several times. He was at a loss for words. After taking down a powerful faction of Lucians, the soldier didn’t believe something so trivial would be on the Chancellor’s mind. “Far too many had succumbed to the sickness so we had to kill most. However, a few are alive and--”
“Round them all up,” Ardyn firmly stated. “I want them presented before me.”    “Sir,” The soldier swallowed. “Why an interest in the infected? They are beyond help.”    Ardyn smirked and began to chuckle. He pat the man’s right shoulder several times like a parent would to a child who had made a hapless mistake, and walked to the drivers side of the Vixen.   “Is it not wise to interfere with business you don’t understand? I believe my affairs are above your paygrade, sad to say.”    “I--didn’t mean to overstep,” The soldier apologetically bowed, watching Ardyn get into his vehicle. “Are you heading below?”    “In due time,” Ardyn nonchalantly stated. “I need to get my car back to the airship. We can’t well risk being seen in this fashion. After all, this assignment of ours is a private concern.”    “Understood,” The soldier cleared his throat while gesturing at the red vehicle. “Sir, if I may…”   “No, you may not.” Ardyn bluntly sighed. He turned on the ignition and looked behind to make sure the area was clear for backup. “No one touches this car but myself.”    “I was actually going to ask, if this mission was so sensitive in nature, why bring a vibrant car into the mix?”    Ardyn made a face and snorted. More so at the fact, he misconstrued the situation. He smiled big at the soldier. “I couldn’t well leave her unattended in Chief Besithia’s care now, could I? The old man would surely have his way with scrapping her! He has told me as much.”    Ardyn left the soldier dumbfounded as he sped off to the main airship.    An hour later once the Vixen was tended to, Ardyn arrived on foot back to the base. The fires had long been put to rest. Hefty smoke continued to rise from the ground, adding a desolate ambiance that Ardyn played into with his stride while eyeing the scene. There were thirty magitek soldiers standing in a line, followed by fifteen soldiers, and in front of those men were the infected on their knees and bound. Ardyn smirked at how precise and orderly everyone was. Not that it mattered in the end.    Whimpers emitted from several of the infected. Debris littered their ripped-up hospital gowns, while scratches and wounds left marks upon dreary faces. These people were beyond frightened. Having been ripped from their lives, and taken to a base to be shipped off somewhere unknown all because they were suffering. They were too scared to say anything, let alone question what was going on. 
Ardyn could tell these poor souls had long given up the fight. He could sense it in the very scourge that festered within their bodies. He furrowed his brows while observing one woman violently twitch. Her skin was decorated with nothing but black tendrils, indicating the final stage of daemonification was underway. Many of these people were beyond a miracle. The healer in Ardyn, who he had tried hard to vanquish, even conceded defeat. He felt pity for all before him, but that was the extent of the courtesy Ardyn would allow himself to give.    With a neutral gaze, Ardyn started at the right end of the line and began walking down. Every so often, he’d crouch and would inspect an individual. This consisted of him grabbing people by the neck or chin, and forcing them to look at his eyes while he made his observations. He’d tut here and there, his disappointment growing the longer this carried on.   “Sir,” An older soldier spoke up. He heard the Chancellor hum while continuing his discernments. “If you kindly inform us of what you are seeking, perhaps one of us could be of assistance?”    “I fear your aid would be of little use in this regard,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. He was now at the end of the line. Five more to go. “These poor dear souls are near the finish line. I was hoping for someone more…fresh.”    That’s when the second to last person looked up out of impulse. The motion was so quick that Ardyn’s full attention landed on them. His body tensed, at first assuming this particular infected would attack. The foot soldiers too were on the alert. The men readied their weapons, all ends pointing to the target.    Ardyn watched curiously as the person gasped, then bowed their head; seemingly not wanting to cause trouble. He side-eyed the Niflheim soldiers.   “Now, now, there’s no need to get trigger-happy!” Ardyn confidently stated. He dropped the head of the person he had been looking at, got up, and made his way to the new person of interest.    Arriving in front of them, Ardyn crouched down and his hand reached out to grab their chin. He tilted their head upward, and that’s when his frustrations began to die. His hardened stare softened, looking at a pair of eyes that had not yet been tainted by the darkness, unlike the others. No trace of the scourge had touched the whites of their hues.    A tense silence fell between both Ardyn and this infected. The only sound Ardyn could register was how their breath quaked. He could feel their pulse tremble in their throat. His golden eyes traveled their neck, seeing scourge blotches but nothing to indicate they were near the end. Then he looked down at their arm, observing the incompetent patch job at a wound that had been left to fester. A grimace briefly traversed his face, then he felt tempted to gaze at their eyes once more. He caught a microscopic scourge vein wiggling about in their right sclera. This one was running on borrowed time, and it would be enough.  
