#magazine quizzes ! ; dash games
girlishwhiimsy · 18 days
silly girlie pop who likes to yap
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lcstandfound · 1 year
GENERAL TAGS!! ☄. *. ⋆
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narniadreams · 3 years
very many tags that i’m sure nobody cares about (with songs and a quiz and facts about me if ur curious) 
tagged by the ever so lovely @trumpkinhotboy​
drop three completely different bands/artists u listen to
Super Junior (kpop)
Regina Spektor (anti-folk)
Flairck (dutch acoustic)
Stumbled upon this and decided to make it a tag game ! (this is so very accurate like how do quizzes know this !?) The socially awkward brains of the team // Socialization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing.
i haven’t been in love since the last 10 years and sometimes i am afraid that i will never fall in love with anyone ever again.
there was a period in my life where i really hated reading books. before, i loved reading, but when i was around 8 i started to dislike it, and i only ever read comic books or magazines or very short/easy books. when i got into my last two years of highschool (15/16 age-wise) we had to read 5 books each year, so i was forced to read. i kind of started to love it again and i read a lot of books easily. since then, i never hated reading books again hahaha.
i’m going to study in south-korea next month, so i won’t be able to go to my violin classes. it’s the first break i have ever taken since i started playing violin in 2007. 
when i really love a piece of media, i often remember quotes from it, and in a period of obsession, i will keep saying that quote over and over again for no reason. a while back i replayed heavy rain and i kept walking around saying: ‘’oh shit jack, ain’t nothing to it, just a little bit of self defense. page one of the police manual, kill or be killed.’’ at random moments. 
that being said, i love video games !! i’ve sometimes got surprised responses to that because people say i ‘don’t look like a gamer-girl’ whatever that’s supposed to mean????? just two days ago i started playing days gone and it’s been very stressful so far hahaha.
I saw one on the mcr side of my dash where you put a song title for every little of your url and I thought it would be fun
N - nella fantasia - il divo
A - angels - owl city
R - rockin’ the suburbs - ben folds
N - no other - super junior
I - idea - akmu
A - a case of you - joni mitchell
D - dream girl - shinee
R - resta qui - andrea bocelli
E - einstein’s idea - johnny flynn
A - après moi - regina spektor
M - mayday - victon
S - she - jannabi
RULES: post your top five favourite comfort characters
Samual Drake (Uncharted)
Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Nagisa Hazuki (Free! Iwatobi Swimclub)
Hideyoshi Nagachika (Tokyo Ghoul)
Warren Graham (Life Is Strange)
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earphones or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moon light // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // wind chimes or dreamcatchers // chocolate or sour candy // deodrant or perfume // drive-in movie theatre or the cinema // pastel colours or neutral/earth tones // butterflies or honeybees // lemonade or iced tea // past or future // constellations or aurora borealis
cloud watching or stargazing // cherries or strawberries // messy room or tidy room // cooking or baking // blue pen or black pen // poetry or prose // loose clothes or fitted clothes // bookmark or dog-ear // orange or yellow // chocolate or red velvet // rings or necklaces // netflix or cinema // monsoon or autumn // late nights or early mornings // road trips or train/flight // candles or fairy lights // music streaming or record player // blinds or curtains // picnic date or carnival date // piano or violin // ice cream or frozen yogurt // museums or libraries // pancakes or waffles // cookies or brownies // moon or stars
there are more tags that i still have to do but this is it for now lol !! i tag anyone who reads this, no taking back >:)
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perfectwayfx · 5 years
The Whale's Sports Betting University - Weekly Recurring Membership!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/perfectwayfx/the-whales-sports-betting-university-weekly-recurring-membership/
The Whale's Sports Betting University - Weekly Recurring Membership!
 Buy Now    
(Plus: Get my top picks & full analysis delivered to you every day)
Copy me – One of the winningest sports bettors in history. Become the expert handicapper you always wanted to be. Welcome to The Whale’s Sports Betting University.
This is the Sports Betting Whale.
The typical sports bettor loses money when betting on sports.
But not me. I didn’t just break the mold, I shattered it!
I hand crafted my sports betting journey from scratch into a history that reads like a dynasty out of an epic novel.
Since the 1990’s, I have wagered hundreds of millions to billions of dollars on sports, and walked away with over $30 Million dollars in winning profits. My legendary winning streaks cement my status among the pantheon of superstars as one of the biggest and most profitable sports bettors – ever!
Take a look below at just one of my betting tickets where I was paid out $560,000 in one single bet:
  Here’s another one of my betting tickets where I won over $154,000 in one wager:
First – I’ll make this clear: I’m not showing you pictures of my monstrous winnings because I want to bask in the limelight like some beached walrus in the sun. The truth is, it’s hard to trust people on the internet. Bad apples are everywhere when you’re dealing with sports handicappers whose goal is to make money off selling their picks instead of just betting on them.
Finding a tout that you can really trust on the internet feels about as rare as finding an eel that lets you hold it by the tail. Many of them carry around a list of baggage long enough to wallpaper the whole Playboy Mansion.
Have you ever bought picks from touts before? You know, those wheeler dealers that can talk the bark off a tree. They’d reel you in with all the razzle-dazzle to draw you close, only to smash you with a sucker punch once you’ve been hooked.
You can’t trust these hustlers’ picks any more than you can trust one of those flowchart quizzes on the back cover of GQ magazine. Follow the wrong sports handicapper, and POOF – Your bankroll disappears faster than a bag of left cash outside a homeless shelter for Olympic sprinters.
I know this because I carefully follow how the sports handicapping industry is doing. It really isn’t easy to find a sports handicapper you can trust. I keep tabs on how the other touts perform when picking games, and and it’s no prettier than a lard bucketful of armpits.
“The Results of Picks from Typical Touts All Over Social Media Looks No Better Than the Breeding Ground for The World’s Diseases.”
So let’s face it: Proof of success is important in sports betting. I’m showing you proof of my winnings not because I want to stick my neck out there and bask in the glow of attention. I do it because it’s important for you to know that I am real, that my success is authentic, and that my winnings are documented.
Here’s an actual story printed in the respected Las Vegas Review Journal documenting the tail end of my historic winning run where I took $500 and turned it into $630,000 just hours later:
I’m not plastering newspaper articles about me from the past just to poke some ash and stir up the dust of old memories. The truth is, you deserve to know that when you’re dealing with me, you’re not dealing with some nine-day wonder who can only talk the big game. My historic transformation from common Joe into a cowboyish, bookie-busting, money-printing hot rod is documented.
For 30 years, I’ve won tens of millions of dollars from betting on sports. My legendary winning streaks were crushing books that were bold enough to take my action, eventually wiping a handful of the private ones off the face of the planet.
In the 1990’s, I was the biggest sports bettor in Nevada and possibly all of the United States. In 1995 when I was allowed to bet at maximum limits at the Mirage, I profited around $10 Million dollars – all while their sportsbook directors helplessly watched as millions of their fortunes evaporated into thin air.
I’d go on to do it again at Pinnacle in the early 2000’s, where:
“I took $50,000 and Turned It into $4 Million Dollars in 4 Days of Betting on Sports.”
My meteoric rise was the envy of others who lacked the mental muscles and sheer guts to pull it off. These days, the sportsbooks have wisened up, and my betting limits have plunged into a tailspin. No sportsbook in Las Vegas these days would allow me to bet the kind of limits I had back in the 1990’s at the Mirage when I was routinely wagering millions of dollars a weekend.
Now, my next great mission is to help you share into my success using the same winning strategies that have made me $30+ Million in winning profits from betting on sports over the years. Plus, you’ll also get all of my top picks delivered straight to you every day, along with my detailed analysis.
Learn my powerful winning ways Get my top picks delivered to you every day Plus my full analysis & handicapping strategy All inside The Whale’s Sports Betting University.
You’re probably aware of how tough it is for the average person to consistently pick out winners in sports and profit over long term. The lights in the casino aren’t on around the clock because the majority of gamblers are winning. To go against the sportsbooks yourself is like heading into battle as a centipede with 98 missing legs.
Without the right knowledge, you can’t win. Not in the long run. You can only try for so long before realizing that picking out winners on your own is harder than nails, and following other so-called expert handicappers’ picks seem no better than blindly chucking darts at a board.
You want to win money betting on sports. I get it. But chances are: you haven’t. You’ve probably dreamed of what it’s like to win big. But for most people, the reality is more like a nightmare where you ran and ran, but never gained any ground, and the harder you tried, the slower you moved. Betting on your own without help from a proven winner is no better than committing bankroll suicide on an installment plan.
The good news is: If you’re not winning, it’s probably not your fault. You just simply didn’t know how to do it right. No one ever taught you how to properly handicap sports or separate the winners from the losers. And the chances of you figuring it out all on your own is about as likely as seeing a snowstorm in the Mojave Desert.
So stop beating your head against the wall, trying to uncover that fleeting solution to winning on bets. If you’re sick and tired of trying fiddly wink techniques to earn small potatoes, it’s time to let me hold you by the hand and nurse you along the path toward sports betting wealth and success.
“It’s as If You’ve Finally Discovered a Cool Stream During the Dog Days of Summer’s Heat”
It doesn’t matter if your betting track record is as dark as the night sky. Let me show you the winning ways on how you can start dashing forward to a future as bright as sunrise!
So, you might be wondering: What kind of credentials do I have, and why am I qualified to teach you the leading ways to pick out winners in sports. Well, just take a look at some of my sizzling accolades over the years:
I was the largest sports bettor in Nevada and possibly all of the United States in the 1990’s. Many sportsbooks in Nevada have placed severe limits on the amount of maximum action they’ll take from my wagers. Over my lifetime, I have wagered hundreds of millions to billions of dollars on sports I’m established by IQ tests as a pattern-recognition genius. I successfully turned a $1,000 bankroll into tens of millions from sports betting in the 1990’s. I’ve won so much money that a handful of sportsbooks could not afford to pay me on millions of winnings. In the year 1995, the sportsbook at the Mirage was by far the largest sportsbook in Nevada. In that year, the Mirage took in about $150 Million in sports betting action. Out of that $150 Million, a total of about $70 Million in wagers were made by me alone. My wagers alone accounted for almost half the sports betting action of the largest sportsbook in 1995, and about one-third of the combined action in all the Las Vegas sportsbooks! I wagered millions of dollars on sports in a typical weekend. A major sportsbook director of one of the largest sportsbooks in Las Vegas has called me the best sports handicapper he’s ever seen in his life. I took $500 and turned it into $630,000 within hours of betting at the Mirage sportsbook. I opened an account at Pinnacle sportsbook with $50,000. In a span of 4 days, I turned my $50,000 balance into a $4 million bankroll!
Wouldn’t it be nice if YOU can finally learn the winning ways to handicap sports, plus get all of the top picks delivered to you every day along with full analysis from one of the most successful sports bettors ever?
Now, you finally can with The Whale’s Sports Betting University.
So, why is it important for you to follow a proven winner?
It’s simple: If you want to win, wouldn’t you want to learn from the best?
But there’s a big difference between learning from some tout that’s made a pile of money from selling their picks, versus me who has actually made millions from betting on my own picks.
My rule of thumb in sports betting is to never listen to touts who only know how to sell. The traits of a good salesman are rarely the same traits of a winning sports handicapper. Most of them are just out to make money from selling their picks, not from betting on them. They’ve got more ways to take your money than Hell’s casino, only to leave you behind like a fish out of water once they’ve taken your cash.
Ask yourself: If a tout is so good at picking winners in sports, why isn’t he going out there and betting hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars each month on his own picks like what I’m consistently doing?
Take a look here for example of a recent day I where I took out over $100,000 in cash and wagered it all on sports:
In this business, there’s a lot of fancy personalities out there that try to sell you with their wits and charm. I do things differently. I let my action do all the talking for me.
“I Consistently Bet Hundreds of Thousands to Millions of Dollars of My Own Money on My Picks Each Month Because My Appetite for Winning Is so Intense, I Can Eat The TableclothRight off My Seat.”
And the results speak for themselves: Over the years, I’m up about $30 Million dollars from betting on sports.
Check out my recent $150,000 winning streak below. Not a bad way to start out the year 2018:
  Back in the 90’s when I was allowed to accelerate as hard as I wanted at the Mirage sportsbook, I was routinely betting millions of dollars on sports in a weekend.
I also played in the casino on the same tables with NBA stars and celebrities at the Mirage. Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Will Smith, you name it. Interestingly, I was betting more money than the NBA stars did, even though I had less money than them overall.
But here’s the key difference: I’m not just a big bettor. I’m also a big winner. Most casino high rollers wager for the entertainment. I do it for the profits. Sports betting is one of those rare games where a smart player can gain a serious edge over the house. It’s a type of game where a master pattern recognizer can spot trends and identify patterns that could lead to monstrous winning streaks.
Join me today in The Whale’s Sports Betting University, and I’ll teach you the same exact pattern recognition techniques I personally use to clobber the sportsbooks and reel in tens of millions of dollars in profits over the years. Plus, I’ll also share with you my top picks every single day so you can follow along and tail one of the most successful sports bettors in history.
I’ve suffered through decades of trial and tribulation, so you don’t have to. Now, let me share with you my winning ways so you can just take the shortcut to the finish line.
And no, these aren’t just some sports handicapping strategies I dream up of in theory, then roll the dice and pray for the twin lightning bolts of salvation to strike. For 30 years, I went through fire and water to run these strategies through the gauntlet, and I’ve won tens of millions of dollars from using these same techniques and picks myself.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you can start copying my betting strategies for yourself? And wouldn’t it be nice if you can take the same exact picks that I’m taking each day and prosper together with me?
Attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University, and let me show you my winning ways.
So, you’ve already seen for yourself the astronomical winnings I’ve amassed from my decades of betting on sports. But what is it about me that makes me different?
You see, from a young age I’ve been blessed with an uncanny ability to recognize patterns. Studying patterns was my sanctuary where I could find solace. It was my retreat into my own little Safe Haven where I felt at peace and at home.
As early as 13 years old, it dawned upon me that patterns consistently form in sports. While the other boys in school were busy playing catch and chasing girls, I spent my hours learning, isolating, and analyzing patterns in sporting events. When I studied patterns, I’d feel whole, complete, connected to that little place in the very center of my being that had otherwise closed itself out. Analyzing patterns allowed all the chaos in my mind to finally calm and feel at peace.
And while my pattern-recognizing excellence wasn’t exactly a hit with the ladies, it sure made me popular with the adults who wanted to win. By my young teens, I began my first foray into handicapping sports, giving out winners to adults several times my age and pocketing tips from their wins.
I started betting on sports at 21 years old. What followed became one of the greatest winning runs in history.
In my earliest years of betting on sports, I had already instilled fear in the books. Once I get on a run, I was known to wreck the sportsbooks in cold blood. It was tough to find bookies bold enough to take my action, especially after:
“I Wiped out Bally’s Casino’s Season of Profits in One Historic Streak. Broken Pieces of That Winning Run Still Probably Lay Scattered in Their Wake Somewhere like the Wreckage of a Plane Crash.”
My fame spread throughout Las Vegas like a mutating virus, pushing a handful of sportsbooks to the edge of a cliff. I remember after going on a big run at Caesar’s Palace, they’d break the news to me that my betting limits would be cut down to $100. Caesar’s told me that they weren’t interested in my action, and that I was better off taking my bets somewhere else.
These words hit me like a razor slicing along my nerves. Just like that, my life became as dull as an abandoned amusement park! So I asked at that point: “Who does take action?”
Caesar’s advised me to go to Binion’s in downtown, or Steve Wynn’s Mirage. There was my opening. I didn’t just sit back and wait for opportunity to come and knock on my door, I invited it in eagerly. In just moments, I dashed over to the Mirage like a hunter on a fresh scent.
What a place for action back in the 90’s! Steve Wynn wanted to attract the big gamblers to his new casino, and here was my opportunity to strike like a cobra while the iron was hot! I walked into the Mirage with the intensity of a wolf in the jungle in hot pursuit of a jackrabbit. My heart sprinted from a slow steady beat to a rapid pace…
Arriving at the window of The Mirage sportsbook, I asked them what were their betting limits. Their response was: “$5.”
Obviously, the ticket writer misunderstood me and thought I had meant the minimum limit. So I clarified: “No, what are your upper limits?”
To my surprise, the response was: “I’ve never seen us refuse a bet!”
Wow – I stood there staring at the sportsbook like Copernicus finally discovering the true place of Earth in the cosmos!
In one swift moment, my mind lit up like a pinball machine, and:
“My Face Suddenly Took on the Expression of a Teenage Boy Handed the Keys to a Brand-New Mercedes on His 16th Birthday.”
I instantly realized that this was my opening, like a quarterback finally seeing the hole of an opponent’s defense. Here was my chance to jumpstart the paradigm shift in movement toward winning success. My blood was so thrilled with hope and possibility that I couldn’t hold back a grin. After placing my first Round Robin bet at the Mirage, I smiled like a vulture with the first option to a kill.
Hours later, I had turned a relatively small amount of cash into over $90,000. After cashing out my ticket, I stared at the winnings in front of me with my mouth hanging open like a busted gate. Right in front of me was an opportunity to make life-changing money from betting on sports. It was this moment when I realized that I was ready to ascend to a whole new level of existence.
The rest was history. In an instant, I had springboarded into the rarefied big leagues of sports betting superstars able to shift millions of dollars in sports in a day. I’d go on to drain the Mirage sportsbook out of tens of millions of dollars from my sports wagers over the next few years before they’d finally cut their losses and shut me down.
Here’s how I was paid out $154,094.90 in one single betting ticket:
Here’s another one of my wagers where I won over half a million dollars in one single ticket:
My next big opportunity to wager at maximum limits came in the early 2000’s with Pinnacle. I deposited $50,000, and eagerly placed my wagers to see how high I could balloon my bank. Four days later after a series of Round Robins, straight, and halftime bets, all hell would break loose:
“I Took $50,000 and Ran It up to $4 Million Dollars in Just 4 Days!” 
Over my lifetime, I’ve won $30+ Million from betting on sports. I continued winning year after year with my whiz-bang system, zigging when the rest of the other average bettors were zagging. Now, let me teach you the same exact methods and techniques I personally used to go from being a small jester in the king’s court to building a palatial estate of the sportsbooks’ envy.
So, it’s time to finally settle old scores against your sportsbook. The Whale’s Sports betting University is the ace-in-the-hole course you need to finally beat your bookie to the punch.
You see, I didn’t just stare at success with the eye of an eagle, and took it into my own hands to create it. I spent the last 40 years of my life piecing together the winning formula to betting on sports, scratching my way up from the bottom rung of the ladder to become one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors in the land.
Join hands with me today, and you’ll gain front-row seat to my private Sports Betting University. I’ll reveal to you all of my most powerful secrets on how to pick out winners at breakneck-speed and help you ascend to a higher plane of sports betting prosperity.
You’ll discover the sizzling methods and strategies I personally use day in and day out to successfully piledrive the sportsbooks into dust. In this all-inclusive course, you’ll learn all of my profit-pulling tricks of the trades that I use to consistently bank in winners and surge on monster winning streaks that reeled into my bank account tens of millions of dollars in profits – all from betting on sports.
Plus, you’ll also receive my top picks every day delivered to your email, along with my full detailed analysis.
Here’s your chance to claim your own all-access pass to sit in the front row and learn all of my most closely-guarded sports handicapping strategies that I’ve previously only cradled like my firstborn child inside my arms all my life.
