#madah sounds
indefinite-pitch · 8 months
Inzajeano - Dream Sequence (Marek Bartůněk's Lost And Found Reconstruction)
Buy & Support: Inzajeano - Dream Sequence
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Melengkapi Album Lagu Natal Katolik kami sebelumnya, berikut ini terdapat penambahan 10 lagu baru karya Garam & Terang Katolik bekerja sama dengan beberapa teman Youtuber.
Daftar lengkap lagu dalam album ini adalah sebagai berikut:
00:00 Mary's Boy Child 03:41 The Little Drummer Boy 06:25 Natal Pertama (The First Noel) 09:10 Hai, Mari berhimpun (PS 464) 11:04 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 15:14 O Come All Ye Faithful 17:42 Malam Kudus (PS 452) 20:40 Slamat-Slamat Datang (PS 460) 23:20 Selamat Hari Natal 25:10 Para Malaikat Bernyanyi (PS 456) 28:40 O Datanglah Imanuel (PS 443) 31:19 Gita Surga Bergema (PS 457) 35:30 Hai Dunia, Gembiralah (PS 476) 38:08 O Come O Come Emmanuel 40:46 We Three Kings Of Orient Are (Guitar Version) 44:05 Lahir Kristus Di Dunia (PS 462) 46:23 Dari Timur Jauh Benar (PS 473) 49:42 Genderang Natal 52:27 Dalam Kota Raja Daud (PS 453) 55:39 We Three Kings Of Orient Are (Traditional Version)
Vokal: Th. Cindi P. Recording & Video Editor: P. Agus S. Musik & Instrumen: Martin, Julian, Kim, @Rolton Crasta, @langmusicman (Thanks guys!)
Sebagai info, kami menggunakan peralatan sederhana dan sebuah PC Desktop yang bukan seri i-3, i5 apalagi i7. Jadi bukan rekaman studio ya :)
Juga, kami bukanlah sebuah tim besar apalagi perusahaan rekaman. Kami hanya kumpulan beberapa orang yang tidak lebih dari 10 orang. Mohon maklumnya jika suara vocal, musik maupun kualitas video kurang maksimal, yang tentunya akan terus kami tingkatkan ke depannya.
Tujuan kami sebenarnya sederhana saja, kami hanya ingin membuat koleksi lagu-lagu rohani Katolik yang diambil dari buku resmi agama Katolik yaitu Puji Syukur dan Madah Bakti (buku lama).
Kami sungguh sangat membutuhkan support ataupun dukungan dari Anda semua, dengan subscribe ke channel ini, share atau bagikan ke teman-teman dan keluarga Anda, like atau icon jempol keatas, serta mengirimkan komentar supaya kami bisa terus bersemangat dan mampu meningkatkan kualitas dalam segala bentuk yang berkaitan dengan channel ini.
Akhir kata, kami - Garam & Terang Katolik mengucapkan:
Download aplikasi Androidnya di Google Play - Nonton Video Tanpa Iklan: https://goo.gl/bgV2tA.
#lagurohanikatolik #garamdanterang #lagunatalkatolik
Garam & Terang Katolik: Channel ini adalah channel Kumpulan Lagu Rohani Katolik berbahasa Indonesia dan beberapa diantaranya berbahasa Inggris. Ada kemungkinan pelafalan kata-kata atau kalimat Bahasa Inggris dalam beberapa video di channel ini kurang tepat, dikarenakan kami menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam kesehariannya. Silahkan berlangganan atau subscribe gratis di channel Garam & Terang Katolik, serta bagikan atau share video-video ini kepada siapapun yang ingin Anda bagikan.
Kebijakan Komentar: Kami membaca semua komentar dan akan memberikan tanda like + love sebagai standard jawaban dan rasa terima kasih kami. Kami sangat menghargai kritik dan saran yang sifatnya positif, membangun dan berkaitan. Namun kami tidak mentolerir komentar yang tidak senonoh, adu domba dan semua bentuk komentar negatif sesuai standard kami. Kami berhak menghapus komentar yang bernada negatif atau memojokkan siapapun secara pribadi maupun golongan tanpa pemberitahuan apapun.