Ardyn couldn’t help himself but stare intently. His head canting to the side as his pupils grew with fascination.    “What is your name?” He softly asked, feeling them swallow while his hand continued to grip their chin.    “Nobody,” They muttered.    Ardyn chuckled darkly. “Is that so? Come now, don’t be coy.”    “Why does it matter?” Their hoarse voice responded. “I’ll be nobody when I’m dead.”    “Indeed,” Ardyn’s thumb began to absentmindedly stroke over their skin while he continued to hold their chin. He felt their body freeze and smiled. “May I ask you a question, Nobody ?”    The patronizing mockery of his tone seemed to spark a little fire in their eyes. For someone that appeared so hopeless and accepting of their fate, Ardyn was amused to see he had pressed a button. He let their chin go after having his fill seeing a glimpse of anger rise in their face.
“Y/N. My name is Y/N.”    “Ah, there we go! That wasn’t so hard now was it?” Ardyn chortled. His hands nonchalantly rested on his knees. “How long have you been dealing with this ailment of yours?”    “Two weeks,” Y/N swallowed. Fear lingered in their voice and they finally allowed their eyes to scan over Ardyn’s face. Whoever this man was, he was an official. That much Y/N could ascertain especially with having Niflheim soldiers and magitek troops at his disposal. Whether it was nerves or adrenaline from the attack, Y/N felt compelled to say more.    “W-we were supposed to get shipped off to MedZin,” Y/N began. Their voice trembled. “Said we were going to help them find a cure for--for this disease.”    “Intriguing,” Ardyn mused. “And do you believe in such high hopes my dear?”    Y/N tensed their hands and shook their head.    Ardyn was about to say something further, but he stopped and his mouth parted. A soft metallic scent began to rise through his nostrils. The scourge within himself buzzed from the familiarity of the smell. His gaze narrowed on a deep wound in Y/N’s left shoulder.  Blood had begun to pool and bleed out into the cloth of their gown. It didn’t take long for Ardyn to deduce that the injury had been caused by a bullet. His curiosity was piqued as was his agitation.    “Who did this?”    Y/N winced, looking at Ardyn dumbfounded. They could barely hear his voice with how low he spoke. There was a hidden anger in his tone that intimidated Y/N. They turned their head to the side, looking at a younger soldier. They saw the man glare at them. His throat bobbed as he swallowed. Y/N turned their attention back to Ardyn. 