“It’s as If You Can Come Right Beside Me and Hook My Brains up to a Thousand Idea-Sucking Needles to Siphon All My Winning Knowledge from a Lifetime of Successful Sports Handicapping!”
Then, you can begin using these same powerful strategies for yourself to pick out winners and bank in the winnings you never knew you had in you!
So if you’re sick and tired of playing guessing games, then the time is now to join forces with me and save yourself from all the mental gymnastics. Step forward to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and you can finally discover my devastating methods to let loose the dogs of war against your bookie and begin banking in the winnings you deserve.
Let me, one of the biggest and most profitable sports bettors ever, teach you the winning ways to handicap sports, plus share with you my top picks and analysis every day.
Here’s a small sample of just some of the topics you’ll discover in my Sports Betting University:
         How to minimize your losses during cold periods and losing streaks
         How to predict champions in all the major sports, including NBA Finals, MLB World Series, NFL Super Bowl, and NHL Stanley Cup
         The winning betting strategies in preseason games for all sports
         How to predict high-scoring and low-scoring games
         How to predict when trailing teams are most likely to bounce back after halftime
         What’s the smartest sports betting system?
         The deadliest mistakes that casual bettors make, and how to avoid them like the plague!
         How betting strategies evolve from the start to the end of a season
         The smartest betting strategies for teams playing back-to-back games
         How teams are likely to perform at the beginning of, in the middle of, and after long road trips or extended home series
         How to predict what will most likely happen in a rematch between the same teams during the same season
         A full list of factors that sportsbooks don’t tend to consider when setting the lines
         How to read teams’ against the spread records and win-loss records to determine best betting value
         How to predict teams’ responses after getting blown out
         How to capitalize on the home field advantage when betting on sports
         How to predict when ice-cold teams are likely to bounce back from their losing streak
         How to predict when red-hot teams’ winning streaks are likely to come to an end
         How to tell when games’ start times can affect final results
         What factors to look for when watching sports to help you predict future outcomes of games
         How to read flow and bounce patterns in sports
         The best times to replenish your bankroll
         The best times to withdraw from your bankroll and pocket cash into your pocket!
         How to instantly become fit and irresistible to the opposite sex. Plus: super-size certain parts of your anatomy! (This is a test to see if you’re still paying attention. Congratulations: You passed!)
         How to find hidden patterns in sports that are likely to repeat from year to year
         How to win by betting on correlated parlays in sports
         The fastest way to make up to $100,000 or more when betting on sports
         What are the most profitable betting strategies?
         How to determine betting value based on weather patterns
         How to use pattern recognition analysis, system analysis, and fundamental analysis to predict the outcomes of games
         The effect of crowd sizes in betting outcomes
         The winning betting strategies in all major sports, including football, baseball, basketball, hockey, combat sports, and others
         How to surge on winning runs so hot, you swear you could fry an egg on their trails!
It’s as if you can earn a Ph.D. equivalent in sports handicapping without years of education or fortunes in expensive tuition!
Couldn’t you just figure out the winning secrets to betting on sports on your own?
Well, you could try. You might keep running up that mountain, smug and sure of yourself…only to then skid down the other side face-first onto the dirt…
The problem is:
“Sports Handicapping Is like a Jigsaw Puzzle Thrown on the Floor, with Most of the Pieces Missing.”
And you probably have about as much a chance to piece together that entire puzzle as you would to find birth control pills at a Catholic Church. I know this because for 30 years I’ve studied sports until my brain felt as if it’s a truck tire inflated 10 times past its limit. Unless you’re ready to dedicate the next 30 years of your life like an ascetic monk to figure this out all on your own, it’s time to try something different.
I’ve already paved the road for you, so you don’t have to do all the dog work to blaze your own trail.
I want to share my methods with you because I know just how tough it is for the average person to correctly handicap sports. Trying to figure it out all on your own is about as logical as trying to count the exact number of holes in an acoustical ceiling while you’re inside a dentist’s chair.
Plus, when your hard-earned money is on the line, you can’t afford to dabble in monkey business or trial and error experiments.
So stop scrambling around like a disciple searching for your messiah for the solution to winning on sports…
“The Answer to Your Prayers May Just Be in Front of You, Waving Its Arms and Shouting Your Name. Today, You Can Attend the Whale’s Sports Betting University and Begin Learning from a Sports Betting Legend with All the Essential Attributes in Spades!”
So if you’re sick and tired of trying El Cheapo tactics to make small beans, then it’s time to mount your wild horse and begin thundering westward on the ride of your lifetime. Step forward to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and I’ll help you tear down that metaphorical wall dividing you and your grandest winning vision.
I’ve used these same techniques myself for the last 30 years to flood winnings into my bank account like a hot jet stream. Now, I’m extending my hand to finally grant you access to the pearls of my wisdom and also my top picks each day so that you, too, can capitalize on my thriving knowledge and carve your own initials into the winning pie.
I want you to:
-Live a more prosperous life
-Be more financially free
-Take that vacation you’ve always wanted
-Sit back, relax, and follow along on my top picks I’ll be sharing with you every day
-Finally say “adios muchachos” to your past of losses, begin taking your future by the reins
-Jumpstart your grand vision to become the expert sports handicapper you’ve dreamed about
Simply put, I want you to succeed.
I’ve already lived a life of luxury from winning tens of millions from betting on sports over the decades. My next big mission now is to help pass the torch to you so that you, too, can take command of my winning ways to make a big financial difference in your life.
As the saying goes: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
In front of you now is a unique opportunity to master the art and possibly feed yourself with a lifetime of residual winnings from betting on sports.
You’ll discover:
         The smartest risk management strategies when betting on sports
         How to determine what’s most likely to happen after teams experience blowout wins or losses
         How to identify weaknesses in betting lines and capitalize on the sportsbooks’ oversights
         The best times of the day to bet and expect the best value for your wagers
         The most predictable sport, and how to predict the outcomes of these games so you can wager on with iron-clad      confidence!
         How to think like a professional sports bettor
         How to predict teams will react after key wins and key losses
         How to analyze recent trends and predict future trends
         How and when to bet on Over the Total and Under the Total
         When to buy points when betting on sports
         How to analyze players current level of emotions and motivation to win upcoming games
         How to win betting on futures, teasers, pleasures, parlays, round robins, halftimes, 1st 5 innings, live-betting, and in-game for all major sports
         How to identify “locks” when betting on sports
         How to hedge your bets and guarantee winning profits!
         How to identify teams’ luck factors and determine when a team may be overvalued or undervalued
         How to identify revenge situations to predict when teams are most likely to avenge a recent loss to the same        opponent
         When to ride or fade the public when betting on sports
         Betting strategies for the 1st and final games of the season
         How to identify that one best bet of the day that’s far more likely to win than anything else on the board!
         How to identify fatigue issues with players, and their possible impact on future outcomes
         How teams tend to respond after bye weeks, long breaks, short breaks, and rest days
         How a team’s popularity and their market popularity can create value in the betting line
         The impact of momentum in teams, and how to read it to predict future performance
         The effect of travel distance when betting on away teams playing on the road
         How to bet and win on rivalry games
         How to determine when teams match up well against certain other teams
         The secret “lowdown” on how the sportsbooks set their lines, point spreads, and odds for all games
         How to read injury reports and predict the impact of key players’ injuries on the outcomes of games
         The smartest bankroll management strategy for small bettors with minimal bankroll
         How to predict halftime comebacks in all sports
         How to read and understand line movements when betting on sports
         How to adapt and innovate as sports betting evolves to remain a powerhouse while your competitors are trading in their Rolexes for Seikos
         How to manage and rapidly grow your bankroll like Jack’s Beanstalk!
So, now you may be wondering how much money will you win from using my fiery sports handicapping techniques, or from betting along on my hot picks each day?
Look, I can’t peer into the crystal ball and predict the exact future. Simply put, nobody can ever make 100% guarantees on what your results will be when it comes to betting on sports. What I can tell you is that these are the same techniques, methods, and picks that I have used myself for 30 years, and have won some $30 Million dollars with them.
“I Have Successfully Taken Relatively Small Amounts of Replenishable Money and Ran Them up to over $100,000 and Sometimes over a Million Dollars Hundreds of Different Times in My Career.”
To this day, I continue to wager up to millions each month using these same picks and handicapping methods. Common sense will tell you that unless I’m convinced about winning, I wouldn’t be doing this. Now, let me teach you my ways so you can ride along with me and experience the joy of winning for yourself.
I want to help you because I know that sports handicapping isn’t as easy as beer and skittles. To figure out all the right formula and the winning picks on your own is like trying to figure out how to put a smoke ring into your pocket.
So why bother roughing and tumbling around, using the same old rehashed betting techniques that every Tom, Dick, and Harry have tried – and failed!?
The tough part about failing is that it’s human nature to want to succeed. So if you’re losing, your automatic response is not to just hold up your hands in surrender. You’re going to want to chase after those losses and try to recoup your way back into profits, right?
The problem is, all you’re doing is just stepping right back into a snake pit of risk. If you’re not winning to begin with, then why on Earth would you want to come back for more using the same old carnival-game techniques that got you there to begin with!?
It makes as much sense as putting on a condom to masturbate! When I see other losing bettors chase after their losses using the same old tap beer & cheap saloon betting strategies that got them in the hole to begin with, it just makes me want to pull a hammer out of the air and smash my own skull with it. It’s no better than watching a train wreck in slow motion.
The more that you try to reverse the damage on your own, the more it’ll become apparent that all you’re doing is dousing more gasoline onto the fire. The truth is, you can’t just continue chasing a rainbow like a happy-go-lucky child of nature without a serious plan on how to win.
What you need is someone like myself who’s had a lifetime of winning millions from betting on sports to finally show you the ropes. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is filled up to the yazoo with the latest handicapping strategies that are battle-tested and proven to win.
“My Course Will Have Your Mind Begin Rocking and Reeling Until Solutions Start to Come in as If the Floodgates Have Been Opened!”
I’ve already spent my lifetime masterfully piecing together the pieces of the Enigma to sports betting success like a three-dimensional puzzle, so that you don’t have to scuffle alone in the waters, not clearly knowing whether you’ll sink or swim.
And equally as important: I won’t just show you my ways to win, but also the deadly mistakes to avoid to minimize your losses. I’ll point out to you where all the snakes are hiding in the grass, so you can side-step your way far out of the lethal potholes that could bust your bank faster you have a chance to say “ouch.”
Minimizing or avoiding losses is important because traps and pitfalls are a dime a dozen when you’re betting on sports. One wrong move and you’ll see your money disappear down a black hole into “Neverland” where the sun never rises.
So don’t risk dragging yourself around like an elephant in the minefield. Attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and I’ll reveal to you my red-hot methods to help you maximize your gains while minimizing your losses in what could be the most powerful sports handicapping course in the land.
Your days of scrambling around, waiting for an answer like a disciple at the feet of Christ are over. In front of you right now is a unique opportunity to gobble up knowledge from a winning legend and surge ahead once the smoke clears.
You don’t need to become some rich lady’s boy toy or find yourself a greasy sugar daddy to start banking in life-changing money. Betting on sports gives you the opportunity to reel in profits quick. But the key is: You can’t afford to risk your hard-earned money on experimental theories.
“What You Need Is an Expert Who Knows This Stuff Cold, Who’s Willing to Stand Right Alongside You like a Platoon Sergeant in a Fox Hole to Teach You All the Right Methods to Winning on Bets, and to Give You All of His Top Picks Every Day That He’s Taking Himself””
I’ve already experienced the thrill of winning for 30 years. I’ve had times when a million dollars didn’t give me much to get excited about. What’s more thrilling for me now is to see others share into the happiness.
I want you to share into the thrill of winning because I know just how crushing it feels to lose. The sheer thought of seeing others paying for losing picks from so-called gurus with much flexing but no muscles might be enough to make my head split into two.
Plus, I’m dog-tired and bone-weary from seeing gullible people get suckered. What separates me from the lesser brethren is that I’m not just some dim, pathetic boy sitting back with a vivid fantasy of winning millions. I acted on it. I’ve actually won over $30 Million Dollars from betting on sports using these same techniques I want to share with you.
I want to help you because I don’t want to see you get burned by the typical touts that are all smoke but no fire. In fact, following the wrong advice could end up hurting you far more than following none. I’d rather mud wrestle alligators in the nude than to pay for and risking my hard-earned money on an unproven tout’s picks.
So if you want to make it out on top when betting on sports, you can’t use a broken metal detector to walk through an active minefield. You have to be careful on whose advice you should listen to.
Let me ask you a question. Who should you really trust when finding a sports handicapper to follow:
The choice is easy.
I didn’t just stand back on the sidelines of history. I worked 2 etch my mark on it. And today, I’ve cemented my status as one of the most profitable sports bettors, ever.
Now, I open my doors and invite you inside The Whale’s Sports Betting University because I don’t want to see you get eaten by the sharks in the sea.
“Most Typical Touts All Sing the Same Story, Just Using Different Verses. Many Are Still Relying on Outdated Stunts and Handicapping Techniques That Are No More Useful Than Putting Porcupines in a Balloon Factory.”
Today, I invite you to join hands with me and finally start singing to a different tune.
I’m a figure entrenched in sports betting folklore who’s won tens of millions from betting on sports over the decades. I’ve already seen and experienced the joy of winning thousands of times over. What’s thrilling for me now is to see you win and help countless others around the globe to share into my success.
The truth is, it’s entirely possible to win big money from betting on sports. Your bookie is the devil incarnate that you can conquer. But to tip the battle onto your side, you can’t just simply rely on using run-of-the-mill routines, playing things by ear, and praying that you could just pull rabbits out of the hat.
What you need is to learn the winning ways from me, someone who is a proven winner, and let me show you how to finally spring to life your warrior spirit from within, and begin in your vigorous march to success.
So don’t just consent to play small. Today, I want you to begin dreaming big. Let me hold you by the hand and help you bring your game into another dimension. The Whale’s Sports Betting University will help you wrestle your sportsbook into submission and jumpstart your own Operation Money-suck.
You have the opportunity today to freshly turn over a whole new leaf. Attend my Sports Betting University today, and you can begin bursting out as if been shot from a cannon to begin your grand ascent to unlock the winning potential you never knew you had!
Besides from teaching you the winning ways to handicap sports, I’m also going to give you my top picks every day so you can wager on them yourself and finally give your bankroll a shot in the gazockle. These are the same techniques, strategies, and picks I’ve personally used for 30 years to amass tens of millions of dollars in sports betting winnings. The Whale’s Sports Betting University will have you:
-Jumpstart your grand ambitions for winning success
-Finally start calling your own shots
-Get up and begin chasing your dreams with fire today
But those who succeed know that to win, you must first begin. The time is now for you to take action, for that only action can allow you to create, grow, connect, contribute, and rise to your highest self. Today is your unique opportunity to attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University to study at the feet of a master and gobble up all the winning knowledge and picks.
So if you’ve had it up to your back teeth following other so-called gurus with betting strategies still stuck in the Dark Ages, then it’s time to join forces with The Whale. I’ve successfully bearded the lion in its own den. Now, let me help you share into my success. Attend my Sports Betting University today, and you can get the lowdown on what could be your big-time meal ticket toward finally becoming the winning sports bettor you’ve always wanted.
Plus: Once you’re my student, I’m going to cover your back – all the way to the finish line. I’m not the kind to just teach you my methods, then throw you out in the jungle to fend off the wolves on your own.
In fact, I’m going to roll up my sleeves and get down in the trenches with you.
“Every Day, I’m Going to Release to You My Top Picks, and I’m Going to Give You a Full Detailed Analysis That Breaks down for You Exactly Why I’m Taking the Teams I Am.”
And I’m going to put my money where my mouth is by betting along on the same exact selections I share with you, often by the tens of thousands of dollars each day. So if you’re losing, then I’m also losing, but at far, far higher amounts. The only way for me to win is when I can help you win, too.
Once you’re my student, I’ll start to really care about you, and I won’t just leave you out high and dry to pick out all the winners yourself. You’re going to gain access to my top picks of the day every day where:
It may just be the smartest way for you to finally win fortunes from betting on sports!
The Burning Question in Your Head Must Now Be: “How Much Will It Cost to Access The Whale’s Sports Betting University?”
My sports handicapping mastery has flooded my bank account over the years with tens of millions of dollars in profits. What do you consider to be a fair price that will grant you access to the same knowledge, technique, and picks that I’ve used to go from scratch to setting the sports betting world on fire?
Let’s face it: It’s not cheap to get private lessons directly from those who have mastered their craft.
What’s a fair price for Michael Jordan to charge to privately teach you how to play basketball?
Or Roger Federer to show you how to master tennis?
What’s fair for Gordon Ramsay to charge to personally teach you to cook?
Probably not an amount you can afford, right?
The truth is, it’s never cheap to learn from the best. Anyone who has mastered their craft can make far more money doing what they’re already doing than to be spending time to teach you how to improve yourself.
Take me for example. When I’m hot, I’m known to have won more money betting on sports in one single winning run than what people make in a lifetime!
“I’m One of the Winningest Sports Bettors in History. And as You Can Probably Tell, I’m Not Exactly Hurting for Cash.”
I want to share my picks with you and teach you the ways to pick out winners in sports not because I’m greedier than a bandit with a mouth wider than a lion. Whatever amounts you can pay me is unlikely to make any real difference in my life anyway. I’m doing this because I want to help you.
The Whale’s Sports Betting University is my opportunity to help you and others around the globe to live more financially-free, doing what may just be the world’s easiest job.
So here’s my big surprise: You won’t have to risk life and limb to afford access to my Sports Betting University. Take action today, and I’ll let you walk right across the velvet rope into The Whale’s Sports Betting University for a criminally-low price of just $100, and a weekly installment of only $50 thereafter.
That’s right: Sign up to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and you can have me, one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors ever, pull back the curtains and reveal to you:
And if for any reason you’re not head-over-heels in love with the results, then cancel at any time and you’ll never be billed again!
Plus: Your purchase is fully covered by my “Whale Of A Guarantee” 100% Protection
I’m so convinced that you’re going to love The Whale’s Sports Betting University, I’ll give you 60 full days to prove me wrong!
To make this membership risk-free for you, here’s how my iron-clad guarantee works: If for any reason you’re not thrilled with everything you learn in The Whale’s Sports Betting University or the winning results of my picks, then just ask for your money back. I’ll refund you a full 100% of your purchase price any time within 60 days if you’re not satisfied.
Besides, I don’t find it right to see you pay for anything you’re not happy with. So join hands with me today, and you can lock in this guaranteed offer and begin making your first big leap toward what could become your whole new financial reality.
It’s now time for you to make a choice.
If you decide to turn away now and walk back into the rat race, then you can’t possibly expect to see any new changes to your future. Perhaps you’ll just continue aiming at a running target, only to miss over and over again until your ammos run dry. How much longer can you afford to keep running on instinct and pushing your luck while getting no results? It’s only a matter of time before you realize that you can only do so much on your own, like a horse tied to an open stall.
The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. Over my years, I won tens of millions of dollars betting on sports not because I sat back with my thumb in my mouth. I had the “Cojones” to take action on opportunities.
Today, I invite you to stop thinking about what could go wrong, and dare to imagine what brilliance can enter your life once you master the art of picking winners in sports and have the same access to my top picks of the day that I’m betting on myself.
“Unless You Take Drastic Actions Now, Your Future Years from Now Is Fated to Be Exactly like Today and the Days That Come Before It.”
And if you miss this boat, the opportunity may never set sail back to you again. Is this an opportunity you can really afford to let slip right through your fingers?