Ketentuan: *Foto atau gambar diambil dari situs pexels.com dan memiliki lisensi gratis untuk penggunaan personal dan komersial. Background musik dan efek menggunakan koleksi Epidemic Sound dan musik cover karya channel Garam & Terang Katolik sendiri. Channel Garam & Terang Katolik ini terdaftar secara resmi di Epidemic Sound melalui layanan MCN Freedom! sebagai Youtube network kami. Suara vokal adalah hak cipta channel Garam & Terang Katolik ini. Editing video dilakukan tim channel Garam & Terang Katolik. Channel Garam & Terang Katolik dibuat karena kami mencintai Katolik sebagai bagian hidup kami.
**Sebagian foto/musik yang terdapat dalam video ini (jika ada) adalah hak cipta pemilik masing-masing.
Salam Damai Kristus. (updated 04 Desember 2018)
0 notes
ab-storyteller-blog · 7 years
AB: Ch. 1 Orange Flower
“Why am I sad?”
“I don’t understand, i have everything...fame, fortune, and love. And yet here I am…”
Maivvis says to herself in the mirror.
“I must be crazy...anyone in my position would be happy, grateful, full of life. No one would be crazy enough to complain. What's wrong with me…” She begins to sob.
“I must be crazy..no I am crazy...I have to be…” She holds her head with both hands, frustrated and crying. Her mascara starts to run.
“Why do I have to be this way? What happened to me..”
“Am I feeling lonely?” Her sobbing increases, she places her palm to the mirror.  
“I'm loved, I am!” She screams. “I know I am, I’m perfect!”
She slams her fist and the mirror shatters.
She gasps for air, breathing heavy and fast. The shards cut deep into her hand, blood drips all over the sink.
She stares blankly into the broken mirror, her hands are shaking uncontrollably.  Her blood drips onto the brown marble tile.
Her expression changes dramatically. She takes a large deep breath and exhales. She smiles softly and turns to walk out of the washroom paying no attention to the glass or her hand.
Maivvis hums her favorite melody while she runs water over her cuts. Then bandages them carefully.
She makes herself a small cappuccino and sits quietly on her elegant white suede Soderhamn, imported from Scandinavia last winter.            
She sips her cappuccino calmly and stares out of her grand window. She rubs the bottom of her feet on her fluffy white carpet, Maivvis was never a fan of the cold tile floor even as a child. She would have changed her loft to a carpeted floor but she loved the sophisticated look of the brown marble.
She stares blankly at the tall metal buildings surrounding her loft, living in the heart of downtown losses that sense of isolation from the world. But to Maivvis she felt even more lonely in the city then she could ever feel in nature. If that was the case why on earth would she push herself to be in the city, it's simple she is terrified of being alone even if that drives her insane.
Maivvis opens her tiny little white book that sat on her coffee table, she wrote
“I am who you want me to be” the title of her new hit song. Her episode led her to inspiration for her new album.  
There was a knock on the door. Her fluent writing was interrupted, she called out
“Who is it?”
A male voice called back.
“A big fan”
Maivvis was startled, a fan she thought. Impossible, no one could get past security, she lives on the 58th floor. There are layers and layers of security to get through. She assumed it was a practical joke from her friends to calm herself. She placed her white vintage cappuccino cup as well as her little book down on her glass coffee table. She checks herself out in the mirror by the door to make sure she looks up to standards. She gets on her tippy toes to check the peephole if it's one of her girlfriends. Maivvis is surprised to find nothing but a random smile smudging onto her peephole. She finds the joke rather amusing and plays along.
“Jino, I know it's you” she laughs sarcastically.
She swings open the door only to find the man standing in front of her is definitely not Jino. He is significantly taller than Maivvis, he has long white hair tied into a ponytail. His eyes are like black marbles and his smile is sharp. He is extremely handsome, almost abnormally good looking.
Maivvis is taken back by this surprise and, obviously this man has no barriers rather than taking a step back and explaining himself he leans forward and looks stunned in amazement.
“Remarkable” he whispers.
Maivvis continues to walk backward, she too is stunned by his forwardness. She catches her breath.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh yes my apologies” he realizes his mistake and pushes away from Maivvis. “I have yet to introduce myself, hello or good evening my name is ah-h” he pauses and looks around the room, in a panic he says “Table”.