“R-running,” Y/N closed their eyes, feeling a painful burn festering deep inside of their wound. “I--ran away. He told me to stop. I was scared. I--I didn’t--everything was on fire, and I--he shot me and dragged me here--”    “Shh,” Ardyn put a finger to his lips to silence them. He locked his eyes on the soldier with indifference then once more paid Y/N mind. “There’s no need to exhaust yourself any further.”    “I--you don’t--”   “Tell me,” Ardyn this time around cupped Y/N’s face with both his hands. The scourge within his body began to race through his bloodstream and to his fingertips, wanting to feel for himself the extent of the havoc this plague had wrought upon Y/N’s form. He could sense their fear while he held them gently, not giving any indication of his intentions.    “What is it that you desire?”    Y/N’s eyes began to tear up, feeling a wave of pain travel all throughout their body as the scourge constricted. The patches on their neck began to inflame, feeling as though a fire had been lit under the flesh. Y/N was crying hard in Ardyn’s grasp, eyes shut while their breathing became ragged. Between the bullet wound and this sudden influx of shock, Y/N wanted to shut down, to do anything but deal with the situation at hand.    “T-to die,” Y/N pleaded. “I--I need to. I can’t---I can’t---it hurts--everything feels like---it’s being split apart---help me--please!”    “Oh you poor, poor , thing,” Ardyn shook his head and murmured with a sigh. His thumbs wiped away at Y/N’s tears, and he began to loosen his scourges influence. They weren’t lying about how bad it was. He could sense the turmoil of it all. “I believe we can help each other achieve similar ends.”   “W-what?” Y/N opened their eyes, seeing Ardyn smirk at them. His expression was one of mischievousness. That he knew something they didn’t. The thought alone made a shiver go down Y/N’s spine as Ardyn rose to his feet, and he snapped his fingers at two magitek troopers from afar.    “Please kindly escort my guest to the ship. Ensure they are left unharmed.”    “N-no,” Y/N shook their head and attempted to get up. The feat was short-lived, for their body collapsed to the ground. Blood loss began to take its toll. Their breathing became more rapid, skin growing cold as ice. “You can't--” 
Before Y/N could finish their sentence, a white light began to encroach their vision. The last thing they saw was the feet of a magitek trooper. The mechanic entity's armor was caked with mud and a tiny blade of grass. It was so insignificant, but for whatever reason, Y/N’s mind thought it to be something beautiful among the mess and then they passed out.    Not long after, Ardyn watched the two troopers he had commanded haul Y/N away. Once out of sight, he focused his attention on the poor souls that were still at his feet. He sighed, shaking his head with disgust then gestured for the young soldier who had shot Y/N to come to his side.    “Sir?”    “Make the executions swift. I want for none to suffer.” Ardyn whispered. “I will be returning to the ship.”    “And what of us, the men?”    “Just concentrate on your part ensuring there’s no evidence of our affairs this day.” Ardyn didn’t give the man any more room to ask questions. He swiftly began to walk away from the massacre, ignoring the final screams and desperate pleas from the infected before a rain of bullets descended upon their diseased bodies. Though Ardyn carried a calloused look, he felt some guilt begin to sway him until the daemons in his mind coaxed him into acceptance.    Several feet away, a lone magitek trooper who had been scavenging for traces of Lucian survivors stopped and acknowledged Ardyn with a bow. As Ardyn drew close, he smiled warmly at the bio-mechanic entity. The undead look in its eyes stared off into the distance when Ardyn gestured to where he had left the foot soldiers.    “When they’ve finished their task, make sure your brethren slaughter them all as well. Place the corpses at strategic points. I want this scene to look as if it was a natural casualty of the empire's war. After you’ve succeeded, have your brethren and yourself self-destruct however you see fit.” Ardyn smirked when the magitek trooper nodded and then started its descent toward the decimated stronghold. Once out of sight, Ardyn began to contemplate the next stages of his mission. 
Y/N’s voice in the present pulled Ardyn out from his memories. He blinked a few times, and realized he was driving. He sighed deeply through his nose and pushed back some wild strands of his hair with his right hand. 
“You looked distant for a while. Are you okay?”
“Quite,” Ardyn responded curtly. There was a part of himself that wished he hadn’t been so eager to volunteer for this mission, all because he wanted to get away from Niflheim and neglect his responsibilities for a while. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, reminiscing of his first encounter with Y/N. He never imagined that his powers would be hindered after that fateful day. 
Speaking of which …Ardyn thought. He side-eyed Y/N, looking at the scourge marks traveling from their neck and across the shoulder. A tremble of anticipation snaked down Ardyn’s back. The darkness inside of him was eager to welcome its essence back into the fold. 