So make your choice now. One path leads you to an isolated island as silent as outer space to figure it all out on your own…
Or, you can begin advancing with wild abandon across the gates of The Whale’s Sports Betting University today and learn the winning ways from one of the most profitable sports bettors in history.
Plus: You’ve receive access to my top picks of the day every single day, along with detailed analysis as to why I’m taking these selections. This way, you can “Tail The Whale” and bet on these same picks yourself.
Yep – Let me shoulder all the nitty-gritty while you can enjoy all the glory. Join hands with me today, and let’s prosper together
Remember, your purchase is fully protected under my “Whale Of A Guarantee” 100% Protection, so you have nothing to risk to give my program a try.
Yes, Sign Me Up Right Now!Yes, Sign Me Up Right Now!
I Want to Secure My Membership to The Whale’s Sports Betting University Immediately!
  I understand that The Whale’s Sports Betting University is $100 for the first 7 days, and $50/week thereafter. If for any reason I’m not happy with the results, I can cancel at any time, and will never be billed again.
The Whale’s Sports Betting University will grant me access to all of your top sports handicapping strategies and pattern recognition methods that you use to personally pick out winners in sports. These are the same techniques that have helped you make tens of millions of dollars over the years from betting on sports.
Additionally, as part of my purchase you will also share with me all of your top picks each day. These are the same picks that I can copy and bet on myself.
Plus, you’ll also share with me your detailed analysis every single day as to why you’re taking these selections. This way, I can peer inside your mind and learn for myself your winning ways on handicapping sports.
Finally, I’m aware that my purchase is totally risk-free because it is fully protected under your “Whale of a Guarantee 100% Protection.” If for any reason I am not head-over-heels in love with the results, all I have to do is just ask for my money back and you’ll refund my order in full, making this purchase completely risk-free for me!
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reviewape-blog · 5 years
The Whale's Sports Betting University
https://www.reviewape.com/?p=5398 The Whale's Sports Betting University - Product Name: The Whale’s Sports Betting University Click here to get The Whale’s Sports Betting University at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: (Plus: Get my top picks & full analysis delivered to you every day) This is the Sports Betting Whale. The typical sports bettor loses money when betting on sports. But not me. I didn’t just break the mold, I shattered it! I hand crafted my sports betting journey from scratch into a history that reads like a dynasty out of an epic novel. First – I’ll make this clear: I’m not showing you pictures of my monstrous winnings because I want to bask in the limelight like some beached walrus in the sun. The truth is, it’s hard to trust people on the internet. Bad apples are everywhere when you’re dealing with sports handicappers whose goal is to make money off selling their picks instead of just betting on them. Finding a tout that you can really trust on the internet feels about as rare as finding an eel that lets you hold it by the tail. Many of them carry around a list of baggage long enough to wallpaper the whole Playboy Mansion. Have you ever bought picks from touts before? You know, those wheeler dealers that can talk the bark off a tree. They’d reel you in with all the razzle-dazzle to draw you close, only to smash you with a sucker punch once you’ve been hooked. You can’t trust these hustlers’ picks any more than you can trust one of those flowchart quizzes on the back cover of GQ magazine. Follow the wrong sports handicapper, and POOF – Your bankroll disappears faster than a bag of left cash outside a homeless shelter for Olympic sprinters. I know this because I carefully follow how the sports handicapping industry is doing. It really isn’t easy to find a sports handicapper you can trust. I keep tabs on how the other touts perform when picking games, and and it’s no prettier than a lard bucketful of armpits. So let’s face it: Proof of success is important in sports betting. I’m showing you proof of my winnings not because I want to stick my neck out there and bask in the glow of attention. I do it because it’s important for you to know that I am real, that my success is authentic, and that my winnings are documented. I’m not plastering newspaper articles about me from the past just to poke some ash and stir up the dust of old memories. The truth is, you deserve to know that when you’re dealing with me, you’re not dealing with some nine-day wonder who can only talk the big game. My historic transformation from common Joe into a cowboyish, bookie-busting, money-printing hot rod is documented. For 30 years, I’ve won tens of millions of dollars from betting on sports. My legendary winning streaks were crushing books that were bold enough to take my action, eventually wiping a handful of the private ones off the face of the planet. I’d go on to do it again at Pinnacle in the early 2000’s, where: My meteoric rise was the envy of others who lacked the mental muscles and sheer guts to pull it off. These days, the sportsbooks have wisened up, and my betting limits have plunged into a tailspin. No sportsbook in Las Vegas these days would allow me to bet the kind of limits I had back in the 1990’s at the Mirage when I was routinely wagering millions of dollars a weekend. You’re probably aware of how tough it is for the average person to consistently pick out winners in sports and profit over long term. The lights in the casino aren’t on around the clock because the majority of gamblers are winning. To go against the sportsbooks yourself is like heading into battle as a centipede with 98 missing legs. Without the right knowledge, you can’t win. Not in the long run. You can only try for so long before realizing that picking out winners on your own is harder than nails, and following other so-called expert handicappers’ picks seem no better than blindly chucking darts at a board. You want to win money betting on sports. I get it. But chances are: you haven’t. You’ve probably dreamed of what it’s like to win big. But for most people, the reality is more like a nightmare where you ran and ran, but never gained any ground, and the harder you tried, the slower you moved. Betting on your own without help from a proven winner is no better than committing bankroll suicide on an installment plan. The good news is: If you’re not winning, it’s probably not your fault. You just simply didn’t know how to do it right. No one ever taught you how to properly handicap sports or separate the winners from the losers. And the chances of you figuring it out all on your own is about as likely as seeing a snowstorm in the Mojave Desert. So stop beating your head against the wall, trying to uncover that fleeting solution to winning on bets. If you’re sick and tired of trying fiddly wink techniques to earn small potatoes, it’s time to let me hold you by the hand and nurse you along the path toward sports betting wealth and success. It doesn’t matter if your betting track record is as dark as the night sky. Let me show you the winning ways on how you can start dashing forward to a future as bright as sunrise! So, you might be wondering: What kind of credentials do I have, and why am I qualified to teach you the leading ways to pick out winners in sports. Well, just take a look at some of my sizzling accolades over the years: Wouldn’t it be nice if YOU can finally learn the winning ways to handicap sports, plus get all of the top picks delivered to you every day along with full analysis from one of the most successful sports bettors ever? Now, you finally can with The Whale’s Sports Betting University. So, why is it important for you to follow a proven winner? It’s simple: If you want to win, wouldn’t you want to learn from the best? But there’s a big difference between learning from some tout that’s made a pile of money from selling their picks, versus me who has actually made millions from betting on my own picks. My rule of thumb in sports betting is to never listen to touts who only know how to sell. The traits of a good salesman are rarely the same traits of a winning sports handicapper. Most of them are just out to make money from selling their picks, not from betting on them. They’ve got more ways to take your money than Hell’s casino, only to leave you behind like a fish out of water once they’ve taken your cash. Ask yourself: If a tout is so good at picking winners in sports, why isn’t he going out there and betting hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars each month on his own picks like what I’m consistently doing? In this business, there’s a lot of fancy personalities out there that try to sell you with their wits and charm. I do things differently. I let my action do all the talking for me. Back in the 90’s when I was allowed to accelerate as hard as I wanted at the Mirage sportsbook, I was routinely betting millions of dollars on sports in a weekend. I also played in the casino on the same tables with NBA stars and celebrities at the Mirage. Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Will Smith, you name it. Interestingly, I was betting more money than the NBA stars did, even though I had less money than them overall. But here’s the key difference: I’m not just a big bettor. I’m also a big winner. Most casino high rollers wager for the entertainment. I do it for the profits. Sports betting is one of those rare games where a smart player can gain a serious edge over the house. It’s a type of game where a master pattern recognizer can spot trends and identify patterns that could lead to monstrous winning streaks. Join me today in The Whale’s Sports Betting University, and I’ll teach you the same exact pattern recognition techniques I personally use to clobber the sportsbooks and reel in tens of millions of dollars in profits over the years. Plus, I’ll also share with you my top picks every single day so you can follow along and tail one of the most successful sports bettors in history. I’ve suffered through decades of trial and tribulation, so you don’t have to. Now, let me share with you my winning ways so you can just take the shortcut to the finish line. And no, these aren’t just some sports handicapping strategies I dream up of in theory, then roll the dice and pray for the twin lightning bolts of salvation to strike. For 30 years, I went through fire and water to run these strategies through the gauntlet, and I’ve won tens of millions of dollars from using these same techniques and picks myself. Wouldn’t it be nice if you can start copying my betting strategies for yourself? And wouldn’t it be nice if you can take the same exact picks that I’m taking each day and prosper together with me? Attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University, and let me show you my winning ways. So, you’ve already seen for yourself the astronomical winnings I’ve amassed from my decades of betting on sports. But what is it about me that makes me different? You see, from a young age I’ve been blessed with an uncanny ability to recognize patterns. Studying patterns was my sanctuary where I could find solace. It was my retreat into my own little Safe Haven where I felt at peace and at home. As early as 13 years old, it dawned upon me that patterns consistently form in sports. While the other boys in school were busy playing catch and chasing girls, I spent my hours learning, isolating, and analyzing patterns in sporting events. When I studied patterns, I’d feel whole, complete, connected to that little place in the very center of my being that had otherwise closed itself out. Analyzing patterns allowed all the chaos in my mind to finally calm and feel at peace. And while my pattern-recognizing excellence wasn’t exactly a hit with the ladies, it sure made me popular with the adults who wanted to win. By my young teens, I began my first foray into handicapping sports, giving out winners to adults several times my age and pocketing tips from their wins. I started betting on sports at 21 years old. What followed became one of the greatest winning runs in history. In my earliest years of betting on sports, I had already instilled fear in the books. Once I get on a run, I was known to wreck the sportsbooks in cold blood. It was tough to find bookies bold enough to take my action, especially after: These words hit me like a razor slicing along my nerves. Just like that, my life became as dull as an abandoned amusement park! So I asked at that point: “Who does take action?” Caesar’s advised me to go to Binion’s in downtown, or Steve Wynn’s Mirage. There was my opening. I didn’t just sit back and wait for opportunity to come and knock on my door, I invited it in eagerly. In just moments, I dashed over to the Mirage like a hunter on a fresh scent. What a place for action back in the 90’s! Steve Wynn wanted to attract the big gamblers to his new casino, and here was my opportunity to strike like a cobra while the iron was hot! I walked into the Mirage with the intensity of a wolf in the jungle in hot pursuit of a jackrabbit. My heart sprinted from a slow steady beat to a rapid pace… Obviously, the ticket writer misunderstood me and thought I had meant the minimum limit. So I clarified: “No, what are your upper limits?” To my surprise, the response was: “I’ve never seen us refuse a bet!” Wow – I stood there staring at the sportsbook like Copernicus finally discovering the true place of Earth in the cosmos! In one swift moment, my mind lit up like a pinball machine, and: I instantly realized that this was my opening, like a quarterback finally seeing the hole of an opponent’s defense. Here was my chance to jumpstart the paradigm shift in movement toward winning success. My blood was so thrilled with hope and possibility that I couldn’t hold back a grin. After placing my first Round Robin bet at the Mirage, I smiled like a vulture with the first option to a kill. The rest was history. In an instant, I had springboarded into the rarefied big leagues of sports betting superstars able to shift millions of dollars in sports in a day. I’d go on to drain the Mirage sportsbook out of tens of millions of dollars from my sports wagers over the next few years before they’d finally cut their losses and shut me down. Here’s another one of my wagers where I won over half a million dollars in one single ticket: So, it’s time to finally settle old scores against your sportsbook. The Whale’s Sports betting University is the ace-in-the-hole course you need to finally beat your bookie to the punch. You see, I didn’t just stare at success with the eye of an eagle, and took it into my own hands to create it. I spent the last 40 years of my life piecing together the winning formula to betting on sports, scratching my way up from the bottom rung of the ladder to become one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors in the land. Join hands with me today, and you’ll gain front-row seat to my private Sports Betting University. I’ll reveal to you all of my most powerful secrets on how to pick out winners at breakneck-speed and help you ascend to a higher plane of sports betting prosperity.  You’ll discover the sizzling methods and strategies I personally use day in and day out to successfully piledrive the sportsbooks into dust. In this all-inclusive course, you’ll learn all of my profit-pulling tricks of the trades that I use to consistently bank in winners and surge on monster winning streaks that reeled into my bank account tens of millions of dollars in profits – all from betting on sports.  Plus, you’ll also receive my top picks every day delivered to your email, along with my full detailed analysis.  Here’s your chance to claim your own all-access pass to sit in the front row and learn all of my most closely-guarded sports handicapping strategies that I’ve previously only cradled like my firstborn child inside my arms all my life. Then, you can begin using these same powerful strategies for yourself to pick out winners and bank in the winnings you never knew you had in you!  So if you’re sick and tired of playing guessing games, then the time is now to join forces with me and save yourself from all the mental gymnastics. Step forward to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and you can finally discover my devastating methods to let loose the dogs of war against your bookie and begin banking in the winnings you deserve.  Let me, one of the biggest and most profitable sports bettors ever, teach you the winning ways to handicap sports, plus share with you my top picks and analysis every day.  Here’s a small sample of just some of the topics you’ll discover in my Sports Betting University:          How to minimize your losses during cold periods and losing streaks          How to predict champions in all the major sports, including NBA Finals, MLB World Series, NFL Super Bowl, and NHL Stanley Cup          The winning betting strategies in preseason games for all sports          How to predict high-scoring and low-scoring games          How to predict when trailing teams are most likely to bounce back after halftime          What’s the smartest sports betting system?          The deadliest mistakes that casual bettors make, and how to avoid them like the plague!          How betting strategies evolve from the start to the end of a season          The smartest betting strategies for teams playing back-to-back games          How teams are likely to perform at the beginning of, in the middle of, and after long road trips or extended home series          How to predict what will most likely happen in a rematch between the same teams during the same season          A full list of factors that sportsbooks don’t tend to consider when setting the lines          How to read teams’ against the spread records and win-loss records to determine best betting value          How to predict teams’ responses after getting blown out          How to capitalize on the home field advantage when betting on sports          How to predict when ice-cold teams are likely to bounce back from their losing streak          How to predict when red-hot teams’ winning streaks are likely to come to an end          How to tell when games’ start times can affect final results          What factors to look for when watching sports to help you predict future outcomes of games          How to read flow and bounce patterns in sports          The best times to replenish your bankroll          The best times to withdraw from your bankroll and pocket cash into your pocket!          How to instantly become fit and irresistible to the opposite sex. Plus: super-size certain parts of your anatomy! (This is a test to see if you’re still paying attention. Congratulations: You passed!)          How to instantly become fit and irresistible to the opposite sex. Plus: super-size certain parts of your anatomy! (This is a test to see if you’re still paying attention. Congratulations: You passed!)          How to find hidden patterns in sports that are likely to repeat from year to year          How to win by betting on correlated parlays in sports          What are the most profitable betting strategies?          How to determine betting value based on weather patterns          How to use pattern recognition analysis, system analysis, and fundamental analysis to predict the outcomes of games          The effect of crowd sizes in betting outcomes          The winning betting strategies in all major sports, including football, baseball, basketball, hockey, combat sports, and others          How to surge on winning runs so hot, you swear you could fry an egg on their trails!  It’s as if you can earn a Ph.D. equivalent in sports handicapping without years of education or fortunes in expensive tuition!  Couldn’t you just figure out the winning secrets to betting on sports on your own?  Well, you could try. You might keep running up that mountain, smug and sure of yourself…only to then skid down the other side face-first onto the dirt… And you probably have about as much a chance to piece together that entire puzzle as you would to find birth control pills at a Catholic Church. I know this because for 30 years I’ve studied sports until my brain felt as if it’s a truck tire inflated 10 times past its limit. Unless you’re ready to dedicate the next 30 years of your life like an ascetic monk to figure this out all on your own, it’s time to try something different.  I’ve already paved the road for you, so you don’t have to do all the dog work to blaze your own trail. I want to share my methods with you because I know just how tough it is for the average person to correctly handicap sports. Trying to figure it out all on your own is about as logical as trying to count the exact number of holes in an acoustical ceiling while you’re inside a dentist’s chair. Plus, when your hard-earned money is on the line, you can’t afford to dabble in monkey business or trial and error experiments. So stop scrambling around like a disciple searching for your messiah for the solution to winning on sports… So if you’re sick and tired of trying El Cheapo tactics to make small beans, then it’s time to mount your wild horse and begin thundering westward on the ride of your lifetime. Step forward to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and I’ll help you tear down that metaphorical wall dividing you and your grandest winning vision.  I’ve used these same techniques myself for the last 30 years to flood winnings into my bank account like a hot jet stream. Now, I’m extending my hand to finally grant you access to the pearls of my wisdom and also my top picks each day so that you, too, can capitalize on my thriving knowledge and carve your own initials into the winning pie. -Live a more prosperous life  -Be more financially free  -Take that vacation you’ve always wanted  -Sit back, relax, and follow along on my top picks I’ll be sharing with you every day  -Finally say “adios muchachos” to your past of losses, begin taking your future by the reins  -Jumpstart your grand vision to become the expert sports handicapper you’ve dreamed about  Simply put, I want you to succeed.  I’ve already lived a life of luxury from winning tens of millions from betting on sports over the decades. My next big mission now is to help pass the torch to you so that you, too, can take command of my winning ways to make a big financial difference in your life.  As the saying goes: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”  In front of you now is a unique opportunity to master the art and possibly feed yourself with a lifetime of residual winnings from betting on sports.  You’ll discover:           The smartest risk management strategies when betting on sports          How to determine what’s most likely to happen after teams experience blowout wins or losses          How to identify weaknesses in betting lines and capitalize on the sportsbooks’ oversights          The best times of the day to bet and expect the best value for your wagers          The most predictable sport, and how to predict the outcomes of these games so you can wager on with iron-clad      confidence!          How to think like a professional sports bettor          How to predict teams will react after key wins and key losses          How to analyze recent trends and predict future trends          How and when to bet on Over the Total and Under the Total          When to buy points when betting on sports          How to analyze players current level of emotions and motivation to win upcoming games          How to win betting on futures, teasers, pleasures, parlays, round robins, halftimes, 1st 5 innings, live-betting, and in-game for all major sports          How to identify “locks” when betting on sports          How to hedge your bets and guarantee winning profits!          How to identify teams’ luck factors and determine when a team may be overvalued or undervalued          How to identify revenge situations to predict when teams are most likely to avenge a recent loss to the same        opponent          When to ride or fade the public when betting on sports          Betting strategies for the 1st and final games of the season          How to identify that one best bet of the day that’s far more likely to win than anything else on the board!          How to identify fatigue issues with players, and their possible impact on future outcomes          How teams tend to respond after bye weeks, long breaks, short breaks, and rest days          How a team’s popularity and their market popularity can create value in the betting line          The impact of momentum in teams, and how to read it to predict future performance          The effect of travel distance when betting on away teams playing on the road          How to bet and win on rivalry games          How to determine when teams match up well against certain other teams          The secret “lowdown” on how the sportsbooks set their lines, point spreads, and odds for all games          How to read injury reports and predict the impact of key players’ injuries on the outcomes of games          The smartest bankroll management strategy for small bettors with minimal bankroll          How to predict halftime comebacks in all sports          How to read and understand line movements when betting on sports          How to adapt and innovate as sports betting evolves to remain a powerhouse while your competitors are trading in their Rolexes for Seikos          How to manage and rapidly grow your bankroll like Jack’s Beanstalk!  