#m.ituna RIGHTS
elichatter · 5 years
every single time i remember equius’ classpect is heir of void i like DIE abt ‘inherit nothing’ ph.emic didnt have to DOOO THAT!!!
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irninfidel · 4 years
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alright so as we know aranea’s description of p.orrim says sm along the lines of “there was a lot of relationship drama, most of which, of course, centered around kankri” which like...calm down idk why it’s “of course” but i am here to discuss it
as a side effect of his god tier, kankri does get “feelings” about relationships. these are not visions or anything -- him being a seer, i’d define it more as an ability to sense certain paths that relationships could take. kankri doesn’t go god tier in his timeline, so these powers are never “realized,” meaning that his feelings could be entirely wrong and there’s really no way of knowing. he knows that it’s more of a hunch than anything. even so, he’s definitely got a tendency to stick his nose into relationships that have nothing to do with him, even more so than the typical alpha troll gossip tendencies.
if he thinks a relationship won’t work out, he’s going to make it known. in blackrom, this often manifests as what is almost certainly an ashen crush (though he wouldn’t call it that), but in other quadrants, it mostly just comes off as his being a busybody. he is generally much more likely to get involved if he thinks the relationship will fail (rather than trying to get a “good” relationship together, he’ll try to keep a “bad” relationship from happening), because he really just wants to build bonds, and break-ups don’t do that.
one fun little note is that he decidedly doesn’t say a word about l.atula and m.ituna, probably because he knew he was right about that one.
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laststops-blog · 5 years
[ mituna, talk to kankri on @wrsethngs. ]
              ‘  73LL   M3   WHY                        M33N4H 15 MY PR0BL3M 4G41N.’ a pressing lament, indeed. ‘K4NK5, 1M 51CK 0F H3R. 5H3 K33P5 H0LD1NG UP 7H3 WH0L3 G4M3 BC 5H3 W4N75 T0 S734L FR0M 7H3 L0C4L5. 1 54Y W3 L34V3 H3R 0N H3R L4ND 4ND W1N 7H15 71NG 0N 0UR 0WN.’ mituna, lately, has found that meenah leads to an entirely different headache -- one he feels in his teeth. one that blinds him with twofold vision until he’s reeling, spluttering curses into puddles and lakes. when he calls her dangerous, he means it, and not just in the sense that all seadwellers may well be unhinged. 
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