“I do so hate to stir up trouble,” Ardyn began. He turned his focus back to the road, but through the rearview mirror, made eye contact with Y/N. “However, I find myself feeling quite famished. Now would be an opportune time to take the edge off, if your frail form is up to it.”
Y/N let out a slow breath. Tiny goosebumps went down their arms at Ardyn’s voice. Though his tone would suggest he was being mindful of their pain, there was a forewarning behind the Chancellor's purr. This wasn’t a request, but a command.
“Alright,” Y/N settled with the decision that had already been made on their behalf. “Pull over. I’ll get ready.” 
“Your compliance is most appreciated.” Ardyn smiled. He began to scout, trying to find a spot on the main road where both he and Y/N would be kept away from prying eyes. The retractable roof of the Vixen began to adjust upon Ardyn pressing a button near the clutch. Soon both he and Y/N were encapsulated within the vehicle. 
It wasn’t long before Ardyn pulled over at a designated travel site. The area was flat, save for the mountainous monoliths in the background. Such was the splendor of the Southern Duscae region. 
For a moment, Y/N forgot what was about to happen and observed the scenery. It had been years since their eyes had looked upon this area. Not since they were a child had they been to Duscae, the family having moved to the Crown City of Insomnia for the greener pastures of the urban jungle. The petrichor scent was always strong in this region. Even with the windows to the Vixen rolled up, Y/N caught a whiff of the mineral texture that hung in the air.
Y/N’s distraction came to an end as they felt the leather seat adjust. Ardyn had already unbuckled and scooted, getting into Y/N’s personal space. He was so close that they could feel warm air coming through his nostrils and hitting their skin. 
“Where does that little mind of yours run off to?” Ardyn teased. He canted his head in a slow and playful manner. The actions reminded Y/N of a cat, one that was enjoying the torment of its prey before the pounce. 
“I was remembering the last time I was in Duscae,” Y/N said, turning their head away from the window to stare at him now. “I suppose right now you’d rather hear I’m preparing to close my eyes and think of Niflheim.” 
Ardyn chuckled at the sarcastic quip. “A dated and a rather crude expression courtesy of the empire's dark age. I wouldn’t dream of making one such as yourself wholly uncomfortable in that regard.”
Y/N watched as Ardyn drew upon his dagger. The knife had two sharp edges with a triangular cut that was both beautiful and intimidating. Y/N’s eyes carefully observed while Ardyn guided the blade to a cluster of scourge webs at the base of their neck. The very same ones his eyes had been festering on back at the hotel. 
“You don’t think this makes me feel weird, or less than?” Y/N’s breath hitched, feeling the tip of the blade poking into their skin. Ardyn could’ve easily pushed through but hesitated. Y/N watched his amber eyes peer up. His features were neutral to the point where it was difficult to tell if he was angered at the remark, or simply couldn’t be bothered.
“In the grand scheme of things you are of no concern to me. Much less your feelings.” Ardyn stated bluntly. He smirked then, pushing more of the point into Y/N’s flesh, watching their face contort with pain. “That doesn’t mean I enjoy salacious malice toward you.”
“You could’ve fooled me just now.” Y/N couldn’t help but retort. 
“Your attempt at play is unbecoming,” Ardyn said the words so quick, Y/N barely had time to register them, much less register Ardyn cutting open their skin.
“Shh. It’ll pass.” 
A hot searing pain followed by a cool warmth pooled from the wound site as Ardyn guided the dagger horizontally. A vexed yell escaped Y/N’s mouth followed by a series of curses. Blood and a thick substance--inky black in texture--intermingled and carded down the side of Y/N’s flesh. The scourge leaked with a movement that conveyed its somewhat sentient nature; that it longed for and also feared Ardyn while it attempted to follow the trail of blood back to the source from whence it came. 
“How peculiar,” Ardyn mused. He took in a deep breath and dropped the knife. “Hold still.”
Y/N watched Ardyn’s features turn feral, and darkness rapidly consumed the whites of his eyes leaving nothing but golden rings surrounded by a void. His nostrils flared for a brief second then he closed in on the cut and latched onto Y/N’s neck with his mouth. The actions were akin to a shark, picking up a drop of blood in the ocean and swimming to the source then compulsively taking a bite. 