So, now you may be wondering how much money will you win from using my fiery sports handicapping techniques, or from betting along on my hot picks each day? To this day, I continue to wager up to millions each month using these same picks and handicapping methods. Common sense will tell you that unless I’m convinced about winning, I wouldn’t be doing this. Now, let me teach you my ways so you can ride along with me and experience the joy of winning for yourself. I want to help you because I know that sports handicapping isn’t as easy as beer and skittles. To figure out all the right formula and the winning picks on your own is like trying to figure out how to put a smoke ring into your pocket. So why bother roughing and tumbling around, using the same old rehashed betting techniques that every Tom, Dick, and Harry have tried – and failed!? The tough part about failing is that it’s human nature to want to succeed. So if you’re losing, your automatic response is not to just hold up your hands in surrender. You’re going to want to chase after those losses and try to recoup your way back into profits, right? The problem is, all you’re doing is just stepping right back into a snake pit of risk. If you’re not winning to begin with, then why on Earth would you want to come back for more using the same old carnival-game techniques that got you there to begin with!? It makes as much sense as putting on a condom to masturbate! When I see other losing bettors chase after their losses using the same old tap beer & cheap saloon betting strategies that got them in the hole to begin with, it just makes me want to pull a hammer out of the air and smash my own skull with it. It’s no better than watching a train wreck in slow motion. The more that you try to reverse the damage on your own, the more it’ll become apparent that all you’re doing is dousing more gasoline onto the fire. The truth is, you can’t just continue chasing a rainbow like a happy-go-lucky child of nature without a serious plan on how to win.  What you need is someone like myself who’s had a lifetime of winning millions from betting on sports to finally show you the ropes. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is filled up to the yazoo with the latest handicapping strategies that are battle-tested and proven to win. I’ve already spent my lifetime masterfully piecing together the pieces of the Enigma to sports betting success like a three-dimensional puzzle, so that you don’t have to scuffle alone in the waters, not clearly knowing whether you’ll sink or swim.  And equally as important: I won’t just show you my ways to win, but also the deadly mistakes to avoid to minimize your losses. I’ll point out to you where all the snakes are hiding in the grass, so you can side-step your way far out of the lethal potholes that could bust your bank faster you have a chance to say “ouch.”  Minimizing or avoiding losses is important because traps and pitfalls are a dime a dozen when you’re betting on sports. One wrong move and you’ll see your money disappear down a black hole into “Neverland” where the sun never rises.  So don’t risk dragging yourself around like an elephant in the minefield. Attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and I’ll reveal to you my red-hot methods to help you maximize your gains while minimizing your losses in what could be the most powerful sports handicapping course in the land.  Your days of scrambling around, waiting for an answer like a disciple at the feet of Christ are over. In front of you right now is a unique opportunity to gobble up knowledge from a winning legend and surge ahead once the smoke clears.  You don’t need to become some rich lady’s boy toy or find yourself a greasy sugar daddy to start banking in life-changing money. Betting on sports gives you the opportunity to reel in profits quick. But the key is: You can’t afford to risk your hard-earned money on experimental theories. I’ve already experienced the thrill of winning for 30 years. I’ve had times when a million dollars didn’t give me much to get excited about. What’s more thrilling for me now is to see others share into the happiness. I want you to share into the thrill of winning because I know just how crushing it feels to lose. The sheer thought of seeing others paying for losing picks from so-called gurus with much flexing but no muscles might be enough to make my head split into two. I want to help you because I don’t want to see you get burned by the typical touts that are all smoke but no fire. In fact, following the wrong advice could end up hurting you far more than following none. I’d rather mud wrestle alligators in the nude than to pay for and risking my hard-earned money on an unproven tout’s picks. So if you want to make it out on top when betting on sports, you can’t use a broken metal detector to walk through an active minefield. You have to be careful on whose advice you should listen to. Let me ask you a question. Who should you really trust when finding a sports handicapper to follow: I didn’t just stand back on the sidelines of history. I worked 2 etch my mark on it. And today, I’ve cemented my status as one of the most profitable sports bettors, ever. Now, I open my doors and invite you inside The Whale’s Sports Betting University because I don’t want to see you get eaten by the sharks in the sea. Today, I invite you to join hands with me and finally start singing to a different tune. I’m a figure entrenched in sports betting folklore who’s won tens of millions from betting on sports over the decades. I’ve already seen and experienced the joy of winning thousands of times over. What’s thrilling for me now is to see you win and help countless others around the globe to share into my success. The truth is, it’s entirely possible to win big money from betting on sports. Your bookie is the devil incarnate that you can conquer. But to tip the battle onto your side, you can’t just simply rely on using run-of-the-mill routines, playing things by ear, and praying that you could just pull rabbits out of the hat. What you need is to learn the winning ways from me, someone who is a proven winner, and let me show you how to finally spring to life your warrior spirit from within, and begin in your vigorous march to success. So don’t just consent to play small. Today, I want you to begin dreaming big. Let me hold you by the hand and help you bring your game into another dimension. The Whale’s Sports Betting University will help you wrestle your sportsbook into submission and jumpstart your own Operation Money-suck. You have the opportunity today to freshly turn over a whole new leaf. Attend my Sports Betting University today, and you can begin bursting out as if been shot from a cannon to begin your grand ascent to unlock the winning potential you never knew you had! Besides from teaching you the winning ways to handicap sports, I’m also going to give you my top picks every day so you can wager on them yourself and finally give your bankroll a shot in the gazockle. These are the same techniques, strategies, and picks I’ve personally used for 30 years to amass tens of millions of dollars in sports betting winnings. The Whale’s Sports Betting University will have you: -Jumpstart your grand ambitions for winning success -Finally start calling your own shots -Get up and begin chasing your dreams with fire today But those who succeed know that to win, you must first begin. The time is now for you to take action, for that only action can allow you to create, grow, connect, contribute, and rise to your highest self. Today is your unique opportunity to attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University to study at the feet of a master and gobble up all the winning knowledge and picks. So if you’ve had it up to your back teeth following other so-called gurus with betting strategies still stuck in the Dark Ages, then it’s time to join forces with The Whale. I’ve successfully bearded the lion in its own den. Now, let me help you share into my success. Attend my Sports Betting University today, and you can get the lowdown on what could be your big-time meal ticket toward finally becoming the winning sports bettor you’ve always wanted. Plus: Once you’re my student, I’m going to cover your back – all the way to the finish line. I’m not the kind to just teach you my methods, then throw you out in the jungle to fend off the wolves on your own. In fact, I’m going to roll up my sleeves and get down in the trenches with you. And I’m going to put my money where my mouth is by betting along on the same exact selections I share with you, often by the tens of thousands of dollars each day. So if you’re losing, then I’m also losing, but at far, far higher amounts. The only way for me to win is when I can help you win, too. Once you’re my student, I’ll start to really care about you, and I won’t just leave you out high and dry to pick out all the winners yourself. You’re going to gain access to my top picks of the day every day where: It may just be the smartest way for you to finally win fortunes from betting on sports! My sports handicapping mastery has flooded my bank account over the years with tens of millions of dollars in profits. What do you consider to be a fair price that will grant you access to the same knowledge, technique, and picks that I’ve used to go from scratch to setting the sports betting world on fire? Let’s face it: It’s not cheap to get private lessons directly from those who have mastered their craft. What’s a fair price for Michael Jordan to charge to privately teach you how to play basketball? Or Roger Federer to show you how to master tennis? What’s fair for Gordon Ramsay to charge to personally teach you to cook? Probably not an amount you can afford, right? The truth is, it’s never cheap to learn from the best. Anyone who has mastered their craft can make far more money doing what they’re already doing than to be spending time to teach you how to improve yourself. Take me for example. When I’m hot, I’m known to have won more money betting on sports in one single winning run than what people make in a lifetime! I want to share my picks with you and teach you the ways to pick out winners in sports not because I’m greedier than a bandit with a mouth wider than a lion. Whatever amounts you can pay me is unlikely to make any real difference in my life anyway. I’m doing this because I want to help you. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is my opportunity to help you and others around the globe to live more financially-free, doing what may just be the world’s easiest job. That’s right: Sign up to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and you can have me, one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors ever, pull back the curtains and reveal to you: And if for any reason you’re not head-over-heels in love with the results, then cancel at any time and you’ll never be billed again! Plus: Your purchase is fully covered by my “Whale Of A Guarantee” 100% Protection I’m so convinced that you’re going to love The Whale’s Sports Betting University, I’ll give you 60 full days to prove me wrong! To make this membership risk-free for you, here’s how my iron-clad guarantee works: If for any reason you’re not thrilled with everything you learn in The Whale’s Sports Betting University or the winning results of my picks, then just ask for your money back. I’ll refund you a full 100% of your purchase price any time within 60 days if you’re not satisfied. Besides, I don’t find it right to see you pay for anything you’re not happy with. So join hands with me today, and you can lock in this guaranteed offer and begin making your first big leap toward what could become your whole new financial reality. It’s now time for you to make a choice. If you decide to turn away now and walk back into the rat race, then you can’t possibly expect to see any new changes to your future. Perhaps you’ll just continue aiming at a running target, only to miss over and over again until your ammos run dry. How much longer can you afford to keep running on instinct and pushing your luck while getting no results? It’s only a matter of time before you realize that you can only do so much on your own, like a horse tied to an open stall. The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. Over my years, I won tens of millions of dollars betting on sports not because I sat back with my thumb in my mouth. I had the “Cojones” to take action on opportunities. Today, I invite you to stop thinking about what could go wrong, and dare to imagine what brilliance can enter your life once you master the art of picking winners in sports and have the same access to my top picks of the day that I’m betting on myself. And if you miss this boat, the opportunity may never set sail back to you again. Is this an opportunity you can really afford to let slip right through your fingers? So make your choice now. One path leads you to an isolated island as silent as outer space to figure it all out on your own… Or, you can begin advancing with wild abandon across the gates of The Whale’s Sports Betting University today and learn the winning ways from one of the most profitable sports bettors in history. Plus: You’ve receive access to my top picks of the day every single day, along with detailed analysis as to why I’m taking these selections. This way, you can “Tail The Whale” and bet on these same picks yourself. Yep – Let me shoulder all the nitty-gritty while you can enjoy all the glory. Join hands with me today, and let’s prosper together. Remember, your purchase is fully protected under my “Whale Of A Guarantee” 100% Protection, so you have nothing to risk to give my program a try. Yes, Sign Me Up Right Now!Yes, Sign Me Up Right Now! I Want to Secure My Membership to The Whale’s Sports Betting University Immediately! The Whale’s Sports Betting University will grant me access to all of your top sports handicapping strategies and pattern recognition methods that you use to personally pick out winners in sports. These are the same techniques that have helped you make tens of millions of dollars over the years from betting on sports. Additionally, as part of my purchase you will also share with me all of your top picks each day. These are the same picks that I can copy and bet on myself. Plus, you’ll also share with me your detailed analysis every single day as to why you’re taking these selections. This way, I can peer inside your mind and learn for myself your winning ways on handicapping sports. Finally, I’m aware that my purchase is totally risk-free because it is fully protected under your “Whale of a Guarantee 100% Protection.” If for any reason I am not head-over-heels in love with the results, all I have to do is just ask for my money back and you’ll refund my order in full, making this purchase completely risk-free for me! Have a question? Click here to email my team or text me: +1 (702)-462-1135 || The Sports Betting Whale Blog Click here to get The Whale’s Sports Betting University at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. 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mrsteveecook · 5 years
List of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and Adults
If you want to improve your writing, maybe it’s time to ditch all the writing books and podcasts and play some word games instead.
Yes, seriously! Word games and writing games are great ways to develop your vocabulary, to help you think more deeply about words, to have fun with story and structure, and to get a lot of fun out of writing.
But games can be a great way to:
Develop your vocabulary
Help you think more deeply about words
Become more fluent in English (if it’s a foreign language for you)
Invent and develop characters
… and much more.
After the list of 50 writing games, I’ve given you a top ten that I think are particularly great for kids who want to practice their writing skills. Many of the other games are suitable for children, too, so by all means try out other games as a family if you want to.
Of course, there are loads of online games (and quizzes and tools) that you can use to improve your writing skills, and I will be talking about some of the best of those. But there are also lots of tried-and-tested classic games that you can play with pen and paper, or using cards and dice … and we’ll be taking a look at those first.
5 Pen and Paper Word Games
I’ll start with the simplest games: pen and paper ones that you can play pretty much anywhere, so long as you have a pen.
All of these are suitable for children, and some (like crosswords) are enjoyed by many adults too.
#1: Hangman (2+ players)
Hangman is a classic word game for two players. One player thinks of a word and writes down dashes to represent the number of letters. The other guesses letters of the alphabet. Correct letters are inserted into the word; incorrect letters result in another segment of the “hangman” being drawn.
This is a great game for developing spelling and vocabulary. If you’re playing it with small children, you can do it without the perhaps rather unpleasant “hangman” element, and just count how many guesses each player takes!
#2: Crosswords (1 player)
A crossword is a grid of white and black squares, where each white square is one letter of a word. The words intersect. You can find crosswords in many newspapers and magazines (on all sorts of subjects), and you can buy booklets and books full of them. Some crosswords are “cryptic”: great if you like brainteasers. Others have more straightforward clues.
Crosswords are great if you want to learn new words and definitions, or (at the cryptic end of the scale) if you enjoy playing with words and language. Simple ones are suitable for fairly young children, with a little help.
#3: Word searches (1 player)
A word search has a grid (often 10×10 or more) filled with letters, and a number of words written alongside or beneath the grid. The person completing the word search needs to find those words within the grid.
Most word searches are easy enough for children, though younger children will struggle with backward and diagonal words. They’re a good way to get used to letter patterns and to improve spelling – and because word searches rely on matching letters, even children who can’t read well will be able to complete simple ones.
#4: Consequences (2+ players, ideally 4+)
This is a fun game with a group of people, as you get a wild and wacky mix of ideas. Each player writes down one line of a story and folds the paper over before passing it around the table to the next player. The very simple version we play has five lines: (1) A male name, (2) The word “met” then a female name, (3) “He said …” (4) “She said …” (5) “And then …”
Once all five stages are complete, the players open out the papers and read out the results. This can be great for sparking ideas, or as a way to encourage reluctant writers to have a go.
#5: Bulls and Cows (2 players)
This game, which can also be called “Mastermind” or “Jotto” involves one player thinking up a secret word of a set number of letters. The second player guesses a word; the first player tells them how many letters match in the right position (bulls) and how many letters are correct but in the wrong position (cows).
Our five year old loves this game, and it’s been a great way to develop her spelling and handwriting as well as logical thinking about which letters can or can’t be the correct ones after a few guesses.
10 Board and Dice Games
These are all games you can buy from Amazon (or quite probably your local toyshop). They’re fun ways to foster a love of writing within your family, or to share your enjoyment of words with your friends.
#1: Scrabble (2+ players)
A classic of word games, Scrabble is a game played with letter tiles on a board that’s marked with different squares. (Some squares provide extra points.) Letters have different points values depending on how common they are. The end result of scrabble looks like a crossword: a number of words overlapping with one another.
If you want to develop your vocabulary (particularly of obscure two-letter words…) then Scrabble is a great game to play. It’s suitable for children too, particularly in “Junior” versions.
#2: Boggle (2+ players)
This is less well known than Scrabble, but it was one I enjoyed as a child. To play Boggle, you shake a box full of dice with a letter on each side, and the dice land in the 4×4 grid at the bottom of the box. You then make as many words as you can from the resulting face-up letters.
Again, this is a good one for developing vocabulary – and it can be played by children as well as by adults. You need to write down the words you come up with, which can also be good for developing handwriting.
#3: Pass the Bomb (2+ players)
It’s very simple to play: you deal a card for the round pass a “bomb” around the table and when it goes off, the person holding it loses. Before you can pass the bomb on during your turn, you need to come up with a word that contains the letters on the card.
It’s a fun family or party game, and can work well with a wide range of ages. It’s a great way to help children think about letter patterns, too, and to develop vocabulary and spelling.
#4: Story Cubes (1+ players)
There are lots of different versions of these available, and they all work in a similar way. The open-ended game has a set of cubes that you roll to create ideas for a story that you can tell along with the other players. If you prefer, you can use them to come up with stories that you’re going to write on your own.
There are lots of different ways you can use them: as writing prompts for a school class or group, to make up a bedtime story together with your children, for getting past your own writers’ block, or almost anything you can think of.
#5: Apples to Apples (2+ players)
Apples to Apples has red cards (with the name of a person, place, thing, etc) and green cards (with two different descriptions): the player with a green card selects one of the descriptions, and others have to choose a card from their hand of red cards. The judge for that game decides which red card best matches the description.
If you want to develop your vocabulary (or your kids’), this could be a fun game to play. There are lots of expansions available, plus a “junior” version with simpler words. (If you’re playing with adults, you might also want to consider Cards Against Humanity, a decidedly not-kid-friendly game that works in a very similar way.)
#6: Letter Tycoon (2+ players)
In this game, you have a hand of 7 cards which you can use in conjunction with the 3 “community cards” to create a valuable word. It’s a more strategic game than some others, with aspects of finance (like patents and royalties) involved too – if you’re a budding tycoon, you might really enjoy it.
Because not all the game strategy depends on simply being good with words, it doesn’t matter if some players have a larger vocabulary than others. It’s suitable for children, too, so you can play it as a family game.
#7: Dabble (2+ players)
Dabble is a family-friendly game where you compete with other players to be the first to create five words (of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 letters) using your 20 tiles. It’s very simple to get the hang of … but coming up with the words might be more challenging than you expect!
If you enjoy Boggle or Scrabble, you’ll probably have fun with Dabble. It’s a great way to develop both spelling and vocabulary, and to have fun with words.
#8: Upwords (2+ players)
Upwords is like 3D Scrabble: you can stack tiles on top of other tiles to create new words. The board is smaller than a Scrabble board (and doesn’t have double and triple word score squares) so it’s not as complex as it might initially sound.
Like similar games, it’s a great one for building vocabulary and for developing your spelling. It’s suitable for kids, too, so it could be a great game for the whole family.
#9: Tapple (2+ players)
Tapple has a wheel, with most of the letters of the alphabet on it, and lots of different “topic cards” that cover 144 different categories. There are lots of different ways you can play it – the basic rules are that each player has to think of a word that fits the topic within 10 seconds, but that word can’t start with a starting letter that’s been used previously.
While small children might find it a bit too challenging or frustrating, due to the short time limit, this could be a great game for older children looking to extend their vocabulary. All the categories are suitable for kids.
#10: Last Word (2+ players)
In Last Word, players have to come up with answers to “Subject” and “Letter” combinations, racing to get the last word before the buzzer. It works a bit like a combination of “Tapple” and “Pass the Bomb”.
You can easily play it with a large group (there are tokens for up to 8 players, but you could add more without affecting the gameplay). It’s a great way to develop vocabulary and, to some extent, spelling.
5 Roleplaying Games
While my geeky tendencies have been reined in a bit since I had kids, I’ll admit I have a great fondness for roleplaying games: ones where you come up with a character (often, but by no means always in a magic-medieval setting) and play as them. These are some great ones that you might like to try.
#1: Dungeons and Dragons (3+ players)
Although you might never have played Dungeons and Dragons, I’m sure you’ve heard of this classic roleplaying game that’s been around since 1974 and is now onto is 5th edition. It takes rather longer to get to grips with than a board or card game: to play, you need a “Dungeon Master” (essentially the storyteller of the game) and at least two players (who each control a character), plus rulebooks and a lot of different dice.