“Yes, Table”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I'm sure it is my name, my parents were never good at naming things.”
“Yea I can see that...But that’s beside the point, what do you want, what are you doing here?” she says in a minor panic, he doesn't look very intimidating even for his size.
“I already told you, I’m a fan”
“That's impossible, my security would never have let you in”
He looks around mockingly at the empty hallway.
“ah yes, strong security you’ve got here”.
Maivvis pops her head into the hallway, the man was correct it was abandoned. Not a single person in sight. She knew this wasn't right, her anxiety started to rise.
“May I come in?” he asked without any reason since he had already made his way into her living room.
“At least take your shoes off, they’re filthy, I don't want them dirtying my white fluffy carpet. I can only imagine how hard it is to clean.”
“Nice place you got here”
“Yes well I'd like to keep it that way”
He slips his shoes off to respect her wishes then takes a seat on her white couch. He picks up her small cappuccino and sniffs it.
“It’s a cappuccino” she said.
He takes a tiny sip of it.
“Ah-h my cappuccino…”
“Mhm not bad”
“You’re so weird…”
“Oh pardon me, I never meant to come off as weird” he chuckled awkwardly.
“I saw your picture on a sign while walking downtown, thought i'd pass by. Say hi” he said casually trying to make himself less creepy.
“Ah-h okay, that doesn't help your case…”
He scratches his head trying to think of a way to make her feel more comfortable.
“I’m going to call security if you don’t leave” she threatened.
He laughs “oh I wouldn't bother, no one will come. I made quite sure of that”
“See this is what I mean, nothing but creepy!” even though the situation seemed off Maivvis kept her cool and her head high. She was nowhere near scared of this man, he seemed familiar. His smile kept her anxiety down.
“I’m sorry I just needed to see you in person, you look identical to her in photos. In person you're obviously shorter, hair is different, eyes and body type. I guess that's what your people call photoshop, yes?”
“Well you're no model either” she lies.
“My job doesn't require me to look good thanks. But your face is almost identical. Impressive”
She blushes slightly and begins to twirl her hair with her index finger.
“To whom may I ask?”
“A friend of mine, you wouldn't know her of course.”
“Ah the problems of being famous, I don't get to interact with civilians”
“Oh she is no “civilian” but none the less your mind capacity would not be able to understand who or what she is” he says proudly, making Maivvis feel insignificant.
Maivvis crosses her arms “Well if she looks anything like me good for her”
He smiles. She is just as defensive.
“Do you believe that everything happens for a reason, because I do and I think while I was lost downtown and I stumbled upon your image the universe was telling me something.”
“Oh right it told you to break into my home and keep me hostage”
“No one is keeping you hostage, you can leave anytime you like.”
That being said she heads for the door.
“Unless you love adventure? Experiences that only come once in a lifetime…” He tries to intrigue her to stay on her own terms rather than a “hostage”.
She stops in her tracks and looks back towards Table.
“Adventure? Experience? What possible experience can you offer me that I haven't already experienced.”
He chuckles.
“Oh, there is plenty that you haven't experienced. I can show you the universe...if you’d let me”
She looks him right in the eye.
“All of this is extremely suspicious, a strange comes into my home uninvited and preaches that he can show me the universe and give me experiences i have yet to experience. Sounds like you're trying to kill me”
“Okay, fair enough I haven't gone about it properly. I was just so excited to see you. And for killing you, if I really wanted you would have been dead 20 minutes ago. Not to sound intimidating but I should try to be honest.”
Maivvis is obviously disturbed by this.
“You’re terrible at being honest…”
“Sorry, but none the less my offers still stands. Trust me when i say this opportunity will never come again.”
She pauses to think hard about her decision. She is generally interested in his offer.
“And where will we be going exactly? Madagascar? The Alps?”
“Madah- what? Mhm never mind no, are you willing to come with me? It's a yes or no question. Until then I cannot give information of where or when.”  
This forces her to think harder. But her curiosity has been peaked.