Ardyn’s lips smacked and suckled, tongue darting across the cut with a frenzy that had Y/N instinctively trying to yank him away. Their writhing did little to deter Ardyn from his goal: consume. Gasps and pained noises left Y/N’s body while Ardyn wrapped an arm around their waist while the left hand cupped their cheek to hold Y/N in place.
Small moans of satisfaction escaped Ardyn’s lips as if he had been starving and suddenly was presented with a meal. The scourge in his body hummed with a powerful hum that had him feeling euphoric. His thumb carded over Y/N’s cheek, wiping away at a few stray tears that fell. This was but a small token of comfort for what he was doing to them; bringing their soul to the edge of death while sating his appetite. 
Y/N could feel themself growing light-headed over time. The loss of blood along with the scourge desperately trying to cling to their body was an exhausting ordeal. At some point, the hand that tangled into Ardyn’s hair in an attempt to pull him back merely rested against his scalp. 
Y/N closed their eyes, shuddering against Ardyn while their body began to feel weightless. The pain had ebbed, replaced by a numbing warmth. That’s when their sense of smell began to fade, followed by taste and touch. Hearing and sight were the last Y/N had at their disposal, and even those were fading quickly. Nothing mattered, but the possibility of endless sleep. The scourge and its painful hold were disappearing, and that was enough for Y/N’s mind willing to give in. 
In the middle of his frenzy, Ardyn felt what could only be described as shocks to his brain. In quick bursts, pictures came to mind. Sights he had never seen. Voices that felt familiar yet far away, and information that was personal to the heart. He could feel his body absorbing not only the scourge but Y/N’s memories and persona. The very fabric of who they were as a person was in the process of being compartmentalized into the legion that dwelled within his body. He knew from experience that Y/N was close to death. 
Ardyn groaned while his eyes widened from another onslaught of memories that washed over him. The outer part of his eyelids twitched and he halted the movement of his lips against Y/N’s throat. Instinct told Ardyn that if he pressed on there would be no going back. Gods above he wanted to cave in. The urgency was strong. He even justified it accordingly, that Y/N wouldn’t be his problem anymore if he complied with his impulse. 
A soft whimper that neared a pleasured moan from Y/N broke Ardyn out of his contemplation. He did a double take and felt blood pool to his cheeks. Ardyn trembled at the intrusive thought that Y/N might’ve been deriving pleasure from this experience. He blinked and swallowed, his mouth hovered above Y/N’s throat for a moment before he took one last suck and then let Y/N’s flesh go with a pop. Ardyn gave Y/N’s body a gentle shove, then proceeded to move away and return to the driver's side. 
Y/N’s senses returned to them lightning-fast. When their mind registered consciousness coming back together, Y/N jolted and felt a heavy weight on their forehead. It was enough to make them bend forward, looking down at their feet while their hands vainly tried to rub the weird sensation out of their head. 
A breathy silence lingered in the car between the two, then Y/N broke the quiet with a question.
“Was that enough for you?” 
Ardyn hummed, sighing deeply in satisfaction while his head leaned back against the seat, tongue darting across his bottom lip to catch the little bit of scourge residue left. 
“Yes,” He said simply, turning his head toward the window so he wasn’t looking at Y/N. “Do let me know when you begin to feel the scourge manifest. I may want to feed again before I drop you off.” 
Y/N made a face, glancing at Ardyn with contempt. A conflict brewed in their mind and heart regarding their odd arrangement. Y/N would be lying to themself that they weren’t disappointed that Ardyn didn’t go through with killing them. It would only be a matter of time before the miasma would replenish itself, and the excruciating burn of the scourge would rise again like tall flames. 
Ardyn side-eyed Y/N. “You seem rather contemplative. A gil for your thoughts?” 
“For a moment there, I thought you were going to take my life,” Y/N admitted. 