It’s a great game for developing the “big picture” aspects of writing, like the ability to construct a plot and a story (if you’re the Dungeon Master) and the skills involved with creating a character, giving them a backstory, and acting “in character” as them (if you’re one of the players).
#2: Amazing Tales (1 parent, plus 1 or 2 children)
This is a kid-friendly RPG aimed at parents who want to create a story with their child(ren). It’s like a very simple version of Dungeons and Dragons, and has straightforward but flexible rules. You can play it with a single six-sided dice – though it’s better if you have four dice (with six, eight, ten and twelve sides).
If you want to encourage your child’s creativity and have fun creating stories together, this is a wonderful game to play. The rulebook contains lots of ideas and sample settings, with suggested characters and skills … but you can come up with pretty much any scenario you like.
#3: LARP (Live Action Roleplay) (lots of players)
Over the past decade or so, LARP has become a bit more mainstream than it once was. It’s short for “Live Action Roleplay” … which basically means dressing up as your character and pretending to be them. It’s a bit like Dungeons and Dragons crossed with improv drama.
The nature of LARP is that it needs quite a lot of people, so unless you have loads of friends to rope in, you’ll want to join an organised LARP – there are lots out there, covering all sorts of different themes, from traditional fantasy ones to futuristic sci-fi ones. Some are suitable for children, but do ask event organisers about this. They won’t necessarily involve any sort of writing, but can be a great way to explore characters and dialogue.
#4: MUDs (lots of players)
MUDs, or “multi-user dungeons” have been around since the early days of networked computing in the ‘70s, and are the forerunners of games like Fortnite and World of Warcraft. They’re now distinctly retro-looking text-based online games, where players create a character and interact with other characters and the world.
Like other types of roleplaying game, they’re a great way to practice storytelling and character-development skills. They also involve a lot of writing – so they can be useful for things like vocabulary and spelling. Some are suitable for children, but as with anything online, do ensure your children know how to be safe (e.g. by not giving out their full name, address, etc).
#5: Online Forum Games / Forum Roleplaying (2+ players)
Some fan communities write collaborative fanfiction through forums (here’s an example), with different people posting little pieces as different “characters” to continue a story. These can be quite involved and complex, and they can be a great way to learn the skills of telling a long, detailed story (e.g. if you’re thinking of writing a novel).
They’ll probably appeal most to writers who are already producing fanfiction on their own, and who have a fair amount of time for the back-and-forth required for forum roleplaying. Again, if your child wants to get involved with this type of roleplaying, do make sure you monitor what they’re doing and who they’re interacting with.
10 Word Games You Can Play on Your Phone
These days, many writers are more likely to have their phone to hand than a pen and paper … and to be fair, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can easily make notes on a phone, whether by tapping them in or by recording them. If you find yourself with a bit of time on your hands, why not try one of these writing-related games?
Note: all of these are free to download, but most allow in-app purchases, and you may find you need to make a purchase to get the most out of them.
#1: Bonza Word Puzzle
This game is a bit like a deconstructed crossword: you get bits of the puzzle and you drag them together to form words that will all match with the clue. If you’re a fan of crosswords and want something a bit different, you might just love it.
It’s a great way to think hard about letter patterns and how words are put together, so it might be a good game for older children who’re looking to develop their spelling and vocabulary, too.
#2: Dropwords 2
Dropwords 2 (a rewrite of the original Dropwords) is a word-finding puzzle where letters drop from the top of the screen: if you remember Tetris, you’ll get the idea. It’s a bit like Scrabble or Boggle, and you have to race the clock to make letters out of the words on the screen.
With six different modes (“normall”, “lightning”, “relax”, etc), it’s suitable for children and for people who are learning English, as well as for those wanting to really challenge their vocabulary skills.
#3: Spellspire
Spellspire is a fantasy-style game where you select letters from a grid to create words: the longer the word, the bigger the blast from your magic wand! You can kill monsters, buy better equipment, and make your way to the top of the Spellspire.
If your kids aren’t very motivated to practice their spelling, this could be a great game for them. (Or, let’s face it, for you!) You can also choose to play it against your Facebook friends, adding a competitive element.
#4: TypeShift
This is a relatively simple game that lets you create words from letters arranged on different dials. There are a couple of different ways you can play: by trying to use all the letters on the dials at least once to create words, or by tackling the “Clue Puzzles”, which are a bit like crossword clues.
Again, if you want to develop your spelling and vocabulary, this is a straightforward game that you can use to do so. You can buy extra puzzle packs at a fairly reasonable price, if you find that you want to play it a lot.
#5: Wordalot
This crossword app uses pictures rather than written clues, which is a fun twist. You can use coins to get hints (you can earn these through the game, or purchase them with real money).
If you enjoy doing crosswords but want something a bit different, give this one a try. You might find that as well as helping you develop your spelling and vocabulary, it’s a great way to develop your lateral thinking as you puzzle out the clues.
#6: WordBrain
This game is another one where you have to find hidden, scrambled words within a grid. There are loads of different levels (1180!) and so this could keep you busy for a long time. You can purchase hints – this could potentially see you clocking up quite a spend, though.
All the words are appropriate for children (though some are tricky to spell), so your kids might well enjoy this game too, as a way to develop their spelling and vocabulary.
#7: Ruzzle
Ruzzle works like Boggle, with a 4×4 grid of letters that you use to make words (the letters must be adjacent to one another). You can play it against friends, or simply against random players.
Like the other apps we’ve looked at, it’s a good one for developing your vocabulary and spelling. Some players said it included too many ads, so this is something to be aware of if you plan to use the free version rather than upgrading.
#8: WordWhizzle Search
This is a word search type game with loads of different levels to play. If you enjoy word searches, it’s a great way to carry lots around in your pocket! You can play it alone or with Facebook friends. It’s easy to get to grips with, but the levels get increasingly tricky, so you’re unlikely to get bored quickly.
As with other apps, this is a great one for developing your spelling and vocabulary. Each level has a particular description (words should match with this), so you have to avoid any “decoy” words that don’t match.
#9: 7 Little Words
This game works a bit like a crossword: each puzzle has seven clues, seven mystery words, and 20 tiles that include groups of letters. You need to solve the clues and rearrange the letter types so you can create the answers to the mystery words – so it’s also a bit like an anagram.
There are five different difficulty levels (“easy” to “impossible”) and each game is quick to play, so this could be a good one for kids too. Again, it’s a great way to develop vocabulary and spelling.
#10: Words With Friends
This classic word-building game is hugely popular, and you can play against your Facebook or Twitter friends, or against a random opponent. It works just like Scrabble, where you have seven letter tiles and add them to a board.
You can chat with the opponent in a chat window, so do be aware of this if you’re allowing your kids to play. The game is a great way to develop vocabulary and spelling, and you can play it fairly casually because there’s no time limit on your moves.
10 Word Games You Can Play in Your Browser
What if you want a writing-related game you can play while taking a break at your computer? All of these are games that you can play in your browser: some involve a lot of writing and are essentially story-telling apps, whereas others are essentially digital versions of traditional pen and paper games.
Unless otherwise noted, these games are free. With some free browser games, you’ll see a lot of ads. If this annoys you, or if you’re concerned that the ads may be unsuitable for your children, you may want to opt for premium games instead.
#1: Wild West Hangman
This is a digital version of Hangman, which we covered above. You choose a category for words (e.g. “Countries” or “Fruits And Vegetables”) and then you play it just like regular Hangman.
It’s simple enough for children – but it only takes six wrong guesses for your cowboy to be hanged, too, so it could get frustrating for younger children.
#2: Word Wipe
In Word Wipe, you swipe adjacent tiles (including diagonals) to create words, a bit like in Boggle. The tiles fall down a 10×10 grid (moving into the blank spaces you’ve created when your word disappears from the grid) – your aim is to clear whole rows of the grid.
Since the easiest words to create are short, simple ones, this is a great game for children or for adults who want to get better at spelling.
#3: Sheffer Crossword
As you might expect, this is a crossword game! There’s a different free puzzle each day, and you can choose from puzzles from the past couple of weeks. It looks very much like a traditional crossword, and you simply click on a clue then type in your answer.
The clues are straightforward rather than cryptic, though probably not easy enough to make this a good app for children or for English learners. If you’re a fan of crosswords, this will definitely be a great way to develop your vocabulary, though.
#4: Twine
Twine is a bit different from some of the other games we’ve looked at: it’s a tool for telling interactive stories (a bit like the old “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, or a text-based adventure game). You lay out your story as different cards and create connections between them.
If you want to experiment with interactive fiction, this is a simple, code-free to get started – as reviewer Kitty Horrorshow puts it, “if you can type words and occasionally put brackets around some of those words, you can make a Twine game”. It’s a great way to deepen your understanding of story, plot and narrative.
#5: Storium
Like Twine, Storium is designed to help you tell stories … but these stories are written in collaboration with others. (There’s a great review, with screenshots, here on GeekMom.) You can either join a story as a character within it, or you can narrate a story – so this is a great game for building lots of different big-picture fiction-writing skills.
It’s suitable for teens, but probably involves a bit too much writing for younger children. If you’d like to write fiction but the idea of creating a whole novel on your own seems a bit overwhelming, or if you enjoy roleplaying-type games (like Dungeons and Dragons), then you might just love Storium.
#6: Words for Evil
This game combines a fantasy RPG setting (where you fight monsters, get loot, gain levels and so on), with word games to play along the way. It could be a good way to encourage a reluctant young teen writer to have fun playing with words – or you might simply enjoy playing it yourself.
The word games work in a very similar way to Word Wipe, so if you found that game frustrating, then Words for Evil probably isn’t for you!
#7: First Draft of the Revolution
This game is an interactive story, told in the form of letters (epistolary). It comes at writing from a much more literary angle than many of the other games, and if you’ve studied English literature or creative writing, or if you teach writing, then you might find it particularly interesting.
The graphics are gorgeous – playing the game is like turning the pages of a book. To play First Draft of the Revolution, you make choices about how to rewrite the main character (Juliette’s) draft letters – helping you gain insight into the process of drafting and redrafting, as well as affecting the ongoing story.
#8: Writing Challenge
Writing Challenge can be used alone or with friends, creating a collaborative story by racing against the clock. You can use it as an app on your phone, as well as on your computer, so you can add to your stories at any time.
If you struggle to stay motivated when you’re writing, then Writing Challenge could be a great way to gamify your writing life – and potentially to create collaborative works of fiction.
#9: Plot Generator
Plot Generator works a bit like Mad Libs: you select a particular type of story (e.g. short story, movie script, fairytale) then enter a bunch of words as prompted. The website creates the finished piece for you. There are also options for story ideas (essentially writing prompts), character generators, and much more on the site.
If you’re stuck for an idea, or just want to play around a bit, Plot Generator could be a lot of fun. Some of the options, like Fairy Tale, are great to use with young children – others may not be so suitable, so do vet the different options first.
#10: The Novelist ($9.99)
The Novelist follows the life of Dan Kaplan, a struggling novelist who’s also trying to be a good husband and father. You can make choices about what Dan should do to reach his goals in different areas of his life – and the decisions you make affect what happens next in the game. You are a “ghost” in the house, learning about and influencing the characters.
While there’s not any actual writing involved in the game, it could be a thought-provoking way to explore how writing fits into your own life.
10 Games to Help You Learn to Type
Typing might seem like an odd thing to include on a list of writing games. But so much of writing involves being able to type – and if you’re a slow typist, you’ll find that your fingers can’t keep up with your brain! While most people find that their typing does naturally improve with practice, these games are all quick ways for you (or your kids) to get that practice in a fun way.
Obviously, all of these games should help to improve typing skills: those which involve whole words may also help with spelling and vocabulary. Unless otherwise mentioned, they’re free.
#1: Dance Mat Typing
This game is designed to teach children touch type (type without looking at the keyboard). It starts off with Level 1, teaching you the “home row” (middle row) keys on the keyboard. Other letters are gradually added in as the game progresses.
It’s very much aimed at kids, so teens and adults may find the animated talking goat a bit annoying or patronising! Unlike many other free games, though, it doesn’t include ads.
#2: Spider Typer
This typing game took a while to load for me: you too many find it’s a bit slow. In the game, you type the letters that appear on chameleons that are trying to catch a spider (the chameleons disappear when you hit their letter). The spider keeps rising up into a tree, and if it safely gets there, you move on to the next level.
It’s suitable for kids, and starts off very easy with just letters: if you set it to a harder difficulty, you need to type whole words.
#3: NitroType
This is a competitive typing game where you race a car against friends (or total strangers) by typing the text at the bottom of the screen. It’s a good one for practicing typing whole sentences, including punctuation – not just typing letters or words.
Older children might enjoy it, and any adults with a strong competitive streak! You can compete as a “guest racer”, or you can create an account and login so you can level up and gain rewards like a better car.
#4: TypeRacer
TypeRacer is similar to NitroType: you control a racing car and the faster you type, the faster your car moves. You can practice on your own, enter a typing race, or race against your friends if you prefer.
If you create an account and login, other users can see your username, score, average speed and so on – and they can also send you messages. This could potentially open you up to receiving spam or unwanted communications, so do be aware of this, particularly if you’re allowing your child to play.
#5: The Typing of the Ghosts             
In this game, you destroy ghosts by typing the word on them. The graphics are pretty rudimentary, though it is a free game and a good way to practice quickly typing words. It’s suitable for children, and the sound effects (there’s a noise for every letterstroke) may appeal to kids.
You don’t need to create an account or login: you can simply start playing straight away.
#6: Typing Chef
In this game, you type cooking-related words (usually types of equipment). It involves single words and a few double words with a space between at the early levels.
There’s nothing particularly unusual about this game compared with others, though it wasn’t so ad-heavy as some and doesn’t require any registration. It’s good for teaching words and phrases, but not for helping you to learn to type whole sentences.
#7: TypeTastic
This is a fun typing game aimed at young kids, so it starts with the fundamentals. You start by building a keyboard from letter blocks, then learn how to spot letters on the keyboard quickly before learning where those letters are located.
Teachers or parents might be interested in reading about why the game starts with mapping the keyboard. The interface and graphics are pretty good, given that it’s a free game, and it’s designed specifically with young children in mind.
#8: Typer Shark! Delux
This is a free typing game, where you’re a diver exploring the seas. You can choose from different difficulty levels, and – in a mechanic that’s probably by now quite familiar if you’ve played any of the other typing games – you get rid of creatures like sharks by typing the word written on them.
Again, this can help you with your typing speed and accuracy. I found it was a bit slow to load, but it’s not full of ads like some other games.
#9: Typing Attack
In this game, you’re a spaceship, facing enemy spaceships – each with a word written on them. I expect you can guess what you need to do: type the word correctly to destroy the spaceship. Some words are shorter, some longer, and as with other games, there are multiple difficulty settings.
You’ll need to watch an ad before the game loads, which can be annoying, and means that it isn’t necessarily suitable for children.
#10: The Typing of the Dead: Overkill ($14.99)
This game is definitely aimed at adults rather than kids, because it’s a bit gory. It also costs $14.99, so it’s probably one that’ll suit you best if you’re really keen to improve your typing speed – perhaps you do transcription, for instance, or you’re a freelance writer.
To play the game, you type the words that appear in front of the enemies and monsters: each type you type a letter correctly, you send a bullet at them. If you like horror games and films, it could be a fun way to learn to type faster – but it won’t necessarily improve your accuracy with whole sentences.
10 Word Games that Are Particularly Suited to Kids
While I’ve tried to indicate above whether or not the games are suitable for kids, I wanted to list the ten that I’d particularly recommend if you want to help your children get a great start as budding writers.
Several of these are games I play with my five-year-old already; others are games I’m really looking forward to using with her and my son as they get older. I won’t repeat the full descriptions: just scroll back up if you want those.
#1: Word searches (pen and paper) – you can buy whole books of these, or print off free ones. Older kids might have fun creating their own for their friends or siblings.
#2: Bulls and Cows (pen and paper) – you can play this with just a pen and paper (or if you’ve got a really good memory, with nothing at all).
#3: Boggle (board game) – this is simple enough for quite young children to get the hang of it: my five-year-old enjoys playing it with her Granny.
#4: Story Cubes (dice game) – your child can use these on their own to come up with ideas for a story, or you could use them with a group of children – e.g. in a classroom or as part of a club.
#5: Amazing Tales (roleplaying) – this child-friendly RPG is a great way to introduce big-picture storytelling skills, particularly developing a character.
#6: Spellspire (phone app) – a fun spelling/word-creation game your child can play on your phone (and probably a bit more educational than yet another game of Angry Birds).
#7: Wild West Hangman (browser game) – if your child likes hangman but you don’t always have the time to play it with them, this is a good alternative.
#8: First Draft of the Revolution (browser game) – if your teen is interested in writing and/or the French revolution, they might really enjoy this intriguing game based around redrafting letters.
#9: Dance Mat Typing (typing game) – this game from the BBC is high-quality, and designed to appeal to young children. It teaches good typing practice from the start, by explaining correct finger placement on the keys.
#10: TypeTastic – this is another typing game aimed at young children, and this one starts with putting together a keyboard – a great place to begin.
Do you have any favourite writing games – of any type? Share them with us in the comments.
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Original post: List of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and Adults from Daily Writing Tips http://bit.ly/2VFn21p
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bern33chaser · 5 years
List of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and Adults
If you want to improve your writing, maybe it’s time to ditch all the writing books and podcasts and play some word games instead.
Yes, seriously! Word games and writing games are great ways to develop your vocabulary, to help you think more deeply about words, to have fun with story and structure, and to get a lot of fun out of writing.
But games can be a great way to:
Develop your vocabulary
Help you think more deeply about words
Become more fluent in English (if it’s a foreign language for you)
Invent and develop characters
… and much more.
After the list of 50 writing games, I’ve given you a top ten that I think are particularly great for kids who want to practice their writing skills. Many of the other games are suitable for children, too, so by all means try out other games as a family if you want to.
Of course, there are loads of online games (and quizzes and tools) that you can use to improve your writing skills, and I will be talking about some of the best of those. But there are also lots of tried-and-tested classic games that you can play with pen and paper, or using cards and dice … and we’ll be taking a look at those first.
5 Pen and Paper Word Games
I’ll start with the simplest games: pen and paper ones that you can play pretty much anywhere, so long as you have a pen.
All of these are suitable for children, and some (like crosswords) are enjoyed by many adults too.
#1: Hangman (2+ players)
Hangman is a classic word game for two players. One player thinks of a word and writes down dashes to represent the number of letters. The other guesses letters of the alphabet. Correct letters are inserted into the word; incorrect letters result in another segment of the “hangman” being drawn.
This is a great game for developing spelling and vocabulary. If you’re playing it with small children, you can do it without the perhaps rather unpleasant “hangman” element, and just count how many guesses each player takes!
#2: Crosswords (1 player)
A crossword is a grid of white and black squares, where each white square is one letter of a word. The words intersect. You can find crosswords in many newspapers and magazines (on all sorts of subjects), and you can buy booklets and books full of them. Some crosswords are “cryptic”: great if you like brainteasers. Others have more straightforward clues.
Crosswords are great if you want to learn new words and definitions, or (at the cryptic end of the scale) if you enjoy playing with words and language. Simple ones are suitable for fairly young children, with a little help.
#3: Word searches (1 player)
A word search has a grid (often 10×10 or more) filled with letters, and a number of words written alongside or beneath the grid. The person completing the word search needs to find those words within the grid.