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indefinite-pitch · 1 year
Alex Tirelli - Landing In Oslo
Buy & Support: V/A - Deep Shadows Vol. 1
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Akhirnya! Setelah sekian waktu, kami berhasil merangkum semua lagu-lagu cover kami dalam sebuah album yang berjudul "LAGU NATAL TERBARU 2018/2019". Album lagu natal karya sederhana ini adalah album pertama kami, channel Garam & Terang Katolik.
Daftar lagu dalam album ini adalah sebagai berikut:
00:00 Slamat, Slamat Datang 02:30 Hai Dunia, Gembiralah 05:12 Malam Kudus 08:09 Natal Pertama 10:09 Gita Surga Bergema 14:19 Genderang Natal 17:04 O Datanglah Imanuel 19:42 Hai, Mari Berhimpun 21:36 Selamat Natal Dan Tahun Baru
Vokal: Th. Cindi P. Recording & Video Editor: P. Agus S. Musik & Instrumen: Martin, Julian, Kim, Rolton Crasta, dll (Thanks guys!)
Sebagai info, kami menggunakan peralatan sederhana dan sebuah PC Desktop yang bukan seri i-3, i5 apalagi i7. Jadi bukan rekaman studio ya :)
Juga, kami bukanlah sebuah tim besar apalagi perusahaan rekaman. Kami hanya kumpulan beberapa orang yang tidak lebih dari 10 orang. Mohon maklumnya jika suara vocal, musik maupun kualitas video kurang maksimal, yang tentunya akan terus kami tingkatkan ke depannya.
Tujuan kami sebenarnya sederhana saja, kami hanya ingin membuat koleksi lagu-lagu rohani Katolik yang diambil dari buku resmi agama Katolik yaitu Puji Syukur dan Madah Bakti (buku lama).
Kami sungguh sangat membutuhkan support ataupun dukungan dari Anda semua, dengan subscribe di channel ini, like serta mengirimkan komentar supaya kami bisa terus bersemangat dan mampu dalam meningkatkan kualitas dalam segala bentuk yang berkaitan dengan channel ini.
Akhir kata, kami - Garam & Terang Katolik mengucapkan:
Download aplikasi Androidnya di Google Play - Nonton Video Tanpa Iklan: https://goo.gl/bgV2tA.
#lagurohanikatolik #garamdanterang #lagunatalkatolik
Garam & Terang Katolik: Channel ini adalah channel Kumpulan Lagu Rohani Katolik berbahasa Indonesia dan beberapa diantaranya berbahasa Inggris. Ada kemungkinan pelafalan kata-kata atau kalimat Bahasa Inggris dalam beberapa video di channel ini kurang tepat, dikarenakan kami menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam kesehariannya. Silahkan berlangganan atau subscribe gratis di channel Garam & Terang Katolik, serta bagikan atau share video-video ini kepada siapapun yang ingin Anda bagikan.
Kebijakan Komentar: Kami membaca semua komentar dan akan memberikan tanda like + love sebagai standard jawaban dan rasa terima kasih kami. Kami sangat menghargai kritik dan saran yang sifatnya positif, membangun dan berkaitan. Namun kami tidak mentolerir komentar yang tidak senonoh, adu domba dan semua bentuk komentar negatif sesuai standard kami. Kami berhak menghapus komentar yang bernada negatif atau memojokkan siapapun secara pribadi maupun golongan tanpa pemberitahuan apapun.
Ketentuan: *Foto atau gambar diambil dari situs pexels.com dan memiliki lisensi gratis untuk penggunaan personal dan komersial. Background musik dan efek menggunakan koleksi Epidemic Sound dan musik cover karya channel Garam & Terang Katolik sendiri. Channel Garam & Terang Katolik ini terdaftar secara resmi di Epidemic Sound melalui layanan MCN Freedom! sebagai Youtube network kami. Suara vokal adalah hak cipta channel Garam & Terang Katolik ini. Editing video dilakukan tim channel Garam & Terang Katolik. Channel Garam & Terang Katolik dibuat karena kami mencintai Katolik sebagai bagian hidup kami.
**Sebagian foto/musik yang terdapat dalam video ini (jika ada) adalah hak cipta pemilik masing-masing.
Salam Damai Kristus. (updated 04 Desember 2018)
0 notes