Ardyn hummed in thought, offering an insincere shrug. “It crossed my mind, but I’m a stubborn old thing when it comes to promises. You still wish to take care of your affairs before I help you cross over, do you not?” 
“Yeah, I guess so,” Y/N murmured, then winced upon accidentally rubbing the cut at their neck. The spot wasn’t bleeding anymore, but it pulsed with a scratchy ache. “Did you cut out any of the scourge webbing while you were at it?”
“I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that,” Ardyn made a face. “The miasma from the scourge use your veins as a highway. It’ll come and go depending on the flow of your blood. Hence why it can disappear and show up at random. I know stress can personally cause inflammation to scourge patches. Yours tend to fester at the base of your neck, shoulders, and wrists from my observation.” 
Y/N was surprised to feel Ardyn’s hand reach across and gently push their fingers away from the wound. His own fingertips delicately traced the cut. 
“It seems I may have gotten carried away with myself,” Ardyn purred. “Allow me to extend a courtesy. I’ll avoid your throat from now on.” 
“I’m not sure if a thank you is appropriate or not,” Y/N muttered, feeling their face grow warm from the remark. They reached up to Ardyn’s hand that remained lingering at the cut, and gave a shove. The heat of their blush became worse, hearing Ardyn chuckle before he turned his attention to the steering wheel. 
“There’s no need to thank me for anything,” Ardyn said sincerely. A dark smirk soon took over his lips “Not when you’ve given so much and so freely.” 
Y/N shot a brief glare at Ardyn. The flirtatious undertones were not appreciated in the slightest.  Flattery was a weapon Ardyn wielded like a blacksmith to a hammer. He could bend shape and will with every strike. Even with what happened moments ago with their proximity, Ardyn didn’t give Y/N the impression he would take things too far in that department. Then again, he was unpredictable. The thought made Y/N’s pulse unsteady, so much so that they spoke without thinking. 
“Where are your scourge patches then?” 
“Beg pardon?” Ardyn turned his head, raising a brow. 
Y/N gestured with their chin toward his body, their eyes purposefully combing over him in a manner that would make most people uncomfortable. As far as Y/N was concerned, he was getting a taste of his own medicine being lurked at. 
“You know where the scourge likes to pop up on me, so where’s your sweet spots?” 
Ardyn chuckled, shaking his head as if his ears had heard the most ridiculous question in all of Eos. 
“That’s rather personal my dear.” 
“It’s only fair. I showed you mine. You show me yours. Unless you’re a coward.” 
“I’d strongly advise being careful for what you wish for. You may not have the stomach for it.” Though it was clear he was entertained by the banter, Ardyn did shoot Y/N a gaze that conveyed they were treading on thin ice. It was enough to get Y/N to fall back. They merely nodded, buckling back up, and decided to enjoy the scenery while they could. 
“Alright, you got me there,” Y/N murmured in defeat. 
“I’m relieved we’re on the same page.” Ardyn offered a smile. He soon frowned after it became obvious Y/N wasn’t in the mood to entertain him further. Then again, he wasn’t sure what he expected. It didn’t help that Y/N’s memories were once more flooding through his brain, invading his current stream of thought. 
Flashes of a face familiar to Y/N came to light, along with feelings of attachment. Whomever this was, Y/N had liked them. A lot. Ardyn could feel his stomach churn over itself. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant but it did have him experiencing a sense of vulnerability. It was a strange phenomenon, yet all too familiar. 
“Are you going to start the car?” Y/N asked, breaking Ardyn out of his thoughts. 
“Yes,” Ardyn muttered irately. “I know you are eager to shuttle off this mortal coil but have patience.” 
Ardyn’s hands gripped the steering wheel, his fingers flexed on the leather material before he started the ignition up and drove the Vixen back to the main road. 
“This will all be over soon,” Ardyn said after sitting in silence for a while. 
“I hope so,” Y/N whispered to themself, thankful Ardyn didn’t catch on or wasn’t in the mood to say anything else for the remainder of the ride. 