Most word searches are easy enough for children, though younger children will struggle with backward and diagonal words. They’re a good way to get used to letter patterns and to improve spelling – and because word searches rely on matching letters, even children who can’t read well will be able to complete simple ones.
#4: Consequences (2+ players, ideally 4+)
This is a fun game with a group of people, as you get a wild and wacky mix of ideas. Each player writes down one line of a story and folds the paper over before passing it around the table to the next player. The very simple version we play has five lines: (1) A male name, (2) The word “met” then a female name, (3) “He said …” (4) “She said …” (5) “And then …”
Once all five stages are complete, the players open out the papers and read out the results. This can be great for sparking ideas, or as a way to encourage reluctant writers to have a go.
#5: Bulls and Cows (2 players)
This game, which can also be called “Mastermind” or “Jotto” involves one player thinking up a secret word of a set number of letters. The second player guesses a word; the first player tells them how many letters match in the right position (bulls) and how many letters are correct but in the wrong position (cows).
Our five year old loves this game, and it’s been a great way to develop her spelling and handwriting as well as logical thinking about which letters can or can’t be the correct ones after a few guesses.
10 Board and Dice Games
These are all games you can buy from Amazon (or quite probably your local toyshop). They’re fun ways to foster a love of writing within your family, or to share your enjoyment of words with your friends.
#1: Scrabble (2+ players)
A classic of word games, Scrabble is a game played with letter tiles on a board that’s marked with different squares. (Some squares provide extra points.) Letters have different points values depending on how common they are. The end result of scrabble looks like a crossword: a number of words overlapping with one another.
If you want to develop your vocabulary (particularly of obscure two-letter words…) then Scrabble is a great game to play. It’s suitable for children too, particularly in “Junior” versions.
#2: Boggle (2+ players)
This is less well known than Scrabble, but it was one I enjoyed as a child. To play Boggle, you shake a box full of dice with a letter on each side, and the dice land in the 4×4 grid at the bottom of the box. You then make as many words as you can from the resulting face-up letters.
Again, this is a good one for developing vocabulary – and it can be played by children as well as by adults. You need to write down the words you come up with, which can also be good for developing handwriting.
#3: Pass the Bomb (2+ players)
It’s very simple to play: you deal a card for the round pass a “bomb” around the table and when it goes off, the person holding it loses. Before you can pass the bomb on during your turn, you need to come up with a word that contains the letters on the card.
It’s a fun family or party game, and can work well with a wide range of ages. It’s a great way to help children think about letter patterns, too, and to develop vocabulary and spelling.
#4: Story Cubes (1+ players)
There are lots of different versions of these available, and they all work in a similar way. The open-ended game has a set of cubes that you roll to create ideas for a story that you can tell along with the other players. If you prefer, you can use them to come up with stories that you’re going to write on your own.
There are lots of different ways you can use them: as writing prompts for a school class or group, to make up a bedtime story together with your children, for getting past your own writers’ block, or almost anything you can think of.
#5: Apples to Apples (2+ players)
Apples to Apples has red cards (with the name of a person, place, thing, etc) and green cards (with two different descriptions): the player with a green card selects one of the descriptions, and others have to choose a card from their hand of red cards. The judge for that game decides which red card best matches the description.
If you want to develop your vocabulary (or your kids’), this could be a fun game to play. There are lots of expansions available, plus a “junior” version with simpler words. (If you’re playing with adults, you might also want to consider Cards Against Humanity, a decidedly not-kid-friendly game that works in a very similar way.)
#6: Letter Tycoon (2+ players)
In this game, you have a hand of 7 cards which you can use in conjunction with the 3 “community cards” to create a valuable word. It’s a more strategic game than some others, with aspects of finance (like patents and royalties) involved too – if you’re a budding tycoon, you might really enjoy it.
Because not all the game strategy depends on simply being good with words, it doesn’t matter if some players have a larger vocabulary than others. It’s suitable for children, too, so you can play it as a family game.
#7: Dabble (2+ players)
Dabble is a family-friendly game where you compete with other players to be the first to create five words (of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 letters) using your 20 tiles. It’s very simple to get the hang of … but coming up with the words might be more challenging than you expect!
If you enjoy Boggle or Scrabble, you’ll probably have fun with Dabble. It’s a great way to develop both spelling and vocabulary, and to have fun with words.
#8: Upwords (2+ players)
Upwords is like 3D Scrabble: you can stack tiles on top of other tiles to create new words. The board is smaller than a Scrabble board (and doesn’t have double and triple word score squares) so it’s not as complex as it might initially sound.
Like similar games, it’s a great one for building vocabulary and for developing your spelling. It’s suitable for kids, too, so it could be a great game for the whole family.
#9: Tapple (2+ players)
Tapple has a wheel, with most of the letters of the alphabet on it, and lots of different “topic cards” that cover 144 different categories. There are lots of different ways you can play it – the basic rules are that each player has to think of a word that fits the topic within 10 seconds, but that word can’t start with a starting letter that’s been used previously.
While small children might find it a bit too challenging or frustrating, due to the short time limit, this could be a great game for older children looking to extend their vocabulary. All the categories are suitable for kids.
#10: Last Word (2+ players)
In Last Word, players have to come up with answers to “Subject” and “Letter” combinations, racing to get the last word before the buzzer. It works a bit like a combination of “Tapple” and “Pass the Bomb”.
You can easily play it with a large group (there are tokens for up to 8 players, but you could add more without affecting the gameplay). It’s a great way to develop vocabulary and, to some extent, spelling.
5 Roleplaying Games
While my geeky tendencies have been reined in a bit since I had kids, I’ll admit I have a great fondness for roleplaying games: ones where you come up with a character (often, but by no means always in a magic-medieval setting) and play as them. These are some great ones that you might like to try.
#1: Dungeons and Dragons (3+ players)
Although you might never have played Dungeons and Dragons, I’m sure you’ve heard of this classic roleplaying game that’s been around since 1974 and is now onto is 5th edition. It takes rather longer to get to grips with than a board or card game: to play, you need a “Dungeon Master” (essentially the storyteller of the game) and at least two players (who each control a character), plus rulebooks and a lot of different dice.
It’s a great game for developing the “big picture” aspects of writing, like the ability to construct a plot and a story (if you’re the Dungeon Master) and the skills involved with creating a character, giving them a backstory, and acting “in character” as them (if you’re one of the players).
#2: Amazing Tales (1 parent, plus 1 or 2 children)
This is a kid-friendly RPG aimed at parents who want to create a story with their child(ren). It’s like a very simple version of Dungeons and Dragons, and has straightforward but flexible rules. You can play it with a single six-sided dice – though it’s better if you have four dice (with six, eight, ten and twelve sides).
If you want to encourage your child’s creativity and have fun creating stories together, this is a wonderful game to play. The rulebook contains lots of ideas and sample settings, with suggested characters and skills … but you can come up with pretty much any scenario you like.
#3: LARP (Live Action Roleplay) (lots of players)
Over the past decade or so, LARP has become a bit more mainstream than it once was. It’s short for “Live Action Roleplay” … which basically means dressing up as your character and pretending to be them. It’s a bit like Dungeons and Dragons crossed with improv drama.
The nature of LARP is that it needs quite a lot of people, so unless you have loads of friends to rope in, you’ll want to join an organised LARP – there are lots out there, covering all sorts of different themes, from traditional fantasy ones to futuristic sci-fi ones. Some are suitable for children, but do ask event organisers about this. They won’t necessarily involve any sort of writing, but can be a great way to explore characters and dialogue.
#4: MUDs (lots of players)
MUDs, or “multi-user dungeons” have been around since the early days of networked computing in the ‘70s, and are the forerunners of games like Fortnite and World of Warcraft. They’re now distinctly retro-looking text-based online games, where players create a character and interact with other characters and the world.
Like other types of roleplaying game, they’re a great way to practice storytelling and character-development skills. They also involve a lot of writing – so they can be useful for things like vocabulary and spelling. Some are suitable for children, but as with anything online, do ensure your children know how to be safe (e.g. by not giving out their full name, address, etc).
#5: Online Forum Games / Forum Roleplaying (2+ players)
Some fan communities write collaborative fanfiction through forums (here’s an example), with different people posting little pieces as different “characters” to continue a story. These can be quite involved and complex, and they can be a great way to learn the skills of telling a long, detailed story (e.g. if you’re thinking of writing a novel).
They’ll probably appeal most to writers who are already producing fanfiction on their own, and who have a fair amount of time for the back-and-forth required for forum roleplaying. Again, if your child wants to get involved with this type of roleplaying, do make sure you monitor what they’re doing and who they’re interacting with.
10 Word Games You Can Play on Your Phone
These days, many writers are more likely to have their phone to hand than a pen and paper … and to be fair, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can easily make notes on a phone, whether by tapping them in or by recording them. If you find yourself with a bit of time on your hands, why not try one of these writing-related games?
Note: all of these are free to download, but most allow in-app purchases, and you may find you need to make a purchase to get the most out of them.
#1: Bonza Word Puzzle
This game is a bit like a deconstructed crossword: you get bits of the puzzle and you drag them together to form words that will all match with the clue. If you’re a fan of crosswords and want something a bit different, you might just love it.
It’s a great way to think hard about letter patterns and how words are put together, so it might be a good game for older children who’re looking to develop their spelling and vocabulary, too.
#2: Dropwords 2
Dropwords 2 (a rewrite of the original Dropwords) is a word-finding puzzle where letters drop from the top of the screen: if you remember Tetris, you’ll get the idea. It’s a bit like Scrabble or Boggle, and you have to race the clock to make letters out of the words on the screen.
With six different modes (“normall”, “lightning”, “relax”, etc), it’s suitable for children and for people who are learning English, as well as for those wanting to really challenge their vocabulary skills.
#3: Spellspire
Spellspire is a fantasy-style game where you select letters from a grid to create words: the longer the word, the bigger the blast from your magic wand! You can kill monsters, buy better equipment, and make your way to the top of the Spellspire.
If your kids aren’t very motivated to practice their spelling, this could be a great game for them. (Or, let’s face it, for you!) You can also choose to play it against your Facebook friends, adding a competitive element.
#4: TypeShift
This is a relatively simple game that lets you create words from letters arranged on different dials. There are a couple of different ways you can play: by trying to use all the letters on the dials at least once to create words, or by tackling the “Clue Puzzles”, which are a bit like crossword clues.
Again, if you want to develop your spelling and vocabulary, this is a straightforward game that you can use to do so. You can buy extra puzzle packs at a fairly reasonable price, if you find that you want to play it a lot.
#5: Wordalot
This crossword app uses pictures rather than written clues, which is a fun twist. You can use coins to get hints (you can earn these through the game, or purchase them with real money).
If you enjoy doing crosswords but want something a bit different, give this one a try. You might find that as well as helping you develop your spelling and vocabulary, it’s a great way to develop your lateral thinking as you puzzle out the clues.
#6: WordBrain
This game is another one where you have to find hidden, scrambled words within a grid. There are loads of different levels (1180!) and so this could keep you busy for a long time. You can purchase hints – this could potentially see you clocking up quite a spend, though.
All the words are appropriate for children (though some are tricky to spell), so your kids might well enjoy this game too, as a way to develop their spelling and vocabulary.
#7: Ruzzle
Ruzzle works like Boggle, with a 4×4 grid of letters that you use to make words (the letters must be adjacent to one another). You can play it against friends, or simply against random players.
Like the other apps we’ve looked at, it’s a good one for developing your vocabulary and spelling. Some players said it included too many ads, so this is something to be aware of if you plan to use the free version rather than upgrading.
#8: WordWhizzle Search
This is a word search type game with loads of different levels to play. If you enjoy word searches, it’s a great way to carry lots around in your pocket! You can play it alone or with Facebook friends. It’s easy to get to grips with, but the levels get increasingly tricky, so you’re unlikely to get bored quickly.
As with other apps, this is a great one for developing your spelling and vocabulary. Each level has a particular description (words should match with this), so you have to avoid any “decoy” words that don’t match.
#9: 7 Little Words
This game works a bit like a crossword: each puzzle has seven clues, seven mystery words, and 20 tiles that include groups of letters. You need to solve the clues and rearrange the letter types so you can create the answers to the mystery words – so it’s also a bit like an anagram.
There are five different difficulty levels (“easy” to “impossible”) and each game is quick to play, so this could be a good one for kids too. Again, it’s a great way to develop vocabulary and spelling.
#10: Words With Friends
This classic word-building game is hugely popular, and you can play against your Facebook or Twitter friends, or against a random opponent. It works just like Scrabble, where you have seven letter tiles and add them to a board.
You can chat with the opponent in a chat window, so do be aware of this if you’re allowing your kids to play. The game is a great way to develop vocabulary and spelling, and you can play it fairly casually because there’s no time limit on your moves.
10 Word Games You Can Play in Your Browser
What if you want a writing-related game you can play while taking a break at your computer? All of these are games that you can play in your browser: some involve a lot of writing and are essentially story-telling apps, whereas others are essentially digital versions of traditional pen and paper games.
Unless otherwise noted, these games are free. With some free browser games, you’ll see a lot of ads. If this annoys you, or if you’re concerned that the ads may be unsuitable for your children, you may want to opt for premium games instead.
#1: Wild West Hangman
This is a digital version of Hangman, which we covered above. You choose a category for words (e.g. “Countries” or “Fruits And Vegetables”) and then you play it just like regular Hangman.
It’s simple enough for children – but it only takes six wrong guesses for your cowboy to be hanged, too, so it could get frustrating for younger children.
#2: Word Wipe
In Word Wipe, you swipe adjacent tiles (including diagonals) to create words, a bit like in Boggle. The tiles fall down a 10×10 grid (moving into the blank spaces you’ve created when your word disappears from the grid) – your aim is to clear whole rows of the grid.
Since the easiest words to create are short, simple ones, this is a great game for children or for adults who want to get better at spelling.
#3: Sheffer Crossword
As you might expect, this is a crossword game! There’s a different free puzzle each day, and you can choose from puzzles from the past couple of weeks. It looks very much like a traditional crossword, and you simply click on a clue then type in your answer.
The clues are straightforward rather than cryptic, though probably not easy enough to make this a good app for children or for English learners. If you’re a fan of crosswords, this will definitely be a great way to develop your vocabulary, though.
#4: Twine
Twine is a bit different from some of the other games we’ve looked at: it’s a tool for telling interactive stories (a bit like the old “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, or a text-based adventure game). You lay out your story as different cards and create connections between them.
If you want to experiment with interactive fiction, this is a simple, code-free to get started – as reviewer Kitty Horrorshow puts it, “if you can type words and occasionally put brackets around some of those words, you can make a Twine game”. It’s a great way to deepen your understanding of story, plot and narrative.
#5: Storium
Like Twine, Storium is designed to help you tell stories … but these stories are written in collaboration with others. (There’s a great review, with screenshots, here on GeekMom.) You can either join a story as a character within it, or you can narrate a story – so this is a great game for building lots of different big-picture fiction-writing skills.
It’s suitable for teens, but probably involves a bit too much writing for younger children. If you’d like to write fiction but the idea of creating a whole novel on your own seems a bit overwhelming, or if you enjoy roleplaying-type games (like Dungeons and Dragons), then you might just love Storium.
#6: Words for Evil
This game combines a fantasy RPG setting (where you fight monsters, get loot, gain levels and so on), with word games to play along the way. It could be a good way to encourage a reluctant young teen writer to have fun playing with words – or you might simply enjoy playing it yourself.
The word games work in a very similar way to Word Wipe, so if you found that game frustrating, then Words for Evil probably isn’t for you!
#7: First Draft of the Revolution
This game is an interactive story, told in the form of letters (epistolary). It comes at writing from a much more literary angle than many of the other games, and if you’ve studied English literature or creative writing, or if you teach writing, then you might find it particularly interesting.
The graphics are gorgeous – playing the game is like turning the pages of a book. To play First Draft of the Revolution, you make choices about how to rewrite the main character (Juliette’s) draft letters – helping you gain insight into the process of drafting and redrafting, as well as affecting the ongoing story.
#8: Writing Challenge
Writing Challenge can be used alone or with friends, creating a collaborative story by racing against the clock. You can use it as an app on your phone, as well as on your computer, so you can add to your stories at any time.
If you struggle to stay motivated when you’re writing, then Writing Challenge could be a great way to gamify your writing life – and potentially to create collaborative works of fiction.
#9: Plot Generator
Plot Generator works a bit like Mad Libs: you select a particular type of story (e.g. short story, movie script, fairytale) then enter a bunch of words as prompted. The website creates the finished piece for you. There are also options for story ideas (essentially writing prompts), character generators, and much more on the site.
If you’re stuck for an idea, or just want to play around a bit, Plot Generator could be a lot of fun. Some of the options, like Fairy Tale, are great to use with young children – others may not be so suitable, so do vet the different options first.
#10: The Novelist ($9.99)
The Novelist follows the life of Dan Kaplan, a struggling novelist who’s also trying to be a good husband and father. You can make choices about what Dan should do to reach his goals in different areas of his life – and the decisions you make affect what happens next in the game. You are a “ghost” in the house, learning about and influencing the characters.
While there’s not any actual writing involved in the game, it could be a thought-provoking way to explore how writing fits into your own life.
10 Games to Help You Learn to Type
Typing might seem like an odd thing to include on a list of writing games. But so much of writing involves being able to type – and if you’re a slow typist, you’ll find that your fingers can’t keep up with your brain! While most people find that their typing does naturally improve with practice, these games are all quick ways for you (or your kids) to get that practice in a fun way.
Obviously, all of these games should help to improve typing skills: those which involve whole words may also help with spelling and vocabulary. Unless otherwise mentioned, they’re free.
#1: Dance Mat Typing
This game is designed to teach children touch type (type without looking at the keyboard). It starts off with Level 1, teaching you the “home row” (middle row) keys on the keyboard. Other letters are gradually added in as the game progresses.
It’s very much aimed at kids, so teens and adults may find the animated talking goat a bit annoying or patronising! Unlike many other free games, though, it doesn’t include ads.
#2: Spider Typer
This typing game took a while to load for me: you too many find it’s a bit slow. In the game, you type the letters that appear on chameleons that are trying to catch a spider (the chameleons disappear when you hit their letter). The spider keeps rising up into a tree, and if it safely gets there, you move on to the next level.
It’s suitable for kids, and starts off very easy with just letters: if you set it to a harder difficulty, you need to type whole words.
#3: NitroType
This is a competitive typing game where you race a car against friends (or total strangers) by typing the text at the bottom of the screen. It’s a good one for practicing typing whole sentences, including punctuation – not just typing letters or words.
Older children might enjoy it, and any adults with a strong competitive streak! You can compete as a “guest racer”, or you can create an account and login so you can level up and gain rewards like a better car.
#4: TypeRacer
TypeRacer is similar to NitroType: you control a racing car and the faster you type, the faster your car moves. You can practice on your own, enter a typing race, or race against your friends if you prefer.
If you create an account and login, other users can see your username, score, average speed and so on – and they can also send you messages. This could potentially open you up to receiving spam or unwanted communications, so do be aware of this, particularly if you’re allowing your child to play.
#5: The Typing of the Ghosts             
In this game, you destroy ghosts by typing the word on them. The graphics are pretty rudimentary, though it is a free game and a good way to practice quickly typing words. It’s suitable for children, and the sound effects (there’s a noise for every letterstroke) may appeal to kids.
You don’t need to create an account or login: you can simply start playing straight away.
#6: Typing Chef
In this game, you type cooking-related words (usually types of equipment). It involves single words and a few double words with a space between at the early levels.
There’s nothing particularly unusual about this game compared with others, though it wasn’t so ad-heavy as some and doesn’t require any registration. It’s good for teaching words and phrases, but not for helping you to learn to type whole sentences.
#7: TypeTastic
This is a fun typing game aimed at young kids, so it starts with the fundamentals. You start by building a keyboard from letter blocks, then learn how to spot letters on the keyboard quickly before learning where those letters are located.
Teachers or parents might be interested in reading about why the game starts with mapping the keyboard. The interface and graphics are pretty good, given that it’s a free game, and it’s designed specifically with young children in mind.
#8: Typer Shark! Delux
This is a free typing game, where you’re a diver exploring the seas. You can choose from different difficulty levels, and – in a mechanic that’s probably by now quite familiar if you’ve played any of the other typing games – you get rid of creatures like sharks by typing the word written on them.
Again, this can help you with your typing speed and accuracy. I found it was a bit slow to load, but it’s not full of ads like some other games.
#9: Typing Attack
In this game, you’re a spaceship, facing enemy spaceships – each with a word written on them. I expect you can guess what you need to do: type the word correctly to destroy the spaceship. Some words are shorter, some longer, and as with other games, there are multiple difficulty settings.
You’ll need to watch an ad before the game loads, which can be annoying, and means that it isn’t necessarily suitable for children.
#10: The Typing of the Dead: Overkill ($14.99)
This game is definitely aimed at adults rather than kids, because it’s a bit gory. It also costs $14.99, so it’s probably one that’ll suit you best if you’re really keen to improve your typing speed – perhaps you do transcription, for instance, or you’re a freelance writer.
To play the game, you type the words that appear in front of the enemies and monsters: each type you type a letter correctly, you send a bullet at them. If you like horror games and films, it could be a fun way to learn to type faster – but it won’t necessarily improve your accuracy with whole sentences.
10 Word Games that Are Particularly Suited to Kids
While I’ve tried to indicate above whether or not the games are suitable for kids, I wanted to list the ten that I’d particularly recommend if you want to help your children get a great start as budding writers.
Several of these are games I play with my five-year-old already; others are games I’m really looking forward to using with her and my son as they get older. I won’t repeat the full descriptions: just scroll back up if you want those.
#1: Word searches (pen and paper) – you can buy whole books of these, or print off free ones. Older kids might have fun creating their own for their friends or siblings.
#2: Bulls and Cows (pen and paper) – you can play this with just a pen and paper (or if you’ve got a really good memory, with nothing at all).
#3: Boggle (board game) – this is simple enough for quite young children to get the hang of it: my five-year-old enjoys playing it with her Granny.
#4: Story Cubes (dice game) – your child can use these on their own to come up with ideas for a story, or you could use them with a group of children – e.g. in a classroom or as part of a club.
#5: Amazing Tales (roleplaying) – this child-friendly RPG is a great way to introduce big-picture storytelling skills, particularly developing a character.
#6: Spellspire (phone app) – a fun spelling/word-creation game your child can play on your phone (and probably a bit more educational than yet another game of Angry Birds).
#7: Wild West Hangman (browser game) – if your child likes hangman but you don’t always have the time to play it with them, this is a good alternative.
#8: First Draft of the Revolution (browser game) – if your teen is interested in writing and/or the French revolution, they might really enjoy this intriguing game based around redrafting letters.
#9: Dance Mat Typing (typing game) – this game from the BBC is high-quality, and designed to appeal to young children. It teaches good typing practice from the start, by explaining correct finger placement on the keys.
#10: TypeTastic – this is another typing game aimed at young children, and this one starts with putting together a keyboard – a great place to begin.
Do you have any favourite writing games – of any type? Share them with us in the comments.
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Original post: List of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and Adults from Daily Writing Tips https://www.dailywritingtips.com/list-50-word-games/
0 notes
girlishwhiimsy · 1 month
What is your character arc?
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romance/friendship arc
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
3 notes · View notes
girlishwhiimsy · 4 months
wall of text!
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"It's lil' something called confidence, Soudie-senpai~✨! If ya got the skills to pay the bills, then you can be a cool gal or guy like me! "
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3 notes · View notes
girlishwhiimsy · 1 month
girlypop hours
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0 notes
girlishwhiimsy · 3 months
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Last song: FUckiiiiiin Splatoon music LMAO. The DLC music fucks. Mariana's Boss theme slaps.
Favorite color: Black, Purple, and Red!
Currently watching: VTubers, HoloARMIS rn. I don't really watch a lot of TV tbh. Mainly just VTubers rn.
Spicy/Sweet/Savory: Sweet!
Relationship Status: Taken!
Current Obsession: Splatoon, Sanrio's Fragaria Memories (please listen to the music), and ARGONAVIS ( another music franchise hefgsadf Tagged by: @ask-ultimate-fashionista
Tagging: who ever wants to to do this tbh
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girlishwhiimsy · 3 months
cute lil bath time picrew hehe
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girlishwhiimsy · 4 months
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avoids  eye  contact  when  nervous,  maintains  eye  contact,  avoids  eye  contact  due  to  being  neurodivergent,  enjoys  eye  contact  as  a  means  to  read  and  convey  emotion,  looks  down  when  emotional,  looks  up  when  emotional,  cries  openly,  wipes  tears  quickly,  suppresses  tears,  wandering  gaze  when  lost  in  thought,  holds  gaze  while  thinking,  seeks  out  eye  contact  for  reassurance,  seeks  out  eye  contact  to  gauge  enthusiasm  during  conversations,  eyes  move  constantly  during  conversation,  expressive  eyes,  emotions  only  evident  through  eyes,  uses  eye  contact  to  intimidate,  looks  up  while  thinking,  looks  down  while  thinking.
clasps  behind  back,    rests  in  lap,    fidgets  with  clothes,    twiddles  thumbs,    chews  at  nails,    pushes  back  cuticles,    draws  patterns  on  table/counter  surfaces,    animated  gestures  while  speaking,    only  gestures  to  emphasize,    utilizes  sign  language,    speaks  only  through  sign,    callouses,    scars,    smooth,    wrinkled,    worn,    soft,    delicate,    boney,    slender,    thick,    veiny,    touches  others  while  speaking,    reaches  out  while  laughing,    reaches  out  to  comfort  others,    reaches  out  to  seek  comfort,    places  face  in  hands  when  exasperated,    places  face  in  hands  when  exhausted,    places  palms  over  eyes  to  hide  when  overwhelmed,    rests  chin  in  hands,    taps  fingers  when  impatient,    taps  fingers  when  nervous,��   taps  fingers  while  thinking,    scratches  scalp,    strokes  chin,    rubs  back  of  head,    toys  with  objects  around  them,    runs  fingers  over  surfaces while  walking  by.
chews  lip,    chews  at  inside  of  cheek,    licks  lips,    bites  tongue,    chews  on  straws,    resting  frown,    resting  smile,    neutral  resting  expression,    resting  pout,    grinds  teeth,    flexes  jaw,    covers  mouth  when  laughing,    covers  mouth  when  shocked,    covers  mouth  when  concerned,    hands  to  lips  while  thinking,    covers  mouth  when  chewing,    chews  with  mouth  closed,    chews  with  mouth  open,    smirks,    grins,    subtle  smiles,    wide  smiles,    sad  smiles,    intimidating  smiles,    menacing  grins,    openly  smiles,    tries  to  suppress  smiles,    bares  teeth  when  angry,    lips  quiver  when  emotional,    stutters,    speaks  quickly,    speaks  slowly,    good  pronunciation,    poor  pronunciation,    moderate  pronunciation,    purses  lips,    sucks  in  lips,    holds  mouth  open  when  shocked  or  confused.
bounces  leg  when  nervous,    draws  knees  to  chest  when  sitting,    draws  knees  to  chest  as  a  means  of  comfort,    sits  on  knees,    sits  with  legs  criss  crossed,    sits  with  legs  spread  open  in  chairs,    crosses  legs  when  sitting  in  chairs,    sits  with  one  leg  folded  under  the  other,    places  feet  on  furniture,    never  places  feet  on  furniture,    sits  on  counters,    sits  on  desks,    sits  on  tables,    sits  on  edge  of  seat,    sits  hunched  over  with  forearms  on  knees,    arches  one  knee  up,    sits  on  the  arm  of  chairs/couches,    feet  on  dashboard,    swings  legs  back  and  forth  when  sitting  somewhere  elevated,    wiggles  toes  when  nervous,    wiggles  toes  as  a  general  tick,    shuffles  feet,    kicks  foot  into  ground,    stomps  feet,    loud  footsteps,    quiet.  footsteps,    silent  footsteps.
runs  fingers  through  hair,    tugs  at  hair,    picks  at  scalp,    chews  on  hair,    twists  locks  of  hair  while  thinking  or  nervous,    smooths  out  locks  of  hair  while  thinking  or  nervous,    prefers  hair  out  of  face,    prefers  long  hair,    prefers  short  hair,    wears  hair  back (pigtails and heart buns!),    keeps  hair  down,    smooths  back  hair,    plays  with  other’s  hair  while  talking,    plays  with  own  hair  while  talking,    strokes  hair  to  'comfort'  others,    likes having hair stroked for their own comfort ,    braids  others’  hair  while  talking,    braids  own  hair  while  talking,    flips  hair  out  of  face,    pushes  hair  out  of  face,    leaves  hair  alone  even  when  falling  into  face
Tagged by: @hopes-memorial ( hope you got a general insight on her :> ) Tagging: Who ever wants to do this tbh
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girlishwhiimsy · 4 months
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
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sage green
to be loved by you is soft and sweet. your heart is wide open, and it's easy to get lost in all the hope that's in there. maybe you haven't had the easiest go of it in life, but you love like you have nothing left to lose.
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girlishwhiimsy · 4 months
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reviewape-blog · 5 years
The Whale's Sports Betting University
https://www.reviewape.com/?p=5398 The Whale's Sports Betting University - Product Name: The Whale’s Sports Betting University Click here to get The Whale’s Sports Betting University at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: (Plus: Get my top picks & full analysis delivered to you every day) This is the Sports Betting Whale. The typical sports bettor loses money when betting on sports. But not me. I didn’t just break the mold, I shattered it! I hand crafted my sports betting journey from scratch into a history that reads like a dynasty out of an epic novel. First – I’ll make this clear: I’m not showing you pictures of my monstrous winnings because I want to bask in the limelight like some beached walrus in the sun. The truth is, it’s hard to trust people on the internet. Bad apples are everywhere when you’re dealing with sports handicappers whose goal is to make money off selling their picks instead of just betting on them. Finding a tout that you can really trust on the internet feels about as rare as finding an eel that lets you hold it by the tail. Many of them carry around a list of baggage long enough to wallpaper the whole Playboy Mansion. Have you ever bought picks from touts before? You know, those wheeler dealers that can talk the bark off a tree. They’d reel you in with all the razzle-dazzle to draw you close, only to smash you with a sucker punch once you’ve been hooked. You can’t trust these hustlers’ picks any more than you can trust one of those flowchart quizzes on the back cover of GQ magazine. Follow the wrong sports handicapper, and POOF – Your bankroll disappears faster than a bag of left cash outside a homeless shelter for Olympic sprinters. I know this because I carefully follow how the sports handicapping industry is doing. It really isn’t easy to find a sports handicapper you can trust. I keep tabs on how the other touts perform when picking games, and and it’s no prettier than a lard bucketful of armpits. So let’s face it: Proof of success is important in sports betting. I’m showing you proof of my winnings not because I want to stick my neck out there and bask in the glow of attention. I do it because it’s important for you to know that I am real, that my success is authentic, and that my winnings are documented. I’m not plastering newspaper articles about me from the past just to poke some ash and stir up the dust of old memories. The truth is, you deserve to know that when you’re dealing with me, you’re not dealing with some nine-day wonder who can only talk the big game. My historic transformation from common Joe into a cowboyish, bookie-busting, money-printing hot rod is documented. For 30 years, I’ve won tens of millions of dollars from betting on sports. My legendary winning streaks were crushing books that were bold enough to take my action, eventually wiping a handful of the private ones off the face of the planet. I’d go on to do it again at Pinnacle in the early 2000’s, where: My meteoric rise was the envy of others who lacked the mental muscles and sheer guts to pull it off. These days, the sportsbooks have wisened up, and my betting limits have plunged into a tailspin. No sportsbook in Las Vegas these days would allow me to bet the kind of limits I had back in the 1990’s at the Mirage when I was routinely wagering millions of dollars a weekend. You’re probably aware of how tough it is for the average person to consistently pick out winners in sports and profit over long term. The lights in the casino aren’t on around the clock because the majority of gamblers are winning. To go against the sportsbooks yourself is like heading into battle as a centipede with 98 missing legs. Without the right knowledge, you can’t win. Not in the long run. You can only try for so long before realizing that picking out winners on your own is harder than nails, and following other so-called expert handicappers’ picks seem no better than blindly chucking darts at a board. You want to win money betting on sports. I get it. But chances are: you haven’t. You’ve probably dreamed of what it’s like to win big. But for most people, the reality is more like a nightmare where you ran and ran, but never gained any ground, and the harder you tried, the slower you moved. Betting on your own without help from a proven winner is no better than committing bankroll suicide on an installment plan. The good news is: If you’re not winning, it’s probably not your fault. You just simply didn’t know how to do it right. No one ever taught you how to properly handicap sports or separate the winners from the losers. And the chances of you figuring it out all on your own is about as likely as seeing a snowstorm in the Mojave Desert. So stop beating your head against the wall, trying to uncover that fleeting solution to winning on bets. If you’re sick and tired of trying fiddly wink techniques to earn small potatoes, it’s time to let me hold you by the hand and nurse you along the path toward sports betting wealth and success. It doesn’t matter if your betting track record is as dark as the night sky. Let me show you the winning ways on how you can start dashing forward to a future as bright as sunrise! So, you might be wondering: What kind of credentials do I have, and why am I qualified to teach you the leading ways to pick out winners in sports. Well, just take a look at some of my sizzling accolades over the years: Wouldn’t it be nice if YOU can finally learn the winning ways to handicap sports, plus get all of the top picks delivered to you every day along with full analysis from one of the most successful sports bettors ever? Now, you finally can with The Whale’s Sports Betting University. So, why is it important for you to follow a proven winner? It’s simple: If you want to win, wouldn’t you want to learn from the best? But there’s a big difference between learning from some tout that’s made a pile of money from selling their picks, versus me who has actually made millions from betting on my own picks. My rule of thumb in sports betting is to never listen to touts who only know how to sell. The traits of a good salesman are rarely the same traits of a winning sports handicapper. Most of them are just out to make money from selling their picks, not from betting on them. They’ve got more ways to take your money than Hell’s casino, only to leave you behind like a fish out of water once they’ve taken your cash. Ask yourself: If a tout is so good at picking winners in sports, why isn’t he going out there and betting hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars each month on his own picks like what I’m consistently doing? In this business, there’s a lot of fancy personalities out there that try to sell you with their wits and charm. I do things differently. I let my action do all the talking for me. Back in the 90’s when I was allowed to accelerate as hard as I wanted at the Mirage sportsbook, I was routinely betting millions of dollars on sports in a weekend. I also played in the casino on the same tables with NBA stars and celebrities at the Mirage. Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Will Smith, you name it. Interestingly, I was betting more money than the NBA stars did, even though I had less money than them overall. But here’s the key difference: I’m not just a big bettor. I’m also a big winner. Most casino high rollers wager for the entertainment. I do it for the profits. Sports betting is one of those rare games where a smart player can gain a serious edge over the house. It’s a type of game where a master pattern recognizer can spot trends and identify patterns that could lead to monstrous winning streaks. Join me today in The Whale’s Sports Betting University, and I’ll teach you the same exact pattern recognition techniques I personally use to clobber the sportsbooks and reel in tens of millions of dollars in profits over the years. Plus, I’ll also share with you my top picks every single day so you can follow along and tail one of the most successful sports bettors in history. I’ve suffered through decades of trial and tribulation, so you don’t have to. Now, let me share with you my winning ways so you can just take the shortcut to the finish line. And no, these aren’t just some sports handicapping strategies I dream up of in theory, then roll the dice and pray for the twin lightning bolts of salvation to strike. For 30 years, I went through fire and water to run these strategies through the gauntlet, and I’ve won tens of millions of dollars from using these same techniques and picks myself. Wouldn’t it be nice if you can start copying my betting strategies for yourself? And wouldn’t it be nice if you can take the same exact picks that I’m taking each day and prosper together with me? Attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University, and let me show you my winning ways. So, you’ve already seen for yourself the astronomical winnings I’ve amassed from my decades of betting on sports. But what is it about me that makes me different? You see, from a young age I’ve been blessed with an uncanny ability to recognize patterns. Studying patterns was my sanctuary where I could find solace. It was my retreat into my own little Safe Haven where I felt at peace and at home. As early as 13 years old, it dawned upon me that patterns consistently form in sports. While the other boys in school were busy playing catch and chasing girls, I spent my hours learning, isolating, and analyzing patterns in sporting events. When I studied patterns, I’d feel whole, complete, connected to that little place in the very center of my being that had otherwise closed itself out. Analyzing patterns allowed all the chaos in my mind to finally calm and feel at peace. And while my pattern-recognizing excellence wasn’t exactly a hit with the ladies, it sure made me popular with the adults who wanted to win. By my young teens, I began my first foray into handicapping sports, giving out winners to adults several times my age and pocketing tips from their wins. I started betting on sports at 21 years old. What followed became one of the greatest winning runs in history. In my earliest years of betting on sports, I had already instilled fear in the books. Once I get on a run, I was known to wreck the sportsbooks in cold blood. It was tough to find bookies bold enough to take my action, especially after: These words hit me like a razor slicing along my nerves. Just like that, my life became as dull as an abandoned amusement park! So I asked at that point: “Who does take action?” Caesar’s advised me to go to Binion’s in downtown, or Steve Wynn’s Mirage. There was my opening. I didn’t just sit back and wait for opportunity to come and knock on my door, I invited it in eagerly. In just moments, I dashed over to the Mirage like a hunter on a fresh scent. What a place for action back in the 90’s! Steve Wynn wanted to attract the big gamblers to his new casino, and here was my opportunity to strike like a cobra while the iron was hot! I walked into the Mirage with the intensity of a wolf in the jungle in hot pursuit of a jackrabbit. My heart sprinted from a slow steady beat to a rapid pace… Obviously, the ticket writer misunderstood me and thought I had meant the minimum limit. So I clarified: “No, what are your upper limits?” To my surprise, the response was: “I’ve never seen us refuse a bet!” Wow – I stood there staring at the sportsbook like Copernicus finally discovering the true place of Earth in the cosmos! In one swift moment, my mind lit up like a pinball machine, and: I instantly realized that this was my opening, like a quarterback finally seeing the hole of an opponent’s defense. Here was my chance to jumpstart the paradigm shift in movement toward winning success. My blood was so thrilled with hope and possibility that I couldn’t hold back a grin. After placing my first Round Robin bet at the Mirage, I smiled like a vulture with the first option to a kill. The rest was history. In an instant, I had springboarded into the rarefied big leagues of sports betting superstars able to shift millions of dollars in sports in a day. I’d go on to drain the Mirage sportsbook out of tens of millions of dollars from my sports wagers over the next few years before they’d finally cut their losses and shut me down. Here’s another one of my wagers where I won over half a million dollars in one single ticket: So, it’s time to finally settle old scores against your sportsbook. The Whale’s Sports betting University is the ace-in-the-hole course you need to finally beat your bookie to the punch. You see, I didn’t just stare at success with the eye of an eagle, and took it into my own hands to create it. I spent the last 40 years of my life piecing together the winning formula to betting on sports, scratching my way up from the bottom rung of the ladder to become one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors in the land. Join hands with me today, and you’ll gain front-row seat to my private Sports Betting University. I’ll reveal to you all of my most powerful secrets on how to pick out winners at breakneck-speed and help you ascend to a higher plane of sports betting prosperity.  You’ll discover the sizzling methods and strategies I personally use day in and day out to successfully piledrive the sportsbooks into dust. In this all-inclusive course, you’ll learn all of my profit-pulling tricks of the trades that I use to consistently bank in winners and surge on monster winning streaks that reeled into my bank account tens of millions of dollars in profits – all from betting on sports.  Plus, you’ll also receive my top picks every day delivered to your email, along with my full detailed analysis.  