Y/N carefully pulled their right sleeve up, gazing at their flesh as black vein structures began to take root. The new scourge patch stung with a pins and needles ache, signaling its comeback, and Y/N closed their eyes. 
Ardyn will make it painless… Y/N said to themself regarding their eventual demise. They had to believe in him, believe in what they signed up for. It was the only comfort Y/N could hold onto as the Vixen continued to roll along the highway.
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ffxvficrec · 6 hours
by dollgutzz While fleeing from an overwhelming number of MTs, Prompto and Noctis hide in a very small closet together. Any movement whatsoever has them pressing up against each other in rather scandalous ways. Words: 3119, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Love Confessions , Claustrophobia , Frottage , Clothed Sex , Mentions of Anxiety , Making Out , Friends to Lovers , Mutual Pining , Nipple Play , MT | Magitek Troopers (Final Fantasy XV) , Grinding
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galahdanblade · 1 year
“Those things are bad news.” - Ida
it was one those new things they'd seen erected on the outskirts of formouth - some sort of machine that gave off a constant low hum and seemed to fleck the air with a red haze, almost like a refracted laser.
he was fucked if he knew what it was. all kaleb knew was these things were popping up all over lucis, near strongholds and forts and that wherever they were, that are tended to see an increase in the amount of magitek troopers being dropped in to the locale.
this one was long busted up though - complements of an anak. turning the dented and battered metal component over on the desk, kaleb arched a brow at ida's comment.
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' what are they? this thing drove a herd of anaks berserk until they managed to trample it. '
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harperthejay · 2 years
Minted in Blood: Class Teasers
Minted in Blood is the current project I'm working on for my TTRPG brand, Chubby Crow Games. It's a magipunk game about war and hope, where players are scrappy heroes fighting the oppressive plutocracy. I've been teasing classes over on my Itch and Ko-Fi pages, and I wanted to share some of them here.
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So here are the first 8 class teasers!
Agent. Highly trained operatives who specialize in stealth and subterfuge to fight their enemies. Think Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible, or Altaïr from Assassin's Creed.
Animist. Watchers of nature and magic, they observe monsters and spellcasters alike to mimic their powers. This is a classic Blue Mage, if you're familiar with Final Fantasy; think Strago or Gau from Final Fantasy VI.
Aristocrat. Either wealthy socialites from the PTC or social beacons in the Valley, they use charm and guile to further their goals.  These are your rich characters who are motivated into action. More Thomas Wayne, less Bruce's Batman (though nothing's stopping them from picking up some combat skills!).
Cavalry. Whether through training or instinct, they ride into battle on the backs of their mount. These folks can have either animal mounts or MECtech mounts (MECtech is essentially technology fueled by magic instead of electricity or steam). Think the various cavalry units from the Fire Emblem series, or Terra and her Magitek armor at the start of Final Fantasy VI.
Engineer: Skilled in the intricacies of MECtech, they can build or maintain complicated machinery and manipulate magic in specific circumstances. The main inspiration for this class is Edgar from FFVI, but Cid from FFIV has his influence here as well.
Magiturge: Most magiturges combine natural talent with intense training, though enough of either one can make up for lack in the other. They use their will to manipulate raw magic. This is kind of your standard magic user; think Terra from FFVI, the Mage class from World of Warcraft, or Doctor Strange.
Officer: When tough times come, they are the ones soldiers and civilians alike turn to.  They lead their charges into battle with calculation and foresight. Whether they're likeable, like General Leia from Star Wars, or kind of a hardass, like Clancy Brown's Drill Seargent Zim from Starship Troopers, the Officer helps groups focus on a common goal.
Reclaimer: So-named because they’ve mastered the art of reclaiming magical energy from MECtech and spiritual objects, they can channel this magic into new items and spells. The main inspirations behind Reclaimers were Disenchantment/Enchantment from World of Warcraft, and the Siphoners from Vampire Diaries (I preemptively reject your judgment). The suck the magic out of objects to use for their own magic.
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