Here’s your chance to claim your own all-access pass to sit in the front row and learn all of my most closely-guarded sports handicapping strategies that I’ve previously only cradled like my firstborn child inside my arms all my life. Then, you can begin using these same powerful strategies for yourself to pick out winners and bank in the winnings you never knew you had in you!  So if you’re sick and tired of playing guessing games, then the time is now to join forces with me and save yourself from all the mental gymnastics. Step forward to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and you can finally discover my devastating methods to let loose the dogs of war against your bookie and begin banking in the winnings you deserve.  Let me, one of the biggest and most profitable sports bettors ever, teach you the winning ways to handicap sports, plus share with you my top picks and analysis every day.  Here’s a small sample of just some of the topics you’ll discover in my Sports Betting University:          How to minimize your losses during cold periods and losing streaks          How to predict champions in all the major sports, including NBA Finals, MLB World Series, NFL Super Bowl, and NHL Stanley Cup          The winning betting strategies in preseason games for all sports          How to predict high-scoring and low-scoring games          How to predict when trailing teams are most likely to bounce back after halftime          What’s the smartest sports betting system?          The deadliest mistakes that casual bettors make, and how to avoid them like the plague!          How betting strategies evolve from the start to the end of a season          The smartest betting strategies for teams playing back-to-back games          How teams are likely to perform at the beginning of, in the middle of, and after long road trips or extended home series          How to predict what will most likely happen in a rematch between the same teams during the same season          A full list of factors that sportsbooks don’t tend to consider when setting the lines          How to read teams’ against the spread records and win-loss records to determine best betting value          How to predict teams’ responses after getting blown out          How to capitalize on the home field advantage when betting on sports          How to predict when ice-cold teams are likely to bounce back from their losing streak          How to predict when red-hot teams’ winning streaks are likely to come to an end          How to tell when games’ start times can affect final results          What factors to look for when watching sports to help you predict future outcomes of games          How to read flow and bounce patterns in sports          The best times to replenish your bankroll          The best times to withdraw from your bankroll and pocket cash into your pocket!          How to instantly become fit and irresistible to the opposite sex. Plus: super-size certain parts of your anatomy! (This is a test to see if you’re still paying attention. Congratulations: You passed!)          How to instantly become fit and irresistible to the opposite sex. Plus: super-size certain parts of your anatomy! (This is a test to see if you’re still paying attention. Congratulations: You passed!)          How to find hidden patterns in sports that are likely to repeat from year to year          How to win by betting on correlated parlays in sports          What are the most profitable betting strategies?          How to determine betting value based on weather patterns          How to use pattern recognition analysis, system analysis, and fundamental analysis to predict the outcomes of games          The effect of crowd sizes in betting outcomes          The winning betting strategies in all major sports, including football, baseball, basketball, hockey, combat sports, and others          How to surge on winning runs so hot, you swear you could fry an egg on their trails!  It’s as if you can earn a Ph.D. equivalent in sports handicapping without years of education or fortunes in expensive tuition!  Couldn’t you just figure out the winning secrets to betting on sports on your own?  Well, you could try. You might keep running up that mountain, smug and sure of yourself…only to then skid down the other side face-first onto the dirt… And you probably have about as much a chance to piece together that entire puzzle as you would to find birth control pills at a Catholic Church. I know this because for 30 years I’ve studied sports until my brain felt as if it’s a truck tire inflated 10 times past its limit. Unless you’re ready to dedicate the next 30 years of your life like an ascetic monk to figure this out all on your own, it’s time to try something different.  I’ve already paved the road for you, so you don’t have to do all the dog work to blaze your own trail. I want to share my methods with you because I know just how tough it is for the average person to correctly handicap sports. Trying to figure it out all on your own is about as logical as trying to count the exact number of holes in an acoustical ceiling while you’re inside a dentist’s chair. Plus, when your hard-earned money is on the line, you can’t afford to dabble in monkey business or trial and error experiments. So stop scrambling around like a disciple searching for your messiah for the solution to winning on sports… So if you’re sick and tired of trying El Cheapo tactics to make small beans, then it’s time to mount your wild horse and begin thundering westward on the ride of your lifetime. Step forward to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and I’ll help you tear down that metaphorical wall dividing you and your grandest winning vision.  I’ve used these same techniques myself for the last 30 years to flood winnings into my bank account like a hot jet stream. Now, I’m extending my hand to finally grant you access to the pearls of my wisdom and also my top picks each day so that you, too, can capitalize on my thriving knowledge and carve your own initials into the winning pie. -Live a more prosperous life  -Be more financially free  -Take that vacation you’ve always wanted  -Sit back, relax, and follow along on my top picks I’ll be sharing with you every day  -Finally say “adios muchachos” to your past of losses, begin taking your future by the reins  -Jumpstart your grand vision to become the expert sports handicapper you’ve dreamed about  Simply put, I want you to succeed.  I’ve already lived a life of luxury from winning tens of millions from betting on sports over the decades. My next big mission now is to help pass the torch to you so that you, too, can take command of my winning ways to make a big financial difference in your life.  As the saying goes: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”  In front of you now is a unique opportunity to master the art and possibly feed yourself with a lifetime of residual winnings from betting on sports.  You’ll discover:           The smartest risk management strategies when betting on sports          How to determine what’s most likely to happen after teams experience blowout wins or losses          How to identify weaknesses in betting lines and capitalize on the sportsbooks’ oversights          The best times of the day to bet and expect the best value for your wagers          The most predictable sport, and how to predict the outcomes of these games so you can wager on with iron-clad      confidence!          How to think like a professional sports bettor          How to predict teams will react after key wins and key losses          How to analyze recent trends and predict future trends          How and when to bet on Over the Total and Under the Total          When to buy points when betting on sports          How to analyze players current level of emotions and motivation to win upcoming games          How to win betting on futures, teasers, pleasures, parlays, round robins, halftimes, 1st 5 innings, live-betting, and in-game for all major sports          How to identify “locks” when betting on sports          How to hedge your bets and guarantee winning profits!          How to identify teams’ luck factors and determine when a team may be overvalued or undervalued          How to identify revenge situations to predict when teams are most likely to avenge a recent loss to the same        opponent          When to ride or fade the public when betting on sports          Betting strategies for the 1st and final games of the season          How to identify that one best bet of the day that’s far more likely to win than anything else on the board!          How to identify fatigue issues with players, and their possible impact on future outcomes          How teams tend to respond after bye weeks, long breaks, short breaks, and rest days          How a team’s popularity and their market popularity can create value in the betting line          The impact of momentum in teams, and how to read it to predict future performance          The effect of travel distance when betting on away teams playing on the road          How to bet and win on rivalry games          How to determine when teams match up well against certain other teams          The secret “lowdown” on how the sportsbooks set their lines, point spreads, and odds for all games          How to read injury reports and predict the impact of key players’ injuries on the outcomes of games          The smartest bankroll management strategy for small bettors with minimal bankroll          How to predict halftime comebacks in all sports          How to read and understand line movements when betting on sports          How to adapt and innovate as sports betting evolves to remain a powerhouse while your competitors are trading in their Rolexes for Seikos          How to manage and rapidly grow your bankroll like Jack’s Beanstalk!  So, now you may be wondering how much money will you win from using my fiery sports handicapping techniques, or from betting along on my hot picks each day? To this day, I continue to wager up to millions each month using these same picks and handicapping methods. Common sense will tell you that unless I’m convinced about winning, I wouldn’t be doing this. Now, let me teach you my ways so you can ride along with me and experience the joy of winning for yourself. I want to help you because I know that sports handicapping isn’t as easy as beer and skittles. To figure out all the right formula and the winning picks on your own is like trying to figure out how to put a smoke ring into your pocket. So why bother roughing and tumbling around, using the same old rehashed betting techniques that every Tom, Dick, and Harry have tried – and failed!? The tough part about failing is that it’s human nature to want to succeed. So if you’re losing, your automatic response is not to just hold up your hands in surrender. You’re going to want to chase after those losses and try to recoup your way back into profits, right? The problem is, all you’re doing is just stepping right back into a snake pit of risk. If you’re not winning to begin with, then why on Earth would you want to come back for more using the same old carnival-game techniques that got you there to begin with!? It makes as much sense as putting on a condom to masturbate! When I see other losing bettors chase after their losses using the same old tap beer & cheap saloon betting strategies that got them in the hole to begin with, it just makes me want to pull a hammer out of the air and smash my own skull with it. It’s no better than watching a train wreck in slow motion. The more that you try to reverse the damage on your own, the more it’ll become apparent that all you’re doing is dousing more gasoline onto the fire. The truth is, you can’t just continue chasing a rainbow like a happy-go-lucky child of nature without a serious plan on how to win.  What you need is someone like myself who’s had a lifetime of winning millions from betting on sports to finally show you the ropes. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is filled up to the yazoo with the latest handicapping strategies that are battle-tested and proven to win. I’ve already spent my lifetime masterfully piecing together the pieces of the Enigma to sports betting success like a three-dimensional puzzle, so that you don’t have to scuffle alone in the waters, not clearly knowing whether you’ll sink or swim.  And equally as important: I won’t just show you my ways to win, but also the deadly mistakes to avoid to minimize your losses. I’ll point out to you where all the snakes are hiding in the grass, so you can side-step your way far out of the lethal potholes that could bust your bank faster you have a chance to say “ouch.”  Minimizing or avoiding losses is important because traps and pitfalls are a dime a dozen when you’re betting on sports. One wrong move and you’ll see your money disappear down a black hole into “Neverland” where the sun never rises.  So don’t risk dragging yourself around like an elephant in the minefield. Attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and I’ll reveal to you my red-hot methods to help you maximize your gains while minimizing your losses in what could be the most powerful sports handicapping course in the land.  Your days of scrambling around, waiting for an answer like a disciple at the feet of Christ are over. In front of you right now is a unique opportunity to gobble up knowledge from a winning legend and surge ahead once the smoke clears.  You don’t need to become some rich lady’s boy toy or find yourself a greasy sugar daddy to start banking in life-changing money. Betting on sports gives you the opportunity to reel in profits quick. But the key is: You can’t afford to risk your hard-earned money on experimental theories. I’ve already experienced the thrill of winning for 30 years. I’ve had times when a million dollars didn’t give me much to get excited about. What’s more thrilling for me now is to see others share into the happiness. I want you to share into the thrill of winning because I know just how crushing it feels to lose. The sheer thought of seeing others paying for losing picks from so-called gurus with much flexing but no muscles might be enough to make my head split into two. I want to help you because I don’t want to see you get burned by the typical touts that are all smoke but no fire. In fact, following the wrong advice could end up hurting you far more than following none. I’d rather mud wrestle alligators in the nude than to pay for and risking my hard-earned money on an unproven tout’s picks. So if you want to make it out on top when betting on sports, you can’t use a broken metal detector to walk through an active minefield. You have to be careful on whose advice you should listen to. Let me ask you a question. Who should you really trust when finding a sports handicapper to follow: I didn’t just stand back on the sidelines of history. I worked 2 etch my mark on it. And today, I’ve cemented my status as one of the most profitable sports bettors, ever. Now, I open my doors and invite you inside The Whale’s Sports Betting University because I don’t want to see you get eaten by the sharks in the sea. Today, I invite you to join hands with me and finally start singing to a different tune. I’m a figure entrenched in sports betting folklore who’s won tens of millions from betting on sports over the decades. I’ve already seen and experienced the joy of winning thousands of times over. What’s thrilling for me now is to see you win and help countless others around the globe to share into my success. The truth is, it’s entirely possible to win big money from betting on sports. Your bookie is the devil incarnate that you can conquer. But to tip the battle onto your side, you can’t just simply rely on using run-of-the-mill routines, playing things by ear, and praying that you could just pull rabbits out of the hat. What you need is to learn the winning ways from me, someone who is a proven winner, and let me show you how to finally spring to life your warrior spirit from within, and begin in your vigorous march to success. So don’t just consent to play small. Today, I want you to begin dreaming big. Let me hold you by the hand and help you bring your game into another dimension. The Whale’s Sports Betting University will help you wrestle your sportsbook into submission and jumpstart your own Operation Money-suck. You have the opportunity today to freshly turn over a whole new leaf. Attend my Sports Betting University today, and you can begin bursting out as if been shot from a cannon to begin your grand ascent to unlock the winning potential you never knew you had! Besides from teaching you the winning ways to handicap sports, I’m also going to give you my top picks every day so you can wager on them yourself and finally give your bankroll a shot in the gazockle. These are the same techniques, strategies, and picks I’ve personally used for 30 years to amass tens of millions of dollars in sports betting winnings. The Whale’s Sports Betting University will have you: -Jumpstart your grand ambitions for winning success -Finally start calling your own shots -Get up and begin chasing your dreams with fire today But those who succeed know that to win, you must first begin. The time is now for you to take action, for that only action can allow you to create, grow, connect, contribute, and rise to your highest self. Today is your unique opportunity to attend The Whale’s Sports Betting University to study at the feet of a master and gobble up all the winning knowledge and picks. So if you’ve had it up to your back teeth following other so-called gurus with betting strategies still stuck in the Dark Ages, then it’s time to join forces with The Whale. I’ve successfully bearded the lion in its own den. Now, let me help you share into my success. Attend my Sports Betting University today, and you can get the lowdown on what could be your big-time meal ticket toward finally becoming the winning sports bettor you’ve always wanted. Plus: Once you’re my student, I’m going to cover your back – all the way to the finish line. I’m not the kind to just teach you my methods, then throw you out in the jungle to fend off the wolves on your own. In fact, I’m going to roll up my sleeves and get down in the trenches with you. And I’m going to put my money where my mouth is by betting along on the same exact selections I share with you, often by the tens of thousands of dollars each day. So if you’re losing, then I’m also losing, but at far, far higher amounts. The only way for me to win is when I can help you win, too. Once you’re my student, I’ll start to really care about you, and I won’t just leave you out high and dry to pick out all the winners yourself. You’re going to gain access to my top picks of the day every day where: It may just be the smartest way for you to finally win fortunes from betting on sports! My sports handicapping mastery has flooded my bank account over the years with tens of millions of dollars in profits. What do you consider to be a fair price that will grant you access to the same knowledge, technique, and picks that I’ve used to go from scratch to setting the sports betting world on fire? Let’s face it: It’s not cheap to get private lessons directly from those who have mastered their craft. What’s a fair price for Michael Jordan to charge to privately teach you how to play basketball? Or Roger Federer to show you how to master tennis? What’s fair for Gordon Ramsay to charge to personally teach you to cook? Probably not an amount you can afford, right? The truth is, it’s never cheap to learn from the best. Anyone who has mastered their craft can make far more money doing what they’re already doing than to be spending time to teach you how to improve yourself. Take me for example. When I’m hot, I’m known to have won more money betting on sports in one single winning run than what people make in a lifetime! I want to share my picks with you and teach you the ways to pick out winners in sports not because I’m greedier than a bandit with a mouth wider than a lion. Whatever amounts you can pay me is unlikely to make any real difference in my life anyway. I’m doing this because I want to help you. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is my opportunity to help you and others around the globe to live more financially-free, doing what may just be the world’s easiest job. That’s right: Sign up to The Whale’s Sports Betting University today, and you can have me, one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors ever, pull back the curtains and reveal to you: And if for any reason you’re not head-over-heels in love with the results, then cancel at any time and you’ll never be billed again! Plus: Your purchase is fully covered by my “Whale Of A Guarantee” 100% Protection I’m so convinced that you’re going to love The Whale’s Sports Betting University, I’ll give you 60 full days to prove me wrong! To make this membership risk-free for you, here’s how my iron-clad guarantee works: If for any reason you’re not thrilled with everything you learn in The Whale’s Sports Betting University or the winning results of my picks, then just ask for your money back. I’ll refund you a full 100% of your purchase price any time within 60 days if you’re not satisfied. Besides, I don’t find it right to see you pay for anything you’re not happy with. So join hands with me today, and you can lock in this guaranteed offer and begin making your first big leap toward what could become your whole new financial reality. It’s now time for you to make a choice. If you decide to turn away now and walk back into the rat race, then you can’t possibly expect to see any new changes to your future. Perhaps you’ll just continue aiming at a running target, only to miss over and over again until your ammos run dry. How much longer can you afford to keep running on instinct and pushing your luck while getting no results? It’s only a matter of time before you realize that you can only do so much on your own, like a horse tied to an open stall. The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. Over my years, I won tens of millions of dollars betting on sports not because I sat back with my thumb in my mouth. I had the “Cojones” to take action on opportunities. Today, I invite you to stop thinking about what could go wrong, and dare to imagine what brilliance can enter your life once you master the art of picking winners in sports and have the same access to my top picks of the day that I’m betting on myself. And if you miss this boat, the opportunity may never set sail back to you again. Is this an opportunity you can really afford to let slip right through your fingers? So make your choice now. One path leads you to an isolated island as silent as outer space to figure it all out on your own… Or, you can begin advancing with wild abandon across the gates of The Whale’s Sports Betting University today and learn the winning ways from one of the most profitable sports bettors in history. Plus: You’ve receive access to my top picks of the day every single day, along with detailed analysis as to why I’m taking these selections. This way, you can “Tail The Whale” and bet on these same picks yourself. Yep – Let me shoulder all the nitty-gritty while you can enjoy all the glory. Join hands with me today, and let’s prosper together. Remember, your purchase is fully protected under my “Whale Of A Guarantee” 100% Protection, so you have nothing to risk to give my program a try. Yes, Sign Me Up Right Now!Yes, Sign Me Up Right Now! I Want to Secure My Membership to The Whale’s Sports Betting University Immediately! The Whale’s Sports Betting University will grant me access to all of your top sports handicapping strategies and pattern recognition methods that you use to personally pick out winners in sports. These are the same techniques that have helped you make tens of millions of dollars over the years from betting on sports. Additionally, as part of my purchase you will also share with me all of your top picks each day. These are the same picks that I can copy and bet on myself. Plus, you’ll also share with me your detailed analysis every single day as to why you’re taking these selections. This way, I can peer inside your mind and learn for myself your winning ways on handicapping sports. Finally, I’m aware that my purchase is totally risk-free because it is fully protected under your “Whale of a Guarantee 100% Protection.” If for any reason I am not head-over-heels in love with the results, all I have to do is just ask for my money back and you’ll refund my order in full, making this purchase completely risk-free for me! Have a question? Click here to email my team or text me: +1 (702)-462-1135 || The Sports Betting Whale Blog Click here to get The Whale’s Sports Betting University at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. The Whale’s Sports Betting University is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. - ReviewApe - https://www.reviewape.com/?p=5398
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